How to use isBinaryResponse method in mountebank

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Source:ApiHandler.ts Github


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1import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';2import { LogicError } from '@/modules/errors/LogicError';3import { ApiError } from '@/modules/errors/ApiError';4import { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router';5/**6 * Описывает объект, полученный в результате запроса с ошибкой7 */8export type ErrorResponse = {9 /**10 * Сообщение с результатом запроса11 */12 message: string13 /**14 * Массив с ошибками15 */16 errors: string[][]17 /**18 * Код ошибки19 */20 code: string21};22/**23 * Описывает параметры гет запроса24 */25export interface JsonParams {26 [param: string]: string | number | boolean | null | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | File[] | JsonParams27}28export type UploadCallback = (event: ProgressEvent) => void;29/**30 * Коды ошибок, которые могут прийти с апи31 */32export enum ApiClientErrorCodes {33 NoSigners = 'nsec'34}35export type ApiHandlerOptions = {36 fallbackRoute?: RouteLocationRaw37}38/**39 * Представляет собой обработчик апи40 * T - Тип объекта полученного с сервера41 * F - Тип преобразованного объекта42 * E - Тип объекта ошибки43 */44export abstract class ApiHandler<T = unknown, F = T, E = ErrorResponse> {45 /**46 * Ошибка, полученная в результате запроса47 */48 protected error!: AxiosError<ErrorResponse>;49 /**50 * Данные об ошибке, полученные с сервера51 */52 protected errorResponse!: ErrorResponse;53 /**54 * Конфиг для запроса на апи55 */56 protected config: AxiosRequestConfig = {};57 protected isBinaryResponse = false;58 protected options: ApiHandlerOptions = {};59 protected isRepeated = false;60 /**61 * Конфигурирует гет запрос62 *63 * @param params - параметры запроса64 * @param url - путь для запроса65 * @param uploadCallback - колбэк для обработки запроса в процессе отправки данных66 */67 public buildGetConfig(68 url: string,69 params: JsonParams,70 uploadCallback: UploadCallback | null = null71 ): ApiHandler<T, F, E> {72 this.config = Object.assign(this.config, {73 method: 'get',74 url,75 params76 });77 if (uploadCallback) {78 this.config.onUploadProgress = progressEvent => uploadCallback(progressEvent);79 }80 return this;81 }82 /**83 * Конфигурирует пост запрос с форм датой84 *85 * @param url - путь для запроса86 * @param data - данные для отправки87 * @param uploadCallback - колбэк для обработки запроса в процессе отправки данных88 */89 public buildPostConfig(90 url: string,91 data: FormData,92 uploadCallback: UploadCallback | null = null93 ): ApiHandler<T, F, E> {94 this.config = Object.assign(this.config, {95 method: 'post',96 url,97 data,98 headers: {99 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'100 }101 });102 if (uploadCallback) {103 this.config.onUploadProgress = progressEvent => uploadCallback(progressEvent);104 }105 return this;106 }107 constructor(options?: ApiHandlerOptions) {108 if (options) {109 this.options = options;110 }111 }112 /**113 * Конфигурирует пост запрос с json114 *115 * @param params - параметры запроса116 * @param url - путь для запроса117 * @param uploadCallback - колбэк для обработки запроса в процессе отправки данных118 */119 public buildPostJSONConfig(120 url: string,121 params: JsonParams,122 uploadCallback: UploadCallback | null = null123 ): ApiHandler<T, F, E> {124 this.config = Object.assign(this.config, {125 method: 'post',126 url,127 data: params,128 headers: {129 'Content-Type': 'application/json'130 }131 });132 if (uploadCallback) {133 this.config.onUploadProgress = progressEvent => uploadCallback(progressEvent);134 }135 return this;136 }137 /**138 * Конфигурирует гет запрос для получения бинарных данных139 *140 * @param url - путь для запроса141 * @param uploadCallback - колбэк для обработки запроса в процессе отправки данных142 */143 public buildGetBinaryDataConfig(144 url: string,145 uploadCallback: UploadCallback | null = null146 ): ApiHandler<T, F, E> {147 this.config = Object.assign(this.config, {148 method: 'get',149 url,150 responseType: 'arraybuffer'151 });152 if (uploadCallback) {153 this.config.onUploadProgress = progressEvent => uploadCallback(progressEvent);154 }155 this.isBinaryResponse = true;156 return this;157 }158 /**159 * Устанавливает время ожидания ответа для запроса160 */161 public setTimeout(milliseconds: number): ApiHandler<T, F, E> {162 this.config.timeout = milliseconds;163 return this;164 }165 private async handleResponse(response: AxiosResponse) {166 if (this.isValidSuccessResponse(response)) {167 const apiData = this.isBinaryResponse ? :;168 // Для теста169 // if (this.config.url === '/api/signatureSessions/navigation/items/waitingAction') {170 // }171 return Promise.resolve(this.handleSuccessResponse(apiData));172 } else if (response.status === 204) {173 return Promise.reject(response);174 } else {175 // console.error(response);176 // reject(response);177 throw new ApiError(178 'Ошибка при выполнении запроса',179 'Не ожидалось ответа с таким статусом',180 new Error()181 );182 // return Promise.reject(response);183 }184 }185 private async handleReject(error: AxiosError<ErrorResponse>) {186 this.error = error as AxiosError<ErrorResponse>;187 if (this.isValidErrorResponse(error)) {188 this.errorResponse = this.error.response!.data;189 if (this.error.response?.status.toString().startsWith('4')) {190 return Promise.reject(this.clientFatalError());191 } else {192 return Promise.reject(this.serverFatalError());193 }194 } else if (error.response) {195 if (error.response.status === 500) {196 return Promise.reject(this.serverFatalError());197 } else {198 throw new ApiError('Непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении запроса', 'Обратитесь к администратору', error);199 }200 } else if (error.request) {201 throw new ApiError('Не получен ответ от сервера', 'Обратитесь к администратору', error);202 } else {203 throw new ApiError('Непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении запроса', 'Обратитесь к администратору', error);204 }205 }206 /**207 * Отправляет и обрабатывает запрос на api208 *209 * @returns Промис с данными полученными с api210 */211 public async send(): Promise<F> {212 if (!this.config.method || !this.config.url) {213 throw new LogicError('Отсутствует конфиг запроса');214 }215 // return new Promise<F>((resolve, reject) => {216 // console.log('request');217 return axios.request(this.config)218 .then((response: AxiosResponse) => {219 return this.handleResponse(response);220 })221 .catch((error: AxiosError<ErrorResponse>) => {222 return this.handleReject(error);223 });224 }225 /**226 * Проверяет содержит ли успешный ответ с api ожидаемые данные227 *228 * @param response - ответ с api229 */230 private isValidSuccessResponse(response: AxiosResponse): boolean {231 return (232 response.status === 200 &&233 (this.isValidJSONResponse(response) || this.isBinaryResponse)234 );235 }236 private isValidJSONResponse(response: AxiosResponse): boolean {237 return (238'message') &&239'data')240 );241 }242 protected handleSuccessResponse(data: T): F {243 return data as unknown as F;244 }245 /**246 * Проверяет содержит ли объект ошибки с api ожидаемые данные247 *248 * @param error - ответ с api249 */250 private isValidErrorResponse(error: AxiosError): boolean {251 return (252 !!error.response &&253 !! &&254'message') &&255'errors') &&256'code')257 );258 }259 /**260 * Обработка клиентской ошибки запроса по умолчанию261 */262 protected clientFatalError(): E | ErrorResponse {263 const errorCode: string = this.error.response?.data.code ?? '';264 if (265 this.error.response?.status === 422 &&266 errorCode !== '' &&267 this.getHandledErrorCodes().includes(errorCode)268 ) {269 return this.clientInvalidArgumentError();270 } else {271 return this.defaultError();272 }273 }274 /**275 * Получает массив обрабатываемых ошибок для апи276 */277 protected getHandledErrorCodes(): string[] {278 return [];279 }280 /**281 * Обрабатывает случай, когда входные параметры со стороны Js невалидны.282 * Это может быть связано с ошибкой при входной валидации или ошибкой в логике283 */284 protected clientInvalidArgumentError(): E | ErrorResponse {285 return this.defaultError();286 }287 /**288 * Обработка серверной ошибки запроса по умолчанию289 */290 protected serverFatalError(): E | ErrorResponse {291 return this.defaultError();292 }293 /**294 * Вывод ошибки по умолчанию295 */296 private defaultError(): ErrorResponse {297 throw new ApiError(298 'Непредвиденная ошибка при выполнении запроса',299 'Обратитесь к администратору',300 this.error301 );302 }...

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Source:api-gateway.js Github


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1/* load-hot */2import assert from 'assert';3import set from 'lodash.set';4import get from 'lodash.get';5import { wrap as lambdaAsyncWrap } from 'lambda-async';6import { logger } from 'lambda-monitor-logger';7import { serializeError } from 'serialize-error';8const getErrorMessage = (error) => String(get(error, 'message', 'Exception')).split('\n')[0];9export const asApiGatewayResponse = (resp, stringifyJson = true) => {10 if (get(resp, 'isApiResponse') !== true) {11 throw resp;12 }13 const isApiError = get(resp, 'isApiError');14 assert([true, false].includes(isApiError));15 let body = isApiError ? {16 message: resp.message,17 messageId: resp.messageId,18 context: resp.context19 } : resp.payload;20 const isJsonResponse = get(resp, 'isJsonResponse') === true;21 if (isJsonResponse && stringifyJson) {22 body = JSON.stringify(body);23 }24 const isBinaryResponse = get(resp, 'isBinaryResponse') === true;25 if (isBinaryResponse) {26 body = body.toString('base64');27 }28 return {29 statusCode: resp.statusCode,30 body,31 ...(Object.keys(resp.headers).length === 0 ? {} : { headers: resp.headers }),32 ...(isBinaryResponse ? { isBase64Encoded: true } : {})33 };34};35export const wrap = ({36 handler,37 request,38 route,39 router,40 module,41 params = []42}) => async (event, context) => {43 if (!event.httpMethod) {44 return Promise.resolve('OK - No API Gateway call detected.');45 }46 set(context, 'custom.executionStart', new Date() / 1);47 if (!('path' in event)) {48 Object.assign(event, {49 path: request.route50 .replace(/^[^\s]+ \/?/, '/')51 .replace(/{([^}]+?)\+?}/g, (_, e) => get(event, ['pathParameters', e]))52 });53 }54 const kwargs = {55 request,56 event,57 context,58 route,59 router,60 params61 };62 let isError = false;63 const apply = [64 async () => {65 const resp = await module.before(kwargs);66 assert(resp === null, 'Plugin before() should not return');67 return handler(context.parsedParameters, context, event);68 },69 async (prevResp) => {70 if (!isError) {71 const resp = await module.afterSuccess(kwargs);72 assert(resp === null, 'Plugin afterSuccess() should not return');73 }74 return prevResp;75 },76 async (prevResp) => {77 const resp = await module.after(kwargs);78 assert(resp === null, 'Plugin after() should not return');79 return prevResp;80 }81 ];82 for (let idx = 0; idx < apply.length; idx += 1) {83 try {84 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop85 kwargs.response = await apply[idx](kwargs.response);86 } catch (err) {87 assert(idx === 0, 'Should not throw from afterSuccess() or after()');88 kwargs.response = err;89 isError = true;90 }91 assert(get(kwargs, 'response.isApiError', true) === isError);92 if (get(kwargs, 'response.isApiResponse', false) !== true) {93 break;94 }95 }96 return asApiGatewayResponse(kwargs.response);97};98export const wrapAsync = (handler) => {99 const h = (...kwargs) => handler(...kwargs).catch((error) => {100 logger.warn([101 `${getErrorMessage(error)}: ${handler.route}`,102 JSON.stringify({103 context: 'lambda-serverless-api',104 route: handler.route,105 error: serializeError(error)106 })107 ].join('\n'));108 return {109 statusCode: 500,110 body: '{"message":"Internal Server Error"}'111 };112 });113 return Object.assign(114 lambdaAsyncWrap(h),115 Object116 .entries(handler)117 .reduce((p, [k, v]) => Object.assign(p, { [k]: v }), {})118 );...

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Source:index.js Github


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1const path = require('path')2const got = require('got')3class OpenFaaS {4 constructor(gateway) {5 this.gateway = gateway6 }7 list() {8 const funcsPath = '/system/functions'9 const options = {10 json: true11 }12 return got(this.gateway + funcsPath, options)13 }14 invoke(func, data, { isJson = false, isBinaryResponse = false } = {}) {15 const funcPath = path.join('/function', func)16 const options = {17 method: 'POST',18 json: isJson,19 encoding: (isBinaryResponse ? null : 'utf8')20 }21 if (data) {22 options.body = data23 }24 return got(this.gateway + funcPath, options)25 }26 inspect(func) {27 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {28 return this.list()29 .then(res => {30 const funcs = res.body31 for (let i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {32 if (funcs[i].name === func) {33 return resolve({ body: funcs[i], statusCode: res.statusCode })34 }35 }36 resolve()37 }).catch(reject)38 })39 }40 deploy(func, image, { network = 'func_functions' } = {}) {41 const deployPath = path.join('/system/functions')42 const options = {43 method: 'POST',44 json: true,45 body: {46 service: func,47 image,48 network49 }50 }51 return got(this.gateway + deployPath, options)52 }53 remove(name) {54 const options = {55 method: 'DELETE',56 json: true,57 body: {58 functionName: name59 }60 }61 return got(this.gateway + '/system/functions', options)62 }63 compose(initial, funcs) {64 const functions = => {65 return data => {66 const options = {67 method: 'POST',68 body: data69 }70 const funcUrl = this.gateway + path.join('/function', func)71 return got(funcUrl, options)72 .then(res => Promise.resolve(res))73 .catch(err => Promise.reject(err))74 }75 })76 return functions.reduce(77 (current, f) => {78 return current.then(x => f(x.body))79 },80 new Promise(resolve => resolve(initial))81 )82 }83}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;3var fs = require('fs');4var imposter = {5 {6 {7 is: {8 headers: {9 },10 body: fs.readFileSync('logo.png')11 }12 }13 }14};15mb.create(imposter).then(function (result) {16 console.log(result);17 return mb.get('/imposters/' + result.port, {replayable: true});18}).then(function (imposter) {19 console.log(isBinaryResponse(imposter.stubs[0].responses[0]));20});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;2if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {3 console.log('Response is binary');4} else {5 console.log('Response is not binary');6}7const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;8if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {9 console.log('Response is binary');10} else {11 console.log('Response is not binary');12}13const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;14if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {15 console.log('Response is binary');16} else {17 console.log('Response is not binary');18}19const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;20if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {21 console.log('Response is binary');22} else {23 console.log('Response is not binary');24}25const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;26if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {27 console.log('Response is binary');28} else {29 console.log('Response is not binary');30}31const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;32if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {33 console.log('Response is binary');34} else {35 console.log('Response is not binary');36}37const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;38if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {39 console.log('Response is binary');40} else {41 console.log('Response is not binary');42}43const isBinaryResponse = require('mountebank').isBinaryResponse;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var imposter = {2 stubs: [{3 responses: [{4 is: {5 }6 }]7 }]8};9var mb = require('mountebank'),10 assert = require('assert'),11 Q = require('q');12mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' })13 .then(function () {14 return'/imposters', imposter);15 })16 .then(function (response) {17 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 201);18 return mb.get('/imposters/8000');19 })20 .then(function (response) {21 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);22 assert.equal(response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.body, 'foo');23 return mb.del('/imposters/8000');24 })25 .then(function (response) {26 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);27 return mb.del('/imposters');28 })29 .then(function (response) {30 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);31 return mb.stop();32 })33 .then(function () {34 console.log('All done!');35 })36 .done();37var imposter = {38 stubs: [{39 responses: [{40 is: {41 }42 }]43 }]44};45var mb = require('mountebank'),46 assert = require('assert'),47 Q = require('q');48mb.start({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' })49 .then(function () {50 return'/imposters', imposter);51 })52 .then(function (response) {53 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 201);54 return mb.get('/imposters/8000');55 })56 .then(function (response) {57 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);58 assert.equal(response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.body, 'foo');59 return mb.del('/imposters/8000');60 })61 .then(function (response) {62 assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);63 return mb.del('/impost

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;3var response = { body: 'hello world' };4response = { binary: 'hello world' };5var mb = require('mountebank');6var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;7var imposter = {8 {9 {10 is: {11 },12 _behaviors: {13 }14 },15 {16 is: {17 },18 _behaviors: {19 }20 }21 }22};23var imposterResponse = mb.create(imposter);24console.log(imposterResponse);25var stubs = imposterResponse.stubs;26for (var i = 0; i < stubs.length; i++) {27 var stub = stubs[i];28 var responses = stub.responses;29 for (var j = 0; j < responses.length; j++) {30 var response = responses[j];31 if (isBinaryResponse(response)) {32 response.binary = true;33 }34 }35}36var updateResponse = mb.update(imposterResponse.port, imposterResponse);37console.log(updateResponse);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;3var response = {4headers: {5},6};7console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));8var mb = require('mountebank');9var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;10var response = {11headers: {12},13body: {14}15};16console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));17var mb = require('mountebank');18var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;19var response = {20headers: {21},22};23console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));24var mb = require('mountebank');25var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;26var response = {27headers: {28},29body: {30}31};32console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));33var mb = require('mountebank');34var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;35var response = {36headers: {37},38body: {39}40};41console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));42var mb = require('mountebank');43var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;44var response = {45headers: {46},47body: {48}49};50console.log(isBinaryResponse(response));51var mb = require('mountebank');52var isBinaryResponse = mb.isBinaryResponse;53var response = {54headers: {55},

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank-client');2const options = { port: 2525, protocol: 'http' };3const client = mb.create(options);4client.isBinaryResponse('localhost', 3000, '/test', 'GET', 'test', 'text/plain').then(response => {5 console.log(response);6});

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