How to use directive2 method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: directives.js Github


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...109 \**********************************/​110/​*! exports provided: directive2 */​111/​***/​ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {112"use strict";113eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/​* harmony export (binding) */​ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"directive2\", function() { return directive2; });\nfunction directive2() {\n return {\n restrict: 'E',\n link: function(scope) {\n var startOperation1 = function startOperation1(operation) {\n scope.agentOperation = operation;\n };\n scope.startOperation = startOperation;\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n/​/​# sourceURL=webpack:/​/​/​./​directives/​directive2.ts?");114/​***/​ }),115/​***/​ "angular":116/​*!**************************!*\117 !*** external "angular" ***!118 \**************************/​119/​*! no static exports found */​120/​***/​ (function(module, exports) {121eval("module.exports = angular;\n\n/​/​# sourceURL=webpack:/​/​/​external_%22angular%22?");122/​***/​ })...

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Source: conditional-show-registrar.service.spec.ts Github


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1import { ConditionalShowDirective } from '../​conditional-show.directive';2import { ConditionalShowRegistrarService } from './​conditional-show-registrar.service';3import { async } from '@angular/​core/​testing';4import createSpyObj = jasmine.createSpyObj;5import { CaseField } from '../​../​../​domain/​definition/​case-field.model';6import { aCaseField } from '../​../​../​fixture/​shared.test.fixture';7let registrarService: ConditionalShowRegistrarService;8let conditionalShowDirective1: any;9let conditionalShowDirective2: any;10describe('ConditionalShowRegistrarService', () => {11 beforeEach( async(() => {12 registrarService = new ConditionalShowRegistrarService();13 conditionalShowDirective1 = createSpyObj<ConditionalShowDirective>('conditionalShowDirective1', ['refreshVisibility']);14 conditionalShowDirective2 = createSpyObj<ConditionalShowDirective>('conditionalShowDirective2', ['refreshVisibility']);15 let caseField1: CaseField = aCaseField('id1', 'label', 'Text', 'OPTIONAL', null);16 let caseField2: CaseField = aCaseField('id2', 'label', 'Text', 'OPTIONAL', null);17 conditionalShowDirective1.caseField = caseField1;18 conditionalShowDirective2.caseField = caseField2;19 }));20 it('should register', () => {21 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective1);22 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective2);23 expect(registrarService.registeredDirectives.length).toEqual(2);24 });25 it('should reset', () => {26 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective1);27 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective2);28 registrarService.reset();29 expect(registrarService.registeredDirectives.length).toEqual(0);30 });31 it('should refresh visibility of registered directives', () => {32 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective1);33 registrarService.register(conditionalShowDirective2);34 registrarService.refresh();35 expect(conditionalShowDirective1.refreshVisibility).toHaveBeenCalled();36 expect(conditionalShowDirective2.refreshVisibility).toHaveBeenCalled();37 });...

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Source: directives.ts Github


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1import { directive } from './​directives/​directive';2import { directive2 } from './​directives/​directive2';3import * as angular from 'angular';4angular.module('directives', [])5 .directive('directive', directive)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Directive2 } from 'ng-mocks';2@Directive2({3})4export class MyDirective {}5import { MyDirective } from './​test';6describe('MyDirective', () => {7 it('should create an instance', () => {8 const directive = Directive2(MyDirective);9 expect(directive).toBeTruthy();10 });11});

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1describe('directive2', function() {2 var $compile, $rootScope;3 beforeEach(module('testApp'));4 beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_){5 $compile = _$compile_;6 $rootScope = _$rootScope_;7 }));8 it('should render the correct template', function() {9 var element = $compile('<test-directive></​test-directive>')($rootScope);10 $rootScope.$digest();11 expect(element.html()).toBe('Hello World');12 });13});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('directive2', () => {2 it('should create an instance', () => {3 const directive = directive2(Directive2Directive);4 expect(directive).toBeTruthy();5 });6});7import { Directive, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/​core';8@Directive({9})10export class Directive2Directive {11 @Input() test: string;12 @HostListener('click') onClick() {13 console.log('test', this.test);14 }15}16import { Directive, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/​core';17@Directive({18})19export class Directive1Directive {20 @Input() test: string;21 @HostListener('click') onClick() {22 console.log('test', this.test);23 }24}25import { Component } from '@angular/​core';26@Component({27})28export class AppComponent {29 title = 'mocks';30}31div {32 width: 100px;33 height: 100px;34 background-color: red;35}36import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/​platform-browser';37import { NgModule } from '@angular/​core';38import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';39import { Directive1Directive } from './​directive1.directive';40import { Directive2Directive } from './​directive2.directive';41@NgModule({42 imports: [

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('myDirective', function() {2 var element;3 beforeEach(function() {4 element = $compile('<my-directive></​my-directive>')($scope);5 $scope.$digest();6 });7 it('should have a div with class my-class', function() {8 expect(element.find('div').hasClass('my-class')).toBe(true);9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {2 scope: {3 },4});5require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {6 scope: {7 },8});9require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {10 scope: {11 },12});13require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {14 scope: {15 },16});17require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {18 scope: {19 },20});21require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {22 scope: {23 },24});25require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {26 scope: {27 },28});29require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {30 scope: {31 },32});33require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {34 scope: {35 },36});37require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {38 scope: {39 },40});41require('ng-mocks').directive2('myDirective', {42 scope: {43 },44});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1angular.module('testModule').directive('directive2', function() {2 return {3 };4});5angular.module('testModule').directive('directive1', function() {6 return {7 };8});9angular.module('testModule').directive('directive3', function() {10 return {11 };12});13angular.module('testModule').directive('directive4', function() {14 return {15 };16});17angular.module('testModule').directive('directive5', function() {18 return {19 };20});21angular.module('testModule').directive('directive6', function() {22 return {23 };24});25angular.module('testModule').directive('directive7', function() {26 return {27 };28});29angular.module('testModule').directive('directive8', function() {30 return {31 };32});33angular.module('testModule').directive('directive9', function() {34 return {

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