Best JavaScript code snippet using mountebank
Source: coq-packages.js
1"use strict";2class PackageManager {3 /**4 * Creates the packages UI and loading manager.5 *6 * @param {Element} panel_dom <div> element to hold the package entries7 * @param {object} packages an object containing package URLs and lists of 8 * names in the format9 * `{'base_uri1', ['pkg_name1', 'pkg_name2', ...], 'base_uri2': ...}`.10 * @param {object} pkg_path_aliases mnemonic for specific base URIs11 * @param {CoqWorker} coq reference to the Coq worker instance to send12 * load requests to13 */14 constructor(panel_dom, packages, pkg_path_aliases, coq) {15 this.panel = panel_dom;16 this.bundles = {};17 this.loaded_pkgs = [];18 this.coq = coq;19 this.coq.observers.push(this);20 this.initializePackageList(packages, pkg_path_aliases);21 }22 /**23 * Creates CoqPkgInfo objects according to the paths in names in the given24 * `packages` object.25 * @param {object} packages (see constructor)26 * @param {object} aliases (ditto)27 */28 initializePackageList(packages, aliases={}) {29 this.packages = [];30 this.packages_by_name = {};31 this.packages_by_uri = {};32 // normalize all URI paths to end with a slash33 let mkpath = path => path && path.replace(/([^/])$/, '$1/');34 for (let [key, pkg_names] of Object.entries(packages)) {35 let base_uri = mkpath(aliases[key] || key);36 for (let pkg of pkg_names) {37 var uri = mkpath(aliases[`${key}/${pkg}`]) || base_uri;38 this.addPackage(new CoqPkgInfo(pkg, uri));39 }40 }41 }42 static defaultPkgPath() {43 return {44 'js': new URL('../coq-pkgs/', CoqWorker.scriptUrl).href,45 'wa': new URL('../bin/coq/', CoqWorker.defaultScriptPath()).href46 }[JsCoq.backend];47 }48 populate() {49 this.index = new PackageIndex();50 return Promise.all( pkg => {51 var manifest = await pkg.fetchInfo();52 if (manifest) this.addBundleInfo(, manifest);53 else this.coqLibError(;54 }));55 }56 addPackage(pkg) {57 this.packages.push(pkg);58 this.packages_by_name[] = pkg;59 (this.packages_by_uri[pkg.base_uri] = 60 this.packages_by_uri[pkg.base_uri] || []).push(;61 }62 getPackage(pkg_name) {63 var pkg = this.packages_by_name[pkg_name];64 if (!pkg) throw new Error(`internal error: unrecognized package '${pkg_name}'`);65 return pkg;66 }67 hasPackageInfo(pkg_name) {68 var pkg = this.packages_by_name[pkg_name];69 return pkg &&;70 }71 addRow(bname, desc = bname, parent) {72 var row = $('<div>').addClass('package-row').attr('data-name', bname)73 .append($('<button>').addClass('download-icon')74 .attr('title', "Download package")75 .on('click', () => { this.loadPkg(bname); }))76 .append($('<span>').addClass('desc').text(desc)77 .on('click', () => { this._expandCollapseRow(row); }));78 if (parent) {79 parent.row.append(row);80 }81 else {82 // Find bundle's proper place in the order among existing entries83 var pkg_names = =>,84 place_before = null, idx = pkg_names.indexOf(bname);85 if (idx > -1) {86 for (let e of $(this.panel).children()) {87 let eidx = pkg_names.indexOf($(e).attr('data-name'));88 if (eidx == -1 || eidx > idx) {89 place_before = e;90 break;91 }92 }93 }94 this.panel.insertBefore(row[0], place_before /* null == at end */ );95 }96 return this.bundles[bname] = { row };97 }98 addBundleInfo(bname, pkg_info, parent) {99 var bundle = this.addRow(bname,, parent);100 var pkg = this.getPackage(bname);101 = pkg_info;102 if (pkg_info.chunks) {103 pkg.chunks = [];104 for (let chunk of pkg_info.chunks) {105 var subpkg = new CoqPkgInfo(, pkg.base_uri);106 = chunk;107 this.addPackage(subpkg);108 this.addBundleInfo(, chunk, bundle);109 pkg.chunks.push(subpkg);110 subpkg.parent = pkg;111 }112 }113 else {114 pkg.setArchive(pkg_info.archive);115 }116 if (pkg.archive) {117 pkg.archive.onProgress = evt => this.showPackageProgress(bname, evt);118 }119 else {120 /** @todo is this case even needed? */121 if (!pkg.chunks)122 throw new Error("packages without archives are obsolete");123 }124 this.index.add(pkg_info);125 this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));126 }127 async addBundleZip(bname, resource, pkg_info) {128 pkg_info = pkg_info || {};129 var archive = await new CoqPkgArchive(resource).load();130 return archive.getPackageInfo().then(pi => {131 bname = bname ||;132 if (!bname) throw new Error('invalid archive: missing package manifest (coq-pkg.json)');133 if (this.packages_by_name[bname] && this.packages_by_name[bname].info)134 throw new Error(`package ${bname} is already present`);135 for (let k in pi)136 if (!pkg_info[k]) pkg_info[k] = pi[k];137 var pkg = new CoqPkgInfo(bname, '');138 this.packages.push(pkg);139 this.packages_by_name[bname] = pkg;140 this.addBundleInfo(bname, pkg_info);141 pkg.archive = archive;142 return pkg;143 });144 }145 waitFor(init_pkgs) {146 let all_set = () => init_pkgs.every(x => this.hasPackageInfo(x));147 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {148 var observe = () => {149 if (all_set()) {150 this.removeEventListener('change', observe);151 resolve();152 return true;153 }154 };155 if (!observe())156 this.addEventListener('change', observe);157 /** @todo reject the promise if there are no more packages whose infos are pending */158 });159 }160 getUrl(pkg_name, resource) {161 return this.packages_by_name[pkg_name].getUrl(resource);162 }163 getLoadPath() {164 switch (JsCoq.backend) {165 case 'js':166 return pkg_name => {167 let pkg = this.getPackage(pkg_name),168 phys = pkg.archive ? ['/lib'] : [];169 return pkg => [pkg.pkg_id, phys] );170 }).flatten();171 case 'wa':172 return ['/lib'];173 }174 }175 showPackage(bname) {176 var bundle = this.bundles[bname];177 if (bundle && bundle.row) {178 bundle.row.parents('div.package-row').addClass('expanded');179 this._scrollTo(bundle.row[0]);180 }181 }182 _scrollTo(el) {183 if (el.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded) el.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();184 else el.scrollIntoView();185 }186 /**187 * Updates the download progress bar on the UI.188 * @param {string} bname package bundle name189 * @param {object} info? {loaded: <number>, total: <number>}190 */191 showPackageProgress(bname, info) {192 var bundle = this.bundles[bname];193 if (! {194 // Add the progress bar if it does not exist already195 = $('<div>').addClass('progressbar');196 bundle.egg = $('<div>').addClass('progress-egg');197;198 bundle.row.append($('<div>').addClass('rel-pos').append(;199 }200 if (info && {201 var progress = (info.downloaded || info.loaded) /,202 angle = (progress * 1500) % 360;203 bundle.egg.css('transform', `rotate(${angle}deg)`);204'width', `${Math.min(1.0, progress) * 100}%`);205 }206 }207 /**208 * Marks the package download as complete, removing the progress bar.209 * @param {string} bname package bundle name210 */211 showPackageCompleted(bname) {212 var bundle = this.bundles[bname];213 bundle.row.children('.rel-pos').remove();214 bundle.row.children('').addClass('checked')215 .attr('title', 'Downloaded');216 var pkg = this.getPackage(bname);217 pkg.status = 'loaded';218 if (pkg.parent) this.showLoadedChunks(pkg.parent);219 }220 showLoadedChunks(pkg) {221 var bundle = this.bundles[];222 bundle.row.addClass('has-chunks');223 var span = bundle.row.find('.loaded-chunks');224 if (span.length === 0)225 span = $('<span>').addClass('loaded-chunks')226 .insertAfter(bundle.row.children('.desc'));227 var prefix = + '-',228 shorten = name => name.startsWith(prefix) ? 229 name.substr(prefix.length) : name;230 span.empty();231 for (let chunk of pkg.chunks) {232 if (chunk.status === 'loaded')233 span.append($('<span>').text(shorten(;234 }235 if (pkg.chunks.every(chunk => chunk.status === 'loaded'))236 this.showPackageCompleted(;237 }238 /**239 * Adds a package from a dropped file and immediately downloads it.240 * @param {Blob} file a dropped File or a Blob that contains an archive241 */242 dropPackage(file) {243 this.expand();244 this.addBundleZip(undefined, file).then(pkg => {245 this._scrollTo(this.bundles[].row[0]);246 this.loadPkg(;247 })248 .catch(err => { alert(`${}: ${err}`); });249 }250 _packageByURL(url) {251 var s = this._absoluteURL(url);252 for (let pkg of this.packages) {253 if (pkg.archive && s == pkg.archive.url) return;254 }255 }256 _absoluteURL(url) {257 return new URL(url, this.coq._worker_script).toString();258 }259 coqLibProgress(evt) {260 var pkg_name = this._packageByURL(evt.uri);261 if (pkg_name) {262 this.showPackageProgress(pkg_name,;263 }264 }265 coqLibLoaded(pkg) {266 var pkg_name = this._packageByURL(pkg) || pkg;267 this.loaded_pkgs.push(pkg_name);268 try {269 var pkg = this.getPackage(pkg_name);270 if (pkg._resolve) pkg._resolve();271 else pkg.promise = Promise.resolve();272 this.showPackageCompleted(pkg_name);273 }274 catch(e) { console.warn(e); }275 }276 coqLibError(pkg) {277 var pkg_name = this._packageByURL(pkg) || pkg;278 try {279 var pkg = this.getPackage(pkg_name),280 err = {msg: `error loading package '${pkg_name}'`};281 if (pkg._reject) pkg._reject(err);282 else pkg.promise = Promise.reject(err);283 }284 catch(e) { console.warn(e); /* do we even care? */ }285 }286 /**287 * Loads a package from the preconfigured path.288 * @param {string} pkg_name name of package (e.g., 'init', 'mathcomp')289 * @param {boolean} show if `true`, the package is exposed in the list290 */291 loadPkg(pkg_name, show=true) {292 var pkg = this.getPackage(pkg_name), promise;293 if (pkg.promise) return pkg.promise; /* load issued already */294 if ( {295 promise = this.loadDeps( =>, show);296 }297 else {298 promise = Promise.all([this.loadDeps( || [], show),299 this.loadArchive(pkg)]);300 }301 if (show) this.showPackage(pkg_name);302 pkg.promise = promise;303 return promise.then(() => pkg);304 }305 async loadDeps(deps, show=true) {306 await this.waitFor(deps);307 return Promise.all(308 => this.loadPkg(pkg, show)));309 }310 loadArchive(pkg) {311 switch (JsCoq.backend) {312 case 'js':313 return pkg.archive.unpack(this.coq)314 .then(() => this.coqLibLoaded(;315 case 'wa':316 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {317 pkg._resolve = resolve; pkg._reject = reject;318 this.coq.loadPkg(pkg.getDownloadURL());319 });320 }321 }322 /**323 * Make all loaded packages unloaded.324 * This is called after the worker is restarted.325 * Does not drop downloaded/cached archives.326 */327 reset() {328 for (let pkg of this.packages) {329 delete pkg.promise;330 }331 }332 collapse() {333 this.panel.parentNode.classList.add('collapsed');334 }335 expand() {336 this.panel.parentNode.classList.remove('collapsed');337 }338 _expandCollapseRow(row) {339 row.toggleClass('expanded');340 if (row.hasClass('expanded')) {341 // account for CSS transition342 var anim = setInterval(() => row[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(), 40);343 setTimeout(() => clearInterval(anim), 600);344 }345 }346 /**347 * (auxiliary method) traverses a graph spanned by a list of roots348 * and an adjacency functor. Implements DFS.349 * @param {array} roots starting points350 * @param {function} adjacent_out u => array of successors351 */352 _scan(roots, adjacent_out) {353 var collect = new Set(),354 work = roots.slice();355 while (work.length) {356 var u = work.pop();357 if (!collect.has(u)) {358 collect.add(u);359 for (let v of adjacent_out(u)) work.push(v);360 }361 }362 return collect;363 }364 // No portable way to create EventTarget instances of our own yet;365 // hijack the panel DOM element :\366 dispatchEvent(evt) { this.panel.dispatchEvent(evt); }367 addEventListener(type, cb) { this.panel.addEventListener(type, cb); }368 removeEventListener(type, cb) { this.panel.removeEventListener(type, cb); }369}370/**371 * Holds list of modules in packages and resolves dependencies.372 */373class PackageIndex {374 constructor() {375 this.moduleIndex = new Map();376 this.intrinsicPrefix = "Coq";377 }378 add(pkgInfo) {379 if (JsCoq.backend === 'js')380 pkgInfo.modules = this._listModules(pkgInfo);381 for (let mod in pkgInfo.modules || {})382 this.moduleIndex.set(mod, pkgInfo);383 }384 _listModules(pkgInfo) {385 /** @todo for jsCoq; should put this in the manifest like in waCoq */386 var modules = {};387 for (let {pkg_id, vo_files} of pkgInfo.pkgs || []) {388 for (let [vo] of vo_files) {389 var mod = [...pkg_id, vo.replace(/[.]vo$/, '')].join('.');390 modules[mod] = {deps: (pkgInfo.modDeps || {})[mod] || []};391 }392 }393 return modules;394 }395 *findModules(prefix, suffix, exact=false) {396 if (Array.isArray(prefix)) prefix = prefix.join('.');397 if (Array.isArray(suffix)) suffix = suffix.join('.');398 if (exact) {399 prefix = prefix ? prefix + '.' : '';400 if (this.moduleIndex.has(prefix + suffix)) yield prefix + suffix;401 }402 else {403 var dotsuffix = '.' + suffix,404 dotprefix = (prefix || this.intrinsicPrefix) + '.';405 for (let k of this.moduleIndex.keys()) {406 if (!prefix && k == suffix ||407 k.startsWith(dotprefix) && k.endsWith(dotsuffix))408 yield k;409 }410 }411 }412 findPackageDeps(prefix, suffix, exact=false) {413 var pdeps = new Set();414 for (let m of this.alldeps(this.findModules(prefix, suffix, exact)))415 pdeps.add(this.moduleIndex.get(m).name);416 return pdeps;417 }418 alldeps(mods) {419 return closure(new Set(mods), mod => {420 let pkg = this.moduleIndex.get(mod),421 o = (pkg && pkg.modules || {})[mod];422 return (o && o.deps) || [];423 });424 }425 426}427// function closure<T>(s: Set<T>, tr: (t: T) => T[]) {428function closure(s, tr) {429 var wl = [...s];430 while (wl.length > 0) {431 var u = wl.shift();432 for (let v of tr(u))433 if (!s.has(v)) { s.add(v); wl.push(v); }434 }435 return s;436}437class CoqPkgInfo {438 constructor(name, base_uri) {439 = name;440 this.base_uri = base_uri;441 = undefined;442 this.archive = undefined;443 this.chunks = undefined;444 this.parent = undefined;445 }446 getUrl(resource) {447 // Generate URL with the package's base_uri as the base448 return new URL(resource, new URL(this.base_uri, location));449 }450 getDownloadURL() {451 // @todo create blob url for dropped files452 return this.archive && this.archive.url;453 }454 async fetchInfo(resource = `${}.json`) {455 var req = await fetch(this.getUrl(resource));456 if (req.status == 200)457 return await req.json();458 }459 setArchive(resource = `${}.coq-pkg`) {460 this.archive = new CoqPkgArchive(this.getUrl(resource));461 }462}463/**464 * Represents a bundle stored in a Zip archive; either a remote465 * file that has to be downloaded or a local one.466 */467class CoqPkgArchive {468 constructor(resource) {469 if (resource instanceof URL || typeof resource === 'string')470 this.url = resource;471 else if (resource instanceof Blob)472 this.blob = resource;473 else if (resource.file /* JSZip-like */)474 = resource;475 else476 throw new Error(`invalid resource for archive: '${resource}'`);477 this.onProgress = () => {};478 }479 load() {480 return ? Promise.resolve(this) :481 =>482 JSZip.loadAsync(data)).then(zip =>483 { = zip; return this; });484 }485 download() {486 if (this.blob) {487 return this.blob.arrayBuffer();488 }489 else {490 // Here comes some boilerplate491 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {492 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();493 xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';494 xhr.onload = () => resolve(xhr.response);495 xhr.onprogress = (evt) => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.onProgress(evt));496 xhr.onerror = () => reject(new Error("download failed"));497'GET', this.url);498 xhr.send();499 });500 }501 }502 readManifest() {503 var manifest ='coq-pkg.json');504 return manifest ?505 manifest.async('text').then(data => JSON.parse(data))506 .catch(err => {507 console.warn(`malformed 'coq-pkg.json' in bundle ${this.url || ''} (${err})`);508 return {}; 509 })510 : Promise.resolve({});511 }512 getPackageInfo() {513 return this.readManifest().then(pkg_info => {514 var entries_by_dir = {};515, entry) => {516 var mo = /^(?:(.*)[/])(.*[.](?:vo|vio|cm[ao]))$/.exec(rel_path);517 if (mo) {518 var [, dir, fn] = mo;519 (entries_by_dir[dir] = entries_by_dir[dir] || []).push(fn);520 }521 });522 var pkgs = [];523 for (let dir in entries_by_dir) {524 pkgs.push({525 pkg_id: dir.split('/'),526 vo_files: entries_by_dir[dir].map(x => [x])527 });528 }529 pkg_info.pkgs = pkgs;530 return pkg_info;531 });532 }533 async unpack(worker) {534 await this.load();535 var asyncs = [];536, entry) => {537 if (!entry.dir)538 asyncs.push((async () => {539 var content = await entry.async('arraybuffer');540 await worker.put(`/lib/${rel_path}`, content, 541 /*transferOwnership=*/true);542 })());543 });544 await Promise.all(asyncs);545 }546}547if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript)548 PackageManager.scriptUrl = new URL(document.currentScript.attributes.src.value, window.location);549if (typeof module !== 'undefined')550 module.exports = {CoqPkgArchive}551// Local Variables:552// js-indent-level: 4...
Source: Gruntfile.js
1/*global module:false*/2module.exports = function(grunt) {3 var packageJSON = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');4 var bumpFiles = ["package.json", "bower.json", "composer.json"];5 var commitFiles = bumpFiles.concat(["./dist/*"]);6 // Project configuration.7 grunt.initConfig({8 // Metadata9 pkg: packageJSON,10 // Task configuration.11 header: {12 dist: {13 options: {14 text: "/*! =======================================================\n VERSION <%= pkg.version %> \n========================================================= */"15 },16 files: {17 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.dist.js %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.js %>',18 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.dist.jsMin %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.jsMin %>',19 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.dist.css %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.css %>',20 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.dist.cssMin %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.cssMin %>'21 }22 }23 },24 uglify: {25 options: {26 preserveComments: 'some'27 },28 dist: {29 src: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.js %>',30 dest: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.jsMin %>'31 }32 },33 babel: {34 options: {35 presets: ['es2015']36 },37 dist: {38 src: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.slider %>',39 dest: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.js %>'40 }41 },42 jshint: {43 ignore_warning: {44 options: {45 '-W099': true46 },47 src: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.slider %>'48 },49 options: {50 esnext: true,51 curly: true,52 eqeqeq: true,53 immed: true,54 latedef: false,55 newcap: true,56 noarg: true,57 sub: true,58 undef: true,59 unused: true,60 boss: true,61 eqnull: true,62 browser: true,63 globals: {64 $ : true,65 Modernizr : true,66 console: true,67 define: true,68 module: true,69 require: true70 },71 "-W099": true72 },73 gruntfile: {74 src: 'Gruntfile.js'75 },76 js: {77 src: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.slider %>'78 },79 spec : {80 src: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.spec %>',81 options : {82 globals : {83 document: true,84 console: false,85 Slider: false,86 $: false,87 jQuery: false,88 _: false,89 _V_: false,90 afterEach: false,91 beforeEach: false,92 confirm: false,93 context: false,94 describe: false,95 expect: false,96 it: false,97 jasmine: false,98 JSHINT: false,99 mostRecentAjaxRequest: false,100 qq: false,101 runs: false,102 spyOn: false,103 spyOnEvent: false,104 waitsFor: false,105 xdescribe: false106 }107 }108 }109 },110 sasslint: {111 options: {112 configFile: './.sass-lint.yml',113 },114 target: ['./src/sass/**/*.scss']115 },116 lesslint: {117 src: ['./src/less/bootstrap-slider.less']118 },119 jasmine : {120 src : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.js %>',121 options : {122 specs : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.spec %>',123 vendor : ['<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.jquery %>', '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.bindPolyfill %>'],124 styles : ['<%= pkg.gruntConfig.css.bootstrap %>', '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.css %>'],125 template : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.tpl.SpecRunner %>'126 }127 },128 template : {129 'generate-index-page' : {130 options : {131 data : {132 js : {133 highlightjs: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.highlightjs %>',134 modernizr : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.modernizr %>',135 jquery : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.jquery %>',136 slider : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.js %>'137 },138 css : {139 highlightjs: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.css.highlightjs %>',140 bootstrap : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.css.bootstrap %>',141 slider : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.css %>'142 }143 }144 },145 files : {146 'index.html' : ['<%= pkg.gruntConfig.tpl.index %>']147 }148 },149 'generate-gh-pages' : {150 options : {151 data : {152 js : {153 highlightjs: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.highlightjs %>',154 modernizr : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.modernizr %>',155 jquery : '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.jquery %>',156 slider : 'js/bootstrap-slider.js'157 },158 css : {159 highlightjs: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.css.highlightjs %>',160 bootstrap : 'css/bootstrap.min.css',161 slider : 'css/bootstrap-slider.css'162 }163 }164 },165 files : {166 'index.html' : ['<%= pkg.gruntConfig.tpl.index %>']167 }168 }169 },170 watch: {171 options: {172 livereload: true173 },174 js: {175 files: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.js.slider %>',176 tasks: ['jshint:js', 'babel', 'jasmine']177 },178 gruntfile: {179 files: '<%= jshint.gruntfile %>',180 tasks: ['jshint:gruntfile']181 },182 spec: {183 files: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.spec %>',184 tasks: ['jshint:spec', 'jasmine:src']185 },186 css: {187 files: [188 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.slider %>',189 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.rules %>',190 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.variables %>'191 ],192 tasks: ['less:development']193 },194 index: {195 files: '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.tpl.index %>',196 tasks: ['template:generate-index-page']197 }198 },199 connect: {200 server: {201 options: {202 port: "<%= pkg.gruntConfig.devPort %>"203 }204 }205 },206 open : {207 development : {208 path: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.server.options.port %>'209 }210 },211 less: {212 options: {213 paths: ["bower_components/bootstrap/less"]214 },215 development: {216 files: {217 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.css %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.slider %>'218 }219 },220 production: {221 files: {222 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.css %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.slider %>',223 }224 },225 "production-min": {226 options: {227 yuicompress: true228 },229 files: {230 '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.temp.cssMin %>': '<%= pkg.gruntConfig.less.slider %>'231 }232 }233 },234 clean: {235 dist: ["dist"],236 temp: ["temp"]237 },238 bump: {239 options: {240 files: bumpFiles,241 updateConfigs: [],242 commit: true,243 commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',244 commitFiles: commitFiles,245 createTag: true,246 tagName: 'v%VERSION%',247 tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%',248 push: false,249 pushTo: 'origin'250 }251 }252 });253 // These plugins provide necessary tasks.254 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');255 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint');256 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jasmine');257 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');258 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect');259 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean');260 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less');261 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-open');262 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-template');263 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-header');264 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-bump');265 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-babel');266 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sass-lint');267 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-lesslint');268 // Create custom tasks269 grunt.registerTask('append-header', ['header', 'clean:temp']);270 grunt.registerTask('lint', [271 'jshint',272 'lesslint',273 'sasslint'274 ]);275 grunt.registerTask('test', [276 'babel',277 'less:development',278 'jasmine',279 'clean:temp'280 ]);281 grunt.registerTask('build', [282 'less:development',283 'test',284 'template:generate-index-page'285 ]);286 grunt.registerTask('build-gh-pages', [287 'less:development',288 'babel',289 'template:generate-gh-pages'290 ]);291 grunt.registerTask('dist', [292 'clean:dist',293 'less:production',294 'less:production-min',295 'babel',296 'uglify',297 'append-header'298 ]);299 grunt.registerTask('development', [300 'less:development',301 'babel',302 'template:generate-index-page',303 'connect',304 'open:development',305 'watch'306 ]);307 grunt.registerTask('production', ['dist']);308 grunt.registerTask('dev', 'development');309 grunt.registerTask('prod', 'production');310 grunt.registerTask('default', ['build']);...
Source: test.js
1'use strict';2require('mocha');3const fs = require('fs');4const path = require('path');5const assert = require('assert');6const writeJson = require('write-json');7const del = require('delete');8const Store = require('./');9const fixtures = path.resolve.bind(path, 'fixtures');10let pkg;11describe('store', function() {12 beforeEach(function() {13 return writeJson(fixtures('package.json'), {})14 .then(() => {15 pkg = new Store(fixtures());16 });17 });18 afterEach(function() {19 return del(fixtures());20 });21 describe('resolve store path', function() {22 it('should get a store at the given "cwd"', function() {23 return writeJson(fixtures('foo/package.json'), {})24 .then(() => {25 pkg = new Store(fixtures('foo'));26 pkg.set('foo', 'bar');27 assert.equal(path.basename(pkg.path), 'package.json');28 assert('foo'));29 assert.equal(, 'bar');30 assert(fs.existsSync('fixtures/foo/package.json'));31 });32 });33 it('should get a store at the given "options.path"', function() {34 return writeJson(fixtures('foo/bar.json'), {})35 .then(() => {36 pkg = new Store({path: fixtures('foo/bar.json')});37 pkg.set('foo', 'bar');38 assert.equal(path.basename(pkg.path), 'bar.json');39 assert('foo'));40 assert.equal(, 'bar');41 assert(fs.existsSync('fixtures/foo/bar.json'));42 });43 });44 });45 describe('.set', function() {46 it('should set a value on the store', function() {47 pkg.set('one', 'two');48 assert.equal(, 'two');49 });50 it('should set an object', function() {51 pkg.set({four: 'five', six: 'seven'});52 assert.equal(, 'five');53 assert.equal(, 'seven');54 });55 it('should set a nested value', function() {56 pkg.set('a.b.c.d', {e: 'f'});57 assert.equal(, 'f');58 });59 });60 describe('.union', function() {61 it('should union a value on the store', function() {62 pkg.union('one', 'two');63 assert.deepEqual(, ['two']);64 });65 it('should not union duplicate values', function() {66 pkg.union('one', 'two');67 assert.deepEqual(, ['two']);68 pkg.union('one', ['two']);69 assert.deepEqual(, ['two']);70 });71 it('should concat an existing array:', function() {72 pkg.union('one', 'a');73 assert.deepEqual(, ['a']);74 pkg.union('one', ['b']);75 assert.deepEqual(, ['a', 'b']);76 pkg.union('one', ['c', 'd']);77 assert.deepEqual(, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);78 });79 });80 describe('.has', function() {81 it('should return true if a key has on the store', function() {82 pkg.set('foo', 'bar');83 pkg.set('baz', null);84 pkg.set('qux', undefined);85 assert(pkg.has('baz'));86 assert(pkg.has('foo'));87 assert(!pkg.has('bar'));88 assert(!pkg.has('qux'));89 });90 it('should return true if a nested key has on the store', function() {91 pkg.set('a.b.c.d', {x: 'zzz'});92 pkg.set('a.b.c.e', {f: null});93 pkg.set('a.b.g.j', {k: undefined});94 assert(pkg.has('a.b.c.d'));95 assert(pkg.has('a.b.c.d.x'));96 assert(pkg.has('a.b.c.e'));97 assert(pkg.has('a.b.g.j'));98 assert(pkg.has('a.b.c.e.f'));99 assert(!pkg.has(''));100 assert(!pkg.has('a.b.c.d.z'));101 assert(!pkg.has('a.b.c.e.z'));102 assert(!pkg.has('a.b.g.j.k'));103 assert(!pkg.has('a.b.g.j.z'));104 });105 });106 describe('.get', function() {107 it('should get a stored value', function() {108 pkg.set('three', 'four');109 assert.equal(pkg.get('three'), 'four');110 });111 it('should get a nested value', function() {112 pkg.set({a: {b: {c: 'd'}}});113 assert.equal(pkg.get('a.b.c'), 'd');114 });115 });116 describe('.save', function() {117 it('should save the store', function() {118 pkg.set('three', 'four');119;120 var obj = require(fixtures('package.json'));121 assert.deepEqual(obj, {three: 'four'});122 });123 });124 describe('.del', function() {125 it('should delete a stored value', function() {126 pkg.set('a', 'b');127 pkg.set('c', 'd');128 assert('a'));129 assert.equal(, 'b');130 assert('c'));131 assert.equal(, 'd');132 pkg.del('a');133 pkg.del('c');134 assert(!'a'));135 assert(!'c'));136 });137 it('should delete multiple stored values', function() {138 pkg.set('a', 'b');139 pkg.set('c', 'd');140 pkg.set('e', 'f');141 pkg.del(['a', 'c', 'e']);142 assert.deepEqual(, {});143 });144 });...
Source: invalid-dep-version-filtering.js
1'use strict'2var path = require('path')3var test = require('tap').test4var mr = require('npm-registry-mock')5var common = require('../common-tap')6var Tacks = require('tacks')7var File = Tacks.File8var Dir = Tacks.Dir9var testdir = path.join(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js'))10var cachedir = path.join(testdir, 'cache')11var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({12 cache: Dir(),13 node_modules: Dir(),14 tarballs: Dir({15 'pkgA.tgz': File(new Buffer(16 '1f8b0800000000000003edcfcf0a0221100670cf3ec5e0396cfcb703bd8d' +17 '842cb5e4ca5a5da2776f5da153b78408fc5d3e6684e133f9e3e4c7b04f35' +18 'e539cf9135868883b5509206b725ea3a6f9c01a634598d8e48134365d0e0' +19 'fadebac827b77cf5cb5ae5db3bf52bf0ce3ff1e00022fa4b100710691abd' +20 'd895cd3d2cf934c7b25412250afee4bfaeda755dd735f40211b5bced0008' +21 '0000',22 'hex'23 )),24 'pkgB1.tgz': File(new Buffer(25 '1f8b0800000000000003edcfc10a0221140550d77ec5c375d8d3d111fa1b' +26 '0b196ac891b16913fd7be308adda2544f0cee6e25d3caec99f463f847daa' +27 '292f798aac3144ec8d8192aeb75ba2aeef8ded8029ed8c46eb1c1a86aa43' +28 'bd76d87ac8274bbef9799df2ed9dfa1578e79f78700011fd35880388340e' +29 '47b12bcd3dccf93cc5522a8912057ff25f4f258410d2d00b247d22080008' +30 '0000',31 'hex'32 ))33 })34}))35var pkgAtgz = path.join(testdir, 'tarballs', 'pkgA.tgz')36var pkgB1tgz = path.join(testdir, 'tarballs', 'pkgB1.tgz')37var server38var pkgA = {39 name: 'pkg-a',40 'dist-tags': {41 latest: '1.0.0'42 },43 versions: {44 '1.0.0': {45 name: 'pkg-a',46 version: '1.0.0',47 dependencies: {48 'pkg-b': '1.0.0'49 },50 dist: {51 shasum: 'dc5471ce0439f0f47749bb01473cad4570cc7dc5',52 tarball: common.registry + '/pkg-a/-/pkg-a-1.0.0.tgz'53 }54 }55 }56}57var pkgB = {58 name: 'pkg-b',59 'dist-tags': {60 latest: '1.0.0'61 },62 versions: {63 '1.0.0': {64 name: 'pkg-b',65 version: '1.0.0',66 dist: {67 shasum: '53031aa2cf774c0e841c6fdbbe54c13825cd5640',68 tarball: common.registry + '/pkg-b/-/pkg-b-1.0.0.tgz'69 }70 },71 '1.0.0rc1': {72 name: 'pkg-b',73 version: '1.0.0rc1',74 dist: {75 shasum: '7f4b1bf680e3a31113d77619b4dc7c3b4c7dc15c',76 tarball: common.registry + '/pkg-b/-/pkg-b-1.0.0-rc1.tgz'77 }78 }79 }80}81function setup () {82 cleanup()83 fixture.create(testdir)84}85function cleanup () {86 fixture.remove(testdir)87}88test('setup', function (t) {89 setup()90 mr({ port: common.port, throwOnUnmatched: true }, function (err, s) {91 t.ifError(err, 'registry mocked successfully')92 server = s93 t.end()94 })95})96test('invalid versions should be ignored', function (t) {97 server.get('/pkg-a').reply(200, pkgA)98 server.get('/pkg-b').reply(200, pkgB)99 server.get('/pkg-a/-/pkg-a-1.0.0.tgz').replyWithFile(200, pkgAtgz)100 server.get('/pkg-b/-/pkg-b-1.0.0.tgz').replyWithFile(200, pkgB1tgz)101 common.npm(102 [103 'install',104 '--cache', cachedir,105 '--registry', common.registry,106 '--fetch-retries=0',107 'pkg-a@1.0.0'108 ],109 {cwd: testdir},110 function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {111 if (err) throw err112 t.equal(code, 0, 'install succeded')113 t.comment(stdout.trim())114 t.comment(stderr.trim())115 server.done()116 t.end()117 }118 )119})120test('cleanup', function (t) {121 server.close()122 cleanup()123 t.end()...
Source: decompose-actions.js
1'use strict'2var validate = require('aproba')3var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap4var npm = require('../npm.js')5module.exports = function (differences, decomposed, next) {6 validate('AAF', arguments)7 asyncMap(differences, function (action, done) {8 var cmd = action[0]9 var pkg = action[1]10 switch (cmd) {11 case 'add':12 addSteps(decomposed, pkg, done)13 break14 case 'update':15 updateSteps(decomposed, pkg, done)16 break17 case 'move':18 moveSteps(decomposed, pkg, done)19 break20 case 'remove':21 removeSteps(decomposed, pkg, done)22 break23 default:24 defaultSteps(decomposed, cmd, pkg, done)25 }26 }, next)27}28function addSteps (decomposed, pkg, done) {29 if (!pkg.fromBundle && !pkg.isLink) {30 decomposed.push(['fetch', pkg])31 decomposed.push(['extract', pkg])32 }33 if (!pkg.fromBundle || npm.config.get('rebuild-bundle')) {34 decomposed.push(['preinstall', pkg])35 decomposed.push(['build', pkg])36 decomposed.push(['install', pkg])37 decomposed.push(['postinstall', pkg])38 }39 if (!pkg.fromBundle || !pkg.isLink) {40 decomposed.push(['finalize', pkg])41 }42 decomposed.push(['refresh-package-json', pkg])43 done()44}45function updateSteps (decomposed, pkg, done) {46 removeSteps(decomposed, pkg.oldPkg, () => {47 addSteps(decomposed, pkg, done)48 })49}50function removeSteps (decomposed, pkg, done) {51 decomposed.push(['unbuild', pkg])52 decomposed.push(['remove', pkg])53 done()54}55function moveSteps (decomposed, pkg, done) {56 decomposed.push(['move', pkg])57 decomposed.push(['build', pkg])58 decomposed.push(['install', pkg])59 decomposed.push(['postinstall', pkg])60 decomposed.push(['refresh-package-json', pkg])61 done()62}63function defaultSteps (decomposed, cmd, pkg, done) {64 decomposed.push([cmd, pkg])65 done()...
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2mb.start({3}).then(() => {4 console.log('Mountebank started');5}).catch((error) => {6 console.error('Error starting Mountebank', error);7});8const mb = require('mountebank');9mb.start({10}).then(() => {11 console.log('Mountebank started');12}).catch((error) => {13 console.error('Error starting Mountebank', error);14});15docker run -p 2525:2525 -v "$(pwd)"/mountebank:/mountebank mbtest/mb mb start --allowInjection --debug --configfile /mountebank/mb.json
Using AI Code Generation
1var mb = require('mountebank');2var assert = require('chai').assert;3var request = require('supertest');4var express = require('express');5var app = express();6var bodyParser = require('body-parser');7app.use(bodyParser.json());8var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');9var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');10var _ = require('lodash');11var moment = require('moment');12var mongoose = require('mongoose');13var validator = require('validator');14var request = require('request');15var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');16var xoauth2 = require('xoauth2');17var AWS = require('aws-sdk');18var multer = require('multer');19var sharp = require('sharp');20var fs = require('fs');21var path = require('path');22var uuid = require('uuid');23var Jimp = require("jimp");24var QRCode = require('qrcode');25var crypto = require('crypto');26var async = require('async');27var validator = require('validator');28var request = require('request');29var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');30var xoauth2 = require('xoauth2');
Using AI Code Generation
1const pkg = require('mountebank');2const mb = pkg.create();3mb.start().then(() => {4 console.log('Mountebank started');5'/imposters', {6 {7 {8 is: {9 }10 }11 }12 }).then(() => {13 console.log('Imposter created');14 });15});
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2const fs = require('fs');3const util = require('util');4const path = require('path');5const rimraf = require('rimraf');6const PORT = 2525;7const PROTOCOL = 'http';8const HOST = 'localhost';9const IMPOSTERS = 1;10const RECORDINGS_DIR = 'recordings';11const RECORDINGS_FILE = 'recordings.json';12const logger = mb.createLogger({ name: 'mb:cli' });13mb.start({
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2const request = require('request');3const fs = require('fs');4const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');5const path = require('path');6const rimraf = require('rimraf');7const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');8const util = require('util');9const exec = require('child_process').exec;10const async = require('async');11const _ = require('lodash');12const logger = require('winston');13const moment = require('moment');14const crypto = require('crypto');15const should = require('should');16const expect = require('chai').expect;17const assert = require('assert');18const sinon = require('sinon');19const nock = require('nock');20const requestPromise = require('reque
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2const port = 2525;3mb.create(port).then(function (imposter) {4 imposter.addStub({5 responses: [{6 is: {7 }8 }]9 }).then(function (stub) {10 console.log('Created stub', stub);11 });12});13Created stub { port: 2525,14 [ { responses:15 [ { is: [Object],16 _uuid: 'e0a6e935-1c1a-4b8c-8f3d-2c2f5f5b8c5c' } ],17 _links: { self: [Object] },18 _uuid: 'e0a6e935-1c1a-4b8c-8f3d-2c2f5f5b8c5c' } ] }
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