How to use quit method in navalia

Best JavaScript code snippet using navalia


Source:KeyboardQuitSnackbarHelper.js Github


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1import React from 'react'2import PropTypes from 'prop-types'3import { Snackbar, SnackbarContent, Button } from '@material-ui/​core'4import shallowCompare from 'react-addons-shallow-compare'5import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'6import ElectronAccelerator from './​ElectronAccelerator'7import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/​core/​styles'8import {9 WB_ATTEMPT_FULL_QUIT_KEYBOARD_ACCEL,10 WB_QUIT_APP11} from 'shared/​ipcEvents'12const styles = {13 snackbarContentRoot: {14 flexDirection: 'column'15 },16 snackbarContentAction: {17 width: '100%',18 justifyContent: 'center',19 paddingLeft: 0,20 paddingRight: 0,21 marginRight: 0,22 marginLeft: 0,23 marginTop: 1024 },25 snackbarContentMessage: {26 width: '100%',27 textAlign: 'center'28 },29 accelerator: {30 display: 'inline-block',31 margin: '0px 0.5ch'32 },33 kbd: {34 display: 'inline-block',35 border: '2px solid #FFF',36 padding: 4,37 borderRadius: 4,38 margin: '0px 1ch',39 minWidth: 30,40 textAlign: 'center',41 fontFamily: 'inherit'42 }43}44const QUIT_CYCLE_LENGTH = 300045@withStyles(styles)46class KeyboardQuitSnackbarHelper extends React.Component {47 /​* **************************************************************************/​48 /​/​ PropTypes49 /​* **************************************************************************/​50 static propTypes = {51 onRequestAlwaysQuitImmediately: PropTypes.func52 }53 /​* **************************************************************************/​54 /​/​ Lifecycle55 /​* **************************************************************************/​56 constructor (props) {57 super(props)58 this.quitCycleCancel = null59 }60 /​* **************************************************************************/​61 /​/​ Component Lifecycle62 /​* **************************************************************************/​63 componentDidMount () {64 ipcRenderer.on(WB_ATTEMPT_FULL_QUIT_KEYBOARD_ACCEL, this._handleAttemptQuit)65 }66 componentWillUnmount () {67 ipcRenderer.removeListener(WB_ATTEMPT_FULL_QUIT_KEYBOARD_ACCEL, this._handleAttemptQuit)68 clearTimeout(this.quitCycleCancel)69 }70 /​* **************************************************************************/​71 /​/​ Data lifecycle72 /​* **************************************************************************/​73 state = {74 accelerator: null,75 isInQuitCycle: false76 }77 /​* **************************************************************************/​78 /​/​ UI Events79 /​* **************************************************************************/​80 /​**81 * Handles the attempted full quit82 * @param evt: the event that fired83 * @param accelerator: the keyboard accelerator84 */​85 _handleAttemptQuit = (evt, accelerator) => {86 if (ElectronAccelerator.isValid(accelerator)) {87 this.setState((prevState) => {88 clearTimeout(this.quitCycleCancel)89 if (prevState.isInQuitCycle) {90 ipcRenderer.send(WB_QUIT_APP)91 return { isInQuitCycle: false }92 } else {93 this.quitCycleCancel = setTimeout(() => {94 this.setState({ isInQuitCycle: false })95 }, QUIT_CYCLE_LENGTH)96 return {97 accelerator: accelerator,98 isInQuitCycle: true99 }100 }101 })102 } else {103 ipcRenderer.send(WB_QUIT_APP)104 }105 }106 handleDismiss = () => {107 clearTimeout(this.quitCycleCancel)108 this.setState({ isInQuitCycle: false })109 }110 handleQuitImmediately = () => {111 this.setState({ isInQuitCycle: false })112 this.props.onRequestAlwaysQuitImmediately()113 /​/​ A little bit bad from a UX perspective, but we need the action to dispatch and write to disk ideally!114 setTimeout(() => {115 ipcRenderer.send(WB_QUIT_APP)116 }, 1000)117 }118 /​* **************************************************************************/​119 /​/​ Rendering120 /​* **************************************************************************/​121 shouldComponentUpdate (nextProps, nextState) {122 return shallowCompare(this, nextProps, nextState)123 }124 render () {125 const { classes, onRequestAlwaysQuitImmediately } = this.props126 const { accelerator, isInQuitCycle } = this.state127 const isValid = ElectronAccelerator.isValid(accelerator)128 return (129 <Snackbar130 autoHideDuration={QUIT_CYCLE_LENGTH}131 anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'bottom', horizontal: 'center' }}132 open={isInQuitCycle && isValid}133 onClose={this.handleDismiss}>134 <SnackbarContent135 classes={onRequestAlwaysQuitImmediately ? {136 root: classes.snackbarContentRoot,137 action: classes.snackbarContentAction,138 message: classes.snackbarContentMessage139 } : undefined}140 action={(141 <React.Fragment>142 {onRequestAlwaysQuitImmediately ? (143 <Button color='secondary' size='small' onClick={this.handleQuitImmediately}>144 Always Quit Immediately145 </​Button>146 ) : undefined}147 <Button color='secondary' size='small' onClick={this.handleDismiss}>148 Cancel149 </​Button>150 </​React.Fragment>151 )}152 message={(153 <span>154 Press155 <ElectronAccelerator156 className={classes.accelerator}157 keyClassName={classes.kbd}158 accelerator={accelerator} /​>159 again to quit160 </​span>161 )} /​>162 </​Snackbar>163 )164 }165}...

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Source:context-menu.js Github


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1(function($) {2 'use strict';3 $.contextMenu({4 selector: '#context-menu-simple',5 callback: function(key, options) {},6 items: {7 "edit": {8 name: "Edit",9 icon: "edit"10 },11 "cut": {12 name: "Cut",13 icon: "cut"14 },15 copy: {16 name: "Copy",17 icon: "copy"18 },19 "paste": {20 name: "Paste",21 icon: "paste"22 },23 "delete": {24 name: "Delete",25 icon: "delete"26 },27 "sep1": "---------",28 "quit": {29 name: "Quit",30 icon: function() {31 return 'context-menu-icon context-menu-icon-quit';32 }33 }34 }35 });36 $.contextMenu({37 selector: '#context-menu-access',38 callback: function(key, options) {39 var m = "clicked: " + key;40 window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);41 },42 items: {43 "edit": {44 name: "Edit",45 icon: "edit",46 accesskey: "e"47 },48 "cut": {49 name: "Cut",50 icon: "cut",51 accesskey: "c"52 },53 /​/​ first unused character is taken (here: o)54 "copy": {55 name: "Copy",56 icon: "copy",57 accesskey: "c o p y"58 },59 /​/​ words are truncated to their first letter (here: p)60 "paste": {61 name: "Paste",62 icon: "paste",63 accesskey: "cool paste"64 },65 "delete": {66 name: "Delete",67 icon: "delete"68 },69 "sep1": "---------",70 "quit": {71 name: "Quit",72 icon: function($element, key, item) {73 return 'context-menu-icon context-menu-icon-quit';74 }75 }76 }77 });78 $.contextMenu({79 selector: '#context-menu-open',80 callback: function(key, options) {81 var m = "clicked: " + key;82 window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);83 },84 items: {85 "edit": {86 name: "Closing on Click",87 icon: "edit",88 callback: function() {89 return true;90 }91 },92 "cut": {93 name: "Open after Click",94 icon: "cut",95 callback: function() {96 return false;97 }98 }99 }100 });101 $.contextMenu({102 selector: '#context-menu-multi',103 callback: function(key, options) {104 var m = "clicked: " + key;105 window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);106 },107 items: {108 "edit": {109 "name": "Edit",110 "icon": "edit"111 },112 "cut": {113 "name": "Cut",114 "icon": "cut"115 },116 "sep1": "---------",117 "quit": {118 "name": "Quit",119 "icon": "quit"120 },121 "sep2": "---------",122 "fold1": {123 "name": "Sub group",124 "items": {125 "fold1-key1": {126 "name": "Foo bar"127 },128 "fold2": {129 "name": "Sub group 2",130 "items": {131 "fold2-key1": {132 "name": "alpha"133 },134 "fold2-key2": {135 "name": "bravo"136 },137 "fold2-key3": {138 "name": "charlie"139 }140 }141 },142 "fold1-key3": {143 "name": "delta"144 }145 }146 },147 "fold1a": {148 "name": "Other group",149 "items": {150 "fold1a-key1": {151 "name": "echo"152 },153 "fold1a-key2": {154 "name": "foxtrot"155 },156 "fold1a-key3": {157 "name": "golf"158 }159 }160 }161 }162 });163 $.contextMenu({164 selector: '#context-menu-hover',165 trigger: 'hover',166 delay: 500,167 callback: function(key, options) {168 var m = "clicked: " + key;169 window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);170 },171 items: {172 "edit": {173 name: "Edit",174 icon: "edit"175 },176 "cut": {177 name: "Cut",178 icon: "cut"179 },180 "copy": {181 name: "Copy",182 icon: "copy"183 },184 "paste": {185 name: "Paste",186 icon: "paste"187 },188 "delete": {189 name: "Delete",190 icon: "delete"191 },192 "sep1": "---------",193 "quit": {194 name: "Quit",195 icon: function($element, key, item) {196 return 'context-menu-icon context-menu-icon-quit';197 }198 }199 }200 });201 $.contextMenu({202 selector: '#context-menu-hover-autohide',203 trigger: 'hover',204 delay: 500,205 autoHide: true,206 callback: function(key, options) {207 var m = "clicked: " + key;208 window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);209 },210 items: {211 "edit": {212 name: "Edit",213 icon: "edit"214 },215 "cut": {216 name: "Cut",217 icon: "cut"218 },219 "copy": {220 name: "Copy",221 icon: "copy"222 },223 "paste": {224 name: "Paste",225 icon: "paste"226 },227 "delete": {228 name: "Delete",229 icon: "delete"230 },231 "sep1": "---------",232 "quit": {233 name: "Quit",234 icon: function($element, key, item) {235 return 'context-menu-icon context-menu-icon-quit';236 }237 }238 }239 });...

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1Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win322Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.3>>> 4 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 5Enter a number: 126The number is not prime7>>> 8 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 9Enter a number: 1310The number is prime11>>> list(range(2, 1))12[]13>>> 14 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 15Enter a number: 116The number is prime17>>> 18 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 19Enter a number: 220The number is prime21>>> list(range(2, 1, -1))22[2]23>>> list(range(2, 0, -1))24[2, 1]25>>> 26 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 27Enter a number: 1228The number is not prime29>>> 30 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 31Enter a number: 4732The number is prime33>>> import primes234Enter a number: 1235The number is not prime36>>> primes2.checkprime(100)37False38>>> primes2.checkprime(1)39True40>>> for n in range(10):41 primes2.checkprime(n)4243 44True45True46True47True48False49True50False51True52False53False54>>> 55 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 56Enter a number: 357The number is prime58Enter a start point: 1059Enter a end point: 10060----------------------------------------61PRIMES: 62[11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]63>>> 64 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 65Enter a number: 1266The number is not prime67>>> 68 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 69Enter a start point: 1070Enter a end point: 10071----------------------------------------72PRIMES: 73[11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]74>>> 75 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 76(q to quit)--> 1277(q to quit)--> 3478(q to quit)--> 4579(q to quit)--> 5680(q to quit)--> 6781(q to quit)--> dd82(q to quit)--> ff83(q to quit)--> gg84(q to quit)--> hh85(q to quit)--> 5686(q to quit)--> 6787(q to quit)--> 7888(q to quit)--> q89------------------------------------------------------------90[12, 34, 45, 56, 67, 56, 67, 78]91>>> 92 RESTART: C:/​Users/​Purushotham/​Desktop/​oracle_july/​day_02/​examples/​ 93(q to quit)--> 1294(q to quit)--> 2395(q to quit)--> 3496(q to quit)--> 4597(q to quit)--> 5698(q to quit)--> 6799(q to quit)--> 78100(q to quit)--> 89101(q to quit)--> 45102(q to quit)--> 56103(q to quit)--> 67104(q to quit)--> 45105(q to quit)--> 34106(q to quit)--> 23107(q to quit)--> fsda108(q to quit)--> dfg109(q to quit)--> xcbv110(q to quit)--> asdgf111(q to quit)--> asdf112(q to quit)--> wer113(q to quit)--> asdf114(q to quit)--> 23115(q to quit)--> 45116(q to quit)--> q117--------------------------------------------------------------------------------118MAXIMUM : 89119MINIMUM : 12120AVERAGE : 46.375121MEDIAN : 45.0122PRIMES : 6123--------------------------------------------------------------------------------124>>> import primes2 ...

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1# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.2# See LICENSE for details.3"""4Test cases for convenience functionality in L{twisted._threads._convenience}.5"""6from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function7from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase8from .._convenience import Quit9from .._ithreads import AlreadyQuit10class QuitTests(SynchronousTestCase):11 """12 Tests for L{Quit}13 """14 def test_isInitiallySet(self):15 """16 L{Quit.isSet} starts as L{False}.17 """18 quit = Quit()19 self.assertEqual(quit.isSet, False)20 def test_setSetsSet(self):21 """22 L{Quit.set} sets L{Quit.isSet} to L{True}.23 """24 quit = Quit()25 quit.set()26 self.assertEqual(quit.isSet, True)27 def test_checkDoesNothing(self):28 """29 L{Quit.check} initially does nothing and returns L{None}.30 """31 quit = Quit()32 self.assertIs(quit.check(), None)33 def test_checkAfterSetRaises(self):34 """35 L{Quit.check} raises L{AlreadyQuit} if L{Quit.set} has been called.36 """37 quit = Quit()38 quit.set()39 self.assertRaises(AlreadyQuit, quit.check)40 def test_setTwiceRaises(self):41 """42 L{Quit.set} raises L{AlreadyQuit} if it has been called previously.43 """44 quit = Quit()45 quit.set()...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const Navalia = require('navalia');2const navalia = new Navalia();3 .type('navalia', 'input[name="q"]')4 .click('input[name="btnK"]')5 .quit()6 .then(() => {7 console.log('done');8 });9- Breaking change: `browser` is now `navalia` (previously `navalia.browser`)10- Breaking change: `browser.goto` is now `navalia.goto` (previously `navalia.browser.goto`)11- Breaking change: `browser.type` is now `navalia.type` (previously `navalia.browser.type`)12- Breaking change: `` is now `` (previously ``)13- Breaking change: `browser.clickLink` is now `navalia.clickLink` (previously `navalia.browser.clickLink`)14- Breaking change: `browser.clickButton` is now `navalia.clickButton` (previously `navalia.browser.clickButton`)15- Breaking change: `browser.clickImage` is now `navalia.clickImage` (previously `navalia.browser.clickImage`)16- Breaking change: `browser.clickInput` is now `navalia.clickInput` (previously `navalia.browser.clickInput`)17- Breaking change: `browser.clickCheckbox` is now `navalia.clickCheckbox` (previously `navalia.browser.clickCheckbox`)18- Breaking change: `browser.clickRadio` is now `navalia.clickRadio` (previously `navalia.browser.clickRadio`)19- Breaking change: `browser.clickSelect` is now `navalia.clickSelect` (previously `navalia.browser.clickSelect`)20- Breaking change: `browser.clickOption` is now `navalia.clickOption` (previously `navalia.browser.clickOption`)21- Breaking change: `browser.clickTextarea` is now `navalia.clickTextarea` (previously `navalia.browser.clickTextarea`)22- Breaking change: `browser.clickSubmit` is now `navalia.clickSubmit` (previously `navalia.browser.clickSubmit`)23- Breaking change: `browser.clickReset` is now `navalia.clickReset` (previously `navalia.browser.clickReset`)24- Breaking change: `browser.clickFile` is now `navalia.clickFile` (previously `

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1var navalia = require('navalia');2var browser = new navalia('phantomjs');3 .type('#lst-ib', 'navalia')4 .click('input[name="btnK"]')5 .wait('#resultStats')6 .screenshot('navalia.png')7 .quit()8 .then(function() {9 console.log('done');10 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1module.exports = function (browser) {2 .type('input[name="q"]', 'navalia')3 .click('input[type="submit"]')4 .wait('#resultStats')5 .screenshot('google.png')6 .quit();7}8const navalia = require('navalia');9const test = require('./​test.js');10 .launch({ show: true })11 .then(browser => test(browser))12 .catch(error => console.error(error));

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1(async function() {2 const browser = await navalia();3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 await browser.quit();5})();6### `navalia([options])`7### `browser.newPage([options])`8### `page.goto(url, [options])`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3(async () => {4 await browser.launch();5 await browser.quit();6})();7### launch()8### open(url)9### quit()10### screenshot()11### html()12### text()13### pdf()14### title()15### url()16### cookies()17### clearCookies()18### addCookie(cookie)19### removeCookie(cookie)20### click(selector)21### type(selector, text)22### select(selector, value)23### check(selector)24### uncheck(selector)25### hover(selector)26### focus(selector)27### blur(selector)28### scroll(x, y)29### scrollBottom()30### scrollToBottom()31### scrollToTop()32### scrollRight()33### scrollLeft()34### scrollTo(selector)35### waitForNavigation()36### waitFor(selector)37### waitForNot(selector)38### waitForText(selector, text)39### waitForNotText(selector, text)40### waitForValue(selector, value)41### waitForNotValue(selector, value)42### waitForVisible(selector)43### waitForNotVisible(selector)44### waitForEnabled(selector)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Navalia } = require('navalia');2const navalia = new Navalia();3 .quit()4 .catch(error => console.log(error));5const { Navalia } = require('navalia');6const navalia = new Navalia();7 .screenshot('google.png')8 .then(() => {9 console.log('Screenshot saved!');10 })11 .catch(error => console.log(error));12const { Navalia } = require('navalia');13const navalia = new Navalia();14 .type('input[name="q"]', 'navalia')15 .catch(error => console.log(error));16const { Navalia } = require('navalia');17const navalia = new Navalia();18 .wait(1000)19 .catch(error => console.log(error));20const { Navalia } = require('navalia');21const navalia = new Navalia();22 .waitFor('input[name="q"]')23 .catch(error => console.log(error));24For more examples, check out the [examples folder](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3const navalia = require('navalia');4const browser = new navalia();5 .type('navalia', 'input[name="q"]')6 .click('input[name="btnK"]')7 .wait('#resultStats')8 .screenshot('navalia.png')9 .html('navalia.html')10 .pdf('navalia.pdf')11 .quit();12Please read [](

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