Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.3 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT4 */5import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing'6import { fakeAsync, inject, TestBed, tick } from '@angular/core/testing'7import { UserService } from './user.service'8describe('UserService', () => {9 beforeEach(() => {10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],12 providers: [UserService]13 })14 })15 it('should be created', inject([UserService], (service: UserService) => {16 expect(service).toBeTruthy()17 }))18 it('should get all users directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],19 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {20 let res: any21 service.find().subscribe((data) => (res = data))22 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/user/authentication-details/')23 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })24 tick()25 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')26 expect(req.request.params.toString()).toBeFalsy()27 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')28 httpMock.verify()29 })30 ))31 it('should get single users directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],32 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {33 let res: any34 service.get(1).subscribe((data) => (res = data))35 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/Users/1')36 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })37 tick()38 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')39 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')40 httpMock.verify()41 })42 ))43 it('should create user directly via the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],44 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {45 let res: any46 => (res = data))47 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/Users/')48 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })49 tick()50 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')51 expect(req.request.body).toBeNull()52 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')53 httpMock.verify()54 })55 ))56 it('should login user directly via the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],57 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {58 let res: any59 service.login(null).subscribe((data) => (res = data))60 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/user/login')61 req.flush({ authentication: 'apiResponse' })62 tick()63 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')64 expect(req.request.body).toBeNull()65 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')66 httpMock.verify()67 })68 ))69 it('should change user password directly via the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],70 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {71 let res: any72 service.changePassword({ current: 'foo', new: 'bar', repeat: 'bar' }).subscribe((data) => (res = data))73 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/user/change-password?current=foo&new=bar&repeat=bar')74 req.flush({ user: 'apiResponse' })75 tick()76 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')77 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')78 httpMock.verify()79 })80 ))81 it('should return the logged-in users identity directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],82 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {83 let res: any84 service.whoAmI().subscribe((data) => (res = data))85 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/user/whoami')86 req.flush({ user: 'apiResponse' })87 tick()88 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')89 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')90 httpMock.verify()91 })92 ))93 it('should reset the password directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],94 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {95 let res: any96 const mockObject = { req: 'apiRequest' }97 service.resetPassword(mockObject).subscribe((data) => (res = data))98 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/user/reset-password')99 req.flush({ user: 'apiResponse' })100 tick()101 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')102 expect(req.request.body).toEqual(mockObject)103 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')104 httpMock.verify()105 })106 ))107 it('should get users deluxe status directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],108 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {109 let res110 service.deluxeStatus().subscribe((data) => (res = data))111 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/deluxe-membership')112 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })113 tick()114 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')115 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')116 httpMock.verify()117 })118 ))119 it('should upgrade users deluxe status directly from the rest api', inject([UserService, HttpTestingController],120 fakeAsync((service: UserService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {121 let res122 service.upgradeToDeluxe('wallet', null).subscribe((data) => (res = data))123 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/deluxe-membership')124 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })125 tick()126 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')127 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')128 httpMock.verify()129 })130 ))...
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.3 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT4 */5import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing'6import { fakeAsync, inject, TestBed, tick } from '@angular/core/testing'7import { BasketService } from './basket.service'8describe('BasketService', () => {9 beforeEach(() => {10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],12 providers: [BasketService]13 })14 })15 it('should be created', inject([BasketService], (service: BasketService) => {16 expect(service).toBeTruthy()17 }))18 it('should get basket directly from the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],19 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {20 let res: any21 service.find(1).subscribe((data) => (res = data))22 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/basket/1')23 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })24 tick()25 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')26 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')27 httpMock.verify()28 })29 ))30 it('should get single basket item directly from the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],31 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {32 let res: any33 service.get(1).subscribe((data) => (res = data))34 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/BasketItems/1')35 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })36 tick()37 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET')38 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')39 httpMock.verify()40 })41 ))42 it('should create basket item directly from the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],43 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {44 let res: any45 => (res = data))46 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/BasketItems/')47 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })48 tick()49 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')50 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')51 httpMock.verify()52 })53 ))54 it('should update basket item directly from the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],55 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {56 let res: any57 service.put(1, {}).subscribe((data) => (res = data))58 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/BasketItems/1')59 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })60 tick()61 expect(req.request.method).toBe('PUT')62 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')63 httpMock.verify()64 })65 ))66 it('should delete basket item directly from the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],67 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {68 let res: any69 service.del(1).subscribe((data) => (res = data))70 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/api/BasketItems/1')71 req.flush({ data: 'apiResponse' })72 tick()73 expect(req.request.method).toBe('DELETE')74 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')75 httpMock.verify()76 })77 ))78 it('should place order for basket via the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],79 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {80 let res: any81 service.checkout(1).subscribe((data) => (res = data))82 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/basket/1/checkout')83 req.flush({ orderConfirmation: 'apiResponse' })84 tick()85 expect(req.request.method).toBe('POST')86 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')87 httpMock.verify()88 })89 ))90 it('should apply coupon to basket via the rest api', inject([BasketService, HttpTestingController],91 fakeAsync((service: BasketService, httpMock: HttpTestingController) => {92 let res: any93 service.applyCoupon(1, '1234567890').subscribe((data) => (res = data))94 const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://localhost:3000/rest/basket/1/coupon/1234567890')95 req.flush({ discount: 'apiResponse' })96 tick()97 expect(req.request.method).toBe('PUT')98 expect(res).toBe('apiResponse')99 httpMock.verify()100 })101 ))...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my.service';3describe('MyService', () => {4 let service: MyService;5 beforeEach(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 });8 service = TestBed.inject(MyService);9 });10 it('should call http get', () => {11 const http = httpMock(service);12 http.expectOne({ method: 'GET' }).flush({ data: 'success' });13 http.verify();14 });15});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';3import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';4import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';5describe('HttpMock', () => {6 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;7 let httpClient: HttpClient;8 beforeEach(() => {9 TestBed.configureTestingModule({10 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],11 });12 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);13 httpClient = TestBed.get(HttpClient);14 });15 it('should return data', () => {16 req.flush({ data: 'test' });17 });18});
Using AI Code Generation
1import {httpMock} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 let component: MyComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;5 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;6 beforeEach(async(() => {7 TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],9 }).compileComponents();10 }));11 beforeEach(() => {12 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);13 component = fixture.componentInstance;14 fixture.detectChanges();15 });16 it('should create', () => {17 expect(component).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should call the service', () => {20 component.ngOnInit();21 });22});23 at Object.<anonymous> (src/app/my-component/my-component.component.spec.ts:26:17)24import {httpMock} from 'ng-mocks';25import {HttpTestingController} from '@angular/common/http/testing';26describe('MyComponent', () => {27 let component: MyComponent;28 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;29 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;30 beforeEach(async(() => {31 TestBed.configureTestingModule({32 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],33 }).compileComponents();34 }));35 beforeEach(() => {36 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);37 component = fixture.componentInstance;38 fixture.detectChanges();39 httpMock = httpMock(TestBed.inject(HttpClient));40 });41 it('should create', () => {42 expect(component).toBeTruthy();43 });44 it('should call the service', () => {45 component.ngOnInit();46 });47});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';3import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';4describe('Test', () => {5 let httpClient: HttpClient;6 beforeEach(() => {7 httpClient = httpMock();8 httpClient.get.and.returnValue('response');9'response');10 httpClient.put.and.returnValue('response');11 httpClient.delete.and.returnValue('response');12 httpClient.patch.and.returnValue('response');13 httpClient.head.and.returnValue('response');14 httpClient.options.and.returnValue('response');15 TestBed.configureTestingModule({16 {17 }18 });19 });20 it('should test', () => {21 });22});23import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';24import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';25import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';26describe('Test', () => {27 let httpClient: HttpClient;28 beforeEach(() => {29 httpClient = httpMock();30 httpClient.get.and.returnValue('response');31'response');32 httpClient.put.and.returnValue('response');33 httpClient.delete.and.returnValue('response');34 httpClient.patch.and.returnValue('response');35 httpClient.head.and.returnValue('response');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(() => {5 TestBed.configureTestingModule({6 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],7 });8 });9 it('should call http', () => {10 const http = TestBed.get(HttpClient);11 expect(res).toEqual({ test: 'test' });12 });13 });14});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';3describe('Test of httpMock', () => {4 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;5 beforeEach(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],8 });9 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);10 });11 it('should return 200', () => {12 httpMock.verify();13 });14});15import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';16import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';17describe('Test of httpMock', () => {18 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;19 beforeEach(() => {20 TestBed.configureTestingModule({21 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],22 });23 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);24 });25 it('should return 200', () => {26 httpMock.verify();27 });28});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('Test', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 const httpMock = new HttpMock();5 const http = httpMock.create();6 });7});8import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';9describe('Test', () => {10 it('should work', () => {11 const httpMock = new HttpMock();12 const http = httpMock.create();13 });14});15import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';16describe('Test', () => {17 it('should work', () => {18 const httpMock = new HttpMock();19 const http = httpMock.create();20 });21});22import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';23describe('Test', () => {24 it('should work', () => {25 const httpMock = new HttpMock();26 const http = httpMock.create();27 });28});29import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';30describe('Test', () => {31 it('should work', () => {32 const httpMock = new HttpMock();33 const http = httpMock.create();34 });35});36import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';37describe('Test', () => {38 it('should work', () => {39 const httpMock = new HttpMock();40 const http = httpMock.create();41 });42});43import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';44describe('Test', () => {45 it('should work', () => {46 const httpMock = new HttpMock();47 const http = httpMock.create();48 });49});50import { httpMock } from 'ng-mocks';51describe('Test', () => {52 it('should work', () => {53 const httpMock = new HttpMock();
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