How to use connection method in mountebank

Best JavaScript code snippet using mountebank


Source:jquery.signalR-2.2.2.js Github


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...2276 url = (url || "") + "/​signalr";2277 }2278 return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);2279 }2280 hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();2281 hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, options) {2282 var settings = {2283 qs: null,2284 logging: false,2285 useDefaultPath: true2286 },2287 connection = this;2288 $.extend(settings, options);2289 /​/​ Call the base constructor2290 $, url, settings.qs, settings.logging);2291 /​/​ Object to store hub proxies for this connection2292 connection.proxies = {};2293 connection._.invocationCallbackId = 0;2294 connection._.invocationCallbacks = {};...

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Source:jquery.signalR-2.2.1.js Github


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...2273 url = (url || "") + "/​signalr";2274 }2275 return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);2276 }2277 hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();2278 hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, options) {2279 var settings = {2280 qs: null,2281 logging: false,2282 useDefaultPath: true2283 },2284 connection = this;2285 $.extend(settings, options);2286 /​/​ Call the base constructor2287 $, url, settings.qs, settings.logging);2288 /​/​ Object to store hub proxies for this connection2289 connection.proxies = {};2290 connection._.invocationCallbackId = 0;2291 connection._.invocationCallbacks = {};...

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Source:jquery.signalR-2.2.0.js Github


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...2253 url = (url || "") + "/​signalr";2254 }2255 return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);2256 }2257 hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();2258 hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, options) {2259 var settings = {2260 qs: null,2261 logging: false,2262 useDefaultPath: true2263 },2264 connection = this;2265 $.extend(settings, options);2266 /​/​ Call the base constructor2267 $, url, settings.qs, settings.logging);2268 /​/​ Object to store hub proxies for this connection2269 connection.proxies = {};2270 connection._.invocationCallbackId = 0;2271 connection._.invocationCallbacks = {};...

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Source:jquery.signalR-1.1.2.js Github


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...1646 url = (url || "") + "/​signalr";1647 }1648 return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);1649 }1650 hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();1651 hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, options) {1652 var settings = {1653 qs: null,1654 logging: false,1655 useDefaultPath: true1656 },1657 connection = this;1658 $.extend(settings, options);1659 /​/​ Call the base constructor1660 $, url, settings.qs, settings.logging);1661 /​/​ Object to store hub proxies for this connection1662 connection.proxies = {};1663 /​/​ Wire up the received handler1664 connection.received(function (minData) {...

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Source:RTCMultiConnection.js Github


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1/​/​ _____________________2/​/​ RTCMultiConnection.js3(function(connection) {4 forceOptions = forceOptions || {5 useDefaultDevices: true6 };7 = connection.sessionid = (roomid || location.href.replace(/​\/​|:|#|\?|\$|\^|%|\.|`|~|!|\+|@|\[|\||]|\|*. /​g, '').split('\n').join('').split('\r').join('')) + '';8 var mPeer = new MultiPeers(connection);9 var preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents = {};10 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia = function(stream, callback) {11 callback = callback || function() {};12 if (preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents[stream.streamid]) {13 callback();14 return;15 }16 preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents[stream.streamid] = true;17 try {18 stream.type = 'local';19 } catch (e) {}20 connection.setStreamEndHandler(stream);21 getRMCMediaElement(stream, function(mediaElement) {22 = stream.streamid;23 mediaElement.muted = true;24 mediaElement.volume = 0;25 if (connection.attachStreams.indexOf(stream) === -1) {26 connection.attachStreams.push(stream);27 }28 if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') {29 StreamsHandler.setHandlers(stream, true, connection);30 }31 var isAudioMuted = stream.getAudioTracks().filter(function(track) {32 return track.enabled;33 }).length === 0;34 connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] = {35 stream: stream,36 type: 'local',37 mediaElement: mediaElement,38 userid: connection.userid,39 extra: connection.extra,40 streamid: stream.streamid,41 isAudioMuted: isAudioMuted42 };43 try {44 setHarkEvents(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]);45 setMuteHandlers(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]);46 connection.onstream(connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]);47 } catch (e) {48 /​/​49 }50 callback();51 }, connection);52 };53 mPeer.onGettingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) {54 try {55 stream.type = 'remote';56 } catch (e) {}57 connection.setStreamEndHandler(stream, 'remote-stream');58 getRMCMediaElement(stream, function(mediaElement) {59 = stream.streamid;60 if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') {61 StreamsHandler.setHandlers(stream, false, connection);62 }63 connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] = {64 stream: stream,65 type: 'remote',66 userid: remoteUserId,67 extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {},68 mediaElement: mediaElement,69 streamid: stream.streamid70 };71 setMuteHandlers(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]);72 connection.onstream(connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]);73 }, connection);74 };75 mPeer.onRemovingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) {76 var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid];77 if (!streamEvent) {78 streamEvent = {79 stream: stream,80 type: 'remote',81 userid: remoteUserId,82 extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {},83 streamid: stream.streamid,84 mediaElement: connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] ? connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement : null85 };86 }87 if (connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid]) {88 streamEvent.extra = connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid].extra;89 }90 connection.onstreamended(streamEvent);91 delete connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid];92 };93 mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded = function(message, remoteUserId, callback) {94 callback = callback || function() {};95 remoteUserId = remoteUserId || message.remoteUserId;96 message = message || '';97 /​/​ usually a message looks like this98 var messageToDeliver = {99 remoteUserId: remoteUserId,100 message: message,101 sender: connection.userid102 };103 if (message.remoteUserId && message.message && message.sender) {104 /​/​ if a code is manually passing required data105 messageToDeliver = message;106 }107 connectSocket(function() {108 connection.socket.emit(connection.socketMessageEvent, messageToDeliver, callback);109 });110 };111 function onUserLeft(remoteUserId) {112 connection.deletePeer(remoteUserId);113 }114 mPeer.onUserLeft = onUserLeft;115 mPeer.disconnectWith = function(remoteUserId, callback) {116 if (connection.socket) {117 connection.socket.emit('disconnect-with', remoteUserId, callback || function() {});118 }119 connection.deletePeer(remoteUserId);120 };121 connection.socketOptions = {122 /​/​ 'force new connection': true, /​/​ For SocketIO version < 1.0123 /​/​ 'forceNew': true, /​/​ For SocketIO version >= 1.0124 'transport': 'polling' /​/​ fixing transport:unknown issues125 };126 function connectSocket(connectCallback) {127 connection.socketAutoReConnect = true;128 if (connection.socket) { /​/​ todo: check here readySate/​etc. to make sure socket is still opened129 if (connectCallback) {130 connectCallback(connection.socket);131 }132 return;133 }134 if (typeof SocketConnection === 'undefined') {135 if (typeof FirebaseConnection !== 'undefined') {136 window.SocketConnection = FirebaseConnection;137 } else if (typeof PubNubConnection !== 'undefined') {138 window.SocketConnection = PubNubConnection;139 } else {140 throw 'SocketConnection.js seems missed.';141 }142 }143 new SocketConnection(connection, function(s) {144 if (connectCallback) {145 connectCallback(connection.socket);146 }147 });148 }149 /​/​ 1st paramter is roomid150 /​/​ 2rd paramter is a callback function151 connection.openOrJoin = function(roomid, callback) {152 callback = callback || function() {};153 connection.checkPresence(roomid, function(isRoomExist, roomid) {154 if (isRoomExist) {155 connection.sessionid = roomid;156 var localPeerSdpConstraints = false;157 var remotePeerSdpConstraints = false;158 var isOneWay = !!connection.session.oneway;159 var isDataOnly = isData(connection.session);160 remotePeerSdpConstraints = {161 OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,162 OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo163 }164 localPeerSdpConstraints = {165 OfferToReceiveAudio: isOneWay ? !! : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,166 OfferToReceiveVideo: isOneWay ? !! || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo167 }168 var connectionDescription = {169 remoteUserId: connection.sessionid,170 message: {171 newParticipationRequest: true,172 isOneWay: isOneWay,173 isDataOnly: isDataOnly,174 localPeerSdpConstraints: localPeerSdpConstraints,175 remotePeerSdpConstraints: remotePeerSdpConstraints176 },177 sender: connection.userid178 };179 beforeJoin(connectionDescription.message, function() {180 joinRoom(connectionDescription, callback);181 });182 return;183 }184 connection.waitingForLocalMedia = true;185 connection.isInitiator = true;186 connection.sessionid = roomid || connection.sessionid;187 if (isData(connection.session)) {188 openRoom(callback);189 return;190 }191 connection.captureUserMedia(function() {192 openRoom(callback);193 });194 });195 };196 /​/​ don't allow someone to join this person until he has the media197 connection.waitingForLocalMedia = false;198 = function(roomid, callback) {199 callback = callback || function() {};200 connection.waitingForLocalMedia = true;201 connection.isInitiator = true;202 connection.sessionid = roomid || connection.sessionid;203 connectSocket(function() {204 if (isData(connection.session)) {205 openRoom(callback);206 return;207 }208 connection.captureUserMedia(function() {209 openRoom(callback);210 });211 });212 };213 /​/​ this object keeps extra-data records for all connected users214 /​/​ this object is never cleared so you can always access extra-data even if a user left215 connection.peersBackup = {};216 connection.deletePeer = function(remoteUserId) {217 if (!remoteUserId || !connection.peers[remoteUserId]) {218 return;219 }220 var eventObject = {221 userid: remoteUserId,222 extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}223 };224 if (connection.peersBackup[eventObject.userid]) {225 eventObject.extra = connection.peersBackup[eventObject.userid].extra;226 }227 connection.onleave(eventObject);228 if (!!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) {229 connection.peers[remoteUserId].streams.forEach(function(stream) {230 stream.stop();231 });232 var peer = connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer;233 if (peer && peer.iceConnectionState !== 'closed') {234 try {235 peer.close();236 } catch (e) {}237 }238 if (connection.peers[remoteUserId]) {239 connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer = null;240 delete connection.peers[remoteUserId];241 }242 }243 }244 connection.rejoin = function(connectionDescription) {245 if (connection.isInitiator || !connectionDescription || !Object.keys(connectionDescription).length) {246 return;247 }248 var extra = {};249 if (connection.peers[connectionDescription.remoteUserId]) {250 extra = connection.peers[connectionDescription.remoteUserId].extra;251 connection.deletePeer(connectionDescription.remoteUserId);252 }253 if (connectionDescription && connectionDescription.remoteUserId) {254 connection.join(connectionDescription.remoteUserId);255 connection.onReConnecting({256 userid: connectionDescription.remoteUserId,257 extra: extra258 });259 }260 };261 connection.join = function(remoteUserId, options) {262 connection.sessionid = (remoteUserId ? remoteUserId.sessionid || remoteUserId.remoteUserId || remoteUserId : false) || connection.sessionid;263 connection.sessionid += '';264 var localPeerSdpConstraints = false;265 var remotePeerSdpConstraints = false;266 var isOneWay = false;267 var isDataOnly = false;268 if ((remoteUserId && remoteUserId.session) || !remoteUserId || typeof remoteUserId === 'string') {269 var session = remoteUserId ? remoteUserId.session || connection.session : connection.session;270 isOneWay = !!session.oneway;271 isDataOnly = isData(session);272 remotePeerSdpConstraints = {273 OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,274 OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo275 };276 localPeerSdpConstraints = {277 OfferToReceiveAudio: isOneWay ? !! : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio,278 OfferToReceiveVideo: isOneWay ? !! || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo279 };280 }281 options = options || {};282 var cb = function() {};283 if (typeof options === 'function') {284 cb = options;285 options = {};286 }287 if (typeof options.localPeerSdpConstraints !== 'undefined') {288 localPeerSdpConstraints = options.localPeerSdpConstraints;289 }290 if (typeof options.remotePeerSdpConstraints !== 'undefined') {291 remotePeerSdpConstraints = options.remotePeerSdpConstraints;292 }293 if (typeof options.isOneWay !== 'undefined') {294 isOneWay = options.isOneWay;295 }296 if (typeof options.isDataOnly !== 'undefined') {297 isDataOnly = options.isDataOnly;298 }299 var connectionDescription = {300 remoteUserId: connection.sessionid,301 message: {302 newParticipationRequest: true,303 isOneWay: isOneWay,304 isDataOnly: isDataOnly,305 localPeerSdpConstraints: localPeerSdpConstraints,306 remotePeerSdpConstraints: remotePeerSdpConstraints307 },308 sender: connection.userid309 };310 beforeJoin(connectionDescription.message, function() {311 connectSocket(function() {312 joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb);313 });314 });315 return connectionDescription;316 };317 function joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb) {318 connection.socket.emit('join-room', {319 sessionid: connection.sessionid,320 session: connection.session,321 mediaConstraints: connection.mediaConstraints,322 sdpConstraints: connection.sdpConstraints,323 streams: getStreamInfoForAdmin(),324 extra: connection.extra,325 password: typeof connection.password !== 'undefined' && typeof connection.password !== 'object' ? connection.password : ''326 }, function(isRoomJoined, error) {327 if (isRoomJoined === true) {328 if (connection.enableLogs) {329 console.log('isRoomJoined: ', isRoomJoined, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid);330 }331 if (!!connection.peers[connection.sessionid]) {332 /​/​ on socket disconnect & reconnect333 return;334 }335 mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded(connectionDescription);336 }337 if (isRoomJoined === false) {338 if (connection.enableLogs) {339 console.warn('isRoomJoined: ', error, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid);340 }341 /​/​ [disabled] retry after 3 seconds342 false && setTimeout(function() {343 joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb);344 }, 3000);345 }346 cb(isRoomJoined, connection.sessionid, error);347 });348 }349 connection.publicRoomIdentifier = '';350 function openRoom(callback) {351 if (connection.enableLogs) {352 console.log('Sending open-room signal to');353 }354 connection.waitingForLocalMedia = false;355 connection.socket.emit('open-room', {356 sessionid: connection.sessionid,357 session: connection.session,358 mediaConstraints: connection.mediaConstraints,359 sdpConstraints: connection.sdpConstraints,360 streams: getStreamInfoForAdmin(),361 extra: connection.extra,362 identifier: connection.publicRoomIdentifier,363 password: typeof connection.password !== 'undefined' && typeof connection.password !== 'object' ? connection.password : ''364 }, function(isRoomOpened, error) {365 if (isRoomOpened === true) {366 if (connection.enableLogs) {367 console.log('isRoomOpened: ', isRoomOpened, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid);368 }369 callback(isRoomOpened, connection.sessionid);370 }371 if (isRoomOpened === false) {372 if (connection.enableLogs) {373 console.warn('isRoomOpened: ', error, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid);374 }375 callback(isRoomOpened, connection.sessionid, error);376 }377 });378 }379 function getStreamInfoForAdmin() {380 try {381 return connection.streamEvents.selectAll('local').map(function(event) {382 return {383 streamid: event.streamid,384 tracks: };386 });387 } catch (e) {388 return [];389 }390 }391 function beforeJoin(userPreferences, callback) {392 if (connection.dontCaptureUserMedia || userPreferences.isDataOnly) {393 callback();394 return;395 }396 var localMediaConstraints = {};397 if (userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio) {398 =;399 }400 if (userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveVideo) {401 =;402 }403 var session = userPreferences.session || connection.session;404 if (session.oneway && !== 'two-way' && !== 'two-way' && session.screen !== 'two-way') {405 callback();406 return;407 }408 if (session.oneway && && === 'two-way') {409 session = {410 audio: true411 };412 }413 if ( || || session.screen) {414 if (session.screen) {415 if ( === 'Edge') {416 navigator.getDisplayMedia({417 video: true,418 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection)419 }).then(function(screen) {420 screen.isScreen = true;421 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen);422 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {423 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback);424 } else {425 callback(screen);426 }427 }, function(error) {428 console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');429 });430 } else {431 connection.invokeGetUserMedia({432 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection),433 video: true,434 isScreen: true435 }, ( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection) ? connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback) : callback);436 }437 } else if ( || {438 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback, session);439 }440 }441 }442 connection.getUserMedia = connection.captureUserMedia = function(callback, sessionForced) {443 callback = callback || function() {};444 var session = sessionForced || connection.session;445 if (connection.dontCaptureUserMedia || isData(session)) {446 callback();447 return;448 }449 if ( || || session.screen) {450 if (session.screen) {451 if ( === 'Edge') {452 navigator.getDisplayMedia({453 video: true,454 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection)455 }).then(function(screen) {456 screen.isScreen = true;457 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen);458 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {459 var nonScreenSession = {};460 for (var s in session) {461 if (s !== 'screen') {462 nonScreenSession[s] = session[s];463 }464 }465 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, nonScreenSession);466 return;467 }468 callback(screen);469 }, function(error) {470 console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');471 });472 } else {473 connection.invokeGetUserMedia({474 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection),475 video: true,476 isScreen: true477 }, function(stream) {478 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {479 var nonScreenSession = {};480 for (var s in session) {481 if (s !== 'screen') {482 nonScreenSession[s] = session[s];483 }484 }485 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, nonScreenSession);486 return;487 }488 callback(stream);489 });490 }491 } else if ( || {492 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, session);493 }494 }495 };496 connection.onbeforeunload = function(arg1, dontCloseSocket) {497 if (!connection.closeBeforeUnload) {498 return;499 }500 connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) {501 mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded({502 userLeft: true503 }, participant);504 if (connection.peers[participant] && connection.peers[participant].peer) {505 connection.peers[participant].peer.close();506 }507 delete connection.peers[participant];508 });509 if (!dontCloseSocket) {510 connection.closeSocket();511 }512 connection.isInitiator = false;513 };514 if (!window.ignoreBeforeUnload) {515 /​/​ user can implement its own version of window.onbeforeunload516 connection.closeBeforeUnload = true;517 window.addEventListener('beforeunload', connection.onbeforeunload, false);518 } else {519 connection.closeBeforeUnload = false;520 }521 connection.userid = getRandomString();522 connection.changeUserId = function(newUserId, callback) {523 callback = callback || function() {};524 connection.userid = newUserId || getRandomString();525 connection.socket.emit('changed-uuid', connection.userid, callback);526 };527 connection.extra = {};528 connection.attachStreams = [];529 connection.session = {530 audio: true,531 video: true532 };533 connection.enableFileSharing = false;534 /​/​ all values in kbps535 connection.bandwidth = {536 screen: false,537 audio: false,538 video: false539 };540 connection.codecs = {541 audio: 'opus',542 video: 'VP9'543 };544 connection.processSdp = function(sdp) {545 /​/​ ignore SDP modification if unified-pan is supported546 if (isUnifiedPlanSupportedDefault()) {547 return sdp;548 }549 if ( === 'Safari') {550 return sdp;551 }552 if ( === 'VP8') {553 sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'vp8');554 }555 if ( === 'VP9') {556 sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'vp9');557 }558 if ( === 'H264') {559 sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'h264');560 }561 if ( === 'G722') {562 sdp = CodecsHandler.removeNonG722(sdp);563 }564 if ( === 'Firefox') {565 return sdp;566 }567 if ( || connection.bandwidth.screen) {568 sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, connection.bandwidth, !!connection.session.screen);569 }570 if ( {571 sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, {572 min: * 8 * 1024,573 max: * 8 * 1024574 });575 }576 if ( {577 sdp = CodecsHandler.setOpusAttributes(sdp, {578 maxaveragebitrate: * 8 * 1024,579 maxplaybackrate: * 8 * 1024,580 stereo: 1,581 maxptime: 3582 });583 }584 return sdp;585 };586 if (typeof CodecsHandler !== 'undefined') {587 connection.BandwidthHandler = connection.CodecsHandler = CodecsHandler;588 }589 connection.mediaConstraints = {590 audio: {591 mandatory: {},592 optional: ? [{593 bandwidth: * 8 * 1024 || 128 * 8 * 1024594 }] : []595 },596 video: {597 mandatory: {},598 optional: ? [{599 bandwidth: * 8 * 1024 || 128 * 8 * 1024600 }, {601 facingMode: 'user'602 }] : [{603 facingMode: 'user'604 }]605 }606 };607 if ( === 'Firefox') {608 connection.mediaConstraints = {609 audio: true,610 video: true611 };612 }613 if (!forceOptions.useDefaultDevices && !DetectRTC.isMobileDevice) {614 DetectRTC.load(function() {615 var lastAudioDevice, lastVideoDevice;616 /​/​ it will force RTCMultiConnection to capture last-devices617 /​/​ i.e. if external microphone is attached to system, we should prefer it over built-in devices.618 DetectRTC.MediaDevices.forEach(function(device) {619 if (device.kind === 'audioinput' && !== false) {620 lastAudioDevice = device;621 }622 if (device.kind === 'videoinput' && !== false) {623 lastVideoDevice = device;624 }625 });626 if (lastAudioDevice) {627 if ( === 'Firefox') {628 if ( !== true) {629 =;630 } else {631 = {632 deviceId: lastAudioDevice.id633 }634 }635 return;636 }637 if ( == true) {638 = {639 mandatory: {},640 optional: []641 }642 }643 if (! {644 = [];645 }646 var optional = [{647 sourceId: lastAudioDevice.id648 }];649 = optional.concat(;650 }651 if (lastVideoDevice) {652 if ( === 'Firefox') {653 if ( !== true) {654 =;655 } else {656 = {657 deviceId: lastVideoDevice.id658 }659 }660 return;661 }662 if ( == true) {663 = {664 mandatory: {},665 optional: []666 }667 }668 if (! {669 = [];670 }671 var optional = [{672 sourceId: lastVideoDevice.id673 }];674 = optional.concat(;675 }676 });677 }678 connection.sdpConstraints = {679 mandatory: {680 OfferToReceiveAudio: true,681 OfferToReceiveVideo: true682 },683 optional: [{684 VoiceActivityDetection: false685 }]686 };687 connection.sdpSemantics = null; /​/​ "unified-plan" or "plan-b", ref:​web-apis/​chrome/​unified-plan/​688 connection.iceCandidatePoolSize = null; /​/​ 0689 connection.bundlePolicy = null; /​/​ max-bundle690 connection.rtcpMuxPolicy = null; /​/​ "require" or "negotiate"691 connection.iceTransportPolicy = null; /​/​ "relay" or "all"692 connection.optionalArgument = {693 optional: [{694 DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true695 }, {696 googImprovedWifiBwe: true697 }, {698 googScreencastMinBitrate: 300699 }, {700 googIPv6: true701 }, {702 googDscp: true703 }, {704 googCpuUnderuseThreshold: 55705 }, {706 googCpuOveruseThreshold: 85707 }, {708 googSuspendBelowMinBitrate: true709 }, {710 googCpuOveruseDetection: true711 }],712 mandatory: {}713 };714 connection.iceServers = IceServersHandler.getIceServers(connection);715 connection.candidates = {716 host: true,717 stun: true,718 turn: true719 };720 connection.iceProtocols = {721 tcp: true,722 udp: true723 };724 /​/​ EVENTs725 connection.onopen = function(event) {726 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {727'Data connection has been opened between you & ', event.userid);728 }729 };730 connection.onclose = function(event) {731 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {732 console.warn('Data connection has been closed between you & ', event.userid);733 }734 };735 connection.onerror = function(error) {736 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {737 console.error(error.userid, 'data-error', error);738 }739 };740 connection.onmessage = function(event) {741 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {742 console.debug('data-message', event.userid,;743 }744 };745 connection.send = function(data, remoteUserId) {746 connection.peers.send(data, remoteUserId);747 };748 connection.close = connection.disconnect = connection.leave = function() {749 connection.onbeforeunload(false, true);750 };751 connection.closeEntireSession = function(callback) {752 callback = callback || function() {};753 connection.socket.emit('close-entire-session', function looper() {754 if (connection.getAllParticipants().length) {755 setTimeout(looper, 100);756 return;757 }758 connection.onEntireSessionClosed({759 sessionid: connection.sessionid,760 userid: connection.userid,761 extra: connection.extra762 });763 connection.changeUserId(null, function() {764 connection.close();765 callback();766 });767 });768 };769 connection.onEntireSessionClosed = function(event) {770 if (!connection.enableLogs) return;771'Entire session is closed: ', event.sessionid, event.extra);772 };773 connection.onstream = function(e) {774 var parentNode = connection.videosContainer;775 parentNode.insertBefore(e.mediaElement, parentNode.firstChild);776 var played =;777 if (typeof played !== 'undefined') {778 played.catch(function() {779 /​*** iOS 11 doesn't allow automatic play and rejects ***/​780 }).then(function() {781 setTimeout(function() {782;783 }, 2000);784 });785 return;786 }787 setTimeout(function() {788;789 }, 2000);790 };791 connection.onstreamended = function(e) {792 if (!e.mediaElement) {793 e.mediaElement = document.getElementById(e.streamid);794 }795 if (!e.mediaElement || !e.mediaElement.parentNode) {796 return;797 }798 e.mediaElement.parentNode.removeChild(e.mediaElement);799 };800 connection.direction = 'many-to-many';801 connection.removeStream = function(streamid, remoteUserId) {802 var stream;803 connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(localStream) {804 if ( === streamid) {805 stream = localStream;806 }807 });808 if (!stream) {809 console.warn('No such stream exist.', streamid);810 return;811 }812 connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) {813 if (remoteUserId && participant !== remoteUserId) {814 return;815 }816 var user = connection.peers[participant];817 try {818 user.peer.removeStream(stream);819 } catch (e) {}820 });821 connection.renegotiate();822 };823 connection.addStream = function(session, remoteUserId) {824 if (!!session.getTracks) {825 if (connection.attachStreams.indexOf(session) === -1) {826 if (!session.streamid) {827 session.streamid =;828 }829 connection.attachStreams.push(session);830 }831 connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId);832 return;833 }834 if (isData(session)) {835 connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId);836 return;837 }838 if ( || || session.screen) {839 if (session.screen) {840 if ( === 'Edge') {841 navigator.getDisplayMedia({842 video: true,843 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection)844 }).then(function(screen) {845 screen.isScreen = true;846 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen);847 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {848 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(stream) {849 gumCallback(stream);850 });851 } else {852 gumCallback(screen);853 }854 }, function(error) {855 console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');856 });857 } else {858 connection.invokeGetUserMedia({859 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection),860 video: true,861 isScreen: true862 }, function(stream) {863 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {864 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(stream) {865 gumCallback(stream);866 });867 } else {868 gumCallback(stream);869 }870 });871 }872 } else if ( || {873 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback);874 }875 }876 function gumCallback(stream) {877 if (session.streamCallback) {878 session.streamCallback(stream);879 }880 connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId);881 }882 };883 connection.invokeGetUserMedia = function(localMediaConstraints, callback, session) {884 if (!session) {885 session = connection.session;886 }887 if (!localMediaConstraints) {888 localMediaConstraints = connection.mediaConstraints;889 }890 getUserMediaHandler({891 onGettingLocalMedia: function(stream) {892 var videoConstraints =;893 if (videoConstraints) {894 if (videoConstraints.mediaSource || videoConstraints.mozMediaSource) {895 stream.isScreen = true;896 } else if (videoConstraints.mandatory && videoConstraints.mandatory.chromeMediaSource) {897 stream.isScreen = true;898 }899 }900 if (!stream.isScreen) {901 stream.isVideo = !!getTracks(stream, 'video').length;902 stream.isAudio = !stream.isVideo && getTracks(stream, 'audio').length;903 }904 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(stream, function() {905 if (typeof callback === 'function') {906 callback(stream);907 }908 });909 },910 onLocalMediaError: function(error, constraints) {911 mPeer.onLocalMediaError(error, constraints);912 },913 localMediaConstraints: localMediaConstraints || {914 audio: ? : false,915 video: ? : false916 }917 });918 };919 function applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints) {920 if (!stream) {921 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {922 console.error('No stream to applyConstraints.');923 }924 return;925 }926 if ( {927 getTracks(stream, 'audio').forEach(function(track) {928 track.applyConstraints(;929 });930 }931 if ( {932 getTracks(stream, 'video').forEach(function(track) {933 track.applyConstraints(;934 });935 }936 }937 connection.applyConstraints = function(mediaConstraints, streamid) {938 if (!MediaStreamTrack || !MediaStreamTrack.prototype.applyConstraints) {939 alert('track.applyConstraints is NOT supported in your browser.');940 return;941 }942 if (streamid) {943 var stream;944 if (connection.streamEvents[streamid]) {945 stream = connection.streamEvents[streamid].stream;946 }947 applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints);948 return;949 }950 connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(stream) {951 applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints);952 });953 };954 function replaceTrack(track, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack) {955 if (remoteUserId) {956 mPeer.replaceTrack(track, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack);957 return;958 }959 connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) {960 mPeer.replaceTrack(track, participant, isVideoTrack);961 });962 }963 connection.replaceTrack = function(session, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack) {964 session = session || {};965 if (!RTCPeerConnection.prototype.getSenders) {966 connection.addStream(session);967 return;968 }969 if (session instanceof MediaStreamTrack) {970 replaceTrack(session, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack);971 return;972 }973 if (session instanceof MediaStream) {974 if (getTracks(session, 'video').length) {975 replaceTrack(getTracks(session, 'video')[0], remoteUserId, true);976 }977 if (getTracks(session, 'audio').length) {978 replaceTrack(getTracks(session, 'audio')[0], remoteUserId, false);979 }980 return;981 }982 if (isData(session)) {983 throw 'connection.replaceTrack requires audio and/​or video and/​or screen.';984 return;985 }986 if ( || || session.screen) {987 if (session.screen) {988 if ( === 'Edge') {989 navigator.getDisplayMedia({990 video: true,991 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection)992 }).then(function(screen) {993 screen.isScreen = true;994 mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen);995 if (( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) {996 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback);997 } else {998 gumCallback(screen);999 }1000 }, function(error) {1001 console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.');1002 });1003 } else {1004 connection.invokeGetUserMedia({1005 audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection),1006 video: true,1007 isScreen: true1008 }, ( || && !isAudioPlusTab(connection) ? connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback) : gumCallback);1009 }1010 } else if ( || {1011 connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback);1012 }1013 }1014 function gumCallback(stream) {1015 connection.replaceTrack(stream, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack || || session.screen);1016 }1017 };1018 connection.resetTrack = function(remoteUsersIds, isVideoTrack) {1019 if (!remoteUsersIds) {1020 remoteUsersIds = connection.getAllParticipants();1021 }1022 if (typeof remoteUsersIds == 'string') {1023 remoteUsersIds = [remoteUsersIds];1024 }1025 remoteUsersIds.forEach(function(participant) {1026 var peer = connection.peers[participant].peer;1027 if ((typeof isVideoTrack === 'undefined' || isVideoTrack === true) && peer.lastVideoTrack) {1028 connection.replaceTrack(peer.lastVideoTrack, participant, true);1029 }1030 if ((typeof isVideoTrack === 'undefined' || isVideoTrack === false) && peer.lastAudioTrack) {1031 connection.replaceTrack(peer.lastAudioTrack, participant, false);1032 }1033 });1034 };1035 connection.renegotiate = function(remoteUserId) {1036 if (remoteUserId) {1037 mPeer.renegotiatePeer(remoteUserId);1038 return;1039 }1040 connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) {1041 mPeer.renegotiatePeer(participant);1042 });1043 };1044 connection.setStreamEndHandler = function(stream, isRemote) {1045 if (!stream || !stream.addEventListener) return;1046 isRemote = !!isRemote;1047 if (stream.alreadySetEndHandler) {1048 return;1049 }1050 stream.alreadySetEndHandler = true;1051 var streamEndedEvent = 'ended';1052 if ('oninactive' in stream) {1053 streamEndedEvent = 'inactive';1054 }1055 stream.addEventListener(streamEndedEvent, function() {1056 if (stream.idInstance) {1057 currentUserMediaRequest.remove(stream.idInstance);1058 }1059 if (!isRemote) {1060 /​/​ reset attachStreams1061 var streams = [];1062 connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(s) {1063 if ( != {1064 streams.push(s);1065 }1066 });1067 connection.attachStreams = streams;1068 }1069 /​/​ connection.renegotiate();1070 var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid];1071 if (!streamEvent) {1072 streamEvent = {1073 stream: stream,1074 streamid: stream.streamid,1075 type: isRemote ? 'remote' : 'local',1076 userid: connection.userid,1077 extra: connection.extra,1078 mediaElement: connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] ? connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement : null1079 };1080 }1081 if (isRemote && connection.peers[streamEvent.userid]) {1082 /​/​ reset remote "streams"1083 var peer = connection.peers[streamEvent.userid].peer;1084 var streams = [];1085 peer.getRemoteStreams().forEach(function(s) {1086 if ( != {1087 streams.push(s);1088 }1089 });1090 connection.peers[streamEvent.userid].streams = streams;1091 }1092 if (streamEvent.userid === connection.userid && streamEvent.type === 'remote') {1093 return;1094 }1095 if (connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid]) {1096 streamEvent.extra = connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid].extra;1097 }1098 connection.onstreamended(streamEvent);1099 delete connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid];1100 }, false);1101 };1102 connection.onMediaError = function(error, constraints) {1103 if (!!connection.enableLogs) {1104 console.error(error, constraints);1105 }1106 };1107 connection.autoCloseEntireSession = false;1108 connection.filesContainer = connection.videosContainer = document.body || document.documentElement;1109 connection.isInitiator = false;1110 connection.shareFile = mPeer.shareFile;1111 if (typeof FileProgressBarHandler !== 'undefined') {1112 FileProgressBarHandler.handle(connection);1113 }1114 if (typeof TranslationHandler !== 'undefined') {1115 TranslationHandler.handle(connection);1116 }1117 connection.token = getRandomString;1118 connection.onNewParticipant = function(participantId, userPreferences) {1119 connection.acceptParticipationRequest(participantId, userPreferences);1120 };1121 connection.acceptParticipationRequest = function(participantId, userPreferences) {1122 if (userPreferences.successCallback) {1123 userPreferences.successCallback();1124 delete userPreferences.successCallback;1125 }1126 mPeer.createNewPeer(participantId, userPreferences);1127 };1128 if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') {1129 connection.StreamsHandler = StreamsHandler;1130 }1131 connection.onleave = function(userid) {};1132 connection.invokeSelectFileDialog = function(callback) {1133 var selector = new FileSelector();1134 selector.accept = '*.*';1135 selector.selectSingleFile(callback);1136 };1137 connection.onmute = function(e) {1138 if (!e || !e.mediaElement) {1139 return;1140 }1141 if (e.muteType === 'both' || e.muteType === 'video') {1142 e.mediaElement.src = null;1143 var paused = e.mediaElement.pause();1144 if (typeof paused !== 'undefined') {1145 paused.then(function() {1146 e.mediaElement.poster = e.snapshot || 'https:/​/​​images/​muted.png';1147 });1148 } else {1149 e.mediaElement.poster = e.snapshot || 'https:/​/​​images/​muted.png';1150 }1151 } else if (e.muteType === 'audio') {1152 e.mediaElement.muted = true;1153 }1154 };1155 connection.onunmute = function(e) {1156 if (!e || !e.mediaElement || ! {1157 return;1158 }1159 if (e.unmuteType === 'both' || e.unmuteType === 'video') {1160 e.mediaElement.poster = null;1161 e.mediaElement.srcObject =;1162;1163 } else if (e.unmuteType === 'audio') {1164 e.mediaElement.muted = false;1165 }1166 };1167 connection.onExtraDataUpdated = function(event) {1168 event.status = 'online';1169 connection.onUserStatusChanged(event, true);1170 };1171 connection.getAllParticipants = function(sender) {1172 return connection.peers.getAllParticipants(sender);1173 };1174 if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') {1175 StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded = function(streamid, action, type) {1176 connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) {1177 mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded({1178 streamid: streamid,1179 action: action,1180 streamSyncNeeded: true,1181 type: type || 'both'1182 }, participant);1183 });1184 };1185 }1186 connection.connectSocket = function(callback) {1187 connectSocket(callback);1188 };1189 connection.closeSocket = function() {1190 try {1191 io.sockets = {};1192 } catch (e) {};1193 if (!connection.socket) return;1194 if (typeof connection.socket.disconnect === 'function') {1195 connection.socket.disconnect();1196 }1197 if (typeof connection.socket.resetProps === 'function') {1198 connection.socket.resetProps();1199 }1200 connection.socket = null;1201 };1202 connection.getSocket = function(callback) {1203 if (!callback && connection.enableLogs) {1204 console.warn('getSocket.callback paramter is required.');1205 }1206 callback = callback || function() {};1207 if (!connection.socket) {1208 connectSocket(function() {1209 callback(connection.socket);1210 });1211 } else {1212 callback(connection.socket);1213 }1214 return connection.socket; /​/​ callback is preferred over return-statement1215 };1216 connection.getRemoteStreams = mPeer.getRemoteStreams;1217 var skipStreams = ['selectFirst', 'selectAll', 'forEach'];1218 connection.streamEvents = {1219 selectFirst: function(options) {1220 return connection.streamEvents.selectAll(options)[0];1221 },1222 selectAll: function(options) {1223 if (!options) {1224 /​/​ default will always be all streams1225 options = {1226 local: true,1227 remote: true,1228 isScreen: true,1229 isAudio: true,1230 isVideo: true1231 };1232 }1233 if (options == 'local') {1234 options = {1235 local: true1236 };1237 }1238 if (options == 'remote') {1239 options = {1240 remote: true1241 };1242 }1243 if (options == 'screen') {1244 options = {1245 isScreen: true1246 };1247 }1248 if (options == 'audio') {1249 options = {1250 isAudio: true1251 };1252 }1253 if (options == 'video') {1254 options = {1255 isVideo: true1256 };1257 }1258 var streams = [];1259 Object.keys(connection.streamEvents).forEach(function(key) {1260 var event = connection.streamEvents[key];1261 if (skipStreams.indexOf(key) !== -1) return;1262 var ignore = true;1263 if (options.local && event.type === 'local') {1264 ignore = false;1265 }1266 if (options.remote && event.type === 'remote') {1267 ignore = false;1268 }1269 if (options.isScreen && {1270 ignore = false;1271 }1272 if (options.isVideo && {1273 ignore = false;1274 }1275 if (options.isAudio && {1276 ignore = false;1277 }1278 if (options.userid && event.userid === options.userid) {1279 ignore = false;1280 }1281 if (ignore === false) {1282 streams.push(event);1283 }1284 });1285 return streams;1286 }1287 };1288 connection.socketURL = '@@socketURL'; /​/​ generated via config.json1289 connection.socketMessageEvent = '@@socketMessageEvent'; /​/​ generated via config.json1290 connection.socketCustomEvent = '@@socketCustomEvent'; /​/​ generated via config.json1291 connection.DetectRTC = DetectRTC;1292 connection.setCustomSocketEvent = function(customEvent) {1293 if (customEvent) {1294 connection.socketCustomEvent = customEvent;1295 }1296 if (!connection.socket) {1297 return;1298 }1299 connection.socket.emit('set-custom-socket-event-listener', connection.socketCustomEvent);1300 };1301 connection.getNumberOfBroadcastViewers = function(broadcastId, callback) {1302 if (!connection.socket || !broadcastId || !callback) return;1303 connection.socket.emit('get-number-of-users-in-specific-broadcast', broadcastId, callback);1304 };1305 connection.onNumberOfBroadcastViewersUpdated = function(event) {1306 if (!connection.enableLogs || !connection.isInitiator) return;1307'Number of broadcast (', event.broadcastId, ') viewers', event.numberOfBroadcastViewers);1308 };1309 connection.onUserStatusChanged = function(event, dontWriteLogs) {1310 if (!!connection.enableLogs && !dontWriteLogs) {1311, event.status);1312 }1313 };1314 connection.getUserMediaHandler = getUserMediaHandler;1315 connection.multiPeersHandler = mPeer;1316 connection.enableLogs = true;1317 connection.setCustomSocketHandler = function(customSocketHandler) {1318 if (typeof SocketConnection !== 'undefined') {1319 SocketConnection = customSocketHandler;1320 }1321 };1322 /​/​ default value should be 15k because [old]Firefox's receiving limit is 16k!1323 /​/​ however 64k works chrome-to-chrome1324 connection.chunkSize = 40 * 1000;1325 connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 1000;1326 /​/​ eject or leave single user1327 connection.disconnectWith = mPeer.disconnectWith;1328 /​/​ check if room exist on server1329 /​/​ we will pass roomid to the server and wait for callback (i.e. server's response)1330 connection.checkPresence = function(roomid, callback) {1331 roomid = roomid || connection.sessionid;1332 if ( === 'SSEConnection') {1333 SSEConnection.checkPresence(roomid, function(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra) {1334 if (!connection.socket) {1335 if (!isRoomExist) {1336 connection.userid = _roomid;1337 }1338 connection.connectSocket(function() {1339 callback(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra);1340 });1341 return;1342 }1343 callback(isRoomExist, _roomid);1344 });1345 return;1346 }1347 if (!connection.socket) {1348 connection.connectSocket(function() {1349 connection.checkPresence(roomid, callback);1350 });1351 return;1352 }1353 connection.socket.emit('check-presence', roomid + '', function(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra) {1354 if (connection.enableLogs) {1355 console.log('checkPresence.isRoomExist: ', isRoomExist, ' roomid: ', _roomid);1356 }1357 callback(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra);1358 });1359 };1360 connection.onReadyForOffer = function(remoteUserId, userPreferences) {1361 connection.multiPeersHandler.createNewPeer(remoteUserId, userPreferences);1362 };1363 connection.setUserPreferences = function(userPreferences) {1364 if (connection.dontAttachStream) {1365 userPreferences.dontAttachLocalStream = true;1366 }1367 if (connection.dontGetRemoteStream) {1368 userPreferences.dontGetRemoteStream = true;1369 }1370 return userPreferences;1371 };1372 connection.updateExtraData = function() {1373 connection.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', connection.extra);1374 };1375 connection.enableScalableBroadcast = false;1376 connection.maxRelayLimitPerUser = 3; /​/​ each broadcast should serve only 3 users1377 connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = false;1378 connection.dontAttachStream = false;1379 connection.dontGetRemoteStream = false;1380 connection.onReConnecting = function(event) {1381 if (connection.enableLogs) {1382'ReConnecting with', event.userid, '...');1383 }1384 };1385 connection.beforeAddingStream = function(stream) {1386 return stream;1387 };1388 connection.beforeRemovingStream = function(stream) {1389 return stream;1390 };1391 if (typeof isChromeExtensionAvailable !== 'undefined') {1392 connection.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = isChromeExtensionAvailable;1393 }1394 if (typeof isFirefoxExtensionAvailable !== 'undefined') {1395 connection.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = isFirefoxExtensionAvailable;1396 }1397 if (typeof getChromeExtensionStatus !== 'undefined') {1398 connection.getChromeExtensionStatus = getChromeExtensionStatus;1399 }1400 connection.modifyScreenConstraints = function(screen_constraints) {1401 return screen_constraints;1402 };1403 connection.onPeerStateChanged = function(state) {1404 if (connection.enableLogs) {1405 if (​closed|failed/​gi) !== -1) {1406 console.error('Peer connection is closed between you & ', state.userid, state.extra, 'state:', state.iceConnectionState);1407 }1408 }1409 };1410 connection.isOnline = true;1411 listenEventHandler('online', function() {1412 connection.isOnline = true;1413 });1414 listenEventHandler('offline', function() {1415 connection.isOnline = false;1416 });1417 connection.isLowBandwidth = false;1418 if (navigator && navigator.connection && navigator.connection.type) {1419 connection.isLowBandwidth = navigator.connection.type.toString().toLowerCase().search(/​wifi|cell/​g) !== -1;1420 if (connection.isLowBandwidth) {1421 connection.bandwidth = {1422 audio: false,1423 video: false,1424 screen: false1425 };1426 if ( && && {1427 var newArray = [];1428 {1429 if (typeof opt.bandwidth === 'undefined') {1430 newArray.push(opt);1431 }1432 });1433 = newArray;1434 }1435 if ( && && {1436 var newArray = [];1437 {1438 if (typeof opt.bandwidth === 'undefined') {1439 newArray.push(opt);1440 }1441 });1442 = newArray;1443 }1444 }1445 }1446 connection.getExtraData = function(remoteUserId, callback) {1447 if (!remoteUserId) throw 'remoteUserId is required.';1448 if (typeof callback === 'function') {1449 connection.socket.emit('get-remote-user-extra-data', remoteUserId, function(extra, remoteUserId, error) {1450 callback(extra, remoteUserId, error);1451 });1452 return;1453 }1454 if (!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) {1455 if (connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId]) {1456 return connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId].extra;1457 }1458 return {};1459 }1460 return connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra;1461 };1462 if (!!forceOptions.autoOpenOrJoin) {1463 connection.openOrJoin(connection.sessionid);1464 }1465 connection.onUserIdAlreadyTaken = function(useridAlreadyTaken, yourNewUserId) {1466 /​/​ via #6831467 connection.close();1468 connection.closeSocket();1469 connection.isInitiator = false;1470 connection.userid = connection.token();1471 connection.join(connection.sessionid);1472 if (connection.enableLogs) {1473 console.warn('Userid already taken.', useridAlreadyTaken, 'Your new userid:', connection.userid);1474 }1475 };1476 connection.trickleIce = true;1477 connection.version = '@@version';1478 connection.onSettingLocalDescription = function(event) {1479 if (connection.enableLogs) {1480'Set local description for remote user', event.userid);1481 }1482 };1483 connection.resetScreen = function() {1484 sourceId = null;1485 if (DetectRTC && DetectRTC.screen) {1486 delete DetectRTC.screen.sourceId;1487 }1488 currentUserMediaRequest = {1489 streams: [],1490 mutex: false,1491 queueRequests: []1492 };1493 };1494 /​/​ if disabled, "event.mediaElement" for "onstream" will be NULL1495 connection.autoCreateMediaElement = true;1496 /​/​ set password1497 connection.password = null;1498 /​/​ set password1499 connection.setPassword = function(password, callback) {1500 callback = callback || function() {};1501 if (connection.socket) {1502 connection.socket.emit('set-password', password, callback);1503 } else {1504 connection.password = password;1505 callback(true, connection.sessionid, null);1506 }1507 };1508 connection.onSocketDisconnect = function(event) {1509 if (connection.enableLogs) {1510 console.warn(' connection is closed');1511 }1512 };1513 connection.onSocketError = function(event) {1514 if (connection.enableLogs) {1515 console.warn(' connection is failed');1516 }1517 };1518 /​/​ error messages1519 connection.errors = {1520 ROOM_NOT_AVAILABLE: 'Room not available',1521 INVALID_PASSWORD: 'Invalid password',1522 USERID_NOT_AVAILABLE: 'User ID does not exist',1523 ROOM_PERMISSION_DENIED: 'Room permission denied',1524 ROOM_FULL: 'Room full',1525 DID_NOT_JOIN_ANY_ROOM: 'Did not join any room yet',1526 INVALID_SOCKET: 'Invalid socket',1527 PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_MISSING: 'publicRoomIdentifier is required',1528 INVALID_ADMIN_CREDENTIAL: 'Invalid username or password attempted'1529 };...

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Source:jquery.signalR-0.5.3.js Github


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...1193 url = "/​signalr";1194 }1195 return new hubConnection.fn.init(url);1196 }1197 hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();1198 hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, qs, logging) {1199 var connection = this;1200 /​/​ Call the base constructor1201 $, url, qs, logging);1202 /​/​ Object to store hub proxies for this connection1203 connection.proxies = {};1204 /​/​ Wire up the sending handler1205 connection.sending(function () {1206 /​/​ Set the connection's data object with all the hub proxies with active subscriptions.1207 /​/​ These proxies will receive notifications from the server.1208 var subscribedHubs = [];1209 $.each(this.proxies, function (key) {1210 if (this.subscribed) {1211 subscribedHubs.push({ name: key });...

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Source:jquery.signalR-0.5.2.js Github


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1/​*!2* SignalR JavaScript Library v0.5.23* http:/​/​​4*5* Copyright David Fowler and Damian Edwards 20126* Licensed under the MIT.7* https:/​/​​SignalR/​SignalR/​blob/​master/​LICENSE.md8*/​9/​/​/​ <reference path="jquery-1.6.2.js" /​>10(function ($, window) {11 /​/​/​ <param name="$" type="jQuery" /​>12 "use strict";13 if (typeof ($) !== "function") {14 /​/​ no jQuery!15 throw "SignalR: jQuery not found. Please ensure jQuery is referenced before the SignalR.js file.";16 }17 if (!window.JSON) {18 /​/​ no JSON!19 throw "SignalR: No JSON parser found. Please ensure json2.js is referenced before the SignalR.js file if you need to support clients without native JSON parsing support, e.g. IE<8.";20 }21 var signalR,22 _connection,23 events = {24 onStart: "onStart",25 onStarting: "onStarting",26 onSending: "onSending",27 onReceived: "onReceived",28 onError: "onError",29 onReconnect: "onReconnect",30 onStateChanged: "onStateChanged",31 onDisconnect: "onDisconnect"32 },33 log = function (msg, logging) {34 if (logging === false) {35 return;36 }37 var m;38 if (typeof (window.console) === "undefined") {39 return;40 }41 m = "[" + new Date().toTimeString() + "] SignalR: " + msg;42 if (window.console.debug) {43 window.console.debug(m);44 } else if (window.console.log) {45 window.console.log(m);46 }47 },48 isCrossDomain = function (url) {49 var link;50 url = $.trim(url);51 if (url.indexOf("http") !== 0) {52 return false;53 }54 /​/​ Create an anchor tag.55 link = window.document.createElement("a");56 link.href = url;57 return link.protocol + !== window.location.protocol +;58 },59 changeState = function (connection, expectedState, newState) {60 if (expectedState === connection.state) {61 /​/​ REVIEW: Should event fire before or after the state change actually occurs?62 $(connection).trigger(events.onStateChanged, [{ oldState: connection.state, newState: newState }]);63 connection.state = newState;64 return true;65 }66 return false;67 },68 isDisconnecting = function (connection) {69 return connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected;70 };71 signalR = function (url, qs, logging) {72 /​/​/​ <summary>Creates a new SignalR connection for the given url</​summary>73 /​/​/​ <param name="url" type="String">The URL of the long polling endpoint</​param>74 /​/​/​ <param name="qs" type="Object">75 /​/​/​ [Optional] Custom querystring parameters to add to the connection URL.76 /​/​/​ If an object, every non-function member will be added to the querystring.77 /​/​/​ If a string, it's added to the QS as specified.78 /​/​/​ </​param>79 /​/​/​ <param name="logging" type="Boolean">80 /​/​/​ [Optional] A flag indicating whether connection logging is enabled to the browser81 /​/​/​ console/​log. Defaults to false.82 /​/​/​ </​param>83 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>84 return new signalR.fn.init(url, qs, logging);85 };86 signalR.connectionState = {87 connecting: 0,88 connected: 1,89 reconnecting: 2,90 disconnected: 491 };92 signalR.fn = signalR.prototype = {93 init: function (url, qs, logging) {94 this.url = url;95 this.qs = qs;96 if (typeof (logging) === "boolean") {97 this.logging = logging;98 }99 },100 ajaxDataType: "json",101 logging: false,102 state: signalR.connectionState.disconnected,103 reconnectDelay: 2000,104 start: function (options, callback) {105 /​/​/​ <summary>Starts the connection</​summary>106 /​/​/​ <param name="options" type="Object">Options map</​param>107 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection has started</​param>108 var connection = this,109 config = {110 transport: "auto",111 jsonp: false112 },113 initialize,114 deferred = $.Deferred(),115 parser = window.document.createElement("a");116 if (changeState(connection,117 signalR.connectionState.disconnected,118 signalR.connectionState.connecting) === false) {119 /​/​ Already started, just return120 deferred.resolve(connection);121 return deferred.promise();122 }123 if ($.type(options) === "function") {124 /​/​ Support calling with single callback parameter125 callback = options;126 } else if ($.type(options) === "object") {127 $.extend(config, options);128 if ($.type(config.callback) === "function") {129 callback = config.callback;130 }131 }132 /​/​ Resolve the full url133 parser.href = connection.url;134 if (!parser.protocol || parser.protocol === ":") {135 connection.protocol = window.document.location.protocol;136 =;137 connection.baseUrl = connection.protocol + "/​/​" +;138 }139 else {140 connection.protocol = parser.protocol;141 =;142 connection.baseUrl = parser.protocol + "/​/​" +;143 }144 /​/​ Set the websocket protocol145 connection.wsProtocol = connection.protocol === "https:" ? "wss:/​/​" : "ws:/​/​";146 if (isCrossDomain(connection.url)) {147 connection.log("Auto detected cross domain url.");148 if (config.transport === "auto") {149 /​/​ If you didn't say you wanted to use jsonp, determine if it's your only choice150 /​/​ i.e. if your browser doesn't supports CORS151 if (!config.jsonp) {152 config.jsonp = !$.support.cors;153 if (config.jsonp) {154 connection.log("Using jsonp because this browser doesn't support CORS");155 }156 }157 /​/​ If we're using jsonp thn just change to longpolling158 if (config.jsonp === true) {159 config.transport = "longPolling";160 }161 else {162 /​/​ Otherwise try webSockets and longPolling since SSE doesn't support CORS163 /​/​ TODO: Support XDM with foreverFrame164 config.transport = ["webSockets", "longPolling"];165 }166 }167 }168 connection.ajaxDataType = config.jsonp ? "jsonp" : "json";169 $(connection).bind(events.onStart, function (e, data) {170 if ($.type(callback) === "function") {171;172 }173 deferred.resolve(connection);174 });175 initialize = function (transports, index) {176 index = index || 0;177 if (index >= transports.length) {178 if (!connection.transport) {179 /​/​ No transport initialized successfully180 deferred.reject("SignalR: No transport could be initialized successfully. Try specifying a different transport or none at all for auto initialization.");181 }182 return;183 }184 var transportName = transports[index],185 transport = $.type(transportName) === "object" ? transportName : signalR.transports[transportName];186 transport.start(connection, function () { /​/​ success187 connection.transport = transport;188 changeState(connection,189 signalR.connectionState.connecting,190 signalR.connectionState.connected);191 $(connection).trigger(events.onStart);192 $(window).unload(function () { /​/​ failure193 connection.stop(false /​* async */​);194 });195 }, function () {196 initialize(transports, index + 1);197 });198 };199 window.setTimeout(function () {200 var url = connection.url + "/​negotiate";201 connection.log("Negotiating with '" + url + "'.");202 $.ajax({203 url: url,204 global: false,205 cache: false,206 type: "GET",207 data: {},208 dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,209 error: function (error) {210 $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [error.responseText]);211 deferred.reject("SignalR: Error during negotiation request: " + error.responseText);212 /​/​ Stop the connection if negotiate failed213 connection.stop();214 },215 success: function (res) {216 connection.appRelativeUrl = res.Url;217 = res.ConnectionId;218 connection.webSocketServerUrl = res.WebSocketServerUrl;219 if (!res.ProtocolVersion || res.ProtocolVersion !== "1.0") {220 $(connection).trigger(events.onError, "SignalR: Incompatible protocol version.");221 deferred.reject("SignalR: Incompatible protocol version.");222 return;223 }224 $(connection).trigger(events.onStarting);225 var transports = [],226 supportedTransports = [];227 $.each(signalR.transports, function (key) {228 if (key === "webSockets" && !res.TryWebSockets) {229 /​/​ Server said don't even try WebSockets, but keep processing the loop230 return true;231 }232 supportedTransports.push(key);233 });234 if ($.isArray(config.transport)) {235 /​/​ ordered list provided236 $.each(config.transport, function () {237 var transport = this;238 if ($.type(transport) === "object" || ($.type(transport) === "string" && $.inArray("" + transport, supportedTransports) >= 0)) {239 transports.push($.type(transport) === "string" ? "" + transport : transport);240 }241 });242 } else if ($.type(config.transport) === "object" ||243 $.inArray(config.transport, supportedTransports) >= 0) {244 /​/​ specific transport provided, as object or a named transport, e.g. "longPolling"245 transports.push(config.transport);246 } else { /​/​ default "auto"247 transports = supportedTransports;248 }249 initialize(transports);250 }251 });252 }, 0);253 return deferred.promise();254 },255 starting: function (callback) {256 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked before the connection is started</​summary>257 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is starting</​param>258 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>259 var connection = this,260 $connection = $(connection);261 $connection.bind(events.onStarting, function (e, data) {262;263 /​/​ Unbind immediately, we don't want to call this callback again264 $connection.unbind(events.onStarting);265 });266 return connection;267 },268 send: function (data) {269 /​/​/​ <summary>Sends data over the connection</​summary>270 /​/​/​ <param name="data" type="String">The data to send over the connection</​param>271 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>272 var connection = this;273 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected) {274 /​/​ Connection hasn't been started yet275 throw "SignalR: Connection must be started before data can be sent. Call .start() before .send()";276 }277 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.connecting) {278 /​/​ Connection hasn't been started yet279 throw "SignalR: Connection has not been fully initialized. Use .start().done() or .start().fail() to run logic after the connection has started.";280 }281 connection.transport.send(connection, data);282 /​/​ REVIEW: Should we return deferred here?283 return connection;284 },285 sending: function (callback) {286 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked before anything is sent over the connection</​summary>287 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute before each time data is sent on the connection</​param>288 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>289 var connection = this;290 $(connection).bind(events.onSending, function (e, data) {291;292 });293 return connection;294 },295 received: function (callback) {296 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after anything is received over the connection</​summary>297 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when any data is received on the connection</​param>298 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>299 var connection = this;300 $(connection).bind(events.onReceived, function (e, data) {301, data);302 });303 return connection;304 },305 stateChanged: function (callback) {306 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the connection state changes</​summary>307 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection state changes</​param>308 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>309 var connection = this;310 $(connection).bind(events.onStateChanged, function (e, data) {311, data);312 });313 return connection;314 },315 error: function (callback) {316 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after an error occurs with the connection</​summary>317 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when an error occurs on the connection</​param>318 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>319 var connection = this;320 $(connection).bind(events.onError, function (e, data) {321, data);322 });323 return connection;324 },325 disconnected: function (callback) {326 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client disconnects</​summary>327 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is broken</​param>328 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>329 var connection = this;330 $(connection).bind(events.onDisconnect, function (e, data) {331;332 });333 return connection;334 },335 reconnected: function (callback) {336 /​/​/​ <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport reconnects</​summary>337 /​/​/​ <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is restored</​param>338 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>339 var connection = this;340 $(connection).bind(events.onReconnect, function (e, data) {341;342 });343 return connection;344 },345 stop: function (async) {346 /​/​/​ <summary>Stops listening</​summary>347 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>348 var connection = this;349 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected) {350 return;351 }352 try {353 if (connection.transport) {354 connection.transport.abort(connection, async);355 connection.transport.stop(connection);356 connection.transport = null;357 }358 /​/​ Trigger the disconnect event359 $(connection).trigger(events.onDisconnect);360 delete connection.messageId;361 delete connection.groups;362 }363 finally {364 changeState(connection, connection.state, signalR.connectionState.disconnected);365 }366 return connection;367 },368 log: function (msg) {369 log(msg, this.logging);370 }371 };372 signalR.fn.init.prototype = signalR.fn;373 /​/​ Transports374 var transportLogic = {375 addQs: function (url, connection) {376 if (!connection.qs) {377 return url;378 }379 if (typeof (connection.qs) === "object") {380 return url + "&" + $.param(connection.qs);381 }382 if (typeof (connection.qs) === "string") {383 return url + "&" + connection.qs;384 }385 return url + "&" + window.escape(connection.qs.toString());386 },387 getUrl: function (connection, transport, reconnecting, appendReconnectUrl) {388 /​/​/​ <summary>Gets the url for making a GET based connect request</​summary>389 var baseUrl = transport === "webSockets" ? "" : connection.baseUrl,390 url = baseUrl + connection.appRelativeUrl,391 qs = "transport=" + transport + "&connectionId=" + window.escape(;392 if ( {393 qs += "&connectionData=" + window.escape(;394 }395 if (!reconnecting) {396 url = url + "/​connect";397 } else {398 if (appendReconnectUrl) {399 url = url + "/​reconnect";400 }401 if (connection.messageId) {402 qs += "&messageId=" + connection.messageId;403 }404 if (connection.groups) {405 qs += "&groups=" + window.escape(JSON.stringify(connection.groups));406 }407 }408 url += "?" + qs;409 url = this.addQs(url, connection);410 url += "&tid=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 11);411 return url;412 },413 ajaxSend: function (connection, data) {414 var url = connection.url + "/​send" + "?transport=" + + "&connectionId=" + window.escape(;415 url = this.addQs(url, connection);416 $.ajax({417 url: url,418 global: false,419 type: "POST",420 dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,421 data: {422 data: data423 },424 success: function (result) {425 if (result) {426 $(connection).trigger(events.onReceived, [result]);427 }428 },429 error: function (errData, textStatus) {430 if (textStatus === "abort" ||431 (textStatus === "parsererror" && connection.ajaxDataType === "jsonp")) {432 /​/​ The parsererror happens for sends that don't return any data, and hence433 /​/​ don't write the jsonp callback to the response. This is harder to fix on the server434 /​/​ so just hack around it on the client for now.435 return;436 }437 $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [errData]);438 }439 });440 },441 ajaxAbort: function (connection, async) {442 if (typeof (connection.transport) === "undefined") {443 return;444 }445 /​/​ Async by default unless explicitly overidden446 async = typeof async === "undefined" ? true : async;447 var url = connection.url + "/​abort" + "?transport=" + + "&connectionId=" + window.escape(;448 url = this.addQs(url, connection);449 $.ajax({450 url: url,451 async: async,452 timeout: 1000,453 global: false,454 type: "POST",455 dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,456 data: {}457 });458 connection.log("Fired ajax abort async = " + async);459 },460 processMessages: function (connection, data) {461 var $connection = $(connection);462 if (!data) {463 return;464 }465 if (data.Disconnect) {466 connection.log("Disconnect command received from server");467 /​/​ Disconnected by the server468 connection.stop();469 return;470 }471 if (data.Messages) {472 $.each(data.Messages, function () {473 try {474 $connection.trigger(events.onReceived, [this]);475 }476 catch (e) {477 connection.log("Error raising received " + e);478 $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [e]);479 }480 });481 }482 if (data.MessageId) {483 connection.messageId = data.MessageId;484 }485 if (data.TransportData) {486 connection.groups = data.TransportData.Groups;487 }488 },489 foreverFrame: {490 count: 0,491 connections: {}492 }493 };494 signalR.transports = {495 webSockets: {496 name: "webSockets",497 send: function (connection, data) {498 connection.socket.send(data);499 },500 start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {501 var url,502 opened = false,503 that = this,504 reconnecting = !onSuccess,505 protocol,506 $connection = $(connection);507 if (window.MozWebSocket) {508 window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket;509 }510 if (!window.WebSocket) {511 onFailed();512 return;513 }514 if (!connection.socket) {515 if (connection.webSocketServerUrl) {516 url = connection.webSocketServerUrl;517 }518 else {519 url = connection.wsProtocol +;520 }521 /​/​ Build the url522 $(connection).trigger(events.onSending);523 url += transportLogic.getUrl(connection,, reconnecting);524 connection.log("Connecting to websocket endpoint '" + url + "'");525 connection.socket = new window.WebSocket(url);526 connection.socket.onopen = function () {527 opened = true;528 connection.log("Websocket opened");529 if (onSuccess) {530 onSuccess();531 }532 else {533 if (changeState(connection,534 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting,535 signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {536 $connection.trigger(events.onReconnect);537 }538 }539 };540 connection.socket.onclose = function (event) {541 if (!opened) {542 if (onFailed) {543 onFailed();544 }545 else if(reconnecting) {546 that.reconnect(connection);547 }548 return;549 }550 else if (typeof event.wasClean !== "undefined" && event.wasClean === false) {551 /​/​ Ideally this would use the websocket.onerror handler (rather than checking wasClean in onclose) but552 /​/​ I found in some circumstances Chrome won't call onerror. This implementation seems to work on all browsers.553 $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [event.reason]);554 connection.log("Unclean disconnect from websocket." + event.reason);555 }556 else {557 connection.log("Websocket closed");558 }559 that.reconnect(connection);560 };561 connection.socket.onmessage = function (event) {562 var data = window.JSON.parse(,563 $connection;564 if (data) {565 $connection = $(connection);566 if (data.Messages) {567 transportLogic.processMessages(connection, data);568 } else {569 $connection.trigger(events.onReceived, [data]);570 }571 }572 };573 }574 },575 reconnect: function (connection) {576 this.stop(connection);577 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting ||578 changeState(connection,579 signalR.connectionState.connected,580 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) === true) {581 connection.log("Websocket reconnecting");582 this.start(connection);583 }584 },585 stop: function (connection) {586 if (connection.socket !== null) {587 connection.log("Closing the Websocket");588 connection.socket.close();589 connection.socket = null;590 }591 },592 abort: function (connection) {593 }594 },595 serverSentEvents: {596 name: "serverSentEvents",597 timeOut: 3000,598 start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {599 var that = this,600 opened = false,601 $connection = $(connection),602 reconnecting = !onSuccess,603 url,604 connectTimeOut;605 if (connection.eventSource) {606 connection.log("The connection already has an event source. Stopping it.");607 connection.stop();608 }609 if (!window.EventSource) {610 if (onFailed) {611 connection.log("This browser doesn't support SSE.");612 onFailed();613 }614 return;615 }616 $connection.trigger(events.onSending);617 url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection,, reconnecting);618 try {619 connection.log("Attempting to connect to SSE endpoint '" + url + "'");620 connection.eventSource = new window.EventSource(url);621 }622 catch (e) {623 connection.log("EventSource failed trying to connect with error " + e.Message);624 if (onFailed) {625 /​/​ The connection failed, call the failed callback626 onFailed();627 }628 else {629 $connection.trigger(events.onError, [e]);630 if (reconnecting) {631 /​/​ If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again632 that.reconnect(connection);633 }634 }635 return;636 }637 /​/​ After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection638 /​/​ and raise on failed639 connectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () {640 if (opened === false) {641 connection.log("EventSource timed out trying to connect");642 connection.log("EventSource readyState: " + connection.eventSource.readyState);643 if (!reconnecting) {644 that.stop(connection);645 }646 if (reconnecting) {647 /​/​ If we're reconnecting and the event source is attempting to connect,648 /​/​ don't keep retrying. This causes duplicate connections to spawn.649 if (connection.eventSource.readyState !== window.EventSource.CONNECTING &&650 connection.eventSource.readyState !== window.EventSource.OPEN) {651 /​/​ If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again652 that.reconnect(connection);653 }654 } else if (onFailed) {655 onFailed();656 }657 }658 },659 that.timeOut);660 connection.eventSource.addEventListener("open", function (e) {661 connection.log("EventSource connected");662 if (connectTimeOut) {663 window.clearTimeout(connectTimeOut);664 }665 if (opened === false) {666 opened = true;667 if (onSuccess) {668 onSuccess();669 }670 if (reconnecting) {671 if (changeState(connection,672 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting,673 signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {674 $connection.trigger(events.onReconnect);675 }676 }677 }678 }, false);679 connection.eventSource.addEventListener("message", function (e) {680 /​/​ process messages681 if ( === "initialized") {682 return;683 }684 transportLogic.processMessages(connection, window.JSON.parse(;685 }, false);686 connection.eventSource.addEventListener("error", function (e) {687 if (!opened) {688 if (onFailed) {689 onFailed();690 }691 return;692 }693 connection.log("EventSource readyState: " + connection.eventSource.readyState);694 if (e.eventPhase === window.EventSource.CLOSED) {695 /​/​ We don't use the EventSource's native reconnect function as it696 /​/​ doesn't allow us to change the URL when reconnecting. We need697 /​/​ to change the URL to not include the /​connect suffix, and pass698 /​/​ the last message id we received.699 connection.log("EventSource reconnecting due to the server connection ending");700 that.reconnect(connection);701 } else {702 /​/​ connection error703 connection.log("EventSource error");704 $connection.trigger(events.onError);705 }706 }, false);707 },708 reconnect: function (connection) {709 var that = this;710 window.setTimeout(function () {711 that.stop(connection);712 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting ||713 changeState(connection,714 signalR.connectionState.connected,715 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) === true) {716 connection.log("EventSource reconnecting");717 that.start(connection);718 }719 }, connection.reconnectDelay);720 },721 send: function (connection, data) {722 transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);723 },724 stop: function (connection) {725 if (connection && connection.eventSource) {726 connection.log("EventSource calling close()");727 connection.eventSource.close();728 connection.eventSource = null;729 delete connection.eventSource;730 }731 },732 abort: function (connection, async) {733 transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);734 }735 },736 foreverFrame: {737 name: "foreverFrame",738 timeOut: 3000,739 start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {740 var that = this,741 frameId = (transportLogic.foreverFrame.count += 1),742 url,743 connectTimeOut,744 frame = $("<iframe data-signalr-connection-id='" + + "' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;'></​iframe>");745 if (window.EventSource) {746 /​/​ If the browser supports SSE, don't use Forever Frame747 if (onFailed) {748 connection.log("This brower supports SSE, skipping Forever Frame.");749 onFailed();750 }751 return;752 }753 $(connection).trigger(events.onSending);754 /​/​ Build the url755 url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection,;756 url += "&frameId=" + frameId;757 frame.prop("src", url);758 transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[frameId] = connection;759 connection.log("Binding to iframe's readystatechange event.");760 frame.bind("readystatechange", function () {761 if ($.inArray(this.readyState, ["loaded", "complete"]) >= 0) {762 connection.log("Forever frame iframe readyState changed to " + this.readyState + ", reconnecting");763 that.reconnect(connection);764 }765 });766 connection.frame = frame[0];767 connection.frameId = frameId;768 if (onSuccess) {769 connection.onSuccess = onSuccess;770 }771 $("body").append(frame);772 /​/​ After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection773 /​/​ and raise on failed774 /​/​ REVIEW: Why is connectTimeOut set here and never used again?775 connectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () {776 if (connection.onSuccess) {777 connection.log("Failed to connect using forever frame source, it timed out after " + that.timeOut + "ms.");778 that.stop(connection);779 if (onFailed) {780 onFailed();781 }782 }783 }, that.timeOut);784 },785 reconnect: function (connection) {786 var that = this;787 window.setTimeout(function () {788 if (!connection.frame) {789 return;790 }791 if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting ||792 changeState(connection,793 signalR.connectionState.connected,794 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) === true) {795 var frame = connection.frame,796 src = transportLogic.getUrl(connection,, true) + "&frameId=" + connection.frameId;797 connection.log("Upating iframe src to '" + src + "'.");798 frame.src = src;799 }800 }, connection.reconnectDelay);801 },802 send: function (connection, data) {803 transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);804 },805 receive: function (connection, data) {806 var cw;807 transportLogic.processMessages(connection, data);808 /​/​ Delete the script & div elements809 connection.frameMessageCount = (connection.frameMessageCount || 0) + 1;810 if (connection.frameMessageCount > 50) {811 connection.frameMessageCount = 0;812 cw = connection.frame.contentWindow || connection.frame.contentDocument;813 if (cw && cw.document) {814 $("body", cw.document).empty();815 }816 }817 },818 stop: function (connection) {819 var cw = null;820 if (connection.frame) {821 if (connection.frame.stop) {822 connection.frame.stop();823 } else {824 cw = connection.frame.contentWindow || connection.frame.contentDocument;825 if (cw.document && cw.document.execCommand) {826 cw.document.execCommand("Stop");827 }828 }829 $(connection.frame).remove();830 delete transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[connection.frameId];831 connection.frame = null;832 connection.frameId = null;833 delete connection.frame;834 delete connection.frameId;835 connection.log("Stopping forever frame");836 }837 },838 abort: function (connection, async) {839 transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);840 },841 getConnection: function (id) {842 return transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[id];843 },844 started: function (connection) {845 if (connection.onSuccess) {846 connection.onSuccess();847 connection.onSuccess = null;848 delete connection.onSuccess;849 }850 else {851 if (changeState(connection,852 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting,853 signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {854 /​/​ If there's no onSuccess handler we assume this is a reconnect855 $(connection).trigger(events.onReconnect);856 }857 }858 }859 },860 longPolling: {861 name: "longPolling",862 reconnectDelay: 3000,863 start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {864 /​/​/​ <summary>Starts the long polling connection</​summary>865 /​/​/​ <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to start</​param>866 var that = this,867 initialConnectFired = false;868 if (connection.pollXhr) {869 connection.log("Polling xhr requests already exists, aborting.");870 connection.stop();871 }872 connection.messageId = null;873 window.setTimeout(function () {874 (function poll(instance, raiseReconnect) {875 $(instance).trigger(events.onSending);876 var messageId = instance.messageId,877 connect = (messageId === null),878 reconnecting = !connect,879 url = transportLogic.getUrl(instance,, reconnecting, raiseReconnect),880 reconnectTimeOut = null,881 reconnectFired = false;882 if (reconnecting === true && raiseReconnect === true) {883 if (connection.state !== signalR.connectionState.reconnecting &&884 changeState(connection,885 signalR.connectionState.connected,886 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) === false) {887 return;888 }889 }890 connection.log("Attempting to connect to '" + url + "' using longPolling.");891 instance.pollXhr = $.ajax({892 url: url,893 global: false,894 type: "GET",895 dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,896 success: function (data) {897 var delay = 0,898 timedOutReceived = false;899 if (initialConnectFired == false) {900 onSuccess();901 initialConnectFired = true;902 }903 if (raiseReconnect === true) {904 /​/​ Fire the reconnect event if it hasn't been fired as yet905 if (reconnectFired === false) {906 connection.log("Raising the reconnect event");907 if (changeState(connection,908 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting,909 signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {910 $(instance).trigger(events.onReconnect);911 reconnectFired = true;912 }913 }914 }915 transportLogic.processMessages(instance, data);916 if (data &&917 data.TransportData &&918 $.type(data.TransportData.LongPollDelay) === "number") {919 delay = data.TransportData.LongPollDelay;920 }921 if (data && data.TimedOut) {922 timedOutReceived = data.TimedOut;923 }924 if (data && data.Disconnect) {925 return;926 }927 if (isDisconnecting(instance) === true) {928 return;929 }930 if (delay > 0) {931 window.setTimeout(function () {932 poll(instance, timedOutReceived);933 }, delay);934 } else {935 poll(instance, timedOutReceived);936 }937 },938 error: function (data, textStatus) {939 if (textStatus === "abort") {940 connection.log("Aborted xhr requst.");941 return;942 }943 connection.log("An error occurred using longPolling. Status = " + textStatus + ". " + data.responseText);944 if (reconnectTimeOut) {945 /​/​ If the request failed then we clear the timeout so that the946 /​/​ reconnect event doesn't get fired947 clearTimeout(reconnectTimeOut);948 }949 $(instance).trigger(events.onError, [data.responseText]);950 window.setTimeout(function () {951 if (isDisconnecting(instance) === false) {952 poll(instance, true);953 }954 }, connection.reconnectDelay);955 }956 });957 if (raiseReconnect === true) {958 reconnectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () {959 if (reconnectFired === false) {960 if (changeState(connection,961 signalR.connectionState.reconnecting,962 signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {963 $(instance).trigger(events.onReconnect);964 reconnectFired = true;965 }966 }967 },968 that.reconnectDelay);969 }970 } (connection));971 /​/​ Now connected972 /​/​ There's no good way know when the long poll has actually started so973 /​/​ we assume it only takes around 150ms (max) to start the connection974 window.setTimeout(function () {975 if (initialConnectFired === false) {976 onSuccess();977 initialConnectFired = true;978 }979 }, 150);980 }, 250); /​/​ Have to delay initial poll so Chrome doesn't show loader spinner in tab981 },982 send: function (connection, data) {983 transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);984 },985 stop: function (connection) {986 /​/​/​ <summary>Stops the long polling connection</​summary>987 /​/​/​ <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to stop</​param>988 if (connection.pollXhr) {989 connection.pollXhr.abort();990 connection.pollXhr = null;991 delete connection.pollXhr;992 }993 },994 abort: function (connection, async) {995 transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);996 }997 }998 };999 signalR.noConflict = function () {1000 /​/​/​ <summary>Reinstates the original value of $.connection and returns the signalR object for manual assignment</​summary>1001 /​/​/​ <returns type="signalR" /​>1002 if ($.connection === signalR) {1003 $.connection = _connection;1004 }1005 return signalR;1006 };1007 if ($.connection) {1008 _connection = $.connection;1009 }1010 $.connection = $.signalR = signalR;...

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12(function (window) {34 var procedures = {};5 var tips = $(".validateTips");6 var server = VoltDBConfig.GetDefaultServerIP();7 var port = "8080";8 var user = "";9 var password = "";10 var admin = true;11 var isHashedPassword = true;12 this.connection = null;13 var iVoltDbService = (function () {14 var _connection = connection;1516 this.TestConnection = function (lServerName, lPort, lUsername, lPassword, lAdmin, onConnectionAdded, isLoginTest) {17 try {18 var serverName = lServerName != null ? lServerName : server;19 var portId = lPort != null ? lPort : port;2021 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(serverName, portId, lAdmin, lUsername, lPassword, isHashedPassword, "DATABASE_LOGIN", function (result, response) {22 onConnectionAdded(result, response);23 }, isLoginTest);2425 } catch (e) {26 console.log(e.message);27 }28 };2930 this.CheckServerConnection = function (checkConnection) {31 try {32 VoltDBCore.CheckServerConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, "DATABASE_LOGIN", checkConnection);33 } catch (e) {34 console.log(e.message);35 }36 };3738 this.SetUserCredentials = function (lUsername, lPassword, lAdmin) {39 user = lUsername;40 password = lPassword;41 admin = lAdmin;42 };4344 /​/​ build Authorization header based on scheme you could flip to diff header. Server understands both.45 this.BuildAuthorization = function(user, isHashedPassword, password) {46 var authz = null;47 if (user != null && isHashedPassword != null) {48 authz = "Hashed " + user + ":" + isHashedPassword;49 } else if (user != null && password != null) {50 var up = user + ":" + password;51 authz = "Basic " + $().crypt({method: "b64enc", source: up});52 }53 return authz;54 }5556 this.ChangeServerConfiguration = function (serverName, portId, userName, pw, isHashPw, isAdmin) {57 server = serverName != null ? serverName : server;58 port = portId != null ? portId : port;59 user = userName != undefined ? userName : "";60 password = pw != undefined ? pw : "";61 isHashedPassword = isHashPw;62 admin = isAdmin != undefined ? isAdmin : true;6364 };6566 this.GetSystemInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {67 try {68 var processName = "SYSTEM_INFORMATION";69 var procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation', '@Statistics'];70 var parameters = ["OVERVIEW", "MEMORY"];71 var values = [undefined, '0'];72 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);73 if (_connection == null) {74 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {75 if (result == true) {76 updateTips("Connection successful.");7778 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {79 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);80 });81 } else updateTips("Unable to connect.");8283 });8485 } else {86 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {87 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);8889 });9091 }92 } catch (e) {93 console.log(e.message);94 }9596 function updateTips(t) {97 tips98 .text(t)99 .addClass("ui-state-highlight");100 setTimeout(function () {101 tips.removeClass("ui-state-highlight", 1500);102 }, 500);103 }104105106 };107108 this.GetClusterInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {109 try {110 var processName = "CLUSTER_INFORMATION";111 var procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation'];112 var parameters = ["OVERVIEW"];113 var values = [undefined];114 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);115 if (_connection == null) {116 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {117 if (result == true) {118 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {119 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);120 });121 } 122 });123124 } else {125 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {126 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);127128 });129130 }131 } catch (e) {132 console.log(e.message);133 }134 };135136 this.GetSystemInformationDeployment = function (onConnectionAdded) {137 try {138 var processName = "SYSTEM_INFORMATION_DEPLOYMENT";139 var procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation'];140 var parameters = ["DEPLOYMENT"];141 var values = [];142 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);143 if (_connection == null) {144 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {145 if (result == true) {146 updateTips("Connection successful.");147148 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {149 onConnectionAdded(connection);150 });151 } else updateTips("Unable to connect.");152153 });154155 } else {156 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {157 onConnectionAdded(connection);158159 });160161 }162 } catch (e) {163 console.log(e.message);164 }165166 function updateTips(t) {167 tips168 .text(t)169 .addClass("ui-state-highlight");170 setTimeout(function () {171 tips.removeClass("ui-state-highlight", 1500);172 }, 500);173 }174175176 };177178 this.GetDataTablesInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {179 try {180 var processName = "DATABASE_INFORMATION";181 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics', '@SystemCatalog', '@SystemCatalog'];182 var parameters = ["TABLE", "TABLES"];183 var values = ['0', undefined];184 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);185 if (_connection == null) {186 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {187 if (result == true) {188 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {189 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);190 });191 }192193 });194195 } else {196 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {197 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);198199 });200201 }202203 } catch (e) {204 console.log(e.message);205 }206207 };208209 this.GetProceduresInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {210 try {211 var processName = "DATABASE_INFORMATION";212 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];213 var parameters = ["PROCEDUREPROFILE"];214 var values = ['0'];215 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);216 if (_connection == null) {217 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {218 if (result == true) {219 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {220 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);221 });222 }223224 });225226 } else {227 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {228 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);229230 });231232 }233234 } catch (e) {235 console.log(e.message);236 }237238 };239240 this.getProcedureContextForSorting = function () {241 try {242 var processName = "DATABASE_INFORMATION";243 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];244 var parameters = ["PROCEDUREPROFILE"];245 var values = ['0'];246 var lconnection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);247 if (lconnection == null) {248 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {249 if (result == true) {250 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {251 lconnection = connection;252 });253 }254255 });256 }257 return lconnection;258259 } catch (e) {260 console.log(e.message);261 }262 };263264 this.getTablesContextForSorting = function () {265 try {266 var processName = "DATABASE_INFORMATION";267 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];268 var parameters = ["TABLE"];269 var values = ['0'];270 var lconnection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);271 if (lconnection == null) {272 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {273 if (result == true) {274 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {275 lconnection = connection;276 });277 }278279 });280 } /​/​else {281 /​/​ VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, lconnection, function (connection, status) {282 /​/​ lconnection = connection;283 /​/​ });284285 /​/​}286 return lconnection;287288289 } catch (e) {290 console.log(e.message);291 }292 };293294 this.GetMemoryInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {295 try {296 var processName = "GRAPH_MEMORY";297 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];298 var parameters = ["MEMORY"];299 var values = ['0'];300 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);301 if (_connection == null) {302 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {303 if (result == true) {304 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {305 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);306 });307 }308309 });310311 } else {312 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {313 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);314315 });316317 }318319 } catch (e) {320 console.log(e.message);321 }322323 };324325 this.GetGraphLatencyInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {326 try {327 var processName = "GRAPH_LATENCY";328 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];329 var parameters = ["LATENCY_HISTOGRAM"];330 var values = ['0'];331 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);332 if (_connection == null) {333 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {334 if (result == true) {335 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {336 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);337 });338 }339340 });341342 } else {343 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {344 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);345346 });347348 }349350 } catch (e) {351 console.log(e.message);352 }353354 };355356 this.GetCPUInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {357 try {358 /​/​GRAPH_CPU359 var processName = "GRAPH_CPU";360 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];361 var parameters = ["CPU"];362 var values = ['0'];363 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);364 if (_connection == null) {365 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {366 if (result == true) {367 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {368 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);369 });370 }371372 });373374 } else {375 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {376 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);377378 });379380 }381382 } catch (e) {383 console.log(e.message);384 }385386 };387 388 /​/​Render Cluster Transaction Graph389 this.GetTransactionInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {390 try {391 var processName = "GRAPH_TRANSACTION";392 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics'];393 var parameters = ["PROCEDUREPROFILE"];394 var values = ['0'];395 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);396 if (_connection == null) {397 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {398 if (result == true) {399 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {400 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);401 });402 }403404 });405406 } else {407 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {408 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);409410 });411412 }413414 } catch (e) {415 console.log(e.message);416 }417418 };419420 this.GetTableInformation = function (onConnectionAdded) {421 try {422 var processName = "TABLE_INFORMATION";423 var procedureNames = ['@Statistics', '@Statistics', '@SystemCatalog', '@SystemCatalog', '@SystemCatalog'];424 var parameters = ["TABLE", "INDEX", "COLUMNS", "PROCEDURES", "PROCEDURECOLUMNS"];425 var values = ['0', '0', undefined];426 var isAdmin = false;427 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, processName);428 if (_connection == null) {429 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {430 if (result == true) {431 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {432 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);433 });434 }435436 });437438 } else {439 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {440 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);441442 });443444 }445446 } catch (e) {447 console.log(e.message);448 }449450 };451452 this.GetShortApiProfile = function (onConnectionAdded) {453 try {454 var processName = "SHORTAPI_PROFILE";455 var procedureNames = [];456 var parameters = [];457 var values = [];458 var shortApiDetails = {459 isShortApiCall: true,460 apiPath: 'profile'461 };462463 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);464 if (_connection == null) {465 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {466 if (result == true) {467 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {468 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);469 }, shortApiDetails);470 }471 });472473 } else {474 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {475 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);476 }, shortApiDetails);477478 }479480 } catch (e) {481 console.log(e.message);482 }483484 };485486 this.GetShortApiDeployment = function (onConnectionAdded) {487 try {488 var processName = "SHORTAPI_DEPLOYMENT";489 var procedureNames = [];490 var parameters = [];491 var values = [];492 var shortApiDetails = {493 isShortApiCall : true,494 apiPath : 'deployment'495 };496497 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);498 if (_connection == null) {499 var status = "";500 var statusString = "";501 502 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {503 if (result == true) {504 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {505 status = connection.Metadata['@SHORTAPI_DEPLOYMENT_status'];506 statusString = connection.Metadata['@SHORTAPI_DEPLOYMENT_statusString'];507 onConnectionAdded(connection);508 509 }, shortApiDetails);510 }511 });512513 } else {514 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {515 status = connection.Metadata['@SHORTAPI_DEPLOYMENT_status'];516 statusString = connection.Metadata['@SHORTAPI_DEPLOYMENT_statusString'];517 onConnectionAdded(connection);518 519 }, shortApiDetails);520521 }522523 } catch (e) {524 console.log(e.message);525 }526527 };528529 /​/​Update admin configuration530 this.UpdateAdminConfiguration = function (updatedData, onConnectionAdded) {531 try {532 var processName = "SHORTAPI_UPDATEDEPLOYMENT";533 var procedureNames = [];534 var parameters = [];535 var values = [];536 var shortApiDetails = {537 isShortApiCall: true,538 isUpdateConfiguration: true,539 apiPath: 'deployment',540 updatedData: 'deployment=' + JSON.stringify(updatedData)541 };542543 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);544 if (_connection == null) {545 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {546 if (result == true) {547 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {548 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);549 }, shortApiDetails);550 }551 });552553 } else {554 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {555 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);556 }, shortApiDetails);557558 }559560 } catch (e) {561 console.log(e.message);562 }563564 };565566 /​/​admin configuration567 this.editConfigurationItem = function (configGroup, configMember,configValue,onConnectionSucceeded) {568 try {569 var processName = "ADMIN_".concat(configGroup);570 var procedureNames = [];571 var parameters = [];572 var values = [];573 var isAdmin = true;574575 switch (configGroup) {576 case 'OVERVIEW':577 procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation'];578 parameters = [configMember];579 values = [configValue];580 break;581582 case 'PORT':583 procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation'];584 parameters = [configMember];585 values = [configValue];586 break;587588 case 'DIRECTORIES':589 procedureNames = ['@SystemInformation'];590 parameters = [configMember];591 values = [configValue];592 break;593594 }595596 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, processName);597 if (_connection == null) {598 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {599 if (result == true) {600 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {601 onConnectionSucceeded(connection, status);602 });603 }604605 });606607 } else {608 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, isAdmin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {609 onConnectionSucceeded(connection, status);610611 });612613 }614615 }616 catch (e) {617618 }619 };620621 this.stopServerNode = function(nodeId,onConnectionAdded) {622 try {623 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_STOPSERVER";624 var procedureNames = ['@StopNode'];625 var parameters = [nodeId.toString()];626 var values = [undefined];627 var statusString = "";628629 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);630 if (_connection == null) {631 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {632 if (result == true) {633 var status = 0;634 635 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function(connection, status) {636 status = connection.Metadata['@StopNode_' + nodeId.toString() + '_status'];637 statusString = connection.Metadata['@StopNode_' + nodeId.toString() + '_statusString'];638 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {639 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, statusString);640 }641642 });643 }644645 });646647 } else {648 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {649 status = connection.Metadata['@StopNode_' + nodeId.toString() + '_status'];650 statusString = connection.Metadata['@StopNode_' + nodeId.toString() + '_statusString'];651652 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {653 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, statusString);654 }655656 });657658 }659660 } catch (e) {661 console.log(e.message);662 }663664 };665 666 this.PauseClusterState = function (onConnectionAdded) {667 try {668 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_PAUSECLUSTER";669 var procedureNames = ['@Pause'];670 var parameters = [undefined];671 var values = [undefined];672673 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);674 if (_connection == null) {675 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {676 if (result == true) {677 var status = 0;678 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {679 status = connection.Metadata['@Pause_status'];680 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {681 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);682 }683684685 });686 }687688 });689690 } else {691 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {692 status = connection.Metadata['@Pause_status'];693 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {694 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);695 }696697 });698699 }700701 } catch (e) {702 console.log(e.message);703 }704705706 };707 708 this.ResumeClusterState = function (onConnectionAdded) {709 try {710 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_RESUMECLUSTER";711 var procedureNames = ['@Resume'];712 var parameters = [undefined];713 var values = [undefined];714715 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);716 if (_connection == null) {717 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {718 if (result == true) {719 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {720 status = connection.Metadata['@Resume_status'];721 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {722 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);723 }724 });725 }726727 });728729 } else {730 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {731 status = connection.Metadata['@Resume_status'];732 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {733 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);734 }735736 });737738 }739740 } catch (e) {741 console.log(e.message);742 }743744745 };746 747 this.ShutdownClusterState = function (onConnectionAdded) {748 try {749 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_SHUTDOWNCLUSTER";750 var procedureNames = ['@Shutdown'];751 var parameters = [undefined];752 var values = [undefined];753754 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);755 if (_connection == null) {756 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {757 if (result == true) {758 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {759 status = connection.Metadata['@Shutdown_status'];760 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {761 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);762 }763 });764 }765766 });767768 } else {769 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {770 status = connection.Metadata['@Shutdown_status'];771 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {772 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);773 }774775 });776777 }778779 } catch (e) {780 console.log(e.message);781 }782783784 };785 786 this.PromoteCluster = function (onConnectionAdded) {787 try {788 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_PROMOTECLUSTER";789 var procedureNames = ['@Promote'];790 var parameters = [undefined];791 var values = [undefined];792793 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);794 if (_connection == null) {795 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {796 if (result == true) {797 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {798 status = connection.Metadata['@Promote_status'];799 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {800 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, connection.Metadata['@Promote_statusstring']);801 }802 });803 }804805 });806807 } else {808 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {809 status = connection.Metadata['@Promote_status'];810 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {811 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, connection.Metadata['@Promote_statusstring']);812 }813814 });815816 }817818 } catch (e) {819 console.log(e.message);820 }821822823 };824825 this.SaveSnapShot = function(snapshotDir,snapshotFileName, onConnectionAdded) {826 try {827 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_SAVESNAPSHOT";828 var procedureNames = ['@SnapshotSave'];829 var parameters = ["'" + snapshotDir + "'",snapshotFileName, 0];830 var values = [undefined];831832 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);833 if (_connection == null) {834 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {835 if (result == true) {836 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {837 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotSave_status'];838 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {839 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);840 }841 });842 }843844 });845846 } else {847 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {848 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotSave_status'];849 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {850 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);851 }852853 });854855 }856857 } catch (e) {858 console.log(e.message);859 }860861 };862863 this.GetSnapshotList = function(snapshotDirectory, onConnectionAdded) {864 try {865 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_SCANSNAPSHOTS";866 var procedureNames = ['@SnapshotScan'];867 var parameters = [snapshotDirectory];868 var values = [undefined];869 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);870 if (_connection == null) {871 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function(result) {872 if (result == true) {873 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function(connection, status) {874 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotScan_status'];875 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {876 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);877 }878 });879 }880881 });882883 } else {884 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function(connection, status) {885 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotScan_status'];886 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {887 onConnectionAdded(connection, status);888 }889890 });891892 }893894 } catch(e) {895 console.log(e.message);896 }897898 };899 900 this.RestoreSnapShot = function (snapshotDir, snapshotFileName, onConnectionAdded) {901 try {902 var processName = "SYSTEMINFORMATION_RESTORESNAPSHOT";903 var procedureNames = ['@SnapshotRestore'];904 var parameters = ["'" + snapshotDir + "'", snapshotFileName, 0];905 var values = [undefined];906907 _connection = VoltDBCore.HasConnection(server, port, admin, user, processName);908 if (_connection == null) {909 VoltDBCore.TestConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, processName, function (result) {910 if (result == true) {911 VoltDBCore.AddConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, function (connection, status) {912 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotRestore_status'];913 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {914 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, connection.Metadata['@SnapshotRestore_statusstring']);915 }916 });917 }918919 });920921 } else {922 VoltDBCore.updateConnection(server, port, admin, user, password, isHashedPassword, procedureNames, parameters, values, processName, _connection, function (connection, status) {923 status = connection.Metadata['@SnapshotRestore_status'];924 if (!(status == "" || status == undefined)) {925 onConnectionAdded(connection, status, connection.Metadata['@SnapshotRestore_statusstring']);926 }927928 });929930 }931932 } catch (e) {933 console.log(e.message);934 }935936 };937 /​/​end admin configuration938939 });940941 window.VoltDBService = VoltDBService = new iVoltDbService();942943})(window); ...

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = {3 {4 {5 is: {6 headers: {7 },8 body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'})9 }10 }11 }12};13mb.create(imposter).then(function () {14 console.log('Imposter created');15});16const mb = require('mountebank');17const client = mb.createClient({port: 2525});18const imposter = {19 {20 {21 is: {22 headers: {23 },24 body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'})25 }26 }27 }28};29client.createImposter(imposter).then(function () {30 console.log('Imposter created');31});32const mb = require('mountebank');33const client = mb.createClient({port: 2525});34const imposter = {35 {36 {37 is: {38 headers: {39 },40 body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'})41 }42 }43 }44};45client.createImposter(imposter).then(function () {46 console.log('Imposter created');47});48const mb = require('mountebank');49const client = mb.createClient({port: 2525});50const imposter = {51 {52 {53 is: {54 headers: {55 },56 body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'})57 }58 }59 }60};61client.createImposter(imposter).then(function () {62 console.log('Imposter created');63});

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const server = mb.create({3});4server.then(() => {5 console.log('Mountebank server started');6});7const request = require('request');8const options = {9 headers: {10 },11 body: {12 {13 {14 equals: {15 }16 }17 {18 is: {19 headers: {20 },21 body: {22 }23 }24 }25 }26 },27};28request(options, (error, response, body) => {29 if (error) throw new Error(error);30 console.log(body);31});32const request = require('request');33const options = {34};35request(options, (error, response, body) => {36 if (error) throw new Error(error);37 console.log(body);38});39const request = require('request');40const options = {41};42request(options, (error, response, body) => {43 if (error) throw new Error(error);44 console.log(body);45});46const request = require('request');47const options = {48};49request(options, (error, response, body) => {50 if (error) throw new Error(error);51 console.log(body);52});53{ protocol: 'http',54 { self: 55 { href:

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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var imposter = {3 {4 {equals: {method: 'GET', path: '/​'}}5 {is: {statusCode: 200, body: 'Hello, world!'}}6 }7};8mb.create(imposter).then(function (response) {9 console.log('imposter created');10 console.log('response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));11 console.log('response.body: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body));12 console.log('response.body.port: ' + response.body.port);13 console.log('response.body.protocol: ' + response.body.protocol);14 console.log('response.body.stubs: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body.stubs));15 console.log('response.body.stubs[0].predicates: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body.stubs[0].predicates));16 console.log('response.body.stubs[0].responses: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body.stubs[0].responses));17 console.log('response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is));18 console.log('response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.statusCode: ' + response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.statusCode);19 console.log('response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.body: ' + response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].is.body);20 var request = require('request');21 var options = {22 };23 request(options, function (error, response, body) {24 if (error) {25 console.log('error: ' + error);26 } else {27 console.log('response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));28 console.log('response.statusCode: ' + response.statusCode);29 console.log('response.headers: ' + JSON.stringify(response.headers));30 console.log('body: ' + JSON.stringify(body));31 }32 });33});34mb.createPromise(imposter).then(function (response) {35 console.log('imposter created');

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const util = require('util');5const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);6const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);7const mbHelper = require('./​mbHelper');8const mbHelper = require('./​mbHelper');9const mbHelper = require('./​mbHelper');10const mbHelper = require('./​mbHelper');11const mb = require('mountebank');12const fs = require('fs');13const path = require('path');14const util = require('util');15const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);16const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);

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1var mb = require('mountebank'),2 assert = require('assert'),3 Q = require('q'),4 imposters = [{5 {6 {7 is: {8 headers: {9 },10 body: JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'})11 }12 }13 }14 }];15var createImposter = function (imposter) {16 return mb.create(imposter, port, host, protocol);17};18function createImposterPromise(imposter) {19 return Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {20 createImposter(imposter)21 .then(function (response) {22 resolve(response);23 })24 .catch(function (error) {25 reject(error);26 });27 });28}29function createAllImposters() {30 return Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {31 var promises = [];32 imposters.forEach(function (imposter) {33 promises.push(createImposterPromise(imposter));34 });35 Q.allSettled(promises)36 .then(function (results) {37 resolve(results);38 })39 .catch(function (error) {40 reject(error);41 });42 });43}44function deleteImposterPromise(imposter) {45 return Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {46 mb.del(imposter.port, port, host, protocol)47 .then(function (response) {48 resolve(response);49 })50 .catch(function (error) {51 reject(error);52 });53 });54}55function deleteAllImposters() {56 return Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {57 var promises = [];58 imposters.forEach(function (imposter) {59 promises.push(deleteImposterPromise(imposter));60 });61 Q.allSettled(promises)62 .then(function (results) {63 resolve(results);64 })65 .catch(function (error) {66 reject(error);67 });68 });69}70function getImposters() {

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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var port = 2525;3mb.create(port, function (error, server) {4 if (error) {5 console.log('error: ', error);6 } else {7 console.log('server: ', server);8 }9});10var mb = require('mountebank');11var port = 2525;12mb.create(port, function (error, server) {13 if (error) {14 console.log('error: ', error);15 } else {16 console.log('server: ', server);17 server.imposter({18 stubs: [{19 responses: [{20 is: {21 }22 }]23 }]24 }, function (error, imposter) {25 if (error) {26 console.log('error: ', error);27 } else {28 console.log('imposter: ', imposter);29 }30 });31 }32});33var mb = require('mountebank');34var port = 2525;35mb.create(port, function (error, server) {36 if (error) {37 console.log('error: ', error);38 } else {39 console.log('server: ', server);40 server.imposter({41 stubs: [{42 responses: [{43 is: {44 }45 }]46 }]47 }, function (error, imposter) {48 if (error) {49 console.log('error: ', error);50 } else {51 console.log('imposter: ', imposter);52 imposter.delete(function (error) {53 if (error) {54 console.log('error: ', error);55 } else {56 console.log('imposter deleted');57 }58 });59 }60 });61 }62});63server: { port: 2525,64 { protocol: 'http',

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const port = 2525;3mb.create(port).then(() => {4 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);5});6const mb = require('mountebank');7const port = 2525;8mb.create(port).then(() => {9 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);10});11const mb = require('mountebank');12const port = 2525;13mb.create(port).then(() => {14 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);15});16const mb = require('mountebank');17const port = 2525;18mb.create(port).then(() => {19 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);20});21const mb = require('mountebank');22const port = 2525;23mb.create(port).then(() => {24 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);25});26const mb = require('mountebank');27const port = 2525;28mb.create(port).then(() => {29 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);30});31const mb = require('mountebank');32const port = 2525;33mb.create(port).then(() => {34 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);35});36const mb = require('mountebank');37const port = 2525;38mb.create(port).then(() => {39 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);40});41const mb = require('mountebank');42const port = 2525;43mb.create(port).then(() => {44 console.log(`Running on port ${port}`);45});46const mb = require('mountebank');47const port = 2525;48mb.create(port).then(() => {49 console.log(`Running on

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const mbHelper = require('mountebank-helper');3const port = 2525;4const host = 'localhost';5const protocol = 'http';6let mbh = new mbHelper(port, host, protocol);7mbh.createImposter({8 {9 {10 is: {11 headers: {12 },13 }14 }15 }16})17.then(function (imposter) {18 console.log('Imposter created: ' + imposter.port);19 return mbh.get('/​test');20})21.then(function (response) {22 console.log(response);23})24.catch(function (error) {25 console.log(error);26});27const mb = require('mountebank');28const mbHelper = require('mountebank-helper');29const port = 2525;30const host = 'localhost';31const protocol = 'http';32let mbh = new mbHelper(port, host, protocol);33mbh.createImposter({34 {35 {36 is: {37 headers: {38 },39 }40 }41 }42})43.then(function (imposter) {44 console.log('Imposter created: ' + imposter.port);45 return mbh.get('/​test');46})47.then(function (response) {48 console.log(response);49})50.catch(function (error) {51 console.log(error);52});53const mb = require('mountebank');54const mbHelper = require('mountebank-helper');55const port = 2525;56const host = 'localhost';57const protocol = 'http';58let mbh = new mbHelper(port, host, protocol);

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const mbHelper = require('./​mb-helper');3const port = 2525;4const protocol = 'http';5const stub = {6 {7 equals: {8 }9 }10 {11 is: {12 headers: {13 },14 body: JSON.stringify({15 })16 }17 }18};19const imposter = {20};21const server = mb.create({ port: port, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log', ipWhitelist: ['*'] });22server.then(mbHelper.createImposter(url, imposter))23 .then(mbHelper.get(url, '/​test'))24 .then(mbHelper.verifyResponse(200, {25 }, {26 }))27 .then(mbHelper.deleteImposter(url))28 .then(() => {29 console.log('done');30 })31 .catch((error) => {32 console.error(error);33 });34server.then(mbHelper.createImposter(url, imposter))35 .then(mbHelper.addStub(url, '/​imposters/​2525', stub))36 .then(mbHelper.get(url, '/​test'))37 .then(mbHelper.verifyResponse(200, {38 }, {39 }))40 .then(mbHelper.deleteImposter(url))41 .then(() => {42 console.log('done');43 })44 .catch((error) => {45 console.error(error);46 });47server.then(mbHelper.createImposter(url, imposter))48 .then(mbHelper.deleteStub(url, '/​imposters/​2525', 0))49 .then(mbHelper.get(url, '/​test'))50 .then(mbHelper.verifyResponse(404

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