Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: st-grid.js
1/*!2 * Table Grid Library v3.03 *4 * Copyright 2013, zhangshaolong5 * QQ: 3696699026 * email: zhangshaolongjj@163.com7 *8 */9;var Grid = (function(doc, win){10 var trReg = /@([^(]+)\(([^)]*)\)|\{([^}]+)\}|(\[\])/g,11 propReg = /\{([^}]+)\}/,12 dotReg = /\s*,\s*/,13 pageReg = /\{([^}]+)\}/g,14 isIE = win.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0,15 textContent = 'textContent' in doc ? 'textContent' : 'innerText',16 init = function(options){17 return new Grid(options);18 },19 addEvent = function(node, type, fun, useCapture){20 type = type.replace(/^on/, '');21 node.addEventListener ? node.addEventListener(type, fun, useCapture) :22 node.attachEvent ? node.attachEvent('on' + type, fun) : 23 node['on' + type] = fun;24 },25 initSort = function(o, sorts) {26 var orderBy = o.params[o.mapKeys.orderBy],27 order = o.params[o.mapKeys.order];28 each(sorts, function(sortNode){29 var th = sortNode.node,30 sort = sortNode.sort,31 sortType = sortNode.sortType,32 sp = doc.createElement('span');33 if(orderBy === sort){34 sp.className = 'sort-' + order;35 }else{36 sp.className = 'sort-default';37 }38 = 'pointer';39 sp.innerHTML = ' ';40 th.appendChild(sp);41 th.onclick = function(sort, sortType){42 return function(){43 var order = 'desc',44 p = {},45 that = this;46 each(sorts, function(sortNode){47 var thNode = sortNode.node,48 sp = thNode.lastChild, cls;49 if(that === thNode){50 if(hasClass(sp, 'sort-desc')){51 order = 'asc';52 }53 cls = 'sort-' + order;54 }else{55 cls = 'sort-default';56 }57 removeClass(sp);58 addClass(sp, cls);59 });60 p[o.mapKeys.order] = order;61 p[o.mapKeys.orderBy] = sort;62 p[o.mapKeys.sortType] = sortType;63 o.send(p);64 }65 }(sort, sortType);66 });67 },68 initParams = function(o, options) {69 o.holder = getNode(options.holder);70 o.bodyTemplate = options.bodyTemplate;71 o.headTemplate = options.headTemplate;72 o.dataSource = options.dataSource;73 o.nopage = options.nopage;74 o.query = options.query || {};75 o.pageNode = getNode(options.pageNode);76 o.sendOnPageSize = options.sendOnPageSize;77 o.noDataMessage = options.noDataMessage || '没ææ°æ®';78 o.ellipsis = options.ellipsis || 'auto';79 o.nostripe = options.nostripe;80 o.sorts = [];81 o.pageTemplate = options.pageTemplate82 || 'æ¯é¡µè¡æ° <select class="page-size"><option value="6">6</option><option value="10">10</option></select> å
±{totalCount}æ¡è®°å½ å
±{totalPage}页 <input type="button" value="é¦é¡µ" class="page-bt first-page" title="é¦é¡µ"> <input type="button" value="ä¸ä¸é¡µ" class="page-bt pre-page" title="ä¸ä¸é¡µ"> 第{pageNo}页 <input type="button" value="ä¸ä¸é¡µ" class="page-bt next-page" title="ä¸ä¸é¡µ"> <input type="button" value="æ«é¡µ" class="page-bt last-page" title="æ«é¡µ"> è·³è½¬è³ <input type="text" size="4" maxlength="5" class="some-page"/>';83 o.params = options.params || {};84 options[o.mapKeys.orderBy] && (o.params[o.mapKeys.orderBy] = options[o.mapKeys.orderBy]);85 options[o.mapKeys.order] && (o.params[o.mapKeys.order] = options[o.mapKeys.order]);86 if (!o.nopage) {87 o.params[o.mapKeys.pageNo] = options[o.mapKeys.pageNo] || 1;88 o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize] = options[o.mapKeys.pageSize] || 15;89 }90 addClass(o.holder, 'grid');91 mappingKeys(o.mapKeys, options.mapKeys);92 bindResize(o);93 },94 bindResize = function(o){95 var timer = null;96 if(o.ellipsis === 'auto'){97 addEvent(win, 'resize', function(){98 clearTimeout(timer);99 timer = setTimeout(function(){ellipsisColumn(o);}, 200);100 });101 }102 },103 ellipsisColumn = function(o){104 each(o.thead.getElementsByTagName('th'), function(th){105 if(th.scrollWidth > th.clientWidth){106 addClass(th, 'ellipsis');107 th.title = th[textContent];108 o.onellipsised(th);109 }else{110 th.removeAttribute('title');111 }112 });113 each(o.tbody.childNodes, function(tr){114 each(tr.childNodes, function(td){115 if(td.scrollWidth > td.clientWidth){116 addClass(td, 'ellipsis');117 td.title = td[textContent];118 o.onellipsised(td);119 }else{120 td.removeAttribute('title');121 }122 });123 });124 },125 initTable = function(o, options){126 var thead = o.thead = o.holder.tHead,127 tbodies = o.holder.tBodies,128 sorts;129 if(!thead){130 thead = o.thead = createNode('thead');131 o.holder.appendChild(thead);132 }133 if(!tbodies){134 o.holder.appendChild(o.tbody = createNode('tbody'));135 }else{136 o.tbody = tbodies[0];137 }138 if(o.headData || o.headTemplate){139 buildHead(o, o.headData);140 }else{141 sorts = [];142 each(thead.getElementsByTagName('th'), function(th){143 var sort = th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.sort),144 styles = th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.styles);145 if(sort){146 sorts.push({147 node:th,148 sort:sort,149 sortType:th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.sortType)150 });151 }152 if(styles){153 = styles;154 }155 });156 initSort(o, o.sorts = sorts);157 }158 },159 initPage = function(o, data) {160 o.params[o.mapKeys.totalPage] = data[o.mapKeys.totalPage] = parseInt((data[o.mapKeys.totalCount] - 1) / data[o.mapKeys.pageSize] + 1);161 var btns = [,,,,,[]],162 txt = o.pageTemplate.replace(pageReg, function() {163 return o.params[o.mapKeys[arguments[1]]] = data[o.mapKeys[arguments[1]]];164 }),165 pageNode = o.pageNode;166 if (!pageNode) {167 pageNode = o.pageNode = createNode('div');168 o.holder.parentNode.insertBefore(pageNode, o.holder.nextSibling);169 addClass(pageNode, 'page-node');170 }171 pageNode.innerHTML = txt;172 addClass(pageNode, 'page-node');173 each(pageNode.childNodes, function(btn){174 if(hasClass(btn, 'first-page')){175 btns[0] = btn;176 }else if(hasClass(btn, 'pre-page')){177 btns[1] = btn;178 }else if(hasClass(btn, 'next-page')){179 btns[2] = btn;180 }else if(hasClass(btn, 'last-page')){181 btns[3] = btn;182 }else if(hasClass(btn, 'some-page')){183 btns[4] = btn;184 }else if(hasClass(btn, 'page-size')){185 btns[5].push(btn);186 }187 });188 setPageDisabled(o, btns);189 addPageEvent(o, btns);190 },191 trim = function(txt) {192 return txt = txt + '', txt.trim ? txt.trim() : txt.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');193 },194 getNode = function(ele) {195 return ele && (typeof ele == 'string' ? doc.getElementById(ele)196 : ele.nodeName ? ele : ele[0]);197 },198 mappingKeys = function(keys, keysMap) {199 if (typeof keysMap == 'object') {200 each(keysMap, function(v, p){201 keys[p] = v;202 })203 }204 },205 setTableHTML = function(node, html) {206 var nodeName = node.nodeName,207 firstChild,208 temp,209 htmlParentNode;210 if (isIE && nodeName !== 'TD' && nodeName !== 'TH') {211 temp = node.ownerDocument.createElement('div');212 if(nodeName === 'TR'){213 temp.innerHTML = '<table><tbody><tr>' + html + '</tr></tbody></table>';214 htmlParentNode = temp.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;215 }else if(nodeName === 'TBODY'){216 temp.innerHTML = '<table><tbody>' + html + '</tbody></table>';217 htmlParentNode = temp.firstChild.firstChild;218 }else if(nodeName === 'THEAD'){219 temp.innerHTML = '<table><thead>' + html + '</thead></table>';220 htmlParentNode = temp.firstChild.firstChild;221 }else if(nodeName === 'TABLE'){222 temp.innerHTML = '<table>' + html + '</table>';223 htmlParentNode = temp.firstChild;224 }225 temp = null;226 each(node.childNodes, function(child){227 node.removeChild(child);228 child = null;229 }, !0);230 while(firstChild = htmlParentNode.firstChild){231 node.appendChild(firstChild);232 }233 } else {234 node.innerHTML = html;235 }236 return node;237 },238 each = function(arr, fun, reverse) {239 var len,240 idx;241 if(!arr) return ;242 len = arr.length;243 if(len){244 if(!reverse){245 for(idx=0; idx<len;) if([idx], arr[idx], idx++) === !1){246 break;247 }248 }else{249 for(idx=len; idx>0;) if([--idx], arr[idx], idx) === !1){250 break;251 }252 }253 }else if(arr.constructor === Object){254 for(idx in arr) if([idx], arr[idx], idx) === !1) {255 break;256 }257 }258 },259 createNode = function(tag, cls){260 var node = doc.createElement(tag);261 cls && (node.className = cls);262 return node;263 },264 buildHead = function(o, headData){265 var thead = o.thead,266 headTemplate = o.headTemplate,267 sorts = o.sorts = [],268 trs = [],269 maxLevel = 0,270 levels = [],271 deepLevelThs = [],272 tr,273 buildRow;274 each(thead.childNodes, function(tr){275 thead.removeChild(tr), tr = null;276 }, !0);277 if(headTemplate){278 tr = parseHeadTemplate(o, headData);279 setTableHTML(thead, tr);280 each(thead.getElementsByTagName('th'), function(th, idx){281 var sort = th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.sort),282 styles = th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.styles);283 if(sort){284 sorts.push({285 node:th,286 sort:sort,287 sortType:th.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.sortType)288 })289 th.removeAttribute(o.mapKeys.sort);290 }291 if(styles){292 = styles;293 }294, th, headData);295 });296 }else{297 buildRow = function(ths, level){298 var tr = trs[level];299 if(!tr){300 if(level > maxLevel){301 maxLevel = level;302 }303 tr = createNode('tr');304 thead.appendChild(tr);305 trs.push(tr);306 }307 each(ths, function(column, idx){308 var th,309 text,310 sort,311 childs,312 styles;313 if(typeof column === 'string'){314 th = createNode('th');315 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(column));316 tr.appendChild(th);317 deepLevelThs.push({318 node:th,319 level:level320 });321 }else{322 text = column[o.mapKeys.text];323 sort = column[o.mapKeys.sort];324 childs = column[o.mapKeys.childs];325 styles = column[o.mapKeys.styles];326 th = createNode('th');327 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text));328 tr.appendChild(th);329 if(sort){330 sorts.push({331 node:th,332 sort:column[o.mapKeys.sort],333 sortType:column[o.mapKeys.sortType]334 });335 }336 if(childs){337 th.setAttribute('colSpan', getLastLevelChilds(childs));338 buildRow(childs, level + 1);339 }else{340 deepLevelThs.push({341 node:th,342 level:level343 });344 }345 if(styles){346 = styles;347 }348, th, ths);349 }350 });351 }352 buildRow(headData, 0);353 each(deepLevelThs, function(nodeInfo){354 var size = maxLevel - nodeInfo.level + 1;355 if(size > 1){356 nodeInfo.node.setAttribute('rowSpan', size);357 = 'middle';358 }359 });360 }361 initSort(o, sorts);362 },363 getLastLevelChilds = function(data){364 var count = 0,365 getPathChild = function(data){366 each(data, function(item){367 if(typeof item === 'string'){368 count++;369 }else{370 item.childs ? getPathChild(item.childs) : count++;371 }372 });373 };374 getPathChild(data);375 return count;376 },377 buildBody = function(o, bodyData){378 var trs = '',379 mergeRecord = [],380 lastTrIdx;381 each(bodyData, function(model, index){382 var modelList = flatModel(model, o.mapKeys.childs),383 autoIndex = modelList.length * index;384 each(modelList, function(model, idx){385 o.modifyModel(model);386 trs += parseBodyTemplate(o, model, autoIndex + idx);387 });388 });389 setTableHTML(o.tbody, trs);390 each(trs = o.tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'), function(tr, trIdx){391 each(tr.childNodes, function(td, tdIdx){392 var merge = td.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.merge),393 edit = td.getAttribute(o.mapKeys.edit),394 tdInfo,395 text,396 preText;397 if(merge === 'true'){398 tdInfo = mergeRecord[tdIdx];399 text = td.innerHTML;400 if(!tdInfo){401 mergeRecord[tdIdx] = tdInfo = {402 preText:text,403 startIdx:trIdx404 };405 }406 preText = tdInfo.preText;407 if(text !== preText){408 mergeTr(trs, mergeRecord, tdInfo.startIdx, trIdx, tdIdx);409 tdInfo.preText = text;410 tdInfo.startIdx = trIdx;411 }412 }413 td.removeAttribute(o.mapKeys.merge);414 if(edit){415 (function(td, edit){416 var value = td.innerHTML;417 = 'pointer';418 td.ondblclick = function(){419 var input = createNode('input', 'edit-node');420 input.type = 'text';421 input.value = value;422 td.innerHTML = '';423 td.appendChild(input);424 input.focus();425 input.onkeydown = function(e){426 var target;427 e = e || win.event;428 if(e.keyCode === 13){429 target = || e.srcElement;430 e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1;431 if(value !== target.value){432 o.onedited(target, edit, value, value = target.value);433 }434 target.blur();435 }436 };437 input.onblur = function(){438 td.innerHTML = value;439 };440 }441 })(td, edit);442 }443, td, bodyData);444 }, !0);445, tr, bodyData);446 });447 lastTrIdx = trs.length;448 each(mergeRecord, function(tdInfo, tdIdx){449 if(tdInfo){450 mergeTr(trs, mergeRecord, tdInfo.startIdx, lastTrIdx, tdIdx);451 tdInfo = null;452 }453 });454 mergeRecord = null;455 },456 mergeTr = function(trs, mergeRecord, trStart, trEnd, tdIdx){457 var i,458 size,459 td;460 for(i=trStart+1; i<trEnd; i++){461 trs[i].removeChild(trs[i].childNodes[tdIdx]);462 }463 size = trEnd - trStart;464 if(size > 1){465 td = trs[trStart].childNodes[tdIdx];466 td.setAttribute('rowSpan', size);467 = 'middle';468 }469 },470 emptyBody = function(o, data){471 var colspan = 0;472 var trs = o.thead.getElementsByTagName('tr');473 var trsLen = trs.length;474 each(trs, function(tr, trIdx){475 each(tr.getElementsByTagName('th'), function(th, tdIdx){476 var rowSpan = +th.getAttribute('rowSpan') || 1;477 if(rowSpan === (trsLen - trIdx)){478 colspan += +(th.getAttribute('colSpan')) || 1;479 }480 });481 });482 setTableHTML(o.tbody, '<tr><td style="text-align:center;width:'+ o.thead.clientWidth +'px" colSpan="' + colspan + '">' + o.noDataMessage + '</td></tr>');483 if (!o.nopage) {484 data && (data[o.mapKeys.totalPage] = data[o.mapKeys.pageNo] = 0);485 }486 },487 highlight = function(o) {488 each(o.tbody.childNodes, function(tr, idx){489 if (idx & 1) {490 addClass(tr, 'zebra-even');491 } else {492 removeClass(tr, 'zebra-even');493 }494 tr.onmouseover = function(){495 addClass(this, 'mouseover');496 };497 tr.onmouseout = function(){498 removeClass(this, 'mouseover');499 }500 });501 },502 setPageDisabled = function(o, btns) {503 var firstPage = btns[0],504 prePage = btns[1],505 nextPage = btns[2],506 lastPage = btns[3],507 somePage = btns[4],508 pageNo = o.params[o.mapKeys.pageNo],509 totalPage = o.params[o.mapKeys.totalPage];510 if (pageNo <= 1) {511 if(firstPage){512 firstPage.disabled = !0;513 addClass(firstPage, 'bt-dis');514 }515 if(prePage){516 prePage.disabled = !0;517 addClass(prePage, 'bt-dis');518 }519 }else{520 if(firstPage){521 firstPage.disabled = !1;522 removeClass(firstPage, 'bt-dis');523 }524 if(prePage){525 prePage.disabled = !1;526 removeClass(prePage, 'bt-dis');527 }528 }529 if (pageNo >= totalPage) {530 if(nextPage){531 nextPage.disabled = !0;532 addClass(nextPage, "bt-dis");533 }534 if(lastPage){535 lastPage.disabled = !0;536 addClass(lastPage, "bt-dis");537 }538 }else{539 if(nextPage){540 nextPage.disabled = !1;541 removeClass(nextPage, "bt-dis");542 }543 if(lastPage){544 lastPage.disabled = !1;545 removeClass(lastPage, "bt-dis");546 }547 }548 },549 addPageEvent = function(o, btns) {550 var firstPage = btns[0],551 prePage = btns[1],552 nextPage = btns[2],553 lastPage = btns[3],554 somePage = btns[4],555 pageSizes = btns[5],556 pageNo = o.params[o.mapKeys.pageNo];557 if(firstPage){558 firstPage.onclick = function() {559 goToPage(o, 1);560 };561 }562 if(prePage){563 prePage.onclick = function() {564 goToPage(o, pageNo - 1);565 };566 }567 if(nextPage){568 nextPage.onclick = function() {569 goToPage(o, pageNo + 1);570 };571 }572 if(lastPage){573 lastPage.onclick = function() {574 goToPage(o, o.params[o.mapKeys.totalPage]);575 };576 }577 if(somePage){578 somePage.onkeydown = function(e) {579 e = e || win.event;580 if (e.keyCode == 13) {581 goToPage(o, ( || e.srcElement)['value']);582 }583 };584 = 'disabled';585 somePage.oncontextmenu = function() {586 return !1;587 };588 }589 if(pageSizes.length){590 each(pageSizes, function(pageSize){591 if(pageSize.nodeName === 'SELECT'){592 pageSize.onchange = function(){593 o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize] = this.value >> 0;594 if(o.sendOnPageSize){595 o.send();596 }597 }598 pageSize.value = o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize];599 return false;600 }601 pageSize.onclick = function(){602 var that = this;603 each(pageSizes, function(btn){604 if(that === btn){605 addClass(that, 'page-active');606 }else{607 removeClass(btn, 'page-active');608 }609 });610 o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize] = this.value;611 if(o.sendOnPageSize){612 o.send();613 }614 };615 if(pageSize.value == o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize]){616 addClass(pageSize, 'page-active');617 }else{618 removeClass(pageSize, 'page-active');619 }620 });621 }622 },623 goToPage = function(o, page){624 var p = {};625 page = ('' + page).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');626 if (!/^\d+$/.test(page))627 return;628 page = +page;629 if (page < 1)630 page = 1;631 if (page > o.params[o.mapKeys.totalPage])632 page = o.params[o.mapKeys.totalPage];633 p[o.mapKeys.pageNo] = page;634 o.send(p);635 },636 flatModel = function(model, deepSign){//ä¸å¤çå±çº§é´keyç¸åçæ
èªå·±ä¿è¯ã637 var list = [],638 dealModel = function(model, pModel){639 var mol = {};640 each(model, function(value, key){641 if(key !== deepSign){642 mol[key] = value;643 }644 });645 each(pModel, function(pv, pk){646 mol[pk] = pv;647 });648 var childs = model[deepSign];649 if(childs){650 each(childs, function(model){651 dealModel(model, mol);652 });653 }else{654 list.push(mol);655 }656 };657 if(model.constructor === Array){658 each(model, function(model){659 dealModel(model);660 });661 }else{662 dealModel(model);663 }664 return list;665 },666 jsMeta = {667 '\b' : '\\b',668 '\t' : '\\t',669 '\n' : '\\n',670 '\f' : '\\f',671 '\r' : '\\r',672 '\\' : '\\\\'673 },674 htmlMeta = {675 '&' : '&',676 '<' : '<',677 '>' : '>',678 '"' : '"',679 "'" : ''',680 '\\' : '\\\\',681 '\"' : '\\"'682 },683 escapeHTML = function(txt) {684 if (typeof txt == 'undefined')685 return "";686 if (typeof txt != 'string')687 return txt;688 return txt.replace(/\\|\"|&|<|>|"|'/g, function() {689 return htmlMeta[arguments[0]];690 });691 },692 escapeJS = function(str) {693 if (typeof str == 'undefined')694 return ;695 str = str.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function(chr) {696 var special = jsMeta[chr];697 return special ? special : '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);698 });699 return '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';700 },701 parseBodyTemplate = function(o, model, idx) {702 return o.bodyTemplate.replace(trReg, function(full, fun, args, prop, autoIdx){703 return parseTemplate(o, fun, args, prop, autoIdx, model, idx);704 });705 },706 parseTemplate = function(o, fun, args, prop, autoIdx, model, idx){707 var size, current, arr;708 if (fun) {709 arr = [];710 each(args.split(dotReg), function(param){711 var isRep = propReg.exec(param), p;712 if (isRep) {713 p = model[isRep[1]];714 if (typeof p == 'string'){715 arr.push(escapeJS(p));716 }else{717 arr.push(p + '');718 }719 } else {720 if (typeof param == 'string'){721 arr.push(escapeJS(param));722 }else{723 arr.push(param + '');724 }725 }726 });727 return eval('0, ' + fun + '(' + arr.join(',') + ')');728 } else if (prop) {729 return model[prop] === undefined ? '' : model[prop];730 } else if(autoIdx){731 if(o.nopage){732 return idx + 1;733 }734 return ((current || (current = o.params[o.mapKeys.pageNo])) - 1) * (size || (size = o.params[o.mapKeys.pageSize])) + idx + 1;735 }736 },737 parseHeadTemplate = function(o, model) {738 return o.headTemplate.replace(trReg, function(full, fun, args, prop, autoIdx){739 return parseTemplate(o, fun, args, prop, autoIdx, model);740 });741 },742 hasClass = function(node, cls){743 var className, find, constructor;744 if(!node) return !1;745 className = ' ' + (node.className ? node.className.replace(/\s+/mg, ' ') : node) + ' ', constructor = cls.constructor;746 if(constructor === String){747 return className.indexOf(' ' + trim(cls) + ' ') > -1;748 }749 if(constructor === RegExp){750 find = !1;751 each(className.split(' '), function(c){752 if(cls.test(c)){753 return !(find = !0);754 }755 });756 return find;757 }758 return !1;759 },760 addClass = function(node, cls){761 var className = node.className,762 used = [];763 cls = trim(cls);764 if(/\s/.test(cls)){765 each(cls.split(/\s+/), function(cls){766 if(!hasClass(className, cls)){767 used.push(cls);768 }769 });770 }else{771 if(!hasClass(className, cls)){772 used.push(cls);773 }774 }775 node.className = trim(className + ' ' + used.join(' '));776 },777 removeClass = function(node, cls){778 if(!cls){779 node.className = '';780 }else{781 var className = ' ' + node.className.replace(/\s+/mg, ' ') + ' ',782 isString = cls.constructor === String, classNames;783 if(isString) cls = trim(cls);784 if(/\s/.test(cls)){785 each(cls.split(/\s+/), function(cls){786 if(hasClass(className, cls)){787 if(isString){788 className = className.replace(' ' + cls + ' ', ' ');789 }else{790 classNames = [];791 each(className.split(/\s+/), function(c){792 if(!cls.test(c)){793 classNames.push(c);794 }795 });796 className = classNames.join(' ');797 }798 }799 });800 }else{801 if(hasClass(className, cls)){802 if(isString){803 className = className.replace(' ' + cls + ' ', ' ');804 }else{805 classNames = [];806 each(className.split(/\s+/), function(c){807 if(!cls.test(c)){808 classNames.push(c);809 }810 });811 className = classNames.join(' ');812 }813 }814 }815 node.className = trim(className.split(/\s+/).join(' '));816 }817 },818 fill = function(o, data){819 var headData, bodyData;820 if (data && typeof data == 'object') {821 headData = data[o.mapKeys.headData];822 bodyData = data[o.mapKeys.bodyData];823 if(data[o.mapKeys.bodyTemplate]){824 o.bodyTemplate = data[o.mapKeys.bodyTemplate];825 }826 if(data[o.mapKeys.headTemplate]){827 o.headTemplate = data[o.mapKeys.headTemplate];828 }829 if(headData || o.headTemplate){830 buildHead(o, o.headData = headData);831 }832 if(bodyData && bodyData.length){833 buildBody(o, o.bodyData = bodyData);834 } else {835 emptyBody(o, data);836 }837 } else {838 emptyBody(o, data);839 }840 if (!o.nopage) {841 initPage(o, data);842 }843 if(!o.nostripe){844 highlight(o);845 }846 if(o.ellipsis === 'auto'){847 ellipsisColumn(o);848 }849 o.onfilled(data);850 };851 var Grid = function(options) {852 this.mapKeys = {853 pageNo : 'pageNo',854 pageSize : 'pageSize',855 query : 'query',856 body : 'body',857 order : 'order',858 orderBy : 'orderBy',859 totalCount : 'totalCount',860 totalPage : 'totalPage',861 headTemplate : 'headTemplate',862 bodyTemplate : 'bodyTemplate',863 sort : 'sort',864 sortType : 'sortType',865 merge : 'merge',866 styles : 'styles',867 edit : 'edit',868 text : 'text',869 childs : 'childs',870 headData : 'headData',871 bodyData : 'bodyData'872 };873 initParams(this, options);874 initTable(this, options);875 };876 Grid.prototype.send = function(params) {877 var that = this, constructor = this.dataSource.constructor;878 this.beforeSend(params);879 if (typeof params == 'object') {880 each(params, function(val, p){881 that.params[that.mapKeys[p] || p] = val;882 })883 }884 if(!this.nopage){885 if(this.params[this.mapKeys.pageNo] < 1){886 this.params[this.mapKeys.pageNo] = 1;887 }888 }889 if(constructor === String){890 $.ajax({891 url : this.dataSource,892 data : this.params && JSON.stringify(this.params),893 contentType : "application/json",894 type : this.method || 'POST',895 dataType : 'json',896 context : this,897 success : function(data){fill(that, data);},898 error : this.onerror899 });900 }else if(constructor === Function){901 fill(this, this.dataSource(this.params));902 }else if(constructor === Object){903 fill(this, this.dataSource);904 }905 };906 Grid.prototype.destroy = function(){907 this.holder.removeChild(this.thead);908 this.holder.removeChild(this.tbody);909 this.holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.holder);910 if(this.pageNode){911 this.pageNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.pageNode);912 }913 this.holder = this.thead = this.tbody = this.pageNode = null;914 };915 each(['beforeSend', 'modifyModel', 'oncolumned', 'onrowed', 'onfilled', 'onedited', 'onerror', 'onellipsised'], function(method){916 Grid.prototype[method] = function(fun){917 if(fun && fun.constructor === Function){918 this[method] = fun;919 }920 return this;921 };922 });923 Grid.init = init;924 Grid.flatModel = flatModel;925 return Grid;
Source: connect-4-stats.js
1const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');2const fs = require('fs');3var shortAuthor;4var w = 0;5var d = 0;6var l = 0;7var tot = 0;8var playerMap = new Map();9var mapKeys = [];10var brainName;11module.exports = {12 commands: ['connect-4-stats', 'connect-4-stat', 'c4-stat', 'c4-stats'],13 minArgs: 0,14 maxArgs: 1,15 callback: (message, arguments) => {16 try {17 if (arguments.length > 0) {18 shortAuthor = "" + arguments[0];19 if (shortAuthor.indexOf('>') > 0)20 shortAuthor = shortAuthor.substr(3, 18);21 } else {22 shortAuthor =;23 }24 if (!fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/' + shortAuthor + '.dat') && shortAuthor != '699366687455051808') {25"Sorry but I couldn't find match hisotry for id: " + shortAuthor)26 return;27 }28 if (shortAuthor == '699366687455051808') {29 for (var braneSize = 10000; braneSize <= 10000000; braneSize *= 10) {30 if (!fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/' + braneSize + '_computerBrain.dat'))31 continue;32 if (braneSize >= 1000000)33 var title = braneSize.toFixed(0).substring(0, braneSize.toFixed(0).length - 6) + 'M'34 else35 var title = braneSize.toFixed(0).substring(0, braneSize.toFixed(0).length - 3) + 'K'36 getAndPrint(braneSize + '_computerBrain', 'Record for bot brain sized ' + title, message)37 }38 getAndPrint("community", 'Community Brain', message)39 return;40 }41 getAndPrint(shortAuthor, 'Connect 4 stats', message)42 } catch (err) {43"An error has occured loading stats: " + err.message);44 }45 }46}47function getAndPrint(shortAuthor, title = 'Connect 4 stats', message) {48 if (shortAuthor == "community") {49 if (!fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/0_computerBrain.dat')) {50 message.reply("Could not find stats for " + shortAuthor)51 return;52 }53 var playerGames = fs.readFileSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/0_computerBrain.dat').toString().split('\n');54 } else {55 if (!fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/' + shortAuthor + '.dat')) {56 message.reply("Could not find stats for " + shortAuthor)57 return;58 }59 var playerGames = fs.readFileSync('./assets/connect-4/game-record/' + shortAuthor + '.dat').toString().split('\n');60 }61 w = 0;62 d = 0;63 l = 0;64 tot = 0;65 playerMap = new Map();66 mapKeys = [];67 for (var i = 0; i < playerGames.length - 1; i++) {68 if (!playerMap.has(playerGames[i].substr(2))) {69 playerMap.set(playerGames[i].substr(2), [0, 0, 0, 0]);70 mapKeys.push(playerGames[i].substr(2));71 }72 playerMap.get(playerGames[i].substr(2))[3]++;73 switch (playerGames[i].charAt(0)) {74 case 'W':75 playerMap.get(playerGames[i].substr(2))[0]++;76 w++;77 break;78 case 'D':79 playerMap.get(playerGames[i].substr(2))[1]++;80 d++;81 break;82 case 'L':83 playerMap.get(playerGames[i].substr(2))[2]++;84 l++;85 }86 tot++;87 }88 var out = "Opponent: W/D/L";89 for (var j = playerMap.size; j > 0 && playerMap.size > 0; j--) {90 var rec = 0;91 var recDex = -1;92 for (var i = 0; i < playerMap.size; i++) {93 if (playerMap.get(mapKeys[i])[3] > rec) {94 rec = playerMap.get(mapKeys[i])[3];95 recDex = i;96 }97 }98 if (recDex == -1)99 break;100 if (!mapKeys[recDex].includes('>')) {101 if (parseInt(mapKeys[recDex]) >= 1000000) {102 brainName = mapKeys[recDex].substring(0, mapKeys[recDex].length - 6) + 'M'103 out += "\nBrain size " + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];104 } else105 if (parseInt(mapKeys[recDex]) == 0) {106 brainName = "Community Brain";107 out += "\n" + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];108 } else {109 brainName = mapKeys[recDex].substring(0, mapKeys[recDex].length - 3) + 'K';110 out += "\nBrain size " + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];111 }112 } else113 out += "\n" + mapKeys[recDex] + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];114 playerMap.delete(mapKeys[recDex]);115 mapKeys.splice(recDex, 1);116 }117 out += "\n-------------------------------";118 if (shortAuthor == "community") {119 if (fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/tournaments/game-record/0_computerBrain.dat'))120 var tourneyGames = fs.readFileSync('./assets/connect-4/tournaments/game-record/0_computerBrain.dat').toString().split('\n');121 } else {122 if (fs.existsSync('./assets/connect-4/tournaments/game-record/' + shortAuthor + '.dat'))123 var tourneyGames = fs.readFileSync('./assets/connect-4/tournaments/game-record/' + shortAuthor + '.dat').toString().split('\n');124 }125 if (tourneyGames != undefined) {126 playerMap = new Map();127 mapKeys = []128 for (var i = 0; i < tourneyGames.length - 1; i++) {129 if (!playerMap.has(tourneyGames[i].substr(2))) {130 playerMap.set(tourneyGames[i].substr(2), [0, 0, 0, 0]);131 mapKeys.push(tourneyGames[i].substr(2));132 }133 playerMap.get(tourneyGames[i].substr(2))[3]++;134 switch (tourneyGames[i].charAt(0)) {135 case 'W':136 playerMap.get(tourneyGames[i].substr(2))[0]++;137 w++;138 break;139 case 'D':140 playerMap.get(tourneyGames[i].substr(2))[1]++;141 d++;142 break;143 case 'L':144 playerMap.get(tourneyGames[i].substr(2))[2]++;145 l++;146 }147 tot++;148 }149 out += "\nTournament stats:";150 for (var j = playerMap.size; j > 0 && playerMap.size > 0; j--) {151 var rec = 0;152 var recDex = -1;153 for (var i = 0; i < playerMap.size; i++) {154 if (playerMap.get(mapKeys[i])[3] > rec) {155 rec = playerMap.get(mapKeys[i])[3];156 recDex = i157 }158 }159 if (recDex == -1)160 break;161 if (!mapKeys[recDex].includes('>')) {162 if (parseInt(mapKeys[recDex]) >= 1000000) {163 brainName = mapKeys[recDex].substring(0, mapKeys[recDex].length - 6) + 'M'164 out += "\nBrain size " + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];165 } else166 if (parseInt(mapKeys[recDex]) == 0) {167 brainName = "Community Brain"168 out += "\n" + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];169 } else {170 brainName = mapKeys[recDex].substring(0, mapKeys[recDex].length - 3) + 'K'171 out += "\nBrain size " + brainName + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];172 }173 } else174 out += "\n" + mapKeys[recDex] + ': ' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[0] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[1] + '/' + playerMap.get(mapKeys[recDex])[2];175 playerMap.delete(mapKeys[recDex]);176 mapKeys.splice(recDex, 1);177 }178 } else {179 out += '\nCould not find tournament stats! Participate in a tournament to get tournament stats!'180 }181 out += "\nLifetime record: " + w + '/' + d + '/' + l;182 out += "\nLifetime wr: " + (100 * w / tot).toFixed(2) + '%';183 out += "\nLifetime games: " + tot;184 const ch = new MessageEmbed()185 .setColor('#0cc0b4')186 .setTitle(title)187 .setDescription(out)188 .setTimestamp();189;...
Source: respond-for.js
...42);43const mapsByComponent = {44 AccountLogin: new Map(),45 AccountClaim: new Map(),46 ProjectList: mapKeys(['projects', 'users']),47 ProjectHome: mapKeys(['project']),48 ProjectShow: new Map(),49 ProjectOverview: mapKeys(['forms']),50 ProjectUserList: mapKeys(['roles', 'projectAssignments']),51 FieldKeyList: mapKeys(['fieldKeys']),52 ProjectFormAccess: mapKeys([53 'forms',54 'fieldKeys',55 'roles',56 'formSummaryAssignments'57 ]),58 ProjectSettings: new Map(),59 FormShow: mapKeys(['form', 'formDraft', 'attachments']),60 FormOverview: new Map(),61 FormVersionList: mapKeys(['formVersions']),62 FormSubmissions: mapKeys(['keys', 'fields', 'submissionsChunk']),63 PublicLinkList: mapKeys(['publicLinks']),64 FormSettings: new Map(),65 FormDraftStatus: mapKeys(['formVersions']),66 FormAttachmentList: new Map(),67 FormDraftTesting: mapKeys(['keys', 'fields', 'submissionsChunk']),68 UserHome: new Map(),69 UserList: mapKeys(['users', 'actors']),70 UserEdit: mapKeys(['user']),71 SystemHome: new Map(),72 BackupList: mapKeys(['backupsConfig', 'audits'], {73 audits: () => testData.standardAudits.sorted()74 }),75 AuditList: mapKeys(['audits'])76};77export default (name) => {78 const map = mapsByComponent[name];79 if (map == null) throw new Error(`unknown component ${name}`);80 return map;...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';2import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';3import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';4import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';5import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';6import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';7import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';8import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';9import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';10import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';11import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';12import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';13import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';14import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';15import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';16import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';17import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';18import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';19import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';20import { mapKeys } from 'ng
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';2const myObject = {3};4const result = mapKeys(myObject, (value, key) => {5 return key + value;6});7import { mapValues } from 'ng-mocks';8const myObject = {9};10const result = mapValues(myObject, (value, key) => {11 return key + value;12});13import { mockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';14const MyComponent = mockComponent({15});16import { mockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';17const MyDirective = mockDirective({18});19import { mockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';20const MyService = mockInstance(MyService, {21 method: () => 'foo',22});23import { mockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';24const MyPipe = mockPipe({25});26import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';27const MyService = mockProvider(MyService, {28 method: () => 'foo',29});30import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';31const fixture = mockRender(MyComponent);32import { mockReset }
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TestComponent));5 it('should render', () => {6 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);7 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();8 });9});10describe('TestComponent', () => {11 it('should render', () => {12 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);13 mapKeys(fixture.point.componentInstance, {14 });15 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();16 });17});18describe('TestComponent', () => {19 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TestComponent));20 it('should render', () => {21 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);22 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();23 });24});25describe('TestComponent', () => {26 it('should render', () => {27 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);28 mapKeys(fixture.point.componentInstance, {29 });30 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();31 });32});33describe('TestComponent', () => {34 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TestComponent));35 it('should render', () => {36 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);37 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();38 });39});40describe('TestComponent', () => {41 it('should render', () => {42 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);43 mapKeys(fixture.point.componentInstance, {44 });45 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();46 });47});48describe('TestComponent', () => {49 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TestComponent));50 it('should render', () => {51 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);52 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();53 });54});55describe('TestComponent', () => {56 it('should render', () => {57 const fixture = MockRender(Test
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';2import mapKeys from 'lodash/mapKeys';3import { mapValues } from 'ng-mocks';4import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues';5import { matches } from 'ng-mocks';6import matches from 'lodash/matches';7import { matchesProperty } from 'ng-mocks';8import matchesProperty from 'lodash/matchesProperty';9import { max } from 'ng-mocks';10import max from 'lodash/max';11import { maxBy } from 'ng-mocks';12import maxBy from 'lodash/maxBy';13import { mean } from 'ng-mocks';14import mean from 'lodash/mean';15import { meanBy } from 'ng-mocks';16import meanBy from 'lodash/meanBy';17import { memoize } from 'ng-mocks';18import memoize from 'lodash/memoize';19import
Using AI Code Generation
1import {mapKeys} from 'ng-mocks';2import {MyModule} from 'my-module';3import {mockModule} from 'ng-mocks';4import {MyModule} from 'my-module';5import {mockComponent} from 'ng-mocks';6import {MyComponent} from 'my-component';7import {mockDirective} from 'ng-mocks';8import {MyDirective} from 'my-directive';9import {mockPipe} from 'ng-mocks';10import {MyPipe} from 'my-pipe';11import {mockService} from 'ng-mocks';12import {MyService} from 'my-service';13import {mockProvider} from 'ng-mocks';14import {MyProvider} from 'my-provider';15import {mockRender} from 'ng-mocks';16import {MyComponent} from 'my-component';17import {mockReset} from 'ng-mocks';18import {MyModule} from 'my-module';19import {mockReset} from 'ng-mocks';20import {MyModule} from 'my-module';21mockModule(22 ...imports: Array<Type<any> | ModuleWithProviders | any[]>23): any;24import {mockModule} from 'ng-mocks';25import {MyModule} from 'my-module';26describe('MyModule', () => {27 beforeEach(() => {28 mockModule(MyModule);29 });30 it('should be created', () => {31 expect(MyModule).toBeDefined();32 });33});34mockComponent(35 ...imports: Array<Type<any> | ModuleWithProviders | any[]>36): any;37import {mockComponent} from 'ng-mocks';38import {MyComponent} from 'my-component';39describe('MyComponent', () => {40 beforeEach(() =>
Using AI Code Generation
1const mock = jest.fn();2mock.mockReturnValue({ a: 1, b: 2 });3const result = mock();4expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });5expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();6const mock = jasmine.createSpy('mock');7mock.and.returnValue({ a: 1, b: 2 });8const result = mock();9expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });10expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();11const mock = sinon.stub().returns({ a: 1, b: 2 });12const result = mock();13expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });14expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();15const mock = sinon.stub().returns({ a: 1, b: 2 });16const result = mock();17expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });18expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();19const mock = jasmine.createSpy('mock').and.returnValue({ a: 1, b: 2 });20const result = mock();21expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });22expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();23const mock = sinon.stub().returns({ a: 1, b: 2 });24const result = mock();25expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });26expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();27const mock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ a: 1, b: 2 });28const result = mock();29expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });30expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();31const mock = jasmine.createSpy('mock').and.returnValue({ a: 1, b: 2 });32const result = mock();33expect(result).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });34expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled();35const mock = sinon.stub().returns({ a: 1, b:
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mapKeys } from 'ng-mocks';2const obj = { foo: 'bar' };3const result = mapKeys(obj, (value, key) => {4 if (key === 'foo') {5 return 'bar';6 }7 return key;8});9console.log(result);10import { mapValues } from 'ng-mocks';11const obj = { foo: 'bar' };12const result = mapValues(obj, (value, key) => {13 if (key === 'foo') {14 return 'bar';15 }16 return value;17});18console.log(result);19import { mockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';20const MockComponent = mockComponent({21});22console.log(MockComponent);23import { mockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';24const MockDirective = mockDirective({25});26console.log(MockDirective);27import { mockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';28const MockPipe = mockPipe({29});30console.log(MockPipe);31import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';32const MockProvider = mockProvider({33});34console.log(MockProvider);35import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';36const MockComponent = mockRender('<mock-component></mock-component>');37console.log(Mock
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