How to use divSet method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:Text_1.js Github


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1 2let vertexShaderSource =/​*glsl*/​ `#version 300 es3 4in vec4 a_position;5in vec4 a_color;6 7uniform mat4 u_matrix;8 9out vec4 v_color;10 11void main() {12 13 gl_Position = u_matrix * a_position;14 15 v_color = a_color;16}17`;18let fragmentShaderSource = /​*glsl*/​ `#version 300 es19precision highp float;20 21in vec4 v_color;22 23out vec4 outColor;24void main() {25 outColor = v_color;26}27`;28function degToRad(d) {29 return d * Math.PI /​ 180;30 }31 function setGeometry(gl) {32 gl.bufferData(33 gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,34 new Float32Array([35 /​/​ left column front36 0, 0, 0,37 0, 150, 0,38 30, 0, 0,39 0, 150, 0,40 30, 150, 0,41 30, 0, 0,42 43 /​/​ top rung front44 30, 0, 0,45 30, 30, 0,46 100, 0, 0,47 30, 30, 0,48 100, 30, 0,49 100, 0, 0,50 51 /​/​ middle rung front52 30, 60, 0,53 30, 90, 0,54 67, 60, 0,55 30, 90, 0,56 67, 90, 0,57 67, 60, 0,58 59 /​/​ left column back60 0, 0, 30,61 30, 0, 30,62 0, 150, 30,63 0, 150, 30,64 30, 0, 30,65 30, 150, 30,66 67 /​/​ top rung back68 30, 0, 30,69 100, 0, 30,70 30, 30, 30,71 30, 30, 30,72 100, 0, 30,73 100, 30, 30,74 75 /​/​ middle rung back76 30, 60, 30,77 67, 60, 30,78 30, 90, 30,79 30, 90, 30,80 67, 60, 30,81 67, 90, 30,82 83 /​/​ top84 0, 0, 0,85 100, 0, 0,86 100, 0, 30,87 0, 0, 0,88 100, 0, 30,89 0, 0, 30,90 91 /​/​ top rung right92 100, 0, 0,93 100, 30, 0,94 100, 30, 30,95 100, 0, 0,96 100, 30, 30,97 100, 0, 30,98 99 /​/​ under top rung100 30, 30, 0,101 30, 30, 30,102 100, 30, 30,103 30, 30, 0,104 100, 30, 30,105 100, 30, 0,106 107 /​/​ between top rung and middle108 30, 30, 0,109 30, 60, 30,110 30, 30, 30,111 30, 30, 0,112 30, 60, 0,113 30, 60, 30,114 115 /​/​ top of middle rung116 30, 60, 0,117 67, 60, 30,118 30, 60, 30,119 30, 60, 0,120 67, 60, 0,121 67, 60, 30,122 123 /​/​ right of middle rung124 67, 60, 0,125 67, 90, 30,126 67, 60, 30,127 67, 60, 0,128 67, 90, 0,129 67, 90, 30,130 131 /​/​ bottom of middle rung.132 30, 90, 0,133 30, 90, 30,134 67, 90, 30,135 30, 90, 0,136 67, 90, 30,137 67, 90, 0,138 139 /​/​ right of bottom140 30, 90, 0,141 30, 150, 30,142 30, 90, 30,143 30, 90, 0,144 30, 150, 0,145 30, 150, 30,146 147 /​/​ bottom148 0, 150, 0,149 0, 150, 30,150 30, 150, 30,151 0, 150, 0,152 30, 150, 30,153 30, 150, 0,154 155 /​/​ left side156 0, 0, 0,157 0, 0, 30,158 0, 150, 30,159 0, 0, 0,160 0, 150, 30,161 0, 150, 0,162 ]),163 gl.STATIC_DRAW);164 }165 166 167 function setColors(gl) {168 gl.bufferData(169 gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,170 new Uint8Array([171 /​/​ left column front172 200, 70, 120,173 200, 70, 120,174 200, 70, 120,175 200, 70, 120,176 200, 70, 120,177 200, 70, 120,178 179 /​/​ top rung front180 200, 70, 120,181 200, 70, 120,182 200, 70, 120,183 200, 70, 120,184 200, 70, 120,185 200, 70, 120,186 187 /​/​ middle rung front188 200, 70, 120,189 200, 70, 120,190 200, 70, 120,191 200, 70, 120,192 200, 70, 120,193 200, 70, 120,194 195 /​/​ left column back196 80, 70, 200,197 80, 70, 200,198 80, 70, 200,199 80, 70, 200,200 80, 70, 200,201 80, 70, 200,202 203 /​/​ top rung back204 80, 70, 200,205 80, 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bottom of middle rung.268 76, 210, 100,269 76, 210, 100,270 76, 210, 100,271 76, 210, 100,272 76, 210, 100,273 76, 210, 100,274 275 /​/​ right of bottom276 140, 210, 80,277 140, 210, 80,278 140, 210, 80,279 140, 210, 80,280 140, 210, 80,281 140, 210, 80,282 283 /​/​ bottom284 90, 130, 110,285 90, 130, 110,286 90, 130, 110,287 90, 130, 110,288 90, 130, 110,289 90, 130, 110,290 291 /​/​ left side292 160, 160, 220,293 160, 160, 220,294 160, 160, 220,295 160, 160, 220,296 160, 160, 220,297 160, 160, 220,298 ]),299 gl.STATIC_DRAW);300 }301function main() {302 303 let canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas");304 let gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2");305 if (!gl) {306 alert("No Webgl2!!!");307 return;308 }309 310 let divContainerElement = document.querySelector("#divcontainer");311 312 let program = webglUtils.createProgramFromSources(gl,313 [vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource]);314 315 let positionAttributeLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_position");316 let colorAttributeLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_color");317 318 let matrixLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_matrix");319 320 let vao = gl.createVertexArray();321 322 gl.bindVertexArray(vao);323 324 let positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); 325 gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);326 327 setGeometry(gl);328 329 gl.enableVertexAttribArray(positionAttributeLocation);330 331 let size = 3; 332 let type = gl.FLOAT; 333 let normalize = false; 334 let stride = 0; 335 let offset = 0; 336 gl.vertexAttribPointer(337 positionAttributeLocation, size, type, normalize, stride, offset);338 339 let colorBuffer = gl.createBuffer();340 gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer);341 setColors(gl);342 343 gl.enableVertexAttribArray(colorAttributeLocation);344 345 size = 3; 346 type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; 347 normalize = true; 348 stride = 0; 349 offset = 0; 350 gl.vertexAttribPointer(351 colorAttributeLocation, size, type, normalize, stride, offset);352 let translation = [0, 30, -360];353 let rotation = [degToRad(190), degToRad(40), degToRad(30)];354 let scale = [1, 1, 1];355 let fieldOfViewRadians = degToRad(60);356 let rotationSpeed = 1.2;357 let divSetNdx = 0;358 let divSets = [];359 let then = 0;360 function resetDivSets() { 361/​* for (; divSetNdx < divSets.length; ++divSetNdx) {362 divSets[divSetNdx].style.display = "none";363 } */​364 divSetNdx = 0;365 }366 function addDivSet(msg, x, y) {367 let divSet = divSets[divSetNdx++];368 369 if (!divSet) {370 divSet = {};371 divSet.div = document.createElement("div");372 divSet.textNode = document.createTextNode("");373 =;374 divSet.div.className = "floating-div";375 376 divSet.div.appendChild(divSet.textNode);377 378 divContainerElement.appendChild(divSet.div);379 380 divSets.push(divSet);381 }382 383 = "block";384 = Math.floor(x) + "px";385 = Math.floor(y) + "px";386 divSet.textNode.nodeValue = msg;387 }388 389 function drawScene(time) {390 391 let now = time * 0.001; 392 let deltaTime = now - then; 393 then = now;394 webglUtils.resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(gl.canvas);395 rotation[1] += rotationSpeed * deltaTime;396 gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);397 gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);398 gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);399 gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);400 gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE);401 gl.useProgram(program);402 gl.bindVertexArray(vao);403 let aspect = gl.canvas.clientWidth /​ gl.canvas.clientHeight;404 let zNear = 1;405 let zFar = 2000;406 let projectionMatrix = m4.perspective(fieldOfViewRadians, aspect, zNear, zFar);407 let spread = 170;408 for (let yy = -1; yy <= 1; ++yy) {409 for (let xx = -2; xx <= 2; ++xx) {410 let matrix = m4.translate(projectionMatrix,411 translation[0] + xx * spread, translation[1] + yy * spread, translation[2]);412 matrix = m4.xRotate(matrix, rotation[0]);413 matrix = m4.yRotate(matrix, rotation[1] + yy * xx * 0.2);414 matrix = m4.zRotate(matrix, rotation[2]);415 matrix = m4.scale(matrix, scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);416 gl.uniformMatrix4fv(matrixLocation, false, matrix);417 let primitiveType = gl.TRIANGLES;418 let offset = 0;419 let count = 16 * 6;420 gl.drawArrays(primitiveType, offset, count);421 /​/​compute screen coordinate by apply mvp422 let clipspace = m4.transformVector(matrix, [100, 0, 0, 1]);423 /​/​perspective divide 424 clipspace[0] /​= clipspace[3];425 clipspace[1] /​= clipspace[3];426 427 let pixelX = (clipspace[0] * 0.5 + 0.5) * gl.canvas.width;428 let pixelY = (clipspace[1] * -0.5 + 0.5) * gl.canvas.height;429 addDivSet("" + xx + "," + yy, pixelX, pixelY);430 }431 }432 resetDivSets();433 requestAnimationFrame(drawScene);434 }435 requestAnimationFrame(drawScene);436}437 ...

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Source:index.js Github


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1const jsMainStopWatch = document.getElementById('jsMainStopWatch');2const jsStart = document.getElementById('jsStartBtn');3const jsStop = document.getElementById('jsStopBtn');4const jsClear = document.getElementById('jsClearBtn');5const jsMain = document.querySelector('.main');6const jsAddWorkoutBtn = document.querySelector('#jsAddWorkoutBtn');7const jsWorkoutUl = document.getElementById('jsWorkoutUl');8const jsAddSetBtn = document.getElementById('jsAddSetBtn');9const jsStopWatch = document.getElementById('jsStopWatch');10const jsCompleteBtn = document.getElementById('jsCompleteBtn');11let seconds = 0,12 minutes = 0,13 hours = 0,14 t;15let newWorkoutId = 0;16let newSetId = 0;17function add() {18 seconds++;19 if (seconds >= 60) {20 seconds = 0;21 minutes++;22 if (minutes >= 60) {23 minutes = 0;24 hours++;25 }26 }27 jsMainStopWatch.textContent =28 (hours ? (hours > 9 ? hours : '0' + hours) : '00') +29 ':' +30 (minutes ? (minutes > 9 ? minutes : '0' + minutes) : '00') +31 ':' +32 (seconds > 9 ? seconds : '0' + seconds);33 timer();34}35function timer() {36 t = setTimeout(add, 1000);37}38function inputCurrentWatch() {39 jsStopWatch.textContent = jsMainStopWatch.textContent;40 jsCompleteBtn.removeEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatch);41}42/​/​ timer();43jsStart.addEventListener('click', () => {44 timer();45});46jsStop.addEventListener('click', () => {47 clearTimeout(t);48});49jsClear.addEventListener('click', () => {50 jsMainStopWatch.textContent = '00:00:00';51 seconds = 0;52 minutes = 0;53 hours = 0;54});55/​/​ Add Workout56jsAddWorkoutBtn.addEventListener('click', e => {57 const divTitle = document.createElement('div');58 divTitle.classList.add('main__workoutTitle');59 = 'margin-top:20px';60 const divAddWorkoutTitle = document.createElement('div');61 divAddWorkoutTitle.classList.add('main__addWorkoutTitle');62 const btnAddWokroutTitle = document.createElement('button');63 btnAddWokroutTitle.classList.add('main__addWorkoutBtn');64 = `jsAddWorkoutBtn${newWorkoutId}`;65 btnAddWokroutTitle.textContent = '-';66 btnAddWokroutTitle.addEventListener('click', () => {67 divTitle.parentNode.removeChild(divTitle);68 newUl.parentNode.removeChild(newUl);69 });70 divAddWorkoutTitle.appendChild(btnAddWokroutTitle);71 divTitle.appendChild(divAddWorkoutTitle);72 const labelWorkoutTitle = document.createElement('label');73 labelWorkoutTitle.classList.add('main__addWorkoutTitleText');74 labelWorkoutTitle.textContent = 'Title';75 divTitle.appendChild(labelWorkoutTitle);76 const inputWorkoutTitle = document.createElement('input');77 inputWorkoutTitle.classList.add('main__workoutTitleInput');78 divTitle.appendChild(inputWorkoutTitle);79 jsMain.appendChild(divTitle);80 const newUl = document.createElement('ul');81 newUl.classList.add('main__workoutChecker');82 const li = document.createElement('li');83 li.classList.add('main__workoutCheckerList');84 const divBtn = document.createElement('div');85 divBtn.classList.add('main__delSet');86 const minusBtn = document.createElement('button');87 minusBtn.classList.add('main__delSetBtn');88 = 'jsDelSetBtn';89 minusBtn.textContent = '+';90 divBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {91 const li = document.createElement('li');92 li.classList.add('main__workoutCheckerList');93 const divBtn = document.createElement('div');94 divBtn.classList.add('main__delSet');95 const minusBtn = document.createElement('button');96 minusBtn.classList.add('main__delSetBtn');97 = 'jsDelSetBtn';98 minusBtn.textContent = '-';99 divBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {100 li.parentNode.removeChild(li);101 });102 divBtn.appendChild(minusBtn);103 const divKg = document.createElement('div');104 divKg.classList.add('main__kg');105 const inputKg = document.createElement('input');106 inputKg.classList.add('main__wrightBox');107 const spanKg = document.createElement('span');108 spanKg.classList.add('main__kgText');109 spanKg.textContent = 'KG';110 divKg.appendChild(inputKg);111 divKg.appendChild(spanKg);112 const divTimes = document.createElement('div');113 divTimes.classList.add('main__times');114 const inputTimes = document.createElement('input');115 inputTimes.classList.add('main__wrightBox');116 const spanTimes = document.createElement('span');117 spanTimes.classList.add('main__timesText');118 spanTimes.textContent = 'TIMES';119 divTimes.appendChild(inputTimes);120 divTimes.appendChild(spanTimes);121 const divSet = document.createElement('div');122 divSet.classList.add('main__set');123 const inputSet = document.createElement('input');124 inputSet.classList.add('main__wrightBox');125 const spanSet = document.createElement('span');126 spanSet.classList.add('main__setText');127 spanSet.textContent = 'SET';128 divSet.appendChild(inputSet);129 divSet.appendChild(spanSet);130 const divStopWatch = document.createElement('div');131 divStopWatch.classList.add('main__stopwatch');132 divStopWatch.textContent = '00:00:00';133 const divComBtn = document.createElement('div');134 divComBtn.classList.add('main__completeBtnWrapper');135 const completBtn = document.createElement('button');136 completBtn.classList = 'main__completeBtn';137 = `jsCompleteBtn${newSetId}`;138 newSetId++;139 completBtn.textContent = 'COMPLETE';140 function inputCurrentWatchOthers() {141 divStopWatch.textContent = jsMainStopWatch.textContent;142 completBtn.removeEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);143 }144 completBtn.addEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);145 divComBtn.appendChild(completBtn);146 li.appendChild(divBtn);147 li.appendChild(divKg);148 li.appendChild(divTimes);149 li.appendChild(divSet);150 li.appendChild(divStopWatch);151 li.appendChild(divComBtn);152 newUl.appendChild(li);153 jsMain.appendChild(newUl);154 });155 divBtn.appendChild(minusBtn);156 const divKg = document.createElement('div');157 divKg.classList.add('main__kg');158 const inputKg = document.createElement('input');159 inputKg.classList.add('main__wrightBox');160 const spanKg = document.createElement('span');161 spanKg.classList.add('main__kgText');162 spanKg.textContent = 'KG';163 divKg.appendChild(inputKg);164 divKg.appendChild(spanKg);165 const divTimes = document.createElement('div');166 divTimes.classList.add('main__times');167 const inputTimes = document.createElement('input');168 inputTimes.classList.add('main__wrightBox');169 const spanTimes = document.createElement('span');170 spanTimes.classList.add('main__timesText');171 spanTimes.textContent = 'TIMES';172 divTimes.appendChild(inputTimes);173 divTimes.appendChild(spanTimes);174 const divSet = document.createElement('div');175 divSet.classList.add('main__set');176 const inputSet = document.createElement('input');177 inputSet.classList.add('main__wrightBox');178 const spanSet = document.createElement('span');179 spanSet.classList.add('main__setText');180 spanSet.textContent = 'SET';181 divSet.appendChild(inputSet);182 divSet.appendChild(spanSet);183 const divStopWatch = document.createElement('div');184 divStopWatch.classList.add('main__stopwatch');185 divStopWatch.textContent = '00:00:00';186 const divComBtn = document.createElement('div');187 divComBtn.classList.add('main__completeBtnWrapper');188 const completBtn = document.createElement('button');189 completBtn.classList = 'main__completeBtn';190 = `jsCompleteBtn${newSetId}`;191 newSetId++;192 completBtn.textContent = 'COMPLETE';193 function inputCurrentWatchOthers() {194 divStopWatch.textContent = jsMainStopWatch.textContent;195 completBtn.removeEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);196 }197 completBtn.addEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);198 divComBtn.appendChild(completBtn);199 li.appendChild(divBtn);200 li.appendChild(divKg);201 li.appendChild(divTimes);202 li.appendChild(divSet);203 li.appendChild(divStopWatch);204 li.appendChild(divComBtn);205 newUl.appendChild(li);206 jsMain.appendChild(newUl);207});208jsCompleteBtn.addEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatch);209/​/​ Add Set210jsAddSetBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {211 const li = document.createElement('li');212 li.classList.add('main__workoutCheckerList');213 const divBtn = document.createElement('div');214 divBtn.classList.add('main__delSet');215 const minusBtn = document.createElement('button');216 minusBtn.classList.add('main__delSetBtn');217 = 'jsDelSetBtn';218 minusBtn.textContent = '-';219 divBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {220 li.parentNode.removeChild(li);221 });222 divBtn.appendChild(minusBtn);223 const divKg = document.createElement('div');224 divKg.classList.add('main__kg');225 const inputKg = document.createElement('input');226 inputKg.classList.add('main__wrightBox');227 const spanKg = document.createElement('span');228 spanKg.classList.add('main__kgText');229 spanKg.textContent = 'KG';230 divKg.appendChild(inputKg);231 divKg.appendChild(spanKg);232 const divTimes = document.createElement('div');233 divTimes.classList.add('main__times');234 const inputTimes = document.createElement('input');235 inputTimes.classList.add('main__wrightBox');236 const spanTimes = document.createElement('span');237 spanTimes.classList.add('main__timesText');238 spanTimes.textContent = 'TIMES';239 divTimes.appendChild(inputTimes);240 divTimes.appendChild(spanTimes);241 const divSet = document.createElement('div');242 divSet.classList.add('main__set');243 const inputSet = document.createElement('input');244 inputSet.classList.add('main__wrightBox');245 const spanSet = document.createElement('span');246 spanSet.classList.add('main__setText');247 spanSet.textContent = 'SET';248 divSet.appendChild(inputSet);249 divSet.appendChild(spanSet);250 const divStopWatch = document.createElement('div');251 divStopWatch.classList.add('main__stopwatch');252 divStopWatch.textContent = '00:00:00';253 const divComBtn = document.createElement('div');254 divComBtn.classList.add('main__completeBtnWrapper');255 const completBtn = document.createElement('button');256 completBtn.classList = 'main__completeBtn';257 = `jsCompleteBtn${newSetId}`;258 newSetId++;259 completBtn.textContent = 'COMPLETE';260 function inputCurrentWatchOthers() {261 divStopWatch.textContent = jsMainStopWatch.textContent;262 completBtn.removeEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);263 }264 completBtn.addEventListener('click', inputCurrentWatchOthers);265 divComBtn.appendChild(completBtn);266 li.appendChild(divBtn);267 li.appendChild(divKg);268 li.appendChild(divTimes);269 li.appendChild(divSet);270 li.appendChild(divStopWatch);271 li.appendChild(divComBtn);272 jsWorkoutUl.appendChild(li);...

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Source:1952-three-divisors.js Github


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1/​**2 * @param {number} n3 * @return {boolean}4 */​5var isThree = function(n) {6 const divSet = new Set();7 divSet.add(1);8 divSet.add(n);9 for (let i = 2; i <= Math.floor(n /​ 2); i += 1) {10 const x = Math.floor(n /​ i);11 if (i * x === n) {12 divSet.add(i);13 divSet.add(x);14 }15 if (divSet.size > 3) {16 return false;17 }18 }19 return divSet.size === 3;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var divSet = ngMocks.divSet;2var divGet = ngMocks.divGet;3var divReset = ngMocks.divReset;4var divClear = ngMocks.divClear;5var divQuery = ngMocks.divQuery;6var divDebugElement = ngMocks.divDebugElement;7var divDebugElements = ngMocks.divDebugElements;8var divInstance = ngMocks.divInstance;9var divInstances = ngMocks.divInstances;10var divElement = ngMocks.divElement;11var divElements = ngMocks.divElements;12var divDetectChanges = ngMocks.divDetectChanges;13var divDetectChangesAndCheck = ngMocks.divDetectChangesAndCheck;14var divQueryAll = ngMocks.divQueryAll;15var divDebugElementAll = ngMocks.divDebugElementAll;16var divDebugElementsAll = ngMocks.divDebugElementsAll;17var divInstanceAll = ngMocks.divInstanceAll;18var divInstancesAll = ngMocks.divInstancesAll;19var divElementAll = ngMocks.divElementAll;20var divElementsAll = ngMocks.divElementsAll;21var divDetectChangesAll = ngMocks.divDetectChangesAll;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { divSet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/​core';3import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';4@Component({5 <div id="testDiv" (click)="onClick($event)">Click Me</​div>6})7export class TestComponent {8 onClick(event: any) {9 console.log('clicked');10 }11}12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 let component: TestComponent;14 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;15 beforeEach(async () => {16 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({17 }).compileComponents();18 });19 beforeEach(() => {20 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);21 component = fixture.componentInstance;22 fixture.detectChanges();23 });24 it('should create', () => {25 expect(component).toBeTruthy();26 });27 it('should call onClick method', () => {28 const div = divSet(fixture.debugElement, 'testDiv');29 div.triggerEventHandler('click', null);30 fixture.detectChanges();31 });32});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {divSet} from 'ng-mocks';2import {Component} from '@angular/​core';3@Component({4})5export class TestComponent {6 divRef: any = divSet(this, 'divRef');7}8import {TestComponent} from './​test';9import {MockBuilder, MockRender} from 'ng-mocks';10import {TestModule} from './​test.module';11describe('TestComponent', () => {12 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TestComponent, TestModule));13 it('should create', () => {14 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);15 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeTruthy();16 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance.divRef.nativeElement).toBeTruthy();17 });18});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {divSet} from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​div-set';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;4 let component: TestComponent;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 })8 .compileComponents();9 }));10 beforeEach(() => {11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 });15 it('should create', () => {16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18 it('should set div text', () => {19 const div = divSet(fixture, 'test', 'test text');20 expect(div.textContent).toBe('test text');21 });22});23import {Component} from '@angular/​core';24@Component({25})26export class TestComponent {27}28import {async, ComponentFixture, TestBed} from '@angular/​core/​testing';29import {TestComponent} from './​test.component';30import {divSet} from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​div-set';31describe('TestComponent', () => {32 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;33 let component: TestComponent;34 beforeEach(async(() => {35 TestBed.configureTestingModule({36 })37 .compileComponents();38 }));39 beforeEach(() => {40 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);41 component = fixture.componentInstance;42 fixture.detectChanges();43 });44 it('should create', () => {45 expect(component).toBeTruthy();46 });47 it('should set div text', () => {48 const div = divSet(fixture, 'test', 'test text');49 expect(div.textContent).toBe('test text');50 });51});52import {Component} from '@angular/​core';53@Component({54})55export class TestComponent {56}

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1divSet('div1', 'test1');2divSet('div2', 'test2');3describe('test', () => {4 it('should test div1', () => {5 const div1 = divGet('div1');6 expect(div1).toBeDefined();7 expect(div1.textContent).toBe('test1');8 });9 it('should test div2', () => {10 const div2 = divGet('div2');11 expect(div2).toBeDefined();12 expect(div2.textContent).toBe('test2');13 });14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', function() {2 it('should set and get the div value', function() {3 divSet('test', 'test');4 expect(divGet('test')).toEqual('test');5 });6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1I have a module named test.js that contains a method named divSet . I want to use this method in my test.js file. I am able to import the method from the module using the following code:2import { divSet } from './​test.js';3Your name to display (optional):4Your name to display (optional):5You need to import the module in your test.js file. You can do this by adding the following line of code:6import { test } from './​test.js';7Your name to display (optional):8You can use the following code: var myDiv = document.createElement('div');

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