Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
1import { DataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';2import { DataSourceApi, PluginMeta, DataTransformerConfig } from '@grafana/data';3import { ElasticsearchQuery } from '../../plugins/datasource/elasticsearch/types';4import { getAlertingValidationMessage } from './getAlertingValidationMessage';5describe('getAlertingValidationMessage', () => {6 describe('when called with some targets containing template variables', () => {7 it('then it should return false', async () => {8 let call = 0;9 const datasource: DataSourceApi = ({10 meta: ({ alerting: true } as any) as PluginMeta,11 targetContainsTemplate: () => {12 if (call === 0) {13 call++;14 return true;15 }16 return false;17 },18 name: 'some name',19 } as any) as DataSourceApi;20 const getMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(datasource);21 const datasourceSrv: DataSourceSrv = {22 get: getMock,23 getDataSourceSettingsByUid(): any {},24 };25 const targets: ElasticsearchQuery[] = [26 { refId: 'A', query: '@hostname:$hostname', isLogsQuery: false },27 { refId: 'B', query: '@instance:instance', isLogsQuery: false },28 ];29 const transformations: DataTransformerConfig[] = [];30 const result = await getAlertingValidationMessage(transformations, targets, datasourceSrv,;31 expect(result).toBe('');32 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);33 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(;34 });35 });36 describe('when called with some targets using a datasource that does not support alerting', () => {37 it('then it should return false', async () => {38 const alertingDatasource: DataSourceApi = ({39 meta: ({ alerting: true } as any) as PluginMeta,40 targetContainsTemplate: () => false,41 name: 'alertingDatasource',42 } as any) as DataSourceApi;43 const datasource: DataSourceApi = ({44 meta: ({ alerting: false } as any) as PluginMeta,45 targetContainsTemplate: () => false,46 name: 'datasource',47 } as any) as DataSourceApi;48 const datasourceSrv: DataSourceSrv = {49 get: (name: string) => {50 if (name === {51 return Promise.resolve(datasource);52 }53 return Promise.resolve(alertingDatasource);54 },55 getDataSourceSettingsByUid(): any {},56 };57 const targets: any[] = [58 { refId: 'A', query: 'some query', datasource: 'alertingDatasource' },59 { refId: 'B', query: 'some query', datasource: 'datasource' },60 ];61 const transformations: DataTransformerConfig[] = [];62 const result = await getAlertingValidationMessage(transformations, targets, datasourceSrv,;63 expect(result).toBe('');64 });65 });66 describe('when called with all targets containing template variables', () => {67 it('then it should return false', async () => {68 const datasource: DataSourceApi = ({69 meta: ({ alerting: true } as any) as PluginMeta,70 targetContainsTemplate: () => true,71 name: 'some name',72 } as any) as DataSourceApi;73 const getMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(datasource);74 const datasourceSrv: DataSourceSrv = {75 get: getMock,76 getDataSourceSettingsByUid(): any {},77 };78 const targets: ElasticsearchQuery[] = [79 { refId: 'A', query: '@hostname:$hostname', isLogsQuery: false },80 { refId: 'B', query: '@instance:$instance', isLogsQuery: false },81 ];82 const transformations: DataTransformerConfig[] = [];83 const result = await getAlertingValidationMessage(transformations, targets, datasourceSrv,;84 expect(result).toBe('Template variables are not supported in alert queries');85 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);86 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(;87 });88 });89 describe('when called with all targets using a datasource that does not support alerting', () => {90 it('then it should return false', async () => {91 const datasource: DataSourceApi = ({92 meta: ({ alerting: false } as any) as PluginMeta,93 targetContainsTemplate: () => false,94 name: 'some name',95 } as any) as DataSourceApi;96 const getMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(datasource);97 const datasourceSrv: DataSourceSrv = {98 get: getMock,99 getDataSourceSettingsByUid(): any {},100 };101 const targets: ElasticsearchQuery[] = [102 { refId: 'A', query: '@hostname:hostname', isLogsQuery: false },103 { refId: 'B', query: '@instance:instance', isLogsQuery: false },104 ];105 const transformations: DataTransformerConfig[] = [];106 const result = await getAlertingValidationMessage(transformations, targets, datasourceSrv,;107 expect(result).toBe('The datasource does not support alerting queries');108 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);109 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(;110 });111 });112 describe('when called with transformations', () => {113 it('then it should return false', async () => {114 const datasource: DataSourceApi = ({115 meta: ({ alerting: true } as any) as PluginMeta,116 targetContainsTemplate: () => false,117 name: 'some name',118 } as any) as DataSourceApi;119 const getMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(datasource);120 const datasourceSrv: DataSourceSrv = {121 get: getMock,122 getDataSourceSettingsByUid(): any {},123 };124 const targets: ElasticsearchQuery[] = [125 { refId: 'A', query: '@hostname:hostname', isLogsQuery: false },126 { refId: 'B', query: '@instance:instance', isLogsQuery: false },127 ];128 const transformations: DataTransformerConfig[] = [{ id: 'A', options: null }];129 const result = await getAlertingValidationMessage(transformations, targets, datasourceSrv,;130 expect(result).toBe('Transformations are not supported in alert queries');131 expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);132 });133 });...
Source: sources.test.ts
...49};50test("should resolve from registry using sources", async () => {51 const sources = getSources();52 const registered = await resolve(sources, registryDependency);53 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].resolve).calls.length).toEqual(1);54 expect(getMock(sources.path.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);55 expect(getMock(sources.git.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);56 expect(registered).toMatchSnapshot();57});58test("should resolve from path using sources", async () => {59 const sources = getSources();60 const registered = await resolve(sources, pathDependency);61 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);62 expect(getMock(sources.path.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(1);63 expect(getMock(sources.git.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);64 expect(registered).toMatchSnapshot();65});66test("should resolve from git using sources", async () => {67 const sources = getSources();68 const registered = await resolve(sources, gitDependency);69 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);70 expect(getMock(sources.path.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(0);71 expect(getMock(sources.git.resolve).calls.length).toEqual(1);72 expect(registered).toMatchSnapshot();73});74test("should fetch from registry using sources", async () => {75 const sources = getSources();76 const path = await fetch(sources, registryRegistration);77 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].fetch).calls.length).toEqual(1);78 expect(getMock(sources.path.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);79 expect(getMock(sources.git.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);80 expect(path).toEqual("registry path");81});82test("should fetch from path using sources", async () => {83 const sources = getSources();84 const path = await fetch(sources, pathRegistration);85 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);86 expect(getMock(sources.path.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(1);87 expect(getMock(sources.git.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);88 expect(path).toEqual("path");89});90test("should fetch from git using sources", async () => {91 const sources = getSources();92 const path = await fetch(sources, gitRegistration);93 expect(getMock(sources.registry["vba-blocks"].fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);94 expect(getMock(sources.path.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(0);95 expect(getMock(sources.git.fetch).calls.length).toEqual(1);96 expect(path).toEqual("git path");97});98test("should throw on unknown type", async () => {99 const sources = getSources();100 await expect(resolve(sources, unknownDependency)).rejects.toMatchSnapshot();101 await expect(fetch(sources, unknownRegistration)).rejects.toMatchSnapshot();102});103function getSources() {104 const sources: Sources = {105 registry: {106 "vba-blocks": {107 resolve: jest.fn(_dependency => [registryRegistration]),108 fetch: jest.fn(_registration => "registry path")109 }110 },111 path: {112 resolve: jest.fn(_dependency => [pathRegistration]),113 fetch: jest.fn(_registration => "path")114 },115 git: {116 resolve: jest.fn(_dependency => [gitRegistration]),117 fetch: jest.fn(_registration => "git path")118 }119 };120 return sources;121}122function getMock(value: any): any {123 return value.mock;...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should create the app', () => {5 const fixture = getMock(AppComponent);6 const app = fixture.componentInstance;7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';11import { AppComponent } from './app.component';12describe('AppComponent', () => {13 it('should create the app', () => {14 const fixture = getMock(AppComponent);15 const app = fixture.componentInstance;16 expect(app).toBeTruthy();17 });18});19import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';20import { AppComponent } from './app.component';21describe('AppComponent', () => {22 it('should create the app', () => {23 const fixture = getMock(AppComponent);24 const app = fixture.componentInstance;25 expect(app).toBeTruthy();26 });27});28import { getMock } from
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my.service';3import { MyComponent } from './my.component';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 let component: MyComponent;6 let service: MyService;7 beforeEach(() => {8 service = getMock(MyService);9 component = new MyComponent(service);10 });11 it('should return the value from the service', () => {12 expect(component.getValue()).toBe('test value');13 });14});
Using AI Code Generation
1import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';2const mock = getMock(HelloService);3mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');4import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';5const mock = getMock(HelloService);6mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');7import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';8const mock = getMock(HelloService);9mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');10import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';11const mock = getMock(HelloService);12mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');13import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';14const mock = getMock(HelloService);15mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');16import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';17const mock = getMock(HelloService);18mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');19import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';20const mock = getMock(HelloService);21mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');22import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';23const mock = getMock(HelloService);24mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');25import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';26const mock = getMock(HelloService);27mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');28import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';29const mock = getMock(HelloService);30mock.sayHello.and.returnValue('Mocked hello');31import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';
Using AI Code Generation
1import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';2const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');3import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';4const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');5import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';6const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');7import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';8const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');9import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';10const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');11import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';12const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');13import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks';14const mock = getMock(MyService, 'method');15import {getMock} from 'ng-mocks
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