How to use attrs method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: angularjs-nvd3-directives.js Github


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1/​*! angularjs-nvd3-directives - v0.0.7 - 2014-04-072 * http:/​/​​angularjs-nvd3-directives3 * Copyright (c) 2014 Christian Maurer; Licensed Apache License, v2.0 */​4( function () {5 'use strict';6 angular.module( 'legendDirectives', [] ).directive( 'simpleSvgLegend', function () {7 return {8 restrict: 'EA',9 scope: {10 id: '@',11 width: '@',12 height: '@',13 margin: '@',14 x: '@',15 y: '@',16 labels: '@',17 styles: '@',18 classes: '@',19 shapes: '@',20 padding: '@',21 columns: '@'22 },23 compile: function () {24 return function link( scope, element, attrs ) {25 var id, width, height, margin, widthTracker = 0,26 heightTracker = 0,27 columns = 1,28 columnTracker = 0,29 padding = 10,30 paddingStr, svgNamespace = 'http:/​/​​2000/​svg',31 svg, g, labels, styles, classes, shapes, x = 0,32 y = 0;33 margin = scope.$eval( attrs.margin ) || {34 left: 5,35 top: 5,36 bottom: 5,37 right: 538 };39 width = attrs.width === 'undefined' ? element[ 0 ].parentElement.offsetWidth - ( margin.left + margin.right ) : +attrs.width - ( margin.left + margin.right );40 height = attrs.height === 'undefined' ? element[ 0 ].parentElement.offsetHeight - ( + margin.bottom ) : +attrs.height - ( + margin.bottom );41 if ( ! ) {42 /​/​if an id is not supplied, create a random id.43 id = 'legend-' + Math.random();44 } else {45 id =;46 }47 if ( attrs.columns ) {48 columns = +attrs.columns;49 }50 if ( attrs.padding ) {51 padding = +attrs.padding;52 }53 paddingStr = padding + '';54 svg = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'svg' );55 if ( attrs.width ) {56 svg.setAttribute( 'width', width + '' );57 }58 if ( attrs.height ) {59 svg.setAttribute( 'height', height + '' );60 }61 svg.setAttribute( 'id', id );62 if ( attrs.x ) {63 x = +attrs.x;64 }65 if ( attrs.y ) {66 y = +attrs.y;67 }68 element.append( svg );69 g = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'g' );70 g.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')' );71 svg.appendChild( g );72 if ( attrs.labels ) {73 labels = scope.$eval( attrs.labels );74 }75 if ( attrs.styles ) {76 styles = scope.$eval( attrs.styles );77 }78 if ( attrs.classes ) {79 classes = scope.$eval( attrs.classes );80 }81 if ( attrs.shapes ) {82 shapes = scope.$eval( attrs.shapes );83 }84 for ( var i in labels ) {85 if ( labels.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {86 var shpe = shapes[ i ],87 shape, text, textSize, g1;88 if ( columnTracker % columns === 0 ) {89 widthTracker = 0;90 heightTracker = heightTracker + ( padding + padding * 1.5 );91 }92 g1 = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'g' );93 g1.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(' + widthTracker + ', ' + heightTracker + ')' );94 if ( shpe === 'rect' ) {95 shape = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'rect' );96 /​/​x, y, rx, ry97 shape.setAttribute( 'y', 0 - padding /​ 2 + '' );98 shape.setAttribute( 'width', paddingStr );99 shape.setAttribute( 'height', paddingStr );100 } else if ( shpe === 'ellipse' ) {101 shape = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'ellipse' );102 shape.setAttribute( 'rx', paddingStr );103 shape.setAttribute( 'ry', padding + padding /​ 2 + '' );104 } else {105 shape = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'circle' );106 shape.setAttribute( 'r', padding /​ 2 + '' );107 }108 if ( styles && styles[ i ] ) {109 shape.setAttribute( 'style', styles[ i ] );110 }111 if ( classes && classes[ i ] ) {112 shape.setAttribute( 'class', classes[ i ] );113 }114 g1.appendChild( shape );115 widthTracker = widthTracker + shape.clientWidth + ( padding + padding /​ 2 );116 text = document.createElementNS( svgNamespace, 'text' );117 text.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(10, 5)' );118 text.appendChild( document.createTextNode( labels[ i ] ) );119 g1.appendChild( text );120 g.appendChild( g1 );121 textSize = text.clientWidth;122 widthTracker = widthTracker + textSize + ( padding + padding * 0.75 );123 columnTracker++;124 }125 }126 };127 }128 };129 } ).directive( 'nvd3Legend', [130 function () {131 var margin, width, height, id;132 return {133 restrict: 'EA',134 scope: {135 data: '=',136 id: '@',137 margin: '&',138 width: '@',139 height: '@',140 key: '&',141 color: '&',142 align: '@',143 rightalign: '@',144 updatestate: '@',145 radiobuttonmode: '@',146 x: '&',147 y: '&'148 },149 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {150 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {151 if ( data ) {152 if ( scope.chart ) {153 return '#' + + ' svg' ).attr( 'height', height ).attr( 'width', width ).datum( data ).transition().duration( 250 ).call( scope.chart );154 }155 margin = scope.$eval( attrs.margin ) || {156 top: 5,157 right: 0,158 bottom: 5,159 left: 0160 };161 width = attrs.width === undefined ? element[ 0 ].parentElement.offsetWidth - ( margin.left + margin.right ) : +attrs.width - ( margin.left + margin.right );162 height = attrs.height === undefined ? element[ 0 ].parentElement.offsetHeight - ( + margin.bottom ) : +attrs.height - ( + margin.bottom );163 if ( width === undefined || width < 0 ) {164 width = 400;165 }166 if ( height === undefined || height < 0 ) {167 height = 20;168 }169 if ( ! ) {170 /​/​if an id is not supplied, create a random id.171 id = 'legend-' + Math.random();172 } else {173 id =;174 }175 nv.addGraph( {176 generate: function () {177 var chart = nv.models.legend().width( width ).height( height ).margin( margin ).align( attrs.align === undefined ? true : attrs.align === 'true' ).rightAlign( attrs.rightalign === undefined ? true : attrs.rightalign === 'true' ).updateState( attrs.updatestate === undefined ? true : attrs.updatestate === 'true' ).radioButtonMode( attrs.radiobuttonmode === undefined ? false : attrs.radiobuttonmode === 'true' ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).key( attrs.key === undefined ? function ( d ) {178 return d.key;179 } : scope.key() );180 if ( ! '#' + + ' svg' )[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) {181 '#' + ).append( 'svg' );182 }183 '#' + + ' svg' ).attr( 'height', height ).attr( 'width', width ).datum( data ).transition().duration( 250 ).call( chart );184 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );185 scope.chart = chart;186 return chart;187 }188 } );189 }190 } );191 }192 };193 }194 ] );195 function initializeLegendMargin( scope, attrs ) {196 var margin = ( scope.$eval( attrs.legendmargin ) || {197 left: 0,198 top: 5,199 bottom: 5,200 right: 0201 } );202 if ( typeof ( margin ) !== 'object' ) {203 /​/​ we were passed a vanilla int, convert to full margin object204 margin = {205 left: margin,206 top: margin,207 bottom: margin,208 right: margin209 };210 }211 scope.legendmargin = margin;212 }213 function configureLegend( chart, scope, attrs ) {214 if ( chart.legend && attrs.showlegend && ( attrs.showlegend === 'true' ) ) {215 initializeLegendMargin( scope, attrs );216 chart.legend.margin( scope.legendmargin );217 chart.legend.width( attrs.legendwidth === undefined ? 400 : ( +attrs.legendwidth ) );218 chart.legend.height( attrs.legendheight === undefined ? 20 : ( +attrs.legendheight ) );219 chart.legend.key( attrs.legendkey === undefined ? function ( d ) {220 return d.key;221 } : scope.legendkey() );222 chart.legend.color( attrs.legendcolor === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.legendcolor() );223 chart.legend.align( attrs.legendalign === undefined ? true : ( attrs.legendalign === 'true' ) );224 chart.legend.rightAlign( attrs.legendrightalign === undefined ? true : ( attrs.legendrightalign === 'true' ) );225 chart.legend.updateState( attrs.legendupdatestate === undefined ? true : ( attrs.legendupdatestate === 'true' ) );226 chart.legend.radioButtonMode( attrs.legendradiobuttonmode === undefined ? false : ( attrs.legendradiobuttonmode === 'true' ) );227 }228 }229 function processEvents( chart, scope ) {230 if ( chart.dispatch ) {231 if ( chart.dispatch.tooltipShow ) {232 chart.dispatch.on( 'tooltipShow.directive', function ( event ) {233 scope.$emit( 'tooltipShow.directive', event );234 } );235 }236 if ( chart.dispatch.tooltipHide ) {237 chart.dispatch.on( 'tooltipHide.directive', function ( event ) {238 scope.$emit( 'tooltipHide.directive', event );239 } );240 }241 if ( chart.dispatch.beforeUpdate ) {242 chart.dispatch.on( 'beforeUpdate.directive', function ( event ) {243 scope.$emit( 'beforeUpdate.directive', event );244 } );245 }246 if ( chart.dispatch.stateChange ) {247 chart.dispatch.on( 'stateChange.directive', function ( event ) {248 scope.$emit( 'stateChange.directive', event );249 } );250 }251 if ( chart.dispatch.changeState ) {252 chart.dispatch.on( 'changeState.directive', function ( event ) {253 scope.$emit( 'changeState.directive', event );254 } );255 }256 }257 if ( chart.lines ) {258 chart.lines.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {259 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );260 } );261 chart.lines.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {262 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', event );263 } );264 chart.lines.dispatch.on( 'elementClick.directive', function ( event ) {265 scope.$emit( 'elementClick.directive', event );266 } );267 }268 if ( chart.stacked && chart.stacked.dispatch ) {269 chart.stacked.dispatch.on( 'areaClick.toggle.directive', function ( event ) {270 scope.$emit( 'areaClick.toggle.directive', event );271 } );272 chart.stacked.dispatch.on( 'tooltipShow.directive', function ( event ) {273 scope.$emit( 'tooltipShow.directive', event );274 } );275 chart.stacked.dispatch.on( 'tooltipHide.directive', function ( event ) {276 scope.$emit( 'tooltipHide.directive', event );277 } );278 }279 if ( chart.interactiveLayer ) {280 if ( chart.interactiveLayer.elementMouseout ) {281 chart.interactiveLayer.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.directive', function ( event ) {282 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseout.directive', event );283 } );284 }285 if ( chart.interactiveLayer.elementMousemove ) {286 chart.interactiveLayer.dispatch.on( 'elementMousemove.directive', function ( event ) {287 scope.$emit( 'elementMousemove.directive', event );288 } );289 }290 }291 if ( chart.discretebar ) {292 chart.discretebar.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {293 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );294 } );295 chart.discretebar.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {296 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );297 } );298 chart.discretebar.dispatch.on( 'elementClick.directive', function ( event ) {299 scope.$emit( 'elementClick.directive', event );300 } );301 }302 if ( chart.multibar ) {303 chart.multibar.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {304 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );305 } );306 chart.multibar.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {307 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );308 } );309 chart.multibar.dispatch.on( 'elementClick.directive', function ( event ) {310 scope.$emit( 'elementClick.directive', event );311 } );312 }313 if ( chart.pie ) {314 chart.pie.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {315 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );316 } );317 chart.pie.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {318 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );319 } );320 chart.pie.dispatch.on( 'elementClick.directive', function ( event ) {321 scope.$emit( 'elementClick.directive', event );322 } );323 }324 if ( chart.scatter ) {325 chart.scatter.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {326 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );327 } );328 chart.scatter.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {329 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );330 } );331 }332 if ( chart.bullet ) {333 chart.bullet.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {334 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );335 } );336 chart.bullet.dispatch.on( 'elementMouseout.tooltip.directive', function ( event ) {337 scope.$emit( 'elementMouseover.tooltip.directive', event );338 } );339 }340 if ( chart.legend ) {341 /​/​'legendClick', 'legendDblclick', 'legendMouseover'342 /​/​stateChange343 chart.legend.dispatch.on( 'stateChange.legend.directive', function ( event ) {344 scope.$emit( 'stateChange.legend.directive', event );345 } );346 chart.legend.dispatch.on( 'legendClick.directive', function ( d, i ) {347 scope.$emit( 'legendClick.directive', d, i );348 } );349 chart.legend.dispatch.on( 'legendDblclick.directive', function ( d, i ) {350 scope.$emit( 'legendDblclick.directive', d, i );351 } );352 chart.legend.dispatch.on( 'legendMouseover.directive', function ( d, i ) {353 scope.$emit( 'legendMouseover.directive', d, i );354 } );355 }356 if ( chart.controls ) {357 if ( chart.controls.legendClick ) {358 chart.controls.dispatch.on( 'legendClick.directive', function ( d, i ) {359 scope.$emit( 'legendClick.directive', d, i );360 } );361 }362 }363 }364 function configureXaxis( chart, scope, attrs ) {365 if ( attrs.xaxisorient ) {366 chart.xAxis.orient( attrs.xaxisorient );367 }368 if ( attrs.xaxisticks ) {369 chart.xAxis.scale().ticks( attrs.xaxisticks );370 }371 if ( attrs.xaxistickvalues ) {372 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxistickvalues ) ) ) {373 chart.xAxis.tickValues( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxistickvalues ) );374 } else if ( typeof scope.xaxistickvalues() === 'function' ) {375 chart.xAxis.tickValues( scope.xaxistickvalues() );376 }377 }378 if ( attrs.xaxisticksubdivide ) {379 chart.xAxis.tickSubdivide( scope.xaxisticksubdivide() );380 }381 if ( attrs.xaxisticksize ) {382 chart.xAxis.tickSize( scope.xaxisticksize() );383 }384 if ( attrs.xaxistickpadding ) {385 chart.xAxis.tickPadding( scope.xaxistickpadding() );386 }387 if ( attrs.xaxistickformat ) {388 chart.xAxis.tickFormat( scope.xaxistickformat() );389 }390 if ( attrs.xaxislabel ) {391 chart.xAxis.axisLabel( attrs.xaxislabel );392 }393 if ( attrs.xaxisscale ) {394 chart.xAxis.scale( scope.xaxisscale() );395 }396 if ( attrs.xaxisdomain ) {397 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxisdomain ) ) ) {398 chart.xDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxisdomain ) );399 } else if ( typeof scope.xaxisdomain() === 'function' ) {400 chart.xDomain( scope.xaxisdomain() );401 }402 }403 if ( attrs.xaxisrange ) {404 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxisrange ) ) ) {405 chart.xRange( scope.$eval( attrs.xaxisrange ) );406 } else if ( typeof scope.xaxisrange() === 'function' ) {407 chart.xRange( scope.xaxisrange() );408 }409 }410 if ( attrs.xaxisrangeband ) {411 chart.xAxis.rangeBand( scope.xaxisrangeband() );412 }413 if ( attrs.xaxisrangebands ) {414 chart.xAxis.rangeBands( scope.xaxisrangebands() );415 }416 if ( attrs.xaxisshowmaxmin ) {417 chart.xAxis.showMaxMin( ( attrs.xaxisshowmaxmin === 'true' ) );418 }419 if ( attrs.xaxishighlightzero ) {420 chart.xAxis.highlightZero( ( attrs.xaxishighlightzero === 'true' ) );421 }422 if ( attrs.xaxisrotatelabels ) {423 chart.xAxis.rotateLabels( ( +attrs.xaxisrotatelabels ) );424 }425 /​/​ if(attrs.xaxisrotateylabel){426 /​/​ chart.xAxis.rotateYLabel((attrs.xaxisrotateylabel === "true"));427 /​/​ }428 if ( attrs.xaxisstaggerlabels ) {429 chart.xAxis.staggerLabels( ( attrs.xaxisstaggerlabels === 'true' ) );430 }431 if ( attrs.xaxislabeldistance ) {432 chart.xAxis.axisLabelDistance( ( +attrs.xaxislabeldistance ) );433 }434 }435 function configureX2axis( chart, scope, attrs ) {436 if ( attrs.x2axisorient ) {437 chart.x2Axis.orient( attrs.x2axisorient );438 }439 if ( attrs.x2axisticks ) {440 chart.x2Axis.scale().ticks( attrs.x2axisticks );441 }442 if ( attrs.x2axistickvalues ) {443 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axistickvalues ) ) ) {444 chart.x2Axis.tickValues( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axistickvalues ) );445 } else if ( typeof scope.xaxistickvalues() === 'function' ) {446 chart.x2Axis.tickValues( scope.x2axistickvalues() );447 }448 }449 if ( attrs.x2axisticksubdivide ) {450 chart.x2Axis.tickSubdivide( scope.x2axisticksubdivide() );451 }452 if ( attrs.x2axisticksize ) {453 chart.x2Axis.tickSize( scope.x2axisticksize() );454 }455 if ( attrs.x2axistickpadding ) {456 chart.x2Axis.tickPadding( scope.x2axistickpadding() );457 }458 if ( attrs.x2axistickformat ) {459 chart.x2Axis.tickFormat( scope.x2axistickformat() );460 }461 if ( attrs.x2axislabel ) {462 chart.x2Axis.axisLabel( attrs.x2axislabel );463 }464 if ( attrs.x2axisscale ) {465 chart.x2Axis.scale( scope.x2axisscale() );466 }467 if ( attrs.x2axisdomain ) {468 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axisdomain ) ) ) {469 chart.x2Axis.domain( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axisdomain ) );470 } else if ( typeof scope.x2axisdomain() === 'function' ) {471 chart.x2Axis.domain( scope.x2axisdomain() );472 }473 }474 if ( attrs.x2axisrange ) {475 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axisrange ) ) ) {476 chart.x2Axis.range( scope.$eval( attrs.x2axisrange ) );477 } else if ( typeof scope.x2axisrange() === 'function' ) {478 chart.x2Axis.range( scope.x2axisrange() );479 }480 }481 if ( attrs.x2axisrangeband ) {482 chart.x2Axis.rangeBand( scope.x2axisrangeband() );483 }484 if ( attrs.x2axisrangebands ) {485 chart.x2Axis.rangeBands( scope.x2axisrangebands() );486 }487 if ( attrs.x2axisshowmaxmin ) {488 chart.x2Axis.showMaxMin( ( attrs.x2axisshowmaxmin === 'true' ) );489 }490 if ( attrs.x2axishighlightzero ) {491 chart.x2Axis.highlightZero( ( attrs.x2axishighlightzero === 'true' ) );492 }493 if ( attrs.x2axisrotatelables ) {494 chart.x2Axis.rotateLabels( ( +attrs.x2axisrotatelables ) );495 }496 /​/​ if(attrs.xaxisrotateylabel){497 /​/​ chart.xAxis.rotateYLabel((attrs.xaxisrotateylabel === "true"));498 /​/​ }499 if ( attrs.x2axisstaggerlabels ) {500 chart.x2Axis.staggerLabels( ( attrs.x2axisstaggerlabels === 'true' ) );501 }502 if ( attrs.x2axislabeldistance ) {503 chart.x2Axis.axisLabelDistance( ( +attrs.x2axislabeldistance ) );504 }505 }506 function configureYaxis( chart, scope, attrs ) {507 if ( attrs.yaxisorient ) {508 chart.yAxis.orient( attrs.yaxisorient );509 }510 if ( attrs.yaxisticks ) {511 chart.yAxis.scale().ticks( attrs.yaxisticks );512 }513 if ( attrs.yaxistickvalues ) {514 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxistickvalues ) ) ) {515 chart.yAxis.tickValues( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxistickvalues ) );516 } else if ( typeof scope.yaxistickvalues() === 'function' ) {517 chart.yAxis.tickValues( scope.yaxistickvalues() );518 }519 }520 if ( attrs.yaxisticksubdivide ) {521 chart.yAxis.tickSubdivide( scope.yaxisticksubdivide() );522 }523 if ( attrs.yaxisticksize ) {524 chart.yAxis.tickSize( scope.yaxisticksize() );525 }526 if ( attrs.yaxistickpadding ) {527 chart.yAxis.tickPadding( scope.yaxistickpadding() );528 }529 if ( attrs.yaxistickformat ) {530 chart.yAxis.tickFormat( scope.yaxistickformat() );531 }532 if ( attrs.yaxislabel ) {533 chart.yAxis.axisLabel( attrs.yaxislabel );534 }535 if ( attrs.yaxisscale ) {536 chart.yAxis.scale( scope.yaxisscale() );537 }538 if ( attrs.yaxisdomain ) {539 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxisdomain ) ) ) {540 chart.yDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxisdomain ) );541 } else if ( typeof scope.yaxisdomain() === 'function' ) {542 chart.yDomain( scope.yaxisdomain() );543 }544 }545 if ( attrs.yaxisrange ) {546 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxisrange ) ) ) {547 chart.yRange( scope.$eval( attrs.yaxisrange ) );548 } else if ( typeof scope.yaxisrange() === 'function' ) {549 chart.yRange( scope.yaxisrange() );550 }551 }552 if ( attrs.yaxisrangeband ) {553 chart.yAxis.rangeBand( scope.yaxisrangeband() );554 }555 if ( attrs.yaxisrangebands ) {556 chart.yAxis.rangeBands( scope.yaxisrangebands() );557 }558 if ( attrs.yaxisshowmaxmin ) {559 chart.yAxis.showMaxMin( ( attrs.yaxisshowmaxmin === 'true' ) );560 }561 if ( attrs.yaxishighlightzero ) {562 chart.yAxis.highlightZero( ( attrs.yaxishighlightzero === 'true' ) );563 }564 if ( attrs.yaxisrotatelabels ) {565 chart.yAxis.rotateLabels( ( +attrs.yaxisrotatelabels ) );566 }567 if ( attrs.yaxisrotateylabel ) {568 chart.yAxis.rotateYLabel( ( attrs.yaxisrotateylabel === 'true' ) );569 }570 if ( attrs.yaxisstaggerlabels ) {571 chart.yAxis.staggerLabels( ( attrs.yaxisstaggerlabels === 'true' ) );572 }573 if ( attrs.yaxislabeldistance ) {574 chart.yAxis.axisLabelDistance( ( +attrs.yaxislabeldistance ) );575 }576 }577 function configureY1axis( chart, scope, attrs ) {578 if ( attrs.y1axisticks ) {579 chart.y1Axis.scale().ticks( attrs.y1axisticks );580 }581 if ( attrs.y1axistickvalues ) {582 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axistickvalues ) ) ) {583 chart.y1Axis.tickValues( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axistickvalues ) );584 } else if ( typeof scope.y1axistickvalues() === 'function' ) {585 chart.y1Axis.tickValues( scope.y1axistickvalues() );586 }587 }588 if ( attrs.y1axisticksubdivide ) {589 chart.y1Axis.tickSubdivide( scope.y1axisticksubdivide() );590 }591 if ( attrs.y1axisticksize ) {592 chart.y1Axis.tickSize( scope.y1axisticksize() );593 }594 if ( attrs.y1axistickpadding ) {595 chart.y1Axis.tickPadding( scope.y1axistickpadding() );596 }597 if ( attrs.y1axistickformat ) {598 chart.y1Axis.tickFormat( scope.y1axistickformat() );599 }600 if ( attrs.y1axislabel ) {601 chart.y1Axis.axisLabel( attrs.y1axislabel );602 }603 if ( attrs.y1axisscale ) {604 chart.y1Axis.yScale( scope.y1axisscale() );605 }606 if ( attrs.y1axisdomain ) {607 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axisdomain ) ) ) {608 chart.y1Axis.domain( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axisdomain ) );609 } else if ( typeof scope.y1axisdomain() === 'function' ) {610 chart.y1Axis.domain( scope.y1axisdomain() );611 }612 }613 if ( attrs.y1axisrange ) {614 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axisrange ) ) ) {615 chart.y1Axis.range( scope.$eval( attrs.y1axisrange ) );616 } else if ( typeof scope.y1axisrange() === 'function' ) {617 chart.y1Axis.range( scope.y1axisrange() );618 }619 }620 if ( attrs.y1axisrangeband ) {621 chart.y1Axis.rangeBand( scope.y1axisrangeband() );622 }623 if ( attrs.y1axisrangebands ) {624 chart.y1Axis.rangeBands( scope.y1axisrangebands() );625 }626 if ( attrs.y1axisshowmaxmin ) {627 chart.y1Axis.showMaxMin( ( attrs.y1axisshowmaxmin === 'true' ) );628 }629 if ( attrs.y1axishighlightzero ) {630 chart.y1Axis.highlightZero( ( attrs.y1axishighlightzero === 'true' ) );631 }632 if ( attrs.y1axisrotatelabels ) {633 chart.y1Axis.rotateLabels( ( +scope.y1axisrotatelabels ) );634 }635 if ( attrs.y1axisrotateylabel ) {636 chart.y1Axis.rotateYLabel( ( attrs.y1axisrotateylabel === 'true' ) );637 }638 if ( attrs.y1axisstaggerlabels ) {639 chart.y1Axis.staggerlabels( ( attrs.y1axisstaggerlabels === 'true' ) );640 }641 if ( attrs.y1axislabeldistance ) {642 chart.y1Axis.axisLabelDistance( ( +attrs.y1axislabeldistance ) );643 }644 }645 function configureY2axis( chart, scope, attrs ) {646 if ( attrs.y2axisticks ) {647 chart.y2Axis.scale().ticks( attrs.y2axisticks );648 }649 if ( attrs.y2axistickvalues ) {650 chart.y2Axis.tickValues( scope.$eval( attrs.y2axistickvalues ) );651 }652 if ( attrs.y2axisticksubdivide ) {653 chart.y2Axis.tickSubdivide( scope.y2axisticksubdivide() );654 }655 if ( attrs.y2axisticksize ) {656 chart.y2Axis.tickSize( scope.y2axisticksize() );657 }658 if ( attrs.y2axistickpadding ) {659 chart.y2Axis.tickPadding( scope.y2axistickpadding() );660 }661 if ( attrs.y2axistickformat ) {662 chart.y2Axis.tickFormat( scope.y2axistickformat() );663 }664 if ( attrs.y2axislabel ) {665 chart.y2Axis.axisLabel( attrs.y2axislabel );666 }667 if ( attrs.y2axisscale ) {668 chart.y2Axis.yScale( scope.y2axisscale() );669 }670 if ( attrs.y2axisdomain ) {671 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.y2axisdomain ) ) ) {672 chart.y2Axis.domain( scope.$eval( attrs.y2axisdomain ) );673 } else if ( typeof scope.y2axisdomain() === 'function' ) {674 chart.y2Axis.domain( scope.y2axisdomain() );675 }676 }677 if ( attrs.y2axisrange ) {678 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.y2axisrange ) ) ) {679 chart.y2Axis.range( scope.$eval( attrs.y2axisrange ) );680 } else if ( typeof scope.y2axisrange() === 'function' ) {681 chart.y2Axis.range( scope.y2axisrange() );682 }683 }684 if ( attrs.y2axisrangeband ) {685 chart.y2Axis.rangeBand( scope.y2axisrangeband() );686 }687 if ( attrs.y2axisrangebands ) {688 chart.y2Axis.rangeBands( scope.y2axisrangebands() );689 }690 if ( attrs.y2axisshowmaxmin ) {691 chart.y2Axis.showMaxMin( ( attrs.y2axisshowmaxmin === 'true' ) );692 }693 if ( attrs.y2axishighlightzero ) {694 chart.y2Axis.highlightZero( ( attrs.y2axishighlightzero === 'true' ) );695 }696 if ( attrs.y2axisrotatelabels ) {697 chart.y2Axis.rotateLabels( ( +scope.y2axisrotatelabels ) );698 }699 if ( attrs.y2axisrotateylabel ) {700 chart.y2Axis.rotateYLabel( ( attrs.y2axisrotateylabel === 'true' ) );701 }702 if ( attrs.y2axisstaggerlabels ) {703 chart.y2Axis.staggerlabels( ( attrs.y2axisstaggerlabels === 'true' ) );704 }705 if ( attrs.y2axislabeldistance ) {706 chart.y2Axis.axisLabelDistance( ( +attrs.y2axislabeldistance ) );707 }708 }709 function initializeMargin( scope, attrs ) {710 var margin = scope.$eval( attrs.margin ) || {711 left: 50,712 top: 50,713 bottom: 50,714 right: 50715 };716 if ( typeof margin !== 'object' ) {717 /​/​ we were passed a vanilla int, convert to full margin object718 margin = {719 left: margin,720 top: margin,721 bottom: margin,722 right: margin723 };724 }725 scope.margin = margin;726 }727 function checkElementID( scope, attrs, element, chart, data ) {728 configureXaxis( chart, scope, attrs );729 configureX2axis( chart, scope, attrs );730 configureYaxis( chart, scope, attrs );731 configureY1axis( chart, scope, attrs );732 configureY2axis( chart, scope, attrs );733 configureLegend( chart, scope, attrs );734 processEvents( chart, scope );735 var dataAttributeChartID;736 /​/​randomly generated if id attribute doesn't exist737 if ( ! ) {738 dataAttributeChartID = 'chartid' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000001 );739 angular.element( element ).attr( 'data-chartid', dataAttributeChartID );740 /​/​if an id is not supplied, create a random id.741 if ( '[data-chartid=' + dataAttributeChartID + '] svg' ).empty() ) {742 '[data-chartid=' + dataAttributeChartID + ']' ).append( 'svg' ).attr( 'height', scope.height ).attr( 'width', scope.width ).datum( data ).transition().duration( attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +attrs.transitionduration ).call( chart );743 } else {744 '[data-chartid=' + dataAttributeChartID + '] svg' ).attr( 'height', scope.height ).attr( 'width', scope.width ).datum( data ).transition().duration( attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +attrs.transitionduration ).call( chart );745 }746 } else {747 if ( angular.isArray( data ) && data.length === 0 ) {748 '#' + + ' svg' ).remove();749 }750 if ( '#' + + ' svg' ).empty() ) {751 '#' + ).append( 'svg' );752 }753 '#' + + ' svg' ).attr( 'height', scope.height ).attr( 'width', scope.width ).datum( data ).transition().duration( attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +attrs.transitionduration ).call( chart );754 }755 }756 angular.module( 'nvd3ChartDirectives', [] ).directive( 'nvd3LineChart', [757 function () {758 return {759 restrict: 'EA',760 scope: {761 data: '=',762 width: '@',763 height: '@',764 id: '@',765 showlegend: '@',766 tooltips: '@',767 showxaxis: '@',768 showyaxis: '@',769 rightalignyaxis: '@',770 defaultstate: '@',771 nodata: '@',772 margin: '&',773 tooltipcontent: '&',774 color: '&',775 x: '&',776 y: '&',777 forcex: '@',778 forcey: '@',779 isArea: '@',780 interactive: '@',781 clipedge: '@',782 clipvoronoi: '@',783 interpolate: '@',784 callback: '&',785 useinteractiveguideline: '@',786 xaxisorient: '&',787 xaxisticks: '@',788 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',789 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',790 xaxisticksize: '&',791 xaxistickpadding: '&',792 xaxistickformat: '&',793 xaxislabel: '@',794 xaxisscale: '&',795 xaxisdomain: '&',796 xaxisrange: '&',797 xaxisrangeband: '&',798 xaxisrangebands: '&',799 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',800 xaxishighlightzero: '@',801 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',802 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',803 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',804 xaxislabeldistance: '@',805 yaxisorient: '&',806 yaxisticks: '&',807 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',808 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',809 yaxisticksize: '&',810 yaxistickpadding: '&',811 yaxistickformat: '&',812 yaxislabel: '@',813 yaxisscale: '&',814 yaxisdomain: '&',815 yaxisrange: '&',816 yaxisrangeband: '&',817 yaxisrangebands: '&',818 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',819 yaxishighlightzero: '@',820 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',821 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',822 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',823 yaxislabeldistance: '@',824 legendmargin: '&',825 legendwidth: '@',826 legendheight: '@',827 legendkey: '@',828 legendcolor: '&',829 legendalign: '@',830 legendrightalign: '@',831 legendupdatestate: '@',832 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',833 objectequality: '@',834 transitionduration: '@'835 },836 controller: [837 '$scope',838 '$element',839 '$attrs',840 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {841 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {842 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );843 };844 }845 ],846 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {847 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {848 if ( data ) {849 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.850 if ( scope.chart ) {851 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );852 }853 nv.addGraph( {854 generate: function () {855 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );856 var chart = nv.models.lineChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {857 return d[ 0 ];858 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {859 return d[ 1 ];860 } : scope.y() ).forceX( attrs.forcex === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).rightAlignYAxis( attrs.rightalignyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.rightalignyaxis === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).clipEdge( attrs.clipedge === undefined ? false : attrs.clipedge === 'true' ).clipVoronoi( attrs.clipvoronoi === undefined ? false : attrs.clipvoronoi === 'true' ).interpolate( attrs.interpolate === undefined ? 'linear' : attrs.interpolate ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).isArea( attrs.isarea === undefined ? function ( d ) {861 return d.area;862 } : function () {863 return attrs.isarea === 'true';864 } );865 if ( chart.useInteractiveGuideline ) {866 chart.useInteractiveGuideline( attrs.useinteractiveguideline === undefined ? false : attrs.useinteractiveguideline === 'true' );867 }868 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {869 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );870 }871 scope.d3Call( data, chart );872 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );873 scope.chart = chart;874 return chart;875 },876 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()877 } );878 }879 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );880 }881 };882 }883 ] ).directive( 'nvd3CumulativeLineChart', [884 function () {885 return {886 restrict: 'EA',887 scope: {888 data: '=',889 width: '@',890 height: '@',891 id: '@',892 showlegend: '@',893 tooltips: '@',894 showxaxis: '@',895 showyaxis: '@',896 rightalignyaxis: '@',897 defaultstate: '@',898 nodata: '@',899 margin: '&',900 tooltipcontent: '&',901 color: '&',902 x: '&',903 y: '&',904 forcex: '@',905 forcey: '@',906 isArea: '@',907 interactive: '@',908 clipedge: '@',909 clipvoronoi: '@',910 usevoronoi: '@',911 average: '&',912 rescaley: '@',913 callback: '&',914 useinteractiveguideline: '@',915 xaxisorient: '&',916 xaxisticks: '&',917 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',918 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',919 xaxisticksize: '&',920 xaxistickpadding: '&',921 xaxistickformat: '&',922 xaxislabel: '@',923 xaxisscale: '&',924 xaxisdomain: '&',925 xaxisrange: '&',926 xaxisrangeband: '&',927 xaxisrangebands: '&',928 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',929 xaxishighlightzero: '@',930 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',931 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',932 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',933 xaxislabeldistance: '@',934 yaxisorient: '&',935 yaxisticks: '&',936 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',937 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',938 yaxisticksize: '&',939 yaxistickpadding: '&',940 yaxistickformat: '&',941 yaxislabel: '@',942 yaxisscale: '&',943 yaxisdomain: '&',944 yaxisrange: '&',945 yaxisrangeband: '&',946 yaxisrangebands: '&',947 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',948 yaxishighlightzero: '@',949 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',950 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',951 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',952 yaxislabeldistance: '@',953 legendmargin: '&',954 legendwidth: '@',955 legendheight: '@',956 legendkey: '@',957 legendcolor: '&',958 legendalign: '@',959 legendrightalign: '@',960 legendupdatestate: '@',961 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',962 objectequality: '@',963 transitionduration: '@'964 },965 controller: [966 '$scope',967 '$element',968 '$attrs',969 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {970 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {971 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );972 };973 }974 ],975 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {976 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {977 if ( data ) {978 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.979 if ( scope.chart ) {980 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );981 }982 nv.addGraph( {983 generate: function () {984 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );985 var chart = nv.models.cumulativeLineChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {986 return d[ 0 ];987 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {988 return d[ 1 ];989 } : scope.y() ).forceX( attrs.forcex === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).rightAlignYAxis( attrs.rightalignyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.rightalignyaxis === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).clipEdge( attrs.clipedge === undefined ? false : attrs.clipedge === 'true' ).clipVoronoi( attrs.clipvoronoi === undefined ? false : attrs.clipvoronoi === 'true' ).useVoronoi( attrs.usevoronoi === undefined ? false : attrs.usevoronoi === 'true' ).average( attrs.average === undefined ? function ( d ) {990 return d.average;991 } : scope.average() ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? d3.scale.category10().range() : scope.color() ).isArea( attrs.isarea === undefined ? function ( d ) {992 return d.area;993 } : attrs.isarea === 'true' );994 /​/​.rescaleY(attrs.rescaley === undefined ? false : (attrs.rescaley === 'true'));995 if ( chart.useInteractiveGuideline ) {996 chart.useInteractiveGuideline( attrs.useinteractiveguideline === undefined ? false : attrs.useinteractiveguideline === 'true' );997 }998 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {999 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1000 }1001 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1002 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1003 scope.chart = chart;1004 return chart;1005 },1006 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1007 } );1008 }1009 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1010 }1011 };1012 }1013 ] ).directive( 'nvd3StackedAreaChart', [1014 function () {1015 return {1016 restrict: 'EA',1017 scope: {1018 data: '=',1019 width: '@',1020 height: '@',1021 id: '@',1022 showlegend: '@',1023 tooltips: '@',1024 showcontrols: '@',1025 nodata: '@',1026 margin: '&',1027 tooltipcontent: '&',1028 color: '&',1029 x: '&',1030 y: '&',1031 forcex: '@',1032 forcey: '@',1033 forcesize: '@',1034 interactive: '@',1035 usevoronoi: '@',1036 clipedge: '@',1037 interpolate: '@',1038 style: '@',1039 order: '@',1040 offset: '@',1041 size: '&',1042 xScale: '&',1043 yScale: '&',1044 xDomain: '&',1045 yDomain: '&',1046 xRange: '&',1047 yRange: '&',1048 sizeDomain: '&',1049 callback: '&',1050 showxaxis: '&',1051 xaxisorient: '&',1052 xaxisticks: '&',1053 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1054 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1055 xaxisticksize: '&',1056 xaxistickpadding: '&',1057 xaxistickformat: '&',1058 xaxislabel: '@',1059 xaxisscale: '&',1060 xaxisdomain: '&',1061 xaxisrange: '&',1062 xaxisrangeband: '&',1063 xaxisrangebands: '&',1064 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1065 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1066 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1067 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1068 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1069 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1070 showyaxis: '&',1071 useinteractiveguideline: '@',1072 yaxisorient: '&',1073 yaxisticks: '&',1074 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1075 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1076 yaxisticksize: '&',1077 yaxistickpadding: '&',1078 yaxistickformat: '&',1079 yaxislabel: '@',1080 yaxisscale: '&',1081 yaxisdomain: '&',1082 yaxisrange: '&',1083 yaxisrangeband: '&',1084 yaxisrangebands: '&',1085 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1086 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1087 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1088 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1089 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1090 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1091 legendmargin: '&',1092 legendwidth: '@',1093 legendheight: '@',1094 legendkey: '@',1095 legendcolor: '&',1096 legendalign: '@',1097 legendrightalign: '@',1098 legendupdatestate: '@',1099 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1100 objectequality: '@',1101 transitionduration: '@'1102 },1103 controller: [1104 '$scope',1105 '$element',1106 '$attrs',1107 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1108 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1109 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1110 };1111 }1112 ],1113 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1114 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1115 if ( data ) {1116 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1117 if ( scope.chart ) {1118 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1119 }1120 nv.addGraph( {1121 generate: function () {1122 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1123 var chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1124 return d[ 0 ];1125 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1126 return d[ 1 ];1127 } : scope.y() ).forceX( attrs.forcex === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).size( attrs.size === undefined ? function ( d ) {1128 return d.size === undefined ? 1 : d.size;1129 } : scope.size() ).forceSize( attrs.forcesize === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcesize ) ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).showControls( attrs.showcontrols === undefined ? false : attrs.showcontrols === 'true' ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).clipEdge( attrs.clipedge === undefined ? false : attrs.clipedge === 'true' ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() );1130 if ( chart.useInteractiveGuideline ) {1131 chart.useInteractiveGuideline( attrs.useinteractiveguideline === undefined ? false : attrs.useinteractiveguideline === 'true' );1132 }1133 if ( attrs.usevoronoi ) {1134 chart.useVoronoi( attrs.usevoronoi === 'true' );1135 }1136 if ( ) {1137 );1138 }1139 if ( attrs.order ) {1140 chart.order( attrs.order );1141 }1142 if ( attrs.offset ) {1143 chart.offset( attrs.offset );1144 }1145 if ( attrs.interpolate ) {1146 chart.interpolate( attrs.interpolate );1147 }1148 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1149 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1150 }1151 if ( attrs.xscale ) {1152 chart.xScale( scope.xscale() );1153 }1154 if ( attrs.yscale ) {1155 chart.yScale( scope.yscale() );1156 }1157 if ( attrs.xdomain ) {1158 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.xdomain ) ) ) {1159 chart.xDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.xdomain ) );1160 } else if ( typeof scope.xdomain() === 'function' ) {1161 chart.xDomain( scope.xdomain() );1162 }1163 }1164 if ( attrs.ydomain ) {1165 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.ydomain ) ) ) {1166 chart.yDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.ydomain ) );1167 } else if ( typeof scope.ydomain() === 'function' ) {1168 chart.yDomain( scope.ydomain() );1169 }1170 }1171 if ( attrs.sizedomain ) {1172 chart.sizeDomain( scope.sizedomain() );1173 }1174 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1175 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1176 scope.chart = chart;1177 return chart;1178 },1179 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1180 } );1181 }1182 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1183 }1184 };1185 }1186 ] ).directive( 'nvd3MultiBarChart', [1187 function () {1188 return {1189 restrict: 'EA',1190 scope: {1191 data: '=',1192 width: '@',1193 height: '@',1194 id: '@',1195 showlegend: '@',1196 tooltips: '@',1197 tooltipcontent: '&',1198 color: '&',1199 showcontrols: '@',1200 nodata: '@',1201 reducexticks: '@',1202 staggerlabels: '@',1203 rotatelabels: '@',1204 margin: '&',1205 x: '&',1206 y: '&',1207 forcey: '@',1208 delay: '@',1209 stacked: '@',1210 callback: '&',1211 showxaxis: '&',1212 xaxisorient: '&',1213 xaxisticks: '&',1214 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1215 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1216 xaxisticksize: '&',1217 xaxistickpadding: '&',1218 xaxistickformat: '&',1219 xaxislabel: '@',1220 xaxisscale: '&',1221 xaxisdomain: '&',1222 xaxisrange: '&',1223 xaxisrangeband: '&',1224 xaxisrangebands: '&',1225 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1226 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1227 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1228 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1229 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1230 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1231 showyaxis: '&',1232 yaxisorient: '&',1233 yaxisticks: '&',1234 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1235 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1236 yaxisticksize: '&',1237 yaxistickpadding: '&',1238 yaxistickformat: '&',1239 yaxislabel: '@',1240 yaxisscale: '&',1241 yaxisdomain: '&',1242 yaxisrange: '&',1243 yaxisrangeband: '&',1244 yaxisrangebands: '&',1245 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1246 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1247 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1248 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1249 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1250 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1251 legendmargin: '&',1252 legendwidth: '@',1253 legendheight: '@',1254 legendkey: '@',1255 legendcolor: '&',1256 legendalign: '@',1257 legendrightalign: '@',1258 legendupdatestate: '@',1259 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1260 objectequality: '@',1261 transitionduration: '@'1262 },1263 controller: [1264 '$scope',1265 '$element',1266 '$attrs',1267 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1268 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1269 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1270 };1271 }1272 ],1273 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1274 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1275 if ( data ) {1276 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1277 if ( scope.chart ) {1278 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1279 }1280 nv.addGraph( {1281 generate: function () {1282 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1283 var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1284 return d[ 0 ];1285 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1286 return d[ 1 ];1287 } : scope.y() ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).showControls( attrs.showcontrols === undefined ? false : attrs.showcontrols === 'true' ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).reduceXTicks( attrs.reducexticks === undefined ? false : attrs.reducexticks === 'true' ).staggerLabels( attrs.staggerlabels === undefined ? false : attrs.staggerlabels === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).rotateLabels( attrs.rotatelabels === undefined ? 0 : attrs.rotatelabels ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).delay( attrs.delay === undefined ? 1200 : attrs.delay ).stacked( attrs.stacked === undefined ? false : attrs.stacked === 'true' );1288 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1289 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1290 }1291 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1292 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1293 scope.chart = chart;1294 return chart;1295 },1296 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1297 } );1298 }1299 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1300 }1301 };1302 }1303 ] ).directive( 'nvd3DiscreteBarChart', [1304 function () {1305 return {1306 restrict: 'EA',1307 scope: {1308 data: '=',1309 width: '@',1310 height: '@',1311 id: '@',1312 tooltips: '@',1313 showxaxis: '@',1314 showyaxis: '@',1315 tooltipcontent: '&',1316 staggerlabels: '@',1317 color: '&',1318 margin: '&',1319 nodata: '@',1320 x: '&',1321 y: '&',1322 forcey: '@',1323 showvalues: '@',1324 valueformat: '&',1325 callback: '&',1326 xaxisorient: '&',1327 xaxisticks: '&',1328 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1329 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1330 xaxisticksize: '&',1331 xaxistickpadding: '&',1332 xaxistickformat: '&',1333 xaxislabel: '@',1334 xaxisscale: '&',1335 xaxisdomain: '&',1336 xaxisrange: '&',1337 xaxisrangeband: '&',1338 xaxisrangebands: '&',1339 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1340 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1341 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1342 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1343 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1344 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1345 yaxisorient: '&',1346 yaxisticks: '&',1347 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1348 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1349 yaxisticksize: '&',1350 yaxistickpadding: '&',1351 yaxistickformat: '&',1352 yaxislabel: '@',1353 yaxisscale: '&',1354 yaxisdomain: '&',1355 yaxisrange: '&',1356 yaxisrangeband: '&',1357 yaxisrangebands: '&',1358 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1359 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1360 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1361 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1362 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1363 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1364 legendmargin: '&',1365 legendwidth: '@',1366 legendheight: '@',1367 legendkey: '@',1368 legendcolor: '&',1369 legendalign: '@',1370 legendrightalign: '@',1371 legendupdatestate: '@',1372 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1373 objectequality: '@',1374 transitionduration: '@'1375 },1376 controller: [1377 '$scope',1378 '$element',1379 '$attrs',1380 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1381 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1382 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1383 };1384 }1385 ],1386 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1387 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1388 if ( data ) {1389 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1390 if ( scope.chart ) {1391 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1392 }1393 nv.addGraph( {1394 generate: function () {1395 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1396 var chart = nv.models.discreteBarChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1397 return d[ 0 ];1398 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1399 return d[ 1 ];1400 } : scope.y() ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).showValues( attrs.showvalues === undefined ? false : attrs.showvalues === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).staggerLabels( attrs.staggerlabels === undefined ? false : attrs.staggerlabels === 'true' ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() );1401 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1402 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1403 }1404 if ( attrs.valueformat ) {1405 chart.valueFormat( scope.valueformat() );1406 }1407 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1408 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1409 scope.chart = chart;1410 return chart;1411 },1412 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1413 } );1414 }1415 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1416 }1417 };1418 }1419 ] ).directive( 'nvd3HistoricalBarChart', [1420 function () {1421 return {1422 restrict: 'EA',1423 scope: {1424 data: '=',1425 width: '@',1426 height: '@',1427 id: '@',1428 tooltips: '@',1429 tooltipcontent: '&',1430 color: '&',1431 margin: '&',1432 nodata: '@',1433 x: '&',1434 y: '&',1435 forcey: '@',1436 isarea: '@',1437 interactive: '@',1438 clipedge: '@',1439 clipvoronoi: '@',1440 interpolate: '@',1441 highlightPoint: '@',1442 clearHighlights: '@',1443 callback: '&',1444 useinteractiveguideline: '@',1445 xaxisorient: '&',1446 xaxisticks: '&',1447 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1448 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1449 xaxisticksize: '&',1450 xaxistickpadding: '&',1451 xaxistickformat: '&',1452 xaxislabel: '@',1453 xaxisscale: '&',1454 xaxisdomain: '&',1455 xaxisrange: '&',1456 xaxisrangeband: '&',1457 xaxisrangebands: '&',1458 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1459 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1460 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1461 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1462 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1463 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1464 yaxisorient: '&',1465 yaxisticks: '&',1466 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1467 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1468 yaxisticksize: '&',1469 yaxistickpadding: '&',1470 yaxistickformat: '&',1471 yaxislabel: '@',1472 yaxisscale: '&',1473 yaxisdomain: '&',1474 yaxisrange: '&',1475 yaxisrangeband: '&',1476 yaxisrangebands: '&',1477 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1478 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1479 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1480 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1481 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1482 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1483 legendmargin: '&',1484 legendwidth: '@',1485 legendheight: '@',1486 legendkey: '@',1487 legendcolor: '&',1488 legendalign: '@',1489 legendrightalign: '@',1490 legendupdatestate: '@',1491 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1492 objectequality: '@',1493 transitionduration: '@'1494 },1495 controller: [1496 '$scope',1497 '$element',1498 '$attrs',1499 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1500 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1501 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1502 };1503 }1504 ],1505 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1506 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1507 if ( data ) {1508 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1509 if ( scope.chart ) {1510 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1511 }1512 nv.addGraph( {1513 generate: function () {1514 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1515 var chart = nv.models.historicalBarChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1516 return d[ 0 ];1517 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1518 return d[ 1 ];1519 } : scope.y() ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() );1520 if ( chart.useInteractiveGuideline ) {1521 chart.useInteractiveGuideline( attrs.useinteractiveguideline === undefined ? false : attrs.useinteractiveguideline === 'true' );1522 }1523 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1524 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1525 }1526 if ( attrs.valueformat ) {1527 chart.valueFormat( scope.valueformat() );1528 }1529 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1530 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1531 scope.chart = chart;1532 return chart;1533 },1534 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1535 } );1536 }1537 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1538 }1539 };1540 }1541 ] ).directive( 'nvd3MultiBarHorizontalChart', [1542 function () {1543 return {1544 restrict: 'EA',1545 scope: {1546 data: '=',1547 width: '@',1548 height: '@',1549 id: '@',1550 showlegend: '@',1551 tooltips: '@',1552 tooltipcontent: '&',1553 color: '&',1554 showcontrols: '@',1555 margin: '&',1556 nodata: '@',1557 x: '&',1558 y: '&',1559 forcey: '@',1560 stacked: '@',1561 showvalues: '@',1562 valueformat: '&',1563 callback: '&',1564 xaxisorient: '&',1565 xaxisticks: '&',1566 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1567 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1568 xaxisticksize: '&',1569 xaxistickpadding: '&',1570 xaxistickformat: '&',1571 xaxislabel: '@',1572 xaxisscale: '&',1573 xaxisdomain: '&',1574 xaxisrange: '&',1575 xaxisrangeband: '&',1576 xaxisrangebands: '&',1577 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1578 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1579 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1580 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1581 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1582 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1583 yaxisorient: '&',1584 yaxisticks: '&',1585 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1586 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1587 yaxisticksize: '&',1588 yaxistickpadding: '&',1589 yaxistickformat: '&',1590 yaxislabel: '@',1591 yaxisscale: '&',1592 yaxisdomain: '&',1593 yaxisrange: '&',1594 yaxisrangeband: '&',1595 yaxisrangebands: '&',1596 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1597 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1598 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1599 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1600 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1601 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1602 legendmargin: '&',1603 legendwidth: '@',1604 legendheight: '@',1605 legendkey: '@',1606 legendcolor: '&',1607 legendalign: '@',1608 legendrightalign: '@',1609 legendupdatestate: '@',1610 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1611 objectequality: '@',1612 transitionduration: '@'1613 },1614 controller: [1615 '$scope',1616 '$element',1617 '$attrs',1618 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1619 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1620 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1621 };1622 }1623 ],1624 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1625 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1626 if ( data ) {1627 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1628 if ( scope.chart ) {1629 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1630 }1631 nv.addGraph( {1632 generate: function () {1633 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1634 var chart = nv.models.multiBarHorizontalChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1635 return d[ 0 ];1636 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1637 return d[ 1 ];1638 } : scope.y() ).showXAxis( attrs.showxaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showxaxis === 'true' ).showYAxis( attrs.showyaxis === undefined ? false : attrs.showyaxis === 'true' ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [ 0 ] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).showControls( attrs.showcontrols === undefined ? false : attrs.showcontrols === 'true' ).showValues( attrs.showvalues === undefined ? false : attrs.showvalues === 'true' ).stacked( attrs.stacked === undefined ? false : attrs.stacked === 'true' );1639 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1640 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1641 }1642 if ( attrs.valueformat ) {1643 chart.valueFormat( scope.valueformat() );1644 }1645 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1646 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1647 scope.chart = chart;1648 return chart;1649 },1650 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1651 } );1652 }1653 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1654 }1655 };1656 }1657 ] ).directive( 'nvd3PieChart', [1658 function () {1659 return {1660 restrict: 'EA',1661 scope: {1662 data: '=',1663 width: '@',1664 height: '@',1665 id: '@',1666 showlabels: '@',1667 showlegend: '@',1668 donutLabelsOutside: '@',1669 pieLabelsOutside: '@',1670 labelType: '@',1671 nodata: '@',1672 margin: '&',1673 x: '&',1674 y: '&',1675 color: '&',1676 donut: '@',1677 donutRatio: '@',1678 labelthreshold: '@',1679 description: '&',1680 tooltips: '@',1681 tooltipcontent: '&',1682 valueFormat: '&',1683 callback: '&',1684 legendmargin: '&',1685 legendwidth: '@',1686 legendheight: '@',1687 legendkey: '@',1688 legendcolor: '&',1689 legendalign: '@',1690 legendrightalign: '@',1691 legendupdatestate: '@',1692 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1693 objectequality: '@',1694 transitionduration: '@'1695 },1696 controller: [1697 '$scope',1698 '$element',1699 '$attrs',1700 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1701 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1702 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1703 };1704 }1705 ],1706 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1707 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1708 if ( data ) {1709 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1710 if ( scope.chart ) {1711 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1712 }1713 nv.addGraph( {1714 generate: function () {1715 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1716 var chart = nv.models.pieChart().x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1717 return d[ 0 ];1718 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1719 return d[ 1 ];1720 } : scope.y() ).width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).showLabels( attrs.showlabels === undefined ? false : attrs.showlabels === 'true' ).labelThreshold( attrs.labelthreshold === undefined ? 0.02 : attrs.labelthreshold ).labelType( attrs.labeltype === undefined ? 'key' : attrs.labeltype ).pieLabelsOutside( attrs.pielabelsoutside === undefined ? true : attrs.pielabelsoutside === 'true' ).valueFormat( attrs.valueformat === undefined ? d3.format( ',.2f' ) : attrs.valueformat ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).description( attrs.description === undefined ? function ( d ) {1721 return d.description;1722 } : scope.description() ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).donutLabelsOutside( attrs.donutlabelsoutside === undefined ? false : attrs.donutlabelsoutside === 'true' ).donut( attrs.donut === undefined ? false : attrs.donut === 'true' ).donutRatio( attrs.donutratio === undefined ? 0.5 : attrs.donutratio );1723 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {1724 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );1725 }1726 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1727 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1728 scope.chart = chart;1729 return chart;1730 },1731 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1732 } );1733 }1734 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1735 }1736 };1737 }1738 ] ).directive( 'nvd3ScatterChart', [1739 function () {1740 return {1741 restrict: 'EA',1742 scope: {1743 data: '=',1744 width: '@',1745 height: '@',1746 id: '@',1747 showlegend: '@',1748 tooltips: '@',1749 showcontrols: '@',1750 showDistX: '@',1751 showDistY: '@',1752 rightAlignYAxis: '@',1753 fisheye: '@',1754 xPadding: '@',1755 yPadding: '@',1756 tooltipContent: '&',1757 tooltipXContent: '&',1758 tooltipYContent: '&',1759 color: '&',1760 margin: '&',1761 nodata: '@',1762 transitionDuration: '@',1763 shape: '&',1764 onlyCircles: '@',1765 interactive: '@',1766 x: '&',1767 y: '&',1768 size: '&',1769 forceX: '@',1770 forceY: '@',1771 forceSize: '@',1772 xrange: '&',1773 xdomain: '&',1774 xscale: '&',1775 yrange: '&',1776 ydomain: '&',1777 yscale: '&',1778 sizerange: '&',1779 sizedomain: '&',1780 zscale: '&',1781 callback: '&',1782 xaxisorient: '&',1783 xaxisticks: '&',1784 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',1785 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',1786 xaxisticksize: '&',1787 xaxistickpadding: '&',1788 xaxistickformat: '&',1789 xaxislabel: '@',1790 xaxisscale: '&',1791 xaxisdomain: '&',1792 xaxisrange: '&',1793 xaxisrangeband: '&',1794 xaxisrangebands: '&',1795 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1796 xaxishighlightzero: '@',1797 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',1798 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',1799 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1800 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',1801 yaxisorient: '&',1802 yaxisticks: '&',1803 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',1804 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',1805 yaxisticksize: '&',1806 yaxistickpadding: '&',1807 yaxistickformat: '&',1808 yaxislabel: '@',1809 yaxisscale: '&',1810 yaxisdomain: '&',1811 yaxisrange: '&',1812 yaxisrangeband: '&',1813 yaxisrangebands: '&',1814 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',1815 yaxishighlightzero: '@',1816 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',1817 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',1818 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',1819 yaxislabeldistance: '@',1820 legendmargin: '&',1821 legendwidth: '@',1822 legendheight: '@',1823 legendkey: '@',1824 legendcolor: '&',1825 legendalign: '@',1826 legendrightalign: '@',1827 legendupdatestate: '@',1828 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',1829 objectequality: '@',1830 transitionduration: '@'1831 },1832 controller: [1833 '$scope',1834 '$element',1835 '$attrs',1836 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1837 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1838 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1839 };1840 }1841 ],1842 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1843 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1844 if ( data ) {1845 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.1846 if ( scope.chart ) {1847 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1848 }1849 nv.addGraph( {1850 generate: function () {1851 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1852 var chart = nv.models.scatterChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1853 return d.x;1854 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1855 return d.y;1856 } : scope.y() ).size( attrs.size === undefined ? function ( d ) {1857 return d.size === undefined ? 1 : d.size;1858 } : scope.size() ).forceX( attrs.forcex === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).forceSize( attrs.forcesize === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcesize ) ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).tooltipContent( attrs.tooltipContent === undefined ? null : scope.tooltipContent() ).tooltipXContent( attrs.tooltipxcontent === undefined ? function ( key, x ) {1859 return '<strong>' + x + '</​strong>';1860 } : scope.tooltipXContent() ).tooltipYContent( attrs.tooltipycontent === undefined ? function ( key, x, y ) {1861 return '<strong>' + y + '</​strong>';1862 } : scope.tooltipYContent() ).showControls( attrs.showcontrols === undefined ? false : attrs.showcontrols === 'true' ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).showDistX( attrs.showdistx === undefined ? false : attrs.showdistx === 'true' ).showDistY( attrs.showdisty === undefined ? false : attrs.showdisty === 'true' ).xPadding( attrs.xpadding === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.xpadding ).yPadding( attrs.ypadding === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.ypadding ).fisheye( attrs.fisheye === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.fisheye ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).transitionDuration( attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +attrs.transitionduration );1863 if ( attrs.shape ) {1864 chart.scatter.onlyCircles( false );1865 chart.scatter.shape( attrs.shape === undefined ? function ( d ) {1866 return d.shape || 'circle';1867 } : scope.shape() );1868 }1869 /​/​'pointActive', 'clipVoronoi', 'clipRadius', 'useVoronoi'1870 if ( attrs.xdomain ) {1871 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.xdomain ) ) ) {1872 chart.xDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.xdomain ) );1873 } else if ( typeof scope.xdomain() === 'function' ) {1874 chart.xDomain( scope.xdomain() );1875 }1876 }1877 if ( attrs.ydomain ) {1878 if ( Array.isArray( scope.$eval( attrs.ydomain ) ) ) {1879 chart.yDomain( scope.$eval( attrs.ydomain ) );1880 } else if ( typeof scope.ydomain() === 'function' ) {1881 chart.yDomain( scope.ydomain() );1882 }1883 }1884 if ( attrs.xscale ) {1885 chart.xDomain( scope.xdomain() );1886 chart.xRange( scope.xrange() );1887 chart.xScale( scope.xscale() );1888 }1889 if ( attrs.yscale ) {1890 chart.yDomain( scope.ydomain() );1891 chart.yRange( scope.yrange() );1892 chart.yScale( scope.yscale() );1893 }1894 if ( attrs.zscale ) {1895 chart.sizeDomain( scope.sizedomain() );1896 chart.sizeRange( scope.sizerange() );1897 chart.zScale( scope.zscale() );1898 }1899 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1900 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1901 scope.chart = chart;1902 return chart;1903 },1904 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1905 } );1906 }1907 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );1908 }1909 };1910 }1911 ] ).directive( 'nvd3ScatterPlusLineChart', [1912 function () {1913 return {1914 restrict: 'EA',1915 scope: {1916 data: '=',1917 width: '@',1918 height: '@',1919 id: '@',1920 callback: '&'1921 },1922 controller: [1923 '$scope',1924 '$element',1925 '$attrs',1926 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {1927 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {1928 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );1929 };1930 }1931 ],1932 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {1933 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {1934 if ( data ) {1935 if ( scope.chart ) {1936 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );1937 }1938 nv.addGraph( {1939 generate: function () {1940 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );1941 var chart = nv.models.scatterPlusLineChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {1942 return d.x;1943 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {1944 return d.y;1945 } : scope.y() ).size( attrs.size === undefined ? function ( d ) {1946 return d.size === undefined ? 1 : d.size;1947 } : scope.size() ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).tooltipContent( attrs.tooltipContent === undefined ? null : scope.tooltipContent() ).tooltipXContent( attrs.tooltipxcontent === undefined ? function ( key, x ) {1948 return '<strong>' + x + '</​strong>';1949 } : scope.tooltipXContent() ).tooltipYContent( attrs.tooltipycontent === undefined ? function ( key, x, y ) {1950 return '<strong>' + y + '</​strong>';1951 } : scope.tooltipYContent() ).showControls( attrs.showcontrols === undefined ? false : attrs.showcontrols === 'true' ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).showDistX( attrs.showdistx === undefined ? false : attrs.showdistx === 'true' ).showDistY( attrs.showdisty === undefined ? false : attrs.showdisty === 'true' ).xPadding( attrs.xpadding === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.xpadding ).yPadding( attrs.ypadding === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.ypadding ).fisheye( attrs.fisheye === undefined ? 0 : +attrs.fisheye ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).transitionDuration( attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +attrs.transitionduration );1952 if ( attrs.shape ) {1953 chart.scatter.onlyCircles( false );1954 chart.scatter.shape( attrs.shape === undefined ? function ( d ) {1955 return d.shape || 'circle';1956 } : scope.shape() );1957 }1958 scope.d3Call( data, chart );1959 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );1960 scope.chart = chart;1961 return chart;1962 },1963 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()1964 } );1965 }1966 } );1967 }1968 };1969 }1970 ] ).directive( 'nvd3LinePlusBarChart', [1971 function () {1972 return {1973 restrict: 'EA',1974 scope: {1975 data: '=',1976 width: '@',1977 height: '@',1978 id: '@',1979 showlegend: '@',1980 tooltips: '@',1981 showxaxis: '@',1982 showyaxis: '@',1983 forceX: '@',1984 forceY: '@',1985 forceY2: '@',1986 rightalignyaxis: '@',1987 defaultstate: '@',1988 nodata: '@',1989 margin: '&',1990 tooltipcontent: '&',1991 color: '&',1992 x: '&',1993 y: '&',1994 clipvoronoi: '@',1995 interpolate: '@',1996 callback: '&',1997 xaxisorient: '&',1998 xaxisticks: '&',1999 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',2000 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',2001 xaxisticksize: '&',2002 xaxistickpadding: '&',2003 xaxistickformat: '&',2004 xaxislabel: '@',2005 xaxisscale: '&',2006 xaxisdomain: '&',2007 xaxisrange: '&',2008 xaxisrangeband: '&',2009 xaxisrangebands: '&',2010 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',2011 xaxishighlightzero: '@',2012 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',2013 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',2014 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',2015 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',2016 y1axisorient: '&',2017 y1axisticks: '&',2018 y1axistickvalues: '&y1axistickvalues',2019 y1axisticksubdivide: '&',2020 y1axisticksize: '&',2021 y1axistickpadding: '&',2022 y1axistickformat: '&',2023 y1axislabel: '@',2024 y1axisscale: '&',2025 y1axisdomain: '&',2026 y1axisrange: '&',2027 y1axisrangeband: '&',2028 y1axisrangebands: '&',2029 y1axisshowmaxmin: '@',2030 y1axishighlightzero: '@',2031 y1axisrotatelabels: '@',2032 y1axisrotateylabel: '@',2033 y1axisstaggerlabels: '@',2034 y1axisaxislabeldistance: '@',2035 y2axisorient: '&',2036 y2axisticks: '&',2037 y2axistickvalues: '&y2axistickvalues',2038 y2axisticksubdivide: '&',2039 y2axisticksize: '&',2040 y2axistickpadding: '&',2041 y2axistickformat: '&',2042 y2axislabel: '@',2043 y2axisscale: '&',2044 y2axisdomain: '&',2045 y2axisrange: '&',2046 y2axisrangeband: '&',2047 y2axisrangebands: '&',2048 y2axisshowmaxmin: '@',2049 y2axishighlightzero: '@',2050 y2axisrotatelabels: '@',2051 y2axisrotateylabel: '@',2052 y2axisstaggerlabels: '@',2053 y2axisaxislabeldistance: '@',2054 legendmargin: '&',2055 legendwidth: '@',2056 legendheight: '@',2057 legendkey: '@',2058 legendcolor: '&',2059 legendalign: '@',2060 legendrightalign: '@',2061 legendupdatestate: '@',2062 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',2063 objectequality: '@',2064 transitionduration: '@'2065 },2066 controller: [2067 '$scope',2068 '$element',2069 '$attrs',2070 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {2071 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {2072 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );2073 };2074 }2075 ],2076 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {2077 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {2078 if ( data ) {2079 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.2080 if ( scope.chart ) {2081 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );2082 }2083 nv.addGraph( {2084 generate: function () {2085 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );2086 var chart = nv.models.linePlusBarChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {2087 return d[ 0 ];2088 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {2089 return d[ 1 ];2090 } : scope.y() ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).interpolate( attrs.interpolate === undefined ? 'linear' : attrs.interpolate ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() );2091 if ( attrs.forcex ) {2092 chart.lines.forceX( scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) );2093 chart.bars.forceX( scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) );2094 }2095 if ( attrs.forcey ) {2096 chart.lines.forceY( scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) );2097 chart.bars.forceY( scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) );2098 }2099 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {2100 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );2101 }2102 scope.d3Call( data, chart );2103 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );2104 scope.chart = chart;2105 return chart;2106 },2107 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()2108 } );2109 }2110 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );2111 }2112 };2113 }2114 ] ).directive( 'nvd3LineWithFocusChart', [2115 function () {2116 return {2117 restrict: 'EA',2118 scope: {2119 data: '=',2120 width: '@',2121 height: '@',2122 height2: '@',2123 id: '@',2124 showlegend: '@',2125 tooltips: '@',2126 showxaxis: '@',2127 showyaxis: '@',2128 rightalignyaxis: '@',2129 defaultstate: '@',2130 nodata: '@',2131 margin: '&',2132 margin2: '&',2133 tooltipcontent: '&',2134 color: '&',2135 x: '&',2136 y: '&',2137 forceX: '@',2138 forceY: '@',2139 clipedge: '@',2140 clipvoronoi: '@',2141 interpolate: '@',2142 isArea: '@',2143 size: '&',2144 defined: '&',2145 interactive: '@',2146 callback: '&',2147 xaxisorient: '&',2148 xaxisticks: '&',2149 xaxistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',2150 xaxisticksubdivide: '&',2151 xaxisticksize: '&',2152 xaxistickpadding: '&',2153 xaxistickformat: '&',2154 xaxislabel: '@',2155 xaxisscale: '&',2156 xaxisdomain: '&',2157 xaxisrange: '&',2158 xaxisrangeband: '&',2159 xaxisrangebands: '&',2160 xaxisshowmaxmin: '@',2161 xaxishighlightzero: '@',2162 xaxisrotatelabels: '@',2163 xaxisrotateylabel: '@',2164 xaxisstaggerlabels: '@',2165 xaxisaxislabeldistance: '@',2166 x2axisorient: '&',2167 x2axisticks: '&',2168 x2axistickvalues: '&xaxistickvalues',2169 x2axisticksubdivide: '&',2170 x2axisticksize: '&',2171 x2axistickpadding: '&',2172 x2axistickformat: '&',2173 x2axislabel: '@',2174 x2axisscale: '&',2175 x2axisdomain: '&',2176 x2axisrange: '&',2177 x2axisrangeband: '&',2178 x2axisrangebands: '&',2179 x2axisshowmaxmin: '@',2180 x2axishighlightzero: '@',2181 x2axisrotatelables: '@',2182 x2axisrotateylabel: '@',2183 x2axisstaggerlabels: '@',2184 yaxisorient: '&',2185 yaxisticks: '&',2186 yaxistickvalues: '&yaxistickvalues',2187 yaxisticksubdivide: '&',2188 yaxisticksize: '&',2189 yaxistickpadding: '&',2190 yaxistickformat: '&',2191 yaxislabel: '@',2192 yaxisscale: '&',2193 yaxisdomain: '&',2194 yaxisrange: '&',2195 yaxisrangeband: '&',2196 yaxisrangebands: '&',2197 yaxisshowmaxmin: '@',2198 yaxishighlightzero: '@',2199 yaxisrotatelabels: '@',2200 yaxisrotateylabel: '@',2201 yaxisstaggerlabels: '@',2202 yaxislabeldistance: '@',2203 y2axisorient: '&',2204 y2axisticks: '&',2205 y2axistickvalues: '&',2206 y2axisticksubdivide: '&',2207 y2axisticksize: '&',2208 y2axistickpadding: '&',2209 y2axistickformat: '&',2210 y2axislabel: '@',2211 y2axisscale: '&',2212 y2axisdomain: '&',2213 y2axisrange: '&',2214 y2axisrangeband: '&',2215 y2axisrangebands: '&',2216 y2axisshowmaxmin: '@',2217 y2axishighlightzero: '@',2218 y2axisrotatelabels: '@',2219 y2axisrotateylabel: '@',2220 y2axisstaggerlabels: '@',2221 legendmargin: '&',2222 legendwidth: '@',2223 legendheight: '@',2224 legendkey: '@',2225 legendcolor: '&',2226 legendalign: '@',2227 legendrightalign: '@',2228 legendupdatestate: '@',2229 legendradiobuttonmode: '@',2230 objectequality: '@',2231 transitionduration: '@'2232 },2233 controller: [2234 '$scope',2235 '$element',2236 '$attrs',2237 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {2238 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {2239 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );2240 };2241 }2242 ],2243 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {2244 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {2245 if ( data ) {2246 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.2247 if ( scope.chart ) {2248 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );2249 }2250 nv.addGraph( {2251 generate: function () {2252 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );2253 /​/​setup height 22254 /​/​height 2 is 1002255 /​/​margin2256 /​/​nvd3 default is {top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 60}2257 /​/​setup margin 22258 /​/​nvd3 default is {top: 0, right: 30, bottom: 20, left: 60}2259 if ( attrs.margin2 ) {2260 var margin2 = scope.$eval( attrs.margin2 );2261 if ( typeof margin2 !== 'object' ) {2262 /​/​ we were passed a vanilla int, convert to full margin object2263 margin2 = {2264 left: margin2,2265 top: margin2,2266 bottom: margin2,2267 right: margin22268 };2269 }2270 scope.margin2 = margin2;2271 } else {2272 scope.margin2 = {2273 top: 0,2274 right: 30,2275 bottom: 20,2276 left: 602277 };2278 }2279 /​/​'xDomain', 'yDomain', 'xRange', 'yRange', ''clipEdge', 'clipVoronoi'2280 var chart = nv.models.lineWithFocusChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).height2( attrs.height2 === undefined ? 100 : +attrs.height2 ).margin( scope.margin ).margin2( scope.margin2 ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {2281 return d[ 0 ];2282 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {2283 return d[ 1 ];2284 } : scope.y() ).forceX( attrs.forcex === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcex ) ).forceY( attrs.forcey === undefined ? [] : scope.$eval( attrs.forcey ) ).showLegend( attrs.showlegend === undefined ? false : attrs.showlegend === 'true' ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.defaultColor() : scope.color() ).isArea( attrs.isarea === undefined ? function ( d ) {2285 return d.area;2286 } : function () {2287 return attrs.isarea === 'true';2288 } ).size( attrs.size === undefined ? function ( d ) {2289 return d.size === undefined ? 1 : d.size;2290 } : scope.size() ).interactive( attrs.interactive === undefined ? false : attrs.interactive === 'true' ).interpolate( attrs.interpolate === undefined ? 'linear' : attrs.interpolate );2291 if ( attrs.defined ) {2292 chart.defined( scope.defined() );2293 }2294 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {2295 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );2296 }2297 scope.d3Call( data, chart );2298 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );2299 scope.chart = chart;2300 return chart;2301 },2302 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()2303 } );2304 }2305 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );2306 }2307 };2308 }2309 ] ).directive( 'nvd3BulletChart', [2310 function () {2311 return {2312 restrict: 'EA',2313 scope: {2314 data: '=',2315 width: '@',2316 height: '@',2317 id: '@',2318 margin: '&',2319 tooltips: '@',2320 tooltipcontent: '&',2321 orient: '@',2322 ranges: '&',2323 markers: '&',2324 measures: '&',2325 tickformat: '&',2326 nodata: '@',2327 callback: '&',2328 objectequality: '@',2329 transitionduration: '@'2330 },2331 controller: [2332 '$scope',2333 '$element',2334 '$attrs',2335 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {2336 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {2337 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );2338 };2339 }2340 ],2341 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {2342 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {2343 if ( data ) {2344 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.2345 if ( scope.chart ) {2346 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );2347 }2348 nv.addGraph( {2349 generate: function () {2350 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );2351 var chart = nv.models.bulletChart().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).orient( attrs.orient === undefined ? 'left' : attrs.orient ).tickFormat( attrs.tickformat === undefined ? null : scope.tickformat() ).tooltips( attrs.tooltips === undefined ? false : attrs.tooltips === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata );2352 if ( attrs.tooltipcontent ) {2353 chart.tooltipContent( scope.tooltipcontent() );2354 }2355 scope.d3Call( data, chart );2356 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );2357 scope.chart = chart;2358 return chart;2359 },2360 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()2361 } );2362 }2363 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );2364 }2365 };2366 }2367 ] ).directive( 'nvd3SparklineChart', [2368 function () {2369 return {2370 restrict: 'EA',2371 scope: {2372 data: '=',2373 width: '@',2374 height: '@',2375 id: '@',2376 margin: '&',2377 x: '&',2378 y: '&',2379 color: '&',2380 xscale: '&',2381 yscale: '&',2382 showvalue: '@',2383 alignvalue: '@',2384 rightalignvalue: '@',2385 nodata: '@',2386 callback: '&',2387 xtickformat: '&',2388 ytickformat: '&',2389 objectequality: '@',2390 transitionduration: '@'2391 },2392 controller: [2393 '$scope',2394 '$element',2395 '$attrs',2396 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {2397 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {2398 checkElementID( $scope, $attrs, $element, chart, data );2399 };2400 }2401 ],2402 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {2403 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {2404 if ( data ) {2405 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.2406 if ( scope.chart ) {2407 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );2408 }2409 nv.addGraph( {2410 generate: function () {2411 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );2412 var chart = nv.models.sparklinePlus().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {2413 return d.x;2414 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {2415 return d.y;2416 } : scope.y() ).xTickFormat( attrs.xtickformat === undefined ? d3.format( ',r' ) : scope.xtickformat() ).yTickFormat( attrs.ytickformat === undefined ? d3.format( ',.2f' ) : scope.ytickformat() ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.getColor( [ '#000' ] ) : scope.color() ).showValue( attrs.showvalue === undefined ? true : attrs.showvalue === 'true' ).alignValue( attrs.alignvalue === undefined ? true : attrs.alignvalue === 'true' ).rightAlignValue( attrs.rightalignvalue === undefined ? false : attrs.rightalignvalue === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata );2417 if ( attrs.xScale ) {2418 chart.xScale( scope.xScale() );2419 }2420 if ( attrs.yScale ) {2421 chart.yScale( scope.yScale() );2422 }2423 scope.d3Call( data, chart );2424 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );2425 scope.chart = chart;2426 return chart;2427 },2428 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()2429 } );2430 }2431 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );2432 }2433 };2434 }2435 ] ).directive( 'nvd3SparklineWithBandlinesChart', [2436 function () {2437 /​**2438 * http:/​/​​articles/​visual_business_intelligence/​introducing_bandlines.pdf2439 * You need five primary facts about a set of time-series values to construct a bandline:2440 * 1) the lowest value,2441 * 2) the 25th percentile (i.e., the point at and below which the lowest 25% of the values reside),2442 * 3) the median (a.k.a., the 50th percentile, the point at and below which 50% of the values reside),2443 * 4) the 75th percentile (i.e., the point at and below which 75% of the values reside), and2444 * 5) the highest value.2445 */​2446 return {2447 restrict: 'EA',2448 scope: {2449 data: '=',2450 width: '@',2451 height: '@',2452 id: '@',2453 margin: '&',2454 x: '&',2455 y: '&',2456 color: '&',2457 xscale: '&',2458 yscale: '&',2459 showvalue: '@',2460 alignvalue: '@',2461 rightalignvalue: '@',2462 nodata: '@',2463 callback: '&',2464 xtickformat: '&',2465 ytickformat: '&',2466 objectequality: '@',2467 transitionduration: '@'2468 },2469 controller: [2470 '$scope',2471 '$element',2472 '$attrs',2473 function ( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {2474 /​/​expect scope to contain bandlineProperties2475 $scope.d3Call = function ( data, chart ) {2476 var dataAttributeChartID;2477 /​/​randomly generated if id attribute doesn't exist2478 var selectedChart;2479 var sLineSelection;2480 var bandlineData;2481 var bandLines;2482 if ( !$ ) {2483 dataAttributeChartID = 'chartid' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000001 );2484 angular.element( $element ).attr( 'data-chartid', dataAttributeChartID );2485 selectedChart = '[data-iem-chartid=' + dataAttributeChartID + '] svg' ).attr( 'height', $scope.height ).attr( 'width', $scope.width ).datum( data );2486 /​/​chart.yScale()($scope.bandlineProperties.median)2487 /​/​var sLineSelection ='svg#' + $ + ' g.nvd3.nv-wrap.nv-sparkline');2488 sLineSelection = '[data-iem-chartid=' + dataAttributeChartID + '] svg' + ' g.nvd3.nv-wrap.nv-sparkline' );2489 bandlineData = [2490 $scope.bandlineProperties.min,2491 $scope.bandlineProperties.twentyFithPercentile,2492 $scope.bandlineProperties.median,2493 $scope.bandlineProperties.seventyFithPercentile,2494 $scope.bandlineProperties.max2495 ];2496 bandLines = sLineSelection.selectAll( '.nv-bandline' ).data( [ bandlineData ] );2497 bandLines.enter().append( 'g' ).attr( 'class', 'nv-bandline' );2498 selectedChart.transition().duration( $attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +$attrs.transitionduration ).call( chart );2499 } else {2500 if ( ! '#' + $ + ' svg' ) ) {2501 '#' + $ ).append( 'svg' );2502 }2503 selectedChart = '#' + $ + ' svg' ).attr( 'height', $scope.height ).attr( 'width', $scope.width ).datum( data );2504 /​/​chart.yScale()($scope.bandlineProperties.median)2505 sLineSelection = 'svg#' + $ + ' g.nvd3.nv-wrap.nv-sparkline' );2506 bandlineData = [2507 $scope.bandlineProperties.min,2508 $scope.bandlineProperties.twentyFithPercentile,2509 $scope.bandlineProperties.median,2510 $scope.bandlineProperties.seventyFithPercentile,2511 $scope.bandlineProperties.max2512 ];2513 bandLines = sLineSelection.selectAll( '.nv-bandline' ).data( [ bandlineData ] );2514 bandLines.enter().append( 'g' ).attr( 'class', 'nv-bandline' );2515 selectedChart.transition().duration( $attrs.transitionduration === undefined ? 250 : +$attrs.transitionduration ).call( chart );2516 }2517 };2518 }2519 ],2520 link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {2521 scope.$watch( 'data', function ( data ) {2522 if ( data ) {2523 /​/​if the chart exists on the scope, do not call addGraph again, update data and call the chart.2524 if ( scope.chart ) {2525 return scope.d3Call( data, scope.chart );2526 }2527 nv.addGraph( {2528 generate: function () {2529 scope.bandlineProperties = {};2530 var sortedValues;2531 initializeMargin( scope, attrs );2532 var chart = nv.models.sparklinePlus().width( scope.width ).height( scope.height ).margin( scope.margin ).x( attrs.x === undefined ? function ( d ) {2533 return d.x;2534 } : scope.x() ).y( attrs.y === undefined ? function ( d ) {2535 return d.y;2536 } : scope.y() ).xTickFormat( attrs.xtickformat === undefined ? d3.format( ',r' ) : scope.xtickformat() ).yTickFormat( attrs.ytickformat === undefined ? d3.format( ',.2f' ) : scope.ytickformat() ).color( attrs.color === undefined ? nv.utils.getColor( [ '#000' ] ) : scope.color() ).showValue( attrs.showvalue === undefined ? true : attrs.showvalue === 'true' ).alignValue( attrs.alignvalue === undefined ? true : attrs.alignvalue === 'true' ).rightAlignValue( attrs.rightalignvalue === undefined ? false : attrs.rightalignvalue === 'true' ).noData( attrs.nodata === undefined ? 'No Data Available.' : scope.nodata );2537 /​/​calc bandline data2538 scope.bandlineProperties.min = d3.min( data, function ( d ) {2539 return d[ 1 ];2540 } );2541 scope.bandlineProperties.max = d3.max( data, function ( d ) {2542 return d[ 1 ];2543 } );2544 sortedValues = function ( d ) {2545 return d[ 1 ];2546 } ).sort( function ( a, b ) {2547 if ( a[ 0 ] < b[ 0 ] ) {2548 return -1;2549 } else if ( a[ 0 ] === b[ 0 ] ) {2550 return 0;2551 } else {2552 return 1;2553 }2554 } );2555 scope.bandlineProperties.twentyFithPercentile = d3.quantile( sortedValues, 0.25 );2556 scope.bandlineProperties.median = d3.median( sortedValues );2557 scope.bandlineProperties.seventyFithPercentile = d3.quantile( sortedValues, 0.75 );2558 if ( attrs.xScale ) {2559 chart.xScale( scope.xScale() );2560 }2561 if ( attrs.yScale ) {2562 chart.yScale( scope.yScale() );2563 }2564 configureXaxis( chart, scope, attrs );2565 configureYaxis( chart, scope, attrs );2566 processEvents( chart, scope );2567 scope.d3Call( data, chart );2568 nv.utils.windowResize( chart.update );2569 scope.chart = chart;2570 return chart;2571 },2572 callback: attrs.callback === undefined ? null : scope.callback()2573 } );2574 }2575 }, attrs.objectequality === undefined ? false : attrs.objectequality === 'true' );2576 }2577 };2578 }2579 ] ); /​/​still need to implement2580 /​/​sparkbars??2581 /​/​nv.models.multiBarTimeSeriesChart2582 /​/​nv.models.multiChart2583 /​/​nv.models.scatterPlusLineChart2584 /​/​nv.models.linePlusBarWithFocusChart2585 /​/​dual y-axis chart2586 /​/​crossfilter using $services?...

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1# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one2# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file3# distributed with this work for additional information4# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file5# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the6# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance7# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at8#9# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.010#11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,12# software distributed under the License is distributed on an13# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY14# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the15# specific language governing permissions and limitations16# under the License.17# coding: utf-818""" Module for translating ONNX operators into Mxnet operatoes"""19# pylint: disable=unused-argument,protected-access20import numpy as np21from . import _translation_utils as translation_utils22from .... import symbol23# Method definitions for the callable objects mapped in the import_helper module24def identity(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):25 """Returns the identity function of the input."""26 return 'identity', attrs, inputs27def random_uniform(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):28 """Draw random samples from a uniform distribtuion."""29 try:30 from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE31 except ImportError:32 raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "33 "Instructions to install - https:/​/​​onnx/​onnx")34 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['seed'])35 new_attrs['dtype'] = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[int(new_attrs.get('dtype', 1))]36 return 'random_uniform', new_attrs, inputs37def random_normal(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):38 """Draw random samples from a Gaussian distribution."""39 try:40 from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE41 except ImportError:42 raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "43 "Instructions to install - https:/​/​​onnx/​onnx")44 new_attr = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['seed'])45 new_attr = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(new_attr, {'mean': 'loc'})46 new_attr['dtype'] = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[int(new_attr.get('dtype', 1))]47 return 'random_normal', new_attr, inputs48def sample_multinomial(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):49 """Draw random samples from a multinomial distribution."""50 try:51 from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE52 except ImportError:53 raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "54 + "Instructions to install - https:/​/​​onnx/​onnx")55 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['seed'])56 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(new_attrs, {'sample_size': 'shape'})57 new_attrs['dtype'] = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[int(attrs.get('dtype', 6))]58 return 'sample_multinomial', new_attrs, inputs59# Arithmetic Operations60def add(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):61 """Adding two tensors"""62 new_attr = {}63 if 'broadcast' in attrs and attrs['broadcast'] == 1:64 broadcast_axis = attrs['axis']65 op_value = translation_utils._fix_broadcast('broadcast_add', inputs,66 broadcast_axis, proto_obj)67 return op_value, new_attr, inputs68 return 'broadcast_add', new_attr, inputs69def subtract(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):70 """Subtracting two tensors"""71 new_attr = {}72 if 'broadcast' in attrs and attrs['broadcast'] == 1:73 broadcast_axis = attrs['axis']74 op_value = translation_utils._fix_broadcast('broadcast_sub', inputs,75 broadcast_axis, proto_obj)76 return op_value, new_attr, inputs77 return 'broadcast_sub', new_attr, inputs78def multiply(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):79 """Multiply two tensors"""80 new_attr = {}81 if 'broadcast' in attrs and attrs['broadcast'] == 1:82 broadcast_axis = attrs['axis']83 op_value = translation_utils._fix_broadcast('broadcast_mul', inputs,84 broadcast_axis, proto_obj)85 return op_value, new_attr, inputs86 return 'broadcast_mul', new_attr, inputs87def divide(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):88 """Divide two tensors"""89 new_attr = {}90 if 'broadcast' in attrs and attrs['broadcast'] == 1:91 broadcast_axis = attrs['axis']92 op_value = translation_utils._fix_broadcast('broadcast_div', inputs,93 broadcast_axis, proto_obj)94 return op_value, new_attr, inputs95 return 'broadcast_div', new_attr, inputs96def mean(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):97 """Mean of all the input tensors."""98 concat_input = [symbol.expand_dims(op_input, axis=0) for op_input in inputs]99 concat_sym = symbol.concat(*concat_input, dim=0)100 mean_sym = symbol.mean(concat_sym, axis=0)101 return mean_sym, attrs, inputs102def logical_and(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):103 """Logical and of two input arrays."""104 return 'broadcast_logical_and', attrs, inputs105def logical_or(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):106 """Logical or of two input arrays."""107 return 'broadcast_logical_or', attrs, inputs108def logical_xor(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):109 """Logical xor of two input arrays."""110 return 'broadcast_logical_xor', attrs, inputs111def logical_not(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):112 """Logical not of two input arrays."""113 return 'logical_not', attrs, inputs114def absolute(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):115 """Returns element-wise absolute value of the input."""116 return 'abs', attrs, inputs117def negative(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):118 """Negation of every element in a tensor"""119 return 'negative', attrs, inputs120def add_n(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):121 """Elementwise sum of arrays"""122 return 'add_n', attrs, inputs123# Sorting and Searching124def argmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):125 """Returns indices of the maximum values along an axis"""126 axis = attrs.get('axis', 0)127 keepdims = attrs.get('keepdims', 1)128 argmax_op = symbol.argmax(inputs[0], axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)129 # onnx argmax operator always expects int64 as output type130 cast_attrs = {'dtype': 'int64'}131 return 'cast', cast_attrs, argmax_op132def argmin(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):133 """Returns indices of the minimum values along an axis."""134 axis = attrs.get('axis', 0)135 keepdims = attrs.get('keepdims', 1)136 argmin_op = symbol.argmin(inputs[0], axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)137 # onnx argmax operator always expects int64 as output type138 cast_attrs = {'dtype': 'int64'}139 return 'cast', cast_attrs, argmin_op140def maximum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):141 """142 Elementwise maximum of arrays.143 MXNet maximum compares only two symbols at a time.144 ONNX can send more than two to compare.145 Breaking into multiple mxnet ops to compare two symbols at a time146 """147 if len(inputs) > 1:148 mxnet_op = symbol.maximum(inputs[0], inputs[1])149 for op_input in inputs[2:]:150 mxnet_op = symbol.maximum(mxnet_op, op_input)151 else:152 mxnet_op = symbol.maximum(inputs[0], inputs[0])153 return mxnet_op, attrs, inputs154def minimum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):155 """Elementwise minimum of arrays."""156 # MXNet minimum compares only two symbols at a time.157 # ONNX can send more than two to compare.158 # Breaking into multiple mxnet ops to compare two symbols at a time159 if len(inputs) > 1:160 mxnet_op = symbol.minimum(inputs[0], inputs[1])161 for op_input in inputs[2:]:162 mxnet_op = symbol.minimum(mxnet_op, op_input)163 else:164 mxnet_op = symbol.minimum(inputs[0], inputs[0])165 return mxnet_op, attrs, inputs166def lesser(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):167 """Logical Lesser operator with broadcasting."""168 return 'broadcast_lesser', attrs, inputs169def greater(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):170 """Logical Greater operator with broadcasting."""171 return 'broadcast_greater', attrs, inputs172def equal(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):173 """Logical Equal operator with broadcasting."""174 return 'broadcast_equal', attrs, inputs175#Hyperbolic functions176def tanh(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):177 """Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input array."""178 return 'tanh', attrs, inputs179# Rounding180def ceil(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):181 """ Calculate ceil value for input """182 return 'ceil', attrs, inputs183def floor(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):184 """ Calculate floor value for input """185 return 'floor', attrs, inputs186# Joining and spliting187def concat(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):188 """ Joins input arrays along a given axis. """189 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axis': 'dim'})190 return 'concat', new_attrs, inputs191# Basic neural network functions192def softsign(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):193 """Computes softsign of x element-wise."""194 return 'softsign', attrs, inputs195def sigmoid(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):196 """Computes elementwise sigmoid of the input array"""197 return 'sigmoid', attrs, inputs198def hardsigmoid(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):199 """Computes elementwise hard sigmoid of the input array"""200 return 'hard_sigmoid', attrs, inputs201def relu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):202 """Computes rectified linear function."""203 return 'relu', attrs, inputs204def pad(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):205 """ Add padding to input tensor"""206 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'pads' : 'pad_width',207 'value' : 'constant_value'208 })209 new_attrs['pad_width'] = translation_utils._pad_sequence_fix(new_attrs.get('pad_width'))210 return 'pad', new_attrs, inputs211def matrix_multiplication(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):212 """Performs general matrix multiplication"""213 return 'linalg_gemm2', attrs, inputs214def batch_norm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):215 """Batch normalization."""216 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'epsilon': 'eps',217 'is_test': 'fix_gamma'})218 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs,219 ['spatial', 'consumed_inputs'])220 # Disable cuDNN BN only if epsilon from model is < than minimum cuDNN eps (1e-5)221 cudnn_min_eps = 1e-5222 cudnn_off = 0 if attrs.get('epsilon', cudnn_min_eps) >= cudnn_min_eps else 1223 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'cudnn_off': cudnn_off})224 # in test mode "fix_gamma" should be unset.225 new_attrs['fix_gamma'] = not attrs.get('is_test', 1)226 return 'BatchNorm', new_attrs, inputs227def instance_norm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):228 """Instance Normalization."""229 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'epsilon' : 'eps'})230 new_attrs['eps'] = attrs.get('epsilon', 1e-5)231 return 'InstanceNorm', new_attrs, inputs232def leaky_relu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):233 """Leaky Relu function"""234 if 'alpha' in attrs:235 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'alpha' : 'slope'})236 else:237 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'slope': 0.01})238 return 'LeakyReLU', new_attrs, inputs239def _elu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):240 """Elu function"""241 if 'alpha' in attrs:242 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'alpha' : 'slope'})243 else:244 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'slope': 1.0})245 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'act_type': 'elu'})246 return 'LeakyReLU', new_attrs, inputs247def _prelu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):248 """PRelu function"""249 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'act_type': 'prelu'})250 return 'LeakyReLU', new_attrs, inputs251def _selu(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):252 """Selu function"""253 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'act_type': 'selu'})254 return 'LeakyReLU', new_attrs, inputs255def softmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):256 """Softmax function."""257 if 'axis' not in attrs:258 attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'axis': 1})259 return 'softmax', attrs, inputs260def log_softmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):261 """Computes the log softmax of the input. This is equivalent to262 computing softmax followed by log."""263 return 'log_softmax', attrs, inputs264def softplus(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):265 """Applies the sofplus activation function element-wise to the input."""266 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'act_type' : 'softrelu'})267 return 'Activation', new_attrs, inputs268def conv(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):269 """Compute N-D convolution on (N+2)-D input."""270 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'kernel_shape' : 'kernel',271 'strides' : 'stride',272 'pads': 'pad',273 'dilations': 'dilate',274 'group': 'num_group'})275 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'num_group' : 1})276 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_bias('Convolution', new_attrs, len(inputs))277 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_channels('Convolution', new_attrs, inputs, proto_obj)278 kernel = new_attrs['kernel']279 stride = new_attrs['stride'] if 'stride' in new_attrs else []280 padding = new_attrs['pad'] if 'pad' in new_attrs else []281 dilations = new_attrs['dilate'] if 'dilate' in new_attrs else []282 num_filter = new_attrs['num_filter']283 num_group = new_attrs['num_group']284 no_bias = new_attrs['no_bias'] if 'no_bias' in new_attrs else 0285 bias = None if no_bias is True else inputs[2]286 # Unlike ONNX, MXNet's convolution operator does not support asymmetric padding, so we first287 # use 'Pad' operator, which supports asymmetric padding. Then use the convolution operator.288 pad_width = (0, 0, 0, 0) + translation_utils._pad_sequence_fix(padding, kernel_dim=len(kernel))289 pad_op = symbol.pad(inputs[0], mode='constant', pad_width=pad_width)290 conv_op = symbol.Convolution(pad_op, inputs[1], bias,291 kernel=kernel, stride=stride, dilate=dilations,292 num_filter=num_filter, num_group=num_group, no_bias=no_bias)293 return conv_op, new_attrs, inputs294def deconv(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):295 """Computes transposed convolution of the input tensor."""296 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'kernel_shape' : 'kernel',297 'strides' : 'stride',298 'pads': 'pad',299 'dilations': 'dilate',300 'group': 'num_group'})301 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'num_group' : 1})302 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_bias('Deconvolution', new_attrs, len(inputs))303 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_channels('Deconvolution', new_attrs, inputs, proto_obj)304 kernel = new_attrs['kernel']305 stride = new_attrs['stride'] if 'stride' in new_attrs else []306 padding = new_attrs['pad'] if 'pad' in new_attrs else []307 dilations = new_attrs['dilate'] if 'dilate' in new_attrs else []308 num_filter = new_attrs['num_filter']309 num_group = new_attrs['num_group']310 no_bias = new_attrs['no_bias'] if 'no_bias' in new_attrs else False311 bias = None if no_bias is True else inputs[2]312 # Unlike ONNX, MXNet's deconvolution operator does not support asymmetric padding, so we first313 # use 'Pad' operator, which supports asymmetric padding. Then use the deconvolution operator.314 pad_width = (0, 0, 0, 0) + translation_utils._pad_sequence_fix(padding, kernel_dim=len(kernel))315 pad_op = symbol.pad(inputs[0], mode='constant', pad_width=pad_width)316 deconv_op = symbol.Deconvolution(pad_op, inputs[1], bias,317 kernel=kernel, stride=stride, dilate=dilations,318 num_filter=num_filter, num_group=num_group, no_bias=no_bias)319 return deconv_op, new_attrs, inputs320def fully_connected(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):321 """Applies a linear transformation: Y=XWT+b."""322 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['axis'])323 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_bias('FullyConnected', new_attrs, len(inputs))324 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_channels('FullyConnected', new_attrs, inputs, proto_obj)325 return 'FullyConnected', new_attrs, inputs326def global_maxpooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):327 """Performs max pooling on the input."""328 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'global_pool': True,329 'kernel': (1, 1),330 'pool_type': 'max'})331 return 'Pooling', new_attrs, inputs332def global_avgpooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):333 """Performs avg pooling on the input."""334 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'global_pool': True,335 'kernel': (1, 1),336 'pool_type': 'avg'})337 return 'Pooling', new_attrs, inputs338def global_lppooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):339 """Performs global lp pooling on the input."""340 p_value = attrs.get('p', 2)341 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs, {'global_pool': True,342 'kernel': (1, 1),343 'pool_type': 'lp',344 'p_value': p_value})345 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs, ['p'])346 return 'Pooling', new_attrs, inputs347def linalg_gemm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):348 """Performs general matrix multiplication and accumulation"""349 trans_a = 0350 trans_b = 0351 alpha = 1352 beta = 1353 if 'transA' in attrs:354 trans_a = attrs['transA']355 if 'transB' in attrs:356 trans_b = attrs['transB']357 if 'alpha' in attrs:358 alpha = attrs['alpha']359 if 'beta' in attrs:360 beta = attrs['beta']361 flatten_a = symbol.flatten(inputs[0])362 matmul_op = symbol.linalg_gemm2(A=flatten_a, B=inputs[1],363 transpose_a=trans_a, transpose_b=trans_b,364 alpha=alpha)365 gemm_op = symbol.broadcast_add(matmul_op, beta*inputs[2])366 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'transA': 'transpose_a',367 'transB': 'transpose_b'})368 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs, ['broadcast'])369 return gemm_op, new_attrs, inputs370def local_response_norm(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):371 """Local Response Normalization."""372 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,373 {'bias': 'knorm',374 'size' : 'nsize'})375 return 'LRN', new_attrs, inputs376def dropout(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):377 """Dropout Regularization."""378 mode = 'training'379 if 'is_test' in attrs and attrs['is_test'] == 0:380 mode = 'always'381 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,382 {'ratio': 'p'})383 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs, ['is_test'])384 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'mode': mode})385 return 'Dropout', new_attrs, inputs386# Changing shape and type.387def reshape(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):388 """Reshape the given array by the shape attribute."""389 if len(inputs) == 1:390 return 'reshape', attrs, inputs[0]391 reshape_shape = list(proto_obj._params[inputs[1].name].asnumpy())392 reshape_shape = [int(i) for i in reshape_shape]393 new_attrs = {'shape': reshape_shape}394 return 'reshape', new_attrs, inputs[:1]395def cast(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):396 """ Cast input to a given dtype"""397 try:398 from onnx.mapping import TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE399 except ImportError:400 raise ImportError("Onnx and protobuf need to be installed. "401 + "Instructions to install - https:/​/​​onnx/​onnx")402 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'to' : 'dtype'})403 new_attrs['dtype'] = TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[int(new_attrs['dtype'])]404 return 'cast', new_attrs, inputs405def split(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):406 """Splits an array along a particular axis into multiple sub-arrays."""407 split_list = attrs.get('split') if 'split' in attrs else []408 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,409 {'split' : 'num_outputs'})410 if 'axis' not in attrs:411 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'axis': 0})412 if not split_list:413 num_outputs = len(proto_obj.model_metadata.get('output_tensor_data'))414 else:415 if len(set(split_list)) == 1:416 num_outputs = len(split_list)417 else:418 raise NotImplementedError("Operator {} in MXNet does not support variable splits."419 "Tracking the issue to support variable split here: "420 "https:/​/​​apache/​incubator-mxnet/​issues/​11594"421 .format('split'))422 new_attrs['num_outputs'] = num_outputs423 return 'split', new_attrs, inputs424def _slice(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):425 """Returns a slice of the input tensor along multiple axes."""426 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,427 {'axes' : 'axis',428 'ends' : 'end',429 'starts' : 'begin'})430 # onnx slice provides slicing on multiple axis. Adding multiple slice_axis operator431 # for multiple axes from mxnet432 begin = new_attrs.get('begin')433 end = new_attrs.get('end')434 axes = new_attrs.get('axis', tuple(range(len(begin))))435 slice_op = symbol.slice_axis(inputs[0], axis=axes[0], begin=begin[0], end=end[0])436 if len(axes) > 1:437 for i, axis in enumerate(axes):438 slice_op = symbol.slice_axis(slice_op, axis=axis, begin=begin[i], end=end[i])439 return slice_op, new_attrs, inputs440def transpose(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):441 """Transpose the input array."""442 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,443 {'perm' : 'axes'})444 return 'transpose', new_attrs, inputs445def squeeze(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):446 """Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor."""447 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,448 {'axes' : 'axis'})449 return 'squeeze', new_attrs, inputs450def unsqueeze(attrs, inputs, cls):451 """Inserts a new axis of size 1 into the array shape"""452 # MXNet can only add one axis at a time.453 mxnet_op = inputs[0]454 for axis in attrs["axes"]:455 mxnet_op = symbol.expand_dims(mxnet_op, axis=axis)456 return mxnet_op, attrs, inputs457def flatten(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):458 """Flattens the input array into a 2-D array by collapsing the higher dimensions."""459 #Mxnet does not have axis support. By default uses axis=1460 if 'axis' in attrs and attrs['axis'] != 1:461 raise RuntimeError("Flatten operator only supports axis=1")462 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(attrs, ['axis'])463 return 'Flatten', new_attrs, inputs464def clip(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):465 """Clips (limits) the values in an array."""466 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'min' : 'a_min',467 'max' : 'a_max'})468 if 'a_max' not in new_attrs:469 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'a_max' : np.inf})470 if 'a_min' not in new_attrs:471 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs, {'a_min' : -np.inf})472 return 'clip', new_attrs, inputs473def gather(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):474 """Gather elements from an input array along the given axis."""475 return 'take', attrs, inputs476#Powers477def reciprocal(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):478 """Returns the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise."""479 return 'reciprocal', attrs, inputs480def squareroot(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):481 """Returns element-wise square-root value of the input."""482 return 'sqrt', attrs, inputs483def power(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):484 """Returns element-wise result of base element raised to powers from exp element."""485 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'exponent':'exp'})486 if 'broadcast' in attrs:487 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs, ['broadcast'])488 if attrs['broadcast'] == 1:489 return 'broadcast_power', new_attrs, inputs490 else:491 mxnet_op = symbol.pow(inputs[0], inputs[1])492 return mxnet_op, new_attrs, inputs493 mxnet_op = symbol.broadcast_power(inputs[0], inputs[1])494 return mxnet_op, new_attrs, inputs495def exponent(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):496 """Elementwise exponent of input array."""497 return 'exp', attrs, inputs498def _cos(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):499 """Elementwise cosine of input array."""500 return 'cos', attrs, inputs501def _sin(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):502 """Elementwise sine of input array."""503 return 'sin', attrs, inputs504def _tan(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):505 """Elementwise tan of input array."""506 return 'tan', attrs, inputs507def arccos(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):508 """Elementwise inverse cos of input array."""509 return 'arccos', attrs, inputs510def arcsin(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):511 """Elementwise inverse sin of input array."""512 return 'arcsin', attrs, inputs513def arctan(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):514 """Elementwise inverse tan of input array."""515 return 'arctan', attrs, inputs516def _log(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):517 """Elementwise log of input array."""518 return 'log', attrs, inputs519# Reduce Functions520def reduce_max(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):521 """Reduce the array along a given axis by maximum value"""522 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})523 return 'max', new_attrs, inputs524def reduce_mean(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):525 """Reduce the array along a given axis by mean value"""526 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})527 return 'mean', new_attrs, inputs528def reduce_min(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):529 """Reduce the array along a given axis by minimum value"""530 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})531 return 'min', new_attrs, inputs532def reduce_sum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):533 """Reduce the array along a given axis by sum value"""534 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})535 return 'sum', new_attrs, inputs536def reduce_prod(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):537 """Reduce the array along a given axis by product value"""538 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})539 return 'prod', new_attrs, inputs540def reduce_log_sum(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):541 """Reduce the array along a given axis by log sum value"""542 keep_dims = True if 'keepdims' not in attrs else attrs.get('keepdims')543 sum_op = symbol.sum(inputs[0], axis=attrs.get('axes'),544 keepdims=keep_dims)545 log_sym = symbol.log(sum_op)546 return log_sym, attrs, inputs547def reduce_log_sum_exp(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):548 """Reduce the array along a given axis by log sum exp value"""549 keep_dims = True if 'keepdims' not in attrs else attrs.get('keepdims')550 exp_op = symbol.exp(inputs[0])551 sum_op = symbol.sum(exp_op, axis=attrs.get('axes'),552 keepdims=keep_dims)553 log_sym = symbol.log(sum_op)554 return log_sym, attrs, inputs555def reduce_sum_square(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):556 """Reduce the array along a given axis by sum square value"""557 square_op = symbol.square(inputs[0])558 sum_op = symbol.sum(square_op, axis=attrs.get('axes'),559 keepdims=attrs.get('keepdims'))560 return sum_op, attrs, inputs561def reduce_l1(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):562 """Reduce input tensor by l1 normalization."""563 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})564 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs,565 {'ord' : 1})566 return 'norm', new_attrs, inputs567def shape(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):568 """Returns shape of input array."""569 return 'shape_array', attrs, inputs570def size(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):571 """Returns array containing size of data."""572 return "size_array", attrs, inputs573def reduce_l2(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):574 """Reduce input tensor by l2 normalization."""575 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'axes':'axis'})576 return 'norm', new_attrs, inputs577def avg_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):578 """ Average pooling"""579 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,580 {'kernel_shape': 'kernel',581 'strides': 'stride',582 'pads': 'pad',583 })584 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs,585 {'pooling_convention': 'valid'586 })587 new_op = translation_utils._fix_pooling('avg', inputs, new_attrs)588 return new_op, new_attrs, inputs589def lp_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):590 """LP Pooling"""591 p_value = attrs.get('p', 2)592 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,593 {'kernel_shape': 'kernel',594 'strides': 'stride',595 'pads': 'pad'596 })597 new_attrs = translation_utils._remove_attributes(new_attrs, ['p'])598 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs,599 {'pooling_convention': 'valid',600 'p_value': p_value601 })602 new_op = translation_utils._fix_pooling('lp', inputs, new_attrs)603 return new_op, new_attrs, inputs604def max_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):605 """ Average pooling"""606 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,607 {'kernel_shape': 'kernel',608 'strides': 'stride',609 'pads': 'pad',610 })611 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(new_attrs,612 {'pooling_convention': 'valid'613 })614 new_op = translation_utils._fix_pooling('max', inputs, new_attrs)615 return new_op, new_attrs, inputs616def max_roi_pooling(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):617 """Max ROI Pooling."""618 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs,619 {'pooled_shape': 'pooled_size',620 'spatial_scale': 'spatial_scale'621 })622 return 'ROIPooling', new_attrs, inputs623def depthtospace(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):624 """Rearranges data from depth into blocks of spatial data."""625 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'blocksize':'block_size'})626 return "depth_to_space", new_attrs, inputs627def spacetodepth(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):628 """Rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth."""629 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'blocksize':'block_size'})630 return "space_to_depth", new_attrs, inputs631def hardmax(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):632 """Returns batched one-hot vectors."""633 input_tensor_data = proto_obj.model_metadata.get('input_tensor_data')[0]634 input_shape = input_tensor_data[1]635 axis = int(attrs.get('axis', 1))636 axis = axis if axis >= 0 else len(input_shape) + axis637 if axis == len(input_shape) - 1:638 amax = symbol.argmax(inputs[0], axis=-1)639 one_hot = symbol.one_hot(amax, depth=input_shape[-1])640 return one_hot, attrs, inputs641 # since reshape doesn't take a tensor for shape,642 # computing with This needs to be changed to643 # to use when mx.sym.reshape() is fixed.644 # (https:/​/​​apache/​incubator-mxnet/​issues/​10789)645 new_shape = (int([:axis])),646 int([axis:])))647 reshape_op = symbol.reshape(inputs[0], new_shape)648 amax = symbol.argmax(reshape_op, axis=-1)649 one_hot = symbol.one_hot(amax, depth=new_shape[-1])650 hardmax_op = symbol.reshape(one_hot, input_shape)651 return hardmax_op, attrs, inputs652def lpnormalization(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):653 """ONNX does not have eps attribute, so cannot map it to L2normalization in MXNet654 without that, it works as norm operator discussion in PR:655 https:/​/​​onnx/​onnx/​pull/​1330"""656 new_attrs = translation_utils._fix_attribute_names(attrs, {'p': 'ord'})657 axis = int(attrs.get("axis", -1))658 new_attrs.update(axis=axis)659 return 'norm', new_attrs, inputs660def topk(attrs, inputs, proto_obj):661 """Returns the top k elements in an input array along the given axis."""662 new_attrs = translation_utils._add_extra_attributes(attrs,663 {'ret_typ': 'both',664 'dtype': 'int64'})...

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...122 removed_attrs = {}123 if isinstance(event, core_events.PortEvent):124 port = event.get_port()125 old_attrs = self._port_attrs.get(port.get_id(), {})126 new_attrs = await port.get_attrs()127 old_value = self._port_values.get(port.get_id())128 new_value = port.get_last_read_value()129 value_pair = (old_value, new_value)130 if isinstance(event, (core_events.PortAdd, core_events.PortUpdate)):131 changed_attrs, added_attrs, removed_attrs = self._make_changed_added_removed(old_attrs, new_attrs)132 self._port_values[port.get_id()] = new_value133 self._port_attrs[port.get_id()] = new_attrs134 elif isinstance(event, core_events.PortRemove):135 self._port_values.pop(port.get_id(), None)136 removed_attrs = self._port_attrs.pop(port.get_id(), {})137 elif isinstance(event, core_events.ValueChange):138 self._port_values[port.get_id()] = new_value139 elif isinstance(event, core_events.DeviceEvent):140 old_attrs = self._device_attrs141 new_attrs = event.get_attrs()142 changed_attrs, added_attrs, removed_attrs = self._make_changed_added_removed(old_attrs, new_attrs)143 self._device_attrs = new_attrs144 elif isinstance(event, slaves_events.SlaveDeviceEvent):145 slave = event.get_slave()146 slave_json = slave.to_json()147 # Flatten slave master properties and attributes148 old_attrs = self._slave_attrs.get(slave.get_name(), {})149 new_attrs = dict(slave_json, **slave_json.pop('attrs'))150 if isinstance(event, (slaves_events.SlaveDeviceAdd, slaves_events.SlaveDeviceUpdate)):151 changed_attrs, added_attrs, removed_attrs = self._make_changed_added_removed(old_attrs, new_attrs)152 self._slave_attrs[slave.get_name()] = new_attrs153 elif isinstance(event, slaves_events.SlaveDeviceRemove):154 removed_attrs = self._slave_attrs.pop(slave.get_name(), {})155 return value_pair, old_attrs, new_attrs, changed_attrs, added_attrs, removed_attrs156 @staticmethod157 def _accepts_attrs(158 attr_names: Set[str],159 filter_attrs: Attributes,160 filter_attr_transitions: Dict[str, Tuple[Attribute, Attribute]],161 old_attrs: Attributes,162 new_attrs: Attributes163 ) -> bool:164 for name in attr_names:165 old_value = old_attrs.get(name)166 new_value = new_attrs.get(name)167 filter_transition = filter_attr_transitions.get(name)168 if filter_transition is not None:169 old_filter_value, new_filter_value = filter_transition170 if ((old_filter_value != old_value and old_filter_value is not None) or171 (new_filter_value != new_value and new_filter_value is not None)):172 return False173 filter_value = filter_attrs.get(name)174 if filter_value is not None:175 if isinstance(filter_value, list): # A list of accepted values176 if new_value not in filter_value:177 return False178 elif new_value != filter_value: # A single value179 return False180 return True181 async def accepts_device(self, event: core_events.Event, old_attrs: Attributes, new_attrs: Attributes) -> bool:182 return self._accepts_attrs(183 self._filter_device_attr_names,184 self._filter_device_attrs,185 self._filter_device_attr_transitions,186 old_attrs,187 new_attrs188 )189 async def accepts_port_value(190 self,191 event: core_events.Event,192 value_pair: Tuple[NullablePortValue, NullablePortValue]193 ) -> bool:194 old_value, new_value = value_pair195 if self._filter_port_value_transition is not None:196 old_filter_value, new_filter_value = self._filter_port_value_transition197 if ((old_filter_value != old_value and old_filter_value is not None) or198 (new_filter_value != new_value and new_filter_value is not None)):199 return False200 if self._filter_port_value is not None:201 if isinstance(self._filter_port_value, list): # A list of accepted values202 if new_value not in self._filter_port_value:203 return False204 elif isinstance(self._filter_port_value, core_expressions.Expression): # An expression205 if new_value != await self._filter_port_value.eval(context={}):206 return False207 return True208 async def accepts_port(209 self,210 event: core_events.Event,211 value_pair: Tuple[NullablePortValue, NullablePortValue],212 old_attrs: Attributes,213 new_attrs: Attributes214 ) -> bool:215 if not await self.accepts_port_value(event, value_pair):216 return False217 return self._accepts_attrs(218 self._filter_port_attr_names,219 self._filter_port_attrs,220 self._filter_port_attr_transitions,221 old_attrs,222 new_attrs223 )224 async def accepts_slave(self, event: core_events.Event, old_attrs: Attributes, new_attrs: Attributes) -> bool:225 return self._accepts_attrs(226 self._filter_slave_attr_names,227 self._filter_slave_attrs,228 self._filter_slave_attr_transitions,229 old_attrs,230 new_attrs231 )232 async def accepts(233 self,234 event: core_events.Event,235 value_pair: Tuple[NullablePortValue, NullablePortValue],236 old_attrs: Attributes,237 new_attrs: Attributes,238 changed_attrs: Dict[str, Tuple[Attribute, Attribute]],239 added_attrs: Attributes,...

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1function configureXaxis(chart, scope, attrs) {2 if (attrs.xaxisorient) {3 chart.xAxis.orient(attrs.xaxisorient);4 }5 if (attrs.xaxisticks) {6 chart.xAxis.scale().ticks(attrs.xaxisticks);7 }8 if (attrs.xaxistickvalues) {9 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxistickvalues))) {10 chart.xAxis.tickValues(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxistickvalues));11 } else if (typeof scope.xaxistickvalues() === 'function') {12 chart.xAxis.tickValues(scope.xaxistickvalues());13 }14 }15 if (attrs.xaxisticksubdivide) {16 chart.xAxis.tickSubdivide(scope.xaxisticksubdivide());17 }18 if (attrs.xaxisticksize) {19 chart.xAxis.tickSize(scope.xaxisticksize());20 }21 if (attrs.xaxistickpadding) {22 chart.xAxis.tickPadding(scope.xaxistickpadding());23 }24 if (attrs.xaxistickformat) {25 chart.xAxis.tickFormat(scope.xaxistickformat());26 }27 if (attrs.xaxislabel) {28 chart.xAxis.axisLabel(attrs.xaxislabel);29 }30 if (attrs.xaxisscale) {31 chart.xAxis.scale(scope.xaxisscale());32 }33 if (attrs.xaxisdomain) {34 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxisdomain))) {35 chart.xDomain(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxisdomain));36 } else if (typeof scope.xaxisdomain() === 'function') {37 chart.xDomain(scope.xaxisdomain());38 }39 }40 if (attrs.xaxisrange) {41 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxisrange))) {42 chart.xRange(scope.$eval(attrs.xaxisrange));43 } else if (typeof scope.xaxisrange() === 'function') {44 chart.xRange(scope.xaxisrange());45 }46 }47 if (attrs.xaxisrangeband) {48 chart.xAxis.rangeBand(scope.xaxisrangeband());49 }50 if (attrs.xaxisrangebands) {51 chart.xAxis.rangeBands(scope.xaxisrangebands());52 }53 if (attrs.xaxisshowmaxmin) {54 chart.xAxis.showMaxMin((attrs.xaxisshowmaxmin === 'true'));55 }56 if (attrs.xaxishighlightzero) {57 chart.xAxis.highlightZero((attrs.xaxishighlightzero === 'true'));58 }59 if (attrs.xaxisrotatelabels) {60 chart.xAxis.rotateLabels((+attrs.xaxisrotatelabels));61 }62 /​/​ if(attrs.xaxisrotateylabel){63 /​/​ chart.xAxis.rotateYLabel((attrs.xaxisrotateylabel === "true"));64 /​/​ }65 if (attrs.xaxisstaggerlabels) {66 chart.xAxis.staggerLabels((attrs.xaxisstaggerlabels === 'true'));67 }68 if (attrs.xaxislabeldistance) {69 chart.xAxis.axisLabelDistance((+attrs.xaxislabeldistance));70 }71}72function configureX2axis (chart, scope, attrs) {73 if (attrs.x2axisorient) {74 chart.x2Axis.orient(attrs.x2axisorient);75 }76 if (attrs.x2axisticks) {77 chart.x2Axis.scale().ticks(attrs.x2axisticks);78 }79 if (attrs.x2axistickvalues) {80 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axistickvalues))) {81 chart.x2Axis.tickValues(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axistickvalues));82 } else if (typeof scope.xaxistickvalues() === 'function') {83 chart.x2Axis.tickValues(scope.x2axistickvalues());84 }85 }86 if (attrs.x2axisticksubdivide) {87 chart.x2Axis.tickSubdivide(scope.x2axisticksubdivide());88 }89 if (attrs.x2axisticksize) {90 chart.x2Axis.tickSize(scope.x2axisticksize());91 }92 if (attrs.x2axistickpadding) {93 chart.x2Axis.tickPadding(scope.x2axistickpadding());94 }95 if (attrs.x2axistickformat) {96 chart.x2Axis.tickFormat(scope.x2axistickformat());97 }98 if (attrs.x2axislabel) {99 chart.x2Axis.axisLabel(attrs.x2axislabel);100 }101 if (attrs.x2axisscale) {102 chart.x2Axis.scale(scope.x2axisscale());103 }104 if (attrs.x2axisdomain) {105 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axisdomain))) {106 chart.x2Axis.domain(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axisdomain));107 } else if (typeof scope.x2axisdomain() === 'function') {108 chart.x2Axis.domain(scope.x2axisdomain());109 }110 }111 if (attrs.x2axisrange) {112 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axisrange))) {113 chart.x2Axis.range(scope.$eval(attrs.x2axisrange));114 } else if (typeof scope.x2axisrange() === 'function') {115 chart.x2Axis.range(scope.x2axisrange());116 }117 }118 if (attrs.x2axisrangeband) {119 chart.x2Axis.rangeBand(scope.x2axisrangeband());120 }121 if (attrs.x2axisrangebands) {122 chart.x2Axis.rangeBands(scope.x2axisrangebands());123 }124 if (attrs.x2axisshowmaxmin) {125 chart.x2Axis.showMaxMin((attrs.x2axisshowmaxmin === 'true'));126 }127 if (attrs.x2axishighlightzero) {128 chart.x2Axis.highlightZero((attrs.x2axishighlightzero === 'true'));129 }130 if (attrs.x2axisrotatelables) {131 chart.x2Axis.rotateLabels((+attrs.x2axisrotatelables));132 }133 /​/​ if(attrs.xaxisrotateylabel){134 /​/​ chart.xAxis.rotateYLabel((attrs.xaxisrotateylabel === "true"));135 /​/​ }136 if (attrs.x2axisstaggerlabels) {137 chart.x2Axis.staggerLabels((attrs.x2axisstaggerlabels === 'true'));138 }139 if (attrs.x2axislabeldistance) {140 chart.x2Axis.axisLabelDistance((+attrs.x2axislabeldistance));141 }142}143function configureYaxis (chart, scope, attrs) {144 if (attrs.yaxisorient) {145 chart.yAxis.orient(attrs.yaxisorient);146 }147 if (attrs.yaxisticks) {148 chart.yAxis.scale().ticks(attrs.yaxisticks);149 }150 if (attrs.yaxistickvalues) {151 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxistickvalues))) {152 chart.yAxis.tickValues(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxistickvalues));153 } else if (typeof scope.yaxistickvalues() === 'function') {154 chart.yAxis.tickValues(scope.yaxistickvalues());155 }156 }157 if (attrs.yaxisticksubdivide) {158 chart.yAxis.tickSubdivide(scope.yaxisticksubdivide());159 }160 if (attrs.yaxisticksize) {161 chart.yAxis.tickSize(scope.yaxisticksize());162 }163 if (attrs.yaxistickpadding) {164 chart.yAxis.tickPadding(scope.yaxistickpadding());165 }166 if (attrs.yaxistickformat) {167 chart.yAxis.tickFormat(scope.yaxistickformat());168 }169 if (attrs.yaxislabel) {170 chart.yAxis.axisLabel(attrs.yaxislabel);171 }172 if (attrs.yaxisscale) {173 chart.yAxis.scale(scope.yaxisscale());174 }175 if (attrs.yaxisdomain) {176 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxisdomain))) {177 chart.yDomain(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxisdomain));178 } else if (typeof scope.yaxisdomain() === 'function') {179 chart.yDomain(scope.yaxisdomain());180 }181 }182 if (attrs.yaxisrange) {183 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxisrange))) {184 chart.yRange(scope.$eval(attrs.yaxisrange));185 } else if (typeof scope.yaxisrange() === 'function') {186 chart.yRange(scope.yaxisrange());187 }188 }189 if (attrs.yaxisrangeband) {190 chart.yAxis.rangeBand(scope.yaxisrangeband());191 }192 if (attrs.yaxisrangebands) {193 chart.yAxis.rangeBands(scope.yaxisrangebands());194 }195 if (attrs.yaxisshowmaxmin) {196 chart.yAxis.showMaxMin((attrs.yaxisshowmaxmin === 'true'));197 }198 if (attrs.yaxishighlightzero) {199 chart.yAxis.highlightZero((attrs.yaxishighlightzero === 'true'));200 }201 if (attrs.yaxisrotatelabels) {202 chart.yAxis.rotateLabels((+attrs.yaxisrotatelabels));203 }204 if (attrs.yaxisrotateylabel) {205 chart.yAxis.rotateYLabel((attrs.yaxisrotateylabel === 'true'));206 }207 if (attrs.yaxisstaggerlabels) {208 chart.yAxis.staggerLabels((attrs.yaxisstaggerlabels === 'true'));209 }210 if (attrs.yaxislabeldistance) {211 chart.yAxis.axisLabelDistance((+attrs.yaxislabeldistance));212 }213}214function configureY1axis (chart, scope, attrs) {215 if (attrs.y1axisticks) {216 chart.y1Axis.scale().ticks(attrs.y1axisticks);217 }218 if (attrs.y1axistickvalues) {219 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axistickvalues))) {220 chart.y1Axis.tickValues(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axistickvalues));221 } else if (typeof scope.y1axistickvalues() === 'function') {222 chart.y1Axis.tickValues(scope.y1axistickvalues());223 }224 }225 if (attrs.y1axisticksubdivide) {226 chart.y1Axis.tickSubdivide(scope.y1axisticksubdivide());227 }228 if (attrs.y1axisticksize) {229 chart.y1Axis.tickSize(scope.y1axisticksize());230 }231 if (attrs.y1axistickpadding) {232 chart.y1Axis.tickPadding(scope.y1axistickpadding());233 }234 if (attrs.y1axistickformat) {235 chart.y1Axis.tickFormat(scope.y1axistickformat());236 }237 if (attrs.y1axislabel) {238 chart.y1Axis.axisLabel(attrs.y1axislabel);239 }240 if (attrs.y1axisscale) {241 chart.y1Axis.yScale(scope.y1axisscale());242 }243 if (attrs.y1axisdomain) {244 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axisdomain))) {245 chart.y1Axis.domain(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axisdomain));246 } else if (typeof scope.y1axisdomain() === 'function') {247 chart.y1Axis.domain(scope.y1axisdomain());248 }249 }250 if (attrs.y1axisrange) {251 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axisrange))) {252 chart.y1Axis.range(scope.$eval(attrs.y1axisrange));253 } else if (typeof scope.y1axisrange() === 'function') {254 chart.y1Axis.range(scope.y1axisrange());255 }256 }257 if (attrs.y1axisrangeband) {258 chart.y1Axis.rangeBand(scope.y1axisrangeband());259 }260 if (attrs.y1axisrangebands) {261 chart.y1Axis.rangeBands(scope.y1axisrangebands());262 }263 if (attrs.y1axisshowmaxmin) {264 chart.y1Axis.showMaxMin((attrs.y1axisshowmaxmin === 'true'));265 }266 if (attrs.y1axishighlightzero) {267 chart.y1Axis.highlightZero((attrs.y1axishighlightzero === 'true'));268 }269 if (attrs.y1axisrotatelabels) {270 chart.y1Axis.rotateLabels((+scope.y1axisrotatelabels));271 }272 if (attrs.y1axisrotateylabel) {273 chart.y1Axis.rotateYLabel((attrs.y1axisrotateylabel === 'true'));274 }275 if (attrs.y1axisstaggerlabels) {276 chart.y1Axis.staggerlabels((attrs.y1axisstaggerlabels === 'true'));277 }278 if (attrs.y1axislabeldistance) {279 chart.y1Axis.axisLabelDistance((+attrs.y1axislabeldistance));280 }281}282function configureY2axis (chart, scope, attrs) {283 if (attrs.y2axisticks) {284 chart.y2Axis.scale().ticks(attrs.y2axisticks);285 }286 if (attrs.y2axistickvalues) {287 chart.y2Axis.tickValues(scope.$eval(attrs.y2axistickvalues));288 }289 if (attrs.y2axisticksubdivide) {290 chart.y2Axis.tickSubdivide(scope.y2axisticksubdivide());291 }292 if (attrs.y2axisticksize) {293 chart.y2Axis.tickSize(scope.y2axisticksize());294 }295 if (attrs.y2axistickpadding) {296 chart.y2Axis.tickPadding(scope.y2axistickpadding());297 }298 if (attrs.y2axistickformat) {299 chart.y2Axis.tickFormat(scope.y2axistickformat());300 }301 if (attrs.y2axislabel) {302 chart.y2Axis.axisLabel(attrs.y2axislabel);303 }304 if (attrs.y2axisscale) {305 chart.y2Axis.yScale(scope.y2axisscale());306 }307 if (attrs.y2axisdomain) {308 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.y2axisdomain))) {309 chart.y2Axis.domain(scope.$eval(attrs.y2axisdomain));310 } else if (typeof scope.y2axisdomain() === 'function') {311 chart.y2Axis.domain(scope.y2axisdomain());312 }313 }314 if (attrs.y2axisrange) {315 if (Array.isArray(scope.$eval(attrs.y2axisrange))) {316 chart.y2Axis.range(scope.$eval(attrs.y2axisrange));317 } else if (typeof scope.y2axisrange() === 'function') {318 chart.y2Axis.range(scope.y2axisrange());319 }320 }321 if (attrs.y2axisrangeband) {322 chart.y2Axis.rangeBand(scope.y2axisrangeband());323 }324 if (attrs.y2axisrangebands) {325 chart.y2Axis.rangeBands(scope.y2axisrangebands());326 }327 if (attrs.y2axisshowmaxmin) {328 chart.y2Axis.showMaxMin((attrs.y2axisshowmaxmin === 'true'));329 }330 if (attrs.y2axishighlightzero) {331 chart.y2Axis.highlightZero((attrs.y2axishighlightzero === 'true'));332 }333 if (attrs.y2axisrotatelabels) {334 chart.y2Axis.rotateLabels((+scope.y2axisrotatelabels));335 }336 if (attrs.y2axisrotateylabel) {337 chart.y2Axis.rotateYLabel((attrs.y2axisrotateylabel === 'true'));338 }339 if (attrs.y2axisstaggerlabels) {340 chart.y2Axis.staggerlabels((attrs.y2axisstaggerlabels === 'true'));341 }342 if (attrs.y2axislabeldistance) {343 chart.y2Axis.axisLabelDistance((+attrs.y2axislabeldistance));344 }...

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Source: Github


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...97 if value is None:98 value = []99 has_id = attrs and 'id' in attrs100 if DJANGO_11:101 final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, extra_attrs={'name': name})102 else:103 final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, name=name)104 output = []105 # Normalize to strings106 str_values = set([force_text(v) for v in value])107 for i, (option_value, option_label) in enumerate(chain(self.choices, choices)):108 # If an ID attribute was given, add a numeric index as a suffix,109 # so that the checkboxes don't all have the same ID attribute.110 if has_id:111 final_attrs = dict(final_attrs, id='%s_%s' % (attrs['id'], i))112 label_for = u' for="%s"' % final_attrs['id']113 else:114 label_for = ''115 cb = forms.CheckboxInput(116 final_attrs, check_test=lambda value: value in str_values)117 option_value = force_text(option_value)...

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Source: ssrVModel.spec.ts Github


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1import { compile } from '../​src'2function compileWithWrapper(src: string) {3 return compile(`<div>${src}</​div>`)4}5describe('ssr: v-model', () => {6 test('<input> (text types)', () => {7 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<input v-model="bar">`).code)8 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`9 "const { ssrRenderAttr: _ssrRenderAttr, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")10 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {11 _push(\`<div\${12 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)13 }><input\${14 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"value\\", }></​div>\`)16 }"17 `)18 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<input type="email" v-model="bar">`).code)19 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`20 "const { ssrRenderAttr: _ssrRenderAttr, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")21 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {22 _push(\`<div\${23 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)24 }><input type=\\"email\\"\${25 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"value\\", }></​div>\`)27 }"28 `)29 })30 test('<input type="radio">', () => {31 expect(32 compileWithWrapper(`<input type="radio" value="foo" v-model="bar">`).code33 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`34 "const { ssrLooseEqual: _ssrLooseEqual, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")35 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {36 _push(\`<div\${37 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)38 }><input type=\\"radio\\" value=\\"foo\\"\${39 (_ssrLooseEqual(, \\"foo\\")) ? \\" checked\\" : \\"\\"40 }></​div>\`)41 }"42 `)43 })44 test('<input type="checkbox">', () => {45 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<input type="checkbox" v-model="bar">`).code)46 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`47 "const { ssrLooseContain: _ssrLooseContain, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")48 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {49 _push(\`<div\${50 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)51 }><input type=\\"checkbox\\"\${52 ((Array.isArray( ? _ssrLooseContain(, null)54 : ? \\" checked\\" : \\"\\"55 }></​div>\`)56 }"57 `)58 expect(59 compileWithWrapper(`<input type="checkbox" value="foo" v-model="bar">`)60 .code61 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`62 "const { ssrLooseContain: _ssrLooseContain, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")63 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {64 _push(\`<div\${65 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)66 }><input type=\\"checkbox\\" value=\\"foo\\"\${67 ((Array.isArray( ? _ssrLooseContain(, \\"foo\\")69 : ? \\" checked\\" : \\"\\"70 }></​div>\`)71 }"72 `)73 expect(74 compileWithWrapper(75 `<input type="checkbox" :true-value="foo" :false-value="bar" v-model="baz">`76 ).code77 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`78 "const { ssrLooseEqual: _ssrLooseEqual, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")79 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {80 _push(\`<div\${81 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)82 }><input type=\\"checkbox\\"\${83 (_ssrLooseEqual(_ctx.baz, ? \\" checked\\" : \\"\\"84 }></​div>\`)85 }"86 `)87 expect(88 compileWithWrapper(89 `<input type="checkbox" true-value="foo" false-value="bar" v-model="baz">`90 ).code91 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`92 "const { ssrLooseEqual: _ssrLooseEqual, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")93 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {94 _push(\`<div\${95 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)96 }><input type=\\"checkbox\\"\${97 (_ssrLooseEqual(_ctx.baz, \\"foo\\")) ? \\" checked\\" : \\"\\"98 }></​div>\`)99 }"100 `)101 })102 test('<textarea>', () => {103 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<textarea v-model="foo">bar</​textarea>`).code)104 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`105 "const { ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs, ssrInterpolate: _ssrInterpolate } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")106 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {107 _push(\`<div\${108 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)109 }><textarea>\${110 _ssrInterpolate( }</​textarea></​div>\`)112 }"113 `)114 })115 test('<input :type="x">', () => {116 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<input :type="x" v-model="foo">`).code)117 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`118 "const { ssrRenderAttr: _ssrRenderAttr, ssrRenderDynamicModel: _ssrRenderDynamicModel, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")119 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {120 _push(\`<div\${121 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)122 }><input\${123 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"type\\", _ctx.x)124 }\${125 _ssrRenderDynamicModel(_ctx.x,, null)126 }></​div>\`)127 }"128 `)129 expect(130 compileWithWrapper(`<input :type="x" v-model="foo" value="bar">`).code131 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`132 "const { ssrRenderAttr: _ssrRenderAttr, ssrRenderDynamicModel: _ssrRenderDynamicModel, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")133 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {134 _push(\`<div\${135 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)136 }><input\${137 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"type\\", _ctx.x)138 }\${139 _ssrRenderDynamicModel(_ctx.x,, \\"bar\\")140 } value=\\"bar\\"></​div>\`)141 }"142 `)143 expect(144 compileWithWrapper(`<input :type="x" v-model="foo" :value="bar">`).code145 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`146 "const { ssrRenderAttr: _ssrRenderAttr, ssrRenderDynamicModel: _ssrRenderDynamicModel, ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")147 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {148 _push(\`<div\${149 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)150 }><input\${151 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"type\\", _ctx.x)152 }\${153 _ssrRenderDynamicModel(_ctx.x,, }\${155 _ssrRenderAttr(\\"value\\", }></​div>\`)157 }"158 `)159 })160 test('<input v-bind="obj">', () => {161 expect(compileWithWrapper(`<input v-bind="obj" v-model="foo">`).code)162 .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`163 "const { mergeProps: _mergeProps } = require(\\"vue\\")164 const { ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs, ssrGetDynamicModelProps: _ssrGetDynamicModelProps } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")165 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {166 let _temp0167 _push(\`<div\${168 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)169 }><input\${170 _ssrRenderAttrs((_temp0 = _ctx.obj, _mergeProps(_temp0, _ssrGetDynamicModelProps(_temp0, }></​div>\`)172 }"173 `)174 expect(175 compileWithWrapper(`<input id="x" v-bind="obj" v-model="foo" class="y">`)176 .code177 ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`178 "const { mergeProps: _mergeProps } = require(\\"vue\\")179 const { ssrRenderAttrs: _ssrRenderAttrs, ssrGetDynamicModelProps: _ssrGetDynamicModelProps } = require(\\"@vue/​server-renderer\\")180 return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {181 let _temp0182 _push(\`<div\${183 _ssrRenderAttrs(_attrs)184 }><input\${185 _ssrRenderAttrs((_temp0 = _mergeProps({ id: \\"x\\" }, _ctx.obj, { class: \\"y\\" }), _mergeProps(_temp0, _ssrGetDynamicModelProps(_temp0, }></​div>\`)187 }"188 `)189 })...

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Source: clean.js Github


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1const _ = require('lodash');2const localUtils = require('../​../​../​index');3const tag = (attrs, frame) => {4 if (localUtils.isContentAPI(frame)) {5 const contentAttrs = _.pick(attrs, [6 'description',7 'feature_image',8 'id',9 'meta_description',10 'meta_title',11 'name',12 'slug',13 'url',14 'visibility',15 'count'16 ]);17 /​/​ We are standardising on returning null from the Content API for any empty values18 if (contentAttrs.meta_title === '') {19 contentAttrs.meta_title = null;20 }21 if (contentAttrs.meta_description === '') {22 contentAttrs.meta_description = null;23 }24 if (contentAttrs.description === '') {25 contentAttrs.description = null;26 }27 return contentAttrs;28 }29 return _.pick(attrs, [30 'created_at',31 'description',32 'feature_image',33 'id',34 'meta_description',35 'meta_title',36 'name',37 'slug',38 'updated_at',39 'url',40 'visibility',41 'count'42 ]);43};44const author = (attrs, frame) => {45 if (localUtils.isContentAPI(frame)) {46 delete attrs.created_at;47 delete attrs.updated_at;48 delete attrs.last_seen;49 delete attrs.status;50 delete;51 /​/​ @NOTE: used for night shift52 delete attrs.accessibility;53 /​/​ Extra properties removed from v254 delete attrs.tour;55 /​/​ We are standardising on returning null from the Content API for any empty values56 if (attrs.twitter === '') {57 attrs.twitter = null;58 }59 if ( === '') {60 = null;61 }62 if ( === '') {63 = null;64 }65 if (attrs.facebook === '') {66 attrs.facebook = null;67 }68 if (attrs.meta_title === '') {69 attrs.meta_title = null;70 }71 if (attrs.meta_description === '') {72 attrs.meta_description = null;73 }74 if (attrs.location === '') {75 attrs.location = null;76 }77 }78 /​/​ @NOTE: unused fields79 delete attrs.visibility;80 delete attrs.locale;81 return attrs;82};83const post = (attrs, frame) => {84 if (localUtils.isContentAPI(frame)) {85 /​/​ @TODO: https:/​/​​TryGhost/​Ghost/​issues/​1033586 /​/​ delete;87 delete attrs.status;88 delete attrs.email_only;89 /​/​ We are standardising on returning null from the Content API for any empty values90 if (attrs.twitter_title === '') {91 attrs.twitter_title = null;92 }93 if (attrs.twitter_description === '') {94 attrs.twitter_description = null;95 }96 if (attrs.meta_title === '') {97 attrs.meta_title = null;98 }99 if (attrs.meta_description === '') {100 attrs.meta_description = null;101 }102 if (attrs.og_title === '') {103 attrs.og_title = null;104 }105 if (attrs.og_description === '') {106 attrs.og_description = null;107 }108 delete attrs.visibility;109 } else {110 delete;111 if (!attrs.tags) {112 delete attrs.primary_tag;113 }114 if (!attrs.authors) {115 delete attrs.primary_author;116 }117 }118 delete attrs.locale;119 delete;120 delete attrs.type;121 delete attrs.send_email_when_published;122 delete attrs.email_recipient_filter;123 delete attrs.email_subject;124 delete attrs.feature_image_alt;125 delete attrs.feature_image_caption;126 return attrs;127};128const action = (attrs) => {129 if ( {130 delete attrs.actor_id;131 delete attrs.resource_id;132 if (attrs.actor_type === 'user') {133 = _.pick(, ['id', 'name', 'slug', 'profile_image']);134 =;135 delete;136 } else {137 = _.pick(, ['id', 'name', 'slug', 'icon_image']);138 =;139 delete;140 }141 } else if (attrs.resource) {142 delete attrs.actor_id;143 delete attrs.resource_id;144 /​/​ @NOTE: we only support posts right now145 attrs.resource = _.pick(attrs.resource, ['id', 'title', 'slug', 'feature_image']);146 attrs.resource.image = attrs.resource.feature_image;147 delete attrs.resource.feature_image;148 }149}; = post;151module.exports.tag = tag; = author;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3import { By } from '@angular/​platform-browser';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 let component: AppComponent;6 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;7 beforeEach(async () => {8 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({9 }).compileComponents();10 });11 beforeEach(() => {12 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);13 component = fixture.componentInstance;14 fixture.detectChanges();15 });16 it('should create', () => {17 expect(component).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should be able to get the title', () => {20 const title = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('h1')).nativeElement;21 expect(title.innerText).toEqual('Welcome to my app!');22 });23 it('should get the title from the component', () => {24 const title = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('h1')).nativeElement;25 expect(title.innerText).toEqual(component.title);26 });27 it('should get the title from the component using attrs method', () => {28 const title = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('h1')).attrs;29 expect(title.innerText).toEqual(component.title);30 });31});32import { Component } from '@angular/​core';33@Component({34})35export class AppComponent {36 title = 'Welcome to my app!';37}38<h1>{{ title }}</​h1>39h1 {40 color: red;41}42import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';43import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';44describe('AppComponent', () => {45 let component: AppComponent;46 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;47 beforeEach(async () => {48 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({49 }).compileComponents();50 });51 beforeEach(() => {52 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);53 component = fixture.componentInstance;54 fixture.detectChanges();55 });56 it('should create', () => {57 expect(component).toBeTruthy();58 });59});60module.exports = function (config) {61 config.set({62 require('karma-j

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1describe('MyComponent', () => {2 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;3 let component: MyComponent;4 beforeEach(async(() => {5 TestBed.configureTestingModule({6 }).compileComponents();7 }));8 beforeEach(() => {9 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);10 component = fixture.componentInstance;11 });12 it('should create', () => {13 expect(component).toBeTruthy();14 });15 it('should have a title', () => {16 expect(attrs(fixture.debugElement, 'h1')).toEqual('My App');17 });18});

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1import { MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should create the app', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);6 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9 it('should have as title "ng-mocks"', () => {10 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);11 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);12 expect(app.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');13 });14 it('should render title', () => {15 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);16 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);17 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;18 expect(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent).toContain('ng-mocks app is running!');19 });20 it('should have the correct href', () => {21 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);22 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;23 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');24 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');25 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');26 });27 it('should have the correct href', () => {28 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);29 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;30 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');31 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');32 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');33 });34 it('should have the correct href', () => {35 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);36 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;37 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');38 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');39 expect(ngMocks.formatText(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent)).toEqual('ng-mocks app is running!');40 });41});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { attrs } from 'ng-mocks';2import { mockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';3import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 mockComponent(MyComponent)8 mockProvider(MyService)9 }).compileComponents();10 }));11 it('should create the app', () => {12 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);13 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;14 expect(app).toBeTruthy();15 });16 it(`should have as title 'app'`, () => {17 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);18 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;19 expect(app.title).toEqual('app');20 });21 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {22 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);23 fixture.detectChanges();24 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;25 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!');26 });27 it('should render the MyComponent', () => {28 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);29 fixture.detectChanges();30 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;31 expect(compiled.querySelector('my-component')).toBeTruthy();32 });33 it('should render the MyComponent with the correct input', () => {34 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);35 fixture.detectChanges();36 const myComponent = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(MyComponent));37 expect(attrs(myComponent).input).toEqual('test');38 });39});

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1import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestComponent } from '../​test.component';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 it('should create', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);6 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9 it('should render title', () => {10 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);11 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;12 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('test app is running!');13 });14 it('should render title', () => {15 const fixture = MockRender(TestComponent, {16 });17 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;18 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Test Title');19 });20});

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1import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should have a title', () => {5 const component = MockComponent(MyComponent);6 expect(component.attrs.title).toEqual('MyComponent');7 });8});9import { Component } from '@angular/​core';10@Component({11})12export class MyComponent {13 public title = 'MyComponent';14}15import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';16describe('MyComponent', () => {17 it('should have a title', () => {18 const component = new MyComponent();19 expect(component.title).toEqual('MyComponent');20 });21});

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1import {attrs} from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);3attrs(fixture, 'key', 'value');4attrs(fixture, 'key', 'value', 'element');5attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'});6attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element');7attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1);8attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2);9attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3);10attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4);11attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);12attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);13attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);14attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);15attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);16attrs(fixture, {key: 'value'}, 'element', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('ng-mocks', function() {2 it('should mock attrs', function() {3 var attrs = ngMocks.mockAttrs({4 });5 expect(attrs.ngModel).toBe('model');6 expect(attrs.ngChange).toBe('change');7 });8});9describe('ng-mocks', function() {10 it('should mock attrs', function() {11 var attrs = ngMocks.mockAttrs({12 });13 expect(attrs.ngModel).toBe('model');14 expect(attrs.ngChange).toBe('change');15 });16});

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