Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: form.js
1import $ from 'dom7';2import { window, document } from 'ssr-window';3import Utils from '../../utils/utils';4// Form Data5const FormData = {6 store(form, data) {7 const app = this;8 let formId = form;9 const $formEl = $(form);10 if ($formEl.length && $'form') && $formEl.attr('id')) {11 formId = $formEl.attr('id');12 }13 // Store form data in app.formsData14[`form-${formId}`] = data;15 // Store form data in local storage also16 try {17 window.localStorage[`f7form-${formId}`] = JSON.stringify(data);18 } catch (e) {19 throw e;20 }21 },22 get(form) {23 const app = this;24 let formId = form;25 const $formEl = $(form);26 if ($formEl.length && $'form') && $formEl.attr('id')) {27 formId = $formEl.attr('id');28 }29 try {30 if (window.localStorage[`f7form-${formId}`]) {31 return JSON.parse(window.localStorage[`f7form-${formId}`]);32 }33 } catch (e) {34 throw e;35 }36 if ([`form-${formId}`]) {37 return[`form-${formId}`];38 }39 return undefined;40 },41 remove(form) {42 const app = this;43 let formId = form;44 const $formEl = $(form);45 if ($formEl.length && $'form') && $formEl.attr('id')) {46 formId = $formEl.attr('id');47 }48 // Delete form data from app.formsData49 if ([`form-${formId}`]) {50[`form-${formId}`] = '';51 delete[`form-${formId}`];52 }53 // Delete form data from local storage also54 try {55 if (window.localStorage[`f7form-${formId}`]) {56 window.localStorage[`f7form-${formId}`] = '';57 window.localStorage.removeItem(`f7form-${formId}`);58 }59 } catch (e) {60 throw e;61 }62 },63};64// Form Storage65const FormStorage = {66 init(formEl) {67 const app = this;68 const $formEl = $(formEl);69 const formId = $formEl.attr('id');70 if (!formId) return;71 const initialData = app.form.getFormData(formId);72 if (initialData) {73 app.form.fillFromData($formEl, initialData);74 }75 function store() {76 const data = app.form.convertToData($formEl);77 if (!data) return;78 app.form.storeFormData(formId, data);79 $formEl.trigger('form:storedata', data);80 app.emit('formStoreData', $formEl[0], data);81 }82 $formEl.on('change submit', store);83 },84 destroy(formEl) {85 const $formEl = $(formEl);86 $'change submit');87 },88};89// Form To/From Data90function formToData(formEl) {91 const app = this;92 const $formEl = $(formEl).eq(0);93 if ($formEl.length === 0) return undefined;94 // Form data95 const data = {};96 // Skip input types97 const skipTypes = ['submit', 'image', 'button', 'file'];98 const skipNames = [];99 $formEl.find('input, select, textarea').each((inputIndex, inputEl) => {100 const $inputEl = $(inputEl);101 if ($inputEl.hasClass('ignore-store-data') || $inputEl.hasClass('no-store-data')) {102 return;103 }104 const name = $inputEl.attr('name');105 const type = $inputEl.attr('type');106 const tag = inputEl.nodeName.toLowerCase();107 if (skipTypes.indexOf(type) >= 0) return;108 if (skipNames.indexOf(name) >= 0 || !name) return;109 if (tag === 'select' && $inputEl.prop('multiple')) {110 skipNames.push(name);111 data[name] = [];112 $formEl.find(`select[name="${name}"] option`).each((index, el) => {113 if (el.selected) data[name].push(el.value);114 });115 } else {116 switch (type) {117 case 'checkbox':118 skipNames.push(name);119 data[name] = [];120 $formEl.find(`input[name="${name}"]`).each((index, el) => {121 if (el.checked) data[name].push(el.value);122 });123 break;124 case 'radio':125 skipNames.push(name);126 $formEl.find(`input[name="${name}"]`).each((index, el) => {127 if (el.checked) data[name] = el.value;128 });129 break;130 default:131 data[name] = $inputEl.val();132 break;133 }134 }135 });136 $formEl.trigger('form:todata', data);137 app.emit('formToData', $formEl[0], data);138 return data;139}140function formFromData(formEl, formData) {141 const app = this;142 const $formEl = $(formEl).eq(0);143 if (!$formEl.length) return;144 let data = formData;145 const formId = $formEl.attr('id');146 if (!data && formId) {147 data = app.form.getFormData(formId);148 }149 if (!data) return;150 // Skip input types151 const skipTypes = ['submit', 'image', 'button', 'file'];152 const skipNames = [];153 $formEl.find('input, select, textarea').each((inputIndex, inputEl) => {154 const $inputEl = $(inputEl);155 if ($inputEl.hasClass('ignore-store-data') || $inputEl.hasClass('no-store-data')) {156 return;157 }158 const name = $inputEl.attr('name');159 const type = $inputEl.attr('type');160 const tag = inputEl.nodeName.toLowerCase();161 if (typeof data[name] === 'undefined' || data[name] === null) return;162 if (skipTypes.indexOf(type) >= 0) return;163 if (skipNames.indexOf(name) >= 0 || !name) return;164 if (tag === 'select' && $inputEl.prop('multiple')) {165 skipNames.push(name);166 $formEl.find(`select[name="${name}"] option`).each((index, el) => {167 const selectEl = el;168 if (data[name].indexOf(el.value) >= 0) selectEl.selected = true;169 else selectEl.selected = false;170 });171 } else {172 switch (type) {173 case 'checkbox':174 skipNames.push(name);175 $formEl.find(`input[name="${name}"]`).each((index, el) => {176 const checkboxEl = el;177 if (data[name].indexOf(el.value) >= 0) checkboxEl.checked = true;178 else checkboxEl.checked = false;179 });180 break;181 case 'radio':182 skipNames.push(name);183 $formEl.find(`input[name="${name}"]`).each((index, el) => {184 const radioEl = el;185 if (data[name] === el.value) radioEl.checked = true;186 else radioEl.checked = false;187 });188 break;189 default:190 $inputEl.val(data[name]);191 break;192 }193 }194 if (tag === 'select' || tag === 'input' || tag === 'textarea') {195 $inputEl.trigger('change', 'fromdata');196 }197 });198 $formEl.trigger('form:fromdata', data);199 app.emit('formFromData', $formEl[0], data);200}201function initAjaxForm() {202 const app = this;203 function onSubmitChange(e, fromData) {204 const $formEl = $(this);205 if (e.type === 'change' && !$formEl.hasClass('form-ajax-submit-onchange')) return;206 if (e.type === 'submit') e.preventDefault();207 if (e.type === 'change' && fromData === 'fromdata') return;208 const method = ($formEl.attr('method') || 'GET').toUpperCase();209 const contentType = $formEl.prop('enctype') || $formEl.attr('enctype');210 const url = $formEl.attr('action');211 if (!url) return;212 let data;213 if (method === 'POST') {214 if (contentType === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {215 data = app.form.convertToData($formEl[0]);216 } else {217 data = new window.FormData($formEl[0]);218 }219 } else {220 data = Utils.serializeObject(app.form.convertToData($formEl[0]));221 }222 app.request({223 method,224 url,225 contentType,226 data,227 beforeSend(xhr) {228 $formEl.trigger('formajax:beforesend', { data, xhr });229 app.emit('formAjaxBeforeSend', $formEl[0], data, xhr);230 },231 error(xhr) {232 $formEl.trigger('formajax:error', { data, xhr });233 app.emit('formAjaxError', $formEl[0], data, xhr);234 },235 complete(xhr) {236 $formEl.trigger('formajax:complete', { data, xhr });237 app.emit('formAjaxComplete', $formEl[0], data, xhr);238 },239 success(response, status, xhr) {240 $formEl.trigger('formajax:success', { data, xhr });241 app.emit('formAjaxSuccess', $formEl[0], data, xhr);242 },243 });244 }245 $(document).on('submit change', 'form.form-ajax-submit, form.form-ajax-submit-onchange', onSubmitChange);246}247export default {248 name: 'form',249 create() {250 const app = this;251 Utils.extend(app, {252 form: {253 data: {},254 storeFormData:,255 getFormData: FormData.get.bind(app),256 removeFormData: FormData.remove.bind(app),257 convertToData: formToData.bind(app),258 fillFromData: formFromData.bind(app),259 storage: {260 init: FormStorage.init.bind(app),261 destroy: FormStorage.destroy.bind(app),262 },263 },264 });265 },266 on: {267 init() {268 const app = this;269;270 },271 tabBeforeRemove(tabEl) {272 const app = this;273 $(tabEl).find('.form-store-data').each((index, formEl) => {274;275 });276 },277 tabMounted(tabEl) {278 const app = this;279 $(tabEl).find('.form-store-data').each((index, formEl) => {280;281 });282 },283 pageBeforeRemove(page) {284 const app = this;285 page.$el.find('.form-store-data').each((index, formEl) => {286;287 });288 },289 pageInit(page) {290 const app = this;291 page.$el.find('.form-store-data').each((index, formEl) => {292;293 });294 },295 },...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { FormEl } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;5 let component: MyComponent;6 beforeEach(() => {7 TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 });9 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);10 component = fixture.componentInstance;11 });12 it('should have a form', () => {13 const form = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);14 expect(form).toBeDefined();15 });16});17import { getControl } from 'ng-mocks';18import { MyComponent } from './my.component';19describe('MyComponent', () => {20 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;21 let component: MyComponent;22 beforeEach(() => {23 TestBed.configureTestingModule({24 });25 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);26 component = fixture.componentInstance;27 });28 it('should have a control', () => {29 const control = getControl(fixture.debugElement, 'username');30 expect(control).toBeDefined();31 });32});33import { getControlValue } from 'ng-mocks';34import { MyComponent } from './my.component';35describe('MyComponent', () => {36 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;37 let component: MyComponent;38 beforeEach(() => {39 TestBed.configureTestingModule({40 });41 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);42 component = fixture.componentInstance;43 });44 it('should have a control', () => {45 const value = getControlValue(fixture.debugElement, 'username');46 expect(value).toBe('default');47 });48});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { FormEl } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should work', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 const form = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);7 expect(form).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { MockBuilder, MyComponent } from 'ng-mocks';11describe('MyComponent', () => {12 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));13 it('should work', () => {14 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);15 const form = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);16 expect(form).toBeDefined();17 });18});19import { MockRender, MyComponent } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('MyComponent', () => {21 it('should work', () => {22 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);23 const form = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);24 expect(form).toBeDefined();25 });26});27import { MockInstance, MyComponent } from 'ng-mocks';28describe('MyComponent', () => {29 it('should work', () => {30 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);31 const instance = MockInstance(MyComponent, fixture.debugElement);32 expect(instance).toBeDefined();33 });34});35import { MockProvider, MyComponent } from 'ng-mocks';36describe('MyComponent', () => {37 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent).mock(MyService));38 it('should work', () => {39 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);40 const provider = MockProvider(MyService, fixture.debugElement);41 expect(provider).toBeDefined();42 });43});44import { MockDirective, MyComponent } from 'ng-mocks';45describe('MyComponent', () => {46 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent).mock(MyDirective
Using AI Code Generation
1import { FormEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = MockRender(`3`);4const form = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);5import { MockBuilder } from 'ng-mocks';6beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule));7import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';8beforeEach(() => MockRender(MyComponent, MyModule));9import { MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';10beforeEach(() => MockInstance(MyComponent, MyModule));11import { MockService } from 'ng-mocks';12beforeEach(() => MockService(MyComponent, MyModule));13import { MockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';14beforeEach(() => MockProvider(MyComponent, MyModule));15import { MockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';16beforeEach(() => MockDirective(MyComponent, MyModule));17import { MockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';18beforeEach(() => MockPipe(MyComponent, MyModule));19import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';20beforeEach(() => MockComponent(MyComponent, MyModule));21import { MockModule } from 'ng-mocks';22beforeEach(() => MockModule(My
Using AI Code Generation
1import { FormEl } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should have an input', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);6 const input = FormEl(fixture.debugElement, 'input');7 expect(input).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { FormElAll } from 'ng-mocks';11import { AppComponent } from './app.component';12describe('AppComponent', () => {13 it('should have an input', () => {14 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);15 const inputs = FormElAll(fixture.debugElement, 'input');16 expect(inputs.length).toBe(2);17 });18});19import { FormElAll } from 'ng-mocks';20import { AppComponent } from './app.component';21describe('AppComponent', () => {22 it('should have an input', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);24 const inputs = FormElAll(fixture.debugElement, 'input');25 expect(inputs.length).toBe(2);26 });27});28import { FormElGroup } from 'ng-mocks';29import { AppComponent } from './app.component';30describe('AppComponent', () => {31 it('should have a form group', () => {32 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);33 const formGroup = FormElGroup(fixture.debugElement);34 expect(formGroup).toBeDefined();35 });36});37import { FormElValue } from 'ng-mocks';38import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
Using AI Code Generation
1var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');2var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');3var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');4var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');5var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');6var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');7var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');8var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');9var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');10var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');11var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');12var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');13var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');14var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');15var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');16var formEl = ngMocks.formEl('<form name="testForm"></form>');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { formEl } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('FormEl', () => {3 it('should get the form element', () => {4 const fixture = MockRender(`5 `);6 const form = formEl(fixture.debugElement);7 expect(form).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { formGroupEl } from 'ng-mocks';11describe('FormGroupEl', () => {12 it('should get the form group element', () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(`14 `);15 const formGroup = formGroupEl(fixture.debugElement);16 expect(formGroup).toBeDefined();17 });18});19import { inputEl } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('InputEl', () => {21 it('should get the input element', () => {22 const fixture = MockRender(`23 `);24 const input = inputEl(fixture.debugElement);25 expect(input).toBeDefined();26 });27});28import { inputElByName } from 'ng-mocks';29describe('InputElByName', () => {30 it('should get the input element by name', () => {31 const fixture = MockRender(`32 `);33 const input = inputElByName(fixture.debugElement, 'name');34 expect(input).toBeDefined();35 });36});37import { inputElByLabel } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('InputElByLabel', () => {39 it('should get the input element by label', () => {40 const fixture = MockRender(`
Using AI Code Generation
1import { FormEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const formEl = FormEl(fixture.debugElement);3const form = formEl.componentInstance;4const formGroup = formEl.formGroup;5const formControl = formEl.formControl;6import { MockControl } from 'ng-mocks';7const mockControl = MockControl.create();8const formControl = mockControl.formControl;9import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';10const mockComponent = MockComponent(MyComponent);11import { MockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';12const mockDirective = MockDirective(MyDirective);13import { MockModule } from 'ng-mocks';14const mockModule = MockModule(MyModule);15import { MockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';16const mockPipe = MockPipe(MyPipe);17import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';18const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);19import { MockService } from 'ng-mocks';20const mockService = MockService(MyService);21import { MockHelper } from 'ng-mocks';22const mockHelper = MockHelper(MyComponent);23import { MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';24const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent, MyService);
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Component: test', function() {2 var formEl, scope, element, $httpBackend;3 beforeEach(module('app'));4 beforeEach(module('app/test/test.html'));5 beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_) {6 scope = $rootScope.$new();7 $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;8 element = angular.element('<test></test>');9 element = $compile(element)(scope);10 scope.$apply();11 formEl = element.find('form');12 }));13 it('should render the form', function() {14 expect(formEl).toBeDefined();15 });16 it('should render the form with the correct fields', function() {17 expect(formEl.find('input').length).toBe(3);18 expect(formEl.find('input')[0].name).toBe('name');19 expect(formEl.find('input')[1].name).toBe('email');20 expect(formEl.find('input')[2].name).toBe('password');21 });22 it('should render the form with the correct labels', function() {23 expect(formEl.find('label').length).toBe(3);24 expect(formEl.find('label')[0].textContent).toContain('Name');25 expect(formEl.find('label')[1].textContent).toContain('Email');26 expect(formEl.find('label')[2].textContent).toContain('Password');27 });28 it('should render the form with the correct placeholders', function() {29 expect(formEl.find('input').length).toBe(3);30 expect(formEl.find('input')[0].placeholder).toBe('Name');31 expect(formEl.find('input')[1].placeholder).toBe('Email');32 expect(formEl.find('input')[2].placeholder).toBe('Password');33 });34 it('should render the form with the correct buttons', function() {35 expect(formEl.find('button').length).toBe(2);36 expect(formEl.find('button')[0].textContent).toContain('Submit');37 expect(formEl.find('button')[1].textContent).toContain('Reset');38 });39 it('should render the form with the correct submit button type', function() {40 expect(formEl.find('button')[0].type).toBe('submit');41 });42 it('should render the form with the correct reset button type', function() {43 expect(formEl.find('button')[1].type).toBe('reset');44 });45 it('should
Using AI Code Generation
1var formEl = ngMocks.formEl;2var fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');3var form = formEl(fixture);4var control = form.control('myControl');5expect(control).toBeDefined();6find(selector: string): ComponentFixture<any>7var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');8var fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');9expect(fixture.componentInstance).toBeDefined();10flush(): void11var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');12ngMocks.flush();13formEl(fixture: ComponentFixture<any>): NgForm14var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');15var fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');16var form = ngMocks.formEl(fixture);17var control = form.control('myControl');18expect(control).toBeDefined();19input(fixture: ComponentFixture<any>, name: string, value: any): void20var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');21var fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');22ngMocks.input(fixture, 'myControl', 'my value');23expect(fixture.componentInstance.myControl).toEqual('my value');24instance(fixture: ComponentFixture<any>): any25var ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');26var fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');27var component = ngMocks.instance(fixture);28expect(component).toBeDefined();29mock<T>(type: Type<T>): MockRenderResult<T>
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