How to use flags method in ng-mocks

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Source:regexp.js.uncompressed.js Github


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1define("dojox/​validate/​regexp", ["dojo/​_base/​lang", "dojo/​regexp", "dojox/​main"], 2 function(lang, regexp, dojox){3var dxregexp = lang.getObject("validate.regexp", true, dojox);4dxregexp = dojox.validate.regexp = {5 6 ipAddress: function(flags){7 /​/​ summary:8 /​/​ Builds a RE that matches an IP Address9 /​/​ description:10 /​/​ Supports 5 formats for IPv4: dotted decimal, dotted hex, dotted octal, decimal and hexadecimal.11 /​/​ Supports 2 formats for Ipv6.12 /​/​ flags: Object?13 /​/​ All flags are boolean with default = true.14 /​/​15 /​/​ - flags.allowDottedDecimal Example, No zero padding.16 /​/​ - flags.allowDottedHex Example, 0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28. Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.17 /​/​ - flags.allowDottedOctal Example, 0030.0021.0233.0050. Zero padding allowed.18 /​/​ - flags.allowDecimal Example, 3482223595. A decimal number between 0-4294967295.19 /​/​ - flags.allowHex Example, 0xCF8E83EB. Hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF.20 /​/​ Case insensitive. Zero padding allowed.21 /​/​ - flags.allowIPv6 IPv6 address written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits.22 23 /​/​ FIXME: ipv6 can be written multiple ways IIRC24 /​/​ - flags.allowHybrid IPv6 address written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits25 /​/​ - followed by the usual 4 dotted decimal digit notation of IPv4. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d26 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters27 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};28 if(typeof flags.allowDottedDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedDecimal = true; }29 if(typeof flags.allowDottedHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedHex = true; }30 if(typeof flags.allowDottedOctal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedOctal = true; }31 if(typeof flags.allowDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDecimal = true; }32 if(typeof flags.allowHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowHex = true; }33 if(typeof flags.allowIPv6 != "boolean"){ flags.allowIPv6 = true; }34 if(typeof flags.allowHybrid != "boolean"){ flags.allowHybrid = true; }35 /​/​ decimal-dotted IP address RE.36 var dottedDecimalRE =37 /​/​ Each number is between 0-255. Zero padding is not allowed.38 "((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";39 /​/​ dotted hex IP address RE. Each number is between 0x0-0xff. Zero padding is allowed, e.g. 0x00.40 var dottedHexRE = "(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]";41 /​/​ dotted octal IP address RE. Each number is between 0000-0377.42 /​/​ Zero padding is allowed, but each number must have at least 4 characters.43 var dottedOctalRE = "(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]";44 /​/​ decimal IP address RE. A decimal number between 0-4294967295.45 var decimalRE = "(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|" +46 "4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])";47 /​/​ hexadecimal IP address RE.48 /​/​ A hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF. Case insensitive. Zero padding is allowed.49 var hexRE = "0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}";50 /​/​ IPv6 address RE.51 /​/​ The format is written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,52 /​/​ where x is between 0000-ffff. Zero padding is optional. Case insensitive.53 var ipv6RE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}";54 /​/​ IPv6/​IPv4 Hybrid address RE.55 /​/​ The format is written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits,56 /​/​ followed by the 4 dotted decimal IPv4 format. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d57 var hybridRE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}" +58 "((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";59 /​/​ Build IP Address RE60 var a = [];61 if(flags.allowDottedDecimal){ a.push(dottedDecimalRE); }62 if(flags.allowDottedHex){ a.push(dottedHexRE); }63 if(flags.allowDottedOctal){ a.push(dottedOctalRE); }64 if(flags.allowDecimal){ a.push(decimalRE); }65 if(flags.allowHex){ a.push(hexRE); }66 if(flags.allowIPv6){ a.push(ipv6RE); }67 if(flags.allowHybrid){ a.push(hybridRE); }68 var ipAddressRE = "";69 if(a.length > 0){70 ipAddressRE = "(" + a.join("|") + ")";71 }72 return ipAddressRE; /​/​ String73 },74 host: function(flags){75 /​/​ summary:76 /​/​ Builds a RE that matches a host77 /​/​ description:78 /​/​ A host is a named host (A-z0-9_- but not starting with -), a domain name or an IP address, possibly followed by a port number.79 /​/​ flags: Object?80 /​/​ - flags.allowNamed Allow a named host for local networks. Default is false.81 /​/​ - flags.allowIP Allow an IP address for hostname. Default is true.82 /​/​ - flags.allowLocal Allow the host to be "localhost". Default is false.83 /​/​ - flags.allowPort Allow a port number to be present. Default is true.84 /​/​ - flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.85 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters86 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};87 if(typeof flags.allowIP != "boolean"){ flags.allowIP = true; }88 if(typeof flags.allowLocal != "boolean"){ flags.allowLocal = false; }89 if(typeof flags.allowPort != "boolean"){ flags.allowPort = true; }90 if(typeof flags.allowNamed != "boolean"){ flags.allowNamed = false; }91 /​/​TODO: support unicode hostnames?92 /​/​ Domain name labels can not end with a dash.93 var domainLabelRE = "(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)";94 var domainNameRE = "(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,6}[\\da-zA-Z])?)"; /​/​ restricted version to allow backwards compatibility with allowLocal, allowIP95 /​/​ port number RE96 var portRE = flags.allowPort ? "(\\:\\d+)?" : "";97 /​/​ build host RE98 var hostNameRE = "((?:" + domainLabelRE + "\\.)+" + domainNameRE + "\\.?)";99 if(flags.allowIP){ hostNameRE += "|" + dxregexp.ipAddress(flags); }100 if(flags.allowLocal){ hostNameRE += "|localhost"; }101 if(flags.allowNamed){ hostNameRE += "|^[^-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"; }102 return "(" + hostNameRE + ")" + portRE; /​/​ String103 },104 url: function(flags){105 /​/​ summary:106 /​/​ Builds a regular expression that matches a URL107 /​/​ flags: Object?108 /​/​ - flags.scheme Can be true, false, or [true, false].109 /​/​ - This means: required, not allowed, or match either one.110 /​/​ - flags in can be applied.111 /​/​ - flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.112 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters113 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};114 if(!("scheme" in flags)){ flags.scheme = [true, false]; }115 /​/​ Scheme RE116 var protocolRE = regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.scheme,117 function(q){ if(q){ return "(https?|ftps?)\\:/​/​"; } return ""; }118 );119 /​/​ Path and query and anchor RE120 var pathRE = "(/​(?:[^?#\\s/​]+/​)*(?:[^?#\\s/​]+(?:\\?[^?#\\s/​]*)?(?:#[A-Za-z][\\w.:-]*)?)?)?";121 return protocolRE + + pathRE;122 },123 emailAddress: function(flags){124 /​/​ summary:125 /​/​ Builds a regular expression that matches an email address126 /​/​ flags: Object?127 /​/​ - flags.allowCruft Allow address like `<>`. Default is false.128 /​/​ - flags in can be applied.129 /​/​ - flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.130 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters131 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};132 if (typeof flags.allowCruft != "boolean") { flags.allowCruft = false; }133 flags.allowPort = false; /​/​ invalid in email addresses134 /​/​ user name RE per rfc5322135 var usernameRE = "([!#-'*+\\-\\/​-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\\-\\/​-9=?A-Z^-~]+";136 /​/​ build emailAddress RE137 var emailAddressRE = usernameRE + "@" +;138 /​/​ Allow email addresses with cruft139 if ( flags.allowCruft ) {140 emailAddressRE = "<?(mailto\\:)?" + emailAddressRE + ">?";141 }142 return emailAddressRE; /​/​ String143 },144 emailAddressList: function(flags){145 /​/​ summary:146 /​/​ Builds a regular expression that matches a list of email addresses.147 /​/​ flags: Object?148 /​/​ - flags.listSeparator The character used to separate email addresses. Default is ";", ",", "\n" or " ".149 /​/​ - flags in regexp.emailAddress can be applied.150 /​/​ - flags in can be applied.151 /​/​ - flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.152 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters153 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};154 if(typeof flags.listSeparator != "string"){ flags.listSeparator = "\\s;,"; }155 /​/​ build a RE for an Email Address List156 var emailAddressRE = dxregexp.emailAddress(flags);157 var emailAddressListRE = "(" + emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]\\s*)*" +158 emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]?\\s*";159 return emailAddressListRE; /​/​ String160 },161 162 numberFormat: function(flags){163 /​/​ summary:164 /​/​ Builds a regular expression to match any sort of number based format165 /​/​ description:166 /​/​ Use this method for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.167 /​/​ The RE can match one format or one of multiple formats.168 /​/​169 /​/​ Format:170 /​/​171 /​/​ - # Stands for a digit, 0-9.172 /​/​ - ? Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.173 /​/​ - All other characters must appear literally in the expression.174 /​/​175 /​/​ example:176 /​/​ - "(###) ###-####" - -> (510) 542-9742177 /​/​ - "(###) ###-#### x#???" -> (510) 542-9742 x153178 /​/​ - "###-##-####" - - -> 506-82-1089 - i.e. social security number179 /​/​ - "#####-####" - - -> 98225-1649 - - i.e. zip code180 /​/​181 /​/​ flags: Object?182 /​/​ - flags.format A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.183 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters184 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};185 if(typeof flags.format == "undefined"){ flags.format = "###-###-####"; }186 /​/​ Converts a number format to RE.187 var digitRE = function(format){188 /​/​ escape all special characters, except '?'189 return regexp.escapeString(format, "?")190 /​/​ Now replace '?' with Regular Expression191 .replace(/​\?/​g, "\\d?")192 /​/​ replace # with Regular Expression193 .replace(/​#/​g, "\\d")194 ;195 };196 /​/​ build RE for multiple number formats197 return regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.format, digitRE); /​/​String198 },199 200 ca: {201 postalCode: function(){202 /​/​ summary:203 /​/​ String regular Express to match Canadain Postal Codes204 return "([A-Z][0-9][A-Z] [0-9][A-Z][0-9])";205 },206 province: function(){207 /​/​ summary:208 /​/​ a regular expression to match Canadian Province Abbreviations209 return "(AB|BC|MB|NB|NL|NS|NT|NU|ON|PE|QC|SK|YT)";210 }211 },212 213 us:{214 state: function(flags){215 /​/​ summary:216 /​/​ A regular expression to match US state and territory abbreviations217 /​/​ flags: Object?218 /​/​ - flags.allowTerritories Allow Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Default is true.219 /​/​ - flags.allowMilitary Allow military 'states', e.g. Armed Forces Europe (AE). Default is true.220 /​/​ assign default values to missing parameters221 flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};222 if(typeof flags.allowTerritories != "boolean"){ flags.allowTerritories = true; }223 if(typeof flags.allowMilitary != "boolean"){ flags.allowMilitary = true; }224 /​/​ state RE225 var statesRE =226 "AL|AK|AZ|AR|CA|CO|CT|DE|DC|FL|GA|HI|ID|IL|IN|IA|KS|KY|LA|ME|MD|MA|MI|MN|MS|MO|MT|" +227 "NE|NV|NH|NJ|NM|NY|NC|ND|OH|OK|OR|PA|RI|SC|SD|TN|TX|UT|VT|VA|WA|WV|WI|WY";228 /​/​ territories RE229 var territoriesRE = "AS|FM|GU|MH|MP|PW|PR|VI";230 /​/​ military states RE231 var militaryRE = "AA|AE|AP";232 /​/​ Build states and territories RE233 if(flags.allowTerritories){ statesRE += "|" + territoriesRE; }234 if(flags.allowMilitary){ statesRE += "|" + militaryRE; }235 return "(" + statesRE + ")"; /​/​ String236 }237 }238 239};240return dxregexp;...

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...93 if (arr[i] != 0) return true;94 }95 return false;96 }97 function prepare_flags(tileidx, flagdata, cache)98 {99 if (!isNaN(tileidx))100 tileidx = [tileidx];101 else if (tileidx.value !== undefined)102 return tileidx;103 while (tileidx.length < 2) tileidx.push(0);104 if (cache[[tileidx[0],tileidx[1]]] !== undefined)105 return cache[[tileidx[0],tileidx[1]]];106 for (var flagname in flagdata.flags)107 {108 var flagmask = flagdata.flags[flagname];109 if (isNaN(flagmask))110 tileidx[flagname] = array_nonzero(array_and(tileidx, flagmask));111 else112 tileidx[flagname] = (tileidx[0] & flagmask) != 0;113 }114 for (var i = 0; i < flagdata.exclusive_flags.length; ++i)115 {116 var excl = flagdata.exclusive_flags[i];117 var val;118 if (isNaN(excl.mask))119 val = array_and(tileidx, excl.mask);120 else121 val = [tileidx[0] & excl.mask];122 for (var flagname in excl)123 {124 if (flagname === "mask") continue;125 if (isNaN(excl[flagname]))126 tileidx[flagname] = array_equal(val, excl[flagname]);127 else128 tileidx[flagname] = (val[0] == excl[flagname]);129 }130 }131 tileidx.value = tileidx[0] & flagdata.mask;132 cache[[tileidx[0],tileidx[1]]] = tileidx;133 cache.size++;134 return tileidx;135 }136 /​* Hex literals are signed, so values with the highest bit set137 would have to be written in 2-complement; this way is easier to138 read */​139 var highbit = 1 << 31;140 /​/​ Foreground flags141 /​/​ 3 mutually exclusive flags for attitude.142 var fg_flags = { flags: {}, exclusive_flags: [] };143 fg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({144 mask : 0x00030000,145 PET : 0x00010000,146 GD_NEUTRAL : 0x00020000,147 NEUTRAL : 0x00030000,148 });149 fg_flags.flags.S_UNDER = 0x00040000;150 fg_flags.flags.FLYING = 0x00080000;151 /​/​ 3 mutually exclusive flags for behaviour.152 fg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({153 mask : 0x00300000,154 STAB : 0x00100000,155 MAY_STAB : 0x00200000,156 FLEEING : 0x00300000,157 });158 fg_flags.flags.NET = 0x00400000;159 fg_flags.flags.POISON = 0x00800000;160 fg_flags.flags.WEB = 0x01000000;161 fg_flags.flags.GLOWING = 0x02000000;162 fg_flags.flags.STICKY_FLAME = 0x04000000;163 fg_flags.flags.BERSERK = 0x08000000;164 fg_flags.flags.INNER_FLAME = 0x10000000;165 fg_flags.flags.CONSTRICTED = 0x20000000;166 fg_flags.flags.SLOWED = [0, 0x080];167 fg_flags.flags.PAIN_MIRROR = [0, 0x100];168 fg_flags.flags.HASTED = [0, 0x200];169 fg_flags.flags.MIGHT = [0, 0x400];170 fg_flags.flags.PETRIFYING = [0, 0x800];171 fg_flags.flags.PETRIFIED = [0, 0x1000];172 fg_flags.flags.BLIND = [0, 0x2000];173 fg_flags.flags.ANIM_WEP = [0, 0x4000];174 fg_flags.flags.SUMMONED = [0, 0x8000];175 fg_flags.flags.PERM_SUMMON = [0, 0x10000];176 fg_flags.flags.DEATHS_DOOR = [0, 0x20000];177 fg_flags.flags.RECALL = [0, 0x40000];178 fg_flags.flags.DRAIN = [0, 0x80000];179 fg_flags.flags.IDEALISED = [0, 0x100000];180 fg_flags.flags.BOUND_SOUL = [0, 0x200000];181 fg_flags.flags.INFESTED = [0, 0x400000];182 /​/​ MDAM has 5 possibilities, so uses 3 bits.183 fg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({184 mask : [0x40000000 | highbit, 0x01],185 MDAM_LIGHT : [0x40000000, 0x00],186 MDAM_MOD : [highbit, 0x00],187 MDAM_HEAVY : [0x40000000 | highbit, 0x00],188 MDAM_SEV : [0x00000000, 0x01],189 MDAM_ADEAD : [0x40000000 | highbit, 0x01],190 });191 /​/​ Demon difficulty has 5 possibilities, so uses 3 bits.192 fg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({193 mask : [0, 0x0E],194 DEMON_5 : [0, 0x02],195 DEMON_4 : [0, 0x04],196 DEMON_3 : [0, 0x06],197 DEMON_2 : [0, 0x08],198 DEMON_1 : [0, 0x0E],199 });200 /​/​ Mimics, 2 bits.201 fg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({202 mask : [0, 0x60],203 MIMIC_INEPT : [0, 0x20],204 MIMIC : [0, 0x40],205 MIMIC_RAVEN : [0, 0x60],206 });207 fg_flags.mask = 0x0000FFFF;208 /​/​ Background flags209 var bg_flags = { flags: {}, exclusive_flags: [] };210 bg_flags.flags.RAY = 0x00010000;211 bg_flags.flags.MM_UNSEEN = 0x00020000;212 bg_flags.flags.UNSEEN = 0x00040000;213 bg_flags.exclusive_flags.push({214 mask : 0x00180000,215 CURSOR1 : 0x00180000,216 CURSOR2 : 0x00080000,217 CURSOR3 : 0x00100000,218 });219 bg_flags.flags.TUT_CURSOR = 0x00200000;220 bg_flags.flags.TRAV_EXCL = 0x00400000;221 bg_flags.flags.EXCL_CTR = 0x00800000;222 bg_flags.flags.RAY_OOR = 0x01000000;223 bg_flags.flags.OOR = 0x02000000;224 bg_flags.flags.WATER = 0x04000000;225 bg_flags.flags.NEW_STAIR = 0x08000000;226 /​/​ Kraken tentacle overlays.227 bg_flags.flags.KRAKEN_NW = 0x20000000;228 bg_flags.flags.KRAKEN_NE = 0x40000000;229 bg_flags.flags.KRAKEN_SE = highbit;230 bg_flags.flags.KRAKEN_SW = [0, 0x01];231 /​/​ Eldritch tentacle overlays.232 bg_flags.flags.ELDRITCH_NW = [0, 0x02];233 bg_flags.flags.ELDRITCH_NE = [0, 0x04];234 bg_flags.flags.ELDRITCH_SE = [0, 0x08];235 bg_flags.flags.ELDRITCH_SW = [0, 0x10];236 bg_flags.flags.LANDING = [0, 0x200];237 bg_flags.flags.RAY_MULTI = [0, 0x400];238 bg_flags.mask = 0x0000FFFF;239 /​/​ Since the current flag implementation is really slow we use a trivial240 /​/​ cache system for now.241 var fg_cache = { size : 0 };242 exports.prepare_fg_flags = function (tileidx)243 {244 if (fg_cache.size >= 100)245 fg_cache = { size : 0 };246 return prepare_flags(tileidx, fg_flags, fg_cache);247 }248 var bg_cache = { size : 0 };249 exports.prepare_bg_flags = function (tileidx)250 {251 if (bg_cache.size >= 250)252 bg_cache = { size : 0 };253 return prepare_flags(tileidx, bg_flags, bg_cache);254 }255 /​/​ Menu flags -- see menu.h256 var mf = {};257 mf.NOSELECT = 0x0001;258 mf.SINGLESELECT = 0x0002;259 mf.MULTISELECT = 0x0004;260 mf.NO_SELECT_QTY = 0x0008;261 mf.ANYPRINTABLE = 0x0010;262 mf.SELECT_BY_PAGE = 0x0020;263 mf.ALWAYS_SHOW_MORE = 0x0040;264 mf.NOWRAP = 0x0080;265 mf.ALLOW_FILTER = 0x0100;266 mf.ALLOW_FORMATTING = 0x0200;267 mf.SHOW_PAGENUMBERS = 0x0400;...

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1import { SamplerFormatKind } from './​interfaces';2export enum FormatTypeFlags {3 U8 = 0x01,4 U16,5 U32,6 S8,7 S16,8 S32,9 F16,10 F32,11 /​/​ Compressed texture formats.12 BC1 = 0x41,13 BC2,14 BC3,15 BC4_UNORM,16 BC4_SNORM,17 BC5_UNORM,18 BC5_SNORM,19 /​/​ Special-case packed texture formats.20 U16_PACKED_5551 = 0x61,21 /​/​ Depth/​stencil texture formats.22 D24 = 0x81,23 D32F,24 D24S8,25 D32FS8,26}27export enum FormatCompFlags {28 R = 0x01,29 RG = 0x02,30 RGB = 0x03,31 RGBA = 0x04,32 A = 0x05,33}34export function getFormatCompFlagsComponentCount(n: FormatCompFlags): number {35 /​/​ The number of components is the flag value. Easy.36 return n;37}38export enum FormatFlags {39 None = 0b00000000,40 Normalized = 0b00000001,41 sRGB = 0b00000010,42 Depth = 0b00000100,43 Stencil = 0b00001000,44 RenderTarget = 0b00010000,45}46export function makeFormat(47 type: FormatTypeFlags,48 comp: FormatCompFlags,49 flags: FormatFlags,50): Format {51 return (type << 16) | (comp << 8) | flags;52}53export enum Format {54 ALPHA = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.A, FormatFlags.None),55 F16_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F16, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),56 F16_RG = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F16, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.None),57 F16_RGB = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F16, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.None),58 F16_RGBA = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F16, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.None),59 F32_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F32, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),60 F32_RG = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F32, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.None),61 F32_RGB = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F32, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.None),62 F32_RGBA = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.F32, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.None),63 U8_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),64 U8_R_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Normalized),65 U8_RG = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.None),66 U8_RG_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),67 U8_RGB = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.None),68 U8_RGB_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.Normalized),69 U8_RGB_SRGB = makeFormat(70 FormatTypeFlags.U8,71 FormatCompFlags.RGB,72 FormatFlags.sRGB | FormatFlags.Normalized,73 ),74 U8_RGBA = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.None),75 U8_RGBA_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U8, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),76 U8_RGBA_SRGB = makeFormat(77 FormatTypeFlags.U8,78 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,79 FormatFlags.sRGB | FormatFlags.Normalized,80 ),81 U16_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U16, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),82 U16_R_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U16, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Normalized),83 U16_RG_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U16, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),84 U16_RGBA_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U16, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),85 U16_RGB = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U16, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.None),86 U32_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U32, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),87 U32_RG = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.U32, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.None),88 S8_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S8, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),89 S8_R_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S8, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Normalized),90 S8_RG_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S8, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),91 S8_RGB_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S8, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.Normalized),92 S8_RGBA_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S8, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),93 S16_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),94 S16_RG = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.None),95 S16_RG_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),96 S16_RGB_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.RGB, FormatFlags.Normalized),97 S16_RGBA = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.None),98 S16_RGBA_NORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S16, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),99 S32_R = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.S32, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.None),100 /​/​ Packed texture formats.101 U16_RGBA_5551 = makeFormat(102 FormatTypeFlags.U16_PACKED_5551,103 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,104 FormatFlags.Normalized,105 ),106 /​/​ Compressed107 BC1 = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC1, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),108 BC1_SRGB = makeFormat(109 FormatTypeFlags.BC1,110 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,111 FormatFlags.Normalized | FormatFlags.sRGB,112 ),113 BC2 = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC2, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),114 BC2_SRGB = makeFormat(115 FormatTypeFlags.BC2,116 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,117 FormatFlags.Normalized | FormatFlags.sRGB,118 ),119 BC3 = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC3, FormatCompFlags.RGBA, FormatFlags.Normalized),120 BC3_SRGB = makeFormat(121 FormatTypeFlags.BC3,122 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,123 FormatFlags.Normalized | FormatFlags.sRGB,124 ),125 BC4_UNORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC4_UNORM, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Normalized),126 BC4_SNORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC4_SNORM, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Normalized),127 BC5_UNORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC5_UNORM, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),128 BC5_SNORM = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.BC5_SNORM, FormatCompFlags.RG, FormatFlags.Normalized),129 /​/​ Depth/​Stencil130 D24 = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.D24, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Depth),131 D24_S8 = makeFormat(132 FormatTypeFlags.D24S8,133 FormatCompFlags.RG,134 FormatFlags.Depth | FormatFlags.Stencil,135 ),136 D32F = makeFormat(FormatTypeFlags.D32F, FormatCompFlags.R, FormatFlags.Depth),137 D32F_S8 = makeFormat(138 FormatTypeFlags.D32FS8,139 FormatCompFlags.RG,140 FormatFlags.Depth | FormatFlags.Stencil,141 ),142 /​/​ Special RT formats for preferred backend support.143 U8_RGB_RT = makeFormat(144 FormatTypeFlags.U8,145 FormatCompFlags.RGB,146 FormatFlags.RenderTarget | FormatFlags.Normalized,147 ),148 U8_RGBA_RT = makeFormat(149 FormatTypeFlags.U8,150 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,151 FormatFlags.RenderTarget | FormatFlags.Normalized,152 ),153 U8_RGBA_RT_SRGB = makeFormat(154 FormatTypeFlags.U8,155 FormatCompFlags.RGBA,156 FormatFlags.RenderTarget | FormatFlags.Normalized | FormatFlags.sRGB,157 ),158}159export function getFormatCompFlags(fmt: Format): FormatCompFlags {160 return (fmt >>> 8) & 0xff;161}162export function getFormatTypeFlags(fmt: Format): FormatTypeFlags {163 return (fmt >>> 16) & 0xff;164}165export function getFormatFlags(fmt: Format): FormatFlags {166 return fmt & 0xff;167}168export function getFormatTypeFlagsByteSize(typeFlags: FormatTypeFlags): 1 | 2 | 4 {169 switch (typeFlags) {170 case FormatTypeFlags.F32:171 case FormatTypeFlags.U32:172 case FormatTypeFlags.S32:173 return 4;174 case FormatTypeFlags.U16:175 case FormatTypeFlags.S16:176 case FormatTypeFlags.F16:177 return 2;178 case FormatTypeFlags.U8:179 case FormatTypeFlags.S8:180 return 1;181 default:182 throw new Error('whoops');183 }184}185/​**186 * Gets the byte size for an individual component.187 * e.g. for F32_RGB, this will return "4", since F32 has 4 bytes.188 */​189export function getFormatCompByteSize(fmt: Format): 1 | 2 | 4 {190 return getFormatTypeFlagsByteSize(getFormatTypeFlags(fmt));191}192export function getFormatComponentCount(fmt: Format): number {193 return getFormatCompFlagsComponentCount(getFormatCompFlags(fmt));194}195export function getFormatByteSize(fmt: Format): number {196 const typeByteSize = getFormatTypeFlagsByteSize(getFormatTypeFlags(fmt));197 const componentCount = getFormatCompFlagsComponentCount(getFormatCompFlags(fmt));198 return typeByteSize * componentCount;199}200export function setFormatFlags(fmt: Format, flags: FormatFlags): Format {201 return (fmt & 0xffffff00) | flags;202}203export function setFormatComponentCount(fmt: Format, compFlags: FormatCompFlags): Format {204 return (fmt & 0xffff00ff) | (compFlags << 8);205}206export function getFormatSamplerKind(fmt: Format): SamplerFormatKind {207 const flags = getFormatFlags(fmt);208 if (!!(flags & FormatFlags.Depth)) {209 return SamplerFormatKind.Depth;210 }211 if (!!(flags & FormatFlags.Normalized)) {212 return SamplerFormatKind.Float;213 }214 const typeFlags = getFormatTypeFlags(fmt);215 if (typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.F16 || typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.F32) {216 return SamplerFormatKind.Float;217 } else if (218 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.U8 ||219 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.U16 ||220 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.U32221 ) {222 return SamplerFormatKind.Uint;223 } else if (224 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.S8 ||225 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.S16 ||226 typeFlags === FormatTypeFlags.S32227 ) {228 return SamplerFormatKind.Sint;229 } else {230 throw new Error('whoops');231 }...

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Source:admin-change-country.js Github


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1const init_admin_change_country = function() {2 const $ = jQuery;3 if(typeof weglot_css !== "undefined"){4 $("#weglot-css-flag-css").text(weglot_css.flag_css);5 }6 function refresh_flag_css() {7 var en_flags = new Array();8 var es_flags = new Array();9 var fr_flags = new Array();10 var ar_flags = new Array();11 var tw_flags = new Array();12 var zh_flags = new Array();13 en_flags[1] = [3570, 7841, 48, 2712];14 en_flags[2] = [3720, 449, 3048, 4440];15 en_flags[3] = [3840, 1281, 2712, 4224];16 en_flags[4] = [3240, 5217, 1224, 2112];17 en_flags[5] = [4050, 3585, 1944, 2496];18 en_flags[6] = [2340, 3457, 2016, 2016];19 es_flags[1] = [4320, 4641, 3144, 3552];20 es_flags[2] = [3750, 353, 2880, 4656];21 es_flags[3] = [4200, 1601, 2568, 3192];22 es_flags[4] = [3990, 5793, 1032, 2232];23 es_flags[5] = [5460, 897, 4104, 3120];24 es_flags[6] = [3810, 7905, 216, 3888];25 es_flags[7] = [3630, 8065, 192, 2376];26 es_flags[8] = [3780, 1473, 2496, 4104];27 es_flags[9] = [6120, 2145, 4680, 2568];28 es_flags[10] = [4440, 3009, 3240, 1176];29 es_flags[11] = [5280, 1825, 3936, 2976];30 es_flags[12] = [4770, 2081, 3624, 1008];31 es_flags[13] = [4080, 3201, 2160, 2544];32 es_flags[14] = [4590, 5761, 3432, 624];33 es_flags[15] = [4350, 2209, 3360, 2688];34 es_flags[16] = [5610, 5249, 3168, 528];35 es_flags[17] = [5070, 1729, 3792, 2952];36 es_flags[18] = [6870, 5953, 96, 3408];37 es_flags[19] = [4020, 5697, 1056, 1224];38 fr_flags[1] = [2760, 736, 2856, 4416];39 fr_flags[2] = [3840, 1280, 2712, 4224];40 fr_flags[3] = [5700, 7201, 5016, 2400];41 fr_flags[4] = [2220, 4160, 1632, 1944];42 ar_flags[1] = [1830, 129, 3096, 5664];43 ar_flags[2] = [5100, 2177, 3840, 2904];44 ar_flags[3] = [4890, 3425, 3648, 2136];45 ar_flags[4] = [1320, 3681, 1896, 4080];46 ar_flags[5] = [1260, 3841, 1824, 1200];47 ar_flags[6] = [1020, 3969, 1608, 312];48 ar_flags[7] = [4800, 4065, 3600, 72];49 ar_flags[8] = [4710, 4865, 3504, 480];50 ar_flags[9] = [6720, 5984, 5112, 3792];51 ar_flags[10] = [4500, 7233, 3288, 1800];52 ar_flags[11] = [720, 7522, 384, 3936];53 ar_flags[12] = [690, 7745, 336, 1104];54 ar_flags[13] = [600, 8225, 120, 1272];55 ar_flags[14] = [660, 5569, 840, 576];56 tw_flags[1] = [3690, 1505, 2592, 3240]; /​/​ China57 tw_flags[2] = [3600, 3233, 2112, 48]; /​/​ Hong Kong58 zh_flags[1] = [2970, 6369, 3408, 4008]; /​/​ Taiwan59 zh_flags[2] = [3600, 3233, 2112, 48]; /​/​ Hong Kong60 var enval = $("select.flag-en-type").val();61 var esval = $("select.flag-es-type").val();62 var frval = $("select.flag-fr-type").val();63 var arval = $("select.flag-ar-type").val();64 var twval = $("select.flag-tw-type").val();65 var zhval = $("select.flag-zh-type").val();66 var en_style = enval <= 0 ? "" : ".weglot-flags.en > a:before, .weglot-flags.en > span:before { background-position: -" + en_flags[enval][0] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-1.en > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-1.en > span:before { background-position: -" + en_flags[enval][1] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-2.en > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-2.en > span:before { background-position: -" + en_flags[enval][2] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-3.en > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-3.en > span:before { background-position: -" + en_flags[enval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";67 var es_style = esval <= 0 ? "" : " > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + es_flags[esval][0] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + es_flags[esval][1] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + es_flags[esval][2] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + es_flags[esval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";68 var fr_style = frval <= 0 ? "" : " > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + fr_flags[frval][0] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + fr_flags[frval][1] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + fr_flags[frval][2] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + fr_flags[frval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";69 var ar_style = arval <= 0 ? "" : " > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + ar_flags[arval][0] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + ar_flags[arval][1] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + ar_flags[arval][2] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + ar_flags[arval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";70 var tw_style = twval <= 0 ? "" : " > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + tw_flags[twval][0] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + tw_flags[twval][1] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + tw_flags[twval][2] + "px 0 !important; } > a:before, > span:before { background-position: -" + tw_flags[twval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";71 var zh_style = zhval <= 0 ? "" : ".weglot-flags.zh > a:before, .weglot-flags.zh > span:before { background-position: -" + zh_flags[zhval][0] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-1.zh > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-1.zh > span:before { background-position: -" + zh_flags[zhval][1] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-2.zh > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-2.zh > span:before { background-position: -" + zh_flags[zhval][2] + "px 0 !important; } .weglot-flags.flag-3.zh > a:before, .weglot-flags.flag-3.zh > span:before { background-position: -" + zh_flags[zhval][3] + "px 0 !important; } ";72 $("#flag_css, #weglot-css-flag-css").text(en_style + es_style + fr_style + ar_style + tw_style + zh_style);73 }74 const execute = () => {75 $('.flag-style-openclose').on('click',76 function () {77 $('.flag-style-wrapper').toggle();78 }79 );80 $("select.flag-en-type, select.flag-es-type, select.flag-fr-type, select.flag-ar-type, select.flag-tw-type, select.flag-zh-type").on('change',81 function () {82 refresh_flag_css()83 }84 );85 var flag_css = $("#flag_css").text();86 if (flag_css.trim()) {87 $("#weglot-css-flag-css").text(flag_css);88 }89 };90 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {91 execute();92 });93};...

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Source:tests.js Github


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...13 } catch (e) { /​**/​ }14 return null;15};16module.exports = function runTests(flags, t) {17 t.equal(flags(/​a/​g), 'g', 'flags(/​a/​g) !== "g"');18 t.equal(flags(/​a/​gmi), 'gim', 'flags(/​a/​gmi) !== "gim"');19 t.equal(flags(new RegExp('a', 'gmi')), 'gim', 'flags(new RegExp("a", "gmi")) !== "gim"');20 t.equal(flags(/​a/​), '', 'flags(/​a/​) !== ""');21 t.equal(flags(new RegExp('a')), '', 'flags(new RegExp("a")) !== ""');22 forEach(availableFlags, function (flag) {23 var property = regexProperties[flag];24 t.test(property + ' flag', function (st) {25 st.equal(flags(getRegexLiteral('/​a/​' + flag)), flag, 'flags(/​a/​' + flag + ') !== ' + inspect(flag));26 st.equal(flags(new RegExp('a', flag)), flag, 'flags(new RegExp("a", ' + inspect(flag) + ')) !== ' + inspect(flag));27 st.end();28 });29 });30 t.test('sorting', function (st) {31 st.equal(flags(/​a/​gim), 'gim', 'flags(/​a/​gim) !== "gim"');32 st.equal(flags(/​a/​mig), 'gim', 'flags(/​a/​mig) !== "gim"');33 st.equal(flags(/​a/​mgi), 'gim', 'flags(/​a/​mgi) !== "gim"');34 if (has(RegExp.prototype, 'sticky')) {35 st.equal(flags(getRegexLiteral('/​a/​gyim')), 'gimy', 'flags(/​a/​gyim) !== "gimy"');36 }37 if (has(RegExp.prototype, 'unicode')) {38 st.equal(flags(getRegexLiteral('/​a/​ugmi')), 'gimu', 'flags(/​a/​ugmi) !== "gimu"');39 }40 if (has(RegExp.prototype, 'dotAll')) {41 st.equal(flags(getRegexLiteral('/​a/​sgmi')), 'gims', 'flags(/​a/​sgmi) !== "gims"');42 }43 var randomFlags = availableFlags.slice().sort(function () { return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; }).join('');44 st.equal(45 flags(getRegexLiteral('/​a/​' + randomFlags)),46 sortedFlags,47 'random: flags(/​a/​' + randomFlags + ') === ' + inspect(sortedFlags)48 );49 st.end();50 });51 t.test('basic examples', function (st) {52 st.equal(flags(/​a/​g), 'g', '(/​a/​g).flags !== "g"');53 st.equal(flags(/​a/​gmi), 'gim', '(/​a/​gmi).flags !== "gim"');54 st.equal(flags(new RegExp('a', 'gmi')), 'gim', 'new RegExp("a", "gmi").flags !== "gim"');55 st.equal(flags(/​a/​), '', '(/​a/​).flags !== ""');56 st.equal(flags(new RegExp('a')), '', 'new RegExp("a").flags !== ""');57 st.end();58 });59 t.test('generic flags', function (st) {60 st.equal(flags({}), '');61 st.equal(flags({ ignoreCase: true }), 'i');62 st.equal(flags({ dotAll: 1, global: 0, sticky: 1, unicode: 1 }), 'suy');63 st.equal(flags({ __proto__: { multiline: true } }), 'm');64 var obj = {};65 forEach(availableFlags, function (flag) {66 obj[regexProperties[flag]] = true;67 });68 st.equal(flags(obj), sortedFlags, 'an object with every available flag: ' + sortedFlags);69 st.end();70 });71 t.test('throws properly', function (st) {72 var nonObjects = ['', false, true, 42, NaN, null, undefined];73 st.plan(nonObjects.length);74 var throwsOnNonObject = function (nonObject) {75 st['throws'](flags.bind(null, nonObject), TypeError, inspect(nonObject) + ' is not an Object');76 };77 nonObjects.forEach(throwsOnNonObject);78 });79 t.test('getters', { skip: !supportsDescriptors }, function (st) {80 /​* eslint getter-return: 0 */​81 var calls = '';82 var re = {};83 Object.defineProperty(re, 'hasIndices', {84 get: function () {85 calls += 'd';86 }87 });88 Object.defineProperty(re, 'global', {89 get: function () {90 calls += 'g';91 }92 });93 Object.defineProperty(re, 'ignoreCase', {94 get: function () {95 calls += 'i';96 }97 });98 Object.defineProperty(re, 'multiline', {99 get: function () {100 calls += 'm';101 }102 });103 Object.defineProperty(re, 'dotAll', {104 get: function () {105 calls += 's';106 }107 });108 Object.defineProperty(re, 'unicode', {109 get: function () {110 calls += 'u';111 }112 });113 Object.defineProperty(re, 'sticky', {114 get: function () {115 calls += 'y';116 }117 });118 flags(re);119 st.equal(calls, 'dgimsuy', 'getters are called in expected order');120 st.end();121 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mock = require('ng-mocks');2const mock = require('ng-mocks');3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 let component: TestComponent;5 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;6 beforeEach(async(() => {7 TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 imports: [mock.MockModule(FormsModule)]9 })10 .compileComponents();11 }));12 beforeEach(() => {13 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);14 component = fixture.componentInstance;15 fixture.detectChanges();16 });17 it('should create', () => {18 expect(component).toBeTruthy();19 });20});21const mock = require('ng-mocks');22describe('TestComponent', () => {23 let component: TestComponent;24 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;25 beforeEach(async(() => {26 TestBed.configureTestingModule({27 imports: [mock.MockModule(FormsModule)]28 })29 .compileComponents();30 }));31 beforeEach(() => {32 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);33 component = fixture.componentInstance;34 fixture.detectChanges();35 });36 it('should create', () => {37 expect(component).toBeTruthy();38 });39});40import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';41import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';42@Component({43})44export class TestComponent implements OnInit {45 constructor() { }46 ngOnInit() {47 }48}49 <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name">50/​* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */​

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {flags} from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​mock-builder/​flags/​flags/​flags';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 beforeEach(async(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 }).compileComponents();6 }));7 it('should create the component', () => {8 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);9 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;10 expect(app).toBeTruthy();11 });12 it('should have a flag', () => {13 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);14 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;15 expect(app).toHaveFlag('test');16 });17});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1flags({2});3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 let component: TestComponent;5 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;6 beforeEach(async () => {7 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 imports: [NgxPaginationModule]9 }).compileComponents();10 });11 beforeEach(() => {12 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);13 component = fixture.componentInstance;14 fixture.detectChanges();15 });16 it('should create', () => {17 expect(component).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should create', () => {20 expect(component).toBeTruthy();21 });22});23 Package "ng-update" has an incompatible peer dependency to "typescript" (requires "^3.4.3 || ^3.5 || ^3.6 || ^3.6.1 || ^3.6.2 || ^3.6.3 || ^3.6.4 || ^3.7 || ^3.7.2 || ^3.7.3 || ^3.7.4 || ^3.8 || ^3.8.2 || ^3.8.3 || ^3.9 || ^3.9

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('MyComponent', () => {2 it('should render correctly', () => {3 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent, { myFlag: true });4 expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World');5 });6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const flags = ngMocks.mockFlags({2});3const serviceMock = ngMocks.mock(Service);4const componentMock = ngMocks.mock(Component);5const directiveMock = ngMocks.mock(Directive);6const pipeMock = ngMocks.mock(Pipe);7const moduleMock = ngMocks.mock(Module);8const classMock = ngMocks.mock(Class);9const functionMock = ngMocks.mock(Function);10const interfaceMock = ngMocks.mock(Interface);11const providerMock = ngMocks.mock(Provider);12const tokenMock = ngMocks.mock(Token);13const factoryMock = ngMocks.mock(Factory);14const valueMock = ngMocks.mock(Value);15const variableMock = ngMocks.mock(Variable);16const constantMock = ngMocks.mock(Constant);17const typeMock = ngMocks.mock(Type);18const classWithConstructorMock = ngMocks.mock(ClassWithConstructor);19const classWithConstructorWithParametersMock = ngMocks.mock(ClassWithConstructorWithParameters);20const classWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValueMock = ngMocks.mock(ClassWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValue);21const classWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValueOfPromiseMock = ngMocks.mock(ClassWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValueOfPromise);22const classWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValueOfObservableMock = ngMocks.mock(ClassWithConstructorWithParametersAndReturnValueOfObservable);

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