Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
...29 );30 // isTopSiteGivenProvider() and getProviderLinks() should still return results31 // even when cache is empty or being populated.32 Assert.ok(!NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider));33 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.getProviderLinks(provider), []);34 await promise;35 // Once the cache is populated, we get the expected results36 Assert.ok(NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider));37 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.getProviderLinks(provider), expectedLinks);38 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);39});40add_task(async function notifyLinkDelete() {41 let expectedLinks = makeLinks(0, 3, 1);42 let provider = new TestProvider(done => done(expectedLinks));43 provider.maxNumLinks = expectedLinks.length;44 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();45 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider);46 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));47 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);48 // Remove a link.49 let removedLink = expectedLinks[2];50 provider.notifyLinkChanged(removedLink, 2, true);51 let links = NewTabUtils.links._providers.get(provider);52 // Check that sortedLinks is correctly updated.53 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks.slice(0, 2));54 // Check that linkMap is accurately updated.55 Assert.equal(links.linkMap.size, 2);56 Assert.ok(links.linkMap.get(expectedLinks[0].url));57 Assert.ok(links.linkMap.get(expectedLinks[1].url));58 Assert.ok(!links.linkMap.get(removedLink.url));59 // Check that siteMap is correctly updated.60 Assert.equal(links.siteMap.size, 2);61 Assert.ok(links.siteMap.has(NewTabUtils.extractSite(expectedLinks[0].url)));62 Assert.ok(links.siteMap.has(NewTabUtils.extractSite(expectedLinks[1].url)));63 Assert.ok(!links.siteMap.has(NewTabUtils.extractSite(removedLink.url)));64 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);65});66add_task(async function populatePromise() {67 let count = 0;68 let expectedLinks = makeLinks(0, 10, 2);69 let getLinksFcn = async function(callback) {70 // Should not be calling getLinksFcn twice71 count++;72 Assert.equal(count, 1);73 await Promise.resolve();74 callback(expectedLinks);75 };76 let provider = new TestProvider(getLinksFcn);77 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();78 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider);79 NewTabUtils.links.populateProviderCache(provider, () => {});80 NewTabUtils.links.populateProviderCache(provider, () => {81 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);82 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);83 });84});85add_task(async function isTopSiteGivenProvider() {86 let expectedLinks = makeLinks(0, 10, 2);87 // The lowest 2 frecencies have the same base domain.88 expectedLinks[expectedLinks.length - 2].url =89 expectedLinks[expectedLinks.length - 1].url + "Test";90 let provider = new TestProvider(done => done(expectedLinks));91 provider.maxNumLinks = expectedLinks.length;92 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();93 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider);94 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));95 Assert.equal(96 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),97 true98 );99 Assert.equal(100 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),101 false102 );103 // Push out frecency 2 because the maxNumLinks is reached when adding frecency 3104 let newLink = makeLink(3);105 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);106 // There is still a frecent url with example2 domain, so it's still frecent.107 Assert.equal(108 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),109 true110 );111 Assert.equal(112 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),113 true114 );115 // Push out frecency 3116 newLink = makeLink(5);117 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);118 // Push out frecency 4119 newLink = makeLink(9);120 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);121 // Our count reached 0 for the domain so it's no longer a frecent site.122 Assert.equal(123 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),124 true125 );126 Assert.equal(127 NewTabUtils.isTopSiteGivenProvider("", provider),128 false129 );130 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);131});132add_task(async function multipleProviders() {133 // Make each provider generate NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks links to check134 // that no more than maxNumLinks are actually returned in the merged list.135 let evenLinks = makeLinks(0, 2 * NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks, 2);136 let evenProvider = new TestProvider(done => done(evenLinks));137 let oddLinks = makeLinks(0, 2 * NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks - 1, 2);138 let oddProvider = new TestProvider(done => done(oddLinks));139 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();140 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(evenProvider);141 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(oddProvider);142 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));143 let links = NewTabUtils.links.getLinks();144 let expectedLinks = makeLinks(145 NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks,146 2 * NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks,147 1148 );149 Assert.equal(links.length, NewTabUtils.links.maxNumLinks);150 do_check_links(links, expectedLinks);151 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(evenProvider);152 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(oddProvider);153});154add_task(async function changeLinks() {155 let expectedLinks = makeLinks(0, 20, 2);156 let provider = new TestProvider(done => done(expectedLinks));157 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();158 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider);159 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));160 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);161 // Notify of a new link.162 let newLink = makeLink(19);163 expectedLinks.splice(1, 0, newLink);164 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);165 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);166 // Notify of a link that's changed sort criteria.167 newLink.frecency = 17;168 expectedLinks.splice(1, 1);169 expectedLinks.splice(2, 0, newLink);170 provider.notifyLinkChanged({171 url: newLink.url,172 frecency: 17,173 });174 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);175 // Notify of a link that's changed title.176 newLink.title = "My frecency is now 17";177 provider.notifyLinkChanged({178 url: newLink.url,179 title: newLink.title,180 });181 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);182 // Notify of a new link again, but this time make it overflow maxNumLinks.183 provider.maxNumLinks = expectedLinks.length;184 newLink = makeLink(21);185 expectedLinks.unshift(newLink);186 expectedLinks.pop();187 Assert.equal(expectedLinks.length, provider.maxNumLinks); // Sanity check.188 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);189 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);190 // Notify of many links changed.191 expectedLinks = makeLinks(0, 3, 1);192 provider.notifyManyLinksChanged();193 // Since _populateProviderCache() is async, we must wait until the provider's194 // populate promise has been resolved.195 await NewTabUtils.links._providers.get(provider).populatePromise;196 // NewTabUtils.links will now repopulate its cache197 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), expectedLinks);198 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);199});200add_task(async function oneProviderAlreadyCached() {201 let links1 = makeLinks(0, 10, 1);202 let provider1 = new TestProvider(done => done(links1));203 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();204 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider1);205 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));206 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), links1);207 let links2 = makeLinks(10, 20, 1);208 let provider2 = new TestProvider(done => done(links2));209 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider2);210 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));211 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), links2.concat(links1));212 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider1);213 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider2);214});215add_task(async function newLowRankedLink() {216 // Init a provider with 10 links and make its maximum number also 10.217 let links = makeLinks(0, 10, 1);218 let provider = new TestProvider(done => done(links));219 provider.maxNumLinks = links.length;220 NewTabUtils.initWithoutProviders();221 NewTabUtils.links.addProvider(provider);222 await new Promise(resolve => NewTabUtils.links.populateCache(resolve));223 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), links);224 // Notify of a new link that's low-ranked enough not to make the list.225 let newLink = makeLink(0);226 provider.notifyLinkChanged(newLink);227 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), links);228 // Notify about the new link's title change.229 provider.notifyLinkChanged({230 url: newLink.url,231 title: "a new title",232 });233 do_check_links(NewTabUtils.links.getLinks(), links);234 NewTabUtils.links.removeProvider(provider);235});236add_task(async function extractSite() {237 // All these should extract to the same site238 [239 "",240 "",241 "",242 "",243 "",244 ].forEach(host => {245 let url = "http://" + host;246 Assert.equal(247 NewTabUtils.extractSite(url),...
1const fs = require('fs')2const storage = require('../../util/storage.js')3const removeRss = require('../../util/removeRss.js')4const channelTracker = require('../../util/channelTracker.js')5const fileOps = require('../../util/fileOps.js')6exports.normal = function (bot, message) {7 const currentGuilds = storage.currentGuilds8 const failedLinks = storage.failedLinks9 let content = message.content.split(' ')10 content.shift()11 const reason = content.join(' ').trim()12 const affectedGuilds = []13 const links = []14 currentGuilds.forEach(function (guildRss, guildId) {15 const rssList = guildRss.sources16 for (var failedLink in failedLinks) {17 if (typeof failedLinks[failedLink] !== 'string' || failedLinks[failedLink] < 100) continue18 for (var rssName in rssList) {19 if (rssList[rssName].link === failedLink) {20 if (!links.includes(rssList[rssName].link)) links.push(rssList[rssName].link)21 if (!affectedGuilds.includes(guildId)) affectedGuilds.push(guildId)22 }23 }24 }25 })26 if (links.length === 0) {27 let cleaned = false28 if (!bot.shard) {29 for (var j in failedLinks) {30 if (typeof failedLinks[j] === 'string' || failedLinks[j] >= 100) {31 cleaned = true32 delete failedLinks[j]33 }34 }35 }36 fs.writeFileSync('./settings/failedLinks.json', JSON.stringify(failedLinks, null, 2))37 return ? `No links were eligible to be removed from guilds, but outdated links have been deleted from failedLinks.json.` : `No links are eligible to be cleaned out from failedLinks.json.`).catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: forceremove 1.`, err.message || err))38 }39 let msg = '```'40 for (var x in links) {41 msg += `\n${links[x]}`42 }43 msg += '```'44 const collector = => ===, {time: 240000})45 channelTracker.add(`The list of links (${links.length}) to be cleaned out from failedLinks.json ${reason ? 'and the reason for removal ' : ''}is shown below.\n\n${reason ? '```Reason: ' + reason + '```\n' : ''}${msg.length > 1950 ? '```Unable to print links to discord - exceeds 1950 chars. Please see console.```' : msg}\n\nDo you want to continue? Type **Yes** to confirm, or **No** to cancel.`)47 .then(function (prompt) {48 if (msg.length > 1950) {49 console.log(`Bot Controller: Links that are about to be forcibly removed for cleanup as requested by (${}, ${}): `)50 for (var a in links) {51`\n${links[a]}`)52 }53 }54 collector.on('collect', function (m) {55 if (m.content !== 'Yes' && m.content !== 'No') return'That is not a valid Option. Please type either **Yes** or **No**.')56 collector.stop()57 if (m.content === 'No') return`Force removal canceled.`)58 let removedLinks = []59 for (var i in affectedGuilds) {60 const guildRss = currentGuilds.get(affectedGuilds[i])61 const rssList = guildRss.sources62 let names = []63 for (var name in rssList) {64 for (var e in links) {65 if (rssList[name].link === links[e]) {66 removedLinks.push(links[e])67 names.push(name)68 }69 }70 }71 for (var l in names) {72 const rssName = names[l]73 const link = rssList[rssName].link74 const channel = bot.channels.get(rssList[rssName].channel)75 if (reason && channel) channel.send(`**ATTENTION:** Feeds with link <${link}> have been forcibly removed from all servers. Reason: ${reason}`).catch(err => console.log(`Could not send force removal notification to server ${}. `, err.message || err))76 removeRss(, rssName)77 delete failedLinks[link]78 delete rssList[rssName]79 }80 fileOps.updateFile(affectedGuilds[i], guildRss)81 }82 if (removedLinks.length === 0) return'Unable to remove any links.').catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: forceremove 2. `, err.message || err))83 msg = '```'84 for (var p in removedLinks) {85 msg += `\n${removedLinks[p]}`86 }87`Successfully removed \`${removedLinks.length}\` source(s) from guilds. ${msg.length > 1950 ? '' : 'Links:```\n' + removedLinks + '```'}`)88 console.log(`Bot Controller: The following links have been forcibly removed by (${}, ${}): \n`, removedLinks)89 for (var j in failedLinks) {90 if (typeof failedLinks[j] === 'string' || failedLinks[j] === 100) delete failedLinks[j]91 }92 try { fs.writeFileSync('./settings/failedLinks.json', JSON.stringify(failedLinks, null, 2)) } catch (e) { console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to write to failedLinks.json after cleanfailed. `, e.message || e) }93 })94 collector.on('end', function (collected, reason) {95 channelTracker.remove( if (reason === 'time') return`I have closed the menu due to inactivity.`).catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: Unable to send expired menu message.`, err.message || err))97 else if (reason !== 'user') return })99 }).catch(err => console.log(`Bot Controller: Could not send a list of links that are to be affected. `, err.message || err))100}101exports.sharded = function (bot, message, Manager) {102 const failedLinks = storage.failedLinks103 let content = message.content.split(' ')104 content.shift()105 const reason = content.join(' ').trim()106 const affectedGuilds = []107 const links = []108 bot.shard.broadcastEval(`109 const appDir = require('path').dirname(require.main.filename);110 const storage = require(appDir + '/util/storage.js');111 const currentGuilds = storage.currentGuilds;112 const failedLinks = storage.failedLinks;113 const obj = {affectedGuilds: [], links: []};114 const affectedGuilds = obj.affectedGuilds;115 const links = obj.links;116 currentGuilds.forEach(function (guildRss, guildId) {117 const rssList = guildRss.sources118 for (var failedLink in failedLinks) {119 if (typeof failedLinks[failedLink] !== 'string' || failedLinks[failedLink] < 100) continue120 for (var rssName in rssList) {121 if (rssList[rssName].link === failedLink) {122 if (!links.includes(rssList[rssName].link)) links.push(rssList[rssName].link);123 if (!affectedGuilds.includes(guildId)) affectedGuilds.push(guildId);124 }125 }126 }127 })128 obj;129 `).then(results => {130 for (var x in results) {131 const shardLinks = results[x].links132 const shardAffectedGuilds = results[x].affectedGuilds133 for (var a in shardLinks) if (!links.includes(shardLinks[a])) links.push(shardLinks[a])134 for (var b in shardAffectedGuilds) if (!affectedGuilds.includes(shardAffectedGuilds[b])) affectedGuilds.push(shardAffectedGuilds[b])135 }136 if (links.length === 0) {137 let cleaned = false138 for (var j in failedLinks) {139 if (typeof failedLinks[j] === 'string' || failedLinks[j] >= 100) {140 cleaned = true141 delete failedLinks[j]142 }143 }144 if (!cleaned) return`No links are eligible to be cleaned out from failedLinks.json.`)145 try { fs.writeFileSync('./settings/failedLinks.json', JSON.stringify(failedLinks, null, 2)) } catch (e) { console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to write to failedLinks after eval cleanfailed resulting in 0 eligible links. `, e.message || e) }146 return bot.shard.broadcastEval(`147 require(require('path').dirname(require.main.filename) + '/util/storage.js').failedLinks = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(failedLinks)}');148 `).then(() => {149 return`No links were eligible to be removed from guilds, but outdated links have been deleted from failedLinks.json.`).catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: forceremove 1.`, err.message || err))150 }).catch(err => {151 console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to broadcast failedLinks unification after eval cleanfailed resulting in 0 eligible links. `, err.message || err)152`Unable to broadcast failedLinks unification after eval cleanfailed resulting in 0 eligible links. `, err.message || err)153 })154 }155 let msg = '```'156 for (var u in links) msg += `\n${links[u]}`157 msg += '```'158 const collector = => ===, {time: 240000})159 channelTracker.add(`The list of links (${links.length}) to be cleaned out from failedLinks.json ${reason ? 'and the reason for removal ' : ''}is shown below.\n\n${reason ? '```Reason: ' + reason + '```\n' : ''}${msg.length > 1950 ? '```Unable to print links to discord - exceeds 1950 chars. Please see console.```' : msg}\n\nDo you want to continue? Type **Yes** to confirm, or **No** to cancel.`)161 .then(function (prompt) {162 if (msg.length > 1950) {163 console.log(`Bot Controller: Links that are about to be forcibly removed for cleanup as requested by (${}, ${}): `)164 for (var a in links) {165`\n${links[a]}`)166 }167 }168 collector.on('collect', function (m) {169 if (m.content !== 'Yes' && m.content !== 'No') return'That is not a valid Option. Please type either **Yes** or **No**.')170 collector.stop()171 if (m.content === 'No') return`Force removal canceled.`)172 bot.shard.broadcastEval(`173 const appDir = require('path').dirname(require.main.filename);174 const storage = require(appDir + '/util/storage.js');175 const currentGuilds = storage.currentGuilds;176 const failedLinks = storage.failedLinks;177 const removeRss = require(appDir + '/util/removeRss.js');178 const fileOps = require(appDir + '/util/fileOps.js');179 const removedLinks = [];180 const affectedGuilds = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(affectedGuilds)}');181 const links = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(links)}')182 for (var i in affectedGuilds) {183 const guildRss = currentGuilds.get(affectedGuilds[i]);184 if (!guildRss) continue;185 const rssList = guildRss.sources;186 let names = [];187 for (var name in rssList) {188 for (var e in links) {189 if (rssList[name].link === links[e]) {190 removedLinks.push(links[e]);191 names.push(name);192 }193 }194 }195 for (var l in names) {196 const rssName = names[l];197 const link = rssList[rssName].link;198 const channel = this.channels.get(rssList[rssName].channel);199 if (${reason ? '"' + reason + '"' : undefined} && channel) channel.send('**ATTENTION:** Feeds with link <' + link + '> have been forcibly removed from all servers. Reason: ${reason ? '"' + reason + '"' : undefined}').catch(err => console.log('Could not send force removal notification to server ' + + '. ', err.message || err))200 removeRss(, rssName);201 delete failedLinks[link];202 delete rssList[rssName];203 }204 fileOps.updateFile(affectedGuilds[i], guildRss);205 }206 removedLinks;207 `).then(results => {208 let removed = []209 let msg = '```'210 let total = 0211 for (var a in results) {212 const removedLinks = results[a]213 if (!removedLinks) continue214 removed = removed.concat(removedLinks)215 total += removedLinks.length216 }217 for (var b in removed) {218 const link = removed[b]219 msg += '\n' + link220 delete failedLinks[link]221 }222 if (removed.length === 0) return'Unable to remove any links.').catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: forceremove 2s. `, err.message || err))223 for (var j in failedLinks) {224 if (typeof failedLinks[j] === 'string' || failedLinks[j] === 100) delete failedLinks[j]225 }226 bot.shard.broadcastEval(`227 require(require('path').dirname(require.main.filename) + '/util/storage.js').failedLinks = JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(failedLinks)}');228 `).then(() => {229`Successfully removed \`${total}\` source(s) from guilds. ${msg.length > 1950 ? '' : 'Links:```\n' + removed + '```'}`)230 console.log(`Bot Controller: The following links have been forcibly removed by (${}, ${}): \n`, removed)231 try { fs.writeFileSync('./settings/failedLinks.json', JSON.stringify(failedLinks, null, 2)) } catch (e) { console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to write to failedLinks.json after cleanfailed. `, e.message || e) }232 }).catch(err => console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to broadcast failedLinks cache update after successful eval cleanfailed and removal action. `, err.message || err))233 }).catch(err => console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to broadcast removal actions after successful eval cleanfailed. `, err.message || err))234 })235 collector.on('end', function (collected, reason) {236 channelTracker.remove( if (reason === 'time') return`I have closed the menu due to inactivity.`).catch(err => console.log(`Promise Warning: Unable to send expired menu message.`, err.message || err))238 else if (reason !== 'user') return })240 })241 }).catch(err => console.log(`Bot Controller: Unable to broadcast eval cleanfailed. `, err.message || err))...
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-23#4# v2.01 - hagg5# * cnl2 and web links are skipped if JS is not available (instead of failing the package)6# * only best available link source is used (priority: cnl2>rsdf>ccf>dlc>web7#89from Crypto.Cipher import AES10from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter11from module.unescape import unescape12import base6413import binascii14import re1516class LinkSaveIn(Crypter):17 __name__ = "LinkSaveIn"18 __type__ = "crypter"19 __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?<id>\w+)$"20 __version__ = "2.01"21 __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""22 __author_name__ = ("fragonib")23 __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")2425 # Constants26 _JK_KEY_ = "jk"27 _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"28 HOSTER_DOMAIN = ""29 30 def setup(self):31 self.html = None32 self.fileid = None33 self.captcha = False34 self.package = None35 self.preferred_sources = ['cnl2', 'rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc', 'web']36 37 def decrypt(self, pyfile):3839 # Init40 self.package = pyfile.package()41 self.fileid = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group('id')42 self.req.cj.setCookie(self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "Linksave_Language", "english")43 44 # Request package45 self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)46 if not self.isOnline():47 self.offline()48 49 # Check for protection 50 if self.isPasswordProtected():51 self.unlockPasswordProtection()52 self.handleErrors()53 54 if self.isCaptchaProtected():55 self.captcha = True56 self.unlockCaptchaProtection()57 self.handleErrors()5859 # Get package name and folder60 (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()6162 # Extract package links63 package_links = []64 for type_ in self.preferred_sources:65 package_links.extend(self.handleLinkSource(type_))66 if package_links: # use only first source which provides links67 break68 package_links = set(package_links)6970 # Pack71 if package_links:72 self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]73 else:74'Could not extract any links')7576 def isOnline(self):77 if "<big>Error 404 - Folder not found!</big>" in self.html:78 self.logDebug("File not found")79 return False80 return True81 82 def isPasswordProtected(self):83 if'''<input.*?type="password"''', self.html):84 self.logDebug("Links are password protected")85 return True86 87 def isCaptchaProtected(self):88 if "<b>Captcha:</b>" in self.html:89 self.logDebug("Links are captcha protected")90 return True91 return False92 93 def unlockPasswordProtection(self):94 password = self.getPassword()95 self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)96 post = {"id": self.fileid, "besucherpasswort": password, 'login': 'submit'}97 self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=post)98 99 def unlockCaptchaProtection(self):100 hash ='name="hash" value="([^"]+)', self.html).group(1)101 captchaUrl ='src=".(/captcha/cap.php\?hsh=[^"]+)', self.html).group(1)102 code = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captchaUrl, forceUser=True)103 self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"id": self.fileid, "hash": hash, "code": code}) 104105 def getPackageInfo(self):106 name = self.pyfile.package().name107 folder = self.pyfile.package().folder108 self.logDebug("Defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s] for package" % (name, folder))109 return name, folder110 111 def handleErrors(self): 112 if "The visitorpassword you have entered is wrong" in self.html:113 self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")114"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry") 115116 if self.captcha: 117 if "Wrong code. Please retry" in self.html:118 self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")119 self.invalidCaptcha()120 self.retry()121 else:122 self.correctCaptcha()123 124 def handleLinkSource(self, type_):125 if type_ == 'cnl2':126 return self.handleCNL2()127 elif type_ in ('rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc'):128 return self.handleContainer(type_)129 elif type_ == 'web':130 return self.handleWebLinks()131 else:132'unknown source type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)133134 def handleWebLinks(self):135 package_links = []136 self.logDebug("Search for Web links")137 if not self.js:138 self.logDebug("no JS -> skip Web links")139 else: 140 #@TODO: Gather paginated web links 141 pattern = r'<a href="http://linksave\.in/(\w{43})"'142 ids = re.findall(pattern, self.html)143 self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids))144 for i, id in enumerate(ids):145 try:146 webLink = "" % id147 self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, webLink))148 fwLink = "" % id149 response = self.load(fwLink)150 jscode = re.findall(r'<script type="text/javascript">(.*)</script>', response)[-1]151 jseval = self.js.eval("document = { write: function(e) { return e; } }; %s" % jscode)152 dlLink ='http://linksave\.in/dl-\w+', jseval).group(0)153 self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s] for redirection link" % dlLink)154 response = self.load(dlLink)155 link = unescape('<iframe src="(.+?)"', response).group(1))156 package_links.append(link)157 except Exception, detail:158 self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (webLink, detail)) 159 return package_links160 161 def handleContainer(self, type_):162 package_links = []163 type_ = type_.lower()164 self.logDebug('Seach for %s Container links' % type_.upper())165 if not type_.isalnum(): # check to prevent broken re-pattern (cnl2,rsdf,ccf,dlc,web are all alpha-numeric)166'unknown container type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)167 pattern = r"\('%s_link'\).href=unescape\('(.*?\.%s)'\)" % (type_, type_)168 containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)169 self.logDebug("Found %d %s Container links" % (len(containersLinks), type_.upper()))170 for containerLink in containersLinks:171 link = "" % unescape(containerLink)172 package_links.append(link)173 return package_links174175 def handleCNL2(self):176 package_links = []177 self.logDebug("Search for CNL2 links")178 if not self.js:179 self.logDebug("no JS -> skip CNL2 links")180 elif 'cnl2_load' in self.html:181 try:182 (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()183 for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):184 package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))185 except:186"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links") 187 return package_links188 189 def _getCipherParams(self):190 191 # Get jk192 jk_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._JK_KEY_ 193 vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)194 195 # Get crypted196 crypted_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._CRYPTED_KEY_ 197 vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)198199 # Log and return200 self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))201 return vcrypted, vjk202203 def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):204205 # Get key206 jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)207 self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)208 key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)209210 # Decode crypted211 crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)212213 # Decrypt214 Key = key215 IV = key216 obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)217 text = obj.decrypt(crypted)218219 # Extract links220 text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")221 links = text.split("\n")222 links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)223224 # Log and return225 self.logDebug("Package has %d links" % len(links))226 return links
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-23from Crypto.Cipher import AES4from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter5from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha6import base647import binascii8import re910class NCryptIn(Crypter):11 __name__ = "NCryptIn"12 __type__ = "crypter"13 __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?[^/\?]+)"14 __version__ = "1.21"15 __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""16 __author_name__ = ("fragonib")17 __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")1819 # Constants20 _JK_KEY_ = "jk"21 _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"22 23 def setup(self):24 self.html = None25 self.cleanedHtml = None26 self.captcha = False27 self.package = None2829 def decrypt(self, pyfile):30 31 # Init32 self.package = pyfile.package()33 34 # Request package35 self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)36 self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)37 if not self.isOnline():38 self.offline()39 40 # Check for protection 41 if self.isProtected():42 self.html = self.unlockProtection()43 self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)44 self.handleErrors()4546 # Get package name and folder47 (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()4849 # Extract package links50 package_links = []51 package_links.extend(self.handleWebLinks())52 package_links.extend(self.handleContainers())53 package_links.extend(self.handleCNL2())54 package_links = set(package_links)5556 # Pack57 self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]58 59 def removeCrap(self, content):60 patterns = (r'(type="hidden".*?(name=".*?")?.*?value=".*?")',61 r'display:none;">(.*?)</(div|span)>',62 r'<div\s+class="jdownloader"(.*?)</div>',63 r'<iframe\s+style="display:none(.*?)</iframe>')64 for pattern in patterns:65 rexpr = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)66 content = re.sub(rexpr, "", content)67 return content68 69 def isOnline(self): 70 if "Your folder does not exist" in self.cleanedHtml:71 self.logDebug("File not found")72 return False73 return True74 75 def isProtected(self):76 if'''<form.*?name.*?protected.*?>''', self.cleanedHtml):77 self.logDebug("Links are protected")78 return True79 return False80 81 def getPackageInfo(self):82 title_re = r'<h2><span.*?class="arrow".*?>(?P<title>[^<]+).*?</span>.*?</h2>'83 m = re.findall(title_re, self.html, re.DOTALL)84 if m is not None:85 title = m[-1].strip()86 name = folder = title87 self.logDebug("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder))88 else:89 name = self.package.name90 folder = self.package.folder91 self.logDebug("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder))92 return name, folder93 94 def unlockProtection(self):95 96 postData = {}97 98 form ='''<form\ name="protected"(.*?)</form>''', self.cleanedHtml, re.DOTALL).group(1)99 100 # Submit package password101 if "password" in form:102 password = self.getPassword()103 self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)104 postData['password'] = password105 106 # Resolve anicaptcha107 if "anicaptcha" in form:108 self.captcha = True109 self.logDebug("Captcha protected, resolving captcha")110 captchaUri ='src="(/temp/anicaptcha/[^"]+)', form).group(1)111 captcha = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captchaUri)112 self.logDebug("Captcha resolved [%s]" % captcha)113 postData['captcha'] = captcha114 115 # Resolve recaptcha 116 if "recaptcha" in form:117 self.captcha = True 118 id ='\?k=(.*?)"', form).group(1)119 self.logDebug("Resolving ReCaptcha with key [%s]" % id)120 recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)121 challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(id)122 postData['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = challenge123 postData['recaptcha_response_field'] = code124 125 # Unlock protection126 postData['submit_protected'] = 'Continue to folder '127 return self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=postData)128 129 def handleErrors(self):130 131 if "This password is invalid!" in self.cleanedHtml:132 self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")133"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry") 134135 if self.captcha: 136 if "The securitycheck was wrong!" in self.cleanedHtml:137 self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")138 self.invalidCaptcha()139 self.retry()140 else:141 self.correctCaptcha()142143 def handleWebLinks(self):144 package_links = []145 self.logDebug("Handling Web links")146 147 pattern = r"(http://ncrypt\.in/link-.*?=)"148 links = re.findall(pattern, self.html)149 self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(links))150 for i, link in enumerate(links):151 self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, link))152 try:153 url = link.replace("link-", "frame-")154 link = self.load(url, just_header=True)['location']155 package_links.append(link)156 except Exception, detail:157 self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (link, detail)) 158 return package_links159 160 def handleContainers(self):161 package_links = []162 self.logDebug("Handling Container links")163 164 pattern = r"/container/(rsdf|dlc|ccf)/([a-z0-9]+)"165 containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)166 self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Container links" % len(containersLinks))167 for containerLink in containersLinks:168 link = "" % (containerLink[0], containerLink[1], containerLink[0])169 package_links.append(link)170 return package_links171 172 def handleCNL2(self):173 package_links = []174 self.logDebug("Handling CNL2 links")175 176 if 'cnl2_output' in self.cleanedHtml:177 try:178 (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()179 for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):180 package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))181 except:182"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links") 183 return package_links184 185 def _getCipherParams(self):186 187 pattern = r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="(.*?)"' 188 189 # Get jk190 jk_re = pattern % NCryptIn._JK_KEY_ 191 vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)192 193 # Get crypted194 crypted_re = pattern % NCryptIn._CRYPTED_KEY_ 195 vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)196197 # Log and return198 self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))199 return vcrypted, vjk200201 def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):202203 # Get key204 jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)205 self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)206 key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)207208 # Decode crypted209 crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)210211 # Decrypt212 Key = key213 IV = key214 obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)215 text = obj.decrypt(crypted)216217 # Extract links218 text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")219 links = text.split("\n")220 links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)221222 # Log and return223 self.logDebug("Block has %d links" % len(links))
1DefaultStartingVotes = 52FinalMetagameRoundIndex = 53BaseBeans = 104PercentOfVotesConverted = {1: 50,5 2: 33,6 3: 66,7 4: 100}8InputTimeout = 159MaxDirections = 210ReasonVote = 011ReasonPlaceDecider = 112ReasonRandom = 213DisplayVotesTimePerPlayer = 214MoveTrolleyTime = 515FudgeTime = 016SpoofFour = False17ReverseWin = False18xInc = 6019yInc = 1520BoardLayout4VotingRounds = {0: {'links': (1, 2),21 'pos': (0, 0, 0)},22 1: {'links': (3, 4),23 'pos': (xInc, yInc, 0)},24 2: {'links': (4, 5),25 'pos': (xInc, -yInc, 0)},26 3: {'links': (6, 7),27 'pos': (2 * xInc, 2 * yInc, 0)},28 4: {'links': (7, 8),29 'pos': (2 * xInc, 0, 0)},30 5: {'links': (8, 9),31 'pos': (2 * xInc, -2 * yInc, 0)},32 6: {'links': (10, 11),33 'pos': (3 * xInc, 3 * yInc, 0)},34 7: {'links': (11, 12),35 'pos': (3 * xInc, yInc, 0)},36 8: {'links': (12, 13),37 'pos': (3 * xInc, -yInc, 0)},38 9: {'links': (13, 14),39 'pos': (3 * xInc, -3 * yInc, 0)},40 10: {'links': (),41 'pos': (4 * xInc, 4 * yInc, 0),42 'baseBonus': 3},43 11: {'links': (),44 'pos': (4 * xInc, 2 * yInc, 0),45 'baseBonus': 2},46 12: {'links': (),47 'pos': (4 * xInc, 0, 0),48 'baseBonus': 1},49 13: {'links': (),50 'pos': (4 * xInc, -2 * yInc, 0),51 'baseBonus': 2},52 14: {'links': (),53 'pos': (4 * xInc, -4 * yInc, 0),54 'baseBonus': 3}}55BoardLayout0 = {0: {'links': (1, 2),56 'pos': (0, 0, 0)},57 1: {'links': (3, 4),58 'pos': (xInc, 2 * yInc, 0)},59 2: {'links': (4, 5),60 'pos': (xInc, -2 * yInc, 0)},61 3: {'links': (6, 7),62 'pos': (2 * xInc, 4 * yInc, 0)},63 4: {'links': (8, 9),64 'pos': (2 * xInc, 0, 0)},65 5: {'links': (10, 11),66 'pos': (2 * xInc, -4 * yInc, 0)},67 6: {'links': (),68 'pos': (3 * xInc, 5 * yInc, 0),69 'baseBonus': 2},70 7: {'links': (),71 'pos': (3 * xInc, 3 * yInc, 0),72 'baseBonus': 2},73 8: {'links': (),74 'pos': (3 * xInc, 1 * yInc, 0),75 'baseBonus': 1},76 9: {'links': (),77 'pos': (3 * xInc, -1 * yInc, 0),78 'baseBonus': 1},79 10: {'links': (),80 'pos': (3 * xInc, -3 * yInc, 0),81 'baseBonus': 2},82 11: {'links': (),83 'pos': (3 * xInc, -5 * yInc, 0),84 'baseBonus': 2}}85BoardLayout1 = {0: {'links': (1, 2),86 'pos': (0, 0, 0)},87 1: {'links': (3, 4),88 'pos': (xInc, 3 * yInc, 0)},89 2: {'links': (5, 6),90 'pos': (xInc, -3 * yInc, 0)},91 3: {'links': (7, 8),92 'pos': (2 * xInc, 4 * yInc, 0)},93 4: {'links': (8, 9),94 'pos': (2 * xInc, 2 * yInc, 0)},95 5: {'links': (10, 11),96 'pos': (2 * xInc, -2 * yInc, 0)},97 6: {'links': (11, 12),98 'pos': (2 * xInc, -4 * yInc, 0)},99 7: {'links': (),100 'pos': (3 * xInc, 5 * yInc, 0),101 'baseBonus': 2},102 8: {'links': (),103 'pos': (3 * xInc, 3 * yInc, 0),104 'baseBonus': 1},105 9: {'links': (),106 'pos': (3 * xInc, 1 * yInc, 0),107 'baseBonus': 2},108 10: {'links': (),109 'pos': (3 * xInc, -1 * yInc, 0),110 'baseBonus': 2},111 11: {'links': (),112 'pos': (3 * xInc, -3 * yInc, 0),113 'baseBonus': 1},114 12: {'links': (),115 'pos': (3 * xInc, -5 * yInc, 0),116 'baseBonus': 2}}117BoardLayout2 = {0: {'links': (1, 2),118 'pos': (0, 0, 0)},119 1: {'links': (3, 4),120 'pos': (xInc, 3 * yInc, 0)},121 2: {'links': (5, 6),122 'pos': (xInc, -3 * yInc, 0)},123 3: {'links': (7, 8),124 'pos': (2 * xInc, 4 * yInc, 0)},125 4: {'links': (8, 9),126 'pos': (2 * xInc, 2 * yInc, 0)},127 5: {'links': (9, 10),128 'pos': (2 * xInc, 0 * yInc, 0)},129 6: {'links': (11, 12),130 'pos': (2 * xInc, -4 * yInc, 0)},131 7: {'links': (),132 'pos': (3 * xInc, 5 * yInc, 0),133 'baseBonus': 2},134 8: {'links': (),135 'pos': (3 * xInc, 3 * yInc, 0),136 'baseBonus': 1},137 9: {'links': (),138 'pos': (3 * xInc, 1 * yInc, 0),139 'baseBonus': 1},140 10: {'links': (),141 'pos': (3 * xInc, -1 * yInc, 0),142 'baseBonus': 2},143 11: {'links': (),144 'pos': (3 * xInc, -3 * yInc, 0),145 'baseBonus': 2},146 12: {'links': (),147 'pos': (3 * xInc, -5 * yInc, 0),148 'baseBonus': 2}}149BoardLayout3 = {0: {'links': (1, 2),150 'pos': (0, 0, 0)},151 1: {'links': (3, 4),152 'pos': (xInc, 2 * yInc, 0)},153 2: {'links': (5, 6),154 'pos': (xInc, -3 * yInc, 0)},155 3: {'links': (7, 8),156 'pos': (2 * xInc, 4 * yInc, 0)},157 4: {'links': (9, 10),158 'pos': (2 * xInc, 0 * yInc, 0)},159 5: {'links': (10, 11),160 'pos': (2 * xInc, -2 * yInc, 0)},161 6: {'links': (11, 12),162 'pos': (2 * xInc, -4 * yInc, 0)},163 7: {'links': (),164 'pos': (3 * xInc, 5 * yInc, 0),165 'baseBonus': 2},166 8: {'links': (),167 'pos': (3 * xInc, 3 * yInc, 0),168 'baseBonus': 2},169 9: {'links': (),170 'pos': (3 * xInc, 1 * yInc, 0),171 'baseBonus': 2},172 10: {'links': (),173 'pos': (3 * xInc, -1 * yInc, 0),174 'baseBonus': 1},175 11: {'links': (),176 'pos': (3 * xInc, -3 * yInc, 0),177 'baseBonus': 1},178 12: {'links': (),179 'pos': (3 * xInc, -5 * yInc, 0),180 'baseBonus': 2}}181BoardLayouts = (BoardLayout0,182 BoardLayout1,183 BoardLayout2,...
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3// found in the LICENSE file.4// This extension demonstrates using to5// download URLs.6var allLinks = [];7var visibleLinks = [];8// Display all visible links.9function showLinks() {10 var linksTable = document.getElementById('links');11 while (linksTable.children.length > 1) {12 linksTable.removeChild(linksTable.children[linksTable.children.length - 1])13 }14 for (var i = 0; i < visibleLinks.length; ++i) {15 var row = document.createElement('tr');16 var col0 = document.createElement('td');17 var col1 = document.createElement('td');18 var checkbox = document.createElement('input');19 checkbox.checked = true;20 checkbox.type = 'checkbox';21 = 'check' + i;22 col0.appendChild(checkbox);23 col1.innerText = visibleLinks[i];24 = 'nowrap';25 col1.onclick = function() {26 checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;27 }28 row.appendChild(col0);29 row.appendChild(col1);30 linksTable.appendChild(row);31 }32}33// Toggle the checked state of all visible links.34function toggleAll() {35 var checked = document.getElementById('toggle_all').checked;36 for (var i = 0; i < visibleLinks.length; ++i) {37 document.getElementById('check' + i).checked = checked;38 }39}40// Download all visible checked links.41function downloadCheckedLinks() {42 for (var i = 0; i < visibleLinks.length; ++i) {43 if (document.getElementById('check' + i).checked) {44{url: visibleLinks[i]},45 function(id) {46 });47 }48 }49 window.close();50}51// Re-filter allLinks into visibleLinks and reshow visibleLinks.52function filterLinks() {53 var filterValue = document.getElementById('filter').value;54 if (document.getElementById('regex').checked) {55 visibleLinks = allLinks.filter(function(link) {56 return link.match(filterValue);57 });58 } else {59 var terms = filterValue.split(' ');60 visibleLinks = allLinks.filter(function(link) {61 for (var termI = 0; termI < terms.length; ++termI) {62 var term = terms[termI];63 if (term.length != 0) {64 var expected = (term[0] != '-');65 if (!expected) {66 term = term.substr(1);67 if (term.length == 0) {68 continue;69 }70 }71 var found = (-1 !== link.indexOf(term));72 if (found != expected) {73 return false;74 }75 }76 }77 return true;78 });79 }80 showLinks();81}82// Add links to allLinks and visibleLinks, sort and show them. send_links.js is83// injected into all frames of the active tab, so this listener may be called84// multiple times.85chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(links) {86 for (var index in links) {87 allLinks.push(links[index]);88 }89 allLinks.sort();90 visibleLinks = allLinks;91 showLinks();92});93// Set up event handlers and inject send_links.js into all frames in the active94// tab.95window.onload = function() {96 document.getElementById('filter').onkeyup = filterLinks;97 document.getElementById('regex').onchange = filterLinks;98 document.getElementById('toggle_all').onchange = toggleAll;99 document.getElementById('download0').onclick = downloadCheckedLinks;100 document.getElementById('download1').onclick = downloadCheckedLinks;101 (currentWindow) {102 chrome.tabs.query({active: true, windowId:},103 function(activeTabs) {104 chrome.tabs.executeScript(105 activeTabs[0].id, {file: 'send_links.js', allFrames: true});106 });107 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppModule } from './app.module';3import { AppComponent } from './app.component';4beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));5it('renders the links', () => {6 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);7 expect(ngMocks.links(fixture.debugElement)).toEqual([
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppModule } from './app.module';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));5 it('should create the app', () => {6 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);7 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeTruthy();8 });9 it(`should have as title 'ng-mocks'`, () => {10 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);11 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');12 });13 it('should render title', () => {14 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);15 expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to ng-mocks!');16 });17});18import { MockBuilder, MockInstance, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';19import { AppModule } from './app.module';20describe('AppComponent', () => {21 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));22 it('should create the app', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);24 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeTruthy();25 });26 it(`should have as title 'ng-mocks'`, () => {27 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);28 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');29 });30 it('should render title', () => {31 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);32 expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to ng-mocks!');33 });34});35import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';36import { AppModule } from './app.module';37describe('AppComponent', () => {38 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));39 it('should create the app', () => {40 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);41 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeTruthy();42 });43 it(`should have as title 'ng-mocks'`, () => {44 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);45 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');46 });47 it('should render title', () => {48 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppModule } from './app.module';3beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));4it('uses links', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);6 expect(ngMocks.links(fixture.debugElement)).toEqual([7 ]);8});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));4it('returns links', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 expect(ngMocks.links(fixture.debugElement)).toEqual([7 {8 },9 {10 },11 ]);12});13import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';14import { MyComponent } from './my.component';15import { MyService } from './my.service';16beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));17it('mocks an instance of a service', () => {18 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);19 const mock = ngMocks.mockInstance(MyService, {20 method: () => 'mocked',21 });22 expect(mock.method()).toEqual('mocked');23});24import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';25import { MyComponent } from './my.component';26beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));27it('renders a component', () => {28 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);29 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toEqual('hello world');30});31import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';32import { MyComponent } from './my.component';33beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));34it('resets a component', () => {35 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);36 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toEqual('hello world');37 ngMocks.mockReset();38 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toEqual('');39});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder().mock(MyModule));4 it('should render', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(`6 `);7 const links = ngMocks.links(fixture.debugElement);8 expect(links.length).toEqual(1);9 });10});11import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';12describe('test', () => {13 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder().mock(MyModule));14 it('should render', () => {15 const fixture = MockRender(`16 `);17 const component = ngMocks.findInstance(fixture.debugElement, MyComponent);18 expect(component.input).toEqual('inputValue');19 });20});21import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';22describe('test', () => {23 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder().mock(MyModule));24 it('should render', () => {25 const fixture = MockRender(`26 `);27 const instance = ngMocks.instance(fixture.debugElement);28 expect(instance).toBeDefined();29 });30});31import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';32describe('test', () => {33 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder().mock(MyModule));34 it('should render', () => {35 const fixture = MockRender(`36 `);37 const list = ngMocks.list(fixture.debugElement);38 expect(list.length).toEqual(3);39 expect(list[0].native
Using AI Code Generation
1var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2var test = ngMocks.findInstance('test');3test.links();4test.links('test');5test.links('test', 'test');6test.links('test', 'test', 'test');7test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test');8test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');9test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');10test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');11test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');12test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');13test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');14test.links('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'tes
Using AI Code Generation
1var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2var testModule = require('./test.module');3var testComponent = require('./test.component');4var testDirective = require('./test.directive');5describe('test', function () {6 var $compile, $rootScope, $httpBackend;7 beforeEach(ngMocks.module(;8 beforeEach(ngMocks.inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_) {9 $compile = _$compile_;10 $rootScope = _$rootScope_;11 $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;12 }));13 it('should work', function () {14 var element = $compile('<test-component></test-component>')($rootScope);15 $rootScope.$digest();16 expect(element.html()).toContain('test component');17 });18 it('should work with directive', function () {19 var element = $compile('<div test-directive></div>')($rootScope);20 $rootScope.$digest();21 expect(element.html()).toContain('test directive');22 });23 it('should work with httpBackend', function () {24 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl').respond(200, 'test');25 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl2').respond(200, 'test2');26 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl3').respond(200, 'test3');27 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl4').respond(200, 'test4');28 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl5').respond(200, 'test5');29 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl6').respond(200, 'test6');30 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl7').respond(200, 'test7');31 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl8').respond(200, 'test8');32 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl9').respond(200, 'test9');33 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl10').respond(200, 'test10');34 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl11').respond(200, 'test11');35 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl12').respond(200, 'test12');36 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl13').respond(200, 'test13');37 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl14').respond(200, 'test14');38 $httpBackend.expectGET('someUrl15').respond(200, 'test15');
Using AI Code Generation
1const links = mockInstance.links;2const link = links('routerLink');3const link = links('routerLink', 'test');4const link = links('routerLink', 'test', 'routerLinkActive', 'active');5const link = links('routerLink', 'test', 'routerLinkActive', 'active', 'class', 'test');6const link = links('routerLink', 'test', 'routerLinkActive', 'active', 'class', 'test', 'href', 'test');7### `mockInstance.outputs()`8const outputs = mockInstance.outputs;9const output = outputs('event1');10const output = outputs('event1', 'test');11const output = outputs('event1', 'test', 'event2', 'test');12### ``13const properties =;14const property = properties('property1');15const property = properties('property1', 'test');
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