How to use deleteTouch method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:index.js Github


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1import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';2import { Animated, Image, Modal, View, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';3import { Divider } from 'react-native-paper';4import styled from 'styled-components';5import BasketContext from '../​../​../​context/​BasketContext';6import ThemeContext from '../​../​../​context/​ThemeContext';7const Text = styled.Text`8 font-family: Inter Regular;9`;10const Section = ({ product }) => {11 const { background, main, muted, soft, surface, text } = useContext(ThemeContext);12 const { decreaseItem, products, setProducts } = useContext(BasketContext);13 const [deleteTouch, setDeleteTouch] = useState(false);14 const [quantity, setQuantity] = useState(product.quantity);15 const [quantityModal, setQuantityModal] = useState(false);16 const dismissModal = () => setQuantityModal(false);17 const price = product.price * product.quantity + product.options.reduce((acumulador, item) => acumulador + item.price * product.quantity, 0);18 const deleteAnimation = new Animated.Value(0);19 useEffect(() => {20 /​/​ Altera a quantidade do item21 let index = products.findIndex(item => ===;22 let newProducts = products;23 newProducts[index].quantity = quantity;24 setProducts(newProducts);25 }, [quantity]);26 const onDelete = () => {27 Animated.timing(deleteAnimation, {28 toValue: 1,29 duration: 200,30 useNativeDriver: true31 }).start(() => {32 decreaseItem(;33 });34 }35 const translateX = deleteAnimation.interpolate({36 inputRange: [0, 1],37 outputRange: [0, 200],38 extrapolate: 'clamp'39 });40 const opacity = deleteAnimation.interpolate({41 inputRange: [0, 1],42 outputRange: [1, 0],43 extrapolate: 'clamp'44 });45 return (46 <Animated.View47 style={{48 backgroundColor: surface,49 borderRadius: 8,50 marginTop: 15,51 padding: 15,52 opacity,53 transform: [{54 translateX: translateX55 }]56 }}57 >58 <Modal59 transparent60 animationType="fade"61 visible={quantityModal}62 onRequestClose={dismissModal}63 >64 <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)' }}>65 <TouchableOpacity onPress={dismissModal} style={{ flex: 1 }} /​>66 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>67 <TouchableOpacity onPress={dismissModal} style={{ flex: 1 }} /​>68 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', padding: 10, backgroundColor: surface, minWidth: '80%' }}>69 <TouchableOpacity70 disabled={quantity === 1}71 onPress={() => setQuantity(quantity - 1)}72 style={{ height: 60, width: 60, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: soft }}73 >74 <Text style={{ color: text }}>-</​Text>75 </​TouchableOpacity>76 <Text style={{ color: text, fontFamily: 'Inter Regular', textAlign: 'center', textAlignVertical: 'center', height: 60, flex: 1, backgroundColor: soft }}>77 { quantity }78 </​Text>79 <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => setQuantity(quantity + 1)} style={{ height: 60, width: 60, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: soft }}>80 <Text style={{ color: text }}>+</​Text>81 </​TouchableOpacity>82 </​View>83 <TouchableOpacity onPress={dismissModal} style={{ flex: 1 }} /​>84 </​View>85 <TouchableOpacity onPress={dismissModal} style={{ flex: 1 }} /​>86 </​View>87 </​Modal>88 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: surface }}>89 <Image90 source={{ uri: product.image }}91 style={{ height: 50, width: 50, borderRadius: 10 }}92 /​>93 <TouchableOpacity disabled onPress={() => setQuantityModal(true)} style={{ flexDirection: 'column', marginLeft: 15, flex: 1 }}>94 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', marginBottom: 10 }}>95 <Text numberOfLines={1} style={{ color: text, fontSize: 19, flex: 1, fontFamily: 'Inter Bold' }}>{ product.quantity}x { }</​Text>96 <Text style={{ color: text, flex: 1, fontSize: 17, textAlign: 'right' }}>97 R$ { product.price.toFixed(2).toString().replace('.', ',') }98 </​Text>99 </​View>100 {101 !product.options[0] ? (102 <Text style={{ color: muted }}>103 Nenhum adicional104 </​Text>105 ) : (106 <>107 {108 => (109 <View110 key={Math.random() * Math.random()}111 style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', flex: 1, }}112 >113 <Text style={{ color: text }}>{ }</​Text>114 <Text style={{ color: text }}>115 {116 option.price ? (117 `R$ ${ option.price ? option.price.toFixed(2).toString().replace('.', ',') : '' }`118 ) : (119 'R$ 0,00'120 )121 }122 </​Text>123 </​View>124 ))125 }126 </​>127 )128 }129 </​TouchableOpacity>130 </​View> 131 132 <Divider style={{ marginVertical: 15 }} /​>133 <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>134 <TouchableOpacity style={{ padding: 5 }}>135 <Text136 style={{ fontSize: 13, color: '#F00' }}137 onPress={ deleteTouch ? () => onDelete() : () => setDeleteTouch(true)} 138 >139 { deleteTouch ? 'CLIQUE PARA CONFIRMAR' : 'REMOVER' }140 </​Text>141 </​TouchableOpacity>142 <Text style={{ color: text, flex: 1, fontSize: 17, textAlign: 'right' }}>143 R$ { price.toFixed(2).toString().replace('.', ',') }144 </​Text>145 </​View>146 147 </​Animated.View>148 );149}...

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Source:TouchListItem.js Github


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...23 }24 const handleDelete = () => {25 const wantToDelete = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this activity?")26 if (wantToDelete) {27 dispatch(deleteTouch(slug, }29 }30 if (state.editing) { return <EditForm slug={slug} toggleEdit={toggleEdit} touch={touch} /​>}31 return(32 <li>33 <div className="card">34 <div className="card-header" id={`activity-${}`}>35 <button className="btn btn-link btn-block row" data-toggle="collapse" data-target={`#collapse-${}`} aria-expanded="true" aria-controls={`collapse-${}`}>36 <div className="row activity-item-heading">37 <div className="col-3">38 {/​* <button className={`btn ${renderStatusButtonClass(touch.attributes.status)}`}>{touch.attributes.status.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + touch.attributes.status.slice(1)}</​button> */​}39 </​div>40 <div className="col-3">41 <p>{}</​p>...

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Source:init-mock-declarations.ts Github


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1import { mapValues } from '../​../​common/​core.helpers';2import ngMocksUniverse from '../​../​common/​ng-mocks-universe';3import tryMockDeclaration from './​try-mock-declaration';4import tryMockProvider from './​try-mock-provider';5export default (mockDef: Set<any>, defValue: Map<any, any>): void => {6 const resolutions: Map<any, string> = ngMocksUniverse.config.get('ngMocksDepsResolution');7 for (const def of mapValues(mockDef)) {8 const deleteTouch = !ngMocksUniverse.touches.has(def);9 resolutions.set(def, 'mock');10 tryMockDeclaration(def, defValue);11 tryMockProvider(def, defValue);12 if (deleteTouch) {13 ngMocksUniverse.touches.delete(def);14 }15 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { deleteTouch } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;4 let component: MyComponent;5 beforeEach(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).compileComponents();8 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);9 component = fixture.componentInstance;10 });11 it('should delete touch', () => {12 fixture.detectChanges();13 deleteTouch(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')));14 expect(component.formControl.touched).toBeFalse();15 });16});17deleteValue()18import { deleteValue } from 'ng-mocks';19describe('MyComponent', () => {20 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;21 let component: MyComponent;22 beforeEach(() => {23 TestBed.configureTestingModule({24 }).compileComponents();25 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);26 component = fixture.componentInstance;27 });28 it('should delete value', () => {29 fixture.detectChanges();30 deleteValue(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')));31 expect(component.formControl.value).toBeNull();32 });33});34setDisabledState()35import { setDisabledState } from 'ng-mocks';36describe('MyComponent', () => {37 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;38 let component: MyComponent;39 beforeEach(() => {40 TestBed.configureTestingModule({41 }).compileComponents();42 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);43 component = fixture.componentInstance;44 });45 it('should set disabled state', () => {46 fixture.detectChanges();47 setDisabledState(fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')), true);48 expect(component.formControl.disabled).toBeTrue();49 });50});51setErrors()52The setErrors() method sets the errors of the form control. It takes the debugElement of the form control and the errors to be set

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { deleteTouch } from 'ng-mocks';2import { FormGroup, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';3import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';4import { Component } from '@angular/​core';5@Component({6})7class TestComponent {8 public form = new FormGroup({});9}10describe('test', () => {11 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;12 beforeEach(() => {13 TestBed.configureTestingModule({14 imports: [ReactiveFormsModule],15 });16 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);17 fixture.detectChanges();18 });19 it('should delete a touch', () => {20 const input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input');21 input.focus();22 fixture.detectChanges();23 expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input')?.touched).toBe(true);24 deleteTouch(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input'));25 expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input')?.touched).toBe(false);26 });27});28import { deleteValue } from 'ng-mocks';29import { FormGroup, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';30import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';31import { Component } from '@angular/​core';32@Component({33})34class TestComponent {35 public form = new FormGroup({});36}37describe('test', () => {38 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;39 beforeEach(() => {40 TestBed.configureTestingModule({41 imports: [ReactiveFormsModule],42 });43 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);44 fixture.detectChanges();45 });46 it('should delete a value', () => {47 const input = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input');48 input.value = 'test';49 input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));50 fixture.detectChanges();51 expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input')?.value).toBe('test');52 deleteValue(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input'));53 expect(fixture.componentInstance.form.get('input')?.value).toBe(null);54 });55});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;2var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;3var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;4var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;5var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;6var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;7var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;8var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;9var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;10var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;11var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;12var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;13var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;14var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;15var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;16var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;17var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;18var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;19var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;20var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;21var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;22var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;23var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;24var deleteTouch = ngMocks.deleteTouch;

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { deleteTouch } from 'ng-mocks';2import { NgControl } from '@angular/​forms';3describe('Test', () => {4 it('should delete touch', () => {5 const ngControl = new NgControl();6 ngControl.control = new FormControl();7 deleteTouch(ngControl);8 expect(ngControl.control.touched).toBe(false);9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);3ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);4import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';6const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);7ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);8import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';9import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';10const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);11ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);12import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';13import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';14const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);15ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);16import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';17import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';18const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);19ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);20import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';21import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';22const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);23ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);24import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';25import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';26const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);27ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);28import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';29import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';30const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);31ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);32import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';33import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';34const fixture = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);35ngMocks.deleteTouch(fixture);36import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';37import { MyComponent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('deleteTouch', () => {2 it('should delete the touch', () => {3 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);4 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));5 fixture.detectChanges();6 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement);7 expect(inputElement.nativeElement.classList).not.toContain('ng-touched');8 });9});10describe('deleteTouch', () => {11 it('should delete the touch', () => {12 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);13 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));14 fixture.detectChanges();15 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement);16 expect(inputElement.nativeElement.classList).not.toContain('ng-touched');17 });18});19describe('deleteTouch', () => {20 it('should delete the touch', () => {21 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);22 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));23 fixture.detectChanges();24 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement);25 expect(inputElement.nativeElement.classList).not.toContain('ng-touched');26 });27});28describe('deleteTouch', () => {29 it('should delete the touch', () => {30 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);31 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));32 fixture.detectChanges();33 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement);34 expect(inputElement.nativeElement.classList).not.toContain('ng-touched');35 });36});37describe('deleteTouch', () => {38 it('should delete the touch', () => {39 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);40 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));41 fixture.detectChanges();42 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement);43 expect(inputElement.nativeElement.classList).not.toContain('ng-touched');44 });45});46describe('deleteTouch', () => {47 it('should delete the touch', () => {48 const fixture = createComponent(TestComponent);49 const inputElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));50 fixture.detectChanges();51 deleteTouch(inputElement.nativeElement

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mock = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);2mock.deleteTouch();3expect(mock.touched).toBe(false);4import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';5import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';6describe('MyComponent', () => {7 it('should delete touch', () => {8 const mock = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);9 mock.deleteTouch();10 expect(mock.touched).toBe(false);11 });12});13import { Component } from '@angular/​core';14@Component({15})16export class MyComponent {17 private _touched = false;18 public get touched() {19 return this._touched;20 }21 public deleteTouch() {22 this._touched = false;23 }24}25import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';26import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';27describe('MyComponent', () => {28 it('should delete touch', () => {29 const mock = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);30 mock.deleteTouch();31 expect(mock.touched).toBe(false);32 });33});34import { Component } from '@angular/​core';35@Component({36})37export class MyComponent {38 private _touched = false;39 public get touched() {40 return this._touched;41 }42 public deleteTouch() {43 this._touched = false;44 }45}46import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';47import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';48describe('MyComponent', () => {49 it('should delete touch', () => {50 const mock = ngMocks.findInstance(MyComponent);51 mock.deleteTouch();52 expect(mock.touched).toBe(false);53 });54});55import { Component } from '@angular

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