Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: initial_state.js
1const element = document.getElementById('initial-state');2const initialState = element && JSON.parse(element.textContent);3const getMeta = (prop) => initialState && initialState.meta && initialState.meta[prop];4export const reduceMotion = getMeta('reduce_motion');5export const autoPlayGif = getMeta('auto_play_gif');6export const displayMedia = getMeta('display_media');7export const expandSpoilers = getMeta('expand_spoilers');8export const unfollowModal = getMeta('unfollow_modal');9export const unsubscribeModal = getMeta('unsubscribe_modal');10export const boostModal = getMeta('boost_modal');11export const deleteModal = getMeta('delete_modal');12export const me = getMeta('me');13export const searchEnabled = getMeta('search_enabled');14export const invitesEnabled = getMeta('invites_enabled');15export const repository = getMeta('repository');16export const source_url = getMeta('source_url');17export const version = getMeta('version');18export const mascot = getMeta('mascot');19export const profile_directory = getMeta('profile_directory');20export const isStaff = getMeta('is_staff');21export const forceSingleColumn = !getMeta('advanced_layout');22export const useBlurhash = getMeta('use_blurhash');23export const usePendingItems = getMeta('use_pending_items');24export const showTrends = getMeta('trends');25export const title = getMeta('title');26export const cropImages = getMeta('crop_images');27export const show_follow_button_on_timeline = getMeta('show_follow_button_on_timeline');28export const show_subscribe_button_on_timeline = getMeta('show_subscribe_button_on_timeline');29export const show_target = getMeta('show_target');...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMeta } from 'ng-mocks';2const componentMeta = getMeta(MyComponent);3import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';4const mockComponent = getMock(MyComponent);5import { getMockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';6const mockInstance = getMockInstance(MyComponent);7import { getMockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';8const mockProvider = getMockProvider(MyComponent);9import { getMockProviders } from 'ng-mocks';10const mockProviders = getMockProviders(MyComponent);11import { getMockRender } from 'ng-mocks';12const mockRender = getMockRender(MyComponent);13import { getMockRenderProvider } from 'ng-mocks';14const mockRenderProvider = getMockRenderProvider(MyComponent);15import { getMockRenderProviders } from 'ng-mocks';16const mockRenderProviders = getMockRenderProviders(MyComponent);17import { getMockRenderStatic } from 'ng-mocks';18const mockRenderStatic = getMockRenderStatic(MyComponent);19import { getMockRenderStaticProvider } from 'ng-mocks';20const mockRenderStaticProvider = getMockRenderStaticProvider(MyComponent);21import { getMockRenderStaticProviders } from 'ng-mocks';22const mockRenderStaticProviders = getMockRenderStaticProviders(MyComponent);23import { getMockStatic } from 'ng-mocks';24const mockStatic = getMockStatic(MyComponent);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMeta } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/core';3@Component({4})5export class TestComponent {}6const meta = getMeta(TestComponent);7console.log(meta);8import { getMock } from 'ng-mocks';9import { TestService } from './test.service';10const mock = getMock(TestService);11console.log(mock);12import { getMockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';13import { TestService } from './test.service';14const mock = getMockInstance(TestService);15console.log(mock);16import { getMockOf } from 'ng-mocks';17import { TestService } from './test.service';18const mock = getMockOf(TestService);19console.log(mock);20import { getMockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';21import { TestPipe } from './test.pipe';22const mock = getMockPipe(TestPipe);23console.log(mock);24import { getMockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';25import { TestService } from './test.service';26const mock = getMockProvider(TestService
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMeta } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestComponent } from './test.component';3import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';4describe('TestComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 });8 });9 it('should have meta', () => {10 const meta = getMeta(TestComponent);11 });12});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMeta } from 'ng-mocks';2import { autoSpy } from 'ng-mocks';3describe('test', () => {4 it('should work', () => {5 const component = getMeta(TestComponent);6 const directive = getMeta(TestDirective);7 const pipe = getMeta(TestPipe);8 const service = getMeta(TestService);9 const module = getMeta(TestModule);10 const class1 = getMeta(TestClass);11 const interface1 = getMeta(TestInterface);12 const function1 = getMeta(TestFunction);13 const type1 = getMeta(TestType);14 const variable1 = getMeta(TestVariable);15 const enum1 = getMeta(TestEnum);16 const namespace1 = getMeta(TestNamespace);17 expect(component).toBeDefined();18 expect(directive).toBeDefined();19 expect(pipe).toBeDefined();20 expect(service).toBeDefined();21 expect(module).toBeDefined();22 expect(class1).toBeDefined();23 expect(interface1).toBeDefined();24 expect(function1).toBeDefined();25 expect(type1).toBeDefined();26 expect(variable1).toBeDefined();27 expect(enum1).toBeDefined();28 expect(namespace1).toBeDefined();29 });30 it('should work with autoSpy', () => {31 const component = autoSpy(TestComponent);32 const directive = autoSpy(TestDirective);33 const pipe = autoSpy(TestPipe);34 const service = autoSpy(TestService);35 const module = autoSpy(TestModule);36 const class1 = autoSpy(TestClass);37 const interface1 = autoSpy(TestInterface);38 const function1 = autoSpy(TestFunction);39 const type1 = autoSpy(TestType);40 const variable1 = autoSpy(TestVariable);41 const enum1 = autoSpy(TestEnum);42 const namespace1 = autoSpy(TestNamespace);43 expect(component).toBeDefined();44 expect(directive).toBeDefined();45 expect(pipe).toBeDefined();46 expect(service).toBeDefined();47 expect(module).toBeDefined();48 expect(class1).toBeDefined();49 expect(interface1).toBeDefined();50 expect(function1).toBeDefined();51 expect(type1).toBeDefined();52 expect(variable1).toBeDefined();53 expect(enum1).toBeDefined();54 expect(namespace1).toBeDefined();55 });56});
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('ng-mocks', () => {2 it('should test ng-mocks', () => {3 const fixture = MockRender(`4 `);5 const testComponent = MockRender(TestComponent);6 expect(getMeta(testComponent).selector).toBe('app-test');7 });8});9describe('ng-mocks', () => {10 it('should test ng-mocks', () => {11 const fixture = MockRender(`12 `);13 const testComponent = MockRender(TestComponent);14 expect(getMeta(testComponent).selector).toBe('app-test');15 });16});17describe('ng-mocks', () => {18 it('should test ng-mocks', () => {19 const fixture = MockRender(`20 `);21 const testComponent = MockRender(TestComponent);22 expect(getOutput(testComponent, 'testEvent')).toBeTruthy();23 });24});25describe('ng-mocks', () => {26 it('should test ng-mocks', () => {27 const fixture = MockRender(`28 `);29 const testComponent = MockRender(TestComponent);30 expect(getOutputs(testComponent)).toEqual({31 testEvent: jasmine.any(EventEmitter)32 });33 });34});
Using AI Code Generation
1const mock = ngMocks.getMeta(TestComponent);2const mock = ngMocks.getMock(TestComponent);3const mock = ngMocks.getMockInstance(TestComponent);4const mock = ngMocks.getMockProviders(TestComponent);5const mock = ngMocks.getMockProvider(TestComponent);6const mock = ngMocks.getMockProviderInstance(TestComponent);7const mock = ngMocks.getMockPipe(TestComponent);8const mock = ngMocks.getMockPipeInstance(TestComponent);9const mock = ngMocks.getMockDirective(TestComponent);10const mock = ngMocks.getMockDirectiveInstance(TestComponent);
Using AI Code Generation
1const meta = getMeta(TestComponent);2{3 host: {4 '(click)': 'onClick()'5 },6 queries: {7 'test': new ViewChild('test', {static: true})8 },9 interpolation: ['{{', '}}'],10}11function getMeta<T>(type: Type<T>): TypeMeta<T>;12function getDeclaredInputs<T>(type: Type<T>): string[];13function getDeclaredOutputs<T>(type: Type<T>): string[];14function getDeclaredHostBindings<T>(type: Type<T>): string[];
Using AI Code Generation
1import { getMeta } from 'ng-mocks';2const meta = getMeta(TestComponent);3{4}5import { getMockOf } from 'ng-mocks';6const mock = getMockOf(TestComponent);7{8 ngOnInit: jasmine.createSpy('ngOnInit'),9 ngOnDestroy: jasmine.createSpy('ngOnDestroy'),10 ngOnChanges: jasmine.createSpy('ngOnChanges')11}12import { getMockOfMethod } from 'ng-mocks';13const mock = getMockOfMethod(TestComponent, 'ngOnInit');14jasmine.createSpy('ngOnInit')15import { getMockOfProperty } from 'ng-mocks';16const mock = getMockOfProperty(TestComponent, 'title');17jasmine.createSpy('title')18import { getMockOfStaticMethod } from 'ng-mocks';19const mock = getMockOfStaticMethod(TestComponent, 'ngOnInit');20jasmine.createSpy('ngOnInit')21import { getMockOfStaticProperty } from 'ng-mocks';22const mock = getMockOfStaticProperty(TestComponent, 'title');
Using AI Code Generation
1var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2var metadata = ngMocks.getMeta('ngModule', 'myApp');3console.log(metadata);4var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');5var metadata = ngMocks.getMeta('ngModule', 'myApp');6console.log(metadata);7#### ngMocks.getMeta(type, name)8#### ngMocks.getMetaFor(type, name)9#### ngMocks.getMetaForComponent(name)10#### ngMocks.getMetaForController(name)
Using AI Code Generation
1import {getMeta} from 'ng-mocks';2import {SomeComponent} from './some.component';3describe('getMeta', () => {4 it('should return the metadata of a component', () => {5 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);6 expect(meta).toBeDefined();7 });8 it('should return the metadata of a component', () => {9 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);10 expect(meta).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object));11 });12 it('should have a selector property', () => {13 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);14 expect(meta.selector).toBeDefined();15 });16 it('should have a selector property', () => {17 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);18 expect(meta.selector).toEqual(jasmine.any(String));19 });20 it('should have a selector property with a value', () => {21 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);22 expect(meta.selector).toBe('app-some');23 });24 it('should have a template property', () => {25 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);26 expect(meta.template).toBeDefined();27 });28 it('should have a template property', () => {29 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);30 expect(meta.template).toEqual(jasmine.any(String));31 });32 it('should have a template property with a value', () => {33 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);34 expect(meta.template).toBe('<p>some works!</p>');35 });36 it('should have a styles property', () => {37 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);38 expect(meta.styles).toBeDefined();39 });40 it('should have a styles property', () => {41 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);42 expect(meta.styles).toEqual(jasmine.any(Array));43 });44 it('should have a styles property with a value', () => {45 const meta = getMeta(SomeComponent);46 expect(meta.styles).toEqual([]);47 });48});
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So, now that the first installment of this two fold article has been published (hence you might have an idea of what Agile Testing is not in my opinion), I’ve started feeling the pressure to explain what Agile Testing actually means to me.
Sometimes, in our test code, we need to handle actions that apparently could not be done automatically. For example, some mouse actions such as context click, double click, drag and drop, mouse movements, and some special key down and key up actions. These specific actions could be crucial depending on the project context.
In general, software testers have a challenging job. Software testing is frequently the final significant activity undertaken prior to actually delivering a product. Since the terms “software” and “late” are nearly synonymous, it is the testers that frequently catch the ire of the whole business as they try to test the software at the end. It is the testers who are under pressure to finish faster and deem the product “release candidate” before they have had enough opportunity to be comfortable. To make matters worse, if bugs are discovered in the product after it has been released, everyone looks to the testers and says, “Why didn’t you spot those bugs?” The testers did not cause the bugs, but they must bear some of the guilt for the bugs that were disclosed.
Xamarin is an open-source framework that offers cross-platform application development using the C# programming language. It helps to simplify your overall development and management of cross-platform software applications.
Recently, I was going through some of the design patterns in Java by reading the book Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, and Kathy Sierra.
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