Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: component.js
1//Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.2/**3 * @fileoverview Methods for manipulating App Inventor components - adding, removing,4 * renaming, etc.5 *6 * @author (Sharon Perl)7 */8'use strict';9goog.require('Blockly.TypeBlock');10if (!Blockly.Component) {11 Blockly.Component = {};12}13if (!Blockly.Language) {14 Blockly.Language = {};15}16Blockly.Component.add = function(name, uid) {17 if (Blockly.ComponentInstances.haveInstance(name, uid)) {18 return;19 }20 Blockly.TypeBlock.needsReload.components = true;21 //get type name for instance22 var typeName = Blockly.Component.instanceNameToTypeName(name);23 Blockly.ComponentInstances.addInstance(name, uid, typeName);24};25/**26 * Rename component with given uid and instance name oldname to newname27 * @param oldname the Component's current name, e.g., Button128 * @param newname the newname the component will be given, e.g., Button229 * @param uid the component's unique id30 * 31 * Here are the various places that a component's name must be changed, using Button132 * as an example name.33 * Blockly.ComponentInstances -- an index containing an entry for each Component used by the app34 * keyed on its oldname, needs to change to the new name35 * e.g., ComponentInstances['Button1'] --> ComponentInstances['Button2']36 *37 * Call rename on all component blocks38 */39Blockly.Component.rename = function(oldname, newname, uid) {40 console.log("Got call to Blockly.Component.rename(" + oldname + ", " + newname + ", " + uid + ")");41 Blockly.TypeBlock.needsReload.components = true;42 if (!Blockly.ComponentInstances.haveInstance(oldname, uid)) {43 console.log("Renaming, No such Component instance " + oldname + " aborting");44 return;45 }46 // Create an entry in Blockly.ComponentInstances for the block's newname and delete oldname (below)47 Blockly.ComponentInstances[newname] = {}48 Blockly.ComponentInstances[newname].uid = uid;49 Blockly.ComponentInstances[newname].typeName = Blockly.ComponentInstances[oldname].typeName;50 // Delete the index entry for the oldname51 Blockly.ComponentInstances[oldname] = null;52 delete Blockly.ComponentInstances[oldname];53 console.log("Revised Blockly.ComponentInstances, Blockly.Language, Blockly.Yail for " + newname);54 // Revise names, types, and block titles for all blocks containing newname in Blockly.mainWorkspace55 blocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getAllBlocks();56 for (var x = 0, block; block = blocks[x]; x++) {57 if (!block.category) {58 continue;59 } else if (block.category == 'Component') {60 block.rename(oldname, newname); // Changes block's instanceName, typeName, and current title61 }62 }63 console.log("Revised Blockly.mainWorkspace for " + newname);64};65/**66 * Remove component with given type and instance name and unique id uid67 * @param type, Component's type -- e.g., Button68 * @param name, Component's name == e.g., Buton169 * @param uid, Component's unique id -- not currently used70 *71 * The component should be listed in the ComponentInstances list.72 * - For each instance of the component's block in the Blockly.mainWorkspace73 * -- Call its BlocklyBlock.destroy() method to remove the block74 * from the workspace and adjust enclosed or enclosing blocks.75 * Remove the block's entry from ComponentInstances76 *77 */78Blockly.Component.remove = function(type, name, uid) {79 console.log("Got call to Blockly.Component.remove(" + type + ", " + name + ", " + uid + ")");80 Blockly.TypeBlock.needsReload.components = true;81 // Delete instances of this type of block from the workspace82 var allblocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getAllBlocks();83 for (var x = 0, block; block = allblocks[x]; x++) {84 if (!block.category) {85 continue;86 } else if (block.category == 'Component' && block.instanceName == name) {87 block.dispose(true); // Destroy the block gently88 }89 }90 // Remove the component instance91 console.log("Deleting " + name + " from Blockly.ComponentInstances");92 delete Blockly.ComponentInstances[name];93};94/**95 * Builds a map of component name -> top level blocks for that component.96 * A special entry for "globals" maps to top-level global definitions.97 *98 * @param warnings a Map that will be filled with warnings for troublesome blocks99 * @param errors a list that will be filled with error messages100 * @param forRepl whether this is executed for REPL101 * @param compileUnattachedBlocks whether to compile unattached blocks102 * @returns object mapping component names to the top-level blocks for that component in the103 * workspace. For each component C the object contains a field "component.C" whose104 * value is an array of blocks. In addition, the object contains a field named "globals"105 * whose value is an array of all valid top-level blocks not associated with a106 * component (procedure and variable definitions)107 */108Blockly.Component.buildComponentMap = function(warnings, errors, forRepl, compileUnattachedBlocks) {109 var map = {};110 map.components = {};111 map.globals = [];112 // TODO: populate warnings, errors as we traverse the top-level blocks113 var blocks = Blockly.mainWorkspace.getTopBlocks(true);114 for (var x = 0, block; block = blocks[x]; x++) {115 // TODO: deal with unattached blocks that are not valid top-level definitions. Valid blocks116 // are events, variable definitions, or procedure definitions.117 if (!block.category) {118 continue;119 }120 if (block.type == 'procedures_defnoreturn' || block.type == 'procedures_defreturn' || block.type == 'global_declaration') {121 map.globals.push(block);122 // TODO: eventually deal with variable declarations, once we have them123 } else if (block.category == 'Component') {124 var instanceName = block.instanceName;125 if(block.blockType != "event") {126 continue;127 }128 if (!map.components[instanceName]) {129 map.components[instanceName] = []; // first block we've found for this component130 }131 // TODO: check for duplicate top-level blocks (e.g., two event handlers with same name) -132 // or better yet, prevent these from happening!133 map.components[instanceName].push(block);134 }135 }136 return map;137};138/**139 * Blockly.ComponentTypes140 *141 * Object whose fields are names of component types. For a given component type object, the "componentInfo"142 * field is the parsed JSON type object for the component type and the "blocks" field is an array143 * of block names for the generic blocks for that type.144 * For example:145 * Blockly.ComponentTypes['Canvas'].componentInfo = the JSON object from parsing the typeJsonString146 *147 * eventDictionary, methodDictionary, and properties take in the name of the event/method/property148 * and give the relevant object in from the componentInfo object.149 *150 * The componentInfo has the following format (where upper-case strings are151 * non-terminals and lower-case strings are literals):152 * { "name": "COMPONENT-TYPE-NAME",153 * "version": "VERSION",154 * "categoryString": "PALETTE-CATEGORY",155 * "helpString": "DESCRIPTION",156 * "showOnPalette": "true"|"false",157 * "nonVisible": "true"|"false",158 * "iconName": "ICON-FILE-NAME",159 * "properties": [160 * { "name": "PROPERTY-NAME",161 * "editorType": "EDITOR-TYPE",162 * "defaultValue": "DEFAULT-VALUE"},*163 * ],164 * "blockProperties": [165 * { "name": "PROPERTY-NAME",166 * "description": "DESCRIPTION",167 * "type": "YAIL-TYPE",168 * "rw": "read-only"|"read-write"|"write-only"|"invisible"},*169 * ],170 * "events": [171 * { "name": "EVENT-NAME",172 * "description": "DESCRIPTION",173 * "params": [174 * { "name": "PARAM-NAME",175 * "type": "YAIL-TYPE"},*176 * ]},+177 * ],178 * "methods": [179 * { "name": "METHOD-NAME",180 * "description": "DESCRIPTION",181 * "params": [182 * { "name": "PARAM-NAME",183 * "type": "YAIL-TYPE"},*184 * ]},+185 * ]186 * }187 */188Blockly.ComponentTypes = {};189Blockly.ComponentTypes.haveType = function(typeName) {190 return Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName] != undefined;191};192/**193 * Populate Blockly.ComponentTypes object194 *195 */196Blockly.ComponentTypes.populateTypes = function() {197 var componentInfoArray = JSON.parse(window.parent.BlocklyPanel_getComponentsJSONString());198 for(var i=0;i<componentInfoArray.length;i++) {199 var componentInfo = componentInfoArray[i];200 var typeName =;201 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName] = {};202 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].componentInfo = componentInfo;203 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].eventDictionary = {};204 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].methodDictionary = {};205 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].setPropertyList = [];206 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].getPropertyList = [];207 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].properties = {};208 //parse type description and fill in all of the fields209 for(var k=0;k<;k++) {210 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].eventDictionary[[k].name] =[k];211 }212 for(var k=0;k<componentInfo.methods.length;k++) {213 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].methodDictionary[componentInfo.methods[k].name] = componentInfo.methods[k];214 }215 for(var k=0;k<componentInfo.blockProperties.length;k++) {216 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].properties[componentInfo.blockProperties[k].name] = componentInfo.blockProperties[k];217 if(componentInfo.blockProperties[k].rw == "read-write" || componentInfo.blockProperties[k].rw == "read-only") {218 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].getPropertyList.push(componentInfo.blockProperties[k].name);219 }220 if(componentInfo.blockProperties[k].rw == "read-write" || componentInfo.blockProperties[k].rw == "write-only") {221 Blockly.ComponentTypes[typeName].setPropertyList.push(componentInfo.blockProperties[k].name);222 }223 }224 }225};226/**227 * Blockly.ComponentInstances228 *229 * Object whose fields are names of component instances and whose field values230 * are objects with a blocks field containing an array of block names for the231 * instance.232 * For example:233 * Blockly.ComponentInstances['Canvas1'].blocks = ['Canvas1_Touched',234 * 'Canvas1_DrawCircle', 'Canvas1_getproperty', 'Canvas1_setproperty', ...]235 * Blockly.ComponentInstances is populated by the Blockly.Component.add method.236 */237Blockly.ComponentInstances = {};238Blockly.ComponentInstances.addInstance = function(name, uid, typeName) {239 Blockly.ComponentInstances[name] = {};240 Blockly.ComponentInstances[name].uid = uid;241 Blockly.ComponentInstances[name].typeName = typeName;242};243Blockly.ComponentInstances.haveInstance = function(name, uid) {244 return Blockly.ComponentInstances[name] != undefined245 && Blockly.ComponentInstances[name].uid == uid;246};247Blockly.ComponentInstances.getInstanceNames = function() {248 var instanceNames = [];249 for(var instanceName in Blockly.ComponentInstances) {250 if(typeof Blockly.ComponentInstances[instanceName] == "object" && Blockly.ComponentInstances[instanceName].uid != null){251 instanceNames.push(instanceName);252 }253 }254 return instanceNames;255}256Blockly.Component.instanceNameToTypeName = function(instanceName) {257 return window.parent.BlocklyPanel_getComponentInstanceTypeName(Blockly.BlocklyEditor.formName,instanceName);258}259Blockly.Component.getComponentNamesByType = function(componentType) {260 var componentNameArray = [];261 for(var componentName in Blockly.ComponentInstances) {262 if(Blockly.ComponentInstances[componentName].typeName == componentType) {263 componentNameArray.push([componentName,componentName]);264 }265 }266 return componentNameArray;...
Source: index.ts
1import fs from 'fs-extra';2import path from 'path';3import shortid from 'shortid';4import ts from 'typescript';5import { spawn, Thread, Worker } from 'threads';6import { exec } from 'child_process';7const getNpmPackages = (nodeModulesPath) => {8 return new Promise<string[]>((resolve) => {9 exec(`npm ls -a -p`, { cwd: nodeModulesPath, }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {10 resolve(stdout ? stdout.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/).filter(x => path.isAbsolute(x)) : [])11 });12 });13}14export const handleComponentEvent = ({ componentInstanceId, eventName, options, files, onSuccess, onError }) => {15 options = options || {};16 if (typeof options === 'string') {17 options = JSON.parse(options);18 }19 const requestId = shortid.generate();20 if (Object.keys(componentInstances).includes(componentInstanceId)) {21 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].eventRequests[requestId] = { onSuccess, onError };22 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].worker.handleComponentEvent({ eventName, requestId, options, files, });23 } else {24 onError({ err: `Component instance was not found.` });25 }26}27export async function getElementsScriptPaths({ nodeModulesPath = null }) {28 nodeModulesPath = nodeModulesPath || path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules');29 const packagePaths = await getNpmPackages(nodeModulesPath);30 const paths = {};31 for (const packagePath of packagePaths) {32 const packageJsonPath = path.join(packagePath, 'package.json');33 const packageJson = await fs.readJSON(packageJsonPath, { throws: false });34 const elements = packageJson?.drayman?.elements || {};35 for (const element of Object.keys(elements)) {36 paths[element] = path.join(packagePath, elements[element].script);37 }38 }39 return paths;40}41export const onUpdateComponentInstanceProps = ({ componentInstanceId, options, }) => {42 if (typeof options === 'string') {43 options = JSON.parse(options);44 }45 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].worker.updateComponentInstanceProps({ options, });46}47export const onHandleBrowserCallback = ({ callbackId, data, }) => {48 for (const key of Object.keys(componentInstances)) {49 componentInstances[key].worker.handleBrowserCallback({ callbackId, data, });50 }51}52export const handleEventHubEvent = async ({ data, groupId = null, type, namespaceId = null }) => {53 for (const key of Object.keys(componentInstances)) {54 if (componentInstances[key].namespaceId === namespaceId) {55 componentInstances[key].worker.handleEventHubEvent({ type, data, groupId });56 }57 }58}59export const saveComponent = async ({ script, outputFile, scriptPath }) => {60 const tsConfig = JSON.parse(61 await fs.readFile(62 path.join(63 __dirname,64 process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? `../tests/component-processor.tsconfig.test.json` : `../component-processor.tsconfig.json`,65 ),66 'utf-8'67 )68 );69 let transpiledComponentScript = ts.transpileModule(script, {70 ...tsConfig,71 compilerOptions: {72 ...tsConfig.compilerOptions,73 sourceRoot: path.parse(scriptPath).dir74 },75 fileName: `${path.parse(outputFile).name}.tsx`76 });77 await fs.outputFile(outputFile, transpiledComponentScript.outputText);78}79export const onInitializeComponentInstance = async ({80 namespaceId = null,81 extensionsPath = null,82 extensionsOptions = null,83 componentNamePrefix = '',84 componentName,85 componentRootDir,86 componentInstanceId,87 componentOptions,88 connectionId,89 emit,90 onComponentInstanceConsole,91 browserCommands,92 serverCommands,93 onEventHubEvent = null,94}) => {95 if (componentOptions && typeof componentOptions === 'string') {96 componentOptions = JSON.parse(componentOptions);97 }98 const worker = await spawn(new Worker(`./component-processor.js`));99 componentInstances[componentInstanceId] = {100 worker,101 terminate: async () => {102 delete componentInstances[componentInstanceId];103 await Thread.terminate(worker);104 emit({ type: 'componentInstanceDestroyed', payload: {}, componentInstanceId });105 },106 /**107 * Used to store user event requests (on button click, on input, etc.).108 */109 eventRequests: {},110 connectionId,111 namespaceId,112 };113{ type, payload }) => {114 /**115 * When there is a response to user event request.116 */117 if (type === 'response') {118 const { requestId, result, err } = payload;119 if (err) {120 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].eventRequests[requestId].onError({ err });121 } else {122 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].eventRequests[requestId].onSuccess({ result });123 }124 delete componentInstances[componentInstanceId].eventRequests[requestId];125 } else if (type === 'eventHubEvent') {126 const { eventPayload, groupId, type } = payload;127 handleEventHubEvent({ data: eventPayload, groupId, type, namespaceId });128 onEventHubEvent?.({ data: eventPayload, groupId, type, namespaceId });129 } else if (type === 'console') {130 const { text } = payload;131 onComponentInstanceConsole?.({ text });132 } else {133 emit({ type, payload, componentInstanceId });134 }135 })136 worker.initializeComponentInstance({ browserCommands, serverCommands, componentNamePrefix, componentName, componentRootDir, componentOptions, componentInstanceId, extensionsPath, extensionsOptions });137 await clearGarbage();138}139export const onDisconnect = async ({ connectionId }) => {140 garbage.connections.push(connectionId);141 await clearGarbage();142}143const garbage: { connections: string[], componentInstances: string[] } = {144 connections: [],145 componentInstances: [],146}147export const onDestroyComponentInstance = async ({ componentInstanceId }) => {148 garbage.componentInstances.push(componentInstanceId);149 await clearGarbage();150}151export const componentInstances: {152 [componentInstanceId: string]: {153 terminate: () => Promise<void>;154 worker: any;155 eventRequests: {156 [requestId: string]: {157 onSuccess: (data: { result: any }) => void,158 onError: (data: { err: any }) => void,159 };160 };161 connectionId: string;162 namespaceId: string;163 }164} = {};165const clearGarbage = async () => {166 const aliveComponentInstances = Object.keys(componentInstances);167 const garbageComponentInstanceIds = [168 ...aliveComponentInstances.filter(x => garbage.connections.includes(componentInstances[x].connectionId)),169 ...garbage.componentInstances,170 ];171 for (const componentInstanceId of garbageComponentInstanceIds) {172 if (componentInstances[componentInstanceId]) {173 try {174 await componentInstances[componentInstanceId].worker.handleDestroyComponentInstance();175 } catch (err) {176 console.warn(err)177 }178 componentInstances[componentInstanceId].terminate();179 }180 }...
Source: instanceMap.js
1let instances = null;2const componentInstanceIndexMap = new Map();3export function initComponentInstanceIndexMap(componentInstances) {4 instances = componentInstances;5 return generateComponentInstanceIndexMap(instances);6}7function generateComponentInstanceIndexMap() {8 componentInstanceIndexMap.clear();9 instances.forEach(({ key, children }, index) => {10 if (children) {11 children.forEach(({ key }, childIndex) => setComponentInstanceIndex(key, childIndex, index));12 }13 setComponentInstanceIndex(key, index);14 });15 function setComponentInstanceIndex(key, index, parentIndex) {16 return componentInstanceIndexMap.set(key, { index, parentIndex });17 }18}19export function getComponentInstanceIndex(key) {20 return componentInstanceIndexMap.get(key);21}22export function getComponentInstance(key) {23 const iIndex = getComponentInstanceIndex(key);24 if (!iIndex) {25 return null;26 }27 const { index, parentIndex } = iIndex;28 let componentInstances = instances;29 if (typeof parentIndex === 'number') {30 componentInstances = componentInstances[parentIndex].children;31 }32 return componentInstances[index];...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent));5 it('should create the app', () => {6 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);7 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;8 expect(app).toBeTruthy();9 });10 it('should have as title \'ng-mocks\'', () => {11 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);12 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;13 expect(app.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');14 });15 it('should render title', () => {16 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);17 fixture.detectChanges();18 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;19 expect(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent).toContain('ng-mocks app is running!');20 });21 it('should have a button', () => {22 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);23 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;24 const button = ngMocks.find(app, 'button');25 expect(button).toBeDefined();26 });27 it('should have a button with a click event', () => {28 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);29 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;30 const button = ngMocks.find(app, 'button');31 expect(button).toBeDefined();32 expect(;33 });34 it('should have a button with a click event that increments the counter', () => {35 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);36 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;37 const button = ngMocks.find(app, 'button');38 expect(button).toBeDefined();39 expect(;40 expect(app.counter).toBe(0);41;42 expect(app.counter).toBe(1);43 });44 it('should have a button with a click event that increments the counter and displays the counter', () => {45 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);46 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;47 const button = ngMocks.find(app, 'button');48 expect(button).toBeDefined();49 expect(;50 expect(app.counter).toBe(0);51 expect(app.counterDisplay).toBe(0);52;53 expect(app.counter).toBe(1);54 expect(app.counterDisplay).toBe(1);55 });56 it('should have a button with a click event that increments the counter and displays the counter', () =>
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './app.component';3import { AppModule } from './app.module';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));6 it('should create the app', () => {7 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);8 const component = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);9 expect(component).toBeTruthy();10 });11 it('should get all component instances', () => {12 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);13 const components = ngMocks.componentInstances(AppComponent);14 expect(components.length).toBe(1);15 });16});17@Component({18})19export class TestComponent {}20@Component({21})22export class TestComponent {}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let component: TestComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 })8 .compileComponents();9 }));10 beforeEach(() => {11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 });15 it('should create', () => {16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18 it('should have 2 child components', () => {19 const childComponents = componentInstances(fixture.debugElement, ChildComponent);20 expect(childComponents.length).toBe(2);21 });22});23import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';24describe('TestComponent', () => {25 let component: TestComponent;26 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;27 beforeEach(async(() => {28 TestBed.configureTestingModule({29 })30 .compileComponents();31 }));32 beforeEach(() => {33 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);34 component = fixture.componentInstance;35 fixture.detectChanges();36 });37 it('should create', () => {38 expect(component).toBeTruthy();39 });40 it('should have 2 child components', () => {41 const childComponents = componentInstances(fixture.debugElement, ChildComponent);42 expect(childComponents.length).toBe(2);43 });44 it('should have the correct name', () => {45 const childComponents = componentInstances(fixture.debugElement, ChildComponent);46 expect(childComponents[0].name).toBe('child 1');47 });48});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MockReset } from 'ng-mocks';6import { MockSer
Using AI Code Generation
1const componentInstances = ngMocks.default.componentInstances;2const componentInstance = ngMocks.default.componentInstance;3const component = ngMocks.default.component;4const directiveInstances = ngMocks.default.directiveInstances;5const directiveInstance = ngMocks.default.directiveInstance;6const directive = ngMocks.default.directive;7const find = ngMocks.default.find;8const findInstance = ngMocks.default.findInstance;9const findDirective = ngMocks.default.findDirective;10const findComponent = ngMocks.default.findComponent;11const findInput = ngMocks.default.findInput;12const findOutput = ngMocks.default.findOutput;13const findDebugNode = ngMocks.default.findDebugNode;14const findDebugElement = ngMocks.default.findDebugElement;15const findDebugElements = ngMocks.default.findDebugElements;16const findComponentDebugNode = ngMocks.default.findComponentDebugNode;17const findComponentDebugElement = ngMocks.default.findComponentDebugElement;18const findComponentDebugElements = ngMocks.default.findComponentDebugElements;19const findDirectiveDebugNode = ngMocks.default.findDirectiveDebugNode;20const findDirectiveDebugElement = ngMocks.default.findDirectiveDebugElement;21const findDirectiveDebugElements = ngMocks.default.findDirectiveDebugElements;
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from 'my-component';3import { MyComponent2 } from 'my-component2';4import { MyComponent3 } from 'my-component3';5import { MyComponent4 } from 'my-component4';6import { MyComponent5 } from 'my-component5';7import { MyComponent6 } from 'my-component6';8import { MyComponent7 } from 'my-component7';9import { MyComponent8 } from 'my-component8';10import { MyComponent9 } from 'my-component9';11import { MyComponent10 } from 'my-component10';12import { MyComponent11 } from 'my-component11';13import { MyComponent12 } from 'my-component12';14import { MyComponent13 } from 'my-component13';15import { MyComponent14 } from 'my-component14';16import { MyComponent15 } from 'my-component15';17import { MyComponent16 } from 'my-component16';18import { MyComponent17 } from 'my-component17';19import { MyComponent18 } from 'my-component18';20import { MyComponent19 } from 'my-component19';21import { MyComponent20 } from 'my-component20';22import { MyComponent21 } from 'my-component21';23import { MyComponent22 } from 'my-component22';24import { MyComponent23 } from 'my-component23';25import { MyComponent24 } from 'my-component24';26import { MyComponent25 } from 'my-component25';27import { MyComponent26 } from 'my-component26';28import { MyComponent27 } from 'my-component27';29import { MyComponent28 } from 'my-component28';30import { MyComponent29 } from 'my-component29';31import { MyComponent30 } from 'my-component30';32import { MyComponent31 } from 'my-component31';33import { MyComponent32 } from 'my-component32';34import { MyComponent33 } from 'my-component33';35import { MyComponent34 } from 'my-component34';36import { MyComponent35 } from 'my-component35';37import { MyComponent36 } from 'my-component36';38import { MyComponent37 } from 'my-component37';39import { MyComponent38 } from 'my-component38';40import { MyComponent39 } from 'my-component39';41import { MyComponent40 } from 'my-component40';42import { MyComponent41 } from 'my-component
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should have a defined component instance', () => {5 const instances = componentInstances(MyComponent);6 expect(instances.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);7 });8});9import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';10import { MyComponent } from './my.component';11describe('MyComponent', () => {12 it('should have a defined component instance', () => {13 const instances = componentInstances(MyComponent);14 console.log('instances', instances);15 expect(instances.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);16 });17});18import { componentInstance } from 'ng-mocks';19import { MyComponent } from './my.component';20describe('MyComponent', () => {21 it('should have a defined component instance', () => {22 const instance = componentInstance(MyComponent);23 expect(instance.myProperty).toBeDefined();24 });25});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2@Component({3})4export class TestComponent {5 constructor() {}6}7@Component({8})9export class TestChildComponent {10 constructor() {}11}12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 let component: TestComponent;14 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;15 beforeEach(async(() => {16 TestBed.configureTestingModule({17 }).compileComponents();18 }));19 beforeEach(() => {20 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);21 component = fixture.componentInstance;22 fixture.detectChanges();23 });24 it('should create', () => {25 expect(component).toBeTruthy();26 expect(componentInstances(fixture, TestChildComponent).length).toEqual(1);27 });28});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { componentInstances } from 'ng-mocks';2const componentInstance = componentInstances(fixture, 'app-child')3 .filter(instance => === 'child')[0];4expect('child');5import { get } from 'ng-mocks';6const componentInstance = get(fixture, 'app-child', {name: 'child'});7expect('child');8import { find } from 'ng-mocks';9const componentInstance = find(fixture, 'app-child', {name: 'child'});10expect('child');11import { find } from 'ng-mocks';12const componentInstance = find(fixture, 'app-child', {name: 'child'});13expect('child');14import { find } from 'ng-mocks';15const componentInstance = find(fixture, 'app-child', {name: 'child'});16expect('child');17import { find } from 'ng-mocks';18const componentInstance = find(fixture, 'app-child', {name: 'child'});19expect('child');
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Estimates are critical if you want to be successful with projects. If you begin with a bad estimating approach, the project will almost certainly fail. To produce a much more promising estimate, direct each estimation-process issue toward a repeatable standard process. A smart approach reduces the degree of uncertainty. When dealing with presales phases, having the most precise estimation findings can assist you to deal with the project plan. This also helps the process to function more successfully, especially when faced with tight schedules and the danger of deviation.
Unit testing is typically software testing within the developer domain. As the QA role expands in DevOps, QAOps, DesignOps, or within an Agile team, QA testers often find themselves creating unit tests. QA testers may create unit tests within the code using a specified unit testing tool, or independently using a variety of methods.
One of the most important skills for leaders to have is the ability to prioritize. To understand how we can organize all of the tasks that must be completed in order to complete a project, we must first understand the business we are in, particularly the project goals. There might be several project drivers that stimulate project execution and motivate a company to allocate the appropriate funding.
Anyone who has worked in the software industry for a while can tell you stories about projects that were on the verge of failure. Many initiatives fail even before they reach clients, which is especially disheartening when the failure is fully avoidable.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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