How to use flagKeep method in ng-mocks

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1/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​ AI ALGORITHMS RESULTS CLASS /​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​2/​* These objects return the action Key and the target varNames referring to the action the acting character is going to use. */​3window.aiResults = function() {4 this.actionKey = "doNothing";5 this.targetsIDs = [];6};7/​/​ Constructors, serializers, etc.8aiResults.prototype._init = function (obj) {9 Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (pn) {10 this[pn] = clone(obj[pn]);11 }, this);12 13 return this;14};15aiResults.prototype.clone = function () {16 return (new aiResults())._init(this);17};18/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​ AI ALGORITHMS CLASS /​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​19/​* AI Algorithms are objects assigned to a character at the beginning of a scene.20 They hold all the required functions and information to determine the behavior of a given character during the scene. */​21window.aiAlgorithm = function() {22 this.key;23 this.callAction = null;24 this.disablePositions = false;25 26 this.role = "none";27 /​/​ this.rolePreferences = weightedList28 /​/​ rolePreferences refers to a weighted list linked to the role assigned to the character for the scene29 /​/​ role and rolePreferences must be set using a custom function.30 /​/​ If role isn't set to "none", algorithms that use weighted lists will take rolePreferences into account31 /​/​ this.updateRolePreferences = function() /​/​ Must be set along with role32 33 this.setRoleEqualFooting = function() {34 this.role = "equalFooting";35 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();36 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 300;37 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 300;38 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;39 40 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {41 this.rolePreferences.position.w += 20;42 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("position") ) {43 /​/​ += " Decided to use action last turn. Decreasing chance of using positions again. ; ";44 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 0;45 }46 else if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) {47 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;48 }49 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 100 ) {50 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;51 }52 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {53 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;54 }55 }56 }57 this.setRolePassive = function() {58 this.role = "passive";59 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();60 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 50;61 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 310;62 this.rolePreferences.oral.w = 125;63 this.rolePreferences.useDick.w = 50;64 this.rolePreferences.bottom.w = 200;65 this.rolePreferences.submission.w = 120;66 this.rolePreferences.domination.w = 20;67 = 80;68 this.rolePreferences.charm.w = 120;69 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 10;70 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;71 72 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {73 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 110 ) {74 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;75 }76 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) {77 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;78 }79 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {80 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;81 }82 }83 }84 this.setRoleActive = function() {85 this.role = "active";86 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();87 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 200;88 this.rolePreferences.fullsex.w = 115;89 = 105;90 this.rolePreferences.oral.w = 95;91 this.rolePreferences.useDick.w = 125;92 this.rolePreferences.bottom.w = 80;93 this.rolePreferences.submission.w = 20;94 this.rolePreferences.domination.w = 110;95 = 150;96 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 90;97 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;98 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 110;99 100 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {101 this.rolePreferences.position.w += 30; /​/​ Position102 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("position") ) {103 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 20;104 }105 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 100 ) { /​/​ Foreplay106 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 20;107 }108 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) { /​/​ Continued Actions109 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;110 }111 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {112 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;113 }114 }115 }116 this.setRoleRomantic = function() {117 this.role = "romantic";118 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();119 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 200; 120 = 110;121 this.rolePreferences.useEyes.w = 115;122 this.rolePreferences.targetEyes.w = 115;123 this.rolePreferences.domination.w = 75;124 this.rolePreferences.submission.w = 75;125 this.rolePreferences.useAnus.w = 25;126 this.rolePreferences.targetAnus.w = 25;127 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 320;128 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;129 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 80;130 131 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {132 this.rolePreferences.position.w += 20;133 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("position") ) {134 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 20;135 }136 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 120 ) {137 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;138 }139 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) { /​/​ Continued Actions140 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;141 }142 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {143 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;144 }145 }146 }147 this.setRoleCompetition = function() {148 this.role = "competition";149 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();150 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 250;151 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 200;152 = 80;153 this.rolePreferences.oral.w = 80;154 this.rolePreferences.useDick.w = 110;155 this.rolePreferences.hypnosis.w = 140;156 this.rolePreferences.domination.w = 200;157 = 120;158 this.rolePreferences.bottom.w = 20;159 this.rolePreferences.submission = 10;160 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 250;161 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 150;162 163 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {164 this.rolePreferences.position.w += 40;165 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("position") ) {166 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 60;167 }168 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 80 ) {169 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;170 }171 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) { /​/​ Continued Actions172 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 150;173 }174 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 250 ) {175 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;176 }177 }178 }179 this.setRoleSubmission = function() {180 this.role = "submission";181 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();182 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 20;183 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 310;184 this.rolePreferences.oral.w = 110;185 = 90;186 this.rolePreferences.targetDick.w = 110;187 this.rolePreferences.targetPussy.w = 110;188 this.rolePreferences.usePussy.w = 110;189 this.rolePreferences.useAnus.w = 110;190 this.rolePreferences.useDick.w = 110;191 this.rolePreferences.useMouth.w = 110;192 this.rolePreferences.bottom.w = 150;193 this.rolePreferences.submission.w = 200;194 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;195 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 10;196 197 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {198 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 110 ) {199 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;200 }201 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) { /​/​ Continued Actions202 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;203 }204 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {205 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;206 }207 }208 }209 this.setRoleDomination = function() {210 this.role = "domination";211 this.rolePreferences = createPreferencesWeightedList();212 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 300;213 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w = 220;214 this.rolePreferences.fullsex.w = 150;215 this.rolePreferences.oral.w = 80;216 = 120;217 this.rolePreferences.useDick.w = 120;218 this.rolePreferences.usePussy.w = 110;219 this.rolePreferences.targetPussy.w = 110;220 this.rolePreferences.targetAnus.w = 110;221 this.rolePreferences.bottom.w = 0;222 this.rolePreferences.submission.w = 0;223 = 120;224 this.rolePreferences.domination.w = 200;225 this.rolePreferences.hypnosis.w = 120;226 this.rolePreferences.usePain.w = 150;227 this.rolePreferences.denial.w = 200;228 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 200;229 230 this.updateRolePreferences = function(lastActionKey) {231 this.rolePreferences.position.w += 30;232 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("position") ) {233 this.rolePreferences.position.w = 20;234 }235 if ( this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w > 100 ) {236 this.rolePreferences.foreplay.w -= 40;237 }238 if ( setup.saList[lastActionKey].flavorTags.includes("continuedAction") ) { /​/​ Continued Actions239 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w = 100;240 }241 if ( this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w < 200 ) {242 this.rolePreferences.continuedAction.w += 20;243 }244 }245 }246};247/​/​ Early AI algorithms - Sex Scenes248window.createAiFixedAction = function() {249 /​/​ This algorithm requires to be manually altered to set the fixed action and the fixed target.250 /​/​ It ignores the standard method's variables.251 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();252 ai.key = "fixedAction";253 ai.fixedAction = "doNothing";254 ai.fixedTarget = "chPlayerCharacter";255 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {256 var results = new aiResults();257 results.actionKey = this.fixedAction;258 results.targetsIDs.push(this.fixedTarget);259 return results;260 }261 return ai;262}263window.createAiActionSequence = function() {264 /​/​ This algorithm requires a fixed target and a list of custom actions to be manually set.265 /​/​ It commands the user to sequentially use every listed action.266 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();267 ai.key = "actionSequence";268 ai.actionSequence = ["doNothing"];269 ai.fixedTarget = "chPlayerCharacter";270 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {271 var results = new aiResults();272 results.actionKey = this.actionSequence[currentTurn-1];273 if ( results.actionKey == undefined ) {274 results.actionKey = "doNothing";275 }276 results.targetsIDs.push(this.fixedTarget);277 return results;278 }279 return ai;280}281window.createAiRandomAction = function() {282 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();283 ai.key = "randomAction";284 ai.fixedTarget = "chPlayerCharacter";285 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {286 var results = new aiResults();287 288 var validActionsList =;289 validActionsList.shift();290 291 if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {292 results.actionKey = randomFromList(validActionsList);293 } else {294 results.actionKey = "doNothing";295 }296 297 results.targetsIDs.push(this.fixedTarget);298 return results;299 }300 return ai;301}302/​/​ Early AI algorithms - Battle Scenes303window.createAiRandomActionRandomOpponent = function() {304 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();305 ai.key = "randomAction";306 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {307 var results = new aiResults();308 var validEnemies = [];309 for ( var enem of enemyCharacters ) {310 if ( gC(enem).koed == false ) {311 validEnemies.push(enem);312 }313 }314 315 if ( validEnemies.length > 0 ) {316 var target = randomFromList(validEnemies);317 318 var validActionsList =,target);319 validActionsList.shift();320 321 if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {322 results.actionKey = randomFromList(validActionsList);323 } else {324 results.actionKey = "doNothing";325 }326 327 results.targetsIDs.push(target);328 } else {329 results.actionKey = "doNothing";330 results.targetsIDs.push(character);331 }332 return results;333 }334 return ai;335}336window.createAiEarlyStrategic = function() { 337 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();338 ai.key = "earlyStrategy";339 ai. callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {340 var results = new aiResults();341 var validEnemies = [];342 for ( var enem of enemyCharacters ) {343 if ( gC(enem).koed == false ) {344 validEnemies.push(enem);345 }346 }347 var target = character;348 var directEnemy = "";349 350 /​/​ Evaluate situation351 /​/​ "desperateAttack" -> Attack without restrain352 /​/​ "slowAttack" -> Try and buff oneself, then attack353 /​/​ "struggle" -> Get out of here354 /​/​ Is actor pinned down or pinning someone down? Are any of them close to defeat?355 /​/​ Is target's control depleted, or depleting? Is own control's depleted or depleting?356 /​/​ Is there health difference? Is there strength difference? Are buff actions possible?357 358 /​/​ On free359 /​/​ Is any enemy about to get Koed?360 /​/​ Is character about to get Koed?361 /​/​ Is there any down character? Should they get pinned down?362 /​/​ Are enemies running out of control?363 /​/​ Else - Self buff, debuff, attack control, attack364 var situation = "none";365 if ( gC(character).position.type == "free" ) { /​/​ Not in a position366 var weakenedEnemies = []; /​/​ Enemies with low lust367 var downedEnemies = []; /​/​ Enemies without control368 var downingEnemies = []; /​/​ Enemies with low control369 for ( var charKey of validEnemies ) {370 if ( getBarPercentage(charKey,"lust") != 0 && getBarPercentage(charKey,"lust") < 0.1 ) {371 weakenedEnemies.push(charKey);372 } else if ( gC(charKey).control == 0 && gC(charKey).position.type == "free" ) {373 downedEnemies.push(charKey);374 } else if ( gC(charKey).control <= gC(charKey).maxControl * 0.7 && gC(charKey).position.type == "free" ) {375 downingEnemies.push(charKey);376 }377 }378 379 if ( weakenedEnemies.length > 0 ) { /​/​ Any enemy about to get koed?380 situation = "desperateAttack";381 directEnemy = randomFromList(weakenedEnemies);382 } else if ( getBarPercentage(charKey,"lust") < 0.15 ) { /​/​ Character about to get koed?383 situation = "desperateAttack";384 directEnemy = randomFromList(validEnemies);385 } else if ( downedEnemies.length > 0 ) { /​/​ Pounce on anyone?386 var validDownedTargets = [];387 if ( gC(character).race == "monster" ) {388 validDownedTargets = downedEnemies;389 } else {390 for ( var charKey of downedEnemies ) {391 if ( (quantifyCharacterStrength(character) /​ quantifyCharacterStrength(charKey)) >= 0.7 ) {392 validDownedTargets.push(charKey);393 }394 }395 }396 if ( validDownedTargets.length > 0 && gC(character).control > gC(character).maxControl * 0.5 ) {397 situation = "pinTarget";398 directEnemy = randomFromList(validDownedTargets);399 }400 }401 if ( situation == "none" ) {402 if ( downingEnemies.length > 0 ) { /​/​ Attack someone's control?403 situation = "attackControl";404 directEnemy = randomFromList(downingEnemies);405 } else { /​/​ Else406 situation = "balanced";407 }408 }409 410 } else if ( gC(character).position.type == "active" ) { /​/​ Pinning someone down411 directEnemy = gC(character).position.targetsList[0];412 if ( getBarPercentage(character,"lust") < 0.4 || getBarPercentage(directEnemy,"lust") < 0.4 ) {413 situation = "desperateAttack";414 } else {415 situation = "slowAttack";416 }417 } else { /​/​ Pinned down by someone418 /​/​ Strategies: Deal as much damage as possible /​ Struggle /​ Buff, then deal damage419 directEnemy = gC(character).position.initiator;420 if ( getBarPercentage(character,"lust") < 0.25 || getBarPercentage(directEnemy,"lust") < 0.25 ) {421 situation = "desperateAttack";422 } else if ( getBarPercentage(character,"lust") > 0.5 && ( quantifyCharacterStats(character) /​ quantifyCharacterStats(directEnemy) ) > 2 ) {423 situation = "slowAttack";424 } else {425 situation = "struggle";426 }427 }428 429 /​/​ Situation into choice430 switch ( situation ) {431 case "none":432 break;433 case "balanced":434 var validActionsList = [];435 var buffActions = [];436 var damageActions = [];437 directEnemy = randomFromList(validEnemies);438 if ( countCharactersBuffs(character) < 2 && limitedRandomInt(10) >= 5 ) {439 validActionsList =,character);440 buffActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"buff");441 if ( buffActions.length > 0 && limitedRandomInt(100) > 49 ) {442 results.actionKey = randomFromList(buffActions);443 results.targetsIDs = [ character ];444 }445 }446 if ( results.actionKey == "doNothing" ) {447 validActionsList =,directEnemy);448 validActionsList = fixActorsActionListDependingOnTargetBeingMonster(character,validActionsList,directEnemy); /​/​ Monster fix449 damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damageControl").concat(purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damageControl")).concat(purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"debuff"));450 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {451 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);452 } else {453 results.actionKey = randomFromList(validActionsList);454 }455 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];456 }457 break;458 case "attackControl":459 /​/​ Pounce check460 directEnemy = randomFromList(downingEnemies);461 validActionsList =,directEnemy);462 validActionsList = fixActorsActionListDependingOnTargetBeingMonster(character,validActionsList,directEnemy); /​/​ Monster fix463 damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"pounce");464 var betterActions = purgeActionsWithStrategyTag(damageActions,"subpar");465 if ( damageActions.length > betterActions.length ) { damageActions = betterActions; }466 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {467 var randomPounce = randomFromList(damageActions);468 if ( setup.saList[randomPounce].doesHitLand(character,directEnemy).hit && setup.saList[randomPounce].doesHitLand(character,directEnemy).hit ) {469 results.actionKey = randomPounce;470 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];471 }472 }473 if ( results.actionKey == "doNothing" ) {474 damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damageControl");475 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {476 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);477 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];478 }479 }480 if ( results.actionKey == "doNothing" ) {481 damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damage").concat(purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"debuff"));482 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {483 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);484 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];485 }486 }487 break;488 case "pinTarget":489 directEnemy = randomFromList(downedEnemies);490 validActionsList =,directEnemy);491 damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"pounce");492 var betterActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(damageActions,"subpar");493 if ( damageActions.length > betterActions.length ) { damageActions = betterActions; }494 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {495 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);496 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];497 }498 break;499 case "desperateAttack":500 var validActionsList =,directEnemy);501 validActionsList = fixActorsActionListDependingOnTargetBeingMonster(character,validActionsList,directEnemy); /​/​ Monster fix502 var damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damage");503 if ( damageActions.length > 0 ) {504 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);505 } else if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {506 results.actionKey = randomFromList(validActionsList);507 } else {508 results.actionKey = "struggle";509 }510 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];511 break;512 case "slowAttack":513 var validActionsList = [];514 if ( countCharactersBuffs(character) < 1 ) {515 validActionsList =,character);516 var buffActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"buff");517 if ( buffActions.length > 0 ) {518 results.actionKey = randomFromList(buffActions);519 results.targetsIDs = [ character ];520 }521 if ( results.actionKey == "doNothing" ) {522 validActionsList =,directEnemy);523 validActionsList = fixActorsActionListDependingOnTargetBeingMonster(character,validActionsList,directEnemy); /​/​ Monster fix524 var damageActions = purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"damage").concat(purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag(validActionsList,"debuff"));525 results.actionKey = randomFromList(damageActions);526 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];527 }528 }529 break;530 case "struggle":531 results.actionKey = "struggle";532 results.targetsIDs = [ directEnemy ];533 break;534 }535 536 /​/​ TO DO : Remove all of this537 if ( results.actionKey == "doNothing" || results.actionKey == undefined ) {538 if ( validEnemies.length > 0 ) {539 var target = randomFromList(validEnemies);540 541 var validActionsList =,target);542 validActionsList.shift();543 544 if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {545 results.actionKey = randomFromList(validActionsList);546 } else {547 results.actionKey = "doNothing";548 }549 550 results.targetsIDs = [ target ];551 } else {552 results.actionKey = "doNothing";553 results.targetsIDs = [ character ];554 }555 }556 557 return results;558 }559 return ai;560}561/​/​ AI Algorithm useful in some scripted sex scenes562window.createAiRandomChoice = function(choicesList) {563 /​/​ Choices list must be a list of two elements list, first element contains target, second element contains action key564 /​/​ Example: "[ ["chVal","strokePussy"] , ["chVal","strokeBreasts"] , ["chMir","spanking"] ]"565 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();566 ai.key = "randomChoice";567 ai.choicesList = choicesList;568 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {569 var results = new aiResults();570 571 var randomInt = limitedRandomInt(choicesList.length - 1); 572 results.actionKey = this.choicesList[randomInt][1];573 results.targetsIDs = [ this.choicesList[randomInt][0] ];574 575 return results;576 }577 return ai;578}579/​/​ OLD GENERIC AI ALGORITHM - SEX SCENES580window.createAiWeightedActionByTaste = function() {581 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();582 ai.key = "weightedByTaste";583 ai.fixedTarget = "chPlayerCharacter";584 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {585 var results = new aiResults();586 587 results.targetsIDs.push(this.fixedTarget);588 589 var validActionsList =,this.fixedTarget);590 validActionsList.shift();591 592 if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {593 var wList = listIntoWeightedList(validActionsList);594 595 for ( var item in wList ) {596 if (wList.hasOwnProperty(item) ) {597 wList[item].w = applyTasteWeightToAction(wList[item],character); /​/​ Taste weighted598 }599 }600 if ( this.role != "none" ) {601 wList = applyWeightListToActionList(wList,this.rolePreferences);602 }603 604 results.actionKey = randomFromWeightedList(wList);605 if ( results.actionKey == "errorWList" ) {606 results.actionKey = "doNothing";607 }608 } else {609 results.actionKey = "doNothing";610 }611 612 if ( this.role != "none" ) {613 this.updateRolePreferences(results.actionKey);614 }615 616 return results;617 }618 return ai;619}620/​/​ OLD GENERIC AI ALGORITHM - SEX SCENES - 07-2020 - Last updated: 04-2021621window.createAiWeightedMissionsByTasteOld = function() {622 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();623 ai.key = "weightedMissions";624 ai.mission = "none";625 ai.missionCommands = [];626 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {627 628 var results = new aiResults();629 results.targetsIDs = ([chooseTargetDynamically(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters)]);630 var dice = 0;631 632 if ( gC(character).hasLead == true ) {633 dice = limitedRandomInt(1);634 if ( dice == 1 ) {635 if ( this.missionCommands.length < 1 && ( limitedRandomInt(2) < 1 ) ) {636 this.mission = "none"; 637 }638 if ( this.mission == "none" ) {639 var possibleMissions = randomFromList(returnValidSexSceneMissions(character,results.targetsIDs[0]));640 if ( possibleMissions != undefined ) {641 this.mission = possibleMissions;642 this.missionCommands = returnSexSceneMissionCommands(this.mission);643 } else {644 dice = 0;645 }646 if ("cantChangePositions") == false &&"cantCancelPositions") == false ) {647;648 }649 }650 if ( this.missionCommands.length < 1 ) {651 dice = 0;652 } else {653 if ( isActionUsable(this.missionCommands[0],character,results.targetsIDs,false).isUsable ) {654 results.actionKey = this.missionCommands[0];655 } else {656 dice = 0;657 }658 this.missionCommands.shift();659 }660 }661 }662 if ( gC(character).hasLead == false || dice == 0 ) { /​/​ Typical behavior from weightedActionByTaste663 var validActionsList =,results.targetsIDs[0]);664 /​/​ Purge denial if target isn't close to orgasm665 if ( getBarPercentage(results.targetsIDs[0],"lust") > 0.1 || character == results.targetsIDs[0] ) {666 validActionsList = purgeActionsWithPreferenceTag(validActionsList,"denial");667 }668 validActionsList.shift();669 670 if ( validActionsList.length > 0 ) {671 var wList = listIntoWeightedList(validActionsList);672 673 for ( var item in wList ) {674 if (wList.hasOwnProperty(item) ) {675 wList[item].w = applyTasteWeightToAction(wList[item],character); /​/​ Taste weighted676 /​/​ Positional actions must not be chosen here, this portion removes their priority677 if ( setup.saList[wList[item].content].tags.includes("pos") ) {678 wList[item].w = 0;679 }680 /​/​ if ( setup.saList[wItem.content].flavorTags.includes(character.tastes[taste].content) ) {681 }682 }683 if ( this.role != "none" ) {684 wList = applyWeightListToActionList(wList,this.rolePreferences);685 }686 687 results.actionKey = randomFromWeightedList(wList);688 if ( results.actionKey == "errorWList" ) {689 results.actionKey = "doNothing";690 }691 } else {692 results.actionKey = "doNothing";693 }694 } else {695 }696 /​/​var validActionsList = 698 return results;699 }700 return ai;701}702/​/​ NEW GENERIC AI ALGORITHM - SEX SCENES - 06-2021 - Last updated: 01-2021703window.createAiWeightedMissionsByTaste = function() {704 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();705 ai.key = "weightedMissions";706 ai.mission = "none";707 ai.missionCommands = []; /​/​ List of 2-sized arrays: {1st position is action, 2nd position is target}708 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {709 var results = new aiResults();710 711 var tfScAlMs = true; /​/​ Shortcut to reduce frequency of choosing missions during tf scenes712 if ( gC(character).hasLead &&"tfFlag") ) {713 if ( limitedRandomInt(64) > 48 ) {714 tfScAlMs = false;715 }716 }717 if ( gC(character).hasLead &&"cantChangePositions") == false &&"cantCancelPositions") == false && tfScAlMs == true ) {718 if ( this.missionCommands.length > 0 ) {719 /​/​ At this point "cancel" and "stay" commands shouldn't remain720 results.actionKey = this.missionCommands[0][0];721 results.targetsIDs = [this.missionCommands[0][1]];722 this.missionCommands.shift();723 } else {724 /​/​ Check canceleable continued actions725 if ( limitedRandomInt(100) < 5 ) {726 cancelAllCharActionsAndPositions(character);727 } else {728 charEvaluatesContinuedActionsToCancel(character);729 if ("tfFlag") ) {730 cancelActionsConflictingWithTf(character);731 }732 }733 if ( isCharInPrimaryContinuedAction(character) ) {734 results = chooseValidBasicAction(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters);735 } else {736 if ( true ) {737 var mission = chooseCaMission(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters);738 if ( mission != "errorWList" ) {739 if ( mission != undefined && mission[0] != "" ) {740 if ( mission[2] == "stay" ) {741 /​/​ Skip position action742 this.missionCommands = [[mission[0],mission[1]]];743 results.actionKey = this.missionCommands[0][0];744 results.targetsIDs = [this.missionCommands[0][1]];745 this.missionCommands.shift();746 } else if ( mission[2] == "cancel" ) {747 /​/​ Cancel position and skip position action748;749 this.missionCommands = [[mission[0],mission[1]]];750 results.actionKey = this.missionCommands[0][0];751 results.targetsIDs = [this.missionCommands[0][1]];752 this.missionCommands.shift();753 } else {754 this.missionCommands = [[mission[2],mission[1]],[mission[0],mission[1]]];755 results.actionKey = this.missionCommands[0][0];756 results.targetsIDs = [this.missionCommands[0][1]];757 this.missionCommands.shift();758 }759 }760 } else {761 results = chooseValidBasicAction(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters);762 }763 } else {764 results = chooseValidBasicAction(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters);765 }766 }767 }768 } else {769 this.missionCommands = [];770 results = chooseValidBasicAction(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters);771 }772 773 return results;774 }775 return ai;776}777/​/​ BASIC BATTLE AI ALGORITHM - SEX BATTLE SCENES - 08-2020778/​*779window.createAiRandomActions = function() {780 var ai = new aiAlgorithm();781 ai.key = "randomActions";782 ai.callAction = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters,currentTurn) {783 var results = new aiResults();784 results.targetsIDs = [ enemyCharacters[0] ];785 786 787 788 return results;789 }790} */​791/​/​ createAiRandomAction <-792/​/​ Auxiliar functions793window.chooseValidBasicAction = function(actor,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters) {794 var results = new aiResults();795 results.targetsIDs = [actor];796 results.actionKey = "doNothing";797 798 var allOtherCharacters = arrayMinusA(allyCharacters.concat(enemyCharacters),actor);799 800 /​/​ Actions on self801 var actionsOnSelf = listValidBasicActionsOnTarget(actor,actor); /​/​ Simple list of actions802 /​/​ Purge denial actions803 actionsOnSelf = purgeActionsWithPreferenceTag(actionsOnSelf,"denial");804 /​/​ Actions on others805 var nwActionsOnOthers = listTargetedWeightedActionListOnCharacters(actor,allOtherCharacters); /​/​ List of [target/​action/​weight=0]806 807 /​/​ What's this thing below? - wL = Weighted list of [t/​a/​w], wE = Weighted choice of [t/​a] (I assume)808 809 /​/​ Are actions on self possible? Are actions on others possible?810 if ( actionsOnSelf.length == 0 && nwActionsOnOthers.length == 0 ) {811 /​/​ No actions possible812 } else if ( actionsOnSelf.length == 0 ) {813 /​/​ Only actions on others possible814 var wL = assignWeightsToTargetedWeightedActionList(actor,nwActionsOnOthers); /​/​ Weighted List815 var wE = randomFromWeightedList(wL); /​/​ Weighted choice816 results.targetsIDs = [wE[0]];817 results.actionKey = wE[1];818 } else if ( nwActionsOnOthers.length == 0 ) {819 /​/​ Only actions on self possible820 var wL = assignWeightsToSelfTargetedActionList(actor,actionsOnSelf);821 var wE = randomFromWeightedList(wL);822 results.targetsIDs = [actor];823 results.actionKey = wE;824 } else {825 /​/​ Both actions on self and others possible826 if ( actorChoosesWhetherToActOnSelf(actor) ) {827 /​/​ Acts on self828 var wL = assignWeightsToSelfTargetedActionList(actor,actionsOnSelf);829 var wE = randomFromWeightedList(wL);830 results.targetsIDs = [actor];831 results.actionKey = wE;832 } else {833 /​/​ Acts on others834 var wL = assignWeightsToTargetedWeightedActionList(actor,nwActionsOnOthers);835 var wE = randomFromWeightedList(wL);836 results.targetsIDs = [wE[0]];837 results.actionKey = wE[1];838 }839 }840 841 842 return results;843}844 /​/​ Basic actions845window.listValidBasicActionsOnTarget = function(actor,target) {846 var aList =,target);847 aList = purgeActionsWithPreferenceTag(aList,"position");848 aList = arrayMinusA(aList,"doNothing");849 return aList;850 /​/​ Example of aList = ["baKissLips", "baStrokePussy", "pounceFrontalP2P", "kick", "taunt", "baTease"];851}852window.simulateListValidBasicActionsOnTargetDuringCombat = function(actor,target) {853 /​/​ Previous scene data854 var oriSceneType =;855 var oriTeamAchars =; 856 var oriTeamBchars =;857 858 /​/​ Simulate scene data859 = "bs";860 = [actor]; 861 = [target];862 863 var aList =,target);864 aList = purgeActionsWithPreferenceTag(aList,"position");865 aList = arrayMinusA(aList,"doNothing");866 867 /​/​ Restore scene data868 = oriSceneType;869 = oriTeamAchars; 870 = oriTeamBchars;871 872 return aList;873 /​/​ Example of aList = ["baKissLips", "baStrokePussy", "pounceFrontalP2P", "kick", "taunt", "baTease"];874}875window.listTargetedWeightedActionListOnCharacters = function(actor,targets) {876 var totalList = [];877 for ( var cK of targets ) {878 var vba = listValidBasicActionsOnTarget(actor,cK);879 totalList = totalList.concat(actionListIntoTargetedWeightedActionlist(vba,cK));880 }881 return totalList;882}883window.actionListIntoTargetedWeightedActionlist = function(actionList,target) {884 var aList = [];885 for ( var a of actionList ) {886 aList.push([target,a,0]);887 }888 return aList;889}890window.assignWeightsToSelfTargetedActionList = function(actor,actionlist) {891 /​/​ RETURNS WEIGHTED LIST892 /​/​ To evalute: character tastes (weights and ranks, character desires)893 var pActions =,actor);894 var desires = getActorsCurrentDesires(actor);895 var wL = new weightedList();896 for ( var a of pActions ) {897 wL[a] = new weightedRankedElement(a,assignWeightToActionFromActorToTargetWithDesires(a,actor,actor,desires,1));898 }899 /​/​ Content: actionKey900 return wL;901}902window.assignWeightsToTargetedWeightedActionList = function(actor,twaList) {903 /​/​ RETURNS WEIGHTED LIST904 /​/​ To evaluate: character tastes (weights and ranks), character desires, - NOT target's preference -905 var desires = getActorsCurrentDesires(actor);906 var targetsMultipliers = [];907 var wL = new weightedList();908 var i = 0;909 for ( var twa of twaList ) {910 var mult = 1;911 if ( targetsMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(twa[0]) ) {912 mult = targetsMultipliers[twa[0]];913 } else {914 targetsMultipliers[twa[0]] = 1;915 if ( gC(twa[0]).orgasmSceneCounter == 0 ) {916 targetsMultipliers[twa[0]] = 2;917 }918 mult = targetsMultipliers[twa[0]];919 }920 wL[i] = new weightedElement([twa[0],twa[1]],assignWeightToActionFromActorToTargetWithDesires(twa[1],actor,twa[0],desires,mult));921 i++;922 }923 /​/​ Content: [targetKey,actionKey],weight924 return wL;925}926window.assignWeightToActionFromActorToTargetWithDesires = function(action,actor,target,desires,mult) {927 var weight = 10 + limitedRandomInt(10);928 var newMult = 1;929 var desiresMultiplier = 1;930 var targetDesires = getActorsCurrentDesires(target);931 932 /​/​ Denial check933 if ( setup.saList[action].flavorTags.includes("denial") && getBarPercentage(target,"lust") > 0.15 ) {934 weight = 0;935 } else {936 for ( var taste of setup.saList[action].flavorTags ) {937 /​/​ Base preference938 weight *= setup.basePreferencesMultipliers[taste];939 var extraM = 1;940 if ( taste == "foreplay" || taste == "talk" || taste == "oral" || taste == "fullsex" ) {941 extraM = 0.5;942 }943 /​/​ Weights and ranks944 if ( taste != "position" && taste != "continuedAction" ) {945 newMult += gC(actor).tastes[taste].w * 0.01;946 newMult += (1 + gC(actor).tastes[taste].r * 0.5);947 newMult *= extraM;948 }949 /​/​ Desires950 if ( desires.includes(taste) ) {951 desiresMultiplier += (0.5 * extraM);952 }953 if ( targetDesires.includes(getOppositeTag(taste)) ) {954 desiresMultiplier += (0.25 * extraM);955 } 956 }957 weight *= (newMult + desiresMultiplier + mult);958 }959 if ( weight > 0 &&"tfFlag") ) {960 if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes("tfPlus") ) {961 weight *= 4.5 + ( * 0.5);962 } else if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes("tfHalfPlus") ) {963 weight *= 2.2 + ( * 0.3);964 } else if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes("tfMinus") ) {965 weight /​= 5;966 }967 }968 969 return weight;970}971 /​/​ Choose target972window.chooseTargetDynamically = function(character,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters) { /​/​ Updated 04-2021973 var mainTarget = "";974 975 var validActionsOnSelf =,character);976 var allOtherCharacters = arrayMinusA(allyCharacters.concat(enemyCharacters),character);977 /​/​ mainTarget = randomFromList(allOtherCharacters);978 979 if ( validActionsOnSelf.length > 1 ) {980 var threshold = 15;981 var loveMinusPleasure = getCharsDrivePercent(character,"dLove") - getCharsDrivePercent(character,"dPleasure");982 if ( loveMinusPleasure >= 0.1 ) {983 threshold = 10;984 } else if ( loveMinusPleasure <= -0.1 ) {985 threshold = 20;986 }987 988 if ( limitedRandomInt(100) > threshold ) {989 } else {990 mainTarget = character;991 }992 }993 994 if ( mainTarget == "" ) {995 for ( var cK of allOtherCharacters ) {996 if (,cK).length < 2 ) {997 allOtherCharacters = arrayMinusA(allOtherCharacters,cK);998 }999 }1000 if ( allOtherCharacters.length > 0 ) {1001 mainTarget = randomFromList(allOtherCharacters);1002 } else {1003 mainTarget = character;1004 }1005 }1006 1007 return mainTarget;1008}1009window.actorChoosesWhetherToActOnSelf = function(character) {1010 var actsOnSelf = false;1011 1012 var threshold = 15;1013 var loveMinusPleasure = getCharsDrivePercent(character,"dLove") - getCharsDrivePercent(character,"dPleasure");1014 if ( loveMinusPleasure >= 0.1 ) {1015 threshold = 10;1016 } else if ( loveMinusPleasure <= -0.1 ) {1017 threshold = 20;1018 }1019 1020 if ( limitedRandomInt(100) > threshold ) {1021 } else {1022 actsOnSelf = true;;1023 }1024 1025 return actsOnSelf;1026}1027 /​/​ Aux1028window.getActorsCurrentDesires = function(actor) {1029 var tagsList = [];1030 for ( var as of gC(actor).alteredStates ) {1031 if ( as.hasOwnProperty("tag") ) {1032 tagsList.push(as.tag);1033 }1034 }1035 return tagsList;1036}1037window.charEvaluatesContinuedActionsToCancel = function(actor) {1038 var casToRemove = [];1039 var flagCancelPosition = false;1040 var i = 0;1041 for ( var ca of ) {1042 if ( ca.initiator == actor || ca.targetsList.includes(actor) ) {1043 var cancelChance = 0;1044 if ( ca.rank == 2 ) {1045 cancelChance = -140 + ca.continuedTurns * 20;1046 } else {1047 cancelChance = -80 + ca.continuedTurns * 20;1048 }1049 for ( var tag of ca.flavorTags ) {1050 cancelChance -= gC(actor).tastes[tag].r * 5;1051 }1052 if ( cancelChance > limitedRandomInt(100) ) {1053 /​/​ Tick to cancel action1054 casToRemove = [i].concat(casToRemove);1055 if ( ca.rank == 2 ) {1056 if ( gC(actor).aiAlgorythm.missionCommands.length == 0 ) {1057 if ( limitedRandomInt(100) > 50 ) {1058 flagCancelPosition = true;1059 }1060 }1061 }1062 }1063 }1064 i++;1065 }1066 /​/​ Finish CAs in reverse order1067 for ( var id of casToRemove ) {1068;1069 }1070 if ( flagCancelPosition ) {1071;1072 }1073}1074window.cancelAllCharActionsAndPositions = function(actor) {1075 var casToRemove = [];1076 var i = 0;1077 for ( var ca of ) {1078 if ( ca.initiator == actor || ca.targetsList.includes(actor) ) {1079 casToRemove = [i].concat(casToRemove);1080 }1081 i++;1082 }1083 /​/​ Finish CAs in reverse order1084 for ( var id of casToRemove ) {1085;1086 }1087;1088}1089window.cancelActionsConflictingWithTf = function(actor) {1090 if ( actor != ) {1091 var tfActions = [];1092 var requiredTargetBps = [];1093 var requiredActorBps = [];1094 var conflictingContinuedActions = []; /​/​ Reverse position iterators1095 1096 /​/​ Get all tfActions from a tfActor1097 for ( var sa of gC([0]).saList ) {1098 if ( setup.saList[sa].tags.includes("tf") ) {1099 tfActions.push(sa);1100 /​/​ Get all requiredBps1101 for ( var bp of setup.saList[sa].targetBpReqs ) {1102 if ( requiredTargetBps.includes(bp) == false ) {1103 requiredTargetBps.push(bp);1104 }1105 }1106 for ( var bp of setup.saList[sa].actorBpReqs ) {1107 if ( requiredActorBps.includes(bp) == false ) {1108 requiredActorBps.push(bp);1109 }1110 }1111 }1112 }1113 /​/​ Get all conflictingContinuedActions1114 var i = 0;1115 for ( var cA of ) {1116 var selectedCa = false;1117 if ( cA.initiator == actor ) {1118 if ( cA.targetsList.includes( ) {1119 for ( var tBp of cA.targetsBodyparts ) {1120 if ( requiredTargetBps.includes(tBp) ) {1121 conflictingContinuedActions = [i].concat(conflictingContinuedActions);1122 selectedCa = true;1123 }1124 }1125 }1126 if ( selectedCa == false ) {1127 for ( var aBp of cA.initiatorBodyparts ) {1128 if ( requiredActorBps.includes(aBp) ) {1129 conflictingContinuedActions = [i].concat(conflictingContinuedActions);1130 }1131 }1132 }1133 i++;1134 }1135 }1136 /​/​ Cancel all conflictingContinuedActions in reverse order1137 for ( var id of conflictingContinuedActions ) {1138;1139 }1140 }1141}1142 /​/​ Continued actions pathfinder1143window.chooseCaMission = function(actor,allyCharacters,enemyCharacters) {1144 var allOtherCharacters = arrayMinusA(allyCharacters.concat(enemyCharacters),actor);1145 var aOCcopy = allOtherCharacters;1146 var primaryCAlist = []; /​/​ Each usable CA is a property, containing a list with all valid positionings1147 var caUnweightedList = [];1148 var knownPrimaryCactions = getCharsPrimaryContinuedActions(actor); /​/​ Get known primary CAs1149 var potentialPositions = [];1150 for ( var target of aOCcopy ) {1151 /​/​ Get all potential positions1152 potentialPositions = potentialPositions.concat(findAllPotentialPositions(actor,target));1153 } 1154 /​/​ Generate primaryCAlist1155 for ( var posPair of potentialPositions ) {1156 for ( var ca of knownPrimaryCactions ) {1157 target = posPair[3];1158 if ( isActionUsableOnPos(ca,actor,[posPair[3]],posPair[0],[posPair[1]]).isUsable ) {1159 if ( primaryCAlist.hasOwnProperty(ca) ) {1160 if ( primaryCAlist[ca].hasOwnProperty(target) ) {1161 primaryCAlist[ca][target].push(posPair[2]);1162 } else {1163 primaryCAlist[ca][target] = [posPair[2]];1164 }1165 } else {1166 primaryCAlist.push(ca);1167 primaryCAlist[ca] = [];1168 if ( primaryCAlist[ca].hasOwnProperty(target) ) {1169 primaryCAlist[ca][target].push(posPair[2]);1170 } else {1171 primaryCAlist[ca][target] = [posPair[2]];1172 }1173 /​/​primaryCAlist[ca] = [posPair];1174 }1175 }1176 }1177 }1178 /​/​ Example of primaryCAlist:1179 /​/​ "penetratePussy": Array(0) ["chPlayerCharacter": Array(2) ["mountFaceToFace", "mountFromBehind"]],1180 /​/​ "interlockLegs": Array(0) ["chPlayerCharacter": Array(2) ["mountFaceToFace", "mountFromBehind"]]1181 1182 for ( var cae of primaryCAlist ) {1183 var caeData = primaryCAlist[cae];1184 for ( var target of aOCcopy ) {1185 if ( caeData.hasOwnProperty(target) ) {1186 var firstMethod = caeData[target][0];1187 if ( firstMethod == "cancel" || firstMethod == "stay" ) {1188 caUnweightedList.push([cae,target,firstMethod]);1189 } else {1190 caUnweightedList.push([cae,target,randomFromList(caeData[target])]);1191 }1192 }1193 }1194 }1195 /​/​ Example of caUnweightedList:1196 /​/​ Array(2) [Array(3) ["penetratePussy", "chVal", "mountFromBehind"], Array(3) ["penetratePussy", "chPlayerCharacter", "mountFaceToFace"]]1197 1198 /​/​ Exception: if valid conditions, remove cAs conflicting with transformation1199 if ("tfFlag") ) {1200 caUnweightedList = purgeCAsConflictingWithTransformationGoals(caUnweightedList,actor);1201 }1202 1203 /​/​ Generate weighted list1204 var wL = createWeightedListOfCaChoices(actor,caUnweightedList);1205 /​/​ Choose mission and translate it into instructions1206 var mission = randomFromWeightedList(wL);1207 1208 return mission;1209}1210window.findAllPotentialPositions = function(actor,target) {1211 var positions = [];1212 if ( areCharactersLinked(actor,target) ) {1213 positions.push([gC(actor).position.key,gC(target).position.key,"stay",target]);1214 positions.push(["free","free","cancel",target]);1215 } else if ( gC(actor).position.key == "free" && gC(target).position.key == "free" ) {1216 positions.push(["free","free","stay",target]);1217 }1218 /​/​ Get all position actions known by actor1219 var positionActions = purgeActionsWithoutPreferenceTag(gC(actor).saList,"position");1220 /​/​ Filter usable position actions1221 var usablePositionActions = [];1222 if ( gC(actor).aiAlgorythm.disablePositions == false ) {1223 for ( var pA of positionActions ) {1224 if ("tfFlag") == false || setup.saList[pA].strategyTags.includes("tfPos") ) {1225 if ( isActionUsable(pA,actor,[target],false).isUsable ) {1226 usablePositionActions.push(pA);1227 } else if ( areCharactersLinked(actor,target) && isActionUsableOnPos(pA,actor,[target],"free",["free"]).isUsable ) {1228 /​/​ usablePositionActions.push(pA);1229 }1230 }1231 }1232 }1233 /​/​ Add position results from usable position actions1234 for ( var uPA of usablePositionActions ) {1235 if ( setup.saList[uPA].hasOwnProperty("positionResults") ) {1236 positions.push(setup.saList[uPA].positionResults.concat(uPA,target));1237 }1238 }1239 /​/​ Third element: keyword to reach position pair1240 /​/​ "stay": do not change positions ; "cancel": cancel current positioning1241 /​/​ Fourth element: Target1242 return positions;1243}1244window.getCharsPrimaryContinuedActions = function(charKey) {1245 var pca = [];1246 var caList = purgeActionsWithoutPreferenceTag(gC(charKey).saList,"continuedAction");1247 for ( var ca of caList ) {1248 if ( setup.saList[ca].hasOwnProperty("caRank") ) {1249 if ( setup.saList[ca].caRank == 2 ) {1250 pca.push(ca);1251 }1252 }1253 }1254 return pca;1255}1256window.createWeightedListOfCaChoices = function(actor,caPosChoicesList) {1257 /​/​ To evaluate: character tastes (weights and ranks), character desires, - NOT target's preference -1258 var desires = getActorsCurrentDesires(actor);1259 var targetsMultipliers = [];1260 var wL = new weightedList();1261 1262 var i = 0;1263 for ( var capCh of caPosChoicesList ) {1264 var mult = 1;1265 var target = capCh[1];1266 if ( targetsMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(target) ) {1267 mult = targetsMultipliers[target];1268 } else {1269 targetsMultipliers[target] = 1;1270 if ( gC(target).orgasmSceneCounter == 0 ) {1271 targetsMultipliers[target] = 2;1272 }1273 mult = targetsMultipliers[target];1274 }1275 wL[i] = new weightedElement(capCh,assignWeightToActionFromActorToTargetWithDesires(capCh[0],actor,target,desires,mult));1276 i++;1277 }1278 1279 return wL;1280}1281/​/​/​/​/​ Old or combat1282 /​/​ Missions1283window.returnValidSexSceneMissions = function(character,target) {1284 /​/​ Very cheap version, this function will be upgraded into a full system1285 var validMissions = [];1286 if ( gC(character).hasFreeBodypart("dick") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("pussy") ) {1287 validMissions.push("penetratePussy");1288 }1289 if ( gC(character).hasFreeBodypart("pussy") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("pussy") ) {1290 validMissions.push("scissor");1291 }1292 if ( gC(character).hasFreeBodypart("dick") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("pussy") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("anus") && gC(character).race == "shapeshifter" && gC(character).saList.includes("doublePenetration") && State.variables.settings.anal == "enable" ) {1293 validMissions.push("doublePenetration");1294 }1295 if ( gC(character).hasFreeBodypart("dick") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("mouth") ) {1296 validMissions.push("getBlowjob");1297 }1298 if ( gC(character).hasFreeBodypart("pussy") && gC(target).hasFreeBodypart("mouth") ) {1299 validMissions.push("getCunnilingus");1300 }1301 return validMissions;1302}1303window.returnSexSceneMissionCommands = function(missionKey) {1304 var commandsChain = [];1305 switch(missionKey) {1306 case "penetratePussy":1307 commandsChain.push(randomFromList(["mountFromBehind","mountFaceToFace"]));1308 commandsChain.push("penetratePussy");1309 break;1310 case "doublePenetration":1311 commandsChain.push(randomFromList(["mountFromBehind","mountFaceToFace"]));1312 commandsChain.push("doublePenetration");1313 break;1314 case "scissor":1315 commandsChain.push("mountFaceToFace");1316 commandsChain.push("interlockLegs");1317 break;1318 case "getBlowjob":1319 commandsChain.push("makeKneel");1320 commandsChain.push("getBlowjob");1321 break;1322 case "getCunnilingus":1323 commandsChain.push("makeKneel");1324 commandsChain.push("legHoldHead");1325 break;1326 }1327 return commandsChain;1328}1329 /​/​ Weight1330window.applyWeightListToActionList = function(actList,wgtList) {1331 var actList2 = actList;1332 1333 for ( var action in actList2 ) {1334 if ( actList2.hasOwnProperty(action) ) {1335 for ( var weight in wgtList ) {1336 if ( wgtList.hasOwnProperty(weight) ) {1337 if ( setup.saList[actList2[action].content].flavorTags.includes(wgtList[weight].content) ) {1338 actList2[action].w *= wgtList[weight].w /​ 100;1339 }1340 }1341 }1342 += actList2[action].content + ".w: " + actList2[action].w + " ; ";1343 }1344 }1345 1346 return actList2;1347}1348window.applyTasteWeightToAction = function(wItem,character) { /​/​ wItem refers to the action key as a weighted element1349 var newWeight = wItem.w;1350 1351 for ( var taste in character.tastes ) {1352 if ( character.tastes.hasOwnProperty(taste) ) {1353 if ( setup.saList[wItem.content].flavorTags.includes(character.tastes[taste].content) ) {1354 newWeight *= (character.tastes[taste].w /​ 100);1355 }1356 }1357 }1358 1359 return newWeight;1360}1361window.applyRoleWeightToAction = function(wList,rolePreferences) {1362 /​*1363 var wList2 = wList;1364 for ( var item in wList2 ) {1365 if (wList2.hasOwnProperty(item) ) {1366 wList2[item].w = applyTasteWeightToAction(wList2[item],character); /​/​ Taste weighted1367 }1368 }1369 */​1370}1371 /​/​ Action lists1372window.purgeActionsWithStrategyTag = function(list,tag) {1373 var newList = [];1374 for ( var action of list ) {1375 if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes(tag) == false ) {1376 newList.push(action);1377 }1378 }1379 return newList;1380}1381window.purgeActionsWithoutStrategyTag = function(list,tag) {1382 var newList = [];1383 for ( var action of list ) {1384 if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes(tag) ) {1385 newList.push(action);1386 }1387 }1388 return newList;1389}1390window.purgeActionsWithPreferenceTag = function(list,tag) {1391 var newList = [];1392 for ( var action of list ) {1393 if ( setup.saList[action].flavorTags.includes(tag) == false ) {1394 newList.push(action);1395 }1396 }1397 return newList;1398}1399window.purgeActionsWithoutPreferenceTag = function(list,tag) {1400 var newList = [];1401 for ( var action of list ) {1402 if ( setup.saList[action].flavorTags.includes(tag) == true ) {1403 newList.push(action);1404 }1405 }1406 return newList;1407}1408window.purgeInvalidActionsFromListActorOnTarget = function(list,actor,target) {1409 var newList = [];1410 for ( var act of list ) {1411 if ( isActionUsable(act,actor,[target],false).isUsable == true ) {1412 newList.push(act);1413 }1414 }1415 return newList;1416}1417window.purgeCAsConflictingWithTransformationGoals = function(caUnweightedList,actor) {1418 /​/​ Example of caUnweightedList:1419 /​/​ Array(2) [Array(3) ["penetratePussy", "chVal", "mountFromBehind"], Array(3) ["penetratePussy", "chPlayerCharacter", "mountFaceToFace"]]1420 var newCaUnweightedList = [];1421 1422 var tfActions = [];1423 var requiredTargetBps = [];1424 var requiredActorBps = [];1425 1426 /​/​ Get all tfActions from a tfActor1427 for ( var sa of gC([0]).saList ) {1428 if ( setup.saList[sa].tags.includes("tf") ) {1429 tfActions.push(sa);1430 /​/​ Get all requiredBps1431 for ( var bp of setup.saList[sa].targetBpReqs ) {1432 if ( requiredTargetBps.includes(bp) == false ) {1433 requiredTargetBps.push(bp);1434 }1435 }1436 for ( var bp of setup.saList[sa].actorBpReqs ) {1437 if ( requiredActorBps.includes(bp) == false ) {1438 requiredActorBps.push(bp);1439 }1440 }1441 }1442 }1443 1444 for ( var cAs of caUnweightedList ) {1445 var flagKeep = true;1446 if ( cAs[1] == ) {1447 for ( bp of setup.saList[cAs[0]].targetBpReqs ) {1448 if ( requiredTargetBps.includes(bp) ) {1449 flagKeep = false;1450 }1451 }1452 for ( bp of setup.saList[cAs[0]].actorBpReqs ) {1453 if ( requiredActorBps.includes(bp) ) {1454 flagKeep = false;1455 }1456 }1457 }1458 if ( flagKeep ) {1459 newCaUnweightedList.push(cAs);1460 }1461 }1462 return newCaUnweightedList;1463}1464 /​/​ Altered states1465window.countCharactersBuffs = function(charKey) {1466 var count = 0;1467 for ( var as of gC(charKey).alteredStates ) {1468 if ( as.type == "buff" ) { count++; }1469 }1470 return count;1471}1472window.countCharactersDebuffs = function(charKey) {1473 var count = 0;1474 for ( var as of gC(charKey).alteredStates ) {1475 if ( as.type == "debuff" ) { count++; }1476 }1477 return count;1478}1479 /​/​ Monsters1480window.fixActorsActionListDependingOnTargetBeingMonster = function(actor,actionsList,target) {1481 var newList = [];1482 1483 for ( var action of actionsList ) {1484 if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes("holy") == true ) {1485 if ( gC(target).race == "monster" ) {1486 newList.push(action,action,action);1487 }1488 } else if ( setup.saList[action].strategyTags.includes("captureMonster") == true ) {1489 if ( gC(target).race == "monster" ) { /​/​ TO DO: Condition, monster should only be captured if the actor wants the monster 1490 newList.push(action);1491 if ( gC(actor).hasOwnProperty("mapAi") ) {1492 if ( gC(actor).mapAi.goalsList.length > 0 ) {1493 if ( gC(actor).mapAi.goalsList[0].hasOwnProperty("targetMonster") ) {1494 if ( gC(target).monsterType == gC(actor).mapAi.goalsList[0].targetMonster ) {1495 newList.push(action,action,action,action,action,action,action,action,action);1496 } 1497 }1498 }1499 }1500 }1501 } else {1502 newList.push(action);1503 }1504 }1505 return newList;1506}1507/​/​ Constructors, serializers, etc.1508aiAlgorithm.prototype._init = function (obj) {1509 Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (pn) {1510 this[pn] = clone(obj[pn]);1511 }, this);1512 1513 return this;1514};1515aiAlgorithm.prototype.clone = function () {1516 return (new aiAlgorithm())._init(this);1517};1518aiAlgorithm.prototype.toJSON = function() {1519 var ownData = {};1520 Object.keys(this).forEach(function (pn) {1521 ownData[pn] = clone(this[pn]);1522 }, this);1523 return JSON.reviveWrapper('(new aiAlgorithm())._init($ReviveData$)', ownData);1524};1525/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​ AI ALGORITHMS LIST CLASS /​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​1526/​/​ AI algorithms will be objects belonging to this object. This will ease the access to ai functions.1527window.aiList = function() {1528};1529/​/​ Constructors, serializers, etc.1530aiList.prototype._init = function (obj) {1531 Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (pn) {1532 this[pn] = clone(obj[pn]);1533 }, this);1534 1535 return this;1536};1537aiList.prototype.clone = function () {1538 return (new aiList())._init(this);1539};1540aiList.prototype.toJSON = function() {1541 var ownData = {};1542 Object.keys(this).forEach(function (pn) {1543 ownData[pn] = clone(this[pn]);1544 }, this);1545 return JSON.reviveWrapper('(new aiList())._init($ReviveData$)', ownData);...

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Source:mock-module.ts Github


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...34 if (flagNever(ngModule)) {35 toggleSkipMockFlag = true;36 ngMocksUniverse.flags.add('skipMock');37 }38 if (!isRootModule && (flagKeep(resolution) || flagReplace(resolution))) {39 toggleSkipMockFlag = true;40 ngMocksUniverse.flags.add('skipMock');41 }42 return {43 isRootModule,44 toggleSkipMockFlag,45 };46};47const postProcessFlags = ({48 isRootModule,49 toggleSkipMockFlag,50}: {51 isRootModule: boolean;52 toggleSkipMockFlag: boolean;...

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Source:verify.js Github


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1import Type from '../​tools/​Type'2/​/​ 必选项3export const keepVerify = (data) => {4 data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))5 let keepHint = []6 for (const i in data) {7 const item = data[i]8 /​/​ 跳过的问题和非必选项9 if (! || !item.keep) {10 keepHint.push(false)11 continue12 }1314 /​/​ 该问题展示了,再进行必选项判断15 const value = item.value16 /​/​ 字符串类型:linerscale, dropdown, longText, mutipleChoice17 /​/​ 数组类型:checkboxes, table18 if (Type(value) === 'string' || Type(value) === 'array') {19 value.length > 0 ? keepHint.push(false) : keepHint.push(true)20 continue21 }22 /​/​ 对象类型:address, date, time, file23 if (Type(value) === 'object') {24 if (JSON.stringify(value) !== '{}') {25 let flagKeep = []26 for (let j in value) {27 if (item.answers[j] || (typeof item.answers[j]) === 'undefined') { /​/​ 该项存在的话再去判断其值是否为空28 if (value[j]) {29 flagKeep.push(true)30 } else {31 flagKeep.push(false)32 }33 }34 }35 if (flagKeep.every(item => item)) keepHint.push(false)36 else keepHint.push(true)37 } else {38 keepHint.push(true)39 }40 continue41 }42 keepHint.push(false)43 }44 return keepHint45}46/​/​ 正则47export const regExp = (regStr, str) => {48 let regExp = new RegExp(regStr)49 if (regExp.test(str)) return true50 else return false51}52/​/​ data time 的数据格式正确性53export const regVerify = (data) => {54 data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))55 let regHint = []5657 for (const i in data) {58 const item = data[i]59 /​/​ 跳过的问题和非必选项60 if (! || !item.keep) {61 regHint.push(false)62 continue63 }6465 const value = item.value66 /​/​ 对象类型:date, time67 if (item.type === 'DATE' || item.type === 'TIME') {68 let flagReg = []69 let str70 for (let j in value) {71 if (item.answers[j] || (typeof item.answers[j]) === 'undefined') { /​/​ 该项存在的话再去判断其值是否为空72 if (item.type === 'DATE') {73 if (j === 'year') str = /​^[1-9]\d{3}$/​74 else if (j === 'month') str = /​^([1-9]|0[1-9]|1[0-2])$/​75 else str = /​^([1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$/​76 flagReg.push(regExp(str, value[j]))77 } else if (item.type === 'TIME') {78 if (j === 'hour') str = /​^(\d|[0-1]\d|2[0-3])$/​79 else str = /​^(\d|[0-5]\d)$/​80 flagReg.push(regExp(str, value[j]))81 }82 }83 }84 flagReg.every(item => item) ? regHint.push(false) : regHint.push(true)85 continue86 }87 regHint.push(false)88 }89 return regHint ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';3flagKeep(MyComponent);4import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';6describe('MyComponent', () => {7 it('should be kept', () => {8 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();9 });10});11import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';12import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';13describe('MyComponent', () => {14 it('should be kept', () => {15 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();16 });17});18import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';19import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';20describe('MyComponent', () => {21 it('should be kept', () => {22 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();23 });24});25import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';26import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';27describe('MyComponent', () => {28 it('should be kept', () => {29 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();30 });31});32import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';33import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';34describe('MyComponent', () => {35 it('should be kept', () => {36 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();37 });38});39import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';40import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';41describe('MyComponent', () => {42 it('should be kept', () => {43 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();44 });45});46import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';47import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';48describe('MyComponent', () => {49 it('should be kept', () => {50 expect(() => flagKeep(MyComponent)).not.toThrow();51 });52});53import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';54import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';55describe('MyComponent', () => {56 it('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should render', () => {5 flagKeep(MyComponent);6 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);7 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';11describe('MyComponent', () => {12 it('should render', () => {13 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);14 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();15 });16});17import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';18import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';19describe('MyComponent', () => {20 it('should render', () => {21 flagKeep(MyComponent);22 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);23 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();24 });25});26import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';27describe('MyComponent', () => {28 it('should render', () => {29 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);30 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();31 });32});33import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';34import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';35describe('MyComponent', () => {36 it('should render', () => {37 flagKeep(MyComponent);38 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);39 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();40 });41});42import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';43describe('MyComponent', () => {44 it('should render', () => {45 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);46 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();47 });48});49import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';50import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';51describe('MyComponent', () => {52 it('should render', () => {53 flagKeep(MyComponent);54 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);55 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();56 });57});58import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';59describe('MyComponent', () => {60 it('should render', () => {61 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);62 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();63 });64});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2flagKeep(MyComponent);3import { MyComponent } from './​test';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 it('should be created', () => {6 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);7 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {flagKeep} from 'ng-mocks';2flagKeep(MyComponent);3import {flagReset} from 'ng-mocks';4flagReset(MyComponent);5import {MockComponent} from 'ng-mocks';6const MockMyComponent = MockComponent(MyComponent);7import {MockRender} from 'ng-mocks';8const fixture = MockRender(MockMyComponent);9import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';10const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);11import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';12const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);13import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';14const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);15import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';16const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);17import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';18const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);19import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';20const mockInstance = MockInstance(MyComponent);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2ngMocks.flagKeep(true);3const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');4ngMocks.autoSpy('myService');5const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');6ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);7const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');8ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);9const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');10ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);11const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');12ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);13const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');14ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);15const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');16ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);17const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');18ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);19const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');20ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);21const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');22ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);23const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');24ngMocks.autoSpyObj('myService', ['method1', 'method2']);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2flagKeep(ExampleComponent);3import { Component } from '@angular/​core';4import { Keep } from 'ng-mocks';5@Keep()6@Component({7})8export class ExampleComponent {}9import { MockOf } from 'ng-mocks';10import { ExampleComponent } from './​example.component';11describe('ExampleComponent', () => {12 it('should be created', () => {13 const component = MockOf(ExampleComponent);14 expect(component).toBeDefined();15 });16});17module.exports = {18};19import { flagMock } from 'ng-mocks';20flagMock(ExampleComponent);21import { Component } from '@angular/​core';22import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';23@Component({24})25export class ExampleComponent {}26import { MockOf } from 'ng-mocks';27import { ExampleComponent } from './​example.component';28describe('ExampleComponent', () => {29 it('should be created', () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3flagKeep(MyComponent);4flagKeep(MyComponent, 'my-selector');5flagKeep(MyComponent, 'my-selector', 'my-template');6flagKeep(MyComponent, null, 'my-template');7import { flagUnkeep } from 'ng-mocks';8import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';9flagUnkeep(MyComponent);10flagUnkeep(MyComponent, 'my-selector');11flagUnkeep(MyComponent, 'my-selector', 'my-template');12flagUnkeep(MyComponent, null, 'my-template');13import { flagReset } from 'ng-mocks';14flagReset();15import { flagClear } from 'ng-mocks';16flagClear();17import { flagDebug } from 'ng-mocks';18flagDebug();19flagDebug(false);20import { flagReset } from 'ng-mocks';21flagReset();22import { flagClear } from 'ng-mocks';23flagClear();24import { flagDebug } from 'ng-mocks';25flagDebug();26flagDebug(false);27import { mock

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1import { flagKeep } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should have a flag', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;7 flagKeep(component, 'flag');8 expect(component.flag).toBe(true);9 });10});11import { Component } from '@angular/​core';12@Component({13 <div class="flag">{{ flag }}</​div>14})15export class MyComponent {16 public flag = true;17}18import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';19import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';20describe('MyComponent', () => {21 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));22 it('should have a flag', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);24 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;25 expect(component.flag).toBe(true);26 });27});28import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';29import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';30describe('MyComponent', () => {31 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));32 it('should have a flag', () => {33 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);34 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;35 expect(component.flag).toBe(true);36 });37});38import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';39import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';40describe('MyComponent', () => {41 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));42 it('should have a flag', () => {43 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);44 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;45 expect(component.flag).toBe(true);46 });47});48import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';49import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';50describe('MyComponent', () => {51 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));52 it('should have a flag', () => {53 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);54 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;55 expect(component.flag).toBe(true);56 });57});

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1describe('test suite', function() {2 it('should test', function() {3 module(function($provide) {4 $provide.decorator('$httpBackend', function($delegate) {5 var flagKeep = ngMocks.flagKeep($delegate);6 $delegate.whenGET('/​some/​path').respond(200, 'ok');7 flagKeep($delegate.whenGET('/​some/​path'));8 return $delegate;9 });10 });11 inject(function($httpBackend) {12 $httpBackend.whenGET('/​some/​path').respond(200, 'ok');13 $httpBackend.flush();14 });15 });16});17describe('test suite', function() {18 it('should test', function() {19 module(function($provide) {20 $provide.decorator('$httpBackend', function($delegate) {21 var flagKeep = ngMocks.flagKeep($delegate);22 $delegate.whenGET('/​some/​path').respond(200, 'ok');23 flagKeep($delegate.when('GET', '/​some/​path'));24 return $delegate;25 });26 });27 inject(function($httpBackend) {28 $httpBackend.when('GET', '/​some/​path').respond(200, 'ok');29 $httpBackend.flush();30 });31 });32});

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