Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: jquery.multifile.js
1/*2 ### jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.48 - 2012-07-19 ###3 * Home: * Code: *6 * Licensed under ###8*/9/*# AVOID COLLISIONS #*/10;if(window.jQuery) (function($){11/*# AVOID COLLISIONS #*/12 13 // plugin initialization14 $.fn.MultiFile = function(options){15 if(this.length==0) return this; // quick fail16 17 // Handle API methods18 if(typeof arguments[0]=='string'){19 // Perform API methods on individual elements20 if(this.length>1){21 var args = arguments;22 return this.each(function(){23 $.fn.MultiFile.apply($(this), args);24 });25 };26 // Invoke API method handler27 $.fn.MultiFile[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []);28 // Quick exit...29 return this;30 };31 32 // Initialize options for this call33 var options = $.extend(34 {}/* new object */,35 $.fn.MultiFile.options/* default options */,36 options || {} /* just-in-time options */37 );38 39 // Empty Element Fix!!!40 // this code will automatically intercept native form submissions41 // and disable empty file elements42 $('form')43 .not('MultiFile-intercepted')44 .addClass('MultiFile-intercepted')45 .submit($.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty);46 47 //### // utility method to integrate this plugin with others...49 if($.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept){50 $.fn.MultiFile.intercept( $.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept /* array of methods to intercept */ );51 $.fn.MultiFile.options.autoIntercept = null; /* only run this once */52 };53 54 // loop through each matched element55 this56 .not('.MultiFile-applied')57 .addClass('MultiFile-applied')58 .each(function(){59 //#####################################################################60 // MAIN PLUGIN FUNCTIONALITY - START61 //#####################################################################62 63 // BUG 1251 FIX: // variable group_count would repeat itself on multiple calls to the plugin.65 // this would cause a conflict with multiple elements66 // changes scope of variable to global so id will be unique over n calls67 window.MultiFile = (window.MultiFile || 0) + 1;68 var group_count = window.MultiFile;69 70 // Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner71 // we will use this one to create new input elements72 var MultiFile = {e:this, E:$(this), clone:$(this).clone()};73 74 //===75 76 //# USE CONFIGURATION77 if(typeof options=='number') options = {max:options};78 var o = $.extend({},79 $.fn.MultiFile.options,80 options || {},81 ($.metadata? MultiFile.E.metadata(): ($.meta? || {}, /* metadata options */82 {} /* internals */83 );84 // limit number of files that can be selected?85 if(!(o.max>0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/){86 o.max = MultiFile.E.attr('maxlength');87 };88 if(!(o.max>0) /*IsNull(MultiFile.max)*/){89 o.max = (String(MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(max|limit)\-([0-9]+)\b/gi) || ['']).match(/[0-9]+/gi) || [''])[0];90 if(!(o.max>0)) o.max = -1;91 else o.max = String(o.max).match(/[0-9]+/gi)[0];92 }93 o.max = new Number(o.max);94 // limit extensions?95 o.accept = o.accept || MultiFile.E.attr('accept') || '';96 if(!o.accept){97 o.accept = (MultiFile.e.className.match(/\b(accept\-[\w\|]+)\b/gi)) || '';98 o.accept = new String(o.accept).replace(/^(accept|ext)\-/i,'');99 };100 101 //===102 103 // APPLY CONFIGURATION104 $.extend(MultiFile, o || {});105 MultiFile.STRING = $.extend({},$.fn.MultiFile.options.STRING,MultiFile.STRING);106 107 //===108 109 //#########################################110 // PRIVATE PROPERTIES/METHODS111 $.extend(MultiFile, {112 n: 0, // How many elements are currently selected?113 slaves: [], files: [],114 instanceKey: || 'MultiFile'+String(group_count), // Instance Key?115 generateID: function(z){ return MultiFile.instanceKey + (z>0 ?'_F'+String(z):''); },116 trigger: function(event, element){117 var handler = MultiFile[event], value = $(element).attr('value');118 if(handler){119 var returnValue = handler(element, value, MultiFile);120 if( returnValue!=null ) return returnValue;121 }122 return true;123 }124 });125 126 //===127 128 // Setup dynamic regular expression for extension validation129 // - thanks to John-Paul Bader: if(String(MultiFile.accept).length>1){131 MultiFile.accept = MultiFile.accept.replace(/\W+/g,'|').replace(/^\W|\W$/g,'');132 MultiFile.rxAccept = new RegExp('\\.('+(MultiFile.accept?MultiFile.accept:'')+')$','gi');133 };134 135 //===136 137 // Create wrapper to hold our file list138 MultiFile.wrapID = MultiFile.instanceKey+'_wrap'; // Wrapper ID?139 MultiFile.E.wrap('<div class="MultiFile-wrap" id="'+MultiFile.wrapID+'"></div>');140 MultiFile.wrapper = $('#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'');141 142 //===143 144 // MultiFile MUST have a name - default: file1[], file2[], file3[]145 = || 'file'+ group_count +'[]';146 147 //===148 149 if(!MultiFile.list){150 // Create a wrapper for the list151 // * OPERA BUG: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ('list' is a read-only property)152 // this change allows us to keep the files in the order they were selected153 MultiFile.wrapper.append( '<div class="MultiFile-list" id="'+MultiFile.wrapID+'_list"></div>' );154 MultiFile.list = $('#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'_list');155 };156 MultiFile.list = $(MultiFile.list);157 158 //===159 160 // Bind a new element161 MultiFile.addSlave = function( slave, slave_count ){162 //if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addSlave',slave_count);163 164 // Keep track of how many elements have been displayed165 MultiFile.n++;166 // Add reference to master element167 slave.MultiFile = MultiFile;168 169 // BUG FIX: // Clear identifying properties from clones171 if(slave_count>0) = = '';172 173 // Define element's ID and name (upload components need this!)174 // = || MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);175 if(slave_count>0) = MultiFile.generateID(slave_count);176 //FIX for: 178 // 2008-Apr-29: New customizable naming convention (see url below)179 // = String(MultiFile.namePattern181 /*master name*/.replace(/\$name/gi,$(MultiFile.clone).attr('name'))182 /*master id */.replace(/\$id/gi, $(MultiFile.clone).attr('id'))183 /*group count*/.replace(/\$g/gi, group_count)//(group_count>0?group_count:''))184 /*slave count*/.replace(/\$i/gi, slave_count)//(slave_count>0?slave_count:''))185 );186 187 // If we've reached maximum number, disable input slave188 if( (MultiFile.max > 0) && ((MultiFile.n-1) > (MultiFile.max)) )//{ // MultiFile.n Starts at 1, so subtract 1 to find true count189 slave.disabled = true;190 //};191 192 // Remember most recent slave193 MultiFile.current = MultiFile.slaves[slave_count] = slave;194 195 // We'll use jQuery from now on196 slave = $(slave);197 198 // Clear value199 slave.val('').attr('value','')[0].value = '';200 201 // Stop plugin initializing on slaves202 slave.addClass('MultiFile-applied');203 204 // Triggered when a file is selected205 slave.change(function(){206 //if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.slave.change',slave_count);207 208 // Lose focus to stop IE7 firing onchange again209 $(this).blur();210 211 //# Trigger Event! onFileSelect212 if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileSelect', this, MultiFile)) return false;213 //# End Event!214 215 //# Retrive value of selected file from element216 var ERROR = '', v = String(this.value || ''/*.attr('value)*/);217 218 // check extension219 if(MultiFile.accept && v && !v.match(MultiFile.rxAccept))//{220 ERROR = MultiFile.STRING.denied.replace('$ext', String(v.match(/\.\w{1,4}$/gi)));221 //}222 //};223 224 // Disallow duplicates225 for(var f in MultiFile.slaves)//{226 if(MultiFile.slaves[f] && MultiFile.slaves[f]!=this)//{227 //console.log(MultiFile.slaves[f],MultiFile.slaves[f].value);228 if(MultiFile.slaves[f].value==v)//{229 ERROR = MultiFile.STRING.duplicate.replace('$file', v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi));230 //};231 //};232 //};233 234 // Create a new file input element235 var newEle = $(MultiFile.clone).clone();// Copy parent attributes - Thanks to Jonas Wagner236 //# Let's remember which input we've generated so237 // we can disable the empty ones before submission238 // See: newEle.addClass('MultiFile');240 241 // Handle error242 if(ERROR!=''){243 // Handle error244 MultiFile.error(ERROR);245 246 // 2007-06-24: BUG FIX - Thanks to Adrian Wróbel <adrian [dot] wrobel [at]>247 // Ditch the trouble maker and add a fresh new element248 MultiFile.n--;249 MultiFile.addSlave(newEle[0], slave_count);250 slave.parent().prepend(newEle);251 slave.remove();252 return false;253 };254 255 // Hide this element (NB: display:none is evil!)256 $(this).css({ position:'absolute', top: '-3000px' });257 258 // Add new element to the form259 slave.after(newEle);260 261 // Update list262 MultiFile.addToList( this, slave_count );263 264 // Bind functionality265 MultiFile.addSlave( newEle[0], slave_count+1 );266 267 //# Trigger Event! afterFileSelect268 if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileSelect', this, MultiFile)) return false;269 //# End Event!270 271 }); // slave.change()272 273 // Save control to element274 $(slave).data('MultiFile', MultiFile);275 276 };// MultiFile.addSlave277 // Bind a new element278 279 280 281 // Add a new file to the list282 MultiFile.addToList = function( slave, slave_count ){283 //if(window.console) console.log('MultiFile.addToList',slave_count);284 285 //# Trigger Event! onFileAppend286 if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileAppend', slave, MultiFile)) return false;287 //# End Event!288 289 // Create label elements290 var291 r = $('<div class="MultiFile-label"></div>'),292 v = String(slave.value || ''/*.attr('value)*/),293 a = $('<span class="MultiFile-title" title="'+MultiFile.STRING.selected.replace('$file', v)+'">'+MultiFile.STRING.file.replace('$file', v.match(/[^\/\\]+$/gi)[0])+'</span>'),294 b = $('<a class="MultiFile-remove" href="#'+MultiFile.wrapID+'">'+MultiFile.STRING.remove+'</a>');295 296 // Insert label297 MultiFile.list.append(298 r.append(b, ' ', a)299 );300 301 b302 .click(function(){303 304 //# Trigger Event! onFileRemove305 if(!MultiFile.trigger('onFileRemove', slave, MultiFile)) return false;306 //# End Event!307 308 MultiFile.n--;309 MultiFile.current.disabled = false;310 311 // Remove element, remove label, point to current312 MultiFile.slaves[slave_count] = null;313 $(slave).remove();314 $(this).parent().remove();315 316 // Show most current element again (move into view) and clear selection317 $(MultiFile.current).css({ position:'', top: '' });318 $(MultiFile.current).reset().val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';319 320 //# Trigger Event! afterFileRemove321 if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileRemove', slave, MultiFile)) return false;322 //# End Event!323 324 return false;325 });326 327 //# Trigger Event! afterFileAppend328 if(!MultiFile.trigger('afterFileAppend', slave, MultiFile)) return false;329 //# End Event!330 331 }; // MultiFile.addToList332 // Add element to selected files list333 334 335 336 // Bind functionality to the first element337 if(!MultiFile.MultiFile) MultiFile.addSlave(MultiFile.e, 0);338 339 // Increment control count340 //MultiFile.I++; // using window.MultiFile341 MultiFile.n++;342 343 // Save control to element344'MultiFile', MultiFile);345 346 //#####################################################################347 // MAIN PLUGIN FUNCTIONALITY - END348 //#####################################################################349 }); // each element350 };351 352 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/353 354 /*355 ### Core functionality and API ###356 */357 $.extend($.fn.MultiFile, {358 /**359 * This method removes all selected files360 *361 * Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.362 *363 * @name reset364 * @type jQuery365 * @cat Plugins/MultiFile366 * @author Diego A. ( *368 * @example $.fn.MultiFile.reset();369 */370 reset: function(){371 var settings = $(this).data('MultiFile');372 //if(settings) settings.wrapper.find('a.MultiFile-remove').click();373 if(settings) settings.list.find('a.MultiFile-remove').click();374 return $(this);375 },376 377 378 /**379 * This utility makes it easy to disable all 'empty' file elements in the document before submitting a form.380 * It marks the affected elements so they can be easily re-enabled after the form submission or validation.381 *382 * Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.383 *384 * @name disableEmpty385 * @type jQuery386 * @cat Plugins/MultiFile387 * @author Diego A. ( *389 * @example $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty();390 * @param String class (optional) A string specifying a class to be applied to all affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.391 */392 disableEmpty: function(klass){ klass = (typeof(klass)=='string'?klass:'')||'mfD';393 var o = [];394 $('input:file.MultiFile').each(function(){ if($(this).val()=='') o[o.length] = this; });395 return $(o).each(function(){ this.disabled = true }).addClass(klass);396 },397 398 399 /**400 * This method re-enables 'empty' file elements that were disabled (and marked) with the $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty method.401 *402 * Returns a jQuery collection of all affected elements.403 *404 * @name reEnableEmpty405 * @type jQuery406 * @cat Plugins/MultiFile407 * @author Diego A. ( *409 * @example $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty();410 * @param String klass (optional) A string specifying the class that was used to mark affected elements - Default: 'mfD'.411 */412 reEnableEmpty: function(klass){ klass = (typeof(klass)=='string'?klass:'')||'mfD';413 return $('input:file.'+klass).removeClass(klass).each(function(){ this.disabled = false });414 },415 416 417 /**418 * This method will intercept other jQuery plugins and disable empty file input elements prior to form submission419 *420 421 * @name intercept422 * @cat Plugins/MultiFile423 * @author Diego A. ( *425 * @example $.fn.MultiFile.intercept();426 * @param Array methods (optional) Array of method names to be intercepted427 */428 intercepted: {},429 intercept: function(methods, context, args){430 var method, value; args = args || [];431 if(args.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")<0) args = [ args ];432 if(typeof(methods)=='function'){433 $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty();434 value = methods.apply(context || window, args);435 //SEE- setTimeout(function(){ $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty() },1000);437 return value;438 };439 if(methods.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")<0) methods = [methods];440 for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){441 method = methods[i]+''; // make sure that we have a STRING442 if(method) (function(method){ // make sure that method is ISOLATED for the interception443 $.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method] = $.fn[method] || function(){};444 $.fn[method] = function(){445 $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty();446 value = $.fn.MultiFile.intercepted[method].apply(this, arguments);447 //SEE setTimeout(function(){ $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty() },1000);449 return value;450 }; // interception451 })(method); // MAKE SURE THAT method IS ISOLATED for the interception452 };// for each method453 } // $.fn.MultiFile.intercept454 455 });456 457 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/458 459 /*460 ### Default Settings ###461 eg.: You can override default control like this:462 $.fn.MultiFile.options.accept = 'gif|jpg';463 */464 $.fn.MultiFile.options = { //$.extend($.fn.MultiFile, { options: {465 accept: '', // accepted file extensions466 max: -1, // maximum number of selectable files467 468 // name to use for newly created elements469 namePattern: '$name', // same name by default (which creates an array)470 /*master name*/ // use $name471 /*master id */ // use $id472 /*group count*/ // use $g473 /*slave count*/ // use $i474 /*other */ // use any combination of he above, eg.: $name_file$i475 476 // STRING: collection lets you show messages in different languages477 STRING: {478 remove:'x',479 denied:'You cannot select a $ext file.\nTry again...',480 file:'$file',481 selected:'File selected: $file',482 duplicate:'This file has already been selected:\n$file'483 },484 485 // name of methods that should be automcatically intercepted so the plugin can disable486 // extra file elements that are empty before execution and automatically re-enable them afterwards487 autoIntercept: [ 'submit', 'ajaxSubmit', 'ajaxForm', 'validate', 'valid' /* array of methods to intercept */ ],488 489 // error handling function490 error: function(s){491 /*492 ERROR! blockUI is not currently working in IE493 if($.blockUI){494 $.blockUI({495 message: s.replace(/\n/gi,'<br/>'),496 css: { 497 border:'none', padding:'15px', size:'12.0pt',498 backgroundColor:'#900', color:'#fff',499 opacity:'.8','-webkit-border-radius': '10px','-moz-border-radius': '10px'500 }501 });502 window.setTimeout($.unblockUI, 2000);503 }504 else//{// save a byte!505 */506 alert(s);507 //}// save a byte!508 }509 }; //} });510 511 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/512 513 /*514 ### Additional Methods ###515 Required functionality outside the plugin's scope516 */517 518 // Native input reset method - because this alone doesn't always work: $(element).val('').attr('value', '')[0].value = '';519 $.fn.reset = function(){ return this.each(function(){ try{ this.reset(); }catch(e){} }); };520 521 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/522 523 /*524 ### Default implementation ###525 The plugin will attach itself to file inputs526 with the class 'multi' when the page loads527 */528 $(function(){529 //$("input:file.multi").MultiFile();530 $("input[type=file].multi").MultiFile();531 });532 533 534 535/*# AVOID COLLISIONS #*/536})(jQuery);...
1"""2Test user added container commands3"""4import sys5import lldb6from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *7from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *8class TestCmdContainer(TestBase):9 NO_DEBUG_INFO_TESTCASE = True10 def test_container_add(self):11 self.container_add()12 def check_command_tree_exists(self):13 """This makes sure we can still run the command tree we added."""14 self.runCmd("test-multi")15 self.runCmd("test-multi test-multi-sub")16 self.runCmd("test-multi test-multi-sub welcome")17 18 def container_add(self):19 # Make sure we can't overwrite built-in commands:20 self.expect("command container add process", "Can't replace builtin container command",21 substrs=["can't replace builtin command"], error=True)22 self.expect("command container add process non_such_subcommand", "Can't add to built-in subcommand", 23 substrs=["Path component: 'process' is not a user command"], error=True)24 self.expect("command container add process launch", "Can't replace builtin subcommand", 25 substrs=["Path component: 'process' is not a user command"], error=True)26 # Now lets make a container command:27 self.runCmd("command container add -h 'A test container command' test-multi")28 # Make sure the help works:29 self.expect("help test-multi", "Help works for top-level multi",30 substrs=["A test container command"])31 # Add a subcommand:32 self.runCmd("command container add -h 'A test container sub-command' test-multi test-multi-sub")33 # Make sure the help works:34 self.expect("help test-multi", "Help shows sub-multi",35 substrs=["A test container command", "test-multi-sub -- A test container sub-command"])36 self.expect("help test-multi test-multi-sub", "Help shows sub-multi",37 substrs=["A test container sub-command"])38 # Now add a script based command to the container command:39 self.runCmd("command script import")40 self.runCmd("command script add -c welcome.WelcomeCommand test-multi test-multi-sub welcome")41 # Make sure the help still works:42 self.expect("help test-multi test-multi-sub", "Listing subcommands works",43 substrs=["A test container sub-command", "welcome -- Just a docstring for Welcome"])44 self.expect("help test-multi test-multi-sub welcome", "Subcommand help works",45 substrs=["Just a docstring for Welcome"])46 # And make sure it actually works:47 self.expect("test-multi test-multi-sub welcome friend", "Test command works",48 substrs=["Hello friend, welcome to LLDB"])49 # Make sure overwriting works on the leaf command. First using the50 # explicit option so we should not be able to remove extant commands by default:51 self.expect("command script add -c welcome.WelcomeCommand2 test-multi test-multi-sub welcome",52 "overwrite command w/o -o",53 substrs=["cannot add command: sub-command already exists"], error=True)54 # But we can with the -o option:55 self.runCmd("command script add -c welcome.WelcomeCommand2 -o test-multi test-multi-sub welcome")56 # Make sure we really did overwrite:57 self.expect("test-multi test-multi-sub welcome friend", "Used the new command class",58 substrs=["Hello friend, welcome again to LLDB"])59 self.expect("apropos welcome", "welcome should show up in apropos", substrs=["A docstring for the second Welcome"])60 self.expect("help test-multi test-multi-sub welcome", "welcome should show up in help", substrs=["A docstring for the second Welcome"])61 self.expect("help", "test-multi should show up in help", substrs=["test-multi"])62 63 # Now switch the default and make sure we can now delete w/o the overwrite option:64 self.runCmd("settings set interpreter.require-overwrite 0")65 self.runCmd("command script add -c welcome.WelcomeCommand test-multi test-multi-sub welcome")66 # Make sure we really did overwrite:67 self.expect("test-multi test-multi-sub welcome friend", "Used the new command class",68 substrs=["Hello friend, welcome to LLDB"])69 70 # Make sure we give good errors when the input is wrong:71 self.expect("command script delete test-mult test-multi-sub welcome", "Delete script command - wrong first path component",72 substrs=["'test-mult' not found"], error=True)73 74 self.expect("command script delete test-multi test-multi-su welcome", "Delete script command - wrong second path component",75 substrs=["'test-multi-su' not found"], error=True)76 self.check_command_tree_exists()77 78 self.expect("command script delete test-multi test-multi-sub welcom", "Delete script command - wrong leaf component",79 substrs=["'welcom' not found"], error=True)80 self.check_command_tree_exists()81 82 self.expect("command script delete test-multi test-multi-sub", "Delete script command - no leaf component",83 substrs=["subcommand 'test-multi-sub' is not a user command"], error=True)84 self.check_command_tree_exists()85 # You can't use command script delete to delete container commands:86 self.expect("command script delete test-multi", "Delete script - can't delete container",87 substrs=["command 'test-multi' is a multi-word command."], error=True)88 self.expect("command script delete test-multi test-multi-sub", "Delete script - can't delete container",89 substrs=["subcommand 'test-multi-sub' is not a user command"], error = True)90 # You can't use command container delete to delete scripted commands:91 self.expect("command container delete test-multi test-multi-sub welcome", "command container can't delete user commands",92 substrs=["subcommand 'welcome' is not a container command"], error = True)93 94 # Also make sure you can't alias on top of container commands:95 self.expect("command alias test-multi process launch", "Tried to alias on top of a container command",96 substrs=["'test-multi' is a user container command and cannot be overwritten."], error=True)97 self.check_command_tree_exists()98 # Also assert that we can't delete builtin commands:99 self.expect("command script delete process launch", "Delete builtin command fails", substrs=["command 'process' is not a user command"], error=True)100 # Now let's do the version that works101 self.expect("command script delete test-multi test-multi-sub welcome", "Delete script command by path", substrs=["Deleted command: test-multi test-multi-sub welcome"])102 # Now overwrite the sub-command, it should end up empty:103 self.runCmd("command container add -h 'A different help string' -o test-multi test-multi-sub")104 # welcome should be gone:105 self.expect("test-multi test-multi-sub welcome friend", "did remove subcommand",106 substrs=["'test-multi-sub' does not have any subcommands."], error=True)107 # We should have the new help:108 self.expect("help test-multi test-multi-sub", "help changed",109 substrs=["A different help string"])110 # Now try deleting commands.111 self.runCmd("command container delete test-multi test-multi-sub")112 self.expect("test-multi test-multi-sub", "Command is not active", error=True,113 substrs = ["'test-multi' does not have any subcommands"])114 self.expect("help test-multi", matching=False, substrs=["test-multi-sub"])115 116 # Next the root command:117 self.runCmd("command container delete test-multi")...
Source: createMultiSort.jest.js
1import createMultiSort from './createMultiSort';2describe('createMultiSort', () => {3 function simulate(4 sort,5 dataKey,6 eventModifier = '',7 defaultSortDirection = 'ASC',8 ) {9 sort({10 defaultSortDirection,11 event: {12 ctrlKey: eventModifier === 'control',13 metaKey: eventModifier === 'meta',14 shiftKey: eventModifier === 'shift',15 },16 sortBy: dataKey,17 });18 }19 it('errors if the user did not specify a sort callback', () => {20 expect(createMultiSort).toThrow();21 });22 it('sets the correct default values', () => {23 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {24 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],25 defaultSortDirection: {26 a: 'ASC',27 b: 'DESC',28 },29 });30 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);31 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');32 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('DESC');33 });34 it('sets the correct default sparse values', () => {35 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {36 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],37 });38 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);39 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');40 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');41 });42 describe('on click', () => {43 it('sets the correct default value for a field', () => {44 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn());45 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');46 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);47 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');48 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', '', 'DESC');49 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);50 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('DESC');51 });52 it('toggles a field value', () => {53 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn());54 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');55 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);56 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');57 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');58 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);59 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('DESC');60 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', '', 'DESC');61 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);62 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('DESC');63 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', '', 'DESC');64 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);65 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');66 });67 it('resets sort-by fields', () => {68 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {69 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],70 });71 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);72 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');73 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);74 });75 it('resets sort-direction fields', () => {76 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {77 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],78 defaultSortDirection: {79 a: 'DESC',80 b: 'ASC',81 },82 });83 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);84 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toEqual('DESC');85 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toEqual('ASC');86 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');87 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);88 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toEqual('ASC');89 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toEqual(undefined);90 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b');91 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);92 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toEqual(undefined);93 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toEqual('ASC');94 });95 });96 describe('on shift click', () => {97 it('appends a field to the sort by list', () => {98 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn());99 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');100 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);101 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');102 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', 'shift');103 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);104 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');105 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');106 });107 it('toggles an appended field value', () => {108 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn());109 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');110 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);111 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');112 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', 'shift');113 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);114 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');115 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');116 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a', 'shift');117 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);118 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('DESC');119 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');120 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a', 'shift');121 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);122 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');123 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');124 });125 it('able to shift+click more than once', () => {126 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn());127 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a');128 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a']);129 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');130 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', 'shift');131 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);132 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');133 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('ASC');134 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b');135 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);136 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('DESC');137 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a', 'shift');138 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b', 'a']);139 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.a).toBe('ASC');140 expect(multiSort.sortDirection.b).toBe('DESC');141 });142 });143 ['control', 'meta'].forEach(modifier => {144 describe(`${modifier} click`, () => {145 it('removes a field from the sort by list', () => {146 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {147 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],148 });149 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);150 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'a', modifier);151 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['b']);152 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'b', modifier);153 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual([]);154 });155 it('ignores fields not in the list on control click', () => {156 const multiSort = createMultiSort(jest.fn(), {157 defaultSortBy: ['a', 'b'],158 });159 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);160 simulate(multiSort.sort, 'c', modifier);161 expect(multiSort.sortBy).toEqual(['a', 'b']);162 });163 });164 });...
1"""2Tests for dict duplicate keys Pyflakes behavior.3"""4from sys import version_info5from pyflakes import messages as m6from pyflakes.test.harness import TestCase, skipIf7class Test(TestCase):8 def test_duplicate_keys(self):9 self.flakes(10 "{'yes': 1, 'yes': 2}",11 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,12 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,13 )14 @skipIf(version_info < (3,),15 "bytes and strings with same 'value' are not equal in python3")16 def test_duplicate_keys_bytes_vs_unicode_py3(self):17 self.flakes("{b'a': 1, u'a': 2}")18 @skipIf(version_info < (3,),19 "bytes and strings with same 'value' are not equal in python3")20 def test_duplicate_values_bytes_vs_unicode_py3(self):21 self.flakes(22 "{1: b'a', 1: u'a'}",23 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,24 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,25 )26 @skipIf(version_info >= (3,),27 "bytes and strings with same 'value' are equal in python2")28 def test_duplicate_keys_bytes_vs_unicode_py2(self):29 self.flakes(30 "{b'a': 1, u'a': 2}",31 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,32 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,33 )34 @skipIf(version_info >= (3,),35 "bytes and strings with same 'value' are equal in python2")36 def test_duplicate_values_bytes_vs_unicode_py2(self):37 self.flakes("{1: b'a', 1: u'a'}")38 def test_multiple_duplicate_keys(self):39 self.flakes(40 "{'yes': 1, 'yes': 2, 'no': 2, 'no': 3}",41 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,42 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,43 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,44 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,45 )46 def test_duplicate_keys_in_function(self):47 self.flakes(48 '''49 def f(thing):50 pass51 f({'yes': 1, 'yes': 2})52 ''',53 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,54 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,55 )56 def test_duplicate_keys_in_lambda(self):57 self.flakes(58 "lambda x: {(0,1): 1, (0,1): 2}",59 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,60 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,61 )62 def test_duplicate_keys_tuples(self):63 self.flakes(64 "{(0,1): 1, (0,1): 2}",65 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,66 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,67 )68 def test_duplicate_keys_tuples_int_and_float(self):69 self.flakes(70 "{(0,1): 1, (0,1.0): 2}",71 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,72 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,73 )74 def test_duplicate_keys_ints(self):75 self.flakes(76 "{1: 1, 1: 2}",77 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,78 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,79 )80 def test_duplicate_keys_bools(self):81 self.flakes(82 "{True: 1, True: 2}",83 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,84 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,85 )86 def test_duplicate_keys_bools_false(self):87 # Needed to ensure 2.x correctly coerces these from variables88 self.flakes(89 "{False: 1, False: 2}",90 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,91 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,92 )93 def test_duplicate_keys_none(self):94 self.flakes(95 "{None: 1, None: 2}",96 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,97 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,98 )99 def test_duplicate_variable_keys(self):100 self.flakes(101 '''102 a = 1103 {a: 1, a: 2}104 ''',105 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyVariable,106 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyVariable,107 )108 def test_duplicate_variable_values(self):109 self.flakes(110 '''111 a = 1112 b = 2113 {1: a, 1: b}114 ''',115 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,116 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,117 )118 def test_duplicate_variable_values_same_value(self):119 # Current behaviour is not to look up variable values. This is to120 # confirm that.121 self.flakes(122 '''123 a = 1124 b = 1125 {1: a, 1: b}126 ''',127 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,128 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,129 )130 def test_duplicate_key_float_and_int(self):131 """132 These do look like different values, but when it comes to their use as133 keys, they compare as equal and so are actually duplicates.134 The literal dict {1: 1, 1.0: 1} actually becomes {1.0: 1}.135 """136 self.flakes(137 '''138 {1: 1, 1.0: 2}139 ''',140 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,141 m.MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral,142 )143 def test_no_duplicate_key_error_same_value(self):144 self.flakes('''145 {'yes': 1, 'yes': 1}146 ''')147 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors(self):148 self.flakes('''149 {'yes': 1, 'no': 2}150 ''')151 def test_no_duplicate_keys_tuples_same_first_element(self):152 self.flakes("{(0,1): 1, (0,2): 1}")153 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_func_call(self):154 self.flakes('''155 def test(thing):156 pass157 test({True: 1, None: 2, False: 1})158 ''')159 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_bool_or_none(self):160 self.flakes("{True: 1, None: 2, False: 1}")161 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_ints(self):162 self.flakes('''163 {1: 1, 2: 1}164 ''')165 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_vars(self):166 self.flakes('''167 test = 'yes'168 rest = 'yes'169 {test: 1, rest: 2}170 ''')171 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_tuples(self):172 self.flakes('''173 {(0,1): 1, (0,2): 1}174 ''')175 def test_no_duplicate_key_errors_instance_attributes(self):176 self.flakes('''177 class Test():178 pass179 f = Test()180 f.a = 1181 {f.a: 1, f.a: 1}...
1#!/usr/bin/env python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3# Created on 9/11/19 by Pat Daburu4"""5.. currentmodule:: shapeit.geometry.multi6.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>7This module contains multipart geometry objects.8"""9from typing import Mapping, Union10from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon11from shapely.ops import unary_union12from .base import (13 SrGeometry,14 SrPolygon,15 SrGeometry1D,16 SrGeometry2D,17 update_geometry_type_map18)19from ..srs import Sr, WGS_8420class SrMultiPoint(SrGeometry):21 """22 A spatially referenced mutlipoint geometry.23 """24 def __init__(25 self,26 base_geometry: Union[MultiPoint, Mapping],27 sr: Sr = WGS_8428 ):29 super().__init__(base_geometry=base_geometry, sr=sr)30 @property31 def multipoint(self) -> MultiPoint:32 """33 Get the base geometry as a `shapely.geometry.MultiPoint`.34 """35 return self._base_geometry36class SrMultiPolygon(SrGeometry2D):37 """38 A spatially referenced multipolygon geometry.39 """40 def __init__(41 self,42 base_geometry: Union[MultiPolygon, Mapping],43 sr: Sr = WGS_8444 ):45 super().__init__(base_geometry=base_geometry, sr=sr)46 @property47 def multipolygon(self) -> MultiPolygon:48 """49 Get the base geometry as a `shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon`.50 """51 return self._base_geometry52 @property53 def dissolve(self) -> SrPolygon:54 """55 Get a representation of the union of the the polygons.56 :return: the dissolved polygon57 """58 return SrPolygon(59 base_geometry=unary_union(self._base_geometry),60 sr=self._sr61 )62class SrMultiPolyline(SrGeometry1D):63 """64 A spatially referenced polyline geometry.65 """66 def __init__(67 self,68 base_geometry: Union[MultiLineString, Mapping],69 sr: Sr = WGS_8470 ):71 super().__init__(base_geometry=base_geometry, sr=sr)72 @property73 def multilinestring(self) -> MultiLineString:74 """75 Get the base geometry as a `shapely.geometry.Polygon`.76 """77 return self._base_geometry78SrMultiLinestring = (79 SrMultiPolyline80) #: This is an alias for :py:class:`SrMultiPolyline`81# Update the geometry type map to include the new geometries defined in this82# module.83update_geometry_type_map(MultiPoint, SrMultiPoint)84update_geometry_type_map(MultiPolygon, SrMultiPolygon)...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';2import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';3import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';4import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';5@Injectable()6export class TestService {7 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}8 public test() {9 }10}11describe('TestService', () => {12 let service: TestService;13 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;14 beforeEach(() => {15 TestBed.configureTestingModule({16 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],17 });18 service = TestBed.get(TestService);19 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);20 });21 afterEach(() => {22 httpMock.verify();23 });24 it('should return an Observable<Todo>', () => {25 const dummyTodo = {26 };27 service.test().subscribe(todo => {28 expect(todo.userId).toBe(1);29 expect(todo.title).toEqual('delectus aut autem');30 expect(todo.completed).toBeFalsy();31 });32 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET');33 req.flush(dummyTodo);34 });35});36import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';37import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';38import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';39import { TestService } from './test.service';40describe('TestService', () => {41 let service: TestService;42 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;43 beforeEach(() => {44 TestBed.configureTestingModule({45 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],46 });47 service = TestBed.get(TestService);48 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);49 });50 afterEach(() => {51 httpMock.verify();52 });53 it('should return an Observable<Todo>', () => {54 const dummyTodo = {55 };56 service.test().subscribe(todo => {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mockMulti } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';3import { MyComponent } from './my.component';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 });8 });9 it('should create', () => {10 const fixture = mockMulti(MyComponent);11 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();12 });13});14import { Component } from '@angular/core';15@Component({16})17export class MyComponent {}18import { mockMulti } from 'ng-mocks';19import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';20import { MyComponent } from './my.component';21describe('MyComponent', () => {22 beforeEach(() => {23 TestBed.configureTestingModule({24 });25 });26 it('should create', () => {27 const fixture = mockMulti(MyComponent);28 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();29 });30});31div {32 background-color: red;33}34div {35 background-color: red;36}37div {38 background-color: red;39}40import { mockMulti } from 'ng-mocks';41import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';42import { MyComponent } from './my.component';43describe('MyComponent', () => {44 beforeEach(() => {45 TestBed.configureTestingModule({46 });47 });48 it('should create', () => {49 const fixture = mockMulti(MyComponent);50 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();51 });52});53import { Component } from '@angular/core';54@Component({55})56export class MyComponent {}57import { mockMulti } from 'ng-mocks';58import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';59import { MyComponent } from './my.component';60describe('MyComponent', () => {61 beforeEach(() => {62 TestBed.configureTestingModule({63 });64 });65 it('should
Using AI Code Generation
1import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';2import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';3import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';4import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';5import { AppComponent } from './app.component';6describe('AppComponent', () => {7 let component: AppComponent;8 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;9 beforeEach(async(() => {10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [ FormsModule ],12 })13 .compileComponents();14 }));15 beforeEach(() => {16 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);17 component = fixture.componentInstance;18 fixture.detectChanges();19 });20 it('should create', () => {21 expect(component).toBeTruthy();22 });23 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {24 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;25 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!');26 });27 it('should have a button', () => {28 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;29 expect(compiled.querySelector('button')).toBeTruthy();30 });31 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {32 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;33 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');34 });35 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {36 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;37 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');38 });39 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {40 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;41 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');42 });43 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {44 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;45 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');46 });47 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {48 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;49 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');50 });51 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {52 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;53 expect(compiled.querySelector('button').textContent).toContain('Click me!');54 });55 it('should have a button with text "Click me!"', () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('ng-mocks', () => {2 beforeEach(() => {3 TestBed.configureTestingModule({4 });5 });6 it('should create', () => {7 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);8 const component = fixture.componentInstance;9 expect(component).toBeTruthy();10 });11});12@Component({13})14export class TestComponent {15 constructor() {}16}17import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';18import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';19import { TestComponent } from './test.component';20describe('TestComponent', () => {21 let component: TestComponent;22 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;23 beforeEach(async () => {24 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({25 }).compileComponents();26 });27 beforeEach(() => {28 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);29 component = fixture.componentInstance;30 fixture.detectChanges();31 });32 it('should create', () => {33 expect(component).toBeTruthy();34 });35});36import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';37import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';38import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';39import { TestComponent } from './test.component';40describe('TestComponent', () => {41 let component: TestComponent;42 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;43 beforeEach(async () => {44 await MockBuilder(TestComponent).keep(TestComponent);45 });46 beforeEach(() => {47 fixture = MockRender(TestComponent);48 component = fixture.componentInstance;49 fixture.detectChanges();50 });51 it('should create', () => {52 expect(component).toBeTruthy();53 });54});55import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';56import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';57import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';58import { TestComponent } from './test.component';59describe('TestComponent', ()
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mockComponent, mockService } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';3import { ExampleComponent } from './example.component';4import { ExampleService } from './example.service';5import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';6@NgModule({7})8export class ExampleModule {}9describe('ExampleComponent', () => {10 beforeEach(() => {11 TestBed.configureTestingModule({12 imports: [ExampleModule],13 }).compileComponents();14 });15 it('should work', () => {16 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExampleComponent);17 fixture.detectChanges();18 expect(fixture.nativeElement).toMatchSnapshot();19 });20});21import { Component } from '@angular/core';22import { ExampleService } from './example.service';23@Component({24})25export class ExampleComponent {26 constructor(public service: ExampleService) {}27}28import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';29@Injectable()30export class ExampleService {31 isReady = false;32}33import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';34import { ExampleService } from './example.service';35describe('ExampleService', () => {36 beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({}));37 it('should be created', () => {38 const service: ExampleService = TestBed.get(ExampleService);39 expect(service).toBeTruthy();40 });41});42import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';43import { ExampleComponent } from './example.component';44import { ExampleService } from './example.service';45describe('ExampleComponent', () => {46 beforeEach(() => {47 TestBed.configureTestingModule({48 }).compileComponents();49 });50 it('should work', () => {51 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExampleComponent);52 fixture.detectChanges();53 expect(fixture.nativeElement).toMatchSnapshot();54 });55});56import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';57import { ExampleComponent } from './example.component';58import { ExampleService } from './example.service';59describe('ExampleComponent', () => {60 beforeEach(() => {61 TestBed.configureTestingModule({62 }).compileComponents();
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('test', () => {2 let mock: MockInstance<SomeService, ['someMethod']>;3 beforeEach(() => {4 mock = ngMocks.guts(SomeService, 'someMethod');5 });6 it('should do something', () => {7 mock.someMethod.andReturn('test');8 expect(service.someMethod()).toEqual('test');9 });10});11describe('test', () => {12 let mock: MockInstance<SomeService, ['someMethod']>;13 beforeEach(() => {14 mock = ngMocks.guts(SomeService, 'someMethod');15 });16 it('should do something', () => {17 mock.someMethod.andReturn('test');18 service.someMethod();19 expect(mock.someMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();20 });21});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { AppModule } from '../app.module';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';3import { AppComponent } from '../app.component';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));6 it('should create the app', () => {7 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);8 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;9 expect(app).toBeTruthy();10 });11});12import { NgModule, Injector } from '@angular/core';13import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';14import { AppComponent } from './app.component';15import { MockModule } from 'ng-mocks';16import { YourModule } from './your_module';17@NgModule({18 imports: [19 MockModule(YourModule)20})21export class AppModule { }22import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';23import { MockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';24import { YourComponent } from './your_component';25@Component({26})27export class AppComponent implements OnInit {28 public yourComponent = MockComponent(YourComponent);29 constructor() { }30 ngOnInit(): void {31 }32}33import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';34@Component({35})36export class YourComponent implements OnInit {37 constructor() { }38 ngOnInit(): void {39 }40}
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