How to use allow method in mountebank

Best JavaScript code snippet using mountebank


Source: pass.js Github


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1/​/​ Assignment code here2/​/​ Get references to the #generate element3var generateBtn = document.querySelector("#generate");4/​/​ Write password to the #password input5function writePassword() {6 var password = generatePassword();7 var passwordText = document.querySelector("#password");8 passwordText.value = password;9}10/​/​ Add event listener to generate button11generateBtn.addEventListener("click", writePassword);12function getPassWordLength(){13 var passWordLength=0;14 while( !(passWordLength>=8 && passWordLength<=128) ) {15 passWordLength = number(window.prompt( "Enter desired password length (8-128 characters): ") );16 }17 return passWordLength;18}19function getLowerCase(){20 var allowLowerCase = true;21 allowUpperCase = window.confirm("allow lower case letters (abcde....z)\n(ok=yes or Cancel=no): ");22 return allowUpperCase;23}24function getNumber(){25 var allowNumbers = true;26allowNumbers = window.confirm("Allow numbers (0123....9)\n(ok=yes or Cancel=no):");27return allowNumbers;28}29function getSpecials(){30 var allowSpecials;31 allowSpecials = window.confirm("Allow special characters (!@&*^....?><)\n(ok=yes or Cancel=no): ");32 return allowSpecials;33}34function shuffle( characterSet1 ){35 var characterSet2 = "";36 var arraySet1 = characterSet1.split('');37 var setLength = characterSet1.length;38 var indexRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * setLength+1 );39 for (var i = 0; i < setLength;i++) {40 while (arraySet1[indexRandom] === null) {41 indexRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * setlength);42 }43 characterSet2 += arraySet1[indexRandom];44 arrayset1[indexRandom] = null;45 }46 return characterSet2;47}48function formPassWord( characterSet2, character3, passWordLength) {49 var password = "";50var setLength = characterset2.length;51for( var i = 0; i <passWordLength; i++ ){52 indexRandom = Math.floor( Math.random() * setLength);53 if( (i%2) ){54 passWord += characterSet2[indexRandom];55 }56 else { passWord += characterSet3[indexRandom];57 }58 }59 return passWord;60}61function verifyPassword(funnyCharacters, passWord, passWordlength, allowLowerCase, allowUpperCase, allowNumbers, allowSpecials){62 if( passWord.length !== passWordLength ){63 window.alert( "Error, the generated password length is different from the required length. ");64 }65 var haveLowerCase = false;66 if (allowLowercase) {67 for (var i = 0; i< passWordLength; i++) {68 var characterToTest = passWord[i];69 var asciiValue = characterTotest.charCodeAt(0);70 if (asciiValue > 96 && asciiValue < 123) {71 haveLowerCase = true;72 break;73 }74 }75 }76 var haveUpperCase = false;77 if (allowUppercase) {78 for (var i = 0; i < passWordLength; i++){79 var characterToTest = passWord[i];80 var asciivalue = characterToTest.charCodeAt(0);81 if (asciiValue > 64 && asciiValue < 91) {82 haveUpperCase = true;83 break;84 }85 }86 }87 var haveNumbers = false;88 if (allowSpecials){89 for (var i = 0; i < passWordLength; i++){90 var characterToTest = passWord[i];91 if (funnyCharacters.indexOf(characterToTest) != -1){92 haveSpecials = true;93 break;94 }95 }96 }97 var requirementSatisfied = true;98 if (allowLowerCase && !haveLowerCase){99 requirementSatisfied = false;100 }101 if (allowUpperCase && !haveUpperCase){102 requirementSatisfied = false;103 }104 if (allowNumbers && !haveNumbers){105 requirementSatisfied = false;106 }107 if(allowSpecials && !haveSpecials){108 requirementSatisfied = false;109 }110 return requirementSatisfied;111}112function buildPassword( passWordLength,allowLowerCase, allowUpperCase, allowNumbers, allowSpecials){113 var lowerCaseLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";114 var upperCaseletters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";115 var numberCharacters = "1234567890";116 var funnyCharacters = "!@#$%^&*()_+=-/​.,<>?;':";117 var characterSet1 = "";118 if( allowLowerCase ) {119 characterSet1 += lowerCaseLetters;120 }121 if ( allowUpperCase ) {122 characterSet1 += upperCaseletters;123 }124 if ( allowNumbers ){125 characterSet1 += numberCharacters;126 }127 if ( allowSpecials ){128 characterrSet1 += funnyCharacters;129 }130 var characterSet2 = shuffle( characterSet1 );131 var characterSet3 = shuffle( characterSet2 );132 var requirementSatisfied = false;133 while ( !requirementSatisfied ) {134 var passWord = formPassWord( characterSet2, characterSet3, passWordLength);135 requirementSatisfied = verifyPassword (funnyCharacters, passWord, passWordLength, allowLowerCase,allowUpperCase,allowNumbers, allowSpecials);136 137 }138 console.log("the generated password is:", passWord );139 return passWord;140}141function generatePassword(){142 var createdPassWord = "";143 var passWordLength = getPassWordLength();144 var allowSpecials = getSpecials();145 var allowLowerCase = getLowerCase();146 var allowUpperCase = getUpperCase();147 var allowNumbers = getNumbers();148 var somethingSelected = allowLowerCase | allowNumbers | allowSpecials | allowUpperCase;149 if( !somethingSelected ) {150 window.alert("Error, you must select at least one character set, please try again.");151 createdPassWord = generatedPassword();152 }153 if (createdPassWord == 0){154 createdPassWord = buildPassword(passWordLength, allowUpperCase, allowSpecials,allowNumbers,allowLowerCase);155 }156 return createdPassWord;...

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Source: regexp.js Github


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1/​/​>>built2define("dojox/​validate/​regexp",["dojo/​_base/​lang","dojo/​regexp","dojox/​main"],function(_1,_2,_3){3var _4=_1.getObject("validate.regexp",true,_3);4_4=_3.validate.regexp={ipAddress:function(_5){5_5=(typeof _5=="object")?_5:{};6if(typeof _5.allowDottedDecimal!="boolean"){7_5.allowDottedDecimal=true;8}9if(typeof _5.allowDottedHex!="boolean"){10_5.allowDottedHex=true;11}12if(typeof _5.allowDottedOctal!="boolean"){13_5.allowDottedOctal=true;14}15if(typeof _5.allowDecimal!="boolean"){16_5.allowDecimal=true;17}18if(typeof _5.allowHex!="boolean"){19_5.allowHex=true;20}21if(typeof _5.allowIPv6!="boolean"){22_5.allowIPv6=true;23}24if(typeof _5.allowHybrid!="boolean"){25_5.allowHybrid=true;26}27var _6="((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";28var _7="(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]";29var _8="(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]";30var _9="(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|"+"4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])";31var _a="0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}";32var _b="([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}";33var _c="([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}"+"((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";34var a=[];35if(_5.allowDottedDecimal){36a.push(_6);37}38if(_5.allowDottedHex){39a.push(_7);40}41if(_5.allowDottedOctal){42a.push(_8);43}44if(_5.allowDecimal){45a.push(_9);46}47if(_5.allowHex){48a.push(_a);49}50if(_5.allowIPv6){51a.push(_b);52}53if(_5.allowHybrid){54a.push(_c);55}56var _d="";57if(a.length>0){58_d="("+a.join("|")+")";59}60return _d;61},host:function(_e){62_e=(typeof _e=="object")?_e:{};63if(typeof _e.allowIP!="boolean"){64_e.allowIP=true;65}66if(typeof _e.allowLocal!="boolean"){67_e.allowLocal=false;68}69if(typeof _e.allowPort!="boolean"){70_e.allowPort=true;71}72if(typeof _e.allowNamed!="boolean"){73_e.allowNamed=false;74}75var _f="(?:[\\da-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,61}[\\da-zA-Z])?)";76var _10="(?:[a-zA-Z](?:[-\\da-zA-Z]{0,6}[\\da-zA-Z])?)";77var _11=_e.allowPort?"(\\:\\d+)?":"";78var _12="((?:"+_f+"\\.)+"+_10+"\\.?)";79if(_e.allowIP){80_12+="|"+_4.ipAddress(_e);81}82if(_e.allowLocal){83_12+="|localhost";84}85if(_e.allowNamed){86_12+="|^[^-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*";87}88return "("+_12+")"+_11;89},url:function(_13){90_13=(typeof _13=="object")?_13:{};91if(!("scheme" in _13)){92_13.scheme=[true,false];93}94var _14=_2.buildGroupRE(_13.scheme,function(q){95if(q){96return "(https?|ftps?)\\:/​/​";97}98return "";99});100var _15="(/​(?:[^?#\\s/​]+/​)*(?:[^?#\\s/​]+(?:\\?[^?#\\s/​]*)?(?:#[A-Za-z][\\w.:-]*)?)?)?";101return;102},emailAddress:function(_16){103_16=(typeof _16=="object")?_16:{};104if(typeof _16.allowCruft!="boolean"){105_16.allowCruft=false;106}107_16.allowPort=false;108var _17="([!#-'*+\\-\\/​-9=?A-Z^-~]+[.])*[!#-'*+\\-\\/​-9=?A-Z^-~]+";109var _18=_17+"@";110if(_16.allowCruft){111_18="<?(mailto\\:)?"+_18+">?";112}113return _18;114},emailAddressList:function(_19){115_19=(typeof _19=="object")?_19:{};116if(typeof _19.listSeparator!="string"){117_19.listSeparator="\\s;,";118}119var _1a=_4.emailAddress(_19);120var _1b="("+_1a+"\\s*["+_19.listSeparator+"]\\s*)*"+_1a+"\\s*["+_19.listSeparator+"]?\\s*";121return _1b;122},numberFormat:function(_1c){123_1c=(typeof _1c=="object")?_1c:{};124if(typeof _1c.format=="undefined"){125_1c.format="###-###-####";126}127var _1d=function(_1e){128return _2.escapeString(_1e,"?").replace(/​\?/​g,"\\d?").replace(/​#/​g,"\\d");129};130return _2.buildGroupRE(_1c.format,_1d);131},ca:{postalCode:function(){132return "([A-Z][0-9][A-Z] [0-9][A-Z][0-9])";133},province:function(){134return "(AB|BC|MB|NB|NL|NS|NT|NU|ON|PE|QC|SK|YT)";135}},us:{state:function(_1f){136_1f=(typeof _1f=="object")?_1f:{};137if(typeof _1f.allowTerritories!="boolean"){138_1f.allowTerritories=true;139}140if(typeof _1f.allowMilitary!="boolean"){141_1f.allowMilitary=true;142}143var _20="AL|AK|AZ|AR|CA|CO|CT|DE|DC|FL|GA|HI|ID|IL|IN|IA|KS|KY|LA|ME|MD|MA|MI|MN|MS|MO|MT|"+"NE|NV|NH|NJ|NM|NY|NC|ND|OH|OK|OR|PA|RI|SC|SD|TN|TX|UT|VT|VA|WA|WV|WI|WY";144var _21="AS|FM|GU|MH|MP|PW|PR|VI";145var _22="AA|AE|AP";146if(_1f.allowTerritories){147_20+="|"+_21;148}149if(_1f.allowMilitary){150_20+="|"+_22;151}152return "("+_20+")";153}}};154return _4;...

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Source: defineDB.js Github


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1/​**2 * defineDB.js3 *4 * Created by jrootham on 03/​05/​16.5 *6 * Copyright © 2016 Jim Rootham7 */​8import Sequelize from "sequelize";9import {user, password, database} from "../​server/​things";10export const connect = new Sequelize(11 database,12 user,13 password,14 {15 dialect: "postgres",16 host:"localhost",17 logging: false18 });19export const User = connect.define("user", {20 name: {21 type: Sequelize.STRING,22 allowNull:false,23 unique: true24 },25 password: {26 type: Sequelize.STRING,27 allowNull:false28 }29});30export const Picture = connect.define("picture", {31 name: {32 type: Sequelize.STRING,33 allowNull:false34 },35 description: {36 type: Sequelize.TEXT,37 allowNull: false38 },39 image: {40 type: Sequelize.TEXT,41 allowNull: false42 },43 thumbnail: {44 type: Sequelize.TEXT,45 allowNull: false46 },47 clipX: {48 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,49 allowNull:false50 },51 clipY: {52 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,53 allowNull:false54 },55 clipHeight: {56 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,57 allowNull:false58 },59 clipWidth: {60 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,61 allowNull:false62 },63 centroidX: {64 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,65 allowNull:false66 },67 centroidY: {68 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,69 allowNull:false70 },71 visible: {72 type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,73 allowNull: false74 }75});76User.hasMany(Picture);77export const Scene = connect.define("scene", {78 name: {79 type: Sequelize.STRING,80 allowNull:false81 },82 height: {83 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,84 allowNull:false85 },86 width: {87 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,88 allowNull:false89 }90});91User.hasMany(Scene);92export const ScenePicture = connect.define("scenePicture", {93 name: {94 type: Sequelize.STRING,95 allowNull:false96 },97 description: {98 type: Sequelize.TEXT,99 allowNull: false100 },101 image: {102 type: Sequelize.TEXT,103 allowNull: false104 },105 clipX: {106 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,107 allowNull:false108 },109 clipY: {110 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,111 allowNull:false112 },113 clipHeight: {114 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,115 allowNull:false116 },117 clipWidth: {118 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,119 allowNull:false120 },121 centroidX: {122 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,123 allowNull:false124 },125 centroidY: {126 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,127 allowNull:false128 },129 x: {130 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,131 allowNull:false132 },133 y: {134 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,135 allowNull:false136 },137 z: {138 type: Sequelize.INTEGER,139 allowNull:false140 },141 scale: {142 type: Sequelize.FLOAT,143 allowNull:false144 },145 rotate: {146 type: Sequelize.FLOAT,147 allowNull:false148 }149});150Scene.hasMany(ScenePicture);151ScenePicture.belongsTo(Scene);152export const Tag = connect.define("tag", {153 name: {154 type: Sequelize.STRING,155 allowNull: false,156 unique: true157 }158});159export const PictureTag = connect.define("pictureTag", {});160Tag.belongsToMany(Picture, {through: "pictureTag"});...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const imposter = {2 {3 {4 "is": {5 }6 }7 }8}9const mb = require('mountebank');10mb.create(imposter).then(() => console.log('Imposter created'));11mb.get('/​imposters').then(imposters => console.log(imposters));12mb.get('/​imposters/​3000').then(imposter => console.log(imposter));13mb.put('/​imposters/​3000', {14 {15 {16 "is": {17 }18 }19 }20}).then(() => console.log('Imposter updated'));21mb.delete('/​imposters/​3000').then(() => console.log('Imposter deleted'));22mb.delete('/​imposters').then(() => console.log('All imposters deleted'));23const mb = require('mountebank');24mb.create({25 {26 {27 "is": {28 }29 }30 }31}).then(() => console.log('Imposter created'));32mb.get('/​imposters').then(imposters => console.log(imposters));33mb.get('/​imposters/​3000').then(imposter => console.log(imposter));34mb.put('/​imposters/​3000', {35 {36 {37 "is": {38 }39 }40 }41}).then(() => console.log('Imposter updated'));42mb.delete('/​imposters/​3000').then(() => console.log('Imposter deleted'));43mb.delete('/​imposters').then(() => console.log('All imposters deleted'));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var imposter = {3 {4 {5 is: {6 }7 }8 }9};10mb.create(imposter).then(function (result) {11 console.log('Imposter created at port %s', result.port);12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2 {3 {4 {5 equals: {6 }7 }8 {9 is: {10 headers: {11 },12 body: JSON.stringify([13 {14 },15 {16 }17 }18 }19 }20 }21];22mb.create({ imposters: imposters });23var request = require('request');24var options = {25 headers: {26 }27};28request(options, function (error, response, body) {29 if (error) {30 console.error(error);31 } else {32 console.log(body);33 }34});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = {3 {4 {5 is: {6 }7 }8 }9};10mb.create(imposter).then(() => {11 console.log('Imposter created');12});13const mb = require('mountebank');14const imposter = {15 {16 {17 is: {18 }19 }20 }21};22mb.create(imposter).then(() => {23 console.log('Imposter created');24});25const mb = require('mountebank');26const imposter = {27 {28 {29 is: {30 }31 }32 }33};34mb.create(imposter).then(() => {35 console.log('Imposter created');36});37const mb = require('mountebank');38const imposter = {39 {40 {41 is: {42 }43 }44 }45};46mb.create(imposter).then(() => {47 console.log('Imposter created');48});49const mb = require('mountebank');50const imposter = {51 {52 {53 is: {54 }55 }56 }57};58mb.create(imposter).then(() => {59 console.log('Imposter created');60});61const mb = require('mountebank');62const imposter = {63 {64 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var imposters = [{3 "stubs": [{4 "responses": [{5 "is": {6 "headers": {7 },8 }9 }]10 }]11}];12mb.create({'port': 2525, 'pidfile': '', 'logfile': 'mb.log', 'protofile': 'mb.proto', 'ipWhitelist': ['*']}, function () {13'/​imposters', imposters, function () {14 console.log('Imposter created');15 });16});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var imposter = {3 {4 { equals: { method: 'POST', path: '/​test' } }5 { is: { body: 'Hello World!' } }6 }7};8mb.create(imposter).then(function (createdImposter) {9 console.log('created imposter', createdImposter);10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var Q = require('q');3var fs = require('fs');4var mbServer = mb.create({5});6mbServer.start().then(function () {7 var imposters = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./​imposters.json', 'utf8'));8 var promises = [];9 imposters.forEach(function (imposter) {10 promises.push('/​imposters', imposter));11 });12 return Q.all(promises);13}).done(function (responses) {14 console.log("Imposters created");15});16 {17 {18 {19 "is": {20 "headers": {21 },22 "body": {23 }24 }25 }26 {27 "equals": {28 }29 }30 "behaviors": {31 }32 }33 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mbHelper = require('./​mbHelper');2const mb = mbHelper.mb;3const imposters = mbHelper.imposters;4const createImposter = mbHelper.createImposter;5const createStub = mbHelper.createStub;6const createResponse = mbHelper.createResponse;7const createPredicate = mbHelper.createPredicate;8const createProxy = mbHelper.createProxy;9const port = 3000;10const protocol = 'http';11const imposter = createImposter(port, protocol);12const stub = createStub();13stub.responses = [createResponse(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' }, { 'result': 'success' })];14stub.predicates = [createPredicate({ 'path': '/​test' })];15imposter.stubs = [stub];16mb.createImposter(imposter).then((imposter) => {17 console.log(imposter);18});

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