Best JavaScript code snippet using mountebank
Source: dtdo_functions.js
1234 /////// STATE OF PROJETC :::: FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////5 6 // °° GENERAL FUNCTIONS 78 function init() { 9 10 getdata().then((data) => {11 AllLinesofProject = data;12 var DOM = pagedata.renderTask(AllLinesofProject, StateCollection);13 pagedata.refresh(true);14 //console.log(DOM);15 document.getElementById("renderedcontent").innerHTML = DOM;16 });17 document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "";18 document.getElementById("message").classList.add("hide");1920 }212223 function changestate(thiselement, step) {24 // get input hidden id 25 var selfuuid = Number(thiselement.parent().parent().find('input').val());26 27 // target group 28 // Get all (1) span of group -- get data-id value29 var selfstateid = Number(thiselement.parent().find("span")[0];30 3132 // Get target element-object of collection 33 var target = AllLinesofProject.filter(element => { return == selfuuid })[0]; ;34 const SameID = (element) => == ;35 // get the rank in array 36 var targetrank = AllLinesofProject.findIndex(SameID); ;37 // add a step 38 newid = selfstateid +step;39 // set new stateid 40 target.stateid = newid;41 console.log("new obj > ");42 console.log(target.stateid);43 AllLinesofProject[targetrank].stateid=newid;44 pagedata.refresh(false);4546 }474849 function modify(element) {50 $('body').toggleClass("changelocked");51 $(element).toggleClass("active");52 }5354 5556 // °° ASYNC FUNCTIONS 5758 async function getdef() {59 return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){60 $.ajax({61 type: "GET",62 url: "./dtdo_files/states.json",63 datatype:"json",64 success: function(data) { 65 //JSondata = JSON.parse(data);66 console.log("states .............. OK");67 resolve(data);68 }69 }); 70 }); 71 }72 7374 async function getdata() {75 return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){76 $.ajax({77 type: "GET",78 url: "./dtdo_files/structure.json",79 datatype:"json",80 success: function(data) { 81 //JSondata = JSON.parse(data);82 console.log("data .............. OK");83 resolve(data);84 }85 }); 86 }); 87 }8889909192 function writeJSon(objfile) {9394 $.ajax({95 type: "POST",96 url: "./dtdo_files/updatejson.php",97 dataType: "json",98 data: { "jsondata":JSON.stringify(objfile),"jsondate":"null"},99 success: function(data) {100 console.log("json updated....");101 }102 });103 }104105106 // °° CLOSURE FUNCTIONS 107 108 // All method for DOM in a object 109110 class DOMdata {111112 renderTask(TaskCollection, StatesCollection) {113 // parent_container // 114 var aclassname = "Topfade";115 var TEMPLATE = "<li class='LOP %ACLASS%' style='border-left:4px solid %MARKER%'><input id='projectuuid' type='hidden' value=%ID%>";116 // title // 117 TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE + "<h3 class='LOP-title'>%TITLE%</h3> <span class='LOP-desc'> %DESC% </span> " ;118 // Badge // 119 TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE + "<span class='LOP-state'> <button onclick='changestate($(this),-1)' class='controls'> < </button> <span data-id=%STATEID% class='badge ' style='border:1px solid %THEME%; color:%THEMETEXT%'>%STATENAME%</span> <button onclick='changestate($(this),+1)' class='controls'> > </buton></span>";120 // UDPATE 121 TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE + "<button type='button' class='edit controls' onclick='pagemodel.Edit($(this))' ><span aria-hidden='true'> ... </span></button>";122 // Close // 123 TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE + "<button type='button' class='close fl-r controls' onclick='pagemodel.Delete($(this))' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true'>×</span></button> </li>";124 var html ="";125 console.log("RENDERtask");126 console.log(TaskCollection);127 TaskCollection.forEach((element,idx) => {128 129 aclassname = ((idx % 2) == 0)?"Topfade-dl":"Topfade"; 130 console.log("Label rank : "+element.stateid);131 console.log(StateCollection[element.stateid]);132 html = html + TEMPLATE133 .replace("%ACLASS%", aclassname)134 .replace("%ID%", .replace("%TITLE%", element.title)136 .replace("%DESC%", element.desc)137 .replace("%STATEID%", element.stateid)138 .replace("%STATENAME%", StateCollection[element.stateid] != undefined ? StateCollection[element.stateid].label:StateCollection[element.stateid-StateCollection.length].label)139 .replace("%THEME%",StateCollection[element.stateid] != undefined ? StateCollection[element.stateid].theme:StateCollection[element.stateid-(StateCollection.length)].theme)140 .replace("%THEMETEXT%",StateCollection[element.stateid] != undefined ? StateCollection[element.stateid].theme:StateCollection[element.stateid-(StateCollection.length)].theme)141 .replace("%MARKER%",StateCollection[element.stateid] != undefined ? StateCollection[element.stateid].theme:StateCollection[element.stateid-(StateCollection.length)].theme);142 } );143 document.getElementById("renderedcontent").innerHTML = html;144 return html;145 }146 147148 refresh(simple_refresh) { 149 // DOM refresh statements150 console.log("Init refresh");151 this.renderTask(AllLinesofProject);152153 /// Write statement154 if (!(simple_refresh)) {155 writeJSon(AllLinesofProject);156 console.log("Write-refresh");157 }158 }159160 IDfilter(elt, idtofind) {161 return == idtofind;162 }163 164165 }166167168169 class Elementmanager {170171172 GetFieldsInfo() {173 var Modaldata = {};174 Modaldata.pname = document.getElementById("projectname").value;175 Modaldata.pdesc = document.getElementById("projectdesc").value;176 Modaldata.puuid = document.getElementById("projectuuid").value;177 return Modaldata;178 }179180 SetFieldsInfo(Infos) {181 document.getElementById("projectname").value = Infos.title;182 document.getElementById("projectdesc").value = Infos.desc;183 document.getElementById("projectuuid").value =;184 }185186 EditingMode(ChangeExsitingElement) {187 $("#updatebtn").removeClass("hide");188 $("#newbtn").removeClass("hide");189 console.log("ras");190 if (ChangeExsitingElement) {191 console.log("hide new");192 // MODIFY 193 $("#newbtn").addClass("hide");194 $("#updatebtn").removeClass("hide");195 }else{196 console.log("hide update");197 //CREATE 198 $("#updatebtn").addClass("hide");199 200 }201 }202203 Create() {204 this.EditingMode(false);205 var UserFields = this.GetFieldsInfo();206 var lastrecord = AllLinesofProject[(AllLinesofProject.length-1)] ;207 var lastuuid;208 //209 var Newitem = {"id":lastuuid+1,"title":UserFields.pname,"desc":UserFields.pdesc,"stateid":1} ;210 // Addcard(Newitem);211 AllLinesofProject.push(Newitem);212 $('#ProjetCard').modal('hide');213 // refresh and write 214 pagedata.refresh(false);215 }216217 Delete(targetelement) {218 var projectid = targetelement.parent().parent().find("input")[0].value;219 var projectRank = AllLinesofProject.findIndex(elmt => {return == projectid });220 console.log(AllLinesofProject[projectRank]);221 let confirmdelete = confirm('Etes vous sur de supprimer le projet ' + AllLinesofProject[projectRank].title + ' ? ');222 if (confirmdelete) {223 AllLinesofProject.splice(projectRank, 1);224 pagedata.refresh(false);225 }else {226 console.log("do nothing");227 }228 229 }230231 Edit(targetelement){232 this.EditingMode(true);233 var projectid = targetelement.parent().parent().find("input")[0].value;234 var injecteddata = AllLinesofProject.find(elmt => {return == projectid });235 this.SetFieldsInfo(injecteddata);236 $('#ProjetCard').modal('show');237 }238239 Update(targetelement) {240 var UserFields = this.GetFieldsInfo();241 var projectid = UserFields.puuid;242 var projectRank = AllLinesofProject.findIndex(elmt => {return == projectid });243 console.log("Update element rank ");244 var currentobj =(AllLinesofProject[projectRank]);245 console.log(currentobj);246 var Uptobj = {...currentobj,"title":UserFields.pname,"desc":UserFields.pdesc} ;247 console.log(Uptobj);248 AllLinesofProject[projectRank]=Uptobj;249 pagedata.refresh(true);250 $('#ProjetCard').modal('hide');251 252 }253254 }255256 // Initialize a page DOMmodel 257 var pagedata = new DOMdata();258 var pagemodel = new Elementmanager();259
Source: linesofInvestigation.js
1/**2 * Created by T4B on 4/25/16.3 */4'use strict';5var lineainvestigacion = angular.module('lineainvestigacion', []);6/**7 * Listar LÃneas de investigación8 *9 */10lineainvestigacion.controller('Lineainvestigacion',11 function ($rootScope, $scope, $state, LinesofInvestigation, $modal, $log, SweetAlert) {12 $ = {title: "Revista", subtitle: "LÃneas de investigación"};13 $scope.lineasinvestigaciones = [];14 $scope.params = {15 limit: 10,16 page: 0,17 search: "",18 order: "name",19 };20 LinesofInvestigation.get($scope.params, function (data) {21 $scope.lineasinvestigaciones =;22 console.log(;23 }, function (e) {24 });25 $scope.lineaactual = {};26 $scope.remove = function (item) {27 SweetAlert.swal({28 title: "Estas seguro?",29 text: "No podras recuperar esta linea de investigación!",30 type: "warning",31 showCancelButton: true,32 confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Si, eliminar",33 cancelButtonText: "No, cancelar !",34 closeOnConfirm: false,35 closeOnCancel: false36 },37 function (isConfirm) {38 if (isConfirm) {39 LinesofInvestigation.delete({id:}, function (response) {40 $scope.lineasinvestigaciones.splice($scope.lineasinvestigaciones.indexOf(item), 1);41 SweetAlert.swal("Lineas de Investigación !", "Eliminada", "success");42 }, function (e) {43 if (parseInt(e.status) == 444) {44 $scope.errors =;45 toaster.error('Lineas de Investigación!',;46 }47 });48 } else {49 SweetAlert.swal("Lineas de Investigación", "Cancelado :)", "error");50 }51 });52 }53 $ = function (item) {54 $scope.lineaactual = item;55 var modalInstance = ${56 templateUrl: 'LinesofInvestigationModal.html',57 controller: 'ModalController',58 size: 'lg',59 resolve: {60 items: function () {61 return $scope.lineaactual;62 }63 }64 });65 modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {66 $scope.selected = selectedItem;67 }, function () {68 $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());69 });70 };71 });72lineainvestigacion.controller('AddlinesofInvestigation',73 function ($rootScope, $scope, $state, LinesofInvestigation) {74 $ = {title: "Revista", subtitle: "LÃneas de investigación"};75 $scope.lineainvestigacion = {};76 $scope.errors = [];77 $scope.saveLinesofInvestigation=function(){78$scope.lineainvestigacion, function (data) {79 $state.go('app.revista.lineainvestigacion');80 }, function (e) {81 if (parseInt(e.status) == 422) {82 $scope.errors =;83 }84 });85 }86 });87lineainvestigacion.controller('ModalController', function ($scope, $modalInstance, items, LinesofInvestigation, toaster, SweetAlert) {88 $scope.lineainvestigacion = items;89 $scope.errors = [];90 $scope.ok = function () {91 LinesofInvestigation.update({id: $}, $scope.lineainvestigacion, function (response) {92 $scope.lineainvestigacion =;93 $modalInstance.close($scope.lineainvestigacion);94 SweetAlert.swal("Lineas de Investigación!", "Guardado correctamente !");95 }, function (error) {96 if (parseInt(error.status) == 422) {97 $scope.errors =;98 for (var i in $scope.errors)99 toaster.error('Lineas de Investigación!', $scope.errors[i][0]);100 }101 });102 };103 $scope.cancel = function () {104 $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');105 };...
Source: export-data.component.ts
1import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, Inject } from '@angular/core';2import { FormGroup, FormControl, FormArray, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'3import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';4import { ExportData } from 'src/app/shared/models/order/export-data.model';5import { ExportDataConst,CommonConst,DocumentsConst,commonNumbers } from 'src/app/configs/constants';6@Component({7 selector: 'app-export-data',8 templateUrl: './export-data.component.html',9 styleUrls: ['./export-data.component.scss']10})11export class ExportDataComponent implements OnInit {12 commonNumbers = commonNumbers;13 ExportDataConst = ExportDataConst;14 CommonConst = CommonConst;15 DocumentsConst = DocumentsConst;16 @Output() exportOrderDetailData: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();17 exportDataForm: FormGroup;18 isPdf: boolean = false;19 exportData: ExportData = <ExportData>{};20 error: string = '';21 constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private dialogRef: MatDialogRef<ExportDataComponent>,22 @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) private data: any) {23 this.exportData = data;24 this.exportDataForm ={25 documentType: [this.exportData.documentType, Validators.required],26 orderDetails: false,27 comments: false,28 items: false,29 attachmentSummary: false,30 linesofRouting: false,31 });32 }33 ngOnInit(): void {34 }35 get f() { return this.exportDataForm.controls; }36 closePopup() {37 this.dialogRef.close({ event: CommonConst.close })38 }39 onExportTypeChange(event: any) {40 try {41 this.error = '';42 if ((event.value as string).toLowerCase() === DocumentsConst.AccessDocuments.pdf) {43 this.isPdf = true;44 this.exportDataForm.patchValue({45 documentType: ExportDataConst.exportPdf,46 orderDetails: (this.exportData.orderDetails) ? true : false,47 comments: (this.exportData.comments) ? true : false,48 items: (this.exportData.items) ? true : false,49 attachmentSummary: (this.exportData.attachmentSummary) ? true : false,50 linesofRouting: (this.exportData.linesofRouting) ? true : false,51 });52 }53 else if ((event.value as string).toLowerCase() === ExportDataConst.expCsv) {54 this.isPdf = false;55 this.exportDataForm.patchValue({56 documentType: ExportDataConst.exportCSV,57 orderDetails: (this.exportData.orderDetails) ? true : false,58 comments: (this.exportData.comments) ? true : false,59 items: (this.exportData.items) ? true : false,60 attachmentSummary: (this.exportData.attachmentSummary) ? true : false,61 linesofRouting: (this.exportData.linesofRouting) ? true : false,62 });63 }64 }65 catch (error) {66 throw error;67 }68 }69 ExportData() {70 try {71 this.error = '';72 if (!this.exportDataForm.controls.documentType.value) {73 this.error = ExportDataConst.docType;74 }75 else if (this.exportDataForm.controls.documentType.value === ExportDataConst.exportCSV ||76 this.exportDataForm.controls.documentType.value === ExportDataConst.exportPdf) {77 let selCoun: number = 0;78 if (this.exportData.items && this.exportDataForm.controls.items.value) {79 selCoun =;80 }81 else if (selCoun === 0 && this.exportData.orderDetails && this.exportDataForm.controls.orderDetails.value) {82 selCoun =;83 }84 else if (selCoun === 0 && this.exportData.attachmentSummary && this.exportDataForm.controls.attachmentSummary.value) {85 selCoun =;86 }87 else if (selCoun === 0 && this.exportData.linesofRouting && this.exportDataForm.controls.linesofRouting.value) {88 selCoun =;89 }90 else if (selCoun === 0 && this.exportData.comments && this.exportDataForm.controls.comments.value) {91 selCoun =;92 }93 if (selCoun === 0) {94 this.error = ExportDataConst.itemSel;95 }96 }97 if (this.error.length === 0)98 this.dialogRef.close({ event: ExportDataConst.exportData, data: this.exportDataForm.value });99 }100 catch (error) {101 throw error;102 }103 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var mb = require('mountebank');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var port = 2525;5var imposter = {6 {7 { equals: { method: 'GET', path: '/' } }8 { is: { body: 'Hello world' } }9 }10};11mb.create({ port: port }, function (error, mbServer) {12 mbServer.createImposter(imposter, function (error, imposter) {13 var count = 0;14 var interval = setInterval(function () {15 mb.linesOf(path.join(__dirname, 'mb.log'), function (lines) {16 if (lines.length > count) {17 console.log(lines[count++]);18 }19 if (count === 4) {20 clearInterval(interval);21 mbServer.stop(function () { console.log('done'); });22 }23 });24 }, 500);25 });26});27var mb = require('mountebank');28var fs = require('fs');29var path = require('path');30var port = 2525;31var imposter = {32 {33 { equals: { method: 'GET', path: '/' } }34 { is: { body: 'Hello world' } }35 }36};37mb.create({ port: port }, function (error, mbServer) {38 mbServer.createImposter(imposter, function (error, imposter) {39 var count = 0;40 var interval = setInterval(function () {41 mb.linesOf(path.join(__dirname, 'mb.log'), function (lines) {42 if (lines.length > count) {43 console.log(lines[count++]);44 }45 if (count === 4) {
Using AI Code Generation
1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({ port: 2525, pidfile: '' }, function (error, mbProcess) {3 var imposter = {4 {5 {6 is: {7 }8 }9 }10 };11 mbProcess.createImposter(imposter, function (error, imposter) {12 console.log('Imposter created at: ' + imposter.url);13 mbProcess.linesOf(imposter.url, function (error, lines) {14 console.log('Received ' + lines.length + ' lines from ' + imposter.url);15 mbProcess.stop();16 });17 });18});
Using AI Code Generation
1var mb = require('mountebank');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.txt'), 'utf8');5var lines = mb.linesOf(file);6console.log(lines);7{8 "bin": {9 },10 "scripts": {11 },12 "repository": {
Using AI Code Generation
1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = mb.create({ port: 2525, name: 'test', proto: 'http' });'/test', { test: 'test' });4imposter.get('/test', { test: 'test' });5imposter.put('/test', { test: 'test' });6imposter.delete('/test', { test: 'test' });7imposter.options('/test', { test: 'test' });8imposter.head('/test', { test: 'test' });9imposter.patch('/test', { test: 'test' });10imposter.get('/test2', { test: 'test' });11imposter.get('/test3', { test: 'test' });12imposter.get('/test4', { test: 'test' });13imposter.get('/test5', { test: 'test' });14imposter.get('/test6', { test: 'test' });15imposter.get('/test7', { test: 'test' });16imposter.get('/test8', { test: 'test' });17imposter.get('/test9', { test: 'test' });18imposter.get('/test10', { test: 'test' });19imposter.get('/test11', { test: 'test' });20imposter.get('/test12', { test: 'test' });21imposter.get('/test13', { test: 'test' });22imposter.get('/test14', { test: 'test' });23imposter.get('/test15', { test: 'test' });24imposter.get('/test16', { test: 'test' });25imposter.get('/test17', { test: 'test' });26imposter.get('/test18', { test: 'test' });27imposter.get('/test19', { test: 'test' });28imposter.get('/test20', { test: 'test' });29imposter.get('/test21', { test: 'test' });30imposter.get('/test22', { test: 'test' });31imposter.get('/test23', { test: 'test' });32imposter.get('/test24', { test: 'test' });33imposter.get('/test25', { test: 'test' });34imposter.get('/test26', { test: 'test' });35imposter.get('/test27', { test: 'test' });36imposter.get('/test28', { test:
Using AI Code Generation
1var mb = require('mountebank');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var config = require('config');5var assert = require('assert');6var logger = require('winston');7var async = require('async');8var util = require('util');9var _ = require('lodash');10var request = require('request');11var config = require('config');12var lines = require('lines-of');13var fs = require('fs');14var path = require('path');15var config = require('config');16var assert = require('assert');17var logger = require('winston');18var async = require('async');19var util = require('util');20var _ = require('lodash');21var request = require('request');22var config = require('config');23var lines = require('lines-of');24var fs = require('fs');25var path = require('path');26var config = require('config');27var assert = require('assert');28var logger = require('winston');29var async = require('async');30var util = require('util');31var _ = require('lodash');32var request = require('request');33var config = require('config');34var lines = require('lines-of');35var fs = require('fs');36var path = require('path');37var config = require('config');38var assert = require('assert');39var logger = require('winston');40var async = require('async');41var util = require('util');42var _ = require('lodash');43var request = require('request');44var config = require('config');45var lines = require('lines-of');46var fs = require('fs');47var path = require('path');48var config = require('config');49var assert = require('assert');50var logger = require('winston');51var async = require('async');52var util = require('util');53var _ = require('lodash');54var request = require('request');55var config = require('config');56var lines = require('lines-of');57var fs = require('fs');58var path = require('path');59var config = require('config');60var assert = require('assert');61var logger = require('winston');62var async = require('async');63var util = require('util');64var _ = require('lodash');65var request = require('request');66var config = require('config');67var lines = require('lines-of');68var fs = require('fs');69var path = require('path');
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