Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
1import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';2import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';3import { inject, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';4import { isMockedNgDefOf, MockBuilder, NG_MOCKS } from 'ng-mocks';5import {6 KeepComponent,7 MockComponent,8 My1Component,9 My2Component,10 My3Component,11 MyComponent,12} from './spec.components.fixtures';13import {14 KeepDirective,15 MockDirective,16} from './spec.directives.fixtures';17import {18 ModuleKeep,19 ModuleMock,20 MyModule,21} from './spec.modules.fixtures';22import {23 KeepPipe,24 MockPipe,25 RestorePipe,26} from './spec.pipes.fixtures';27import {28 ServiceCustomize,29 ServiceKeep,30 ServiceMock,31} from './';32import {33 TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE,34 TOKEN_KEEP,35 TOKEN_MOCK,36} from './spec.tokens.fixtures';37describe('MockBuilder:ngMocks', () => {38 beforeEach(async () => {39 const ngModule = MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule)40 .keep(ModuleKeep)41 .keep(KeepComponent)42 .keep(KeepDirective)43 .keep(KeepPipe)44 .keep(ServiceKeep)45 .keep(TOKEN_KEEP)46 .replace(HttpClientModule, HttpClientTestingModule)47 .mock(ModuleMock)48 .mock(MockComponent)49 .mock(MockDirective)50 .mock(MockPipe)51 .mock(ServiceMock) // makes all methods an empty function52 .mock(TOKEN_MOCK) // makes its value undefined53 .mock(ServiceCustomize, {54 getName: () => 'My Customized String',55 })56 .mock(TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE, 'My_Token')57 // Now the pipe will not be replaced with its mock copy.58 .keep(RestorePipe)59 // Even it belongs to the module we want to keep,60 // it will be still replaced with a mock copy.61 .mock(My3Component)62 // and now we want to build our NgModule.63 .build();64 TestBed.configureTestingModule(ngModule);65 // Extra configuration66 TestBed.overrideTemplate(67 My1Component,68 'If we need to tune testBed',69 );70 TestBed.overrideTemplate(My2Component, 'More callbacks');71 return TestBed.compileComponents();72 });73 it('should contain mocks', inject(74 [NG_MOCKS],75 (mocks: Map<any, any>) => {76 // main part77 const myComponent = mocks.get(MyComponent);78 expect(myComponent).toBe(MyComponent);79 const myModule = mocks.get(MyModule);80 expect(isMockedNgDefOf(myModule, MyModule, 'm')).toBeTruthy();81 // keep82 const keepComponent = mocks.get(KeepComponent);83 expect(keepComponent).toBe(keepComponent);84 const keepDirective = mocks.get(KeepDirective);85 expect(keepDirective).toBe(keepDirective);86 const keepPipe = mocks.get(KeepPipe);87 expect(keepPipe).toBe(keepPipe);88 const serviceKeep = mocks.get(ServiceKeep);89 expect(serviceKeep).toBe(ServiceKeep);90 const tokenKeep = mocks.get(TOKEN_KEEP);91 expect(tokenKeep).toBe(TOKEN_KEEP);92 // replace93 const httpClientModule = mocks.get(HttpClientModule);94 expect(httpClientModule).toBe(HttpClientTestingModule);95 // mimic96 const moduleMock = mocks.get(ModuleMock);97 expect(98 isMockedNgDefOf(moduleMock, ModuleMock, 'm'),99 ).toBeTruthy();100 const mockComponent = mocks.get(MockComponent);101 expect(102 isMockedNgDefOf(mockComponent, MockComponent, 'c'),103 ).toBeTruthy();104 const mockDirective = mocks.get(MockDirective);105 expect(106 isMockedNgDefOf(mockDirective, MockDirective, 'd'),107 ).toBeTruthy();108 const mockPipe = mocks.get(MockPipe);109 expect(isMockedNgDefOf(mockPipe, MockPipe, 'p')).toBeTruthy();110 const serviceMock = mocks.get(ServiceMock);111 expect(serviceMock).toBeDefined();112 expect(serviceMock.useFactory).toBeDefined();113 const serviceMockInstance = serviceMock.useFactory();114 expect(serviceMockInstance.getName).toBeDefined();115 expect(serviceMockInstance.getName()).toBeUndefined();116 expect(mocks.has(TOKEN_MOCK)).toBeDefined();117 expect(mocks.get(TOKEN_MOCK)).toBeDefined();118 // customize119 const serviceCustomize = mocks.get(ServiceCustomize);120 expect(serviceCustomize).toBeDefined();121 expect(serviceCustomize.useFactory).toBeDefined();122 const serviceCustomizeInstance = serviceCustomize.useFactory();123 expect(serviceCustomizeInstance.getName).toBeDefined();124 expect(serviceCustomizeInstance.getName()).toEqual(125 'My Customized String',126 );127 const tokenCustomize = mocks.get(TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE);128 expect(tokenCustomize).toBeDefined();129 expect(tokenCustomize.useFactory).toBeDefined();130 const tokenCustomizeValue = tokenCustomize.useFactory();131 expect(tokenCustomizeValue).toEqual('My_Token');132 // restore133 const restorePipe = mocks.get(RestorePipe);134 expect(restorePipe).toBe(restorePipe);135 // mock nested136 const myComponent3 = mocks.get(My3Component);137 expect(138 isMockedNgDefOf(myComponent3, My3Component, 'c'),139 ).toBeTruthy();140 },141 ));...
Source: spec.modules.fixtures.ts
1import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';2import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';3import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';4import {5 ContentChildComponent,6 KeepComponent,7 MockComponent,8 My1Component,9 My2Component,10 My3Component,11 MyComponent,12} from './spec.components.fixtures';13import { KeepDirective, MockDirective, MyDirective } from './spec.directives.fixtures';14import { CustomizePipe, KeepPipe, MockPipe, MyPipe, RestorePipe } from './spec.pipes.fixtures';15import { MyService1, MyService2, ServiceCustomize, ServiceKeep, ServiceMock } from './';16import { TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE, TOKEN_KEEP, TOKEN_MOCK } from './spec.tokens.fixtures';17@NgModule({18 declarations: [19 KeepComponent,20 MockComponent,21 KeepDirective,22 MockDirective,23 KeepPipe,24 MockPipe,25 CustomizePipe,26 RestorePipe,27 ],28 exports: [KeepComponent, MockComponent, KeepDirective, MockDirective, KeepPipe, MockPipe, CustomizePipe, RestorePipe],29 providers: [30 ServiceKeep,31 ServiceMock,32 {33 provide: TOKEN_KEEP,34 useValue: 'TOKEN_KEEP',35 },36 {37 provide: TOKEN_MOCK,38 useValue: 'TOKEN_MOCK',39 },40 {41 provide: TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE,42 useValue: 'TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE',43 },44 ],45})46export class ModuleMock {}47@NgModule({48 declarations: [My1Component, My2Component, My3Component, ContentChildComponent],49 exports: [My1Component, My2Component, My3Component, ContentChildComponent],50 imports: [CommonModule],51})52export class ModuleKeep {}53@NgModule({54 declarations: [MyComponent, MyDirective, MyPipe],55 exports: [MyComponent, MyDirective, MyPipe],56 imports: [HttpClientModule, ModuleMock, ModuleKeep],57 providers: [MyService1, MyService2, ServiceCustomize],58})...
Source: spec.tokens.fixtures.ts
1import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';2export const TOKEN_KEEP = new InjectionToken('TOKEN_KEEP');3export const TOKEN_MOCK = new InjectionToken('TOKEN_MOCK');...
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