How to use getTestBedInjection method in ng-mocks

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Source:core.helpers.ts Github


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1import { getTestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';2import coreDefineProperty from './​core.define-property';3import coreReflectParametersResolve from './​core.reflect.parameters-resolve';4import { AnyDeclaration, AnyType, Type } from './​core.types';5import funcGetGlobal from './​func.get-global';6import funcGetName from './​func.get-name';7/​**8 * It will be removed from public interface with the next release: A149 * Use ngMocks.get(token) instead.10 *11 * @deprecated12 * @internal13 */​14export const getTestBedInjection = <I>(token: AnyDeclaration<I>): I | undefined => {15 try {16 /​/​ istanbul ignore next17 return getInjection(token);18 } catch {19 return undefined;20 }21};22/​**23 * It will be removed from public interface with the next release: A1424 *25 * @deprecated26 * @internal27 */​28export const getInjection = <I>(token: AnyDeclaration<I>): I => {29 const testBed: any = getTestBed();30 /​/​ istanbul ignore next31 return testBed.inject ? testBed.inject(token) : testBed.get(token);32};33export const flatten = <T>(values: T | T[], result: T[] = []): T[] => {34 if (Array.isArray(values)) {35 for (const value of values) {36 flatten(value, result);37 }38 } else {39 result.push(values);40 }41 return result;42};43export const mapKeys = <T>(set: Map<T, any>): T[] => {44 const result: T[] = [];45 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-array-for-each46 set.forEach((_, value: T) => result.push(value));47 return result;48};49export const mapValues = <T>(set: { forEach(a1: (value: T) => void): void }, destination?: Set<T>): T[] => {50 const result: T[] = [];51 if (destination) {52 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-array-for-each53 set.forEach((value: T) => {54 destination.add(value);55 });56 } else {57 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-array-for-each58 set.forEach((value: T) => {59 result.push(value);60 });61 }62 return result;63};64export const mapEntries = <K, T>(set: Map<K, T>, destination?: Map<K, T>): Array<[K, T]> => {65 const result: Array<[K, T]> = [];66 if (destination) {67 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-array-for-each68 set.forEach((value: T, key: K) => destination.set(key, value));69 } else {70 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-array-for-each71 set.forEach((value: T, key: K) => result.push([key, value]));72 }73 return result;74};75const extractDependencyArray = (deps: any[], set: Set<any>): void => {76 for (const flag of deps) {77 const name = flag && typeof flag === 'object' ? flag.ngMetadataName : undefined;78 if (name === 'Optional' || name === 'SkipSelf' || name === 'Self') {79 continue;80 }81 set.add(flag);82 }83};84/​/​ Accepts an array of dependencies from providers, skips injections flags,85/​/​ and adds the providers to the set.86export const extractDependency = (deps: any[], set?: Set<any>): void => {87 if (!set) {88 return;89 }90 for (const dep of deps) {91 if (!Array.isArray(dep)) {92 set.add(dep);93 continue;94 }95 extractDependencyArray(dep, set);96 }97};98export const extendClassicClass = <I>(base: AnyType<I>): Type<I> => {99 let child: any;100 const glb = funcGetGlobal();101 /​/​ First we try to eval es2015 style and if it fails to use es5 transpilation in the catch block.102 /​/​ The next step is to respect constructor parameters as the parent class via jitReflector.103 glb.ngMocksParent = base;104 /​/​ istanbul ignore next105 try {106 eval(`107 var glb = typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window;108 class MockMiddleware extends glb.ngMocksParent {}109 glb.ngMocksResult = MockMiddleware110 `);111 child = glb.ngMocksResult;112 } catch {113 class MockMiddleware extends glb.ngMocksParent {}114 child = MockMiddleware;115 }116 glb.ngMocksParent = undefined;117 return child;118};119export const extendClass = <I>(base: AnyType<I>): Type<I> => {120 const child: Type<I> = extendClassicClass(base);121 coreDefineProperty(child, 'name', `MockMiddleware${funcGetName(base)}`, true);122 const parameters = coreReflectParametersResolve(base);123 if (parameters.length > 0) {124 coreDefineProperty(child, 'parameters', [...parameters]);125 }126 return child;...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1/​/​ istanbul ignore file2import './​lib/​common/​ng-mocks-stack';3import './​lib/​common/​ng-mocks-global-overrides';4export * from './​lib/​common/​core.tokens';5export { getTestBedInjection, getInjection } from './​lib/​common/​core.helpers';6export { getMockedNgDefOf } from './​lib/​common/​func.get-mocked-ng-def-of';7export { getSourceOfMock } from './​lib/​common/​func.get-source-of-mock';8export { isMockControlValueAccessor } from './​lib/​common/​';9export { isMockNgDef } from './​lib/​common/​';10export { isMockOf } from './​lib/​common/​';11export { isMockValidator } from './​lib/​common/​';12export { isMockedNgDefOf } from './​lib/​common/​';13export { isNgDef } from './​lib/​common/​';14export { isNgInjectionToken } from './​lib/​common/​';15export { Mock } from './​lib/​common/​mock';16export {17 MockControlValueAccessor,18 MockValidator,19 LegacyControlValueAccessor,20} from './​lib/​common/​mock-control-value-accessor';21export { MockInstance, MockReset } from './​lib/​mock-instance/​mock-instance';22export { MockBuilder } from './​lib/​mock-builder/​mock-builder';23export {24 IMockBuilder,25 IMockBuilderConfig,26 IMockBuilderConfigAll,27 IMockBuilderConfigComponent,28 IMockBuilderConfigDirective,29 IMockBuilderConfigModule,30 IMockBuilderResult,31} from './​lib/​mock-builder/​types';32export { MockModule } from './​lib/​mock-module/​mock-module';33export { MockedModule } from './​lib/​mock-module/​types';34export { MockComponent, MockComponents } from './​lib/​mock-component/​mock-component';35export { MockedComponent } from './​lib/​mock-component/​types';36export { MockDirective, MockDirectives } from './​lib/​mock-directive/​mock-directive';37export { MockedDirective } from './​lib/​mock-directive/​types';38export { MockPipe, MockPipes } from './​lib/​mock-pipe/​mock-pipe';39export { MockedPipe } from './​lib/​mock-pipe/​types';40export { MockDeclaration, MockDeclarations } from './​lib/​mock-declaration/​mock-declaration';41export { MockProvider, MockProviders } from './​lib/​mock-provider/​mock-provider';42export { MockService } from './​lib/​mock-service/​mock-service';43export { ngMocks } from './​lib/​mock-helper/​mock-helper';44export { MockRender } from './​lib/​mock-render/​mock-render';45export { MockRenderFactory } from './​lib/​mock-render/​mock-render-factory';46export * from './​lib/​mock-render/​types';...

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Source:core.injector.ts Github


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2import { getTestBedInjection } from './​core.helpers';3const defaultInjector: any = {};4export default (declaration: any, injector: Injector = defaultInjector): any => {5 if (injector === defaultInjector) {6 return getTestBedInjection(declaration);7 }8 try {9 return injector.get(declaration);10 } catch {11 return undefined;12 }...

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';4describe('TestComponent', () => {5 const component = getTestBedInjection(TestComponent);6 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);7 MockRender(TestComponent);8 MockRender(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' });9 MockRender(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' }, { imports: [TestModule] });10});11import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);14 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' });15 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' }, { imports: [TestModule] });16});17import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';18describe('TestComponent', () => {19 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);20 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' });21 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent, { title: 'Test' }, { imports: [TestModule] });22});

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestModuleMetadata } from 'ng-mocks';3import { TestBed } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';6import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';7import { MockReset } from 'ng-mocks';8import { MockService } from 'ng-mocks';9import { MockedComponent } from 'ng-mocks';10import { MockedDirective } from 'ng-mocks';11import { MockedPipe } from 'ng-mocks';12import { MockedProvider } from 'ng-mocks';13import { MockedRender } from 'ng-mocks';14import { MockedReset } from 'ng-mocks';15import { MockedService } from 'ng-mocks';16import { MockedStaticProvider } from 'ng-mocks';17import { MockedType } from 'ng-mocks';18import { MockedValue } from 'ng-mocks';19import { SpyInstance } from 'ng-mocks';20import { SpyObject } from 'ng-mocks';21import { SpyOn } from 'ng-mocks';22import { SpyReset } from 'ng-mocks

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';4import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';5import { Component } from '@angular/​core';6import { Directive } from '@angular/​core';7import { ElementRef } from '@angular/​core';8import { HostListener } from '@angular/​core';9import { Input } from '@angular/​core';10import { OnInit } from '@angular/​core';11import { Renderer2 } from '@angular/​core';12import { Output } from '@angular/​core';13import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/​core';14import { trigger } from '@angular/​animations';15import { state } from '@angular/​animations';16import { style } from '@angular/​animations';17import { transition } from '@angular/​animations';18import { animate } from '@angular/​animations';19import { keyframes } from '@angular/​animations';20import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/​platform-browser/​animations';21import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/​material/​card';22import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/​material/​icon';23import { MatMenuModule } from '@angular/​material/​menu';

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);3import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';4const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);5import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';6const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);7import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';8const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);9import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';10const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);11import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';12const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);13import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';14const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);15import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';16const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);17import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';18const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);19import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';20const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);21import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';22const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);23import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';24const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);25import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';26const router = getTestBedInjection(Router);27import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';3import { TestService } from './​test.service';4import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';5import { TestModule } from './​test.module';6describe('TestComponent', () => {7 let component: TestComponent;8 let service: TestService;9 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;10 beforeEach(() => {11 TestBed.configureTestingModule({12 imports: [TestModule],13 }).compileComponents();14 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);15 component = fixture.componentInstance;16 service = getTestBedInjection(TestService);17 });18 it('should create', () => {19 expect(component).toBeTruthy();20 });21});

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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';3import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(async () => {6 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).compileComponents();8 });9 it('should create the app', () => {10 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);11 const app = fixture.componentInstance;12 expect(app).toBeTruthy();13 });14 it('should have as title "test"', () => {15 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);16 const app = fixture.componentInstance;17 expect(app.title).toEqual('test');18 });19 it('should render title', () => {20 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);21 fixture.detectChanges();22 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;23 expect(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent).toContain(24 );25 });26});27import { Component } from '@angular/​core';28@Component({29})30export class AppComponent {31 title = 'test';32}33 <span>{{ title }} app is running!</​span>34.content {35 display: flex;36 justify-content: center;37 align-items: center;38 height: 100vh;39 span {40 font-size: 4rem;41 }42}43import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';44import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';45describe('AppComponent', () => {46 let component: AppComponent;47 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;48 beforeEach(async () => {49 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({50 }).compileComponents();51 });52 beforeEach(() => {53 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);54 component = fixture.componentInstance;55 fixture.detectChanges();56 });57 it('should create', () => {58 expect(component).toBeTruthy();59 });60});61import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/​platform-browser';62import { NgModule } from '@angular/​core';63import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';64@NgModule({65 imports: [BrowserModule],

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getTestBedInjection } from 'ng-mocks';2@Component({3})4export class TestComponent {5 constructor(private testService: TestService) {6 }7}8describe('TestComponent', () => {9 let component: TestComponent;10 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;11 beforeEach(async(() => {12 TestBed.configureTestingModule({13 })14 .compileComponents();15 }));16 beforeEach(() => {17 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);18 component = fixture.componentInstance;19 fixture.detectChanges();20 });21 it('should create', () => {22 expect(component).toBeDefined();23 });24 it('should get the service', () => {25 const testService = getTestBedInjection(TestService);26 expect(testService).toBeDefined();27 });28});29import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';30@Injectable({31})32export class TestService {33 constructor() { }34}

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