How to use existingMock method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: index.ts Github


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1import bodyParser from 'body-parser'2import cors from 'cors'3import express from 'express'4import { createProxyMiddleware, fixRequestBody } from 'http-proxy-middleware'5import { Server } from 'node:http'6import {7 Moxy,8 Mock,9 LoggedRequest,10 HTTPMethod,11 MockResponseSetter,12 HTTP_METHODS,13} from './​types'14const RES_MOCK_REGEX = /​(\/​.+)\/​_mocks\/​([a-z]+)$/​15const RES_MOCKS_REGEX = /​(\/​.+)\/​_mocks$/​16export default function moxy(config?: {17 port?: number18 forward?: string19}): Moxy {20 const forward = config?.forward21 const port = config?.port ?? 800122 const app = express()23 let server: Server24 let mocks: Mock[] = []25 let requestLog: LoggedRequest[] = []26 function findMock(path: string, method: string): Mock | null {27 const mock = mocks.find(28 (m) => m.path === path && m.method === method.toLowerCase()29 )30 return mock || null31 }32 app.use(bodyParser.json())33 app.use(cors())34 app.get('/​_log', (req, res) => {35 res.json({ log: moxyApi.log() })36 })37 app.get(/​(\/​.+)\/​_log$/​, (req, res) => {38 const path = req.params[0]39 res.json({ log: moxyApi.log(path), path })40 })41 app.delete('/​_log', (req, res) => {42 moxyApi.clearLog()43 res.status(204).end()44 })45 app.put(RES_MOCK_REGEX, (req, res) => {46 const method = req.params[1].toLowerCase() as HTTPMethod47 const path = req.params[0]48 /​/​ Validate method49 if (!HTTP_METHODS.includes(method)) {50 res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid method' })51 }52 const existingMock = findMock(path, method)53 moxyApi.setMock(54 path,55 method,56 req.body.response as MockResponseSetter | undefined57 )58 if (existingMock) {59 /​/​ If mock overwritten60 res.status(200).end()61 } else {62 /​/​ If new mock63 res.status(201).end()64 }65 })66 /​/​ Delete single path-method mock67 app.delete(RES_MOCK_REGEX, (req, res) => {68 moxyApi.removeMock(req.params[0], req.params[1] as HTTPMethod)69 res.status(204).end()70 })71 /​/​ Delete all mocks from a path72 app.delete(RES_MOCKS_REGEX, (req, res) => {73 moxyApi.removeMock(req.params[0])74 res.status(204).end()75 })76 /​/​ Delete all mocks77 app.delete('/​_mocks', (req, res) => {78 moxyApi.removeMock()79 res.status(204).end()80 })81 /​/​ Create logEntry and attach to request82 app.use((req, res, next) => {83 req.logEntry = {84 timestamp: new Date(),85 method: req.method,86 path: req.path,87 mocked: false,88 headers: {},89 response: {90 status: 0,91 headers: {},92 },93 }94 requestLog.push(req.logEntry)95 if (Object.keys(req.body).length) {96 = req.body97 }98 next()99 })100 app.use((req, res, next) => {101 const mock = findMock(req.path, req.method)102 if (mock) {103 if (req.logEntry) {104 req.logEntry.mocked = true105 req.logEntry.response.status = mock.response.status106 = mock.response.data107 }108 res.status(mock.response.status)109 res.json( } else {111 next()112 }113 })114 if (forward) {115 app.use(116 createProxyMiddleware({117 target: forward,118 changeOrigin: true,119 logLevel: 'error',120 onProxyReq: fixRequestBody,121 onProxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => {122 const logEntry = req.logEntry123 if (logEntry) {124 logEntry.response.status = proxyRes.statusCode!125 logEntry.response.headers = proxyRes.headers126 if (127 proxyRes.headers['content-type']?.startsWith('application/​json')128 ) {129 let data = ''130 proxyRes.on('data', (chunk) => {131 data += chunk132 })133 proxyRes.on('end', () => {134 try {135 = JSON.parse(data)136 } catch (err) {137 /​/​ Do nothing138 }139 })140 }141 }142 },143 })144 )145 }146 const moxyApi: Moxy = {147 start: () => {148 server = app.listen(port)149 return server150 },151 stop: async () => {152 return new Promise((resolve) => {153 server.close(() => resolve())154 })155 },156 mocks: <ResData>(path?: string): Mock<ResData>[] => {157 let myMocks = mocks as Mock<ResData>[]158 if (path) {159 myMocks = myMocks.filter((mock) => mock.path === path)160 }161 return myMocks162 },163 log: <ReqData, ResData>(path?: string, method?: HTTPMethod) => {164 let log = requestLog as LoggedRequest<ReqData, ResData>[]165 if (path) {166 log = log.filter((entry) => entry.path === path)167 }168 if (method) {169 log = log.filter((entry) => entry.method.toLowerCase() === method)170 }171 return log172 },173 clearLog: () => {174 requestLog = []175 },176 setMock: <ResData>(177 path: string,178 method: HTTPMethod = 'get',179 response: MockResponseSetter<ResData> = {}180 ) => {181 const existingMock = findMock(path, method)182 if (existingMock) {183 /​/​ Remove existing mock184 mocks = mocks.filter((m) => m !== existingMock)185 }186 /​/​ Add new mock187 mocks.push({188 method,189 path,190 response: {191 status: response.status ?? 200,192 headers: response.headers ?? [],193 data: ?? null,194 },195 })196 return {197 removeMock: () => moxyApi.removeMock(path, method),198 log: <ReqData>() => moxyApi.log<ReqData, ResData>(path, method),199 }200 },201 removeMock: (path?: string, method?: HTTPMethod) => {202 if (path && method) {203 const existingMock = findMock(path, method)204 mocks = mocks.filter((mock) => mock !== existingMock)205 } else if (path) {206 mocks = mocks.filter((mock) => mock.path !== path)207 } else {208 mocks = []209 }210 },211 }212 return moxyApi213}...

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Source: mocks.js Github


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1import Emitter from 'api/​emitter';2import EVENTS from 'api/​constants/​events';3import { PersistentStorage } from 'api/​storage';4import { Mock } from 'api/​models/​mock';5import { Request } from 'api/​models/​request';6import find from 'lodash/​find';7import filter from 'lodash/​filter';8import remove from 'lodash/​remove';9import isObject from 'lodash/​isObject';10import isString from 'lodash/​isString';11import isArray from 'lodash/​isArray';12import omit from 'lodash/​omit';13import cloneDeep from 'lodash/​cloneDeep';14import assign from 'lodash/​assign';15export class Mocks {16 init() {17 this.loadFromStorage();18 this._registerEvents();19 }20 _registerEvents() {21 Emitter.on(EVENTS.UPDATE_MOCK, this.loadFromStorage, this);22 Emitter.on(EVENTS.IMPORT, this.loadFromStorage, this);23 Emitter.on(EVENTS.STORAGE_PERSIST, this.loadFromStorage, this);24 }25 loadFromStorage() {26 this.all = PersistentStorage.dataTree.mocks27 .map((mock) => new Mock(mock));28 PersistentStorage.dataTree.mocks = this.all;29 }30 setMocks(mocks) {31 this.all = => new Mock(mock));32 PersistentStorage.dataTree.mocks = this.all;33 PersistentStorage.persist();34 }35 find(options) {36 return find(this.all, options);37 }38 findAll(options) {39 const results = filter(this.all, options);40 if (!results) {41 return [];42 }43 return results;44 }45 addMock() {46 const newRequest = new Request({47 method: 'GET',48 url: '/​',49 headers: { 'content-type': 'application/​json' },50 origin: typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.location.origin : null51 });52 const newMock = this.mockRequest(newRequest);53 PersistentStorage.persist();54 return newMock;55 }56 mockRequest(request) {57 this.findAll({ requestHash: request.requestHash }).forEach((mock) => mock.disable());58 const mock = new Mock(request);59 this.all.push(mock);60 PersistentStorage.persist();61 return mock;62 }63 mergeMocks(mocks, options = {}) {64 for (const mock of mocks) {65 /​/​ deserialize json mock request body66 if (isObject(mock.response.body)) {67 mock.response.body = JSON.stringify(mock.response.body);68 }69 if (isObject(mock.params)) {70 mock.params = JSON.stringify(mock.params);71 }72 const existingMock = cloneDeep(find(this.all, { id: }));73 if (!existingMock) {74 this.all.push(new Mock(mock));75 continue;76 }77 const existingMockClone = cloneDeep(existingMock);78 const newMockClone = cloneDeep(mock);79 if (existingMockClone.response.body) {80 existingMockClone.response.body = existingMockClone.response.body.replace(/​\s/​g, '');81 }82 if (newMockClone.response.body) {83 newMockClone.response.body = newMockClone.response.body.replace(/​\s/​g, '');84 }85 const isMockEqual = JSON.stringify(newMockClone) === JSON.stringify(existingMockClone);86 if (existingMock && isMockEqual) {87 continue;88 } else if (existingMock && options.mode === 'append') {89 this.all.push(new Mock(omit(mock, ['id'])));90 } else if (existingMock) {91 const updatedMock = assign({}, existingMock, mock);92 this.updateMock(, updatedMock);93 } else {94 this.all.push(new Mock(mock));95 }96 }97 PersistentStorage.persist();98 }99 recapture(mockIds, cb = () => {}) {100 const done = (id) => {101 PersistentStorage.persist();102 cb(id);103 };104 mockIds.forEach((mockId) => this.find({ id: mockId }).recapture(done));105 }106 toggleMock(mockId) {107 const mock = this.find({ id: mockId });108 if (! {109 this.findAll({ requestHash: mock.requestHash }).forEach((mock) => mock.disable());110 }111 mock.toggle();112 PersistentStorage.persist();113 }114 export(arg) {115 if (isString(arg)) {116 return this.find({ id: arg }).export();117 }118 if (isArray(arg)) {119 return => this.find({ id: mockId }).export());120 }121 return => mock.export());122 }123 updateMock(mockId, request) {124 this.find({ id: mockId }).update(request);125 PersistentStorage.persist();126 }127 duplicateMock(mockId, overrides = {}) {128 const mock = this.find({ id: mockId });129 const duplicatedMock = {130 ...omit(cloneDeep(mock), ['id']),131 name: ? `${} Copy` :,132 groupId: mock.groupId,133 ...overrides134 };135 this.mockRequest(duplicatedMock);136 }137 removeMock(mockId) {138 remove(this.all, { id: mockId });139 PersistentStorage.persist();140 }141 renameMock(mockId, newName) {142 this.find({ id: mockId }).rename(newName);143 PersistentStorage.persist();144 }145 getMatchingMocks(request) {146 const matches = [];147 for (let mock of this.all) {148 if (mock.matches({ url: request.url, params: request.body, method: request.method })) {149 matches.push(mock);150 }151 }152 return matches;153 }154}...

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Source: rr-navigate-spec-migration.js Github


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1/​/​ call on a list of tests effected by rr-navigate-migration.js2/​/​ jscodeshift -t zenpayroll/​script/​rr-navigate-spec-migration.js --parser=tsx [...]3import {4 findJestMockForModule,5 insertAfterLastMockOrImport,6 insertBeforeMockNamed,7} from './​jscodeshift-helpers';8/​** @typedef { import('@types/​jscodeshift').core } core */​9/​**10 * @param file {core.FileInfo}11 * @param api {core.API}12 **/​13export default function transformer(file, api) {14 const j = api.jscodeshift;15 let root = j(file.source);16 /​/​ find all instances of expect(Payroll.router.navigate)17 const navigates = root.find(j.MemberExpression, {18 object: { object: { name: 'Payroll' }, property: { name: 'router' } },19 property: { name: 'navigate' },20 });21 let needsMockPush = false;22 let needsMockReplace = false;23 navigates.forEach(p => {24 if ( === 'expect') {25 if (26 === 'toHaveBeenCalledWith' &&27 p.parent.parent.parent.value.arguments.length === 2 &&28 p.parent.parent.parent.value.arguments[1].type === 'ObjectExpression'29 ) {30 const options = p.parent.parent.parent.value.arguments[1];31 const jOptions = j(options);32 if (33 jOptions.find(j.ObjectProperty, { key: { name: 'trigger' }, value: { value: false } })34 .length35 ) {36 throw new Error('Cannot handle trigger: false option');37 } else if (38 jOptions.find(j.ObjectProperty, { key: { name: 'replace' }, value: { value: true } })39 .length40 ) {41 needsMockReplace = true;42 p.replace('mockHistoryReplace');43 } else {44 needsMockPush = true;45 p.replace('mockHistoryPush');46 }47 } else {48 needsMockPush = true;49 p.replace('mockHistoryPush');50 }51 const args = p.parent.parent.value.arguments;52 if (args && args.length > 1) {53 p.parent.parent.value.arguments = [args[0]];54 }55 }56 });57 if (needsMockPush || needsMockReplace) {58 let existingMock = findJestMockForModule('react-router-dom', j, root);59 if (existingMock.length) {60 const existingUseHistory = j(existingMock.paths()[0]).find(j.ObjectProperty, {61 key: { name: 'useHistory' },62 });63 if (existingUseHistory.length) {64 /​/​ console.log('has existing useHistory');65 const existingPush = j(existingUseHistory.paths()[0]).find(j.ObjectProperty, {66 key: { name: 'push' },67 });68 if (existingPush.length) {69 /​/​ console.log('existing push', existingPush.paths()[0].value.value);70 if (existingPush.paths()[0] !== 'mockHistoryPush') {71 throw new Error('is already mocked but not called mockHistoryPush');72 }73 } else {74 throw new Error('no existing push');75 }76 } else {77 const properties = [];78 if (needsMockPush) {79 properties.push(j.objectProperty(j.identifier('push'), j.identifier('mockHistoryPush')));80 }81 if (needsMockReplace) {82 properties.push(83 j.objectProperty(j.identifier('replace'), j.identifier('mockHistoryReplace')),84 );85 }86 existingMock87 .paths()[0]88 .value.arguments[1] j.objectProperty(90 j.identifier('useHistory'),91 j.arrowFunctionExpression([], j.objectExpression(properties)),92 ),93 );94 if (needsMockPush) {95 insertBeforeMockNamed(j, root, 'react-router-dom', 'const mockHistoryPush = jest.fn();');96 }97 if (needsMockReplace) {98 insertBeforeMockNamed(99 j,100 root,101 'react-router-dom',102 'const mockHistoryReplace = jest.fn();',103 );104 }105 }106 } else {107 /​/​ find mock position: after last mock or after last import108 insertAfterLastMockOrImport(109 j,110 root,111 "const mockHistoryPush = jest.fn();\njest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({\n useHistory: () => ({ push: mockHistoryPush }),\n}));",112 );113 }114 }115 return root.toSource();...

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1import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 beforeEach(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 {6 useValue: existingMock(MyService),7 },8 });9 });10});11import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';12describe('MyComponent', () => {13 beforeEach(() => {14 TestBed.configureTestingModule({15 {16 useValue: existingMock(MyService),17 },18 });19 });20});21import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';22describe('MyComponent', () => {23 beforeEach(() => {24 TestBed.configureTestingModule({25 {26 useValue: existingMock(MyService),27 },28 });29 });30});31import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';32describe('MyComponent', () => {33 beforeEach(() => {34 TestBed.configureTestingModule({35 {36 useValue: existingMock(MyService),37 },38 });39 });40});41import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';42describe('MyComponent', () => {43 beforeEach(() => {44 TestBed.configureTestingModule({45 {46 useValue: existingMock(MyService),47 },48 });49 });50});51import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';52describe('MyComponent', () => {53 beforeEach(() => {54 TestBed.configureTestingModule({55 {56 useValue: existingMock(MyService),57 },58 });59 });60});61import

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';2import {AppComponent} from './​app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should create the app', () => {5 const fixture = existingMock(AppComponent);6 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';11import {AppComponent} from './​app.component';12import {TestBed, ComponentFixture} from '@angular/​core/​testing';13describe('AppComponent', () => {14 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;15 beforeEach(() => {16 TestBed.configureTestingModule({17 });18 fixture = existingMock(AppComponent);19 });20 it('should create the app', () => {21 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;22 expect(app).toBeTruthy();23 });24});25import {existing} from 'ng-mocks';26import {AppComponent} from './​app.component';27import {TestBed, ComponentFixture} from '@angular/​core/​testing';28describe('AppComponent', () => {29 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;30 beforeEach(() => {31 fixture = existing(AppComponent);32 });33 it('should create the app', () => {34 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;35 expect(app).toBeTruthy();36 });37});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingMock, MockBuilder } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));5 it('should render', () => {6 const fixture = existingMock(MyComponent);7 fixture.detectChanges();8 expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('h1').textContent).toEqual('Hello World!');9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my-service';3describe('existingMock', () => {4 it('should return the existing mock', () => {5 const existingMock = existingMock(MyService);6 expect(existingMock).toEqual(jasmine.any(MyService));7 });8});9import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';10@Injectable()11export class MyService {12 constructor() {13 console.log('MyService created');14 }15}16import { MyService } from './​my-service';17describe('MyService', () => {18 it('should create', () => {19 const myService = new MyService();20 expect(myService).toBeTruthy();21 });22});23import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';24import { MyService } from './​my-service';25describe('existingMock', () => {26 it('should return the existing mock', () => {27 const existingMock = existingMock(MyService);28 expect(existingMock).toEqual(jasmine.any(MyService));29 });30});31import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';32@Injectable()33export class MyService {34 constructor() {35 console.log('MyService created');36 }37}38import { MyService } from './​my-service';39describe('MyService', () => {40 it('should create', () => {41 const myService = new MyService();42 expect(myService).toBeTruthy();43 });44});45import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';46import { MyService } from './​my-service';47describe('existingMock', () => {48 it('should return the existing mock', () => {49 const existingMock = existingMock(MyService);50 expect(existingMock).toEqual(jasmine.any(MyService));51 });52});53import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';54@Injectable()55export class MyService {56 constructor() {57 console.log('MyService created');58 }59}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('test', () => {4 const mock = existingMock('mock');5 expect(mock).toBeDefined();6 });7});8import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';9describe('test', () => {10 it('test', () => {11 const mock = existingMock('mock');12 expect(mock).toBeDefined();13 });14});15import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';16describe('test', () => {17 it('test', () => {18 const mock = existingMock('mock');19 expect(mock).toBeDefined();20 });21});22import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';23describe('test', () => {24 it('test', () => {25 const mock = existingMock('mock');26 expect(mock).toBeDefined();27 });28});29import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';30describe('test', () => {31 it('test', () => {32 const mock = existingMock('mock');33 expect(mock).toBeDefined();34 });35});36import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';37describe('test', () => {38 it('test', () => {39 const mock = existingMock('mock');40 expect(mock).toBeDefined();41 });42});43import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';44describe('test', () => {45 it('test', () => {46 const mock = existingMock('mock');47 expect(mock).toBeDefined();48 });49});50import {existingMock} from 'ng-mocks';51describe('test', () => {52 it('test', () => {53 const mock = existingMock('mock');54 expect(mock).toBeDefined();55 });56});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { existingMock } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should use existingMock', () => {4 const mock = existingMock('mock');5 expect(mock).toBeDefined();6 });7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mock = existingMock('MockService');2mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');3const mock = ngMocks.guts('MockService');4mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');5const mock = ngMocks.stub('MockService');6mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');7const mock = ngMocks.mock('MockService');8mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');9const mock = ngMocks.findInstance('MockService');10mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');11const mock = ngMocks.find('MockService');12mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');13const mock = ngMocks.get('MockService');14mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');15const mock = ngMocks.default('MockService');16mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');17const mock = ngMocks.redefine('MockService');18mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');19const mock = ngMocks.override('MockService');20mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');21const mock = ngMocks.replace('MockService');22mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');23const mock = ngMocks.reprovide('MockService');24mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');25const mock = ngMocks.reinstall('MockService');26mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');27const mock = ngMocks.remock('MockService');28mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');29const mock = ngMocks.redefineAll('MockService');30mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');31const mock = ngMocks.overrideAll('MockService');32mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');33const mock = ngMocks.replaceAll('MockService');34mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');35const mock = ngMocks.reprovideAll('MockService');36mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');37const mock = ngMocks.reinstallAll('MockService');38mock.mockReturnValue('mock value');

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