How to use setTimeout method in navalia

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Source:RGraph.common.zoom.js Github


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...64 = 'rgba(220,220,220,0.3)';65 = 'none';66 areaDiv.onmouseover = function (e)67 {68 setTimeout(function () { = 0.8;}, 50);69 setTimeout(function () { = 0.6;}, 100);70 setTimeout(function () { = 0.4;}, 150);71 setTimeout(function () { = 0.2;}, 200);72 setTimeout(function () { = 0;}, 250);73 setTimeout(function () { = 'none';}, 300);74 setTimeout(function () { = null;}, 350);75 }76 document.body.appendChild(areaDiv);77 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.div', null);78 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown', coords);79 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv', areaDiv);80 }81 var window_onmousemove = function (e)82 {83 var startCoords = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown');84 85 if (startCoords && startCoords.length) {86 var coords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);87 var canvasXY = RGraph.getCanvasXY(;88 var obj =;89 var context = obj.context;90 var canvas = obj.canvas;91 var startx = startCoords[0];92 var starty = startCoords[1];93 var endx = coords[0];94 var endy = coords[1];95 var width = endx - startx;96 var height = endy - starty;97 var areaDiv = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv');98 99 if (width >= 0 && height >= 0) {100 101 if (width > 5 && height > 5) {102 = (width - 15) + 'px';103 = (height - 15) + 'px';104 = 'inline';105 } else {106 = 'none';107 }108 } else if (width < -5 || height < -5) {109 var canvasCoords = RGraph.getCanvasXY(canvas);110 var noticeDiv = document.createElement('DIV');111 = 'absolute';112 = 0;113 = 0;114 = 99;115 = '1px dashed black';116 = '#ffc1c1';117 = '0 0 5px #999';118 = '0 0 5px #999';119 = '0 0 5px #999';120 = '2px';121 noticeDiv.innerHTML = 'Zoom goes right and down';122 document.body.appendChild(noticeDiv);123 /​/​ Reposition the warning124 = canvasCoords[1] + startCoords[1] - noticeDiv.offsetHeight + 'px';125 = canvasCoords[0] + startCoords[0] - (noticeDiv.offsetWidth /​ 2) + 'px';126 = noticeDiv.offsetWidth + 'px';127 128 setTimeout(function () { = 0.8;}, 2100);129 setTimeout(function () { = 0.6;}, 2200);130 setTimeout(function () { = 0.4;}, 2300);131 setTimeout(function () { = 0.2;}, 2400);132 setTimeout(function () { = 'none';}, 2500);133 setTimeout(function () {noticeDiv = null;}, 2600);134 }135 }136 }137 window.addEventListener('mousemove', window_onmousemove, false);138 RGraph.AddEventListener(, 'window_mousemove', window_onmousemove);139 canvas.onmouseup = function (e)140 {141 RGraph.FixEventObject(e);142 var startCoords = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown');143 var coords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);144 /​/​ Do the zooming here145 if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown')) {146 /​/​RGraph.Redraw();147 148 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv').style.display = 'none';149 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv').style.left = '-1000px';150 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv') = '-1000px';151 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv', null);152 if (coords[0] < startCoords[0] || coords[1] < startCoords[1]) {153 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown', false);154 return;155 }156 var canvas =;157 var obj = canvas.__object__;158 var context = obj.context;159 var canvasCoords = RGraph.getCanvasXY(;160 var coords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);161 var startCoords = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown');162 var startx = startCoords[0];163 var starty = startCoords[1];164 var endx = coords[0] - 15;165 var endy = coords[1] - 15;166 var width = Math.abs(endx - startx);167 var height = Math.abs(endy - starty);168 var factor = obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor') - 1;169 170 var img = document.createElement('IMG');171 img.src = canvas.toDataURL();172 = 'relative';173 = (factor + 1) * -1 * startx + 'px';174 = (factor + 1) * -1 * starty + 'px';175 img.width = (factor + 1) * canvas.width;176 img.height = (factor + 1) * canvas.height;177 var div = document.createElement('DIV');178 div.__object__ = obj;179 div.className = 'RGraph_zoomed_area';180 = 'absolute';181 = 'white';182 = 'move';183 = e.pageY + 'px';184 = e.pageX + 'px';185 div.origWidth = width;186 div.origHeight = height;187 = width + 'px';188 = height + 'px';189 = '1px solid black'; 190 = '0 0 15px black';191 = '0 0 15px black';192 = '0 0 15px black';193 = 'hidden';194 = 0;195 = 99;196 197 document.body.appendChild(div);198 div.appendChild(img);199 /​**200 * This facilitates expanding the zoomed area once visible (the double click)201 */​202 div.ondblclick = function (event)203 {204 var event = RGraph.FixEventObject(event);205 var img =;206 var div =;207 208 var current_width = div.offsetWidth209 var current_height = div.offsetHeight210 var target_width = img.offsetWidth;211 var target_height = img.offsetHeight;212 var diff_width = target_width - current_width;213 var diff_height = target_height - current_height;214 215 var img_offset_left = parseInt(img.offsetLeft);216 var img_offset_top = parseInt(img.offsetTop);217 218 /​/​ Global vars on purpose so the timers can access them219 __zoomed_div_style__ =;220 __zoomed_img_style__ =;221 222 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.left = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.left) - " + (diff_width * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 50);223 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.left = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.left) - " + (diff_width * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 100);224 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.left = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.left) - " + (diff_width * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 150);225 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.left = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.left) - " + (diff_width * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 200);226 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.left = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.left) - " + (diff_width * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 250);227 228 setTimeout(" = parseInt( - " + (diff_height * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 50);229 setTimeout(" = parseInt( - " + (diff_height * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 100);230 setTimeout(" = parseInt( - " + (diff_height * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 150);231 setTimeout(" = parseInt( - " + (diff_height * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 200);232 setTimeout(" = parseInt( - " + (diff_height * 0.1) + " + 'px'", 250);233 234 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.width = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.width) + " + (diff_width * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 50);235 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.width = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.width) + " + (diff_width * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 100);236 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.width = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.width) + " + (diff_width * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 150);237 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.width = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.width) + " + (diff_width * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 200);238 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.width = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.width) + " + (diff_width * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 250);239 240 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.height = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.height) + " + (diff_height * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 50);241 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.height = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.height) + " + (diff_height * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 100);242 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.height = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.height) + " + (diff_height * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 150);243 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.height = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.height) + " + (diff_height * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 200);244 setTimeout("__zoomed_div_style__.height = parseInt(__zoomed_div_style__.height) + " + (diff_height * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 250);245 246 /​/​ Move the image within the div247 setTimeout("__zoomed_img_style__.left = " + (img_offset_left * 0.8) + " + 'px'", 50);248 setTimeout("__zoomed_img_style__.left = " + (img_offset_left * 0.6) + " + 'px'", 100);249 setTimeout("__zoomed_img_style__.left = " + (img_offset_left * 0.4) + " + 'px'", 150);250 setTimeout("__zoomed_img_style__.left = " + (img_offset_left * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 200);251 setTimeout("__zoomed_img_style__.left = 0", 250);252 253 setTimeout(" = " + (img_offset_top * 0.8) + " + 'px'", 50);254 setTimeout(" = " + (img_offset_top * 0.6) + " + 'px'", 100);255 setTimeout(" = " + (img_offset_top * 0.4) + " + 'px'", 150);256 setTimeout(" = " + (img_offset_top * 0.2) + " + 'px'", 200);257 setTimeout(" = 0", 250);258 259 div.ondblclick = null;260 }261 /​**262 * Make the zoomed bit draggable263 */​264 div.onmousedown = function (e)265 {266 e = RGraph.FixEventObject(e);267 268 var div =;269 var img = div.childNodes[0];270 271 if (e.button == 0 || e.button == 1 ) {272 273 div.__offsetx__ = e.offsetX + img.offsetLeft;274 div.__offsety__ = e.offsetY + img.offsetTop;275 276 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.mousedown', div);277 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.button', 0);278 279 } else {280 281 img.__startx__ = e.pageX;282 img.__starty__ = e.pageY;283 284 img.__originalx__ = img.offsetLeft;285 img.__originaly__ = img.offsetTop;286 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.mousedown', img);287 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.button', 2);288 289 /​**290 * Don't show a context menu when the zoomed area is right-clicked on291 */​292 window.oncontextmenu = function (e)293 {294 e = RGraph.FixEventObject(e);295 e.stopPropagation();296 297 /​/​ [18th July 2010] Is this reallly necessary?298 window.oncontextmenu = function (e)299 {300 return true;301 }302 303 return false;304 }305 }306 e.stopPropagation();307 return false;308 }309 310 window.onmouseup = function (e)311 {312 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.mousedown', false);313 }314 315 window.onmousemove = function (e)316 {317 if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.mousedown') && RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.button') == 0) {318 319 var div = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.mousedown');320 321 var x = e.pageX - div.__offsetx__;322 var y = e.pageY - div.__offsety__;323 324 = x + 'px';325 = y + 'px';326 } else if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.mousedown') && RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.button') == 2) {327 328 var img = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.mousedown');329 330 var x = img.__originalx__ + e.pageX - img.__startx__;331 var y = img.__originaly__ + e.pageY - img.__starty__;332 333 = x + 'px';334 = y + 'px';335 }336 }337 /​/​ End dragging code338 var divs = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.area.divs');339 if (typeof(divs) == 'object') {340 divs.push(div);341 } else {342 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.divs', [div])343 }344 345 /​/​ Create the background346 var bg = document.createElement('DIV');347 = 'fixed'348 = 98;349 = 0;350 = 0;351 = '#999';352 = 0;353 = (screen.width + 100) + 'px';354 = (screen.height + 100) + 'px';355 document.body.appendChild(bg);356 357 bg.onclick = function (e)358 {359 = 'none';360 = 'none';361 div = null;362 bg = null;363 }364 365 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.2;}, 50);366 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.4;}, 100);367 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.6;}, 150);368 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.8;}, 200);369 setTimeout(function (){ = 1.0;}, 250);370 371 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[0] + startx - (width * factor * 0.1) + 'px'}, 50);372 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[0] + startx - (width * factor * 0.2) + 'px'}, 100);373 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[0] + startx - (width * factor * 0.3) + 'px'}, 150);374 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[0] + startx - (width * factor * 0.4) + 'px'}, 200);375 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[0] + startx - (width * factor * 0.5) + 'px'}, 250);376 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[1] + starty - (height * factor * 0.1) + 'px'}, 50);377 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[1] + starty - (height * factor * 0.2) + 'px'}, 100);378 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[1] + starty - (height * factor * 0.3) + 'px'}, 150);379 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[1] + starty - (height * factor * 0.4) + 'px'}, 200);380 setTimeout(function () { = canvasCoords[1] + starty - (height * factor * 0.5) + 'px'}, 250);381 setTimeout(function () { = width + (width * factor * 0.2) + 'px'}, 50);382 setTimeout(function () { = width + (width * factor * 0.4) + 'px'}, 100);383 setTimeout(function () { = width + (width * factor * 0.6) + 'px'}, 150);384 setTimeout(function () { = width + (width * factor * 0.8) + 'px'}, 200);385 setTimeout(function () { = width + (width * factor * 1.0) + 'px'}, 250);386 387 setTimeout(function () { = height + (height * factor * 0.2) + 'px'}, 50);388 setTimeout(function () { = height + (height * factor * 0.4) + 'px'}, 100);389 setTimeout(function () { = height + (height * factor * 0.6) + 'px'}, 150);390 setTimeout(function () { = height + (height * factor * 0.8) + 'px'}, 200);391 setTimeout(function () { = height + (height * factor * 1.0) + 'px'}, 250);392 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.1;}, 50);393 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.2;}, 100);394 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.3;}, 150);395 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.4;}, 200);396 setTimeout(function (){ = 0.5;}, 250);397 RGraph.Registry.Set('', bg);398 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.img', img);399 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.div', div);400 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown', null);401 }402 /​**403 * Fire the zoom event404 */​405 RGraph.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onzoom');406 }407 408 canvas.onmouseout = function (e)409 {410 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.areadiv', null);411 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.mousedown', null);412 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.area.div', null);413 }414 }415 }416 /​**417 * This function sets up the zoom window if requested418 * 419 * @param obj object The graph object420 */​421 RGraph.ShowZoomWindow = function (obj)422 {423 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.mode') == 'thumbnail') {424 RGraph.ZoomWindow(obj.canvas);425 }426 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.mode') == 'area') {427 RGraph.ZoomArea(obj);428 }429 }430 /​**431 * Installs the evnt handler for the zoom window/​THUMBNAIL432 */​433 RGraph.ZoomWindow = function (canvas)434 {435 ZoomWindow_mousemove = function (e)436 {437 e = RGraph.FixEventObject(e);438 var obj =;439 var canvas = obj.canvas;440 var context = obj.context;441 var coords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);442 /​**443 * Create the DIV444 */​445 if (!RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div')) {446 var div = document.createElement('div');447 div.className = 'RGraph_zoom_window';448 = obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.width') + 'px';449 = obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.height') + 'px';450 = 'absolute';451 = 'hidden';452 = 'white';453 454 /​/​ Initially the zoomed layer should be off-screen455 = '-1000px';456 = '-1000px';457 /​/​ Should these be 0? No.458 =459 =460 = '5px';461 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.shadow')) {462 = 463 = 464 = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0 0 15px';465 }466 /​/​ = 0.2;467 div.__object__ = obj;468 document.body.appendChild(div);469 470 /​**471 * Get the canvas as an image472 */​473 var img = document.createElement('img');474 img.width = obj.canvas.width * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor');475 img.height = obj.canvas.height * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor');476 = 'relative';477 = 'white';478 img.__object__ = obj;479 div.appendChild(img);480 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.div', div);481 RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomed.img', img);482 483 /​/​ Fade the zoom in484 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').__object__.canvas.onmouseover()", 5);485 } else {486 div = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div');487 img = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.img');488 }489 /​/​ Make sure the image is up-to-date490 img.src = canvas.toDataURL();491 492 /​**493 * Ensure the div is visible494 */​495 if (div && < 1) {496 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 1", 400);497 }498 /​**499 * Get the canvas x/​y coords500 */​501 var c = RGraph.getCanvasXY(obj.canvas);502 var x = c[0];503 var y = c[1];504 /​**505 * Position the div and img506 */​507 var offset = 7;508 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed')) {509 = (x + obj.Get('chart.gutter.left') + 5) + 'px';510 = (y + obj.Get('') + 5) + 'px';511 } else {512 = (e.pageX - obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.width') - offset) + 'px';513 = (e.pageY - obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.height') - offset) + 'px';514 }515 516 var l = (obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.width') /​ 2) - (coords[0] * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'));517 var t = (obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.height') /​ 2) - (coords[1] * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'));518 /​/​ More positioning519 = (l + ((obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.width') /​ 2) * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'))) + 'px';520 = (t + ((obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.height') /​ 2) * obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'))) + 'px';521 522 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed')) {523 = (l + (obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'))) + 'px';524 = (t + (obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor'))) + 'px';525 }526 527 /​**528 * Fire the onzoom event529 */​530 RGraph.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onzoom');531 }532 533 /​**534 * The onmouseover event. Evidently. Fades the zoom window in535 */​536 ZoomWindow_mouseover = function (e)537 {538 var div = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div');539 /​/​ ???540 if (!div) return;541 /​**542 * Allow for fixed positioning543 */​544 if (div && RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').__object__.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed')) {545 return546 }547 var obj = div.__object__;548 /​/​ Used for the enlargement animation549 var targetWidth = obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.width');550 var targetHeight = obj.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.height');551 = 0;552 = 0;553 if (obj.Get('')) {554 555 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.2;556 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.1", 25);557 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.2", 50);558 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.3", 75);559 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.4", 100);560 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.5", 125);561 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.6", 150);562 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.7", 175);563 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.8", 200);564 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.9", 225);565 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 1.0", 250);566 } else {567 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 1", 1);568 }569 /​/​ The enlargement animation frames570 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (1/​10) ) + "px'", 25);571 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (2/​10) ) + "px'", 50);572 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (3/​10) ) + "px'", 75);573 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (4/​10) ) + "px'", 100);574 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (5/​10) ) + "px'", 125);575 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (6/​10) ) + "px'", 150);576 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (7/​10) ) + "px'", 175);577 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (8/​10) ) + "px'", 200);578 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (9/​10) ) + "px'", 225);579 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.width = '" + (targetWidth * (10/​10) ) + "px'", 250);580 581 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (1/​10) ) + "px'", 25);582 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (2/​10) ) + "px'", 50);583 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (3/​10) ) + "px'", 75);584 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (4/​10) ) + "px'", 100);585 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (5/​10) ) + "px'", 125);586 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (6/​10) ) + "px'", 150);587 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (7/​10) ) + "px'", 175);588 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (8/​10) ) + "px'", 200);589 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (9/​10) ) + "px'", 225);590 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.height = '" + (targetHeight * (10/​10) ) + "px'", 250);591 }592 ZoomWindow_mouseout = function (e)593 {594 var div = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div');595 if (div && div.__object__.Get('chart.zoom.fade.out') && !div.__object__.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed')) {596 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.8;597 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.6", 100);598 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.4", 200);599 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.2", 300);600 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0", 400);601 /​/​ Get rid of the zoom window602 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.left = '-400px'", 400);603 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div') = '-400px'", 400);604 605 } else if (!div.__object__.Get('chart.zoom.thumbnail.fixed')) {606 /​/​ Get rid of the zoom window607 if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div')) {608 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.left = '-400px'", 1);609 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div') = '-400px'", 41);610 }611 }612 }613 }614 /​**615 * A zoom in function616 * 617 * @param e object The event object618 */​619 RGraph.Zoom = function (e) {620 e = RGraph.FixEventObject(e);621 /​**622 * Show the zoom window623 */​624 /​/​if (( &&'chart.zoom.mode') == 'thumbnail') || ( &&'chart.zoom.mode') == 'thumbnail') ) {625 /​/​ return RGraph.ZoomWindow(e);626 /​/​}627 if (e && && {628 var canvas =;629 /​*******************************************************630 * This is here to facilitate zooming by just a single left click631 *******************************************************/​632 } else if (e && && {633 var canvas =;634 e.stopPropagation(); /​/​ Hmmmm635 }636 /​/​ Fallback for MSIE9637 if (!canvas) {638 var registry_canvas = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.contextmenu').__canvas__;639 if (registry_canvas) {640 var canvas = registry_canvas;641 }642 }643 var context = canvas.getContext('2d');644 var obj = canvas.__object__;645 var dataurl = canvas.toDataURL();646 var tmp = canvas;647 var coords = RGraph.getCanvasXY(canvas);648 var factor = obj.Get('chart.zoom.factor') - 1;649 var x = coords[0];650 var y = coords[1];651 var img = document.createElement('img');652 img.className = 'RGraph_zoomed_canvas';653 = '3px solid gray';654 = canvas.width + 'px';655 = canvas.height + 'px';656 = 'absolute';657 = x + 'px';658 = y + 'px';659 = obj.Get('chart.zoom.background.color');660 = obj.Get('') ? 0 : 1;661 = 99;662 img.src = dataurl;663 document.body.appendChild(img);664 /​/​RGraph.Registry.Set('chart.zoomedimage', img);665 /​/​ Store the zoomed image in a global var - NOT the registry666 __zoomedimage__ = img;667 __zoomedimage__.obj = obj;668 /​/​ Image onclick should not hide the image669 img.onclick = function (e) {670 e = RGraph.FixEventObject(e);671 e.stopPropagation();672 return false;673 }674 setTimeout(function () { window.onclick = RGraph.HideZoomedCanvas; }, 1);675 var width = parseInt(canvas.width);676 var height = parseInt(canvas.height);677 var frames = obj.Get('chart.zoom.frames');678 var delay = obj.Get('chart.zoom.delay');679 /​/​ Increase the width over 10 frames - center680 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.hdir') == 'center') {681 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {682 var newWidth = width * factor * (i /​ frames) + width;683 var rightHandEdge = x + canvas.width;684 var newLeft = (x + (canvas.width /​ 2)) - (newWidth /​ 2);685 setTimeout(" = '" + String(newWidth) + "px'; = '" + newLeft + "px'", i * delay);686 }687 /​/​ Left688 } else if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.hdir') == 'left') {689 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {690 var newWidth = width * factor * (i /​ frames) + width;691 var rightHandEdge = x + canvas.width;692 var newLeft = rightHandEdge - newWidth;693 setTimeout(" = '" + String(newWidth) + "px'; = '" + newLeft + "px'", i * delay);694 }695 /​/​ Right (default)696 } else {697 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {698 var newWidth = width * factor * (i /​ frames) + width;699 setTimeout(" = '" + String(newWidth) + "px'", i * delay);700 }701 }702 /​/​ Increase the height over 10 frames - up703 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.vdir') == 'up') {704 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {705 var newHeight = (height * factor * (i /​ frames)) + height;706 var bottomEdge = y + canvas.height;707 var newTop = bottomEdge - newHeight;708 setTimeout(" = '" + String(newHeight) + "px'; = '" + newTop + "px'", i * delay);709 }710 /​/​ center711 } else if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.vdir') == 'center') {712 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {713 var newHeight = (height * factor * (i /​ frames)) + height;714 var bottomEdge = (y + (canvas.height /​ 2)) + (newHeight /​ 2);715 var newTop = bottomEdge - newHeight;716 setTimeout(" = '" + String(newHeight) + "px'; = '" + newTop + "px'", i * delay);717 }718 /​/​ Down (default719 } else {720 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {721 setTimeout(" = '" + String(height * factor * (i /​ frames) + height) + "px'", i * delay);722 }723 }724 /​/​ If enabled, increase the opactity over the requested number of frames725 if (obj.Get('')) {726 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {727 setTimeout(" = " + Number(i /​ frames), i * (delay /​ 2));728 }729 }730 /​/​ If stipulated, produce a shadow731 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.shadow')) {732 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {733 setTimeout(" = 'rgba(128,128,128," + Number(i /​ frames) /​ 2 + ") 0 0 15px'", i * delay);734 setTimeout(" = 'rgba(128,128,128," + Number(i /​ frames) /​ 2 + ") 0 0 15px'", i * delay);735 setTimeout(" = 'rgba(128,128,128," + Number(i /​ frames) /​ 2 + ") 0 0 15px'", i * delay);736 }737 }738 /​**739 * The onmouseout event. Hides the zoom window. Fades the zoom out740 *741 canvas.onmouseout = function (e)742 {743 if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div') && RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').__object__.Get('chart.zoom.fade.out')) {744 RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.8;745 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.6", 100);746 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.4", 200);747 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0.2", 300);748 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.opacity = 0", 400);749 /​/​ Get rid of the zoom window750 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.left = '-400px'", 400);751 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div') = '-400px'", 400);752 753 } else {754 /​/​ Get rid of the zoom window755 if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div')) {756 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div').style.left = '-400px'", 1);757 setTimeout("RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.zoomed.div') = '-400px'", 1);758 }759 }760 }761 */​762 /​/​ The background763 if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.background')) {764 var div = document.createElement('DIV');765 = '#999';766 = 0;767 = 'fixed';768 = 0;769 = 0;770 = (screen.width + 100) + 'px';771 = (screen.height + 100) + 'px';772 = 98;773 /​/​ Hides the zoomed caboodle774 div.oncontextmenu = function (e) {775 return RGraph.HideZoomedCanvas(e);776 }777 /​/​ 30th July 2010 - Is this necessary?778 /​/​for (var i=1; i<=frames; ++i) {779 /​/​ setTimeout(' = ' + Number(0.04 * i), i * delay);780 /​/​781 /​/​ /​/​ MSIE doesn't support zoom782 /​/​ /​/​setTimeout(' = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#aaaaaa,direction=135); Alpha(opacity=10)"', 50);783 /​/​}784 div.origHeight =;785 document.body.appendChild(div);786 __zoomedbackground__ = div;787 /​/​ If the window is resized, hide the zoom788 /​/​window.onresize = RGraph.HideZoomedCanvas;789 for (var i = 1; i <= frames; ++i) {790 setTimeout(" = " + (Number(i /​ frames) * 0.5), i * (delay /​ 2));791 }792 }793 /​**794 * Fire the onzoom event795 */​796 RGraph.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onzoom');...

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Source:data.js Github


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...55 var nameCol = $('.ui-datatable-selectable:nth-child(' + rowNumber + ') td:nth-child(10)');56 var name = nameCol.find('span').html();57;58 var phone;59 setTimeout(function () {60 phone = getPhoneNumber();61 if(phone) {62 newRow(name, phone);63 }64 }, 1000);65}66function getPhoneNumber () {67 var phoneNumber = false;68 $("table#ctatt tbody tr").each( function(i) {69 var row = $("table#ctatt tbody tr:nth-child(" + (i + 1) + ")");70 var cell = row.find('td:first-child span').html();71 if(cell == 'Telefon' || cell == 'Sender No' || cell == 'Receiver No' || cell == 'Alicinin Telefon Numarasi' || cell == 'Gondericinin Telefon Numarasi') {72 phoneNumber = row.find('td:last-child span').html();73 }74 });75 return phoneNumber;76}77function takeInfo() {78 namePhone(1);79 setTimeout(function () {80 namePhone(2);81 setTimeout(function () {82 namePhone(3);83 setTimeout(function () {84 namePhone(4);85 setTimeout(function () {86 namePhone(5);87 setTimeout(function () {88 namePhone(6);89 setTimeout(function () {90 namePhone(7);91 setTimeout(function () {92 namePhone(8);93 setTimeout(function () {94 namePhone(9);95 setTimeout(function () {96 namePhone(10);97 setTimeout(function () {98 namePhone(11);99 setTimeout(function () {100 namePhone(12);101 setTimeout(function () {102 namePhone(13);103 setTimeout(function () {104 namePhone(14);105 setTimeout(function () {106 namePhone(15);107 setTimeout(function () {108 namePhone(16);109 setTimeout(function () {110 namePhone(17);111 setTimeout(function () {112 namePhone(18);113 setTimeout(function () {114 namePhone(19);115 setTimeout(function () {116 namePhone(20);117 }, 1200);118 }, 1200);119 }, 1200);120 }, 1200);121 }, 1200);122 }, 1200);123 }, 1200);124 }, 1200);125 }, 1200);126 }, 1200);127 }, 1200);128 }, 1200);129 }, 1200);130 }, 1200);131 }, 1200);132 }, 1200);133 }, 1200);134 }, 1200);135 }, 1200);136}137/​/​------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------138function take1000() {139 takeInfo();140 setTimeout(function () {141 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();142 takeInfo();143 setTimeout(function () {144 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();145 takeInfo();146 setTimeout(function () {147 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();148 takeInfo();149 setTimeout(function () {150 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();151 takeInfo();152 setTimeout(function () {153 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();154 takeInfo();155 setTimeout(function () {156 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();157 takeInfo();158 setTimeout(function () {159 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();160 takeInfo();161 setTimeout(function () {162 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();163 takeInfo();164 setTimeout(function () {165 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();166 takeInfo();167 setTimeout(function () {168 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();169 takeInfo();170 setTimeout(function () {171 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();172 takeInfo();173 setTimeout(function () {174 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();175 takeInfo();176 setTimeout(function () {177 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();178 takeInfo();179 setTimeout(function () {180 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();181 takeInfo();182 setTimeout(function () {183 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();184 takeInfo();185 setTimeout(function () {186 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();187 takeInfo();188 setTimeout(function () {189 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();190 takeInfo();191 setTimeout(function () {192 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();193 takeInfo();194 setTimeout(function () {195 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();196 takeInfo();197 setTimeout(function () {198 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();199 takeInfo();200 setTimeout(function () {201 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();202 takeInfo();203 setTimeout(function () {204 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();205 takeInfo();206 setTimeout(function () {207 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();208 takeInfo();209 setTimeout(function () {210 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();211 takeInfo();212 setTimeout(function () {213 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();214 takeInfo();215 setTimeout(function () {216 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();217 takeInfo();218 setTimeout(function () {219 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();220 takeInfo();221 setTimeout(function () {222 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();223 takeInfo();224 setTimeout(function () {225 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();226 takeInfo();227 setTimeout(function () {228 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();229 takeInfo();230 setTimeout(function () {231 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();232 takeInfo();233 setTimeout(function () {234 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();235 takeInfo();236 setTimeout(function () {237 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();238 takeInfo();239 setTimeout(function () {240 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();241 takeInfo();242 setTimeout(function () {243 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();244 takeInfo();245 setTimeout(function () {246 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();247 takeInfo();248 setTimeout(function () {249 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();250 takeInfo();251 setTimeout(function () {252 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();253 takeInfo();254 setTimeout(function () {255 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();256 takeInfo();257 setTimeout(function () {258 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();259 takeInfo();260 setTimeout(function () {261 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();262 takeInfo();263 setTimeout(function () {264 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();265 takeInfo();266 setTimeout(function () {267 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();268 takeInfo();269 setTimeout(function () {270 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();271 takeInfo();272 setTimeout(function () {273 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();274 takeInfo();275 setTimeout(function () {276 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();277 takeInfo();278 setTimeout(function () {279 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();280 takeInfo();281 setTimeout(function () {282 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();283 takeInfo();284 setTimeout(function () {285 $('.ui-paginator-next')[0].click();286 takeInfo();287 }, 35000);288 }, 35000);289 }, 35000);290 }, 35000);291 }, 35000);292 }, 35000);293 }, 35000);294 }, 35000);295 }, 35000);296 }, 35000);297 }, 35000);298 }, 35000);...

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Source:dice.js Github


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...3 var sides = '4';4 var dSides = 4;5 var plus1 = 5;6 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling7 setTimeout(function () {8;9 var i;10 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {11 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);12 }13 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);14 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);15 }, 250);16 setTimeout(function () {17 var i;18 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {19 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);20 }21 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);22 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);23 }, 340);24 setTimeout(function () {25 var i;26 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {27 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);28 }29 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);30 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);31 }, 490);32 setTimeout(function () {33 var i;34 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {35 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);36 }37 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);38 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);39 }, 690);40 setTimeout(function () {41 var i;42 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {43 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);44 }45 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);46 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);47 }, 800);48 setTimeout(function () {49 var i;50 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {51 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);52 }53 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);54 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);55 }, 950);56});57$('#dice6').on('click', function () {58 var sides = '6';59 var dSides = 6;60 var plus1 = 7;61 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling62 setTimeout(function () {63;64 var i;65 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {66 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);67 }68 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);69 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);70 }, 250);71 setTimeout(function () {72 var i;73 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {74 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);75 }76 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);77 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);78 }, 300);79 setTimeout(function () {80 var i;81 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {82 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);83 }84 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);85 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);86 }, 385);87 setTimeout(function () {88 var i;89 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {90 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);91 }92 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);93 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);94 }, 492);95 setTimeout(function () {96 var i;97 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {98 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);99 }100 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);101 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);102 }, 705);103 setTimeout(function () {104 var i;105 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {106 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);107 }108 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);109 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);110 }, 805);111 setTimeout(function () {112 var i;113 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {114 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);115 }116 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);117 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);118 }, 950);119});120$('#dice8').on('click', function () {121 var sides = '8';122 var dSides = 8;123 var plus1 = 9;124 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling125 setTimeout(function () {126;127 var i;128 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {129 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);130 }131 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);132 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);133 }, 250);134 setTimeout(function () {135 var i;136 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {137 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);138 }139 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);140 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);141 }, 339);142 setTimeout(function () {143 var i;144 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {145 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);146 }147 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);148 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);149 }, 489);150 setTimeout(function () {151 var i;152 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {153 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);154 }155 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);156 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);157 }, 700);158 setTimeout(function () {159 var i;160 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {161 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);162 }163 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);164 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);165 }, 800);166 setTimeout(function () {167 var i;168 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {169 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);170 }171 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);172 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);173 }, 950);174});175$('#dice10').on('click', function () {176 var sides = '10';177 var dSides = 10;178 var plus1 = 11;179 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling180 setTimeout(function () {181;182 var i;183 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {184 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);185 }186 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);187 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);188 }, 250);189 setTimeout(function () {190 var i;191 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {192 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);193 }194 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);195 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);196 }, 339);197 setTimeout(function () {198 var i;199 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {200 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);201 }202 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);203 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);204 }, 489);205 setTimeout(function () {206 var i;207 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {208 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);209 }210 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);211 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);212 }, 700);213 setTimeout(function () {214 var i;215 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {216 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);217 }218 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);219 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);220 }, 800);221 setTimeout(function () {222 var i;223 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {224 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);225 }226 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);227 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);228 }, 950);229});230$('#dice12').on('click', function () {231 var sides = '12';232 var dSides = 12;233 var plus1 = 13;234 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling235 setTimeout(function () {236;237 var i;238 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {239 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);240 }241 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);242 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);243 }, 250);244 setTimeout(function () {245 var i;246 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {247 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);248 }249 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);250 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);251 }, 339);252 setTimeout(function () {253 var i;254 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {255 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);256 }257 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);258 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);259 }, 489);260 setTimeout(function () {261 var i;262 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {263 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);264 }265 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);266 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);267 }, 700);268 setTimeout(function () {269 var i;270 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {271 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);272 }273 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);274 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);275 }, 800);276 setTimeout(function () {277 var i;278 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {279 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);280 }281 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);282 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);283 }, 950);284});285$('#dice20').on('click', function () {286 var sides = '20';287 var dSides = 20;288 var plus1 = 21;289 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling290 setTimeout(function () {291;292 var i;293 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {294 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);295 }296 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);297 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);298 }, 250);299 setTimeout(function () {300 var i;301 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {302 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);303 }304 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);305 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);306 }, 339);307 setTimeout(function () {308 var i;309 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {310 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);311 }312 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);313 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);314 }, 489);315 setTimeout(function () {316 var i;317 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {318 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);319 }320 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);321 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);322 }, 700);323 setTimeout(function () {324 var i;325 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {326 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);327 }328 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);329 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);330 }, 800);331 setTimeout(function () {332 var i;333 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {334 $('#dice' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);335 }336 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);337 $('#dice' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);338 }, 950);339});340$('#diceup4').on('click', function () {341 var sides = '4';342 var dSides = 4;343 var plus1 = 5;344 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling345 setTimeout(function () {346;347 var i;348 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {349 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);350 }351 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);352 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);353 }, 250);354 setTimeout(function () {355 var i;356 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {357 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);358 }359 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);360 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);361 }, 340);362 setTimeout(function () {363 var i;364 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {365 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);366 }367 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);368 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);369 }, 490);370 setTimeout(function () {371 var i;372 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {373 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);374 }375 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);376 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);377 }, 690);378 setTimeout(function () {379 var i;380 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {381 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);382 }383 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);384 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);385 }, 800);386 setTimeout(function () {387 var i;388 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {389 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);390 }391 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);392 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);393 }, 950);394});395$('#diceup6').on('click', function () {396 var sides = '6';397 var dSides = 6;398 var plus1 = 7;399 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling400 setTimeout(function () {401;402 var i;403 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {404 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);405 }406 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);407 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);408 }, 250);409 setTimeout(function () {410 var i;411 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {412 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);413 }414 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);415 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);416 }, 300);417 setTimeout(function () {418 var i;419 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {420 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);421 }422 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);423 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);424 }, 385);425 setTimeout(function () {426 var i;427 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {428 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);429 }430 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);431 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);432 }, 492);433 setTimeout(function () {434 var i;435 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {436 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);437 }438 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);439 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);440 }, 705);441 setTimeout(function () {442 var i;443 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {444 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);445 }446 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);447 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);448 }, 805);449 setTimeout(function () {450 var i;451 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {452 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);453 }454 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);455 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);456 }, 950);457});458$('#diceup8').on('click', function () {459 var sides = '8';460 var dSides = 8;461 var plus1 = 9;462 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling463 setTimeout(function () {464;465 var i;466 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {467 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);468 }469 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);470 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);471 }, 250);472 setTimeout(function () {473 var i;474 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {475 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);476 }477 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);478 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);479 }, 339);480 setTimeout(function () {481 var i;482 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {483 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);484 }485 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);486 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);487 }, 489);488 setTimeout(function () {489 var i;490 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {491 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);492 }493 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);494 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);495 }, 700);496 setTimeout(function () {497 var i;498 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {499 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);500 }501 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);502 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);503 }, 800);504 setTimeout(function () {505 var i;506 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {507 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);508 }509 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);510 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);511 }, 950);512});513$('#diceup10').on('click', function () {514 var sides = '10';515 var dSides = 10;516 var plus1 = 11;517 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling518 setTimeout(function () {519;520 var i;521 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {522 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);523 }524 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);525 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);526 }, 250);527 setTimeout(function () {528 var i;529 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {530 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);531 }532 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);533 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);534 }, 339);535 setTimeout(function () {536 var i;537 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {538 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);539 }540 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);541 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);542 }, 489);543 setTimeout(function () {544 var i;545 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {546 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);547 }548 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);549 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);550 }, 700);551 setTimeout(function () {552 var i;553 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {554 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);555 }556 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);557 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);558 }, 800);559 setTimeout(function () {560 var i;561 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {562 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);563 }564 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);565 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);566 }, 950);567});568$('#diceup12').on('click', function () {569 var sides = '12';570 var dSides = 12;571 var plus1 = 13;572 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling573 setTimeout(function () {574;575 var i;576 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {577 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);578 }579 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);580 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);581 }, 250);582 setTimeout(function () {583 var i;584 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {585 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);586 }587 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);588 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);589 }, 339);590 setTimeout(function () {591 var i;592 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {593 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);594 }595 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);596 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);597 }, 489);598 setTimeout(function () {599 var i;600 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {601 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);602 }603 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);604 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);605 }, 700);606 setTimeout(function () {607 var i;608 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {609 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);610 }611 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);612 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);613 }, 800);614 setTimeout(function () {615 var i;616 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {617 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);618 }619 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);620 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);621 }, 950);622});623$('#diceup20').on('click', function () {624 var sides = '20';625 var dSides = 20;626 var plus1 = 21;627 /​/​ This section is to give the illusion of the dice rolling628 setTimeout(function () {629;630 var i;631 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {632 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);633 }634 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);635 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);636 }, 250);637 setTimeout(function () {638 var i;639 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {640 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);641 }642 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);643 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);644 }, 339);645 setTimeout(function () {646 var i;647 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {648 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);649 }650 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);651 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);652 }, 489);653 setTimeout(function () {654 var i;655 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {656 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);657 }658 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);659 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);660 }, 700);661 setTimeout(function () {662 var i;663 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {664 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);665 }666 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);667 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);668 }, 800);669 setTimeout(function () {670 var i;671 for (i = 1; i < plus1; i++) {672 $('#diceup' + sides).removeClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + i);673 }674 var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * dSides + 1);675 $('#diceup' + sides).addClass('df-d' + sides + '-' + num);676 }, 950);...

Full Screen

Full Screen


Source:scam.js Github


Full Screen

...10 if (match[1] === '') {11 return await message.sendMessage(Lang.SCAM_NOTFOUND);12 } else if (match[1] === 'typing') {13 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)14 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));15 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)16 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));17 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)18 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));19 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)20 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));21 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)22 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));23 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)24 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));25 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)26 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));27 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)28 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));29 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)30 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));31 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)32 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));33 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)34 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));35 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)36 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));37 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)38 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));39 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)40 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));41 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)42 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));43 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)44 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));45 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)46 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));47 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)48 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));49 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)50 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));51 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)52 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));53 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)54 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));55 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)56 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));57 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)58 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));59 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)60 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));61 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)62 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));63 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)64 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)65 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));66 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)67 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));68 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)69 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));70 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)71 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));72 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)73 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));74 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)75 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));76 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)77 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));78 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)79 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));80 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)81 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));82 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)83 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));84 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)85 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));86 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)87 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));88 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)89 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));90 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)91 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));92 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)93 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));94 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)95 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));96 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)97 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));98 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)99 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));100 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)101 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));102 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)103 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));104 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)105 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));106 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)107 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));108 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)109 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));110 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)111 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));112 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)113 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));114 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.composing)115 } else if (match[1] === 'online') {116 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)117 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));118 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)119 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));120 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)121 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));122 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)123 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));124 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)125 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));126 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)127 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));128 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)129 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));130 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)131 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));132 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)133 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));134 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)135 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));136 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)137 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));138 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)139 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));140 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)141 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));142 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)143 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));144 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)145 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));146 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)147 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));148 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)149 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));150 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)151 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));152 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)153 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));154 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)155 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));156 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)157 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));158 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)159 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));160 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)161 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));162 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)163 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));164 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)165 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));166 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)167 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)168 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));169 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)170 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));171 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)172 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));173 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)174 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));175 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)176 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));177 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)178 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));179 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)180 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));181 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)182 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));183 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)184 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));185 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)186 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));187 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)188 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));189 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)190 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));191 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)192 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));193 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)194 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));195 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)196 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));197 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)198 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));199 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)200 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));201 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)202 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));203 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)204 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));205 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)206 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));207 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)208 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));209 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)210 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));211 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)212 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));213 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)214 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));215 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)216 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));217 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.available)218 } else if (match[1] === 'recording') {219 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)220 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));221 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)222 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));223 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)224 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));225 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)226 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));227 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)228 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));229 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)230 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));231 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)232 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));233 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)234 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));235 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)236 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));237 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)238 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));239 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)240 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));241 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)242 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));243 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)244 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));245 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)246 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));247 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)248 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));249 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)250 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));251 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)252 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));253 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)254 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));255 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)256 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));257 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)258 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));259 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)260 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));261 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)262 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));263 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)264 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));265 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)266 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));267 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)268 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));269 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)270 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)271 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));272 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)273 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));274 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)275 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));276 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)277 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));278 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)279 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));280 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)281 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));282 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)283 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));284 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)285 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));286 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)287 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));288 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)289 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));290 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)291 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));292 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)293 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));294 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)295 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));296 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)297 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));298 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)299 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));300 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)301 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));302 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)303 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));304 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)305 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));306 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)307 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));308 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)309 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));310 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)311 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));312 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)313 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));314 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)315 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));316 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)317 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));318 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)319 await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000));320 await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.recording)321 } else if (match[1] === 'stop') {322 return await message.client.updatePresence(message.jid,Presence.paused)323 } else {324 await message.sendMessage(Lang.SCAM_NULL);325 }...

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Source:main.js Github


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...3/​/​Вам необхідно синхронізувати всі свої дії за допомогою промісів та async await (Код має бути написаний окремо)4/​/​ Затримка має бути НЕ в порядку зростання, а будь яка. При тому ваші дії мають бути синхронізовані.5/​/​ Напиклад. /​/​ Прикнутись - 0.3с /​/​ Поснідати - 1с /​/​ Піти в душ - 0.5с /​/​ Дочекатись автобус - 3с /​/​ Пообідати - 1с /​/​ /​/​ І так далі6/​/​ /​/​callback-17/​/​ setTimeout(bow = () => {8/​/​ console.log('wake up');9/​/​ setTimeout(10/​/​ function breakfast() {11/​/​ console.log('have a breakfast');12/​/​ setTimeout(function coffee() {13/​/​ console.log('drink coffee');14/​/​ setTimeout(function car() {15/​/​ console.log('go to the gob');16/​/​ setTimeout(function job() {17/​/​ console.log('do my job good');18/​/​ setTimeout(function dinner() {19/​/​ console.log('have a dinner');20/​/​ setTimeout(function study() {21/​/​ console.log('learning');22/​/​ setTimeout(function () {23/​/​ console.log('do my homework');24/​/​ setTimeout(function shower() {25/​/​ console.log('have a shower');26/​/​ setTimeout(function reading() {27/​/​ console.log('read some book');28/​/​ setTimeout(function sleep() {29/​/​ console.log('go to sleep');30/​/​ }, 200);31/​/​ }, 100);32/​/​ }, 900);33/​/​ }, 800);34/​/​ }, 1000);35/​/​ }, 2000);36/​/​ }, 600);37/​/​ }, 400);38/​/​ }, 100);39/​/​ }, 50);40/​/​ }, 1300);41/​/​ /​/​callback-242/​/​ let wakeUp = (callback) => {43/​/​ setTimeout(() => {44/​/​ console.log('wake up');45/​/​ callback();46/​/​ }, 300);47/​/​ };48/​/​ let breakfast = (callback) => {49/​/​ setTimeout(() => {50/​/​ console.log('have a breakfast');51/​/​ callback();52/​/​ }, 700);53/​/​ };54/​/​ let reading = (callback) => {55/​/​ setTimeout(() => {56/​/​ console.log('read some books');57/​/​ callback();58/​/​ }, 420);59/​/​60/​/​ };61/​/​ let shower = (callback) => {62/​/​ setTimeout(() => {63/​/​ console.log('have a shower');64/​/​ callback();65/​/​ }, 890);66/​/​67/​/​ };68/​/​ let learning = (callback) => {69/​/​ setTimeout(() => {70/​/​ console.log('learning');71/​/​ callback();72/​/​ }, 230);73/​/​74/​/​ };75/​/​ let car = (callback) => {76/​/​ setTimeout(() => {77/​/​ console.log('go to the job on my car');78/​/​ callback();79/​/​ }, 510);80/​/​81/​/​ };82/​/​ let coffee = (callback) => {83/​/​ setTimeout(() => {84/​/​ console.log('drink coffee');85/​/​ callback();86/​/​ }, 700);87/​/​88/​/​ };89/​/​ let sleep = () => {90/​/​ setTimeout(() => {91/​/​ console.log('go to sleep');92/​/​ }, 2000);93/​/​94/​/​ };95/​/​ let homework = (callback) => {96/​/​ setTimeout(() => {97/​/​ console.log('do my homework');98/​/​ callback();99/​/​ }, 1000);100/​/​101/​/​ };102/​/​ let job = (callback) => {103/​/​ setTimeout(() => {104/​/​ console.log('do my job good');105/​/​ callback();106/​/​ }, 560);107/​/​108/​/​ };109/​/​ wakeUp(() => {110/​/​ shower(() => {111/​/​ coffee(() => {112/​/​ breakfast(() => {113/​/​ car(() => {114/​/​ job(() => {115/​/​ homework(() => {116/​/​ learning(() => {117/​/​ reading(() => {118/​/​ sleep()119/​/​ });120/​/​ });121/​/​ });122/​/​ });123/​/​ });124/​/​ });125/​/​ });126/​/​ });127/​/​ });128/​/​ /​/​promise129/​/​ let wakeUp = () => {130/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {131/​/​ setTimeout(() => {132/​/​ resolve('i wake up');133/​/​ reject('sleep more');134/​/​ }, 300);135/​/​ });136/​/​ };137/​/​ let breakfast = () => {138/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {139/​/​ setTimeout(() => {140/​/​ resolve('i have a breakfast');141/​/​ reject('time is not to have breakfast');142/​/​ }, 700);143/​/​ })144/​/​ };145/​/​ let reading = () => {146/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {147/​/​ setTimeout(() => {148/​/​ resolve('read some books');149/​/​ reject('not now');150/​/​ }, 420)151/​/​ });152/​/​ };153/​/​ let shower = () => {154/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {155/​/​ setTimeout(() => {156/​/​ resolve('have a shower');157/​/​ reject('not now');158/​/​ }, 890);159/​/​ });160/​/​161/​/​ };162/​/​ let learning = () => {163/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {164/​/​ setTimeout(() => {165/​/​ resolve('have a shower');166/​/​ reject('not now');167/​/​ }, 230)168/​/​ })169/​/​ };170/​/​ let sleep = () => {171/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {172/​/​ setTimeout(() => {173/​/​ resolve('go to sleep');174/​/​ reject('work more');175/​/​ }, 200);176/​/​ });177/​/​ };178/​/​ let drive = () => {179/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {180/​/​ setTimeout(() => {181/​/​ resolve('i go to work in my car');182/​/​ reject('not now');183/​/​ }, 450);184/​/​ })185/​/​ };186/​/​ let coffee = () => {187/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {188/​/​ setTimeout(() => {189/​/​ resolve('i drink coffee');190/​/​ reject('not now');191/​/​ }, 700)192/​/​ });193/​/​ };194/​/​ let job = () => {195/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {196/​/​ setTimeout(() => {197/​/​ resolve('do my job good');198/​/​ reject('not now');199/​/​ }, 2200);200/​/​ });201/​/​ };202/​/​ let homework = () => {203/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {204/​/​ setTimeout(() => {205/​/​ resolve('do my homework');206/​/​ reject('not now');207/​/​ }, 1230);208/​/​ });209/​/​ };210/​/​211/​/​212/​/​ wakeUp(true)213/​/​ .then(resolve => {214/​/​ console.log(resolve);215/​/​ return shower();216/​/​ })217/​/​ .then(bathe => {218/​/​ console.log(bathe);219/​/​ return coffee();220/​/​ })221/​/​ .then(drink => {222/​/​ console.log(drink);223/​/​ return breakfast();224/​/​ })225/​/​ .then(eat => {226/​/​ console.log(eat);227/​/​ return drive();228/​/​ })229/​/​ .then(go => {230/​/​ console.log(go);231/​/​ return job();232/​/​ })233/​/​ .then(doing => {234/​/​ console.log(doing);235/​/​ return shower();236/​/​ })237/​/​ .then(more => {238/​/​ console.log(more);239/​/​ return homework();240/​/​ })241/​/​ .then(tack => {242/​/​ console.log(tack);243/​/​ return learning();244/​/​ })245/​/​ .then(learn => {246/​/​ console.log(learn);247/​/​ return reading();248/​/​ })249/​/​ .then(read => {250/​/​ console.log(read);251/​/​ return sleep();252/​/​ })253/​/​ .then(sleeping => {254/​/​ console.log(sleeping)255/​/​ })256/​/​ .catch(e => {257/​/​ console.error(e);258/​/​ })259/​/​ /​/​async await260/​/​ let wakeUp = () => {261/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {262/​/​ setTimeout(() => {263/​/​ resolve('i wake up');264/​/​ reject('sleep more');265/​/​ }, 300);266/​/​ });267/​/​ };268/​/​ let breakfast = () => {269/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {270/​/​ setTimeout(() => {271/​/​ resolve('i have a breakfast');272/​/​ reject('time is not to have breakfast');273/​/​ }, 700);274/​/​ })275/​/​ };276/​/​ let reading = () => {277/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {278/​/​ setTimeout(() => {279/​/​ resolve('read some books');280/​/​ reject('not now');281/​/​ }, 420)282/​/​ });283/​/​ };284/​/​ let shower = () => {285/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {286/​/​ setTimeout(() => {287/​/​ resolve('have a shower');288/​/​ reject('not now');289/​/​ }, 890);290/​/​ });291/​/​292/​/​ };293/​/​ let learning = () => {294/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {295/​/​ setTimeout(() => {296/​/​ resolve('have a shower');297/​/​ reject('not now');298/​/​ }, 230)299/​/​ })300/​/​ };301/​/​ let sleep = () => {302/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {303/​/​ setTimeout(() => {304/​/​ resolve('go to sleep');305/​/​ reject('work more');306/​/​ }, 200);307/​/​ });308/​/​ };309/​/​ let drive = () => {310/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {311/​/​ setTimeout(() => {312/​/​ resolve('i go to work in my car');313/​/​ reject('not now');314/​/​ }, 450);315/​/​ })316/​/​ };317/​/​ let coffee = () => {318/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {319/​/​ setTimeout(() => {320/​/​ resolve('i drink coffee');321/​/​ reject('not now');322/​/​ }, 700)323/​/​ });324/​/​ };325/​/​ let job = () => {326/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {327/​/​ setTimeout(() => {328/​/​ resolve('do my job good');329/​/​ reject('not now');330/​/​ }, 2200);331/​/​ });332/​/​ };333/​/​ let homework = () => {334/​/​ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {335/​/​ setTimeout(() => {336/​/​ resolve('do my homework');337/​/​ reject('not now');338/​/​ }, 1230);339/​/​ });340/​/​ };341/​/​342/​/​343/​/​ async function day() {344/​/​ const first = await wakeUp(true);345/​/​ const second = await shower(true);346/​/​ const third = await coffee(true);347/​/​ const forth = await breakfast(true);348/​/​ const fifth = await drive(true);349/​/​ const sixth = await job(true);...

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Source:playsong3.js Github


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1function playSong3(){2 var piano = Synth.createInstrument('piano');3 /​/​measure 14 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},0);5 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},200);6 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},400);7 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,2)},600);8 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},1000);9 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},1200);10 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},1400);11 /​/​measure 212 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},1600);13 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},1800);14 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},2000);15 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,2)},2200);16 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},2600);17 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},2800);18 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,2)},3000);19 /​/​measure 320 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},3200);21 setTimeout(function(){"A",3,6)},3200);22 setTimeout(function(){"A",2,6)},3200);23 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},3400);24 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},3600);25 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,2)},3800);26 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},4200);27 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},4400);28 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,3)},4400);29 setTimeout(function(){"B",2,3)},4400);30 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,2)},4600);31 /​/​measure 432 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},4800);33 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,6)},4800);34 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,6)},4800);35 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},5000);36 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},5200);37 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,2)},5400);38 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},5800);39 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},6000);40 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},6000);41 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},6000);42 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},6200);43 /​/​measure 544 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},6400);45 setTimeout(function(){"A",3,6)},6400);46 setTimeout(function(){"A",2,6)},6400);47 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},6600);48 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},6800);49 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,2)},7000);50 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},7400);51 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},7600);52 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,3)},7600);53 setTimeout(function(){"B",2,3)},7600);54 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,2)},7800);55 /​/​measure 656 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},8000);57 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,6)},8000);58 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,6)},8000);59 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},8200);60 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},8400);61 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,2)},8600);62 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},9000);63 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},9200);64 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},9200);65 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},9200);66 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},9400);67 /​/​measure 768 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},9600);69 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},9600);70 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},9600);71 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},9800);72 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},9800);73 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},9800);74 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},10000);75 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},10000);76 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},10000);77 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},10200);78 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},10200);79 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},10200);8081 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},10400);82 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},10400);83 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},10400);84 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},10600);85 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},10600);86 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},10600);87 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},10800);88 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},10800);89 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},10800);90 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},11000);91 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},11000);92 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},11000);9394 setTimeout(function(){"A",3,6)},9600);95 setTimeout(function(){"A",2,6)},9600);96 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,3)},10800);97 setTimeout(function(){"B",2,3)},10800);98 /​/​measure 899 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},11200);100 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},11200);101 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},11200);102 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},11400);103 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},11400);104 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},11400);105 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},11600);106 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},11600);107 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},11600);108109 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},11800);110 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},11800);111 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},11800);112 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},12000);113 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12000);114 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},12000);115 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},12200);116 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12200);117 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},12200);118 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},12400);119 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12400);120 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},12400);121 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},12600);122 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12600);123 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},12600);124125 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},11200);126 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},11200);127 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},12400);128 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},12400);129 /​/​measure 9130 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},12600);131 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12600);132 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},12600);133 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},12800);134 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},12800);135 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},12800);136 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},13000);137 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},13000);138 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},13000);139 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},13200);140 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},13200);141 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},13200);142143 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},13400);144 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},13400);145 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},13400);146 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},13600);147 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},13600);148 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},13600);149 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},13800);150 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},13800);151 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},13800);152 setTimeout(function(){"C",4,1)},14000);153 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14000);154 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},14000);155156 setTimeout(function(){"A",3,6)},12600);157 setTimeout(function(){"A",2,6)},12600);158 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,3)},13800);159 setTimeout(function(){"B",2,3)},13800);160 /​/​measure 10161 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},14000);162 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14000);163 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},14000);164 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},14200);165 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14200);166 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},14200);167 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},14400);168 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14400);169 setTimeout(function(){"A",4,1)},14400);170171 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},14600);172 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14600);173 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},14600);174 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},14800);175 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},14800);176 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},14800);177 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},15000);178 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},15000);179 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},15000);180 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},15200);181 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},15200);182 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},15200);183 setTimeout(function(){"B",3,1)},15400);184 setTimeout(function(){"E",4,1)},15400);185 setTimeout(function(){"G",4,1)},15400);186187 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},14000);188 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},14000);189 setTimeout(function(){"E",3,3)},15200);190 setTimeout(function(){"E",2,3)},15200); ...

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Source:home.js Github


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1let header = document.querySelector('.header');2let elem = document.querySelector('.elem');3setTimeout(() => = '0', 1000);4setTimeout(() => = '0.15', 1100);5setTimeout(() => = '0.2', 1200);6setTimeout(() => = '0.25', 1300);7setTimeout(() => = '0.3', 1400);8setTimeout(() => = '0.35', 1500);9setTimeout(() => = '0.4', 1600);10setTimeout(() => = '0.45', 1700);11setTimeout(() => = '0.5', 1800);12setTimeout(() => = '0.55', 1900);13setTimeout(() => = '0.6', 2000);14setTimeout(() => = '0.65', 2100);15setTimeout(() => = '0.7', 2200);16setTimeout(() => = '0.8', 2300);17setTimeout(() => = '0.9', 2400);18setTimeout(() => = '1', 2500);19setTimeout(() => = '0.9', 6000);20setTimeout(() => = '0.8', 6100);21setTimeout(() => = '0.7', 6200);22setTimeout(() => = '0.6', 6300);23setTimeout(() => = '0.5', 6400);24setTimeout(() => = '0.4', 6500);25setTimeout(() => = '0.3', 6600);26setTimeout(() => = '0.2', 6700);27setTimeout(() => = '0.1', 6800);28setTimeout(() => = '0', 6900);29setTimeout(() => = 'none', 7000);30setTimeout(() => = 'block', 7500);31setTimeout(() => = '0.2', 7700);32setTimeout(() => = '0.3', 7800);33setTimeout(() => = '0.4', 7900);34setTimeout(() => = '0.5', 8000);35setTimeout(() => = '0.6', 8100);36setTimeout(() => = '0.7', 8200);37setTimeout(() => = '0.8', 8300);38setTimeout(() => = '0.9', 8400);...

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Source:animations.js Github


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1$(document).ready(function() {23 setTimeout (function () {4 var $element = $('#news');5 $element.animate({ opacity: 0 },1000).animate({ opacity: 1},1000);6 $element.animate({ opacity: 0 },1000).animate({ opacity: 1},1000);7 $element.animate({ opacity: 0 },1000).animate({ opacity: 1},1000);8 },3000);910 var nextLocationAnimation = 'animated swing';1112 setTimeout (function () {13 $('#newsTicker').removeClass('hidden').addClass('animated bounceInRight')14 },1000);1516 setTimeout (function () {17 $('#nextLocation').addClass(nextLocationAnimation)18 },3000);1920 setTimeout (function () {21 $('#nextLocation').removeClass(nextLocationAnimation)22 },4000);2324 setTimeout (function () {25 $('#nextLocation').addClass(nextLocationAnimation)26 },4500);2728 setTimeout (function () {29 $('#nextLocation').removeClass(nextLocationAnimation)30 },5500);3132 setTimeout (function () {33 $('#nextLocation').addClass(nextLocationAnimation)34 },6000);3536 setTimeout (function () {37 $('#countdown-text').removeClass('hidden').addClass('animated bounceInLeft')38 },2000);3940 setTimeout (function () {41 $('#countdown-holder').addClass('animated swing')42 },3000);4344 setTimeout (function () {45 $('#countdown-holder').removeClass('animated swing')46 },4000);4748 setTimeout (function () {49 $('#countdown-holder').addClass('animated swing')50 },4500);5152 setTimeout (function () {53 $('#countdown-holder').removeClass('animated swing')54 },5500);5556 setTimeout (function () {57 $('#countdown-holder').addClass('animated swing')58 },6000);5960/​/​countdown-holder6162 setTimeout (function () {63 $('#nextEvent').removeClass('animated wobble');64 },8000);6566 setTimeout (function () {67 $('#nextEvent').addClass('animated wobble');68 },8100);69 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia('chrome');3(async () => {4 await;5 await browser.waitForSelector('#hplogo');6 await browser.waitFor(500);7 await browser.waitForNavigation(() => {8'#gbqfbb');9 });10 await browser.waitForFunction(() => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3 .init()4 .type('#lst-ib', 'navalia')5 .click('input[name="btnK"]')6 .wait(2000)7 .screenshot()8 .then(screenshot => {9 console.log(screenshot);10 })11 .end();12### init()13### goto(url)14### type(selector, text)15### click(selector)16### screenshot()17### wait(time)18### end()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Navalia } = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3(async () => {4 const browser = new Navalia();5 await browser.wait(5000);6 await browser.fill('input[name="q"]', 'navalia');7 await'Enter');8 await browser.wait(5000);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var navalia = require('navalia');2var browser = new navalia(); to wait for a certain amount of time3var url = "";4 r .goto(u l)5 .wait(3000)6 .screenshot('google.png')7 .end()8 .thnn(function() {9 console.log('done');10 })11 .catch(function(err) {12 console.log(err);13 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1setTimeout(function() {2 console.log("Hello World");3}, 5000);4setInterval(function() {5 console.log("Hello World");6}, 5000);7var intervalId = setInterval(function() {8 con.olg.log("Hello Woold");9}, 5000);10clearInterval(intervalId);11var timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {12 console.logl"Hello World");13}, 5000);14clearTimeout(timeoutId);15browser.wait(5000);16browser.waitUntil(function() {17 console.log("Hello World");18});19browser.waitUntil(function() {20 console.log("Hello World");21}, 5000);22browser.waitUntil(function() {23 console.log("Hello World");24}, 5000, "Error message");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const Navalia = require('navalia');2const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');3const { expect } = require('chai');4const browser = new Navalia('chrome');5describe('Google', () => {6 it('should find the search input', async () => {7 await browser.wait(5000);8 await browser.type('q'), 'navalia');9 await'btnK'));10 await browser.wait(5000);11 const title = await browser.title();12 expect(title).to.contain('navalia');13 });14});15{16 "scripts": {17 },18 "dependencies": {19 }20}21const Navalia = require('navalia');22const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');23const { expect } = require('chai');24const browser = new Navalia('chrome');25describe('Google', () => {26 it('should find the search input', async () => {27 await browser.waitFor('q'), 5000);28 await browser.type('q'), 'navalia');29 await'btnK'));30 await browser.waitFor('resultStats'), 5000);31 const title = await browser.title();32 expect(title).to.contain('navalia');33 });34});35{36 "scripts": {37 },38 .wait(3000)39 .screenshot('google.png')40 .end()41 .then(function() {42 console.log('done');43 })44 .catch(function(err) {45 console.log(err);46 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const Navalia = require('navalia');2const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');3const { expect } = require('chai');4const browser = new Navalia('chrome');5describe('Google', () => {6 it('should find the search input', async () => {7 await browser.wait(5000);8 await browser.type('q'), 'navalia');9 await'btnK'));10 await browser.wait(5000);11 const title = await browser.title();12 expect(title).to.contain('navalia');13 });14});15{16 "scripts": {17 },18 "dependencies": {19 }20}21const Navalia = require('navalia');22const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');23const { expect } = require('chai');24const browser = new Navalia('chrome');25describe('Google', () => {26 it('should find the search input', async () => {27 await browser.waitFor('q'), 5000);28 await browser.type('q'), 'navalia');29 await'btnK'));30 await browser.waitFor('resultStats'), 5000);31 const title = await browser.title();32 expect(title).to.contain('navalia');33 });34});35{36 "scripts": {37 },

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