How to use keyOnHeader method in mountebank

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Source:behaviors.js Github


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1'use strict';2/​**3 * The functionality behind the _behaviors field in the API, supporting post-processing responses4 * @module5 */​6/​/​ The following schemas are used by both the lookup and copy behaviors and should be kept consistent7const fromSchema = {8 _required: true,9 _allowedTypes: {10 string: {},11 object: { singleKeyOnly: true }12 },13 _additionalContext: 'the request field to select from'14 },15 intoSchema = {16 _required: true,17 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },18 _additionalContext: 'the token to replace in response fields'19 },20 usingSchema = {21 _required: true,22 _allowedTypes: { object: {} },23 method: {24 _required: true,25 _allowedTypes: { string: { enum: ['regex', 'xpath', 'jsonpath'] } }26 },27 selector: {28 _required: true,29 _allowedTypes: { string: {} }30 }31 },32 validations = {33 wait: {34 _required: true,35 _allowedTypes: { string: {}, number: { nonNegativeInteger: true } }36 },37 repeat: {38 _required: true,39 _allowedTypes: { number: { positiveInteger: true } }40 },41 copy: [{42 from: fromSchema,43 into: intoSchema,44 using: usingSchema45 }],46 lookup: [{47 key: {48 _required: true,49 _allowedTypes: { object: {} },50 from: fromSchema,51 using: usingSchema52 },53 fromDataSource: {54 _required: true,55 _allowedTypes: { object: { singleKeyOnly: true, enum: ['csv'] } },56 csv: {57 _required: false,58 _allowedTypes: { object: {} },59 path: {60 _required: true,61 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },62 _additionalContext: 'the path to the CSV file'63 },64 delimiter: {65 _required: false,66 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },67 _additionalContext: 'the delimiter separator values'68 },69 keyColumn: {70 _required: true,71 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },72 _additionalContext: 'the column header to select against the "key" field'73 }74 }75 },76 into: intoSchema77 }],78 shellTransform: [{79 _required: true,80 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },81 _additionalContext: 'the path to a command line application'82 }],83 decorate: {84 _required: true,85 _allowedTypes: { string: {} },86 _additionalContext: 'a JavaScript function'87 }88 };89/​**90 * Validates the behavior configuration and returns all errors91 * @param {Object} config - The behavior configuration92 * @returns {Object} The array of errors93 */​94function validate (config) {95 const validator = require('./​behaviorsValidator').create();96 return validator.validate(config, validations);97}98/​**99 * Waits a specified number of milliseconds before sending the response. Due to the approximate100 * nature of the timer, there is no guarantee that it will wait the given amount, but it will be close.101 * @param {Object} request - The request object102 * @param {Object} responsePromise -kThe promise returning the response103 * @param {number} millisecondsOrFn - The number of milliseconds to wait before returning, or a function returning milliseconds104 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful for debugging105 * @returns {Object} A promise resolving to the response106 */​107function wait (request, responsePromise, millisecondsOrFn, logger) {108 if (request.isDryRun) {109 return responsePromise;110 }111 const util = require('util'),112 fn = util.format('(%s)()', millisecondsOrFn),113 Q = require('q'),114 exceptions = require('../​util/​errors');115 let milliseconds = parseInt(millisecondsOrFn);116 if (isNaN(milliseconds)) {117 try {118 milliseconds = eval(fn);119 }120 catch (error) {121 logger.error('injection X=> ' + error);122 logger.error(' full source: ' + JSON.stringify(fn));123 return Q.reject(exceptions.InjectionError('invalid wait injection',124 { source: millisecondsOrFn, data: error.message }));125 }126 }127 logger.debug('Waiting %s ms...', milliseconds);128 return responsePromise.delay(milliseconds);129}130function quoteForShell (obj) {131 const json = JSON.stringify(obj),132 isWindows = require('os').platform().indexOf('win') === 0,133 util = require('util');134 if (isWindows) {135 /​/​ Confused? Me too. All other approaches I tried were spectacular failures136 /​/​ in both 1) keeping the JSON as a single CLI arg, and 2) maintaining the inner quotes137 return util.format('"%s"', json.replace(/​"/​g, '\\"'));138 }139 else {140 return util.format("'%s'", json);141 }142}143function execShell (command, request, response, logger) {144 const Q = require('q'),145 deferred = Q.defer(),146 util = require('util'),147 exec = require('child_process').exec,148 fullCommand = util.format('%s %s %s', command, quoteForShell(request), quoteForShell(response)),149 env = require('../​util/​helpers').clone(process.env),150 maxBuffer = require('buffer').constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH;151 logger.debug('Shelling out to %s', command);152 logger.debug(fullCommand);153 /​/​ Switched to environment variables because of inconsistencies in Windows shell quoting154 /​/​ Leaving the CLI args for backwards compatibility155 env.MB_REQUEST = JSON.stringify(request);156 env.MB_RESPONSE = JSON.stringify(response);157 exec(fullCommand, { env, maxBuffer }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {158 if (error) {159 console.log('ERROR');160 console.log(error);161 if (stderr) {162 logger.error(stderr);163 }164 deferred.reject(error.message);165 }166 else {167 logger.debug("Shell returned '%s'", stdout);168 try {169 deferred.resolve(Q(JSON.parse(stdout)));170 }171 catch (err) {172 deferred.reject(util.format("Shell command returned invalid JSON: '%s'", stdout));173 }174 }175 });176 return deferred.promise;177}178/​**179 * Runs the response through a shell function, passing the JSON in as stdin and using180 * stdout as the new response181 * @param {Object} request - Will be the first arg to the command182 * @param {Object} responsePromise - The promise chain for building the response, which will be the second arg183 * @param {string} commandArray - The list of shell commands to execute, in order184 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful in debugging185 * @returns {Object}186 */​187function shellTransform (request, responsePromise, commandArray, logger) {188 if (request.isDryRun) {189 return responsePromise;190 }191 /​/​ Run them all in sequence192 let result = responsePromise;193 commandArray.forEach(function (command) {194 result = result.then(response => execShell(command, request, response, logger));195 });196 return result;197}198/​**199 * Runs the response through a post-processing function provided by the user200 * @param {Object} originalRequest - The request object, in case post-processing depends on it201 * @param {Object} responsePromise - The promise returning the response202 * @param {Function} fn - The function that performs the post-processing203 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful in debugging204 * @returns {Object}205 */​206function decorate (originalRequest, responsePromise, fn, logger) {207 if (originalRequest.isDryRun === true) {208 return responsePromise;209 }210 return responsePromise.then(response => {211 const Q = require('q'),212 helpers = require('../​util/​helpers'),213 config = {214 request: helpers.clone(originalRequest),215 response,216 logger217 },218 injected = `(${fn})(config, response, logger);`,219 exceptions = require('../​util/​errors'),220 compatibility = require('./​compatibility');221 compatibility.downcastInjectionConfig(config);222 try {223 /​/​ Support functions that mutate response in place and those224 /​/​ that return a new response225 let result = eval(injected);226 if (!result) {227 result = response;228 }229 return Q(result);230 }231 catch (error) {232 logger.error('injection X=> ' + error);233 logger.error(' full source: ' + JSON.stringify(injected));234 logger.error(' config: ' + JSON.stringify(config));235 return Q.reject(exceptions.InjectionError('invalid decorator injection', { source: injected, data: error.message }));236 }237 });238}239function getKeyIgnoringCase (obj, expectedKey) {240 return Object.keys(obj).find(key => {241 if (key.toLowerCase() === expectedKey.toLowerCase()) {242 return key;243 }244 else {245 return undefined;246 }247 });248}249function getFrom (obj, from) {250 const isObject = require('../​util/​helpers').isObject;251 if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {252 return undefined;253 }254 else if (isObject(from)) {255 const keys = Object.keys(from);256 return getFrom(obj[keys[0]], from[keys[0]]);257 }258 else {259 const result = obj[getKeyIgnoringCase(obj, from)],260 util = require('util');261 /​/​ Some request fields, like query parameters, can be multi-valued262 if (util.isArray(result)) {263 return result[0];264 }265 else {266 return result;267 }268 }269}270function regexFlags (options) {271 let result = '';272 if (options && options.ignoreCase) {273 result += 'i';274 }275 if (options && options.multiline) {276 result += 'm';277 }278 return result;279}280function getMatches (selectionFn, selector, logger) {281 const matches = selectionFn();282 if (matches && matches.length > 0) {283 return matches;284 }285 else {286 logger.debug('No match for "%s"', selector);287 return [];288 }289}290function regexValue (from, config, logger) {291 const regex = new RegExp(config.using.selector, regexFlags(config.using.options)),292 selectionFn = () => regex.exec(from);293 return getMatches(selectionFn, regex, logger);294}295function xpathValue (from, config, logger) {296 const selectionFn = () => {297 const xpath = require('./​xpath');298 return, config.using.ns, from, logger);299 };300 return getMatches(selectionFn, config.using.selector, logger);301}302function jsonpathValue (from, config, logger) {303 const selectionFn = () => {304 const jsonpath = require('./​jsonpath');305 return, from, logger);306 };307 return getMatches(selectionFn, config.using.selector, logger);308}309function globalStringReplace (str, substring, newSubstring, logger) {310 if (substring !== newSubstring) {311 logger.debug('Replacing %s with %s', JSON.stringify(substring), JSON.stringify(newSubstring));312 return str.split(substring).join(newSubstring);313 }314 else {315 return str;316 }317}318function globalObjectReplace (obj, replacer) {319 const isObject = require('../​util/​helpers').isObject;320 Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {321 if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {322 obj[key] = replacer(obj[key]);323 }324 else if (isObject(obj[key])) {325 globalObjectReplace(obj[key], replacer);326 }327 });328}329function replaceArrayValuesIn (response, token, values, logger) {330 const replacer = field => {331 values.forEach(function (replacement, index) {332 /​/​ replace ${TOKEN}[1] with indexed element333 const util = require('util'),334 indexedToken = util.format('%s[%s]', token, index);335 field = globalStringReplace(field, indexedToken, replacement, logger);336 });337 if (values.length > 0) {338 /​/​ replace ${TOKEN} with first element339 field = globalStringReplace(field, token, values[0], logger);340 }341 return field;342 };343 globalObjectReplace(response, replacer);344}345/​**346 * Copies a value from the request and replaces response tokens with that value347 * @param {Object} originalRequest - The request object, in case post-processing depends on it348 * @param {Object} responsePromise - The promise returning the response349 * @param {Function} copyArray - The list of values to copy350 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful in debugging351 * @returns {Object}352 */​353function copy (originalRequest, responsePromise, copyArray, logger) {354 return responsePromise.then(response => {355 const Q = require('q');356 copyArray.forEach(function (copyConfig) {357 const from = getFrom(originalRequest, copyConfig.from),358 using = copyConfig.using || {},359 fnMap = { regex: regexValue, xpath: xpathValue, jsonpath: jsonpathValue },360 values = fnMap[using.method](from, copyConfig, logger);361 replaceArrayValuesIn(response, copyConfig.into, values, logger);362 });363 return Q(response);364 });365}366function containsKey (headers, keyColumn) {367 const helpers = require('../​util/​helpers'),368 key = Object.values(headers).find(value => value === keyColumn);369 return helpers.defined(key);370}371function createRowObject (headers, rowArray) {372 const row = {};373 rowArray.forEach(function (value, index) {374 row[headers[index]] = value;375 });376 return row;377}378function selectRowFromCSV (csvConfig, keyValue, logger) {379 const fs = require('fs'),380 Q = require('q'),381 helpers = require('../​util/​helpers'),382 delimiter = csvConfig.delimiter || ',',383 inputStream = fs.createReadStream(csvConfig.path),384 parser = require('csv-parse')({ delimiter: delimiter }),385 pipe = inputStream.pipe(parser),386 deferred = Q.defer();387 let headers;388 inputStream.on('error', e => {389 logger.error('Cannot read ' + csvConfig.path + ': ' + e);390 deferred.resolve({});391 });392 pipe.on('data', function (rowArray) {393 if (!helpers.defined(headers)) {394 headers = rowArray;395 const keyOnHeader = containsKey(headers, csvConfig.keyColumn);396 if (!keyOnHeader) {397 logger.error('CSV headers "' + headers + '" with delimiter "' + delimiter + '" does not contain keyColumn:"' + csvConfig.keyColumn + '"');398 deferred.resolve({});399 }400 }401 else {402 const row = createRowObject(headers, rowArray);403 if (helpers.defined(row[csvConfig.keyColumn]) && row[csvConfig.keyColumn].localeCompare(keyValue) === 0) {404 deferred.resolve(row);405 }406 }407 });408 pipe.on('error', e => {409 logger.debug('Error: ' + e);410 deferred.resolve({});411 });412 pipe.on('end', () => {413 deferred.resolve({});414 });415 return deferred.promise;416}417function lookupRow (lookupConfig, originalRequest, logger) {418 const Q = require('q'),419 from = getFrom(originalRequest, lookupConfig.key.from),420 fnMap = { regex: regexValue, xpath: xpathValue, jsonpath: jsonpathValue },421 keyValues = fnMap[lookupConfig.key.using.method](from, lookupConfig.key, logger),422 index = lookupConfig.key.index || 0;423 if (lookupConfig.fromDataSource.csv) {424 return selectRowFromCSV(lookupConfig.fromDataSource.csv, keyValues[index], logger);425 }426 else {427 return Q({});428 }429}430function replaceObjectValuesIn (response, token, values, logger) {431 const replacer = field => {432 Object.keys(values).forEach(key => {433 const util = require('util');434 /​/​ replace ${TOKEN}["key"] and ${TOKEN}['key'] and ${TOKEN}[key]435 ['"', "'", ''].forEach(function (quoteChar) {436 const quoted = util.format('%s[%s%s%s]', token, quoteChar, key, quoteChar);437 field = globalStringReplace(field, quoted, values[key], logger);438 });439 });440 return field;441 };442 globalObjectReplace(response, replacer);443}444/​**445 * Looks up request values from a data source and replaces response tokens with the resulting data446 * @param {Object} originalRequest - The request object447 * @param {Object} responsePromise - The promise returning the response448 * @param {Function} lookupArray - The list of lookup configurations449 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful in debugging450 * @returns {Object}451 */​452function lookup (originalRequest, responsePromise, lookupArray, logger) {453 return responsePromise.then(response => {454 const Q = require('q'),455 lookupPromises = (lookupConfig) {456 return lookupRow(lookupConfig, originalRequest, logger).then(function (row) {457 replaceObjectValuesIn(response, lookupConfig.into, row, logger);458 });459 });460 return Q.all(lookupPromises).then(() => Q(response));461 }).catch(error => {462 logger.error(error);463 });464}465/​**466 * The entry point to execute all behaviors provided in the API467 * @param {Object} request - The request object468 * @param {Object} response - The response generated from the stubs469 * @param {Object} behaviors - The behaviors specified in the API470 * @param {Object} logger - The mountebank logger, useful for debugging471 * @returns {Object}472 */​473function execute (request, response, behaviors, logger) {474 if (!behaviors) {475 return require('q')(response);476 }477 const Q = require('q'),478 combinators = require('../​util/​combinators'),479 waitFn = behaviors.wait ?480 result => wait(request, result, behaviors.wait, logger) :481 combinators.identity,482 copyFn = behaviors.copy ?483 result => copy(request, result, behaviors.copy, logger) :484 combinators.identity,485 lookupFn = behaviors.lookup ?486 result => lookup(request, result, behaviors.lookup, logger) :487 combinators.identity,488 shellTransformFn = behaviors.shellTransform ?489 result => shellTransform(request, result, behaviors.shellTransform, logger) :490 combinators.identity,491 decorateFn = behaviors.decorate ?492 result => decorate(request, result, behaviors.decorate, logger) :493 combinators.identity;494 logger.debug('using stub response behavior ' + JSON.stringify(behaviors));495 return combinators.compose(decorateFn, shellTransformFn, copyFn, lookupFn, waitFn, Q)(response);496}497module.exports = {498 validate,499 execute: execute...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = {3 {4 {5 is: {6 }7 }8 }9};10mb.create(imposter).then(() => {11 console.log('Imposter created');12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var options = {3};4mb.create(options, function (error, mb) {5 if (error) {6 console.log('error creating mb', error);7 }8 else {9 console.log('mb created');10 mb.start(function (error) {11 if (error) {12 console.log('error starting mb', error);13 }14 else {15 console.log('mb started');16'/​imposters', {17 stubs: [{18 responses: [{19 is: {20 }21 }]22 }]23 }, function (error, response) {24 if (error) {25 console.log('error posting stub', error);26 }27 else {28 console.log('stub posted');29 mb.get('/​imposters/​3000', function (error, response) {30 if (error) {31 console.log('error getting imposters', error);32 }33 else {34 console.log('imposters retrieved', response.body);35 }36 });37 }38 });39 }40 });41 }42});43{ "port": 3000, "protocol": "http", "stubs": [], "numberOfRequests": 0 }44Your name to display (optional):45Your name to display (optional):46mb.get('/​imposters/​3000/​stubs', function (error, response) {47 if (error) {48 console.log('error getting

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = mb.create({3 {4 {5 equals: {6 headers: {7 }8 }9 }10 {11 is: {12 }13 }14 }15});16imposter.then(() => {17 console.log('Imposter created');18});19const mb = require('mountebank');20const imposter = mb.create({21 {22 {23 equals: {24 query: {25 }26 }27 }28 {29 is: {30 }31 }32 }33});34imposter.then(() => {35 console.log('Imposter created');36});37const mb = require('mountebank');38const imposter = mb.create({39 {40 {41 equals: {42 body: {43 }44 }45 }46 {47 is: {48 }49 }50 }51});52imposter.then(() => {53 console.log('Imposter created');54});55const mb = require('mountebank');56const imposter = mb.create({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const imposter = {2 stubs: [{3 predicates: [{4 equals: {5 }6 }],7 responses: [{8 is: {9 }10 }]11 }]12};13const mb = require('mountebank');14mb.create(imposter).then(function (api) {15 api.get('/​imposters').then(function (response) {16 console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));17 });18});19const mb = require('mountebank');20 console.log(response.body);21});22const mb = require('mountebank');23mb.create(8080).then(function (api) {24 api.get('/​imposters').then(function (response) {25 console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));26 });27});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const imposter = { protocol: 'http', port: 3000 };2const stub = {3 {4 is: {5 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' },6 body: { message: 'Hello World' }7 }8 }9};10const mb = require('mountebank');11mb.create({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' }, () => {12'/​imposters', imposter, () => {13`/​imposters/​${imposter.port}/​stubs`, stub, () => {14 mb.stop(() => {15 });16 });17 });18});19const imposter = { protocol: 'http', port: 3000 };20const stub = {21 {22 is: {23 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' },24 body: { message: 'Hello World' }25 }26 }27};28const mb = require('mountebank');29mb.create({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' }, () => {30'/​imposters', imposter, () => {31`/​imposters/​${imposter.port}/​stubs`, stub, () => {32 mb.stop(() => {33 });34 });35 });36});37const imposter = { protocol: 'http', port: 3000 };38const stub = {39 {40 is: {41 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' },42 body: { message: 'Hello World' }43 }44 }45};46const mb = require('mountebank');47mb.create({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' }, () => {48'/​imposters', imposter, () => {49`/​imposters/​${imposter.port}/​stubs

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.keyOnHeader('X-User-Id');3mb.create({4'stubs': [{5'predicates': [{6'equals': {7'headers': {8}9}10}],11'responses': [{12'is': {13'headers': {14},15'body': '{"message": "Hello World"}'16}17}]18}]19});20mb.create({21'stubs': [{22'predicates': [{23'equals': {24'headers': {25}26}27}],28'responses': [{29'is': {30'headers': {31},32'body': '{"message": "Hello World"}'33}34}]35}]36});37var mb = require('mountebank');38mb.keyOnHeader('X-User-Id');39mb.create({40'stubs': [{41'predicates': [{42'equals': {

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