How to use kill method in navalia

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...164 return_value=pid),\165 mock.patch.object(self.proc, '_kill_process_and_wait'166 ) as mock_kill_process_and_wait,\167 mock.patch.object(self.proc, '_process'):168 self.proc._kill(signal.SIGKILL)169 self.assertIsNone(self.proc._kill_event)170 self.assertFalse(self.proc._is_running)171 self.assertIsNone(self.proc._pid)172 mock_kill_event.send.assert_called_once_with()173 if pid:174 mock_kill_process_and_wait.assert_called_once_with(175 pid, signal.SIGKILL, None)176 def _test__kill_process_and_wait(self, pid, expected,177 exception_message=None,178 kill_signal=signal.SIGKILL):179 self.proc.run_as_root = True180 if exception_message:181 exc = RuntimeError(exception_message)182 else:...

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...57 return58 undoType = 'backward-kill-sentence'59 self.beginCommand(w, undoType=undoType)60 i2 = s.rfind('.', 0, i) + 161 self.kill(event, i2, i + 1, undoType=undoType)62 w.setInsertPoint(i2)63 self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)64 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.413: *3* backwardKillWord & killWord65 @cmd('backward-kill-word')66 def backwardKillWord(self, event):67 """Kill the previous word."""68 c = self.c69 w = self.editWidget(event)70 if w:71 self.beginCommand(w, undoType='backward-kill-word')72 c.editCommands.backwardWord(event)73 self.killWordHelper(event)74 @cmd('kill-word')75 def killWord(self, event):76 """Kill the word containing the cursor."""77 w = self.editWidget(event)78 if w:79 self.beginCommand(w, undoType='kill-word')80 self.killWordHelper(event)81 def killWordHelper(self, event):82 c = self.c83 e = c.editCommands84 w = e.editWidget(event)85 if w:86 # self.killWs(event)87 e.extendToWord(event)88 i, j = w.getSelectionRange()89 self.kill(event, i, j, undoType=None)90 self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)91 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.414: *3* clearKillRing92 @cmd('clear-kill-ring')93 def clearKillRing(self, event=None):94 """Clear the kill ring."""95 = []96 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.415: *3* getClipboard97 def getClipboard(self):98 """Return the contents of the clipboard."""99 try:100 ctxt = if not or ctxt != self.last_clipboard:102 self.last_clipboard = ctxt103 if not or[0] != ctxt:104 return ctxt105 except Exception:106 g.es_exception()107 return None108 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.416: *3* class iterateKillBuffer109 class KillBufferIterClass:110 """Returns a list of positions in a subtree, possibly including the root of the subtree."""111 #@+others112 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.417: *4* __init__ & __iter__ (iterateKillBuffer)113 def __init__(self, c):114 """Ctor for KillBufferIterClass class."""115 self.c = c116 self.index = 0 # The index of the next item to be returned.117 def __iter__(self):118 return self119 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.418: *4* __next__120 def __next__(self):121 commands = self.c.killBufferCommands122 aList = # commands.killBuffer123 if not aList:124 self.index = 0125 return None126 if commands.reset is None:127 i = self.index128 else:129 i = commands.reset130 commands.reset = None131 if i < 0 or i >= len(aList): i = 0132 val = aList[i]133 self.index = i + 1134 return val135 #@-others136 def iterateKillBuffer(self):137 return self.KillBufferIterClass(self.c)138 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.419: *3* kill (helper)139 def kill(self, event, frm, to, force=False, undoType=None):140 """A helper method for all kill commands."""141 w = self.editWidget(event)142 if not w: return143 # 2016/​03/​05: all kill commands kill selected text, if it exists.144 if not force:145 # Delete the selection range if it spans a line.146 i, j = w.getSelectionRange()147 s = w.get(i, j)148 if s.find('\n') > -1:149 frm, to = i, j150 s = w.get(frm, to)151 if undoType:152 self.beginCommand(w, undoType=undoType)153 self.addToKillBuffer(s)154 w.delete(frm, to)156 w.setInsertPoint(frm)157 if undoType:158 self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)159 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.420: *3* killToEndOfLine160 @cmd('kill-to-end-of-line')161 def killToEndOfLine(self, event):162 """Kill from the cursor to end of the line."""163 w = self.editWidget(event)164 if not w: return165 s = w.getAllText()166 ins = w.getInsertPoint()167 i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)168 if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):169 # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.170 i = max(0, len(s) - 1)171 j = len(s)172 elif ins + 1 < j and s[ins : j - 1].strip() and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):173 # Kill the line, but not the newline.174 i, j = ins, j - 1175 elif g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):176 i = ins # Kill the newline in the present line.177 else:178 i = j179 if i < j:180 self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')181 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.421: *3* KillLine182 @cmd('kill-line')183 def killLine(self, event):184 """Kill the line containing the cursor."""185 w = self.editWidget(event)186 if not w: return187 s = w.getAllText()188 ins = w.getInsertPoint()189 i, j = g.getLine(s, ins)190 if ins >= len(s) and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):191 # Kill the trailing newline of the body text.192 i = max(0, len(s) - 1)193 j = len(s)194 elif j > i + 1 and g.match(s, j - 1, '\n'):195 # Kill the line, but not the newline.196 j -= 1197 else:198 pass # Kill the newline in the present line.199 self.kill(event, i, j, undoType='kill-line')200 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.422: *3* killRegion & killRegionSave & helper201 @cmd('kill-region')202 def killRegion(self, event):203 """Kill the text selection."""204 self.killRegionHelper(event, deleteFlag=True)205 @cmd('kill-region-save')206 def killRegionSave(self, event):207 """Add the selected text to the kill ring, but do not delete it."""208 self.killRegionHelper(event, deleteFlag=False)209 def killRegionHelper(self, event, deleteFlag):210 w = self.editWidget(event)211 if not w: return212 i, j = w.getSelectionRange()213 if i == j: return214 s = w.getSelectedText()215 if deleteFlag:216 self.beginCommand(w, undoType='kill-region')217 w.delete(i, j)218 self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)219 self.addToKillBuffer(s)220 # self.removeRKeys(w)222 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.423: *3* killSentence223 @cmd('kill-sentence')224 def killSentence(self, event):225 """Kill the sentence containing the cursor."""226 w = self.editWidget(event)227 if not w:228 return229 s = w.getAllText()230 ins = w.getInsertPoint()231 i = s.find('.', ins)232 if i == -1:233 return234 undoType = 'kill-sentence'235 self.beginCommand(w, undoType=undoType)236 i2 = s.rfind('.', 0, ins) + 1237 self.kill(event, i2, i + 1, undoType=undoType)238 w.setInsertPoint(i2)239 self.endCommand(changed=True, setLabel=True)240 #@+node:ekr.20150514063305.424: *3* killWs241 @cmd('kill-ws')242 def killWs(self, event, undoType='kill-ws'):243 """Kill whitespace."""244 ws = ''245 w = self.editWidget(event)246 if not w: return247 s = w.getAllText()248 i = j = ins = w.getInsertPoint()249 while i >= 0 and s[i] in (' ', '\t'):250 i -= 1251 if i < ins: i += 1...

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...113 """114 kill_signal = kill_signal or getattr(signal, 'SIGKILL', signal.SIGTERM)115 if self._is_running:116 LOG.debug('Halting async process [%s].', self.cmd)117 self._kill(kill_signal, kill_timeout)118 else:119 raise AsyncProcessException(_('Process is not running.'))120 if block:121 common_utils.wait_until_true(lambda: not self.is_active())122 def _spawn(self):123 """Spawn a process and its watchers."""124 self._is_running = True125 self._pid = None126 self._kill_event = eventlet.event.Event()127 self._process, cmd = utils.create_process(self._cmd,128 run_as_root=self.run_as_root)129 self._watchers = []130 for reader in (self._read_stdout, self._read_stderr):131 # Pass the stop event directly to the greenthread to132 # ensure that assignment of a new event to the instance133 # attribute does not prevent the greenthread from using134 # the original event.135 watcher = eventlet.spawn(self._watch_process,136 reader,137 self._kill_event)138 self._watchers.append(watcher)139 @property140 def pid(self):141 if self._process:142 if not self._pid:143 self._pid = utils.get_root_helper_child_pid(144,145 self.cmd_without_namespace,146 run_as_root=self.run_as_root)147 return self._pid148 def _kill(self, kill_signal, kill_timeout=None):149 """Kill the process and the associated watcher greenthreads."""150 pid = self.pid151 if pid:152 self._is_running = False153 self._pid = None154 self._kill_process_and_wait(pid, kill_signal, kill_timeout)155 # Halt the greenthreads if they weren't already.156 if self._kill_event:157 self._kill_event.send()158 self._kill_event = None159 def _kill_process_and_wait(self, pid, kill_signal, kill_timeout=None):160 kill_result = self._kill_process(pid, kill_signal)161 if kill_result is False:162 return kill_result163 if self._process:164 try:165 self._process.wait(kill_timeout)166 except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:167 LOG.warning("Process %(pid)s [%(cmd)s] still running after "168 "%(timeout)d seconds. Sending %(signal)d to kill "169 "it.",170 {'pid': pid,171 'cmd': self.cmd,172 'timeout': kill_timeout,173 'signal': signal.SIGKILL})174 return self._kill_process(pid, signal.SIGKILL)175 return True176 def _kill_process(self, pid, kill_signal):177 try:178 # A process started by a root helper will be running as179 # root and need to be killed via the same helper.180 utils.kill_process(pid, kill_signal, self.run_as_root)181 except Exception:182 LOG.exception('An error occurred while killing [%s].',183 self.cmd)184 return False185 return True186 def _handle_process_error(self):187 """Kill the async process and respawn if necessary."""188 stdout = list(self.iter_stdout())189 stderr = list(self.iter_stderr())190 LOG.debug('Halting async process [%s] in response to an error. stdout:'191 ' [%s] - stderr: [%s]', self.cmd, stdout, stderr)192 self._kill(getattr(signal, 'SIGKILL', signal.SIGTERM))193 if self.respawn_interval is not None and self.respawn_interval >= 0:194 eventlet.sleep(self.respawn_interval)195 LOG.debug('Respawning async process [%s].', self.cmd)196 try:197 self.start()198 except AsyncProcessException:199 # Process was already respawned by someone else...200 pass201 def _watch_process(self, callback, kill_event):202 while not kill_event.ready():203 try:204 output = callback()205 if not output and output != "":206 break...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32'''Kill tests.3These tests run many scenarios in which jobs are killed (KILL_JOB).4'''5import json6import pandas as pd7import pytest8from helper import *9# The number of kills to do for each job.10KillCountMode = namedtuple('KillCountMode', ['name', 'kill_count_per_job'])11# The number of seconds between a job execution and its kill.12KillDelayMode = namedtuple('KillDelayMode', ['name', 'kill_delay'])13###################################################################14# Kill a job a given amount of time after starting its execution. #15###################################################################16def kill_after_delay(platform, workload, algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):17 test_name = f'kill-{}-{}-{}-{}-{}-{}'18 output_dir, robin_filename, schedconf_filename = init_instance(test_name)19 if algorithm.sched_implem != 'batsched': raise Exception('This test only supports batsched for now')20 batparams = "--forward-profiles-on-submission"21 if redis_mode.enabled == True: batparams = batparams + " --enable-redis"22 batcmd = gen_batsim_cmd(platform.filename, workload.filename, output_dir, batparams)23 schedconf_content = {24 "delay_before_kill": delay_before_kill.kill_delay,25 "nb_kills_per_job": nb_kills_per_job.kill_count_per_job,26 }27 write_file(schedconf_filename, json.dumps(schedconf_content))28 instance = RobinInstance(output_dir=output_dir,29 batcmd=batcmd,30 schedcmd=f"batsched -v '{algorithm.sched_algo_name}' --variant_options_filepath '{schedconf_filename}'",31 simulation_timeout=30, ready_timeout=5,32 success_timeout=10, failure_timeout=033 )34 instance.to_file(robin_filename)35 ret = run_robin(robin_filename)36 if ret.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Bad robin return code ({ret.returncode})')37 # Analyze Batsim results38 batjobs_filename = f'{output_dir}/​batres_jobs.csv'39 jobs = pd.read_csv(batjobs_filename)40 epsilon = 0.141 max_runtime = delay_before_kill.kill_delay + epsilon42 jobs_too_long = jobs.loc[jobs['execution_time'] > max_runtime]43 if jobs_too_long.empty:44 print(f'All jobs have been shorter than {max_runtime} s')45 else:46 print(f'Some jobs were longer than {max_runtime} s')47 print(jobs_too_long)48 raise Exception('Some were longer than f{max_runtime} s')49@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb_kills_per_job", [KillCountMode(f'{n}kills', n) for n in [1,2]])50@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay_before_kill", [KillDelayMode(f'after{n}', n) for n in [5,10,15]])51def test_kill_after_delay(small_platform, small_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):52 kill_after_delay(small_platform, small_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill)53@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb_kills_per_job", [KillCountMode(f'{n}kills', n) for n in [1,2]])54@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay_before_kill", [KillDelayMode(f'after{n}', n) for n in [5,10,15]])55def test_kill_after_delay_sequences(small_platform, delaysequences_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):56 kill_after_delay(small_platform, delaysequences_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill)57@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb_kills_per_job", [KillCountMode(f'{n}kills', n) for n in [1,2]])58@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay_before_kill", [KillDelayMode(f'after{n}', n) for n in [0]])59def test_kill_after_delay0(small_platform, small_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):60 kill_after_delay(small_platform, small_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill)61@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb_kills_per_job", [KillCountMode(f'{n}kills', n) for n in [1]])62@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay_before_kill", [KillDelayMode(f'after{n}', n) for n in [1]])63def test_kill_after_delay_smpi(small_platform, smpi_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):64 kill_after_delay(small_platform, smpi_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill)65#####################################################66# Kill the running job when a new one is submitted. #67#####################################################68def kill_on_new_submit(platform, workload, algorithm, redis_mode):69 test_name = f'kill-onnewsubmit-{}-{}-{}-{}'70 output_dir, robin_filename, _ = init_instance(test_name)71 if algorithm.sched_implem != 'batsched': raise Exception('This test only supports batsched for now')72 batparams = "--forward-profiles-on-submission"73 if redis_mode.enabled == True: batparams = batparams + " --enable-redis"74 batcmd = gen_batsim_cmd(platform.filename, workload.filename, output_dir, batparams)75 instance = RobinInstance(output_dir=output_dir,76 batcmd=batcmd,77 schedcmd=f"batsched -v '{algorithm.sched_algo_name}'",78 simulation_timeout=30, ready_timeout=5,79 success_timeout=10, failure_timeout=080 )81 instance.to_file(robin_filename)82 ret = run_robin(robin_filename)83 if ret.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Bad robin return code ({ret.returncode})')84def test_kill_on_new_submit(small_platform, small_workload, killer2_algorithm, redis_mode):85 kill_on_new_submit(small_platform, small_workload, killer2_algorithm, redis_mode)86###############################################################################87# Kill jobs after a given delay, check that the given progress is consistent. #88###############################################################################89def kill_progress(platform, workload, algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):90 test_name = f'kill-{}-{}-{}-{}-{}-{}'91 output_dir, robin_filename, schedconf_filename = init_instance(test_name)92 if algorithm.sched_implem != 'batsched': raise Exception('This test only supports batsched for now')93 batparams = "--forward-profiles-on-submission"94 if redis_mode.enabled == True: batparams = batparams + " --enable-redis"95 batcmd = gen_batsim_cmd(platform.filename, workload.filename, output_dir, batparams)96 schedconf_content = {97 "delay_before_kill": delay_before_kill.kill_delay,98 "nb_kills_per_job": nb_kills_per_job.kill_count_per_job,99 }100 write_file(schedconf_filename, json.dumps(schedconf_content))101 instance = RobinInstance(output_dir=output_dir,102 batcmd=batcmd,103 schedcmd=f"batsched -v '{algorithm.sched_algo_name}' --variant_options_filepath '{schedconf_filename}'",104 simulation_timeout=30, ready_timeout=5,105 success_timeout=10, failure_timeout=0106 )107 instance.to_file(robin_filename)108 ret = run_robin(robin_filename)109 if ret.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f'Bad robin return code ({ret.returncode})')110 # Read Batsim log file.111 batlog_filename = f'{output_dir}/​log/​batsim.log'112 batlog_content = open(batlog_filename, 'r').read()113 # Parse messages, then events.114 messages = parse_proto_messages_from_batsim(batlog_content)115 events = retrieve_proto_events(messages)116 # Filter JOB_KILLED events.117 kill_events = [e for e in events if e['type'] == 'JOB_KILLED']118 nb_err = 0119 for e in kill_events:120 job_data = e['data']121 if 'job_progress' not in job_data:122 print('Error: a job progress is missing!', job_data)123 nb_err = nb_err + 1124 #TODO test if this job is msg or delay of composed125 #and test the progress content type in regards126 if nb_err > 0:127 raise Exception('The progress of some killed jobs was missing.')128@pytest.mark.parametrize("nb_kills_per_job", [KillCountMode(f'{n}kills', n) for n in [1]])129@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay_before_kill", [KillDelayMode(f'after{n}', n) for n in [5]])130def test_kill_progress(small_platform, one_job_workload, killer_algorithm, redis_mode, nb_kills_per_job, delay_before_kill):...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32import testUtils3import argparse4import random5import signal6###############################################################7# Test for different nodes restart scenarios.8# Nodes can be producing or non-producing.9# -p <producing nodes count>10# -c <chain strategy[replay|resync|none]>11# -s <topology>12# -d <delay between nodes startup>13# -v <verbose logging>14# --kill-sig <kill signal [term|kill]>15# --kill-count <nodeos instances to kill>16# --dont-kill <Leave cluster running after test finishes>17# --dump-error-details <Upon error print etc/​eosio/​node_*/​config.ini and var/​lib/​node_*/​stderr.log to stdout>18# --keep-logs <Don't delete var/​lib/​node_* folders upon test completion>19###############################################################20Print=testUtils.Utils.Print21def errorExit(msg="", errorCode=1):22 Print("ERROR:", msg)23 exit(errorCode)24parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()25parser.add_argument("-p", type=int, help="producing nodes count", default=2)26parser.add_argument("-d", type=int, help="delay between nodes startup", default=1)27parser.add_argument("-s", type=str, help="topology", default="mesh")28parser.add_argument("-c", type=str, help="chain strategy[%s|%s|%s]" %29 (testUtils.Utils.SyncResyncTag, testUtils.Utils.SyncReplayTag, testUtils.Utils.SyncNoneTag),30 default=testUtils.Utils.SyncResyncTag)31parser.add_argument("--kill-sig", type=str, help="kill signal[%s|%s]" %32 (testUtils.Utils.SigKillTag, testUtils.Utils.SigTermTag), default=testUtils.Utils.SigKillTag)33parser.add_argument("--kill-count", type=int, help="nodeos instances to kill", default=-1)34parser.add_argument("-v", help="verbose logging", action='store_true')35parser.add_argument("--dont-kill", help="Leave cluster running after test finishes", action='store_true')36parser.add_argument("--dump-error-details",37 help="Upon error print etc/​eosio/​node_*/​config.ini and var/​lib/​node_*/​stderr.log to stdout",38 action='store_true')39parser.add_argument("--keep-logs", help="Don't delete var/​lib/​node_* folders upon test completion",40 action='store_true')41args = parser.parse_args()42pnodes=args.p43topo=args.s44delay=args.d45chainSyncStrategyStr=args.c46debug=args.v47total_nodes = pnodes48killCount=args.kill_count if args.kill_count > 0 else 149killSignal=args.kill_sig50killEosInstances= not args.dont_kill51dumpErrorDetails=args.dump_error_details52keepLogs=args.keep_logs53seed=154testUtils.Utils.Debug=debug55testSuccessful=False56random.seed(seed) # Use a fixed seed for repeatability.57cluster=testUtils.Cluster()58walletMgr=testUtils.WalletMgr(False)59try:60 cluster.setChainStrategy(chainSyncStrategyStr)61 cluster.setWalletMgr(walletMgr)62 cluster.killall()63 cluster.cleanup()64 Print ("producing nodes: %d, topology: %s, delay between nodes launch(seconds): %d, chain sync strategy: %s" % (65 pnodes, topo, delay, chainSyncStrategyStr))66 Print("Stand up cluster")67 if cluster.launch(pnodes, total_nodes, topo=topo, delay=delay) is False:68 errorExit("Failed to stand up eos cluster.")69 Print ("Wait for Cluster stabilization")70 # wait for cluster to start producing blocks71 if not cluster.waitOnClusterBlockNumSync(3):72 errorExit("Cluster never stabilized")73 accountsCount=total_nodes74 walletName="MyWallet"75 Print("Creating wallet %s if one doesn't already exist." % walletName)76 wallet=walletMgr.create(walletName)77 if wallet is None:78 errorExit("Failed to create wallet %s" % (walletName))79 Print ("Populate wallet with %d accounts." % (accountsCount))80 if not cluster.populateWallet(accountsCount, wallet):81 errorExit("Wallet initialization failed.")82 defproduceraAccount=cluster.defproduceraAccount83 Print("Importing keys for account %s into wallet %s." % (, if not walletMgr.importKey(defproduceraAccount, wallet):85 errorExit("Failed to import key for account %s" % ( Print("Create accounts.")87 #if not cluster.createAccounts(wallet):88 if not cluster.createAccounts(defproduceraAccount):89 errorExit("Accounts creation failed.")90 Print("Wait on cluster sync.")91 if not cluster.waitOnClusterSync():92 errorExit("Cluster sync wait failed.")93 # TBD: Known issue (Issue 2043) that 'get currency0000 balance' doesn't return balance.94 # Uncomment when functional95 # Print("Spread funds and validate")96 # if not cluster.spreadFundsAndValidate(10):97 # errorExit("Failed to spread and validate funds.")98 Print("Wait on cluster sync.")99 if not cluster.waitOnClusterSync():100 errorExit("Cluster sync wait failed.")101 Print("Kill %d cluster node instances." % (killCount))102 if cluster.killSomeEosInstances(killCount, killSignal) is False:103 errorExit("Failed to kill Eos instances")104 Print("nodeos instances killed.")105 # TBD: Known issue (Issue 2043) that 'get currency0000 balance' doesn't return balance.106 # Uncomment when functional107 # Print("Spread funds and validate")108 # if not cluster.spreadFundsAndValidate(10):109 # errorExit("Failed to spread and validate funds.")110 Print("Wait on cluster sync.")111 if not cluster.waitOnClusterSync():112 errorExit("Cluster sync wait failed.")113 Print ("Relaunch dead cluster nodes instances.")114 if cluster.relaunchEosInstances() is False:115 errorExit("Failed to relaunch Eos instances")116 Print("nodeos instances relaunched.")117 Print ("Resyncing cluster nodes.")118 if not cluster.waitOnClusterSync():119 errorExit("Cluster never synchronized")120 Print ("Cluster synched")121 # TBD: Known issue (Issue 2043) that 'get currency0000 balance' doesn't return balance.122 # Uncomment when functional123 # Print("Spread funds and validate")124 # if not cluster.spreadFundsAndValidate(10):125 # errorExit("Failed to spread and validate funds.")126 Print("Wait on cluster sync.")127 if not cluster.waitOnClusterSync():128 errorExit("Cluster sync wait failed.")129 testSuccessful=True130finally:131 if not testSuccessful and dumpErrorDetails:132 cluster.dumpErrorDetails()133 walletMgr.dumpErrorDetails()134 Print("== Errors see above ==")135 if killEosInstances:136 Print("Shut down the cluster%s" % (" and cleanup." if (testSuccessful and not keepLogs) else "."))137 cluster.killall()138 walletMgr.killall()139 if testSuccessful and not keepLogs:140 Print("Cleanup cluster and wallet data.")141 cluster.cleanup()142 walletMgr.cleanup()143 pass...

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1import sublime_plugin, sublime2class KillRing:3 def __init__(self):4 self.limit = 165 self.buffer = [None for i in xrange(self.limit)]6 self.head = 07 self.len = 08 self.kill_points = []9 self.kill_id = 010 def top(self):11 return self.buffer[self.head]12 def seal(self):13 self.kill_points = []14 self.kill_id = 015 def push(self, text):16 self.head = (self.head + 1) % self.limit17 self.buffer[self.head] = text18 if self.len < self.limit:19 self.len += 120 def add(self, view_id, text, regions, forward):21 if view_id != self.kill_id:22 # view has changed, ensure the last kill ring entry will not be23 # appended to24 self.seal()25 begin_points = []26 end_points = []27 for r in regions:28 begin_points.append(r.begin())29 end_points.append(r.end())30 if forward:31 compare_points = begin_points32 else:33 compare_points = end_points34 if compare_points == self.kill_points:35 # Selection hasn't moved since the last kill, append/​prepend the36 # text to the current entry37 if forward:38 self.buffer[self.head] = self.buffer[self.head] + text39 else:40 self.buffer[self.head] = text + self.buffer[self.head]41 else:42 # Create a new entry in the kill ring for this text43 self.push(text)44 self.kill_points = begin_points45 self.kill_id = view_id46 def get(self, index):47 return self.buffer[(self.head + index) % self.limit]48 def __len__(self):49 return self.len50kill_ring = KillRing()51class YankCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):52 def run(self, edit):53 kill_ring.seal()54 text = lines = text.splitlines()56 regions = [r for r in self.view.sel()]57 regions.reverse()58 if len(regions) > 1 and len(regions) == len(lines):59 # insert one line from the top of the kill ring at each60 # corresponding selection61 for i in xrange(len(regions)):62 s = regions[i]63 line = lines[i]64 num = self.view.insert(edit, s.begin(), line)65 self.view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(s.begin() + num,66 s.end() + num))67 else:68 # insert the top of the kill ring at each selection69 for s in regions:70 num = self.view.insert(edit, s.begin(), text)71 self.view.erase(edit, sublime.Region(s.begin() + num,72 s.end() + num))73 def is_enabled(self):74 return len(kill_ring) > 075class AddToKillRingCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):76 def run(self, edit, forward):77 delta = 178 if not forward:79 delta = -180 text = []81 regions = []82 for s in self.view.sel():83 if s.empty():84 s = sublime.Region(s.a, s.a + delta)85 text.append(self.view.substr(s))86 regions.append(s)...

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...8here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))9class ProcTestKill(proctest.ProcTest):10 """ Class to test various process tree killing scenatios """11 def test_kill_before_run(self):12 """Process is not started, and kill() is called"""13 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, '-V'])14 self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p.kill)15 def test_process_kill(self):16 """Process is started, we kill it"""17 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, self.proclaunch, "process_normal_finish_python.ini"],18 cwd=here)19 p.kill()21 self.determine_status(p, expectedfail=('returncode',))22 def test_process_kill_deep(self):23 """Process is started, we kill it, we use a deep process tree"""24 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, self.proclaunch, "process_normal_deep_python.ini"],25 cwd=here)26 p.kill()28 self.determine_status(p, expectedfail=('returncode',))29 def test_process_kill_deep_wait(self):30 """Process is started, we use a deep process tree, we let it spawn31 for a bit, we kill it"""32 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, self.proclaunch, "process_normal_deep_python.ini"],33 cwd=here)34 # Let the tree spawn a bit, before attempting to kill36 time.sleep(3)37 p.kill()38 self.determine_status(p, expectedfail=('returncode',))39 def test_process_kill_broad(self):40 """Process is started, we kill it, we use a broad process tree"""41 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, self.proclaunch, "process_normal_broad_python.ini"],42 cwd=here)43 p.kill()45 self.determine_status(p, expectedfail=('returncode',))46 @unittest.skipUnless(processhandler.isPosix, "posix only")47 def test_process_kill_with_sigterm(self):48 script = os.path.join(here, '')49 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, script])50 p.kill()52 self.assertEquals(p.proc.returncode, -signal.SIGTERM)53 @unittest.skipUnless(processhandler.isPosix, "posix only")54 def test_process_kill_with_sigint_if_needed(self):55 script = os.path.join(here, '')56 p = processhandler.ProcessHandler([self.python, script, 'deadlock'])57 time.sleep(1)59 p.kill()60 self.assertEquals(p.proc.returncode, -signal.SIGKILL)61if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1"""Tests for stix.ExternalReference"""2import pytest3import stix24LMCO_RECON = """{5 "kill_chain_name": "lockheed-martin-cyber-kill-chain",6 "phase_name": "reconnaissance"7}"""8def test_lockheed_martin_cyber_kill_chain():9 recon = stix2.KillChainPhase(10 kill_chain_name="lockheed-martin-cyber-kill-chain",11 phase_name="reconnaissance",12 )13 assert str(recon) == LMCO_RECON14FOO_PRE_ATTACK = """{15 "kill_chain_name": "foo",16 "phase_name": "pre-attack"17}"""18def test_kill_chain_example():19 preattack = stix2.KillChainPhase(20 kill_chain_name="foo",21 phase_name="pre-attack",22 )23 assert str(preattack) == FOO_PRE_ATTACK24def test_kill_chain_required_properties():25 with pytest.raises(stix2.exceptions.MissingPropertiesError) as excinfo:26 stix2.KillChainPhase()27 assert excinfo.value.cls == stix2.KillChainPhase28 assert == ["kill_chain_name", "phase_name"]29def test_kill_chain_required_property_chain_name():30 with pytest.raises(stix2.exceptions.MissingPropertiesError) as excinfo:31 stix2.KillChainPhase(phase_name="weaponization")32 assert excinfo.value.cls == stix2.KillChainPhase33 assert == ["kill_chain_name"]34def test_kill_chain_required_property_phase_name():35 with pytest.raises(stix2.exceptions.MissingPropertiesError) as excinfo:36 stix2.KillChainPhase(kill_chain_name="lockheed-martin-cyber-kill-chain")37 assert excinfo.value.cls == stix2.KillChainPhase...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia.Browser();3 .launch()4 .then(() => browser.newPage())5 .then(page => page.waitForNavigation())6 .then(() => browser.kill())7 .catch(err => console.log(err));8const navalia = require('navalia');9const browser = new navalia.Browser();10 .launch()11 .then(() => browser.newPage())12 .then(page => page.waitForNavigation())13 .then(() => browser.newPage())14 .then(page => page.waitForNavigation())15 .then(() => browser.kill())16 .catch(err => console.log(err));17const navalia = require('navalia');18const browser = new navalia.Browser();19 .launch()20 .then(() => browser.newPage())21 .then(page => page.waitForNavigation())22 .then(() => browser.kill())23 .catch(err => console.log(err));24const navalia = require('navalia');25const browser = new navalia.Browser();26 .launch()27 .then(() => browser.newPage())28 .then(page => page.waitForNavigation())29 .then(() => browser

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1(async () => {2 const browser = await navalia.launch();3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 await page.evaluate(() => {5 newWindow.close();6 });7 await browser.kill();8})();9(async () => {10 const browser = await navalia.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.evaluate(() => {13 newWindow.close();14 });15 await browser.close();16})();17(async () => {18 const browser = await navalia.launch();19 const page = await browser.newPage();20 await page.evaluate(() => {21 newWindow.close();22 });23 await page.close();24})();25(async () => {26 const browser = await navalia.launch();27 const page = await browser.newPage();28 await page.evaluate(() => {29 newWindow.close();30 });31 await browser.close();32})();33(async () => {34 const browser = await navalia.launch();35 const page = await browser.newPage();36 await page.evaluate(() => {37 newWindow.close();38 });39 await page.close();40 await browser.close();41})();42(async () => {43 const browser = await navalia.launch();44 const page = await browser.newPage();45 await page.evaluate(() => {46 newWindow.close();47 });48 await page.close();49 await browser.close();

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1async kill(){2 await this.navalia.kill()3}4async launch(){5 this.navalia = await Navalia.launch()6}7async goto(url){8 await this.navalia.goto(url)9}10async click(selector){11 await}13async type(selector, text){14 await this.navalia.type(selector, text)15}16async wait(ms){17 await this.navalia.wait(ms)18}19async screenshot(path){20 await this.navalia.screenshot(path)21}22async evaluate(fn, ...args){23 await this.navalia.evaluate(fn, ...args)24}25async close(){26 await this.navalia.close()27}28async content(){29 await this.navalia.content()30}31async html(){32 await this.navalia.html()33}34async title(){35 await this.navalia.title()36}37async url(){38 await this.navalia.url()39}40async cookies(){41 await this.navalia.cookies()42}43async setCookie(cookie){44 await this.navalia.setCookie(cookie)45}46async deleteCookie(name){47 await this.navalia.deleteCookie(name)48}49async clearCookies(){50 await this.navalia.clearCookies()51}52async viewport(){53 await this.navalia.viewport()54}55async setViewport(viewport){56 await this.navalia.setViewport(viewport)57}58async userAgent(){59 await this.navalia.userAgent()60}61async setUserAgent(userAgent){62 await this.navalia.setUserAgent(userAgent)63}64async pdf(path, options

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1const navalia = require('navalia');2navalia.use(require('navalia-chrome'));3navalia.use(require('navalia-firefox'));4navalia.use(require('navalia-safari'));5navalia.use(require('navalia-edge'));6navalia.use(require('navalia-ie'));7navalia.use(require('navalia-opera'));8(async () => {9 const browser = await navalia.launch('chrome');10 const page = await browser.newPage();11 await'#lst-ib');12 await page.type('#lst-ib', 'navalia');13 await'Enter');14 await page.waitForNavigation();15 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});16 await browser.kill();17})();18const navalia = require('navalia');19navalia.use(require('navalia-chrome'));20navalia.use(require('navalia-firefox'));21navalia.use(require('navalia-safari'));22navalia.use(require('navalia-edge'));23navalia.use(require('navalia-ie'));24navalia.use(require('navalia-opera'));25(async () => {26 const browser = await navalia.launch('chrome');27 const page = await browser.newPage();28 await'#lst-ib');29 await page.type('#lst-ib', 'navalia');30 await'Enter');31 await page.waitForNavigation();32 await page.screenshot({path: 'google.png'});33 await browser.close();34})();

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1require('navalia').then(function (navalia) {2 var browser = new navalia();3 .click('a')4 .waitForNavigation()5 .kill()6 .then(function () {7 console.log('done');8 });9});

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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia('chrome');3browser.init().then(() => {4 browser.kill();5});6const navalia = require('navalia');7const browser = new navalia('chrome');8browser.init().then(() => {9 browser.close();10});11const navalia = require('navalia');12const browser = new navalia('chrome');13browser.init().then(() => {14 browser.close();15});16const navalia = require('navalia');17const browser = new navalia('chrome');18browser.init().then(() => {19 browser.close();20});21const navalia = require('navalia');22const browser = new navalia('chrome');23browser.init().then(() => {24 browser.close();25});26const navalia = require('navalia');27const browser = new navalia('chrome');28browser.init().then(() => {29 browser.close();30});31const navalia = require('navalia');32const browser = new navalia('chrome');33browser.init().then(() => {34 browser.close();35});36const navalia = require('navalia');37const browser = new navalia('chrome');38browser.init().then(() => {39 browser.close();40});41const navalia = require('navalia');42const browser = new navalia('chrome');43browser.init().then(() => {44 browser.close();45});

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