How to use logFormat method in mountebank

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Source:logformat.test.js Github


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1"use strict";2const expect = require('expect.js');3const isIsoDate = require('is-isodate');4const logformat = require('../');5describe('logformat', () => {6 it('should be defined as a function', () => {7 expect(logformat);8 expect(logformat)'function');9 });10 it('should return a string when given a string', () => {11 expect(logformat('Hello, World!'))'Hello, World!');12 });13 it('should format an Object which does not inherit from Object', () => {14 const obj = Object.create(null);15 = 'bar';16 expect(logformat(obj))'foo=bar');17 const nested = { foo: Object.create(null) };18 = 'baz';19 expect(logformat(nested))'');20 const doubleNested = { foo: Object.create(null) };21 = { bar: Object.create(null) };22 = 'baz';23 expect(logformat(doubleNested))'');24 });25 it('should return a string when given a number', () => {26 expect(logformat(42))'42');27 });28 it('should return an empty string when given null', () => {29 expect(logformat(null))'');30 });31 it('should return an empty string when given undefined', () => {32 expect(logformat(undefined))'');33 });34 it('should return an empty string when given an empty string', () => {35 expect(logformat(""))'');36 });37 it('should return an empty array as string when given an empty array', () => {38 expect(logformat([]))'[]');39 });40 it('should return an empty object as string when given an empty object', () => {41 expect(logformat({}))'{}');42 });43 it('should return a key=[] when given an empty array value', () => {44 expect(logformat({x: []}))'x=[]');45 });46 it('should return a key={} when given an empty object value', () => {47 expect(logformat({x: {}}))'x={}');48 });49 it('should return a regular express as a string when given a RegExp', () => {50 expect(logformat(/^foobar$/))'/^foobar$/');51 expect(logformat(new RegExp("^foobar$")))'/^foobar$/');52 });53 it('should return true/false when given true/false', () => {54 var obj = { is_it_true: true };55 expect(logformat(obj.is_it_true))'true');56 expect(logformat(true))'true');57 expect(logformat(false))'false');58 });59 it('should return an ISO8601 formatted string when given a Date object', () => {60 const date = new Date('Tue Jun 21 2016 08:37:16 GMT-0400 (EDT)');61 expect(isIsoDate(logformat(date)));62 expect(isIsoDate(logformat({ date: date }).split('=')[1]));63 });64 it('should return a string when given an Error object', function () {65 var err = new Error('Test');66 = 'logformat.test.err';67 expect(logformat(err))'ERROR name=logformat.test.err message=Test');68 expect(logformat({ err: err }))' err.message=Test');69 });70 it('should not significantly modify its input', function () {71 // we're most concerned about the magic we do to make error objects format properly72 // we don't want to change the type (i.e. lose the Error-ness of error objects).73 const err = new Error('Test');74 logformat(err);75 expect(err);76 const nested = { err: new Error('Test Nested') };77 logformat(nested);78 expect(nested.err);79 const doubleNested = { err: new Error('Test Double Nested Outer') };80 doubleNested.err.inner = new Error('Test Double Nested Inner');81 logformat(doubleNested);82 expect(doubleNested.err);83 expect(doubleNested.err.inner);84 });85 it('should return a string of key=value pairs for objects', () => {86 expect(logformat({87 foo: undefined, // maps to foo=undefined88 bar: null, // maps to baz=null89 abc: true, // maps to abc=true90 def: 'Hello, World!', // maps to def="Hello, World!"91 ghi: 'cheese', // maps to ghi=cheese92 jkl: {93 a: null, // maps to jkl.a=null94 b: undefined, // maps to jkl.b=undefined95 c: 'howdy', // maps to jkl.c=howdy96 d: 'apple sauce', // maps to jkl.d="apple sauce"97 f: [ 4, 'life' ],98 g: {} // maps to jkl.g={}99 },100 mno: [101 'this', // maps to mno.0=this102 'is', // maps to mno.1=is103 'a test' // maps to mno.2="a test"104 ],105 pqr: /^foobar$/, // maps to pqr="/^foobar$/"106 stu: [] // maps to stu=[]107 }))'foo=undefined bar=null abc=true def="Hello, World!" ghi=cheese jkl.a=null jkl.b=undefined jkl.c=howdy jkl.d="apple sauce" jkl.f.0=4 jkl.f.1=life jkl.g={} mno.0=this mno.1=is mno.2="a test" pqr=/^foobar$/ stu=[]');108 });109 it('should return a string of key=value pairs for arrays', () => {110 expect(logformat([111 true,112 null,113 undefined,114 'test',115 'quoted test',116 42,117 [],118 {},119 ]))'0=true 1=null 2=undefined 3=test 4="quoted test" 5=42 6=[] 7={}');120 });121 it('should respect maxDepth option', () => {122 const obj = { foo: { bar: { baz: 1} } };123 expect(logformat(obj, { maxDepth: 2 }))'"[object Object]"');124 expect(logformat(obj, { maxDepth: 10 }))'');125 expect(logformat(obj))'');126 });127 it('should not crash on a circular reference', () => {128 const a = {};129 const b = {};130 a.b = b;131 b.a = a;132 expect(logformat(a))'[Circular]');133 });134 it('should log Error .cause', () => {135 const cause = new Error('bad credentials')136 const err = new Error('could not connect to db', { cause });137 expect(logformat(err)).to.contain('bad credentials');138 expect(logformat(err)).to.contain('could not connect');139 });...

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Source:format.ts Github


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...9}10function concatenatedLogFormat(segments: LogFormat[]): LogFormat {11 return message => => segment(message)).join('');12}13export function logFormat(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...placeholders: LogFormatPlaceholder[]): LogFormat {14 const segments: LogFormat[] = [];15 for (let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {16 if (i !== 0)17 segments.push(placeholderLogFormat(placeholders[i - 1]));18 if (strings[i] !== '')19 segments.push(logFormat.literal(strings[i]));20 }21 return concatenatedLogFormat(segments);22}23// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare -- merging function and namespace24export namespace logFormat {25 const datePad = (v: number) => v < 10 ? '0' + String(v) : String(v);26 const isoDateFormat: LogFormat = () => {27 const now = new Date();...

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Source:logFormat.test.ts Github


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1import * as A from "@effect-ts/core/Collections/Immutable/Array"2import * as T from "@effect-ts/core/Effect"3import { pipe } from "@effect-ts/core/Function"4import * as O from "@effect-ts/core/Option"5import * as TE from "@effect-ts/jest/Test"6import * as LogAnnotation from "../src/LogAnnotation"7import * as LogContext from "../src/LogContext"8import type { FormatterFunction } from "../src/LogFormat"9import * as LogFormat from "../src/LogFormat"10import * as LogLevel from "../src/LogLevel"11import * as TestLogger from "./TestLogger"12const formatterFunction: FormatterFunction = pipe(13 LogFormat.bracketed(LogFormat.LEVEL),14 LogFormat.spaced(15 pipe(16 LogFormat.timestampFormat((ts) => new Date(ts).toISOString()),17 LogFormat.spaced(18 pipe(19,20 LogFormat.spaced(LogFormat.concat_(LogFormat.line, LogFormat.error))21 )22 )23 )24 )25)26const assembledFormat = new LogFormat.AssembledLogFormat(formatterFunction)27describe("LogFormat", () => {28 const { it } = TE.runtime((_) => _[">+>"]( it("should handle formatting an assembled log without an error", () =>30 T.succeedWith(() => {31 const context = pipe(32 LogContext.empty,33 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Name, A.from(["a", "b"])),34 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Timestamp, Date.UTC(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0)),35 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Level, LogLevel.warn)36 )37 const log = assembledFormat.format(context, "test message")38 expect(log).toBe("[WARN] 2000-02-01T12:00:00.000Z a.b test message")39 }))40 it("should handle formatting an assembled log with an error", () =>41 T.succeedWith(() => {42 const context = pipe(43 LogContext.empty,44 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Name, A.from(["a", "b"])),45 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Timestamp, Date.UTC(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0)),46 LogContext.annotate(LogAnnotation.Level, LogLevel.error),47 LogContext.annotate(48 LogAnnotation.Throwable,49 O.some({ message: "test exception" } as Error)50 )51 )52 const log = assembledFormat.format(context, "failed!")53 expect(log).toContain("[ERROR] 2000-02-01T12:00:00.000Z a.b failed!")54 expect(log).toContain("A checked error was not handled")55 expect(log).toContain("test exception")56 }))...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = mb.create({ port: 2525 });'/imposters', {4 {5 {6 is: {7 headers: {8 },9 body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hello World' })10 }11 }12 }13});14imposter.get('/imposters/2525/logs', (err, res) => {15 if (err) {16 console.log(err);17 } else {18 console.log(res.body);19 }20});21imposter.del('/imposters/2525', err => {22 if (err) {23 console.log(err);24 } else {25 console.log('Imposter deleted');26 }27});28const mb = require('mountebank');29const imposter = mb.create({ port: 2525 });30describe('test', () => {31 it('should return the logs', done => {32'/imposters', {33 {34 {35 is: {36 headers: {37 },38 body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hello World' })39 }40 }41 }42 });43 const req = imposter.request('GET', '/test');44 req.end((err, res) => {45 expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200);46 imposter.get('/imposters/2525/logs', (err, res) => {47 if (err) {48 console.log(err);49 } else {50 console.log(res.body);51 }52 });53 imposter.del('/imposters/2525', err => {54 if (err) {55 console.log(err);56 } else {57 console.log('Imposter deleted');58 }59 });60 done();61 });62 });63});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createLogger, format, transports } = require("winston");2const { logFormat } = require("winston-json-formatter");3const logger = createLogger({4 format: format.combine(5 format.timestamp(),6 format.json(),7 logFormat()8 transports: [new transports.Console()]9});"Hello World");11{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}12{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}13{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}14{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}15{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}16{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}17{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}18{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}19{"timestamp":"2019-12-05T11:02:29.723Z","level":"info","message":"Hello World"}20{"timestamp":"2019-

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var mbHelper = require('mountebank-helper');3var logFormat = mbHelper.logFormat;4mb.create({5}, function () {6 var imposter = {7 {8 {9 is: {10 headers: {11 },12 }13 }14 }15 };16'/imposters', imposter, function (error, response) {17 console.log(logFormat(response));18 mb.del('/imposters/3000', function (error, response) {19 console.log(logFormat(response));20 });21 });22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var imposter = require('mountebank').create({port: 4545});2imposter.addStub({3 responses: [{4 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}5 }]6});7imposter.addStub({8 responses: [{9 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}10 }]11});12imposter.addStub({13 responses: [{14 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}15 }]16});17imposter.addStub({18 responses: [{19 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}20 }]21});22imposter.addStub({23 responses: [{24 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}25 }]26});27imposter.addStub({28 responses: [{29 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}30 }]31});32imposter.addStub({33 responses: [{34 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}35 }]36});37imposter.addStub({38 responses: [{39 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}40 }]41});42imposter.addStub({43 responses: [{44 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}45 }]46});47imposter.addStub({48 responses: [{49 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}50 }]51});52imposter.addStub({53 responses: [{54 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}55 }]56});57imposter.addStub({58 responses: [{59 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}60 }]61});62imposter.addStub({63 responses: [{64 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}65 }]66});67imposter.addStub({68 responses: [{69 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}70 }]71});72imposter.addStub({73 responses: [{74 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}75 }]76});77imposter.addStub({78 responses: [{79 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}80 }]81});82imposter.addStub({83 responses: [{84 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}85 }]86});87imposter.addStub({88 responses: [{89 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}90 }]91});92imposter.addStub({93 responses: [{94 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}95 }]96});97imposter.addStub({98 responses: [{99 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}100 }]101});102imposter.addStub({103 responses: [{104 is: {body: 'Hello world!'}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const port = 2525;3const logFormat = mb.logFormat;4const logLevel = mb.logLevel;5const mbHelper = mb.create({ port, logLevel: logLevel.INFO, logFormat: logFormat.JSON });6mbHelper.then(function () {7 console.log('mbHelper created');8'/test', function (req, res) {9 res.send({ ok: true });10 });11});12mbHelper.catch(function (error) {13 console.log(error);14});15const mb = require('mountebank');16const port = 2525;17const logFormat = mb.logFormat;18const logLevel = mb.logLevel;19const mbHelper = mb.create({ port, logLevel: logLevel.INFO, logFormat: logFormat.JSON });20mbHelper.then(function () {21 console.log('mbHelper created');22'/test', function (req, res) {23 res.send({ ok: true });24 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const assert = require('assert');3const mbHelper = require('./mountebank-helper');4const port = 2525;5const protocol = 'http';6const path = '/test';7const method = 'GET';8const response = { status: 200, body: 'Hello World' };9const stub = { responses: [response] };10const predicateGenerators = [{ matches: { method: [method] } }];11const imposter = { protocol, port, stubs: [{ predicates: predicateGenerators, responses: [response] }] };12const request = { protocol, port, path, method };13mb.create({ port, pidfile: './', logfile: './mb.log' }, () => {14'/imposters', imposter, () => {15 mbHelper.get(request, (response) => {16 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);17 mb.del('/imposters', () => {18 mbHelper.get(request, (response) => {19 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404);20 mbHelper.get({ protocol, port, path: '/logs', method: 'GET' }, (response) => {21 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);22 const logs = JSON.parse(response.body);23 assert.equal(logs.length, 2);24 assert.equal(logs[0].request.path, '/test');25 assert.equal(logs[0].response.statusCode, 200);26 assert.equal(logs[1].request.path, '/test');27 assert.equal(logs[1].response.statusCode, 404);28 mbHelper.get({ protocol, port, path: '/logs?order=descending', method: 'GET' }, (response) => {29 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);30 const logs = JSON.parse(response.body);31 assert.equal(logs.length, 2);32 assert.equal(logs[0].request.path, '/test');33 assert.equal(logs[0].response.statusCode, 404);34 assert.equal(logs[1].request.path, '/test');35 assert.equal(logs[1].response.statusCode, 200);36 mbHelper.get({ protocol, port, path: '/logs?order=asce', method: 'GET' }, (response) => {37 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400);38 const body = JSON.parse(response.body);39 assert.equal(body.errors[0].code

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.logFormat('test', 'test');3mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });4var mb = require('mountebank');5mb.logFormat('test', 'test');6mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });7var mb = require('mountebank');8mb.logFormat('test', 'test');9mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });10var mb = require('mountebank');11mb.logFormat('test', 'test');12mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });13var mb = require('mountebank');14mb.logFormat('test', 'test');15mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });16var mb = require('mountebank');17mb.logFormat('test', 'test');18mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });19var mb = require('mountebank');20mb.logFormat('test', 'test');21mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });22var mb = require('mountebank');23mb.logFormat('test', 'test');24mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' });25var mb = require('mountebank');26mb.logFormat('test', 'test');27mb.start({ port: 2525

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