Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: prop.ts
1/** @format */2import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';3import { schema, virtuals, methods } from './data';4import { isPrimitive, initAsObject, initAsArray, isString, isNumber, isObject } from './utils';5import { InvalidPropError, NotNumberTypeError, NotStringTypeError, NoMetadataError } from './errors';6import { ObjectID } from 'bson';7export type Func = (...args: any[]) => any;8export type RequiredType = boolean | [boolean, string] | string | Func | [Func, string];9export type ValidatorFunction = (value: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;10export type Validator =11 | ValidatorFunction12 | RegExp13 | {14 validator: ValidatorFunction;15 message?: string;16 };17export interface BasePropOptions {18 required?: RequiredType;19 enum?: string[] | object;20 default?: any;21 validate?: Validator | Validator[];22 unique?: boolean;23 index?: boolean;24 sparse?: boolean;25 expires?: string | number;26 _id?: boolean;27}28export interface PropOptions extends BasePropOptions {29 ref?: any;30}31export interface ValidateNumberOptions {32 min?: number | [number, string];33 max?: number | [number, string];34}35export interface ValidateStringOptions {36 minlength?: number | [number, string];37 maxlength?: number | [number, string];38 match?: RegExp | [RegExp, string];39}40export interface TransformStringOptions {41 lowercase?: boolean; // whether to always call .toLowerCase() on the value42 uppercase?: boolean; // whether to always call .toUpperCase() on the value43 trim?: boolean; // whether to always call .trim() on the value44}45export type PropOptionsWithNumberValidate = PropOptions & ValidateNumberOptions;46export type PropOptionsWithStringValidate = PropOptions & TransformStringOptions & ValidateStringOptions;47export type PropOptionsWithValidate = PropOptionsWithNumberValidate | PropOptionsWithStringValidate;48const isWithStringValidate = (options: PropOptionsWithStringValidate) =>49 options.minlength || options.maxlength || options.match;50const isWithStringTransform = (options: PropOptionsWithStringValidate) =>51 options.lowercase || options.uppercase || options.trim;52const isWithNumberValidate = (options: PropOptionsWithNumberValidate) => options.min || options.max;53const baseProp = (rawOptions: any, Type: any, target: any, key: any, isArray = false) => {54 const name: string =;55 const isGetterSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);56 if (isGetterSetter) {57 if (isGetterSetter.get) {58 if (!virtuals[name]) {59 virtuals[name] = {};60 }61 if (!virtuals[name][key]) {62 virtuals[name][key] = {};63 }64 virtuals[name][key] = {65 ...virtuals[name][key],66 get: isGetterSetter.get,67 };68 }69 if (isGetterSetter.set) {70 if (!virtuals[name]) {71 virtuals[name] = {};72 }73 if (!virtuals[name][key]) {74 virtuals[name][key] = {};75 }76 virtuals[name][key] = {77 ...virtuals[name][key],78 set: isGetterSetter.set,79 };80 }81 return;82 }83 if (isArray) {84 initAsArray(name, key);85 } else {86 initAsObject(name, key);87 }88 const ref = rawOptions.ref;89 if (typeof ref === 'string') {90 schema[name][key] = {91 ...schema[name][key],92 type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,93 ref,94 };95 return;96 } else if (ref) {97 schema[name][key] = {98 ...schema[name][key],99 type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,100 ref:,101 };102 return;103 }104 const itemsRef = rawOptions.itemsRef;105 if (itemsRef) {106 schema[name][key][0] = {107 ...schema[name][key][0],108 type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,109 ref:,110 };111 return;112 }113 const enumOption = rawOptions.enum;114 if (enumOption) {115 if (!Array.isArray(enumOption)) {116 rawOptions.enum = Object.keys(enumOption).map(propKey => enumOption[propKey]);117 }118 }119 // check for validation inconsistencies120 if (isWithStringValidate(rawOptions) && !isString(Type)) {121 throw new NotStringTypeError(key);122 }123 if (isWithNumberValidate(rawOptions) && !isNumber(Type)) {124 throw new NotNumberTypeError(key);125 }126 // check for transform inconsistencies127 if (isWithStringTransform(rawOptions) && !isString(Type)) {128 throw new NotStringTypeError(key);129 }130 const instance = new Type();131 const subSchema = schema[];132 if (!subSchema && !isPrimitive(Type) && !isObject(Type)) {133 throw new InvalidPropError(, key);134 }135 const { ['ref']: r, ['items']: i, ...options } = rawOptions;136 if (isPrimitive(Type)) {137 if (isArray) {138 schema[name][key] = {139 ...schema[name][key][0],140 ...options,141 type: [Type],142 };143 return;144 }145 schema[name][key] = {146 ...schema[name][key],147 ...options,148 type: Type,149 };150 return;151 }152 // If the 'Type' is not a 'Primitive Type' and no subschema was found treat the type as 'Object'153 // so that mongoose can store it as nested document154 if (isObject(Type) && !subSchema) {155 schema[name][key] = {156 ...schema[name][key],157 ...options,158 type: Object,159 };160 return;161 }162 if (isArray) {163 schema[name][key][0] = {164 ...schema[name][key][0],165 ...options,166 ...subSchema,167 };168 return;169 }170 const Schema = mongoose.Schema;171 const supressSubschemaId = rawOptions._id === false;172 const virtualSchema = new Schema({ ...subSchema }, supressSubschemaId ? { _id: false } : {});173 const schemaInstanceMethods = methods.instanceMethods[];174 if (schemaInstanceMethods) {175 virtualSchema.methods = schemaInstanceMethods;176 }177 schema[name][key] = {178 ...schema[name][key],179 ...options,180 type: virtualSchema,181 };182 return;183};184export const prop = (options: PropOptionsWithValidate = {}) => (target: any, key: string) => {185 const Type = (Reflect as any).getMetadata('design:type', target, key);186 if (!Type) {187 throw new NoMetadataError(key);188 }189 baseProp(options, Type, target, key);190};191export interface ArrayPropOptions extends BasePropOptions {192 items?: any;193 itemsRef?: any;194}195export const arrayProp = (options: ArrayPropOptions) => (target: any, key: string) => {196 const Type = options.items;197 baseProp(options, Type, target, key, true);198};...
Source: prop.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3const mongoose = require("mongoose");4const _ = require("lodash");5const data_1 = require("./data");6const utils_1 = require("./utils");7const errors_1 = require("./errors");8const isWithStringValidate = (options) => (options.minlength || options.maxlength || options.match);9const isWithNumberValidate = (options) => (options.min || options.max);10const baseProp = (rawOptions, Type, target, key, isArray = false) => {11 const name =;12 const isGetterSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);13 if (isGetterSetter) {14 if (isGetterSetter.get) {15 if (!data_1.virtuals[name]) {16 data_1.virtuals[name] = {};17 }18 if (!data_1.virtuals[name][key]) {19 data_1.virtuals[name][key] = {};20 }21 data_1.virtuals[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.virtuals[name][key], { get: isGetterSetter.get });22 }23 if (isGetterSetter.set) {24 if (!data_1.virtuals[name]) {25 data_1.virtuals[name] = {};26 }27 if (!data_1.virtuals[name][key]) {28 data_1.virtuals[name][key] = {};29 }30 data_1.virtuals[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.virtuals[name][key], { set: isGetterSetter.set });31 }32 return;33 }34 if (isArray) {35 utils_1.initAsArray(name, key);36 }37 else {38 utils_1.initAsObject(name, key);39 }40 const ref = rawOptions.ref;41 if (ref) {42 data_1.schema[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key], { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: });43 return;44 }45 const itemsRef = rawOptions.itemsRef;46 if (itemsRef) {47 data_1.schema[name][key][0] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key][0], { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: });48 return;49 }50 const enumOption = rawOptions.enum;51 if (enumOption) {52 if (!Array.isArray(enumOption)) {53 rawOptions.enum = Object.keys(enumOption).map((propKey) => enumOption[propKey]);54 }55 }56 // check for validation inconsistencies57 if (isWithStringValidate(rawOptions) && !utils_1.isString(Type)) {58 throw new errors_1.NotStringTypeError(key);59 }60 if (isWithNumberValidate(rawOptions) && !utils_1.isNumber(Type)) {61 throw new errors_1.NotNumberTypeError(key);62 }63 const instance = new Type();64 const subSchema = data_1.schema[];65 if (!subSchema && !(utils_1.isPrimitive(Type) || utils_1.isMongoose(Type) || utils_1.isAny(Type))) {66 throw new errors_1.InvalidPropError(, key);67 }68 const options = _.omit(rawOptions, ['ref', 'items']);69 if (utils_1.isPrimitive(Type) || utils_1.isMongoose(Type)) {70 if (isArray) {71 data_1.schema[name][key][0] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key][0], options, { type: Type });72 return;73 }74 data_1.schema[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key], options, { type: Type });75 return;76 }77 if (utils_1.isAny(Type)) {78 if (isArray) {79 data_1.schema[name][key][0] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key][0], options, { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed });80 return;81 }82 data_1.schema[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key], options, { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed });83 return;84 }85 if (isArray) {86 data_1.schema[name][key][0] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key][0], options, subSchema);87 return;88 }89 data_1.schema[name][key] = Object.assign({}, data_1.schema[name][key], options, subSchema);90 return;91};92exports.prop = (options = {}) => (target, key) => {93 const Type = Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', target, key);94 if (!Type) {95 throw new errors_1.NoMetadataError(key);96 }97 baseProp(options, Type, target, key);98};99exports.arrayProp = (options) => (target, key) => {100 const Type = options.items;101 baseProp(options, Type, target, key, true);...
Source: polyfills.js
1;2/**3 * @fileoverview Polyfills for old browsers.4 * @see * @see */7// ES Object.defineProperty ( O, P, Attributes )8// Partial support for most common case - getters, setters, and values9(function() {10 if (!Object.defineProperty ||11 !(function () { try { Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {}); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } ())) {12 var orig = Object.defineProperty;13 Object.defineProperty = function (o, prop, desc) {14 // In IE8 try built-in implementation for defining properties on DOM prototypes.15 if (orig) { try { return orig(o, prop, desc); } catch (e) {} }16 if (o !== Object(o)) { throw TypeError("Object.defineProperty called on non-object"); }17 if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ && ('get' in desc)) {18, prop, desc.get);19 }20 if (Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ && ('set' in desc)) {21, prop, desc.set);22 }23 if ('value' in desc) {24 o[prop] = desc.value;25 }26 return o;27 };28 }29}());30// On older versions of IE Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor can only be31// called with DOM elements; Here it is tested against a non-DOM object.32// If an error is raised, the method is replaced.33// {35 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({"t":"o"}, "t");36} catch(err) {37 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function( object, key ) {38 39 var hasSupport =40 typeof object.__lookupGetter__ === 'function' &&41 typeof object.__lookupSetter__ === 'function'42 43 // TODO: How does one determine this?!44 var isGetterSetter = !hasSupport ? null :45 object.__lookupGetter__( key ) ||46 object.__lookupSetter__( key )47 48 return isGetterSetter != null ? {49 configurable: true,50 enumerable: true,51 get: object.__lookupGetter__( key ),52 set: object.__lookupSetter__( key )53 } : {54 configurable: true,55 writable: true,56 enumerable: true,57 value: object[ key ]58 }59 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';2import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';3import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';4const mock = { a: 1 };5import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';6import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';7import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';8import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';9import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';10import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';11import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';12import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';13import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';14import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';15import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';16import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';17isGetterSetter(mock, 'l
Using AI Code Generation
1import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';2class Test {3 private _test: string;4 get test(): string {5 return this._test;6 }7 set test(value: string) {8 this._test = value;9 }10}11const test = new Test();12test.test = 'test';13import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';14class Test {15 private _test: string;16 get test(): string {17 return this._test;18 }19 set test(value: string) {20 this._test = value;21 }22}23const test = new Test();24test.test = 'test';25it('should return true', () => {26 expect(isGetterSetter(test, 'test')).toBe(true);27});28isProperty(object, property)29import { isProperty } from 'ng-mocks';30class Test {31 private _test: string;32 get test(): string {33 return this._test;34 }35 set test(value: string) {36 this._test = value;37 }38}39const test = new Test();40test.test = 'test';41import { isProperty } from 'ng-mocks';42class Test {43 private _test: string;44 get test(): string {45 return this._test;46 }47 set test(value: string) {48 this._test = value;49 }50}51const test = new Test();52test.test = 'test';53it('should return false', () => {54 expect(isProperty(test, 'test')).toBe(false);55});56isSpy(object)
Using AI Code Generation
1import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('isGetterSetter', () => {3 it('should return true if the given object is a getter/setter', () => {4 const obj = {5 get prop() {6 return 'value';7 },8 };9 expect(isGetterSetter(obj, 'prop')).toBe(true);10 });11 it('should return false if the given object is not a getter/setter', () => {12 const obj = {13 };14 expect(isGetterSetter(obj, 'prop')).toBe(false);15 });16});17export { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/core';3@Component({4})5export class TestComponent {6 private _test: string;7 get test(): string {8 return this._test;9 }10 set test(value: string) {11 this._test = value;12 }13}14describe('TestComponent', () => {15 it('should be created', () => {16 const component = new TestComponent();17 expect(component).toBeDefined();18 expect(isGetterSetter(component, 'test')).toBeTruthy();19 expect(isGetterSetter(component, 'test2')).toBeFalsy();20 });21});22import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';23describe('TestComponent', () => {24 it('should be created', () => {25 const component = new TestComponent();26 expect(component).toBeDefined();27 expect(isGetterSetter(component, 'test')).toBeTruthy();28 expect(isGetterSetter(component, 'test2')).toBeFalsy();29 });30});31isGetterSetter(
Using AI Code Generation
1import { isGetterSetter } from 'ng-mocks';2const obj = {3 get test() {4 return 'test';5 }6};7describe('isGetterSetter', () => {8 it('should return true', () => {9 expect(isGetterSetter(obj, 'test')).toBe(true);10 });11});12describe('isGetterSetter', () => {13 it('should return false', () => {14 expect(isGetterSetter(obj, 'test1')).toBe(false);15 });16});17 ✓ should return true (2ms)18 ✓ should return false (1ms)19 ✓ should return true (2ms)20 ✓ should return false (1ms)
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