How to use getMockProviders method in ng-mocks

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Source: useAddressFormUtils.test.ts Github


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...23};24describe("isRequiredField", () => {25 it("should return true for required field", () => {26 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {27 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedSuccessResponse, intl: true }),28 });29 expect(hook.current.isRequiredField("city")).toEqual(true);30 });31 it("should return false for not required field", () => {32 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {33 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedSuccessResponse, intl: true }),34 });35 expect(hook.current.isRequiredField("companyName")).toEqual(false);36 });37 it("should return false for failed validation rules query", () => {38 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {39 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedFailResponse, intl: true }),40 });41 expect(hook.current.isRequiredField("companyName")).toEqual(false);42 });43});44describe("getFieldLabel", () => {45 it("should return localized field label when available", () => {46 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {47 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedSuccessResponse, intl: true }),48 });49 expect(hook.current.getFieldLabel("countryArea")).toEqual("Province");50 });51 it("should return unlocalized field label when otherwise unavailable", () => {52 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {53 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedSuccessResponse, intl: true }),54 });55 expect(hook.current.getFieldLabel("companyName")).toEqual("Company");56 });57 it("should return unlocalized field label for failed validation rules query", () => {58 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useAddressFormUtils(defaultCountry.code), {59 wrapper: getMockProviders({ mockedResponseState: mockedFailResponse, intl: true }),60 });61 expect(hook.current.getFieldLabel("countryArea")).toEqual("Country area");62 });...

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Source: useErrors.test.ts Github


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...5import { getMockProviders } from "@/​checkout-storefront/​__tests__/​utils";6describe("useErrors", () => {7 it("should enable setting api errors properly", () => {8 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useErrors<AddressFormData>(), {9 wrapper: getMockProviders({ intl: true }),10 });11 act(() => {12 hook.current.setApiErrors(apiErrors);13 });14 expect(hook.current.errors).toEqual({15 streetAddress1: {16 message: "Required field",17 code: "required",18 },19 postalCode: {20 message: "Invalid value",21 code: "invalid",22 },23 });24 });25 it("should return hasErrors set to true once the errors are set", () => {26 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useErrors<AddressFormData>(), {27 wrapper: getMockProviders({ intl: true }),28 });29 act(() => {30 hook.current.setApiErrors(apiErrors);31 });32 expect(hook.current.hasErrors).toEqual(true);33 });34 it("should clear errors properly", () => {35 const { result: hook } = renderHook(() => useErrors<AddressFormData>(), {36 wrapper: getMockProviders({ intl: true }),37 });38 act(() => {39 hook.current.setApiErrors(apiErrors);40 });41 act(() => {42 hook.current.clearErrors();43 });44 expect(hook.current.errors).toEqual({});45 expect(hook.current.hasErrors).toEqual(false);46 });...

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Source:index.spec.js Github


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1'use strict'2const test = require('ava')3const sinon = require('sinon')4const proxyquire = require('proxyquire')5let sandbox = null6let database = null7test.beforeEach(() => {8 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox()9 const getMockProviders = () => {10 return {11 clientAuth: sandbox.stub(),12 adminAuth: sandbox.stub(),13 dbInstance: sandbox.stub(),14 storage: () => {15 return {16 bucket: sandbox.stub(),17 }18 },19 }20 }21 const setupDatabase = proxyquire('./​../​../​services', {22 './​../​providers': getMockProviders,23 './​': () => {},24 './​user.service': sandbox.stub(),25 './​attendees.service': () => {},26 './​events.service': sandbox.stub(),27 './​authentication.service': sandbox.stub(),28 './​roles.service': () => {},29 './​headquarters.service': sandbox.stub(),30 './​storage.service': () => {},31 './​accounts.service': () => {},32 './​transactions.service': () => {},33 })34 database = setupDatabase()35})36test.afterEach(() => {37 sandbox && sandbox.restore()38 database = null39})40test('Check database services', t => {41'authenticationService'), true, 'Expected authentication service')42'userService'), true, 'Expected user service')43'attendeesService'), true, 'Expected attendee service')44'eventsService'), true, 'Expected events service')45'rolesService'), true, 'Expected roles service')46'headquartersService'), true, 'Expected headquarters service')...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let component: TestComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 providers: getMockProviders([TestService])8 }).compileComponents();9 }));10 beforeEach(() => {11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 });15 it('should create', () => {16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18});19@Injectable()20export class TestService {21}22@Component({23})24export class TestComponent implements OnInit {25 constructor(private testService: TestService) {}26 ngOnInit() {27 this.testService.getTest().subscribe(28 res => {29 console.log(res);30 },31 err => {32 console.log(err);33 }34 );35 }36}37.test {38 width: 100px;39 height: 100px;40 background-color: red;41}42import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';43import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';44import { TestService } from './​test.service';45import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';46describe('TestComponent', () => {47 let component: TestComponent;48 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;49 beforeEach(async(() => {50 TestBed.configureTestingModule({51 providers: getMockProviders([TestService])52 }).compileComponents();53 }));54 beforeEach(() => {55 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);56 component = fixture.componentInstance;57 fixture.detectChanges();58 });59 it('should create', () => {60 expect(component).toBeTruthy();61 });62});63Error: StaticInjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[TestService -> HttpClient]: 64 StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[TestService -> HttpClient]:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my.service';3describe('MyService', () => {4 let service: MyService;5 beforeEach(() => {6 const providers = getMockProviders(MyService);7 service = new MyService(providers[0]);8 });9 it('should be created', () => {10 expect(service).toBeTruthy();11 });12});13import { getMockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';14import { MyService } from './​my.service';15describe('MyService', () => {16 let service: MyService;17 beforeEach(() => {18 const provider = getMockProvider(MyService);19 service = new MyService(provider);20 });21 it('should be created', () => {22 expect(service).toBeTruthy();23 });24});25import { getMockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';26import { MyService } from './​my.service';27describe('MyService', () => {28 let service: MyService;29 beforeEach(() => {30 service = getMockInstance(MyService);31 });32 it('should be created', () => {33 expect(service).toBeTruthy();34 });35});36import { getMockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';37import { MyService } from './​my.service';38import { MyCustomMockService } from './​my-custom-mock.service';39describe('MyService', () => {40 let service: MyService;41 beforeEach(() => {42 service = getMockInstance(MyService, MyCustomMockService);43 });44 it('should be created', () => {45 expect(service).toBeTruthy();46 });47});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockBuilder } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';4import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';5describe('AppComponent', () => {6 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent).keep(getMockProviders(AppComponent)));7 it('should create the app', () => {8 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);9 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;10 expect(app).toBeTruthy();11 });12});13import { Component } from '@angular/​core';14import { HttpClient } from '@angular/​common/​http';15import { Observable } from 'rxjs';16@Component({17})18export class AppComponent {19 title = 'ng-mocks-demo';20 data: Observable<any>;21 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {22 }23}24<p>data: {{ data | async | json }}</​p>25import { Component, Input } from '@angular/​core';26@Component({27 <h1>{{ title }}</​h1>28})29export class HeaderComponent {30 @Input() title: string;31}32import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';33import { HeaderComponent } from './​header.component';34describe('HeaderComponent', () => {35 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(HeaderComponent));36 it('should create the app', () => {37 const fixture = MockRender(HeaderComponent);38 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;39 expect(app).toBeTruthy();40 });41});42<h1>{{ title }}</​h1>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my.service';3import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';4import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';5import { By } from '@angular/​platform-browser';6import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my-service';3import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';4import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';5import { MyModule } from './​my-module';6describe('MyComponent', () => {7 beforeEach(() => {8 TestBed.configureTestingModule({9 imports: [MyModule],10 providers: getMockProviders(MyService),11 });12 });13 it('should work', () => {14 const component = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);15 component.detectChanges();16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18});19import { NgModule } from '@angular/​core';20import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';21import { MyService } from './​my-service';22@NgModule({23})24export class MyModule {}25import { Component } from '@angular/​core';26import { MyService } from './​my-service';27@Component({28})29export class MyComponent {30 constructor(myService: MyService) {31 console.log(myService);32 }33}34import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';35@Injectable()36export class MyService {}37declare module 'ng-mocks' {38 export function getMockProviders<T>(token: T): any[];39}40{41 "compilerOptions": {42 },43}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/​common/​http';3describe('test', () => {4 it('should be able to get mock providers', () => {5 const providers = getMockProviders({6 });7 });8});9import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';10import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/​common/​http';11describe('test', () => {12 it('should be able to get mock providers', () => {13 const providers = getMockProviders({14 });15 });16});17at Object.getMockProviders (node_modules/​ng-mocks/​lib/​mock-helper/​get-mock-providers.js:16:23)18at Object. (test.js:5:24)19at Module._compile (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:778:30)20at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:789:10)21at Module.load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:653:32)22at tryModuleLoad (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:593:12)23at Function.Module._load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:585:3)24at Function.Module.runMain (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:829:12)25If I change the import statement to the following, it works:26import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​mock-helper/​get-mock-providers';27import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';28const providers = getMockProviders({29});30I have the same issue. My workaround is to use the following import:31import { getMockProviders

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1import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('Mocking providers', () => {3 it('should mock the providers', () => {4 const providers = getMockProviders();5 expect(providers.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);6 })7});8import { getMockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';9describe('Mocking providers', () => {10 it('should mock the providers', () => {11 const provider = getMockProvider(ProviderName);12 expect(provider).toBeDefined();13 })14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const providers = getMockProviders(MyComponent);2`getMockProviders(component: Type<any>): Provider[]`3`getMockProvider(component: Type<any>, token: any): Provider`4`getMockDirective(component: Type<any>, token: any): Type<any>`5`getMockPipe(component: Type<any>, token: any): Type<any>`6`getMockComponent(component: Type<any>, token: any): Type<any>`7`getMockNgModule(component: Type<any>, token: any): NgModule`8`getMockNgModuleMetadata(component: Type<any>, token: any): NgModule`9Copyright (c) 2017-2019, ng-mocks

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