How to use isWindows method in ng-mocks

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Source: db-tx-error-mapping-test.js Github


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1/​* 'use strict'; */​2var MYTIMEOUT = 12000;3/​/​ NOTE: DEFAULT_SIZE wanted depends on type of browser4var isWindows = /​MSAppHost/​.test(navigator.userAgent);5var isAndroid = !isWindows && /​Android/​.test(navigator.userAgent);6var isFirefox = /​Firefox/​.test(navigator.userAgent);7var isWebKitBrowser = !isWindows && !isAndroid && /​Safari/​.test(navigator.userAgent);8var isBrowser = isWebKitBrowser || isFirefox;9var isEdgeBrowser = isBrowser && (/​Edge/​.test(navigator.userAgent));10var isChromeBrowser = isBrowser && !isEdgeBrowser && (/​Chrome/​.test(navigator.userAgent));11var isSafariBrowser = isWebKitBrowser && !isEdgeBrowser && !isChromeBrowser;12/​/​ detect iOS platform:13var isAppleMobileOS =14 (/​iPhone/​.test(navigator.userAgent)15 || /​iPad/​.test(navigator.userAgent)16 || /​iPod/​.test(navigator.userAgent));17/​/​ should avoid popups (Safari seems to count 2x)18var DEFAULT_SIZE = isSafariBrowser ? 2000000 : 5000000;19/​/​ FUTURE TBD: 50MB should be OK on Chrome and some other test browsers.20/​/​ NOTE: While in certain version branches there is no difference between21/​/​ the default Android implementation and implementation #2,22/​/​ this test script will also apply the androidLockWorkaround: 1 option23/​/​ in case of implementation #2.24var scenarioList = [25 isAndroid ? 'Plugin-implementation-default' : 'Plugin',26 'HTML5',27 'Plugin-implementation-2'28];29var scenarioCount = (!!window.hasWebKitWebSQL) ? (isAndroid ? 3 : 2) : 1;30var mytests = function() {31 for (var i=0; i<scenarioCount; ++i) {32 /​/​ TBD skip plugin test on browser platform (not yet supported):33 if (isBrowser && (i === 0)) continue;34 describe(scenarioList[i] + ': db tx error mapping test(s) [TBD INCORRECT & INCONSISTENT error message on Windows - missing actual error info ref: litehelpers/​Cordova-sqlite-storage#539]', function() {35 var scenarioName = scenarioList[i];36 var suiteName = scenarioName + ': ';37 var isWebSql = (i === 1);38 var isImpl2 = (i === 2);39 /​/​ XXX TBD WORKAROUND SOLUTION for (WebKit) Web SQL on Safari browser (TEST DB NAME IGNORED):40 var recycleWebDatabase = null;41 /​/​ NOTE: MUST be defined in function scope, NOT outer scope:42 var openDatabase = function(name, ignored1, ignored2, ignored3) {43 if (isWebSql && isSafariBrowser && !!recycleWebDatabase)44 return recycleWebDatabase;45 if (isImpl2) {46 return window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({47 /​/​ prevent reuse of database from default db implementation:48 name: 'i2-'+name,49 androidDatabaseImplementation: 2,50 androidLockWorkaround: 1,51 location: 152 });53 }54 if (isWebSql) {55 return recycleWebDatabase =56 window.openDatabase(name, '1.0', 'Test', DEFAULT_SIZE);57 } else {58 return window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({name: name, location: 0});59 }60 }61 /​/​ ERROR MAPPING ISSUES/​DEVIATIONS:62 /​/​63 /​/​ - In case an executeSql error handler returns true (WebKit) Web SQL indicates64 /​/​ error code 0 (SQLError.UNKNOWN_ERR) in the transaction error callback65 /​/​ - In certain database error cases (WebKit) Web SQL and plugin on Android66 /​/​ (no androidDatabaseImplementation: 2 setting) & iOS report SQLError code 567 /​/​ (SQLError.SYNTAX_ERR) wile it should be 1 (SQLError.DATABASE_ERR)68 /​/​ ("not covered by any other error code") ref:69 /​/​ https:/​/​​TR/​webdatabase/​#dom-sqlerror-code-170 /​/​ - Android plugin with androidDatabaseImplementation: 2 setting indicates SQLError code 071 /​/​ (SQLError.UNKNOWN_ERR) in cases other than a syntax error or constraint violation72 /​/​ - Windows plugin always reports error code 0 (SQLError.UNKNOWN_ERR) and73 /​/​ INCONSISTENT messages (missing actual error info)74 /​/​ OTHER ERROR MAPPING NOTES:75 /​/​76 /​/​ - (WebKit) Web SQL apparently includes 'prepare statement error' vs77 /​/​ 'execute statement error' info along with the sqlite error code78 /​/​ - Default Android implementation (Android-sqlite-connector) includes79 /​/​ sqlite3_prepare_v2 vs sqlite3_step function call info indicating80 /​/​ 'prepare statement error' vs 'execute statement error'81 /​/​ - Android plugin with androidDatabaseImplementation: 2 setting includes the sqlite error code82 /​/​ - Windows plugin also includes info indicating 'prepare statement error' vs83 /​/​ 'execute statement error', along with sqlite error code in case of84 /​/​ 'execute statement error'85 /​/​ GENERAL NOTE: ERROR MESSAGES are subject to improvements and other possible changes.86 it(suiteName + 'syntax error: command with misspelling', function(done) {87 var db = openDatabase("Syntax-error-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);88 expect(db).toBeDefined();89 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end90 var sqlerror = null;91 db.transaction(function(tx) {92 /​/​ syntax error due to misspelling:93 tx.executeSql('SLCT 1 ', [], function(tx) {94 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:95 expect(false).toBe(true);96 throw new Error('abort tx');97 }, function(tx, error) {98 sqlerror = error;99 expect(error).toBeDefined();100 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();101 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();102 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on103 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:104 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))105 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);106 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))107 expect(error.code).toBe(0);108 else109 expect(error.code).toBe(5);110 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))111 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);112 else if (isWindows)113 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);114 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)115 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);116 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)117 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​near \"SLCT\": syntax error.*code 1.*while compiling: SLCT 1/​);118 else119 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);120 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:121 return true;122 });123 }, function (error) {124 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered125 expect(error).toBeDefined();126 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();127 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();128 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on129 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:130 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))131 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);132 if (isWindows || isWebSql || (isAndroid && isImpl2))133 expect(error.code).toBe(0);134 else135 expect(error.code).toBe(5);136 if (isWebSql)137 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);138 else if (isWindows)139 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);140 else141 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*syntax error/​);142 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);143 }, function() {144 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:145 expect(false).toBe(true);146 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);147 });148 }, MYTIMEOUT);149 it(suiteName + 'syntax error: comma after a field name', function(done) {150 var db = openDatabase('comma-after-field-name-error-test.db');151 expect(db).toBeDefined();152 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end153 var sqlerror = null;154 db.transaction(function(tx) {155 /​/​ This insertion has a SQL syntax error156 tx.executeSql('SELECT name, from Users', [], function(tx) {157 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:158 expect(false).toBe(true);159 throw new Error('abort tx');160 }, function(tx, error) {161 sqlerror = error;162 expect(error).toBeDefined();163 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();164 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();165 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on166 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:167 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))168 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);169 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))170 expect(error.code).toBe(0);171 else172 expect(error.code).toBe(5);173 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))174 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 near \"from\": syntax error/​);175 else if (isWindows)176 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);177 else178 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​near \"from\": syntax error/​);179 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:180 return true;181 });182 }, function (error) {183 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered184 expect(error).toBeDefined();185 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();186 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();187 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on188 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:189 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))190 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);191 if (isWindows || isWebSql || (isAndroid && isImpl2))192 expect(error.code).toBe(0);193 else194 expect(error.code).toBe(5);195 if (isWebSql)196 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);197 else if (isWindows)198 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);199 else200 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*syntax error/​);201 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);202 }, function() {203 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:204 expect(false).toBe(true);205 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);206 });207 }, MYTIMEOUT);208 it(suiteName + 'INSERT with VALUES in the wrong place (and with a trailing space) [TBD "incomplete input" vs "syntax error" message IGNORED on (WebKit) Web SQL on Android 7.0(+) & iOS 12.0(+)]', function(done) {209 var db = openDatabase("INSERT-Syntax-error-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);210 expect(db).toBeDefined();211 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end212 var sqlerror = null;213 db.transaction(function(tx) {214 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');215 tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (data unique)');216 /​/​ This insertion has a SQL syntax error217 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table (data) VALUES ', [123], function(tx) {218 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:219 expect(false).toBe(true);220 throw new Error('abort tx');221 }, function(tx, error) {222 sqlerror = error;223 expect(error).toBeDefined();224 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();225 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();226 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on227 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:228 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))229 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);230 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))231 expect(error.code).toBe(0);232 else233 expect(error.code).toBe(5);234 if (isWebSql && (isAppleMobileOS || (/​Android [7-9]/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))235 /​/​ TBD incomplete input vs syntax error message IGNORED on Android 7.0(+) & iOS 12.0(+)236 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*/​);237 else if (isWebSql && !isBrowser && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))238 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 near \"VALUES\": syntax error/​);239 else if (isWebSql && isBrowser)240 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 incomplete input/​);241 else if (isWebSql)242 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​near \"VALUES\": syntax error/​);243 else if (isWindows)244 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);245 else if (isAndroid && !isImpl2)246 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*incomplete input/​);247 else if (isAndroid && isImpl2)248 /​/​ TBD more general pattern for Android 9 vs ...249 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​code 1.*while compiling: INSERT INTO test_table/​);250 else251 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​incomplete input/​);252 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:253 return true;254 });255 }, function (error) {256 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered257 expect(error).toBeDefined();258 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();259 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();260 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on261 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:262 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))263 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);264 if (isWindows || isWebSql || (isAndroid && isImpl2))265 expect(error.code).toBe(0);266 else267 expect(error.code).toBe(5);268 if (isWebSql)269 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);270 else if (isWindows)271 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);272 else if (isAndroid && isImpl2)273 /​/​ TBD more general pattern for Android 9 vs ...274 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*code 1/​);275 else276 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*incomplete input/​);277 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);278 }, function() {279 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:280 expect(false).toBe(true);281 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);282 });283 }, MYTIMEOUT);284 it(suiteName + 'constraint violation', function(done) {285 var db = openDatabase("Constraint-violation-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);286 expect(db).toBeDefined();287 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end288 var sqlerror = null;289 db.transaction(function(tx) {290 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');291 tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (data unique)');292 /​/​ First INSERT OK:293 tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data) VALUES (?)", [123], null, function(tx, error) {294 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:295 expect(false).toBe(true);296 expect(error.message).toBe('--');297 });298 /​/​ Second INSERT will violate the unique constraint:299 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table (data) VALUES (?)', [123], function(tx) {300 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:301 expect(false).toBe(true);302 throw new Error('abort tx');303 }, function(tx, error) {304 sqlerror = error;305 expect(error).toBeDefined();306 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();307 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();308 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on309 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:310 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))311 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);312 if (isWebSql && (!isAndroid || /​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))313 expect(true).toBe(true); /​/​ SKIP for iOS (WebKit) & Android 4.1-4.3 (WebKit) Web SQL314 else if (isWindows)315 expect(error.code).toBe(0);316 else317 expect(error.code).toBe(6);318 /​/​ (WebKit) Web SQL (Android/​iOS) possibly with a missing 'r'319 if (isWebSql && /​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent))320 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​column data is not unique/​);321 else if (isWebSql && isAndroid)322 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not execute statement due to a constr?aint failure.*19.*constraint failed/​);323 else if (isWebSql)324 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​constr?aint fail/​); /​/​ [possibly missing letter on iOS (WebKit) Web SQL]325 else if (isWindows)326 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​SQLite3 step error result code: 1/​);327 else if (isAndroid && !isImpl2)328 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_step failure: UNIQUE constraint failed: test_table\.data/​);329 else if (isAndroid && isImpl2)330 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​constraint failure/​);331 else332 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​UNIQUE constraint failed: test_table\.data/​);333 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:334 return true;335 });336 }, function (error) {337 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered338 expect(error).toBeDefined();339 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();340 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();341 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on342 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:343 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))344 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);345 if (isWindows || isWebSql)346 expect(error.code).toBe(0);347 else348 expect(error.code).toBe(6);349 if (isWebSql)350 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);351 else if (isWindows)352 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*SQLite3 step error result code: 1/​);353 else354 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*constraint fail/​);355 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);356 }, function() {357 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:358 expect(false).toBe(true);359 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);360 });361 }, MYTIMEOUT);362 it(suiteName + 'SELECT uper("Test") (misspelled function name) [INCORRECT error code WebKit Web SQL & plugin]', function(done) {363 var db = openDatabase("Misspelled-function-name-error-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);364 expect(db).toBeDefined();365 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end366 var sqlerror = null;367 db.transaction(function(tx) {368 /​/​ This insertion has a SQL syntax error369 tx.executeSql('SELECT uper("Test")', [], function(tx) {370 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:371 expect(false).toBe(true);372 throw new Error('abort tx');373 }, function(tx, error) {374 sqlerror = error;375 expect(error).toBeDefined();376 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();377 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();378 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on379 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:380 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))381 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);382 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))383 expect(error.code).toBe(0);384 else385 expect(error.code).toBe(5);386 /​/​ ACTUAL WebKit Web SQL vs plugin error.message387 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))388 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 no such function: uper/​);389 else if (isWindows)390 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);391 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)392 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*no such function: uper/​);393 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)394 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such function: uper.*code 1/​);395 else396 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such function: uper/​);397 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:398 return true;399 });400 }, function (error) {401 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered402 expect(error).toBeDefined();403 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();404 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();405 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on406 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:407 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))408 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);409 if (isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))410 expect(error.code).toBe(0);411 else412 expect(error.code).toBe(5);413 if (isWebSql)414 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);415 else if (isWindows)416 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);417 else418 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*no such function: uper/​);419 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);420 }, function() {421 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:422 expect(false).toBe(true);423 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);424 });425 }, MYTIMEOUT);426 it(suiteName + 'SELECT FROM bogus table (other database error) [INCORRECT error code WebKit Web SQL & plugin]', function(done) {427 var db = openDatabase("SELECT-FROM-bogus-table-error-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);428 expect(db).toBeDefined();429 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end430 var sqlerror = null;431 db.transaction(function(tx) {432 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS BogusTable');433 /​/​ Attempt to SELECT FROM a bogus table:434 tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM BogusTable', [], function(ignored1, ignored2) {435 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:436 expect(false).toBe(true);437 throw new Error('abort tx');438 }, function(tx, error) {439 sqlerror = error;440 expect(error).toBeDefined();441 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();442 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();443 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on444 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:445 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))446 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);447 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))448 expect(error.code).toBe(0);449 else450 expect(error.code).toBe(5);451 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))452 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 no such table: BogusTable/​);453 else if (isWindows)454 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);455 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)456 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*no such table: BogusTable/​);457 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)458 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such table: BogusTable.*code 1/​);459 else460 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such table: BogusTable/​);461 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:462 return true;463 });464 }, function (error) {465 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered466 expect(error).toBeDefined();467 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();468 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();469 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on470 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:471 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))472 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);473 if (isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))474 expect(error.code).toBe(0);475 else476 expect(error.code).toBe(5);477 if (isWebSql)478 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);479 else if (isWindows)480 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);481 else482 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*no such table: BogusTable/​);483 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);484 }, function() {485 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:486 expect(false).toBe(true);487 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);488 });489 }, MYTIMEOUT);490 it(suiteName + 'INSERT missing column [INCORRECT error code WebKit Web SQL & plugin]', function(done) {491 var db = openDatabase("INSERT-missing-column-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);492 expect(db).toBeDefined();493 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end494 var sqlerror = null;495 db.transaction(function(tx) {496 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');497 tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (data1, data2)');498 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (?)', ['abcdef'], function(tx) {499 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:500 expect(false).toBe(true);501 throw new Error('abort tx');502 }, function(tx, error) {503 sqlerror = error;504 expect(error).toBeDefined();505 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();506 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();507 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on508 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:509 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))510 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);511 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))512 expect(error.code).toBe(0);513 else514 expect(error.code).toBe(5);515 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))516 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 table test_table has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied/​);517 else if (isWindows)518 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);519 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)520 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*table test_table has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied/​);521 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)522 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​table test_table has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied.*code 1.*while compiling: INSERT INTO test_table/​);523 else524 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​table test_table has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied/​);525 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:526 return true;527 });528 }, function (error) {529 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered530 expect(error).toBeDefined();531 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();532 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();533 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on534 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:535 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))536 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);537 if (isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))538 expect(error.code).toBe(0);539 else540 expect(error.code).toBe(5);541 if (isWebSql)542 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);543 else if (isWindows)544 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);545 else546 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*table test_table has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied/​);547 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);548 }, function() {549 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:550 expect(false).toBe(true);551 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);552 });553 }, MYTIMEOUT);554 it(suiteName + 'INSERT wrong column name [INCORRECT error code WebKit Web SQL & plugin]', function(done) {555 var db = openDatabase("INSERT-wrong-column-name-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);556 expect(db).toBeDefined();557 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end558 var sqlerror = null;559 db.transaction(function(tx) {560 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');561 tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (data1)');562 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table (wrong_column) VALUES (?)', ['abcdef'], function(tx) {563 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:564 expect(false).toBe(true);565 throw new Error('abort tx');566 }, function(tx, error) {567 sqlerror = error;568 expect(error).toBeDefined();569 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();570 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();571 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on572 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:573 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))574 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);575 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))576 expect(error.code).toBe(0);577 else578 expect(error.code).toBe(5);579 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))580 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 table test_table has no column named wrong_column/​);581 else if (isWindows)582 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);583 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)584 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*table test_table has no column named wrong_column/​);585 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)586 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​table test_table has no column named wrong_column.*code 1.*while compiling: INSERT INTO test_table/​);587 else588 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​table test_table has no column named wrong_column/​);589 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:590 return true;591 });592 }, function (error) {593 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered594 expect(error).toBeDefined();595 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();596 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();597 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on598 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:599 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))600 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);601 if (isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))602 expect(error.code).toBe(0);603 else604 expect(error.code).toBe(5);605 if (isWebSql)606 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);607 else if (isWindows)608 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);609 else610 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*table test_table has no column named wrong_column/​);611 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);612 }, function() {613 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:614 expect(false).toBe(true);615 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);616 });617 }, MYTIMEOUT);618 /​/​ NOTE: For some reason the Android/​iOS (WebKit) Web SQL implementation619 /​/​ claims to detect the error at the "prepare statement" stage while the620 /​/​ plugin detects the error at the "execute statement" stage.621 it(suiteName + 'CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE USING bogus module (other database error) [INCORRECT error code WebKit Web SQL & plugin]', function(done) {622 var db = openDatabase("create-virtual-table-using-bogus-module-error-test.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);623 expect(db).toBeDefined();624 /​/​ VERIFY that an error object was received in the end625 var sqlerror = null;626 db.transaction(function(tx) {627 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');628 /​/​ Attempt to use a bogus module:629 tx.executeSql('CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE test_table USING bogus_module (data)', [], function(ignored1, ignored2) {630 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:631 expect(false).toBe(true);632 throw new Error('abort tx');633 }, function(tx, error) {634 sqlerror = error;635 expect(error).toBeDefined();636 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();637 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();638 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on639 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:640 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))641 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);642 if (isWindows || (!isWebSql && isAndroid && isImpl2))643 expect(error.code).toBe(0);644 else645 expect(error.code).toBe(5);646 if (isWebSql && isAndroid && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))647 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*not authorized/​);648 else if (isWebSql && isAndroid)649 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​not authorized/​);650 else if (isWebSql && (isBrowser && (/​Chrome/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))651 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*23 not authorized/​);652 else if (isWebSql) /​/​ [iOS (WebKit) Web SQL]653 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 not authorized/​);654 else if (isWindows)655 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​SQLite3 step error result code: 1/​);656 else if (isAndroid && !isImpl2)657 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_step failure: no such module: bogus/​);658 else if (isAndroid && isImpl2)659 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such module: bogus.*code 1/​);660 else661 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​no such module: bogus/​);662 /​/​ FAIL transaction & check reported transaction error:663 return true;664 });665 }, function (error) {666 expect(!!sqlerror).toBe(true); /​/​ VERIFY the SQL error callback was triggered667 expect(error).toBeDefined();668 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();669 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();670 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on671 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:672 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))673 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);674 if (isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))675 expect(error.code).toBe(0);676 else677 expect(error.code).toBe(5);678 if (isWebSql)679 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​callback raised an exception.*or.*error callback did not return false/​);680 else if (isWindows)681 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*SQLite3 step error result code: 1/​);682 else683 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​error callback did not return false.*no such module: bogus/​);684 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);685 }, function() {686 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:687 expect(false).toBe(true);688 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);689 });690 }, MYTIMEOUT);691 /​/​ TESTS with no SQL error handler:692 it(suiteName + 'transaction.executeSql syntax error (command with misspelling) with no SQL error handler', function(done) {693 db = openDatabase('tx-sql-syntax-error-with-no-sql-error-handler-test.db');694 db.transaction(function(transaction) {695 transaction.executeSql('SLCT 1');696 }, function(error) {697 /​/​ EXPECTED RESULT:698 expect(error).toBeDefined();699 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();700 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();701 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on702 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:703 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))704 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);705 if (isWindows || (isAndroid && isImpl2))706 expect(error.code).toBe(0);707 else708 expect(error.code).toBe(5);709 if (isWebSql && !(/​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))710 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not prepare statement.*1 near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);711 else if (isWindows)712 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed: Error preparing an SQLite statement/​);713 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && !isImpl2)714 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure:.*near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);715 else if (!isWebSql && !isWindows && isAndroid && isImpl2)716 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed: near \"SLCT\": syntax error.*code 1.*while compiling: SLCT 1/​);717 else if (!isWebSql) /​/​ [iOS/​macOS plugin]718 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed.*near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);719 else720 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​near \"SLCT\": syntax error/​);721 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);722 }, function() {723 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:724 expect(false).toBe(true);725 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);726 })727 }, MYTIMEOUT);728 it(suiteName + 'transaction.executeSql constraint violation with no SQL error handler', function(done) {729 var db = openDatabase("Constraint-violation-with-no-sql-error-handler.db", "1.0", "Demo", DEFAULT_SIZE);730 db.transaction(function(tx) {731 tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');732 tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (data unique)');733 /​/​ First INSERT OK:734 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table (data) VALUES (?)', [123]);735 /​/​ Second INSERT will violate the unique constraint:736 tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO test_table (data) VALUES (?)', [123]);737 }, function (error) {738 expect(error).toBeDefined();739 expect(error.code).toBeDefined();740 expect(error.message).toBeDefined();741 /​/​ error.hasOwnProperty('message') apparently NOT WORKING on742 /​/​ WebKit Web SQL on Android 5.x/​... or iOS 10.x/​...:743 if (!isWebSql || isWindows || (isAndroid && (/​Android 4/​.test(navigator.userAgent))))744 expect(error.hasOwnProperty('message')).toBe(true);745 if (isWebSql && (!isAndroid || /​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent)))746 expect(true).toBe(true); /​/​ SKIP for iOS (WebKit) & Android 4.1-4.3 (WebKit) Web SQL747 else if (isWindows)748 expect(error.code).toBe(0);749 else750 expect(error.code).toBe(6);751 /​/​ (WebKit) Web SQL (Android/​iOS) possibly with a missing 'r'752 if (isWebSql && /​Android 4.[1-3]/​.test(navigator.userAgent))753 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​column data is not unique/​);754 else if (isWebSql && isAndroid)755 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​could not execute statement due to a constr?aint failure.*19.*constraint failed/​);756 else if (isWebSql)757 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​constr?aint fail/​);758 else if (isWindows)759 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed: SQLite3 step error result code: 1/​);760 else if (isAndroid && !isImpl2)761 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed: sqlite3_step failure: UNIQUE constraint failed: test_table\.data/​);762 else if (isAndroid && isImpl2)763 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed:.*constraint failure/​);764 else765 expect(error.message).toMatch(/​a statement with no error handler failed: UNIQUE constraint failed: test_table\.data/​);766 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);767 }, function() {768 /​/​ NOT EXPECTED:769 expect(false).toBe(true);770 isWebSql ? done() : db.close(done, done);771 });772 }, MYTIMEOUT);773 });774 }775}776if (window.hasBrowser) mytests();777else exports.defineAutoTests = mytests;...

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Source: default_keybindings_loader.test.js Github


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1'use strict';2const assert = require('assert');3const defaultKeybindingsLoader = require('../​../​generator/​default_keybindings_loader.js');4describe('default_keybindings_loader', () => {5 describe('combineBaseKeybingings', () => {6 const combineBaseKeybingings = defaultKeybindingsLoader.combineBaseKeybingings;7 it('should create a combined keybindings which consists of given set of keybindings with added context', () => {8 const input = [9 {10 keybindings: [11 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' },12 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2', when: 'context1' }13 ],14 context: 'isWindows'15 },16 {17 keybindings: [18 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command3' },19 { key: 'ctrl+d', command: 'command4', when: 'context2 || context3' }20 ],21 context: 'isLinux'22 }23 ];24 const expected = [25 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isWindows' },26 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && context1' },27 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command3', when: 'isLinux' },28 { key: 'ctrl+d', command: 'command4', when: 'isLinux && context2 || isLinux && context3' }29 ];30 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);31 });32 it('should retain keybindings that share a common key but have different commands or when-clause', () => {33 const input = [34 {35 keybindings: [36 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' },37 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2' },38 ],39 context: 'isWindows'40 },41 {42 keybindings: [43 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3' },44 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'context1' }45 ],46 context: 'isLinux'47 }48 ];49 const expected = [50 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isWindows' },51 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows' },52 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isLinux' },53 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isLinux && context1' }54 ];55 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);56 });57 it('should unify keybindings that share a common definition among all sources [compaction]', () => {58 const input = [59 {60 keybindings: [61 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common62 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2' }63 ],64 context: 'isWindows'65 },66 {67 keybindings: [68 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common69 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }70 ],71 context: 'isLinux'72 }73 ];74 const expected = [75 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common76 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows' },77 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isLinux && context1' }78 ];79 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);80 });81 it('should retain the original order of keybindings in each source', () => {82 const input = [83 {84 keybindings: [85 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' }, /​/​ <= common86 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'cond2' } /​/​ should come after common one87 ],88 context: 'isWindows'89 },90 {91 keybindings: [92 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'cond3' }, /​/​ should come before common one93 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' } /​/​ <= common94 ],95 context: 'isLinux'96 }97 ];98 const expected = [99 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isLinux && cond3' },100 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' }, /​/​ <= common101 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && cond2' }102 ];103 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);104 });105 it('should not unify keybindings that cause conflicts that prevent retaining the proper order', () => {106 const input = [107 {108 keybindings: [109 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' }, /​/​ <= common I110 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'cond2' },111 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'cond3' } /​/​ <= common II112 ],113 context: 'isWindows'114 },115 {116 keybindings: [117 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'cond3' }, /​/​ <= common II118 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' } /​/​ <= common I119 ],120 context: 'isLinux'121 }122 ];123 const expected = [124 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isLinux && cond3' },125 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'cond1' }, /​/​ <= common I126 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && cond2' },127 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isWindows && cond3' }128 ];129 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);130 });131 it('should unify keybindings that share a common definition among a subset of sources [compaction]', () => {132 const input = [133 {134 keybindings: [135 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= partially common136 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2' }137 ],138 context: 'isWindows'139 },140 {141 keybindings: [142 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= partially common143 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }144 ],145 context: 'isLinux'146 },147 {148 keybindings: [149 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }150 ],151 context: 'isMac'152 }153 ];154 /​/​ We use negative form of '!isMac' rather than OR form 'isWindows || isLinux'155 /​/​ for compaction of package.json.156 const expected = [157 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: '!isMac' }, /​/​ <= partially common158 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows' },159 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isLinux && context1' },160 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command1', when: 'isMac && context1' }161 ];162 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);163 });164 it('should unify keybindings that share a common definition among 2nd and 3rd source [compaction]', () => {165 const input = [166 {167 keybindings: [168 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }169 ],170 context: 'isWindows'171 },172 {173 keybindings: [174 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2' } /​/​ <= partially common175 ],176 context: 'isLinux'177 },178 {179 keybindings: [180 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3' },181 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2' } /​/​ <= partially common182 ],183 context: 'isMac'184 }185 ];186 const expected = [187 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command3', when: 'isMac' },188 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: '!isWindows' }, /​/​ <= partially common189 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isWindows' }190 ];191 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);192 });193 it('should drop reduntant "isWindows" if the keystroke contains Win key [compaction]', () => {194 const input = [195 {196 keybindings: [197 { key: 'ctrl+win+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }198 ],199 context: 'isWindows'200 },201 {202 keybindings: [203 { key: 'ctrl+alt+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }204 ],205 context: 'isLinux'206 }207 ];208 const expected = [209 { key: 'ctrl+win+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' },210 { key: 'ctrl+alt+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isLinux && context2' }211 ];212 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);213 });214 it('should drop reduntant "isLinux" if the keystroke contains Meta key [compaction]', () => {215 const input = [216 {217 keybindings: [218 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }219 ],220 context: 'isWindows'221 },222 {223 keybindings: [224 { key: 'meta+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }225 ],226 context: 'isLinux'227 }228 ];229 const expected = [230 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isWindows && context1' },231 { key: 'meta+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }232 ];233 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);234 });235 it('should drop reduntant "isMac" if the keystroke contains Command key [compaction]', () => {236 const input = [237 {238 keybindings: [239 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }240 ],241 context: 'isWindows'242 },243 {244 keybindings: [245 { key: 'cmd+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }246 ],247 context: 'isMac'248 }249 ];250 const expected = [251 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isWindows && context1' },252 { key: 'cmd+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }253 ];254 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);255 });256 it('should unify keybindings that are common for Windows and Linux and also Mac except assigned "key" (using "mac" key) (1) [compaction]', () => {257 const input = [258 {259 keybindings: [260 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }, /​/​ <= common261 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' }262 ],263 context: 'isWindows'264 },265 {266 keybindings: [267 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }, /​/​ <= common268 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context3' }269 ],270 context: 'isLinux'271 },272 {273 keybindings: [274 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2' },275 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' } /​/​ <= common except 'key'276 ],277 context: 'isMac'278 }279 ];280 const expected = [281 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2', when: 'isMac' },282 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1', mac: 'ctrl+b' }, /​/​ <= unified with 'mac' key283 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && context2' },284 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isLinux && context3' }285 ];286 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);287 });288 it('should unify keybindings using "mac" key (2) [compaction]', () => {289 const input = [290 {291 keybindings: [292 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }, /​/​ <= common A293 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' },294 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command3', when: 'context4' } /​/​ <= common B295 ],296 context: 'isWindows'297 },298 {299 keybindings: [300 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }, /​/​ <= common A301 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context3' },302 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command3', when: 'context4' } /​/​ <= common B303 ],304 context: 'isLinux'305 },306 {307 keybindings: [308 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2' },309 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }, /​/​ <= common A except 'key'310 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command3', when: 'context4' } /​/​ <= common B except 'key'311 ],312 context: 'isMac'313 }314 ];315 const expected = [316 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2', when: 'isMac' },317 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context1', mac: 'ctrl+b' }, /​/​ <= A318 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command3', when: 'context4', mac: 'ctrl+b' }, /​/​ <= B319 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && context2' },320 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isLinux && context3' }321 ];322 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);323 });324 it('should unify keybindings using "mac" key (3) (special case that a same command applies to multiple keys) [compaction]', () => {325 const input = [326 {327 keybindings: [328 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common A329 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' },330 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command1' } /​/​ <= common B331 ],332 context: 'isWindows'333 },334 {335 keybindings: [336 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common A337 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'context3' },338 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command1' } /​/​ <= common B339 ],340 context: 'isLinux'341 },342 {343 keybindings: [344 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2' },345 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command1' }, /​/​ <= common A except 'key'346 { key: 'ctrl+d', command: 'command1' } /​/​ <= common B except 'key'347 ],348 context: 'isMac'349 }350 ];351 const expected = [352 { key: 'ctrl+b', command: 'command2', when: 'isMac' },353 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', mac: 'ctrl+b' }, /​/​ <= A354 { key: 'ctrl+c', command: 'command1', mac: 'ctrl+d' }, /​/​ <= B355 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command2', when: 'isWindows && context2' },356 { key: 'ctrl+a', command: 'command1', when: 'isLinux && context3' }357 ];358 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);359 });360 it('should unify keybindings using "mac" key (4) [compaction]', () => {361 const input = [362 {363 keybindings: [364 { key: 'ctrl+delete', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' },365 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command3', when: 'context3' }366 ],367 context: 'isWindows'368 },369 {370 keybindings: [371 { key: 'ctrl+delete', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' },372 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command3', when: 'context3' }373 ],374 context: 'isLinux'375 },376 {377 keybindings: [378 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command2', when: 'context2' },379 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command3', when: 'context3' },380 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command1', when: 'context1' }381 ],382 context: 'isMac'383 }384 ];385 const expected = [386 { key: 'ctrl+delete', command: 'command1', when: '!isMac && context1' },387 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command2', when: 'isMac && context2' },388 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command3', when: 'context3' },389 { key: 'alt+delete', command: 'command1', when: 'isMac && context1' }390 ];391 assert.deepStrictEqual(combineBaseKeybingings(input), expected);392 });393 });...

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Source: color.service.ts Github


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1export default class ColorService {2 isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'3 get green(): string {4 return '\x1B[32m'5 }6 get red(): string {7 return '\x1B[31m'8 }9 get yellow(): string {10 return '\x1b[33m'11 }12 get purple(): string {13 return '\x1b[95m'14 }15 get reset(): string {16 return '\x1B[0m'17 }18 get bold(): string {19 return '\x1b[1m'20 }21 get dim(): string {22 return '\x1b[2m'23 }24 get tick(): string {25 return this.isWindows ? '\u221A' : '✓'26 }27 get cross(): string {28 return this.isWindows ? '\u00D7' : '✘'29 }30 get whiteSmallSquare(): string {31 return this.isWindows ? '\u0387' : '▫'32 }33 get heavyHorizontal(): string {34 return this.isWindows ? '\u2500' : '━'35 }36 get heavyVertical(): string {37 return this.isWindows ? '\u2502' : '┃'38 }39 get heavyUpAndRight(): string {40 return this.isWindows ? '\u2514' : '└'41 }42 get heavyUpAndLeft(): string {43 return this.isWindows ? '\u2518' : '┘'44 }45 get heavyDownAndRight(): string {46 return this.isWindows ? '\u250c' : '┌'47 }48 get heavyDownAndLeft(): string {49 return this.isWindows ? '\u2510' : '┐'50 }51 get heavyVerticalAndRight(): string {52 return this.isWindows ? '\u251C' : '┣'53 }54 get heavyDownAndHorizontal(): string {55 return this.isWindows ? '\u252C' : '┳'56 }57 get doubleLightHorizontal(): string {58 return '──'59 }60 get space(): string {61 return '\u0020'62 }63 get break(): string {64 return this.isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n'65 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { isWindows } from 'ng-mocks';2import { isPlatformBrowser } from 'ng-mocks';3import { isPlatformServer } from 'ng-mocks';4import { isPlatformWorkerApp } from 'ng-mocks';5import { isPlatformWorkerUi } from 'ng-mocks';6import { isPlatformIos } from 'ng-mocks';7import { isPlatformAndroid } from 'ng-mocks';8import { isPlatformBrowser } from 'ng-mocks';9import { isPlatformServer } from 'ng-mocks';10import { isPlatformWorkerApp } from 'ng-mocks';11import { isPlatformWorkerUi } from 'ng-mocks';12import { isPlatformIos } from 'ng-mocks';13import { isPlatformAndroid } from 'ng-mocks';14import { isPlatformBrowser } from 'ng-mocks';15import { isPlatformServer } from 'ng-mocks';16import { isPlatformWorkerApp } from 'ng-mocks';17import { isPlatformWorkerUi } from 'ng-mocks';18import { isPlatformIos } from 'ng-mocks';19import { isPlatformAndroid } from 'ng-mocks';20import { isPlatformBrowser } from

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var isWindows = ngMocks.isWindows();2var isString = ngMocks.isString();3var isNumber = ngMocks.isNumber();4var isObject = ngMocks.isObject();5var isFunction = ngMocks.isFunction();6var isDate = ngMocks.isDate();7var isRegExp = ngMocks.isRegExp();8var isArray = ngMocks.isArray();9var isDefined = ngMocks.isDefined();10var isUndefined = ngMocks.isUndefined();11var isElement = ngMocks.isElement();12var isString = ngMocks.isString();13var isNumber = ngMocks.isNumber();14var isObject = ngMocks.isObject();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { isWindows } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('isWindows', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 expect(isWindows()).toBe(false);5 });6});7import { isWindowsPhone } from 'ng-mocks';8describe('isWindowsPhone', () => {9 it('should work', () => {10 expect(isWindowsPhone()).toBe(false);11 });12});13import { isWindowsTablet } from 'ng-mocks';14describe('isWindowsTablet', () => {15 it('should work', () => {16 expect(isWindowsTablet()).toBe(false);17 });18});19import { isWindowsVersion } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('isWindowsVersion', () => {21 it('should work', () => {22 expect(isWindowsVersion()).toBe(false);23 });24});25import { isXbox } from 'ng-mocks';26describe('isXbox', () => {27 it('should work', () => {28 expect(isXbox()).toBe(false);29 });30});31import { isXboxOne } from 'ng-mocks';32describe('isXboxOne', () => {33 it('should work', () => {34 expect(isXboxOne()).toBe(false);35 });36});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { isWindows } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('isWindows', () => {3 it('should return true if the platform is Windows', () => {4 expect(isWindows()).toBe(true);5 });6});7import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';8describe('ngMocks', () => {9 it('should return the mock of a component', () => {10 expect(ngMocks.formatText('foo')).toEqual('foo');11 });12});13import { ngMocksUniverse } from 'ng-mocks';14describe('ngMocksUniverse', () => {15 it('should return the mock of a component', () => {16 expect(ngMocksUniverse.isMockOf('foo', 'foo')).toBe(true);17 });18});19import { ngMocksFormatText } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('ngMocksFormatText', () => {21 it('should return the mock of a component', () => {22 expect(ngMocksFormatText('foo')).toEqual('foo');23 });24});25import { ngMocksGuts } from 'ng-mocks';26describe('ngMocksGuts', () => {27 it('should return the mock of a component', () => {28 expect(ngMocksGuts.getInternalComponent('foo')).toEqual('foo');29 });30});31import { ngMocksDefaultMock } from 'ng-mocks';32describe('ngMocksDefaultMock', () => {33 it('should return the mock of a component', () => {34 expect(ngMocksDefaultMock('foo', 'foo')).toEqual('foo');35 });36});37import { ngMocksFind } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('ngMocksFind', () => {39 it('should return

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { isWindows } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('isWindows', () => {3 it('returns true if the navigator is windows', () => {4 expect(isWindows()).toBe(true);5 });6});7import { isMacOS } from 'ng-mocks';8describe('isMacOS', () => {9 it('returns true if the navigator is macos', () => {10 expect(isMacOS()).toBe(true);11 });12});13import { isLinux } from 'ng-mocks';14describe('isLinux', () => {15 it('returns true if the navigator is linux', () => {16 expect(isLinux()).toBe(true);17 });18});19import { isAndroid } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('isAndroid', () => {21 it('returns true if the navigator is android', () => {22 expect(isAndroid()).toBe(true);23 });24});25import { isIOS } from 'ng-mocks';26describe('isIOS', () => {27 it('returns true if the navigator is ios', () => {28 expect(isIOS()).toBe(true);29 });30});31import { isMobile } from 'ng-mocks';32describe('isMobile', () => {33 it('returns true if the navigator is mobile', () => {34 expect(isMobile()).toBe(true);35 });36});37import { isDesktop } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('isDesktop', () => {39 it('returns true if the navigator is desktop', () => {40 expect(isDesktop()).toBe(true);41 });42});43import { isTablet } from 'ng-mocks';44describe('isTablet', () => {45 it('returns true if the navigator is tablet', () => {46 expect(isTablet()).toBe(true);47 });48});49import { isTouch } from 'ng-mocks';50describe('isTouch', () => {51 it('returns true if the navigator is touch', () => {52 expect(isTouch()).toBe(true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const isWindows = require('ng-mocks').isWindows;2if (isWindows()) {3 console.log('This is Windows');4} else {5 console.log('This is not Windows');6}7const isMacOS = require('ng-mocks').isMacOS;8if (isMacOS()) {9 console.log('This is MacOS');10} else {11 console.log('This is not MacOS');12}13const isLinux = require('ng-mocks').isLinux;14if (isLinux()) {15 console.log('This is Linux');16} else {17 console.log('This is not Linux');18}19const isBrowser = require('ng-mocks').isBrowser;20if (isBrowser()) {21 console.log('This is a browser');22} else {23 console.log('This is not a browser');24}25const isNode = require('ng-mocks').isNode;26if (isNode()) {27 console.log('This is Node');28} else {29 console.log('This is not Node');30}31const isJsDom = require('ng-mocks').isJsDom;32if (isJsDom()) {33 console.log('This is JSDOM');34} else {35 console.log('This is not JSDOM');36}37const isTestBedRendered = require('ng-mocks').isTestBedRendered;38if (isTestBedRendered()) {39 console.log('TestBed has been rendered');40} else {41 console.log('TestBed has not been rendered');42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('isWindows', () => {2 it('should return true if window is defined', () => {3 const isWindows = require('ng-mocks').isWindows;4 expect(isWindows()).toBeTruthy();5 });6});

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