Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
...549 function value(e, t) {550 return isValue(e) ? e : isValue(t) ? t : _value(arguments);551 }552 function extendType(e, t) {553 for (var n in t) startsWith(n, "$get_") ? createPropertyGet(e, n.slice(5), t[n]) : startsWith(n, "$set_") ? createPropertySet(e, n.slice(5), t[n]) : (e[n] = t[n]);554 return e;555 }556 function parseBoolean(e) {557 return e.toLowerCase() == "true";558 }559 function parseRegExp(e) {560 if (e[0] == "/") {561 var t = e.lastIndexOf("/");562 if (t > 1) {563 var n = e.substring(1, t),564 r = e.substr(t + 1);565 return new RegExp(n, r);566 }567 }568 return null;569 }570 function parseNumber(e) {571 return !e || !e.length ? 0 : e.indexOf(".") >= 0 || e.indexOf("e") >= 0 || endsWith(e, "f") || endsWith(e, "F") ? parseFloat(e) : parseInt(e, 10);572 }573 function parseDate(e) {574 var t = Date.parse(e);575 return isNaN(t) ? undefined : new Date(t);576 }577 function truncate(e) {578 return e >= 0 ? Math.floor(e) : Math.ceil(e);579 }580 function now() {581 return new Date();582 }583 function today() {584 var e = new Date();585 return new Date(e.getFullYear(), e.getMonth(), e.getDate());586 }587 function compareDates(e, t) {588 return e === t ? !0 : isValue(e) && isValue(t) ? e.getTime() == t.getTime() : !1;589 }590 function _popStackFrame(e) {591 if (!isValue(e.stack) || !isValue(e.fileName) || !isValue(e.lineNumber)) return;592 var t = e.stack.split("\n"),593 n = t[0],594 r = e.fileName + ":" + e.lineNumber;595 while (isValue(n) && n.indexOf(r) === -1) t.shift(), (n = t[0]);596 var i = t[1];597 if (!isValue(i)) return;598 var s = i.match(/@(.*):(\d+)$/);599 if (!isValue(s)) return;600 t.shift(), (e.stack = t.join("\n")), (e.fileName = s[1]), (e.lineNumber = parseInt(s[2], 10));601 }602 function error(e, t, n) {603 var r = new Error(e);604 if (t) for (var i in t) r[i] = t[i];605 return n && Object.defineProperty(r, "innerException", { value: n }), _popStackFrame(r), r;606 }607 function fail(message) {608 console.assert(!1, message), self.navigator && eval("debugger;");609 }610 function paramsGenerator(e, t) {611 return function () {612 var r = Array.prototype.slice,613 i =, 0, e);614 while (i.length < e) i.push(null);615 if (arguments.length == e + 1 && Array.isArray(arguments[e])) i.push(arguments[e]);616 else {617 var s =, e);618 i.push(s);619 }620 return t.apply(this, i);621 };622 }623 function namedFunction(e, t) {624 return new Function("fn", "return function " + e + "(){ return fn.apply(this, arguments)}")(t);625 }626 function Nullable(e) {627 this.value = e;628 }629 function createReadonlyProperty(e, t, n) {630 return (631 Object.defineProperty(e, t, {632 get: function () {633 return n;634 },635 enumerable: !0,636 }),637 n638 );639 }640 function createPropertyGet(e, t, n) {641 Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: n });642 }643 function createPropertySet(e, t, n) {644 Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, set: n });645 }646 function defineProperty(e, t, n) {647 Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, value: n });648 }649 function initializeObject(e, t) {650 if (!isValue(e) || !isValue(t)) return e;651 for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n];652 return e;653 }654 function string(e, t) {655 return typeof t == "number" ? (t > 1 ? new Array(t + 1).join(e) : e) :, "");656 }657 function emptyString(e) {658 return !e || !e.length;659 }660 function whitespace(e) {661 return emptyString(e) || !e.replace(/^\s*/, "").length;662 }663 function compareStrings(e, t, n) {664 return (e = e || ""), (t = t || ""), n ? ((e = e.toUpperCase()), (t = t.toUpperCase())) : 0, e === t ? 0 : e < t ? -1 : 1;665 }666 function trim(e, t) {667 if (t || !String.prototype.trim) {668 t = t ? t.join("") : null;669 var n = t ? new RegExp("^[" + t + "]+|[" + t + "]+$", "g") : /^\s+|\s+$/g;670 return e.replace(n, "");671 }672 return e.trim();673 }674 function trimStart(e, t) {675 var n = t ? new RegExp("^[" + t.join("") + "]+") : /^\s+/;676 return e.replace(n, "");677 }678 function trimEnd(e, t) {679 var n = t ? new RegExp("[" + t.join("") + "]+$") : /\s+$/;680 return e.replace(n, "");681 }682 function startsWith(e, t) {683 return emptyString(t) ? !0 : emptyString(e) || t.length > e.length ? !1 : e.substr(0, t.length) == t;684 }685 function endsWith(e, t) {686 return emptyString(t) ? !0 : emptyString(e) || t.length > e.length ? !1 : e.substr(-t.length) == t;687 }688 function padLeft(e, t, n) {689 return e.length < t ? string(n || " ", t - e.length) + e : e;690 }691 function padRight(e, t, n) {692 return e.length < t ? e + string(n || " ", t - e.length) : e;693 }694 function removeString(e, t, n) {695 return !n || t + n > e.length ? e.substr(0, t) : e.substr(0, t) + e.substr(t + n);696 }697 function insertString(e, t, n) {698 return n ? (t ? e.substr(0, t) + n + e.substr(t) : n + e) : e;699 }700 function replaceString(e, t, n) {701 return e.split(t).join(n || "");702 }703 function StringBuilder(e) {704 (this._parts = isValue(e) && e !== "" ? [e] : []), (this.isEmpty = this._parts.length == 0);705 }706 typeof Object.assign != "function" &&707 Object.defineProperty(Object, "assign", {708 value: function (t, n) {709 if (t === null || t === undefined) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");710 var r = Object(t);711 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {712 var s = arguments[i];713 if (s !== null && s !== undefined) for (var o in s), o) && (r[o] = s[o]);714 }715 return r;716 },717 writable: !0,718 configurable: !0,719 });720 var _modules = {},721 _meta = [],722 _genericConstructorCache = {},723 _classMarker = "class",724 _interfaceMarker = "interface",725 _typeNames = [Number, "Number", String, "String", Boolean, "Boolean", Array, "Array", Date, "Date", RegExp, "RegExp", Function, "Function"],726 removeAt = createFallbackFunction("removeAt", function (e, t) {727 return t >= 0 ? (e.splice(t, 1), !0) : !1;728 }),729 removeItem = createFallbackFunction("remove", function (e, t) {730 var n = e.indexOf(t);731 return n >= 0 ? (e.splice(n, 1), !0) : !1;732 }),733 contains = createFallbackFunction("contains", function (e, t) {734 return e.indexOf(t) >= 0;735 }),736 insert = createFallbackFunction("insert", function (e, t, n) {737 e.splice(t, 0, n);738 }),739 clear = createFallbackFunction("clear", function (e) {740 e.length = 0;741 }),742 addRange = createFallbackFunction("addRange", function (e, t) {743 if (Array.isArray(t)) {744 for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) e.push(t[n]);745 return;746 }747 while (t.moveNext()) e.push(t.current);748 }),749 getItem = createFallbackFunction("get_item", function (e, t) {750 return e[t];751 }),752 setItem = createFallbackFunction("set_item", function (e, t, n) {753 return (e[t] = n);754 }),755 _nopEnumerator = {756 current: null,757 moveNext: function () {758 return !1;759 },760 reset: _nop,761 },762 Queue$ = {763 clear: function () {764 (this._items.length = 0), (this._offset = 0), (this.count = 0);765 },766 contains: function (e) {767 for (var t = this._offset, n = this._items.length; t <= n; t++) if (this._items[t] === e) return !0;768 return !1;769 },770 dequeue: function () {771 if (this.count) {772 var e = this._items[this._offset];773 return ++this._offset * 2 >= this._items.length && _cleanQueue(this), this.count--, e;774 }775 return undefined;776 },777 enqueue: function (e) {778 this._items.push(e), this.count++;779 },780 getEnumerator: function () {781 return this._offset != 0 && _cleanQueue(this), new Enumerator(this._items);782 },783 peek: function () {784 return this._items.length ? this._items[this._offset] : undefined;785 },786 },787 Stack$ = {788 clear: function () {789 (this._items.length = 0), (this.count = 0);790 },791 contains: function (e) {792 for (var t = this.count - 1; t >= 0; t--) if (this._items[t] === e) return !0;793 return !1;794 },795 getEnumerator: function () {796 return new Enumerator(this._items.reverse());797 },798 peek: function () {799 return this._items[this.count - 1];800 },801 push: function (e) {802 this._items.push(e), this.count++;803 },804 pop: function () {805 return this.count ? (this.count--, this._items.pop()) : undefined;806 },807 };808 createPropertyGet(DateTime, "Now", function () {809 return new Date();810 }),811 createPropertyGet(DateTime, "Today", function () {812 var e = DateTime.Now;813 return e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), e;814 }),815 (DateTime.Equals = function (e, t) {816 var n = DateTime._parseIfString(e),817 r = DateTime._parseIfString(t);818 return n == null || r == null ? compareDates(n, r) : n.getTime() === r.getTime();819 }),820 (Date.prototype.equals = function (e) {821 return DateTime.Equals(this, e);822 }),823 (DateTime.CompareTo = function (e, t) {824 var n = DateTime._parseIfString(e),825 r = DateTime._parseIfString(t);826 if (n == null || r == null) throw new Error("Cannot compare null Dates");827 var i = n.getTime(),828 s = r.getTime();829 return i === s ? 0 : i < s ? -1 : 1;830 }),831 (Date.prototype.compareTo = function (e) {832 return DateTime.CompareTo(this, e);833 }),834 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Year", function () {835 return DateTime.GetYear(this);836 }),837 (DateTime.GetYear = function (e) {838 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getFullYear();839 }),840 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Month", function () {841 return DateTime.GetMonth(this);842 }),843 (DateTime.GetMonth = function (e) {844 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getMonth() + 1;845 }),846 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Day", function () {847 return DateTime.GetDay(this);848 }),849 (DateTime.GetDay = function (e) {850 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getDate();851 }),852 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "DayOfWeek", function () {853 return DateTime.GetDayOfWeek(this);854 }),855 (DateTime.GetDayOfWeek = function (e) {856 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getDay();857 }),858 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Hour", function () {859 return DateTime.GetHours(this);860 }),861 (DateTime.GetHours = function (e) {862 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getHours();863 }),864 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Minute", function () {865 return DateTime.GetMinutes(this);866 }),867 (DateTime.GetMinutes = function (e) {868 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getMinutes();869 }),870 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Second", function () {871 return DateTime.GetSeconds(this);872 }),873 (DateTime.GetSeconds = function (e) {874 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getSeconds();875 }),876 createPropertyGet(Date.prototype, "Millisecond", function () {877 return DateTime.GetMilliseconds(this);878 }),879 (DateTime.GetMilliseconds = function (e) {880 return (e = DateTime._parseIfString(e)), e.getMilliseconds();881 }),882 (DateTime.AddMilliseconds = function (e, t) {883 var n = DateTime._parseIfString(e);884 return n == null ? new Date() : new Date(t + n.getTime());885 }),886 (DateTime.AddSeconds = function (e, t) {887 return DateTime.AddMilliseconds(e, t * 1e3);888 }),889 (DateTime.AddMinutes = function (e, t) {890 return DateTime.AddMilliseconds(e, t * 6e4);...
...51 if (!force && exists.indexOf(key) !== -1) {52 continue;53 }54 helperDefinePropertyDescriptor(reader, key, {55 get: createPropertyGet(key, reader, source),56 set: createPropertySet(key, reader, source),57 });58 exists.push(key);59 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createPropertyGetter } from 'ng-mocks';2const getter = createPropertyGetter('propName');3import { createPropertySetter } from 'ng-mocks';4const setter = createPropertySetter('propName');5import { createMethodSpy } from 'ng-mocks';6const spy = createMethodSpy('methodName');7import { createMethodStub } from 'ng-mocks';8const stub = createMethodStub('methodName');9import { createInputSpy } from 'ng-mocks';10const spy = createInputSpy('inputName');11import { createInputStub } from 'ng-mocks';12const stub = createInputStub('inputName');13import { createOutputSpy } from 'ng-mocks';14const spy = createOutputSpy('outputName');15import { createOutputStub } from 'ng-mocks';16const stub = createOutputStub('outputName');17import { createDirective } from 'ng-mocks';18const directive = createDirective(Directive, { inputs: { inputName: 'inputValue' } });19import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';20const component = createComponent(Component, { inputs: { inputName: 'inputValue' } });21import { createPipe } from 'ng-mocks';22const pipe = createPipe(Pipe, 'transform');23import { createService } from 'ng-mocks';24const service = createService(Service, { inputs: { inputName: 'inputValue' } });25import { createHostComponent } from 'ng-mocks';26const component = createHostComponent(HostComponent);27import { createHostFactory } from 'ng-mocks';28const component = createHostFactory(HostComponent
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should not have a property', () => {5 const fixture = createPropertyGet(MyComponent, 'myProperty');6 expect(fixture).toBeUndefined();7 });8 it('should have a property', () => {9 const fixture = createPropertyGet(MyComponent, 'myProperty', 'myValue');10 expect(fixture).toEqual('myValue');11 });12});13createPropertySet(component: any, propertyName: string, propertyValue: any): void14import { createPropertySet } from 'ng-mocks';15import { MyComponent } from './my.component';16describe('MyComponent', () => {17 it('should not have a property', () => {18 const fixture = createPropertySet(MyComponent, 'myProperty', 'myValue');19 expect(fixture).toBeUndefined();20 });21 it('should have a property', () => {22 const fixture = createPropertySet(MyComponent, 'myProperty', 'myValue');23 expect(fixture).toEqual('myValue');24 });25});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/core';3@Component({4 template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>`5})6export class TestComponent {7 title = 'test';8}9describe('TestComponent', () => {10 it('should get the value of title property', () => {11 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);12 const title = createPropertyGet(fixture.debugElement, 'title');13 expect(title).toEqual('test');14 });15});16import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';17import { Component } from '@angular/core';18@Component({19 template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>`20})21export class TestComponent {22 title = 'test';23}24describe('TestComponent', () => {25 it('should get the value of title property', () => {26 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);27 const title = createPropertyGet(fixture.debugElement, 'title');28 expect(title).toEqual('test');29 });30});31import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';32import { Component } from '@angular/core';33@Component({34 template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>`35})36export class TestComponent {37 title = 'test';38}39describe('TestComponent', () => {40 it('should get the value of title property', () => {41 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);42 const title = createPropertyGet(fixture.debugElement, 'title');43 expect(title).toEqual('test');44 });45});46import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';47import { Component } from '@angular/core';48@Component({49 template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>`50})51export class TestComponent {52 title = 'test';53}54describe('TestComponent', () => {55 it('should
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';2const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');3mock.test = 'test';4import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';5const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');6mock.test = 'test';7import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';8const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');9mock.test = 'test';10import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';11const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');12mock.test = 'test';13import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';14const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');15mock.test = 'test';16import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';17const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');18mock.test = 'test';19import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';20const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');21mock.test = 'test';22import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';23const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');24mock.test = 'test';25import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';26const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');27mock.test = 'test';28import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';29const mock = createPropertyGet('test', 'test');30mock.test = 'test';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';2const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();3propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');4import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';5ngMocks.guts('someComponent', 'someProperty');6import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';7const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();8propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');9import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';10ngMocks.guts('someComponent', 'someProperty');11import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';12const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();13propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');14import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';15ngMocks.guts('someComponent', 'someProperty');16import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';17const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();18propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');19import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';20ngMocks.guts('someComponent', 'someProperty');21import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';22const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();23propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');24import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';25ngMocks.guts('someComponent', 'someProperty');26import { createPropertyGet } from 'ng-mocks';27const propertyGet = createPropertyGet();28propertyGet.get('someComponent', 'someProperty');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { createComponentFactory, createPropertyGet, Spectator } from '@ngneat/spectator';2import { MockModule } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MockService } from 'ng-mocks';6import { Component } from '@angular/core';7import { Pipe } from '@angular/core';8import { Service } from './service';9import { TemplateComponent } from './template.component';10describe('TemplateComponent', () => {11 let spectator: Spectator<TemplateComponent>;12 const createComponent = createComponentFactory({13 imports: [MockModule],14 });15 beforeEach(() => {16 spectator = createComponent();17 });18 it('should create', () => {19 expect(spectator.component).toBeTruthy();20 });21 it('should call service', () => {22 const service = spectator.get(Service);23 const spy = spyOn(service, 'get').and.returnValue('test');24 spectator.component.ngOnInit();25 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();26 });27 it('should call pipe', () => {28 const pipe = spectator.get(Pipe);29 const spy = spyOn(pipe, 'transform').and.returnValue('test');30 spectator.component.ngOnInit();31 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();32 });33 it('should call component', () => {34 const component = spectator.get(Component);35 const spy = spyOn(component, 'ngOnInit').and.returnValue('test');36 spectator.component.ngOnInit();37 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();38 });39 it('should call createPropertyGet', () => {40 const spy = spyOnProperty(spectator.component, 'test', 'get').and.returnValue('test');41 spectator.component.ngOnInit();42 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();43 });44});
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