How to use getInnerText method in navalia

Best JavaScript code snippet using navalia


Source: controller.js Github


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...58 document59 .querySelector(selector)60 ?.innerText.replaceAll(regex, "")61 .trim() || "";62 const mainTitle = getInnerText(".item-title h1");63 const category = getInnerText(".vip-classified-info dl");64 const rooms = getInnerText("#productInfo .item-attributes .align-room");65 const bathrooms = getInnerText(66 "#productInfo .item-attributes .align-bathroom",67 );68 const ubication = {69 address: getInnerText("section > div.section-map-title > div > h2"),70 location: getInnerText(71 "section > div.section-map-title > div > h3",72 ),73 };74 const areaLabels = [75 "Superficie total",76 "Área construida",77 "Superficie de terreno",78 ];79 const labels = [80 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:first-child strong"),81 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(2) strong"),82 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(3) strong"),83 ];84 const values = [85 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:first-child span"),86 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(2) span"),87 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(3) span"),88 ];89 const area = {90 total: "",91 built: "",92 groud: "",93 };94 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[0])) {95 = values[0];96 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[1])) {97 area.built = values[1];98 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[2])) {99 area.groud = values[2];100 }101 }102 }103 const lastChild = getInnerText(104 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > strong",105 );106 let age;107 let parking;108 let parkingLabel;109 let adminAmount = "";110 switch (lastChild) {111 case "Antigüedad":112 age = getInnerText(113 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > span",114 );115 parkingLabel = getInnerText(116 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > strong",117 );118 parking = getInnerText(119 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > span",120 ).concat(" ", parkingLabel);121 break;122 case "Valor administración":123 adminAmount = getInnerText(124 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > span",125 );126 age = getInnerText(127 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > span",128 );129 parkingLabel = getInnerText(130 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > strong",131 );132 parking = getInnerText(133 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(3) > span",134 ).concat(" ", parkingLabel);135 break;136 }137 const description = getInnerText("#description-includes p");138 const images = [];139 document140 .querySelectorAll("#gallery_dflt > div a")141 .forEach((element) => images.push(element.href));142 const details = [];143 document144 .querySelectorAll(145 ".item-details__content.ui-view-more__content > ul > li",146 )147 .forEach((element) => details.push(element.innerText));148 const price = parseInt(149 getInnerText("#productInfo .price-tag-fraction").replaceAll(150 ".",151 "",152 ),153 );154 return {155 category,156 mainTitle,157 price,158 rooms,159 bathrooms,160 parking,161 age,162 adminAmount,163 details,...

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Source: demo.js Github


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...25 document26 .querySelector(selector)27 ?.innerText.replaceAll(regex, "")28 .trim() || "";29 const mainTitle = getInnerText(".item-title h1");30 const category = getInnerText(".vip-classified-info dl");31 const rooms = getInnerText(32 "#productInfo .item-attributes .align-room",33 );34 const bathrooms = getInnerText(35 "#productInfo .item-attributes .align-bathroom",36 );37 const ubication = {38 address: getInnerText(39 "section > div.section-map-title > div > h2",40 ),41 location: getInnerText(42 "section > div.section-map-title > div > h3",43 ),44 };45 const areaLabels = [46 "Superficie total",47 "Área construida",48 "Superficie de terreno",49 ];50 const labels = [51 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:first-child strong"),52 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(2) strong"),53 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(3) strong"),54 ];55 const values = [56 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:first-child span"),57 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(2) span"),58 getInnerText(".specs-container ul li:nth-child(3) span"),59 ];60 const area = {61 total: "",62 built: "",63 groud: "",64 };65 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[0])) {66 = values[0];67 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[1])) {68 area.built = values[1];69 if (labels.includes(areaLabels[2])) {70 area.groud = values[2];71 }72 }73 }74 const lastChild = getInnerText(75 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > strong",76 );77 let age;78 let parking;79 let parkingLabel;80 let adminAmount = "";81 switch (lastChild) {82 case "Antigüedad":83 age = getInnerText(84 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > span",85 );86 parkingLabel = getInnerText(87 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > strong",88 );89 parking = getInnerText(90 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > span",91 ).concat(" ", parkingLabel);92 break;93 case "Valor administración":94 adminAmount = getInnerText(95 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:last-child > span",96 );97 age = getInnerText(98 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > span",99 );100 parkingLabel = getInnerText(101 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(2) > strong",102 );103 parking = getInnerText(104 ".specs-container.specs-layout-alternate > ul > li:nth-last-child(3) > span",105 ).concat(" ", parkingLabel);106 break;107 }108 const description = getInnerText("#description-includes p");109 const images = [];110 document111 .querySelectorAll("#gallery_dflt > div a")112 .forEach((element) => images.push(element.href));113 const details = [];114 document115 .querySelectorAll(116 ".item-details__content.ui-view-more__content > ul > li",117 )118 .forEach((element) => details.push(element.innerText));119 const price = parseInt(120 getInnerText("#productInfo .price-tag-fraction").replaceAll(121 ".",122 "",123 ),124 );125 return {126 category,127 mainTitle,128 price,129 rooms,130 bathrooms,131 parking,132 age,133 adminAmount,134 details,...

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Source: parsers.ts Github


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1import * as Apify from "apify";2import { ApifyContext, ElementType } from "./​types";3const { log } = Apify.utils;4export const parseHtml = async ({ page, request }: ApifyContext): Promise<string> => {5 const { elements } = request.userData;6 const result = [];7 for (const element of elements) {8 const pageEl = await page.$(element.path);9 if (pageEl) {10 switch(element.type) {11 case ElementType.Link:12 result.push(`=> ${await pageEl.evaluate(getLink)} ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);13 break;14 case ElementType.Text:15 result.push(await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText));16 break;17 case ElementType.Heading1:18 result.push(`# ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);19 break;20 case ElementType.Heading2:21 result.push(`## ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);22 break;23 case ElementType.Heading3:24 result.push(`### ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);25 break;26 case ElementType.List:27 result.push(`* ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);28 break;29 case ElementType.Blockquote:30 result.push(`> ${await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText)}`);31 break;32 case ElementType.Preformatted:33 result.push(await pageEl.evaluate(getInnerText));34 break;35 default:36 }37 }38 }39 return result.join(`\n`);40};41export const getKebabCase = (str: string) => str.toLowerCase()42 .replace(/​\s/​g, '-');43export const getLink = (el: HTMLElement) => el?.getAttribute(`href`) as string;44export const getSrc = (el: HTMLElement) => el?.getAttribute(`src`);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1(async () => {2 const browser = await navalia.launch();3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 const text = await page.getInnerText('body');5 console.log(text);6 await browser.close();7})();8(async () => {9 const browser = await navalia.launch();10 const page = await browser.newPage();11 const text = await page.getAttribute('input[name="q"]', 'value');12 console.log(text);13 await browser.close();14})();15(async () => {16 const browser = await navalia.launch();17 const page = await browser.newPage();18 const text = await page.getHTML('input[name="q"]');19 console.log(text);20 await browser.close();21})();22(async () => {23 const browser = await navalia.launch();24 const page = await browser.newPage();25 const text = await page.getCSSValue('input[name="q"]', 'color');26 console.log(text);27 await browser.close();28})();29(async () => {30 const browser = await navalia.launch();31 const page = await browser.newPage();32 const text = await page.getComputedStyle('input[name="q"]');33 console.log(text);34 await browser.close();35})();36(async () => {37 const browser = await navalia.launch();38 const page = await browser.newPage();39 const text = await page.getBoundingClientRect('input[name="q"]');40 console.log(text);41 await browser.close();42})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2 .launch()3 .then(async browser => {4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const text = await page.getInnerText('body');6 console.log(text);7 await browser.close();8 })9 .catch(error => {10 console.log(error);11 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3 .getInnerText('#hplogo')4 .end()5 .then(console.log)6 .catch(console.error);7const navalia = require('navalia');8const browser = new navalia();9 .getInnerTexts('a')10 .end()11 .then(console.log)12 .catch(console.error);13const navalia = require('navalia');14const browser = new navalia();15 .getOuterHtml('#hplogo')16 .end()17 .then(console.log)18 .catch(console.error);19const navalia = require('navalia');20const browser = new navalia();21 .getOuterHtmls('a')22 .end()23 .then(console.log)24 .catch(console.error);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3 .init()4 .getInnerText('a')5 .then((text) => {6 console.log(text);7 browser.close();8 });9const navalia = require('navalia');10const browser = new navalia();11browser.init().then(() => {12});13const navalia = require('navalia');14const browser = new navalia();15});16const navalia = require('navalia');17const browser = new navalia();18browser.newPage().then(() => {19});20const navalia = require('navalia');21const browser = new navalia();22browser.close().then(() => {23});24const navalia = require('navalia');25const browser = new navalia();'a').then(() => {27});28const navalia = require('navalia');29const browser = new navalia();30browser.doubleClick('a').then(() => {31});32const navalia = require('navalia');33const browser = new navalia();34browser.rightClick('a').then(() => {35});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var navalia = require('navalia');2var browser = new navalia.Browser();3 .init()4 .getInnerText('input[name="q"]')5 .then(function (text) {6 console.log(text);7 })8 .end();9var navalia = require('navalia');10var browser = new navalia.Browser();11 .init()12 .getAttribute('input[name="q"]', 'name')13 .then(function (text) {14 console.log(text);15 })16 .end();17var navalia = require('navalia');18var browser = new navalia.Browser();19 .init()20 .getCssProperty('input[name="q"]', 'font-size')21 .then(function (text) {22 console.log(text);23 })24 .end();25var navalia = require('navalia');26var browser = new navalia.Browser();27 .init()28 .getRect('input[name="q"]')29 .then(function (text) {30 console.log(text);31 })32 .end();33var navalia = require('navalia');34var browser = new navalia.Browser();35 .init()36 .getScreenshot('input[name="q"]')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var navalia = require('navalia');2var browser = new navalia.Browser();3 .getInnerText('a')4 .then(function (innerText) {5 console.log(innerText);6 })7 .close();8var navalia = require('navalia');9var browser = new navalia.Browser();10 .getOuterHtml('a')11 .then(function (outerHtml) {12 console.log(outerHtml);13 })14 .close();15var navalia = require('navalia');16var browser = new navalia.Browser();17 .getAttribute('a', 'href')18 .then(function (href) {19 console.log(href);20 })21 .close();22var navalia = require('navalia');23var browser = new navalia.Browser();24 .getStyle('a', 'color')25 .then(function (color) {26 console.log(color);27 })28 .close();29var navalia = require('navalia');30var browser = new navalia.Browser();31 .getComputedStyle('a', 'color')32 .then(function (color) {33 console.log(color);34 })35 .close();36var navalia = require('navalia');37var browser = new navalia.Browser();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const browser = new navalia();3const selector = 'input[name="q"]';4const text = 'Hello World!';5 .init()6 .goto(url)7 .type(selector, text)8 .getInnerText(selector)9 .then(value => {10 })11 .close();12const navalia = require('navalia');13const browser = new navalia();14const selector = 'input[name="q"]';15 .init()16 .goto(url)17 .getOuterHtml(selector)18 .then(value => {19 })20 .close();21const navalia = require('navalia');22const browser = new navalia();23const selector = 'input[name="q"]';24 .init()25 .goto(url)26 .getOuterHtml(selector)27 .then(value => {28 })29 .close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const { getInnerText, getAttribute } = require('navalia/​lib/​methods');3const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');4const browser = new navalia();5 .init()6 .goto(url)7 .findElement('q'))8 .sendKeys('navalia')9 .findElement('btnK'))10 .click()11 .then(() => {12 const element = browser.findElement('resultStats'));13 return getInnerText(element);14 })15 .then((result) => {16 console.log(result);17 })18 .catch((error) => {19 console.error(error);20 });21const navalia = require('navalia');22const { getInnerText, getAttribute } = require('navalia/​lib/​methods');23const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');24const browser = new navalia();25 .init()26 .goto(url)27 .findElement('q'))28 .sendKeys('navalia')29 .findElement('btnK'))30 .click()31 .then(() => {32 const element = browser.findElement('resultStats'));33 return getAttribute(element, 'innerHTML');34 })35 .then((result) => {36 console.log(result);37 })38 .catch((error) => {39 console.error(error);40 });41const navalia = require('navalia');42const { getInnerText, getAttribute, getCssValue } = require('navalia/​lib/​methods');43const { By } = require('selenium-webdriver');44const browser = new navalia();45 .init()46 .goto(url)47 .findElement('q'))48 .sendKeys('navalia')49 .findElement(

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