How to use STR_TOKEN method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: xml_formatter.js Github


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1AUI.add(2 'liferay-xml-formatter',3 function(A) {4 var Lang = A.Lang;5 var AArray = A.Array;6 var REGEX_DECLARATIVE_CLOSE = /​-->|\]>/​;7 var REGEX_DECLARATIVE_OPEN = /​<!/​;8 var REGEX_DIRECTIVE = /​<\?/​;9 var REGEX_DOCTYPE = /​!DOCTYPE/​;10 var REGEX_ELEMENT = /​^<\w/​;11 var REGEX_ELEMENT_CLOSE = /​^<\/​\w/​;12 var REGEX_ELEMENT_NAMESPACED = /​^<[\w:\-\.\,]+/​;13 var REGEX_ELEMENT_NAMESPACED_CLOSE = /​^<\/​[\w:\-\.\,]+/​;14 var REGEX_ELEMENT_OPEN = /​<\w/​;15 var REGEX_NAMESPACE_XML = /​xmlns(?:\:|\=)/​g;16 var REGEX_NAMESPACE_XML_ATTR = /​\s*(xmlns)(\:|\=)/​g;17 var REGEX_TAG_CLOSE = /​<\/​/​;18 var REGEX_TAG_OPEN = /​</​g;19 var REGEX_TAG_SINGLE_CLOSE = /​\/​>/​;20 var REGEX_WHITESPACE_BETWEEN_TAGS = /​>\s+</​g;21 var STR_BLANK = '';22 var STR_TOKEN = '~::~';23 var XMLFormatter = A.Component.create(24 {25 EXTENDS: A.Base,26 NAME: 'liferayxmlformatter',27 ATTRS: {28 lineIndent: {29 validator: Lang.isString,30 value: '\r\n'31 },32 tagIndent: {33 validator: Lang.isString,34 value: '\t'35 }36 },37 prototype: {38 format: function(content) {39 var instance = this;40 var tagIndent = instance.get('tagIndent');41 var lineIndent = instance.get('lineIndent');42 content = instance.minify(content);43 content = content.replace(REGEX_TAG_OPEN, STR_TOKEN + '<');44 content = content.replace(REGEX_NAMESPACE_XML_ATTR, STR_TOKEN + '$1$2');45 var items = content.split(STR_TOKEN);46 var inComment = false;47 var level = 0;48 var result = STR_BLANK;49 AArray.each(50 items,51 function(item, index, collection) {52 if (REGEX_DECLARATIVE_OPEN.test(item)) {53 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level) + item;54 inComment = true;55 if (REGEX_DECLARATIVE_CLOSE.test(item) || REGEX_DOCTYPE.test(item)) {56 inComment = false;57 }58 }59 else if (REGEX_DECLARATIVE_CLOSE.test(item)) {60 result += item;61 inComment = false;62 }63 else if (REGEX_ELEMENT.exec(items[index - 1]) && REGEX_ELEMENT_CLOSE.exec(item) &&64 REGEX_ELEMENT_NAMESPACED.exec(items[index - 1]) == REGEX_ELEMENT_NAMESPACED_CLOSE.exec(item)[0].replace('/​', STR_BLANK)) {65 result += item;66 if (!inComment) {67 --level;68 }69 }70 else if (REGEX_ELEMENT_OPEN.test(item) && !REGEX_TAG_CLOSE.test(item) && !REGEX_TAG_SINGLE_CLOSE.test(item) ) {71 if (inComment) {72 result += item;73 }74 else {75 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level++) + item;76 }77 }78 else if (REGEX_ELEMENT_OPEN.test(item) && REGEX_TAG_CLOSE.test(item)) {79 if (inComment) {80 result += item;81 }82 else {83 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level) + item;84 }85 }86 else if (REGEX_TAG_CLOSE.test(item)) {87 if (inComment) {88 result += item;89 }90 else {91 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, --level) + item;92 }93 }94 else if (REGEX_TAG_SINGLE_CLOSE.test(item) ) {95 if (inComment) {96 result += item;97 }98 else {99 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level) + item;100 }101 }102 else if (REGEX_DIRECTIVE.test(item)) {103 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level) + item;104 }105 else if (REGEX_NAMESPACE_XML) {106 result += instance._indent(lineIndent, tagIndent, level) + item;107 }108 else {109 result += item;110 }111 }112 );113 if (new RegExp('^' + lineIndent).test(result)) {114 result = result.slice(lineIndent.length);115 }116 return result;117 },118 minify: function(content) {119 return content.replace(REGEX_WHITESPACE_BETWEEN_TAGS, '><');120 },121 _indent: function(lineIndent, separator, times) {122 var instance = this;123 return lineIndent + new Array(times + 1).join(separator);124 }125 }126 }127 );128 Liferay.XMLFormatter = XMLFormatter;129 },130 '',131 {132 requires: ['aui-base']133 }...

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Source: authControllers.js Github


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1const { v4 } = require('uuid')2const {3 select,4 insert,5 remove,6 update7} = require("../​models/​models");8module.exports = {9 async login(id) {10 const token = v4();11 const isLogged = await select("sessions", {12 FK_SQ_UserID: id13 }, ["*"])14 if (isLogged.status) {15 return {16 status: false,17 message: "Already logged."18 }19 }20 const response = await insert("sessions", {21 STR_Token: token,22 FK_SQ_UserID: id23 }, ["STR_Token"])24 if (response.status) {25 return {26 status: true,27 data: token28 };29 } else {30 return response;31 }32 },33 async verify(token) {34 let status;35 const response = await select("sessions", {36 STR_Token: token37 }, ["*"])38 if (response.status) {39 status = true;40 } else {41 status = false;42 }43 return status;44 },45 async getUserID(token) {46 const response = await select("sessions", {47 STR_Token: token48 }, ["FK_SQ_UserID"])49 return response;50 },51 async logout(token) {52 const response = await remove("sessions", {53 STR_Token: token54 })55 return response;56 }...

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Source: authMiddleware.js Github


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1const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");2const http = require("http-status-codes");3const authRoutesMiddleware = function (req, res, next) {4 const str_token = req.get("Authorization");5 /​/​ const str_token = req.headers.token6 if (typeof str_token != "undefined") {7 const token = str_token.split(" ")[1];8 /​/​ const token = str_token9 10 if (token) {11 return jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET, (err, result) => {12 if (err) {13 return res.json({14 status: http.StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED,15 message: "UNAUTHORIZED MIDDLEWARE 1 ",16 });17 }18 next();19 });20 }21 }22 return res.json({23 status: http.StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED,24 message: "UNAUTHORIZED MIDDLEWARE 2 ",25 });26};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { STR_TOKEN } from 'ng-mocks';2const mock = ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN).mock;3import { MockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';4const mock = ngMocks.find(MockProvider).mock;5ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN) returns undefined6ngMocks.find(MockProvider) returns undefined7ngMocks.find(MockProvider, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined8ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, MockProvider) returns undefined9ngMocks.find(MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined10ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined11ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider) returns undefined12ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined13ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined14ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined15ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined16ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined17ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined18ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined19ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined20ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined21ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN) returns undefined22ngMocks.find(STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, MockProvider, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN, STR_TOKEN

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