Best JavaScript code snippet using mountebank
1import chai, { expect } from 'chai';2import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai';3import { ErrorCode } from '../../core/AppError';4import { Device } from './device';5import deviceService from './deviceService';6import { Repository } from '../../core/repository';7import { stubInterface } from 'ts-sinon';8import { Result } from '../../core/resolve';9import { QueryOptions } from 'mongoose-query-parser';10import faker from 'faker';11import { Types } from 'mongoose';12chai.use(sinonChai);13describe('DeviceService', function () {14 const stubRepository = stubInterface<Repository<Device>>();15 const service = deviceService(stubRepository);16 const makeValidInput = () => ({17 typeIdentifier: 'IPHONE_8',18 previewImageUrl: faker.internet.url(),19 });20 const makeDevice = (): Device => {21 const [device] = Device.create({22 typeIdentifier: 'IPHONE_8',23 previewImageUrl: faker.internet.url(),24 _id: new Types.ObjectId(),25 });26 return device!;27 };28 const resetStubRepository = () => {29;30 stubRepository.findById.resetHistory();31 stubRepository.find.resetHistory();32 stubRepository.delete.resetHistory();33 stubRepository.updateOne.resetHistory();34 => {35 = new Types.ObjectId();36 return Promise.resolve(Result.ok(entity));37 });38 const entity = makeDevice();39 stubRepository.findById.resolves(Result.ok(entity));40 stubRepository.find.resolves(Result.ok([entity]));41 };42 beforeEach(function () {43 resetStubRepository();44 });45 describe('#createDevice', function () {46 it(`when creating with valid body, expect created Device.`, async function () {47 //Arrange48 const body = makeValidInput();49 //Act50 const [device] = await service.createDevice(body);51 //Assert52 expect(device);53 });54 it(`when creating with invalid body, expect validation error.`, async function () {55 //Arrange56 const body = {};57 //Act58 const [, error] = await service.createDevice(body);59 //Assert60 expect(error)'code').equal(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_ERROR);61 });62 });63 describe('#findSessions', function () {64 it(`when finding with a query, expect calling repository with it.`, async function () {65 //Arrange66 const stubQuery = stubInterface<QueryOptions>();67 //Act68 await service.findDevices(stubQuery);69 //Assert70 expect(stubRepository.find).to.have.been.calledWith(stubQuery);71 });72 });73 describe('#findDeviceById', function () {74 it(`when finding with an id and query, expect calling repository with both.`, async function () {75 //Arrange76 const stubQuery = stubInterface<QueryOptions>();77 const id = new Types.ObjectId().toHexString();78 //Act79 await service.findDeviceById(id, stubQuery);80 //Assert81 expect(stubRepository.findById).to.have.been.calledWith(id, stubQuery);82 });83 });84 describe('#deleteDevice', function () {85 it(`when deleting with an id, expect calling repository with it.`, async function () {86 //Arrange87 const id = new Types.ObjectId().toHexString();88 //Act89 await service.deleteDevice(id);90 //Assert91 expect(stubRepository.delete).to.have.been.calledWith(id);92 });93 });94 describe('#patchDevice', function () {95 it(`when updating with an id and a body, expect calling repository with both.`, async function () {96 //Arrange97 const body = {};98 const id = 'identifier';99 //Act100 await service.patchDevice(id, body);101 //Assert102 expect(stubRepository.updateOne).to.have.been.calledWith(id, body);103 });104 });...
1import { Injectable, HttpException, HttpStatus } from '@nestjs/common';2import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';3import { CreateStubBodyDto } from './dto/create-stub-body.dto';4import { GetStubQueryDto } from './dto/get-stub-query.dto';5import { UpdateStubBodyDto } from './dto/update-stub-body.dto';6import { Stub } from './entities/stub.entity';7import { Repository } from 'typeorm';8@Injectable()9export class StubService {10 constructor(11 @InjectRepository(Stub) private readonly stubRepository: Repository<Stub>,12 ) {}13 14 async create(createStubBodyDto: CreateStubBodyDto) {15 console.debug("---------- stub.service.create() --------------------");16 // TODO - get user_uuid from the caller/security token17 // TODO: Add security check here to make sure the calling user can do this 18 return("Do Something in here")19 }20 findAll(getStubQueryDto: GetStubQueryDto) {21 console.debug("---------- stub.service.findAll() --------------------");22 return this.stubRepository.find();23 }24 findOne(stub_uuid: string) {25 console.debug("---------- stub.service.findOne(", stub_uuid, ") --------------------");26 return this.stubRepository.findOne( { where: {"stub_uuid": stub_uuid}} );27 }28 async update(stub_uuid: string, updateStubBodyDto: UpdateStubBodyDto) {29 console.debug("---------- stub.service.update(", stub_uuid, ")--------------------");30 // TODO: Add security check here to make sure the calling user can do this 31 // Confirm the given UUID actually exists32 const verifyUUID = await this.stubRepository.findOne( { where: {'stub_uuid': stub_uuid}});33 if (verifyUUID === null) {34 throw new HttpException('UUID Does not Exist', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);35 }36 console.debug("BEFORE: ", verifyUUID);37 const result = await this.stubRepository.update(stub_uuid, updateStubBodyDto);38 console.debug(result);39 const afterUUID = await this.stubRepository.findOne( { where: {'stub_uuid': stub_uuid}});40 console.debug("After: ", afterUUID)41 return(afterUUID);42 }43 async remove(stub_uuid: string) {44 console.debug("---------- stub.service.remove(", stub_uuid, ")--------------------");45 // TODO: Add security check here to make sure the calling user can do this 46 // TODO: What logic do we actually want on this one - for now setting active -> FALSE47 // Confirm the given UUID actually exists48 const verifyUUID = await this.stubRepository.findOne({ where: { 'stub_uuid': stub_uuid } });49 if (verifyUUID === null) {50 throw new HttpException('UUID Does not Exist', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);51 }52 console.debug("BEFORE: ", verifyUUID);53 const result = await this.stubRepository.update(stub_uuid, {'active': false});54 console.debug(result);55 const afterUUID = await this.stubRepository.findOne({ where: { 'stub_uuid': stub_uuid } });56 console.debug("After: ", afterUUID)57 return (afterUUID);58 }...
1import {TestSuite, testCase} from "WaveFunction";2import {MacroBuilder} from "Gluon";3import {assert} from "chai";4import sinon from "sinon";5export default class MacroBuilderDecorationTestSuite extends TestSuite {6 beforeEach() {7 this.builder = new MacroBuilder()8 }9 @testCase()10 'testTheMacroBuilderCanDecorateExtraMethodsOnARepositoryWithAVeryBeautifulName ^^! ' () {11 this.builder.when('foo');12 this.builder.when('foo bar');13 this.builder.when('FAR-boo');14 let stubRepository = {};15 let useMethodStub = sinon.stub(this.builder, 'use');16 this.builder.decorateRepositoryMethods(stubRepository);17 assert.isFunction(stubRepository.withFoo);18 assert.equal(stubRepository, stubRepository.withFoo('parameter1', 'parameter2'));19 assert(useMethodStub.calledWith('foo', 'parameter1', 'parameter2'));20 assert.isFunction(stubRepository.withFooBar);21 assert.equal(stubRepository, stubRepository.withFooBar('parameter1', 'parameter2'));22 assert(useMethodStub.calledWith('foo bar', 'parameter1', 'parameter2'));23 assert.isFunction(stubRepository.withFarBoo);24 assert.equal(stubRepository, stubRepository.withFarBoo('parameter1', 'parameter2'));25 assert(useMethodStub.calledWith('FAR-boo', 'parameter1', 'parameter2'));26 useMethodStub.restore();27 }28 @testCase()29 testTheMacroBuilderShouldThrowErrorWhenTheMethodIsAlreadyExisted() {30 this.builder.when('foo');31 let stubRepository = {withFoo: () => {}};32 assert.throws(() => {33 this.builder.decorateRepositoryMethods(stubRepository);34 }, 'E_MACRO_METHOD_EXISTED');35 }36 @testCase()37 testTheMacroBuilderShouldNotThrowErrorWhenTheDecoratedMethodNamesCollidedEachOtherButUseTheLastOneInstead() {38 this.builder.when('foo');39 this.builder.when('Foo');40 let stubRepository = {};41 let useMethodStub = sinon.stub(this.builder, 'use');42 this.builder.decorateRepositoryMethods(stubRepository);43 assert.isFunction(stubRepository.withFoo);44 assert.equal(stubRepository, stubRepository.withFoo());45 assert(useMethodStub.calledWith('Foo'));46 useMethodStub.restore();47 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({3}, function (error, server) {4 if (error) {5 console.error(error);6 process.exit(1);7 }8 server.stubRepository.add({9 {10 equals: {11 }12 }13 {14 is: {15 headers: {16 },17 body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hello World' })18 }19 }20 }, function (error) {21 if (error) {22 console.error(error);23 process.exit(1);24 }25 });26});27const request = require('supertest');28const app = require('./app');29describe('Test', () => {30 it('should return Hello World', (done) => {31 request(app)32 .get('/test')33 .expect(200, { message: 'Hello World' }, done);34 });35});
Using AI Code Generation
1const superagent = require('superagent');2const assert = require('assert');3const { promisify } = require('util');4const mb = require('mountebank');5const PORT = 2525;6const mbPost = promisify(;7describe('mountebank', () => {8 let server;9 let imposter;10 before(async () => {11 await mbPost(`${mbURL}/imposters`)12 .send({13 {14 {15 is: {16 }17 }18 }19 });20 server = await mb.create({ port: PORT });21 });22 after(async () => {23 await mbPost(`${mbURL}/imposters/${imposter.port}/stubs`)24 .send({25 {26 is: {27 }28 }29 });30 await server.stop();31 });32 it('should return Hello World', async () => {33 assert.strictEqual(response.text, 'Hello World');34 });35});
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2const stubs = require('./stubs.js');3const imposter = mb.create();4const port = 2525;5imposter.addStub(stubs.stubRepository);, () => {7 console.log('Imposter listening on port ${port}');8});9module.exports = {10 stubRepository: {11 predicates: [{12 equals: {13 }14 }],15 responses: [{16 is: {17 headers: {18 },19 body: [{
Using AI Code Generation
1var stubRepository = require('./stubRepository');2stubRepository.createStub('testStub', 9000, 'localhost', 'testStub.json', function (err, response) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 }6 else {7 console.log(response);8 }9});10var request = require('request');11var fs = require('fs');12var path = require('path');13var mountebank = require('mountebank');14var mb = mountebank.create({ port: 2525, allowInjection: true });15var stubs = [];16var stub = {17 {18 "is": {19 "headers": {20 "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",21 },22 "body": {23 "data": {24 }25 }26 }27 }28};29stubs.push(stub);30var stubsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'stubs');31var stubsConfig = {32};33var stubsConfigPath = path.join(stubsPath, 'testStub.json');34var stubsConfigString = JSON.stringify(stubsConfig);35fs.writeFileSync(stubsConfigPath, stubsConfigString);36var createStub = function (stubName, port, host, stubConfig, callback) {37 var stubConfigPath = path.join(stubsPath, stubConfig);38 var stubConfigString = fs.readFileSync(stubConfigPath, 'utf8');39 var stubConfigJson = JSON.parse(stubConfigString);40 var options = {41 };42 request(options, function (error, response, body) {43 if (!error && response.statusCode == 201) {
Using AI Code Generation
1var request = require('request');2var config = require('./config.js');3var mb = config.mb;4var createImposter = function (imposter, cb) {5 var url = mb + '/imposters';6{7 }, function (error, response, body) {8 cb(error, response, body);9 });10};11var deleteImposter = function (port, cb) {12 var url = mb + '/imposters/' + port;13 request.del(url, function (error, response, body) {14 cb(error, response, body);15 });16};17var addStub = function (port, stub, cb) {18 var url = mb + '/imposters/' + port;19 request.put({20 }, function (error, response, body) {21 cb(error, response, body);22 });23};24var imposter = {25};26var stub = {27 responses: [{28 is: {29 }30 }]31};32createImposter(imposter, function (error, response, body) {33 if (error) {34 console.log(error);35 } else {36 addStub(imposter.port, stub, function (error, response, body) {37 if (error) {38 console.log(error);39 } else {40 deleteImposter(imposter.port, function (error, response, body) {41 if (error) {42 console.log(error);43 } else {44 console.log('Imposter deleted');45 }46 });47 }48 });49 }50});51module.exports = {52};53{54 "scripts": {55 },56 "dependencies": {
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