How to use Markdown method in Mocha

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1/​/​ https:/​/​​sindresorhus/​github-markdown-css2const styles = `3.markdown-body {4 -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;5 -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;6 margin: 0;7 color: #24292f;8 background-color: #ffffff;9 font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji";10 font-size: 16px;11 line-height: 1.5;12 word-wrap: break-word;13}14.markdown-body .octicon {15 display: inline-block;16 fill: currentColor;17 vertical-align: text-bottom;18}19.markdown-body h1:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before,20.markdown-body h2:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before,21.markdown-body h3:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before,22.markdown-body h4:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before,23.markdown-body h5:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before,24.markdown-body h6:hover .anchor .octicon-link:before {25 width: 16px;26 height: 16px;27 content: ' ';28 display: inline-block;29 background-color: currentColor;30 -webkit-mask-image: url("data:image/​svg+xml,<svg 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1/​/​ Indexador do lunr.js2(function ($) {3 $(document).ready(function() {4 window.index = lunr(function () {5 this.field('title', {boost: 10});6 this.field('body');7 this.ref('href');8 });9 window.index.pipeline.reset();10 window.index.add({11 href: 'https:/​/​​introducao/​',12 title: 'Introdução',13 body: 'O que é o Markdown, Por que usar o Markdown, Como funciona o Markdown, Para que serve o Markdown, Sabores do Markdown'14 });15 /​/​ Cria o indexador16 window.index.add({17 href: 'https:/​/​​sintaxe-basica/​',18 title: 'Sintaxe básica',19 body: 'Quase todos os aplicativos Markdown suportam a sintaxe básica descrita no documento de design original de John Gruber. Existem pequenas variações e discrepâncias entre os processadores Markdown - essas são anotadas em linha sempre que possível. Links, link'20 });21 window.index.add({22 href: 'https:/​/​​sintaxe-estendida/​',23 title: 'Sintaxe Estendida',24 body: 'A sintaxe básica descrita no documento de design original de John Gruber adicionou muitos dos elementos necessários no dia a dia, mas não foi suficiente para algumas pessoas. É aí que entra a sintaxe estendida. Vários indivíduos e organizações decidiram estender a sintaxe básica adicionando mais elementos, como tabelas, blocos de código, realce de sintaxe, vinculação automática de URL e notas de rodapé. Esses elementos podem ser ativados usando uma linguagem de marcação leve que se baseia na sintaxe básica do Markdown ou adicionando uma extensão a um processador Markdown compatível.'25 });26 window.index.add({27 href: 'https:/​/​​referencia-rapida/​',28 title: 'Referência Rápida, Folha de Dicas, Consulta Rápida',29 body: 'Uma referência rápida à sintaxe do Markdown. Esta folha de dicas do Markdown fornece uma visão geral rápida de todos os elementos que compõem a sintaxe da linguagem.'30 });31 window.index.add({32 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​',33 title: 'Ferramentas',34 body: 'Os melhore aplicativos, editor, extensões, plugins e componentes que são compatíveis com o Markdown. Este é um diretório abrangente de ferramentas relacionadas ao Markdown.'35 });36 window.index.add({37 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​bear/​',38 title: 'Bear',39 body: 'O Bear é um aplicativo de anotações do Markdown para dispositivos macOS e iOS.'40 });41 window.index.add({42 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​boostnote/​',43 title: 'Boostnote',44 body: 'O Boostnote é uma aplicação de anotação para desenvolvedore baseada no Markdown.'45 });46 window.index.add({47 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​byword/​',48 title: 'Byword',49 body: 'O Byword é um editor de Markdown disponível para macOS e iOS.'50 });51 window.index.add({52 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​codimd/​',53 title: 'Codimd',54 body: 'O CodiMD é um editor de Markdown que permite colaboração em tempo real, além de ser código fonte aberto.'55 });56 window.index.add({57 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​dillinger/​',58 title: 'Dillinger',59 body: 'Dillinger é um editor de Markdown on-line projetado para que você possa editar Markdown em qualquer lugar.'60 });61 window.index.add({62 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​docusaurus/​',63 title: 'Docusaurus',64 body: 'O Docusaurus converte arquivos Markdown em um site de documentação.'65 });66 window.index.add({67 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​ghost/​',68 title: 'Ghost',69 body: 'O Ghost é um CMS de código aberto conhecido por sua velocidade, simplicidade e facilidade de uso.'70 });71 window.index.add({72 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​gitbook/​',73 title: 'GitBook',74 body: 'O GitBook é uma solução de hospedagem para sites de documentação e bases de conhecimento.'75 });76 window.index.add({77 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​github-pages/​',78 title: 'Github Pages',79 body: 'O GitHub Pages é um serviço gratuito que transforma arquivos Markdown em um site.'80 });81 window.index.add({82 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​hugo/​',83 title: 'Hugo',84 body: 'Hugo é um gerador de site estático que converte arquivos Markdown em um site.'85 });86 window.index.add({87 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​ia-writer/​',88 title: 'iA Writer',89 body: 'O iA Writer é um dos editores Markdown mais estabelecidos e amplamente aclamados.'90 });91 window.index.add({92 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​imdone/​',93 title: 'Imdone',94 body: 'Imdone é um gerenciador de tarefas no estilo Kanban baseado em Markdown.'95 });96 window.index.add({97 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​jekyll/​',98 title: 'Jekyll',99 body: 'O Jekyll é um gerador de site estático que converte arquivos Markdown em um site.'100 });101 window.index.add({102 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​joplin/​',103 title: 'Joplin',104 body: 'Joplin é um aplicativo de anotações que respeita a sua privacidade.'105 });106 window.index.add({107 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​macdown/​',108 title: 'MacDown',109 body: 'O MacDown é um dos melhores editores do Markdown disponíveis para o macOS.'110 });111 window.index.add({112 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​mark-text/​',113 title: 'Mark Text',114 body: 'O Mark Text é um editor popular, gratuito e de código aberto desenvolvido para o Markdown.'115 });116 window.index.add({117 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​markdeep/​',118 title: 'Markdeep',119 body: 'O Markdeep transforma qualquer arquivo do Markdown em um arquivo HTML independente.'120 });121 window.index.add({122 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​markdown-here/​',123 title: 'Markdown Here',124 body: 'Markdown Here está uma extensão do navegador que converte o texto Markdown em formulários da web.'125 });126 window.index.add({127 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​mattermost/​',128 title: 'Mattermost',129 body: 'O Mattermost é um aplicativo de mensagens e colaboração em equipe de código fonte aberto.'130 });131 window.index.add({132 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​mkdocs/​',133 title: 'MkDocs',134 body: 'O MkDocs é um gerador de website estático para a criação de sites de documentação.'135 });136 window.index.add({137 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​madoko/​',138 title: 'Madoko',139 body: 'Madoko é um aplicativo para escrever artigos profissionais e muito mais.'140 });141 window.index.add({142 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​notable/​',143 title: 'Notable',144 body: 'Notable é uma aplicação de anotação básica com excelente suporte ao Markdown.'145 });146 window.index.add({147 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​notion/​',148 title: 'Notion',149 body: 'O Notion é uma solução de gerenciamento de conhecimento "tudo em um" para todos.'150 });151 window.index.add({152 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​reddit/​',153 title: 'Reddit',154 body: 'O Reddit é uma comunidade online popular que suporta postagem usando Markdown.'155 });156 window.index.add({157 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​simplenote/​',158 title: 'Simplenote',159 body: 'Simplenote é um aplicativo de anotações Markdown multiplataforma.'160 });161 window.index.add({162 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​slack/​',163 title: 'Slack',164 body: 'O Slack é um aplicativo de mensagens e colaboração em equipe.'165 });166 window.index.add({167 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​squarespace/​',168 title: 'Squarespace',169 body: 'O Squarespace é um serviço popular baseado em assinatura para a criação de sites.'170 });171 window.index.add({172 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​stackedit/​',173 title: 'StackEdit',174 body: 'O StackEdit é um poderoso editor de Markdown on-line que você pode usar em qualquer lugar.'175 });176 window.index.add({177 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​standard-notes/​',178 title: 'Standard Notes',179 body: 'O Standard Notes é um aplicativo de anotações elegante e de código aberto.'180 });181 window.index.add({182 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​trello/​',183 title: 'Trello',184 body: 'O Trello é um aplicativo de gerenciamento de projetos no estilo kanban.'185 });186 window.index.add({187 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​typora/​',188 title: 'Typora',189 body: 'Typora é um editor simples e configurável, projetado para anotações e documentos.'190 });191 window.index.add({192 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​ulysses/​',193 title: 'Ulysses',194 body: 'Ulysses é um aplicativo de escrita popular para dispositivos macOS e iOS.'195 });196 window.index.add({197 href: 'https:/​/​​ferramentas/​zettlr/​',198 title: 'Zettlr',199 body: 'Zettlr é um editor de Markdown de código aberto desenvolvido para redação acadêmica.'200 });201 window.index.add({202 href: 'https:/​/​​sabores/​',203 title: 'Sabores',204 body: 'Essa é uma lista detalhada dos sabores, variações e alternativas da sintaxe do Markdown e como usá-las.'205 });206 window.index.add({207 href: 'https:/​/​​sabores/​gfm/​',208 title: 'GFM',209 body: 'Github flavored Markdown, Esta especificação formal é baseada no CommonMark Spec de John MacFarlane e licenciada sob Creative Commons BY-SA. Sabor do Markdown do Github.'210 });211 /​/​ icon click212 $('ul#nav-mobile .search-wrapper i.material-icons').click(function() {213 if ($('.search-results .focused').length) {214 $('.search-results .focused').first()[0].click();215 } else if ($('.search-results').children().length) {216 $('.search-results').children().first()[0].click();217 }218 });219 var renderResults = function(results) {220 var resultsContainer = $('.search-results');221 resultsContainer.empty();222, function(result) {223 var resultDiv = $('<a href="' + result[1] + '">' + result[0] + '</​a>');224 resultsContainer.append(resultDiv);225 });226 };227 var debounce = function (fn) {228 var timeout;229 return function () {230 var args =,231 ctx = this;232 clearTimeout(timeout);233 timeout = setTimeout(function () {234 fn.apply(ctx, args);235 }, 100);236 };237 };238 $('input#search').focus(function() { $(this).parent().addClass('focused'); });239 $('input#search').blur(function() {240 if (!$(this).val()) {241 $(this).parent().removeClass('focused');242 }243 });244 $('input#search').on('keyup', debounce(function (e) {245 if ($(this).val() < 2) {246 renderResults([]);247 return;248 }249 if (e.which === 38 || e.which === 40 || e.keyCode === 13) return;250 String.prototype.trimRight = function(charlist) {251 if (charlist === undefined)252 charlist = "\s";253 return this.replace(new RegExp("[" + charlist + "]+$"), "");254 };255 var query = $(this).val();256 var results =, 6).map(function (result) {257 var href = result.ref.split('https:/​/​​')[1];258 console.log(result);259 href = href.trimRight("/​");260 /​/​ alert(href);261 href = href.replace("/​", ' <i class="fas fa-chevron-right" style="margin: 0 5px;color: #989898;"></​i> ')262 /​/​ alert(href);263 return [href, result.ref];264 });265 renderResults(results);266 }));267 $('input#search').on('keydown', debounce(function (e) {268 /​/​ Escape.269 if (e.keyCode === 27) {270 $(this).val('');271 $(this).blur();272 renderResults([]);273 return;274 } else if (e.keyCode === 13) {275 /​/​ enter276 if ($('.search-results .focused').length) {277 $('.search-results .focused').first()[0].click();278 } else if ($('.search-results').children().length) {279 $('.search-results').children().first()[0].click();280 }281 return;282 }283 /​/​ Arrow keys.284 var focused;285 switch(e.which) {286 case 38: /​/​ up287 if ($('.search-results .focused').length) {288 focused = $('.search-results .focused');289 focused.removeClass('focused');290 focused.prev().addClass('focused');291 }292 break;293 case 40: /​/​ down294 if (!$('.search-results .focused').length) {295 focused = $('.search-results').children().first();296 focused.addClass('focused');297 } else {298 focused = $('.search-results .focused');299 if ( {300 focused.removeClass('focused');301'focused');302 }303 }304 break;305 default: return; /​/​ exit this handler for other keys306 }307 e.preventDefault();308 }));309 });...

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Source: plugin.js Github


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...146 return new Promise( function( resolve ) {147 var externalPromises = [];148 [] scope.querySelectorAll( '[data-markdown]:not([data-markdown-parsed])') ).forEach( function( section, i ) {149 if( section.getAttribute( 'data-markdown' ).length ) {150 externalPromises.push( loadExternalMarkdown( section ).then(151 /​/​ Finished loading external file152 function( xhr, url ) {153 section.outerHTML = slidify( xhr.responseText, {154 separator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ),155 verticalSeparator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-vertical' ),156 notesSeparator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-notes' ),157 attributes: getForwardedAttributes( section )158 });159 },160 /​/​ Failed to load markdown161 function( xhr, url ) {162 section.outerHTML = '<section data-state="alert">' +163 'ERROR: The attempt to fetch ' + url + ' failed with HTTP status ' + xhr.status + '.' +164 'Check your browser\'s JavaScript console for more details.' +165 '<p>Remember that you need to serve the presentation HTML from a HTTP server.</​p>' +166 '</​section>';167 }168 ) );169 }170 else if( section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ) || section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-vertical' ) || section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-notes' ) ) {171 section.outerHTML = slidify( getMarkdownFromSlide( section ), {172 separator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ),173 verticalSeparator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-vertical' ),174 notesSeparator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator-notes' ),175 attributes: getForwardedAttributes( section )176 });177 }178 else {179 section.innerHTML = createMarkdownSlide( getMarkdownFromSlide( section ) );180 }181 });182 Promise.all( externalPromises ).then( resolve );183 } );184 }185 function loadExternalMarkdown( section ) {186 return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {187 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),188 url = section.getAttribute( 'data-markdown' );189 var datacharset = section.getAttribute( 'data-charset' );190 /​/​ see https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​API/​element.getAttribute#Notes191 if( datacharset != null && datacharset != '' ) {192 xhr.overrideMimeType( 'text/​html; charset=' + datacharset );193 }194 xhr.onreadystatechange = function( section, xhr ) {195 if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {196 /​/​ file protocol yields status code 0 (useful for local debug, mobile applications etc.)197 if ( ( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) || xhr.status === 0 ) {198 resolve( xhr, url );199 }...

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Source: preview_markdown.js Github


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1/​* eslint-disable func-names, no-var, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, prefer-arrow-callback */​2/​/​ MarkdownPreview3/​/​4/​/​ Handles toggling the "Write" and "Preview" tab clicks, rendering the preview5/​/​ (including the explanation of quick actions), and showing a warning when6/​/​ more than `x` users are referenced.7/​/​8(function () {9 var lastTextareaPreviewed;10 var lastTextareaHeight = null;11 var markdownPreview;12 var previewButtonSelector;13 var writeButtonSelector;14 window.MarkdownPreview = (function () {15 function MarkdownPreview() {}16 /​/​ Minimum number of users referenced before triggering a warning17 MarkdownPreview.prototype.referenceThreshold = 10;18 MarkdownPreview.prototype.emptyMessage = 'Nothing to preview.';19 MarkdownPreview.prototype.ajaxCache = {};20 MarkdownPreview.prototype.showPreview = function ($form) {21 var mdText;22 var preview = $form.find('.js-md-preview');23 var url ='url');24 if (preview.hasClass('md-preview-loading')) {25 return;26 }27 mdText = $form.find('textarea.markdown-area').val();28 if (mdText.trim().length === 0) {29 preview.text(this.emptyMessage);30 this.hideReferencedUsers($form);31 } else {32 preview.addClass('md-preview-loading').text('Loading...');33 this.fetchMarkdownPreview(mdText, url, (function (response) {34 var body;35 if (response.body.length > 0) {36 body = response.body;37 } else {38 body = this.emptyMessage;39 }40 preview.removeClass('md-preview-loading').html(body);41 preview.renderGFM();42 this.renderReferencedUsers(response.references.users, $form);43 if (response.references.commands) {44 this.renderReferencedCommands(response.references.commands, $form);45 }46 }).bind(this));47 }48 };49 MarkdownPreview.prototype.fetchMarkdownPreview = function (text, url, success) {50 if (!url) {51 return;52 }53 if (text === this.ajaxCache.text) {54 success(this.ajaxCache.response);55 return;56 }57 $.ajax({58 type: 'POST',59 url: url,60 data: {61 text: text62 },63 dataType: 'json',64 success: (function (response) {65 this.ajaxCache = {66 text: text,67 response: response68 };69 success(response);70 }).bind(this)71 });72 };73 MarkdownPreview.prototype.hideReferencedUsers = function ($form) {74 $form.find('.referenced-users').hide();75 };76 MarkdownPreview.prototype.renderReferencedUsers = function (users, $form) {77 var referencedUsers;78 referencedUsers = $form.find('.referenced-users');79 if (referencedUsers.length) {80 if (users.length >= this.referenceThreshold) {81;82 referencedUsers.find('.js-referenced-users-count').text(users.length);83 } else {84 referencedUsers.hide();85 }86 }87 };88 MarkdownPreview.prototype.hideReferencedCommands = function ($form) {89 $form.find('.referenced-commands').hide();90 };91 MarkdownPreview.prototype.renderReferencedCommands = function (commands, $form) {92 var referencedCommands;93 referencedCommands = $form.find('.referenced-commands');94 if (commands.length > 0) {95 referencedCommands.html(commands);96;97 } else {98 referencedCommands.html('');99 referencedCommands.hide();100 }101 };102 return MarkdownPreview;103 }());104 markdownPreview = new window.MarkdownPreview();105 previewButtonSelector = '.js-md-preview-button';106 writeButtonSelector = '.js-md-write-button';107 lastTextareaPreviewed = null;108 $.fn.setupMarkdownPreview = function () {109 var $form = $(this);110 $form.find('textarea.markdown-area').on('input', function () {111 markdownPreview.hideReferencedUsers($form);112 });113 };114 $(document).on('markdown-preview:show', function (e, $form) {115 if (!$form) {116 return;117 }118 lastTextareaPreviewed = $form.find('textarea.markdown-area');119 lastTextareaHeight = lastTextareaPreviewed.height();120 /​/​ toggle tabs121 $form.find(writeButtonSelector).parent().removeClass('active');122 $form.find(previewButtonSelector).parent().addClass('active');123 /​/​ toggle content124 $form.find('.md-write-holder').hide();125 $form.find('.md-preview-holder').show();126 markdownPreview.showPreview($form);127 });128 $(document).on('markdown-preview:hide', function (e, $form) {129 if (!$form) {130 return;131 }132 lastTextareaPreviewed = null;133 if (lastTextareaHeight) {134 $form.find('textarea.markdown-area').height(lastTextareaHeight);135 }136 /​/​ toggle tabs137 $form.find(writeButtonSelector).parent().addClass('active');138 $form.find(previewButtonSelector).parent().removeClass('active');139 /​/​ toggle content140 $form.find('.md-write-holder').show();141 $form.find('textarea.markdown-area').focus();142 $form.find('.md-preview-holder').hide();143 markdownPreview.hideReferencedCommands($form);144 });145 $(document).on('markdown-preview:toggle', function (e, keyboardEvent) {146 var $target;147 $target = $(;148 if ($'textarea.markdown-area')) {149 $(document).triggerHandler('markdown-preview:show', [$target.closest('form')]);150 keyboardEvent.preventDefault();151 } else if (lastTextareaPreviewed) {152 $target = lastTextareaPreviewed;153 $(document).triggerHandler('markdown-preview:hide', [$target.closest('form')]);154 keyboardEvent.preventDefault();155 }156 });157 $(document).on('click', previewButtonSelector, function (e) {158 var $form;159 e.preventDefault();160 $form = $(this).closest('form');161 $(document).triggerHandler('markdown-preview:show', [$form]);162 });163 $(document).on('click', writeButtonSelector, function (e) {164 var $form;165 e.preventDefault();166 $form = $(this).closest('form');167 $(document).triggerHandler('markdown-preview:hide', [$form]);168 });...

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Source: markdown.js Github


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...73 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),74 url = section.getAttribute('data-markdown');75 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {76 if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {77 section.outerHTML = slidifyMarkdown( xhr.responseText, section.getAttribute('data-separator'), section.getAttribute('data-vertical') );78 }79 };80'GET', url, false);81 xhr.send();82 } else if( section.getAttribute('data-separator') ) {83 var markdown = stripLeadingWhitespace(section);84 section.outerHTML = slidifyMarkdown( markdown, section.getAttribute('data-separator'), section.getAttribute('data-vertical') );85 }86 }87 };88 var queryMarkdownSlides = function() {89 var sections = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-markdown]');90 for( var j = 0, jlen = sections.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {91 makeHtml(sections[j]);92 }93 };94 var makeHtml = function(section) {95 var notes = section.querySelector( 'aside.notes' );96 var markdown = stripLeadingWhitespace(section);97 section.innerHTML = (new Showdown.converter()).makeHtml(markdown);98 if( notes ) {99 section.appendChild( notes );100 }101 };102 querySlidingMarkdown();103 queryMarkdownSlides();...

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Source: buttons.stories.js Github


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1import '../​../​css/​utils.css';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/​svelte';3import { action } from '@storybook/​addon-actions';4import ButtonOutline from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonOutline.svelte';5import ButtonPill from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonPill.svelte';6import ButtonSimple from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonSimple.svelte';7import ButtonBordered from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonBordered.svelte';8import ButtonDisabled from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonDisabled.svelte';9import Button3D from '../​../​components/​buttons/​Button3D.svelte';10import ButtonElevated from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonElevated.svelte';11import ButtonGroups from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonGroups.svelte';12import ButtonIcon from '../​../​components/​buttons/​ButtonIcon.svelte';13import markdownNotes from './​';14storiesOf('Buttons | Buttons', module)15 /​/​Simple Button16 .add(17 'Simple',18 () => ({19 Component: ButtonSimple,20 props: { text: 'Button' },21 on: {22 customEventHandler: action('This custom event handler works'),23 },24 }),25 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },26 )27 /​/​Pill Button28 .add(29 'Pill Button',30 () => ({31 Component: ButtonPill,32 props: { text: 'Button' },33 }),34 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },35 )36 /​/​Outline Button37 .add(38 'Outline Button',39 () => ({40 Component: ButtonOutline,41 props: { text: 'Button' },42 }),43 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },44 )45 /​/​Bordered Button46 .add(47 'Bordered Button',48 () => ({49 Component: ButtonBordered,50 props: { text: 'Button' },51 }),52 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },53 )54 /​/​Disabled Button55 .add(56 'Disabled Button',57 () => ({58 Component: ButtonDisabled,59 props: { text: 'Button' },60 }),61 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },62 )63 /​/​3D Button64 .add(65 '3D Button',66 () => ({67 Component: Button3D,68 props: { text: 'Button' },69 }),70 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },71 )72 /​/​Elevated Button73 .add(74 'Elevated Button',75 () => ({76 Component: ButtonElevated,77 props: { text: 'Button' },78 }),79 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },80 )81 /​/​Button Groups82 .add(83 'Button Groups',84 () => ({85 Component: ButtonGroups,86 props: { prev: 'Prev', next: 'Next' },87 }),88 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },89 )90 /​/​Button Icon91 .add(92 'Button Icon',93 () => ({94 Component: ButtonIcon,95 props: { text: 'Download' },96 }),97 { notes: { markdown: markdownNotes } },...

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Source: utils.js Github


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...27 /​/​ Check if view has correct data.28 expect( html ).to.equal( viewString );29 /​/​ Check if converting back gives the same result.30 const normalized = typeof normalizedMarkdown !== 'undefined' ? normalizedMarkdown : markdown;31 expect( cleanMarkdown( dataProcessor.toData( viewFragment ) ) ).to.equal( normalized );32}33function cleanHtml( html ) {34 /​/​ Space between table elements.35 html = html.replace( /​(th|td|tr)>\s+<(\/​?(?:th|td|tr))/​g, '$1><$2' );36 return html;37}38function cleanMarkdown( markdown ) {39 /​/​ Trim spaces at the end of the lines.40 markdown = markdown.replace( /​ +$/​gm, '' );41 /​/​ Trim linebreak at the very beginning.42 markdown = markdown.replace( /​^\s+/​g, '' );43 return markdown;...

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Source: functions.js Github


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1const { snakeCase, replace } = require('lodash');2const { Organization } = require('@aasaam/​information');3const safeName = (name) =>4 snakeCase(5 name6 .toLocaleLowerCase()7 .replace(/​[^a-z0-9]/​g, ' ')8 .trim(),9 );10const replaceDocument = (doc, params) => {11 let markdown = doc;12 markdown = replace(markdown, /​INTERMEDIATE_NAME/​g, params.INTERMEDIATE_NAME);13 markdown = replace(markdown, /​CLIENT_EMAIL/​g, params.CLIENT_EMAIL);14 markdown = replace(markdown, /​CLIENT_NAME/​g, params.CLIENT_NAME);15 markdown = replace(markdown, /​PASSWORD/​g, params.PASSWORD);16 markdown = replace(17 markdown,18 /​EXPIRE_DATE/​g,19 new Date(params.EXPIRE_DATE).toString(),20 );21 markdown = replace(markdown, /​DATE/​g, new Date().toString());22 markdown = replace(markdown, /​PROVIDER_NAME/​g, Organization.en.legalName);23 markdown = replace(markdown, /​PROVIDER_WEBSITE/​g, Organization.en.url);24 markdown = replace(markdown, /​PROVIDER_TEL/​g, Organization.en.telephone);25 markdown = replace(markdown, /​PROVIDER_EMAIL/​g,;26 return markdown;27};28module.exports = {29 safeName,30 replaceDocument,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var expect = require('chai').expect;3describe('Array', function() {4 describe('#indexOf()', function() {5 it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {6 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);7 });8 });9});10var assert = require('assert');11var expect = require('chai').expect;12describe('Array', function() {13 describe('#indexOf()', function() {14 it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {15 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);16 });17 });18});19var assert = require('assert');20var expect = require('chai').expect;21suite('Array', function() {22 suite('#indexOf()', function() {23 test('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {24 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);25 });26 });27});28var assert = require('assert');29var expect = require('chai').expect;30var should = require('chai').should();31suite('Array', function() {32 suite('#indexOf()', function() {33 test('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {34 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);35 });36 });37});38var assert = require('assert');39var expect = require('chai').expect;40var should = require('chai').should();41suite('Array', function() {42 suite('#indexOf()', function() {43 test('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {44 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);45 });46 });47});48var assert = require('assert');49var expect = require('chai').expect;50suite('Array', function() {51 suite('#indexOf()', function() {52 test('should return -1 when

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var chai = require('chai');3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5var assert = require('assert');6var chai = require('chai');7var expect = chai.expect;8var should = chai.should();9var assert = require('assert');10var chai = require('chai');11var expect = chai.expect;12var should = chai.should();13var assert = require('assert');14var chai = require('chai');15var expect = chai.expect;16var should = chai.should();17var assert = require('assert');18var chai = require('chai');19var expect = chai.expect;20var should = chai.should();21var assert = require('assert');22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24var should = chai.should();25var assert = require('assert');26var chai = require('chai');27var expect = chai.expect;28var should = chai.should();29var assert = require('assert');30var chai = require('chai');31var expect = chai.expect;32var should = chai.should();33var assert = require('assert');34var chai = require('chai');35var expect = chai.expect;36var should = chai.should();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var Markdown = require('../​markdown.js').Markdown;3describe('Markdown', function() {4 describe('#toHTML()', function() {5 it('should convert # to h1', function() {6 assert.equal('<h1>Header</​h1>', Markdown.toHTML('#Header'));7 });8 it('should convert ## to h2', function() {9 assert.equal('<h2>Header</​h2>', Markdown.toHTML('##Header'));10 });11 it('should convert ### to h3', function() {12 assert.equal('<h3>Header</​h3>', Markdown.toHTML('###Header'));13 });14 it('should convert #### to h4', function() {15 assert.equal('<h4>Header</​h4>', Markdown.toHTML('####Header'));16 });17 it('should convert ##### to h5', function() {18 assert.equal('<h5>Header</​h5>', Markdown.toHTML('#####Header'));19 });20 it('should convert ###### to h6', function() {21 assert.equal('<h6>Header</​h6>', Markdown.toHTML('######Header'));22 });23 it('should convert ** to strong', function() {24 assert.equal('<strong>strong</​strong>', Markdown.toHTML('**strong**'));25 });26 it('should convert * to emphasis', function() {27 assert.equal('<em>emphasis</​em>', Markdown.toHTML('*emphasis*'));28 });29 it('should convert _ to emphasis', function() {30 assert.equal('<em>emphasis</​em>', Markdown.toHTML('_emphasis_'));31 });32 it('should convert __ to strong', function() {33 assert.equal('<strong>strong</​strong>', Markdown.toHTML('__strong__'));34 });35 it('should convert ~ to strikethrough', function() {36 assert.equal('<del>strikethrough</​del>', Markdown.toHTML('~~strikethrough~~'));37 });38 it('should convert > to blockquote', function() {39 assert.equal('<blockquote>blockquote</​blockquote>', Markdown.toHTML('>blockquote'));40 });41 it('should convert * to list', function() {42 assert.equal('<ul><li>list</​li></​ul>', Markdown.toHTML('*list'));43 });44 it('should convert - to list', function() {45 assert.equal('<ul><li>list</​li></​ul>', Markdown.toHTML('-

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5chai.use(chaiHttp);6var server = require('../​app');7describe('Testing Express Server', function() {8 it('should return 200', function(done) {9 chai.request(server)10 .get('/​')11 .end(function(err, res) {12 res.should.have.status(200);13 done();14 });15 });16 it('should return 404', function(done) {17 chai.request(server)18 .get('/​404')19 .end(function(err, res) {20 res.should.have.status(404);21 done();22 });23 });24});25var express = require('express');26var app = express();27app.get('/​', function(req, res) {28 res.send('Hello World');29});30app.listen(3000, function() {31 console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');32});33{34 "scripts": {35 },36 "dependencies": {37 }38}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var markdown = require('mocha-markdown')();2describe('My test suite', function() {3 markdown('');4});5describe('My test suite', function() {6 it('should pass', function() {7 assert(true);8 });9});10var markdown = require('mocha-markdown')();11describe('My test suite', function() {12 markdown('');13});14describe('My test suite', function() {15 it('should pass', function() {16 assert(true);17 });18});19var markdown = require('mocha-markdown')();20describe('My test suite', function() {21 markdown('');22});23describe('My test suite', function() {24 it('should pass', function() {25 assert(true);26 });27});28var markdown = require('mocha-markdown')();29describe('My test suite', function() {30 markdown('');31});32describe('My test suite', function() {33 it('should pass', function() {34 assert(true);35 });36});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var expect = require('chai').expect;3var should = require('chai').should();4var myModule = require('../​index.js');5describe('Test cases for the module', function(){6 it('Should return the sum of the two numbers', function(){7 var add = myModule(10, 20);8 expect(add).to.equal(30);9 });10 it('Should return the sum of the two numbers', function(){11 var add = myModule(10, 20);12 add.should.equal(30);13 });14});15module.exports = function(a, b){16 return a + b;17};18{19 "scripts": {20 },21 "dependencies": {22 }23}

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In the tech sector, we have heard and occasionally still hear these phrases: “Testing will soon be extinct!”, “Testing can be automated”, or “Who even needs testers?”. But don’t sweat, the testing craft has a promising future as long as the software is available on our planet. But what will testing look like in the future?

23 Node.js Best Practices For Automation Testing

If you are in the world of software development, you must be aware of Node.js. From Amazon to LinkedIn, a plethora of major websites use Node.js. Powered by JavaScript, Node.js can run on a server, and a majority of devs use it for enterprise applications. As they consider it a very respectable language due to the power it provides them to work with. And if you follow Node.js best practices, you can increase your application performance on a vast scale.

How To Generate HTML Reports With WebdriverIO?

Reporting is an inevitable factor in any test automation framework. A well-designed and developed framework should not just let you write the test cases and execute them, but it should also let you generate the report automatically. Such frameworks allow us to run the entire test scripts and get reports for the complete project implementation rather than for the parts separately. Moreover, it contributes to the factors that determine the decision to choose a framework for Selenium automation testing.

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An extensive number of programming languages are being used worldwide today, each having its own purpose, complexities, benefits and quirks. However, it is JavaScript that has without any doubt left an indelible and enduring impression on the web, to emerge as the most popular programming language in the world for the 6th consecutive year.

Why You Should Use Puppeteer For Testing

Over the past decade the world has seen emergence of powerful Javascripts based webapps, while new frameworks evolved. These frameworks challenged issues that had long been associated with crippling the website performance. Interactive UI elements, seamless speed, and impressive styling components, have started co-existing within a website and that also without compromising the speed heavily. CSS and HTML is now injected into JS instead of vice versa because JS is simply more efficient. While the use of these JavaScript frameworks have boosted the performance, it has taken a toll on the testers.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.

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