How to use isInjectable method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:contextualLifeCycleRule.js Github


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1"use strict";2var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {3 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||4 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||5 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };6 return function (d, b) {7 extendStatics(d, b);8 function __() { this.constructor = d; }9 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());10 };11})();12Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });13var sprintf_js_1 = require("sprintf-js");14var Lint = require("tslint");15var ngWalker_1 = require("./​angular/​ngWalker");16var Rule = (function (_super) {17 __extends(Rule, _super);18 function Rule() {19 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;20 }21 Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {22 return this.applyWithWalker(new ClassMetadataWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));23 };24 Rule.metadata = {25 description: 'Ensure that classes use allowed life cycle method in its body.',26 options: null,27 optionsDescription: 'Not configurable.',28 rationale: 'Some life cycle methods can only be used in certain class types.For example, ngOnInit() hook method should not be used in an @Injectable class.',29 ruleName: 'contextual-life-cycle',30 type: 'functionality',31 typescriptOnly: true32 };33 Rule.FAILURE_STRING = 'In the class "%s" which have the "%s" decorator, the "%s" hook method is not allowed. Please, drop it.';34 return Rule;35}(Lint.Rules.AbstractRule));36exports.Rule = Rule;37var ClassMetadataWalker = (function (_super) {38 __extends(ClassMetadataWalker, _super);39 function ClassMetadataWalker() {40 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;41 _this.isInjectable = false;42 _this.isComponent = false;43 _this.isDirective = false;44 _this.isPipe = false;45 return _this;46 }47 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitMethodDeclaration = function (method) {48 var methodName =;49 if (methodName === 'ngOnInit') {50 if (this.isInjectable) {51 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngOnInit()');52 }53 else if (this.isPipe) {54 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngOnInit()');55 }56 }57 if (methodName === 'ngOnChanges') {58 if (this.isInjectable) {59 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngOnChanges()');60 }61 else if (this.isPipe) {62 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngOnChanges()');63 }64 }65 if (methodName === 'ngDoCheck') {66 if (this.isInjectable) {67 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngDoCheck()');68 }69 else if (this.isPipe) {70 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngDoCheck()');71 }72 }73 if (methodName === 'ngAfterContentInit') {74 if (this.isInjectable) {75 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngAfterContentInit()');76 }77 else if (this.isPipe) {78 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngAfterContentInit()');79 }80 }81 if (methodName === 'ngAfterContentChecked') {82 if (this.isInjectable) {83 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngAfterContentChecked()');84 }85 else if (this.isPipe) {86 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngAfterContentChecked()');87 }88 }89 if (methodName === 'ngAfterViewInit') {90 if (this.isInjectable) {91 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngAfterViewInit()');92 }93 else if (this.isPipe) {94 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngAfterViewInit()');95 }96 }97 if (methodName === 'ngAfterViewChecked') {98 if (this.isInjectable) {99 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', 'ngAfterViewChecked()');100 }101 else if (this.isPipe) {102 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Pipe', 'ngAfterViewChecked()');103 }104 }105, method);106 };107 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgInjectable = function (controller, decorator) {108 this.className =;109 this.isInjectable = true;110 this.isComponent = false;111 this.isDirective = false;112 this.isPipe = false;113, controller, decorator);114 };115 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgComponent = function (metadata) {116 this.className =;117 this.isComponent = true;118 this.isInjectable = false;119 this.isDirective = false;120 this.isPipe = false;121, metadata);122 };123 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgDirective = function (metadata) {124 this.className =;125 this.isDirective = true;126 this.isInjectable = false;127 this.isComponent = false;128 this.isPipe = false;129, metadata);130 };131 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgPipe = function (controller, decorator) {132 this.className =;133 this.isPipe = true;134 this.isInjectable = false;135 this.isComponent = false;136 this.isDirective = false;137, controller, decorator);138 };139 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.generateFailure = function (method) {140 var failureConfig = [];141 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {142 failureConfig[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];143 }144 this.addFailureAtNode(method, sprintf_js_1.vsprintf(Rule.FAILURE_STRING, failureConfig));145 };146 return ClassMetadataWalker;147}(ngWalker_1.NgWalker));...

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Source:decoratorNotAllowedRule.js Github


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1"use strict";2var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {3 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||4 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||5 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };6 return function (d, b) {7 extendStatics(d, b);8 function __() { this.constructor = d; }9 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());10 };11})();12Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });13var sprintf_js_1 = require("sprintf-js");14var Lint = require("tslint");15var ngWalker_1 = require("./​angular/​ngWalker");16var Rule = (function (_super) {17 __extends(Rule, _super);18 function Rule() {19 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;20 }21 Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {22 return this.applyWithWalker(new ClassMetadataWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));23 };24 Rule.metadata = {25 description: 'Ensure that classes use allowed decorator in its body.',26 options: null,27 optionsDescription: 'Not configurable.',28 rationale: 'Some decorators can only be used in certain class types. For example, an @Input should not be used in an @Injectable class.',29 ruleName: 'decorator-not-allowed',30 type: 'functionality',31 typescriptOnly: true32 };33 Rule.FAILURE_STRING = 'In the class "%s" which have the "%s" decorator, the "%s" decorator is not allowed. Please, drop it.';34 return Rule;35}(Lint.Rules.AbstractRule));36exports.Rule = Rule;37var ClassMetadataWalker = (function (_super) {38 __extends(ClassMetadataWalker, _super);39 function ClassMetadataWalker() {40 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;41 _this.isInjectable = false;42 return _this;43 }44 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgInjectable = function (classDeclaration, decorator) {45 this.className =;46 this.isInjectable = true;47, classDeclaration, decorator);48 };49 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgDirective = function (metadata) {50 this.isInjectable = false;51, metadata);52 };53 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgPipe = function (controller, decorator) {54 this.isInjectable = false;55, controller, decorator);56 };57 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgComponent = function (metadata) {58 this.isInjectable = false;59, metadata);60 };61 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgInput = function (property, input, args) {62 if (this.isInjectable) {63 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@Input');64 }65, property, input, args);66 };67 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgOutput = function (property, input, args) {68 if (this.isInjectable) {69 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@Output');70 }71, property, input, args);72 };73 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgHostBinding = function (property, decorator, args) {74 if (this.isInjectable) {75 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@HostBinding');76 }77, property, decorator, args);78 };79 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgHostListener = function (method, decorator, args) {80 if (this.isInjectable) {81 this.generateFailure(method, this.className, '@Injectable', '@HostListener');82 }83, method, decorator, args);84 };85 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgContentChild = function (property, input, args) {86 if (this.isInjectable) {87 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@ContentChild');88 }89, property, input, args);90 };91 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgContentChildren = function (property, input, args) {92 if (this.isInjectable) {93 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@ContentChildren');94 }95, property, input, args);96 };97 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgViewChild = function (property, input, args) {98 if (this.isInjectable) {99 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@ViewChild');100 }101, property, input, args);102 };103 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.visitNgViewChildren = function (property, input, args) {104 if (this.isInjectable) {105 this.generateFailure(property, this.className, '@Injectable', '@ViewChildren');106 }107, property, input, args);108 };109 ClassMetadataWalker.prototype.generateFailure = function (property) {110 var failureConfig = [];111 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {112 failureConfig[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];113 }114 this.addFailureAtNode(property, sprintf_js_1.vsprintf(Rule.FAILURE_STRING, failureConfig));115 };116 return ClassMetadataWalker;117}(ngWalker_1.NgWalker));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', () => {2 it('should be injectable', () => {3 expect(ngMocks.isInjectable(TestService)).toBeTruthy();4 });5});6@Injectable()7export class TestService {8 constructor() {}9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const isInjectable = ngMocks.isInjectable;2isInjectable(service: Type): boolean3const isInjectable = ngMocks.isInjectable;4class Service {5 constructor() {}6}7const isServiceInjectable = isInjectable(Service);8const isInjectable = ngMocks.isInjectable;9class Service {10 constructor() {}11}12const isServiceInjectable = isInjectable(Service);13const isInjectable = ngMocks.isInjectable;14class Service {15 constructor() {}16}17const isServiceInjectable = isInjectable(Service);18const isInjectable = ngMocks.isInjectable;19class Service {20 constructor() {}21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { isInjectable } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';3@Injectable()4export class TestService {5 constructor() { }6}7describe('TestService', () => {8 it('should be created', () => {9 expect(isInjectable(TestService)).toBeTruthy();10 });11});12import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';13import { TestService } from './​test.service';14describe('TestService', () => {15 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({}));16 it('should be created', () => {17 const service: TestService = TestBed.get(TestService);18 expect(service).toBeTruthy();19 });20});21import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';22import { TestService } from './​test.service';23describe('TestService', () => {24 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({}));25 it('should be created', () => {26 const service: TestService = TestBed.get(TestService);27 expect(service).toBeTruthy();28 });29});30import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';31import { TestService } from './​test.service';32describe('TestService', () => {33 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({}));34 it('should be created', () => {35 const service: TestService = TestBed.get(TestService);36 expect(service).toBeTruthy();37 });38});

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