How to use parseProxyConfig method in Karma

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Source:proxy.spec.js Github


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...123 expect(nextSpy).to.have.been.called124 })125 it('should parse a simple proxy config', () => {126 const proxy = {'/base/': 'http://localhost:8000/'}127 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})128 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)129 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({130 host: 'localhost',131 port: '8000',132 baseUrl: '/',133 path: '/base/',134 https: false135 })136 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist137 })138 it('should set default http port', () => {139 const proxy = {'/base/': 'http://localhost/'}140 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})141 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)142 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({143 host: 'localhost',144 port: '80',145 baseUrl: '/',146 path: '/base/',147 https: false148 })149 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist150 })151 it('should set default https port', () => {152 const proxy = {'/base/': 'https://localhost/'}153 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})154 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)155 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({156 host: 'localhost',157 port: '443',158 baseUrl: '/',159 path: '/base/',160 https: true161 })162 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist163 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.containSubset({164 options: {165 target: {166 protocol: 'https:'167 }168 }169 })170 })171 it('should handle proxy configs with paths', () => {172 const proxy = {'/base': 'http://localhost:8000/proxy'}173 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})174 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)175 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({176 host: 'localhost',177 port: '8000',178 baseUrl: '/proxy',179 path: '/base',180 https: false181 })182 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist183 })184 it('should determine protocol', () => {185 const proxy = {'/base': 'https://localhost:8000'}186 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})187 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)188 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({189 host: 'localhost',190 port: '8000',191 baseUrl: '',192 path: '/base',193 https: true194 })195 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist196 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.containSubset({197 options: {198 target: {199 protocol: 'https:'200 }201 }202 })203 })204 it('should handle proxy configs with only basepaths', () => {205 const proxy = {'/base': '/proxy/test'}206 const config = {port: 9877, hostname: 'localhost'}207 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, config)208 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)209 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({210 host: 'localhost',211 port: 9877,212 baseUrl: '/proxy/test',213 path: '/base',214 https: false215 })216 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist217 })218 it('should normalize proxy url with only basepaths', () => {219 const proxy = {'/base/': '/proxy/test'}220 const config = {port: 9877, hostname: 'localhost'}221 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, config)222 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)223 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({224 host: 'localhost',225 port: 9877,226 baseUrl: '/proxy/test/',227 path: '/base/',228 https: false229 })230 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist231 })232 it('should parse right port of proxy target', () => {233 const proxy = { '/w': '' }234 const config = {port: 9877, hostname: 'localhost'}235 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, config)236 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)237 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({238 host: '',239 port: '80',240 baseUrl: '/w',241 path: '/w',242 https: false243 })244 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist245 })246 it('should parse right port of proxy target w. https', () => {247 const proxy = { '/w': '' }248 const config = {port: 9877, hostname: 'localhost'}249 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, config)250 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)251 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({252 host: '',253 port: '443',254 baseUrl: '/w',255 path: '/w',256 https: true257 })258 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist259 })260 it('should normalize proxy url', () => {261 const proxy = {'/base/': 'http://localhost:8000/proxy/test'}262 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})263 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)264 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({265 host: 'localhost',266 port: '8000',267 baseUrl: '/proxy/test/',268 path: '/base/',269 https: false270 })271 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist272 })273 it('should parse nested proxy config', () => {274 const proxy = {275 '/sub': 'http://localhost:9000',276 '/sub/some': ''277 }278 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})279 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(2)280 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({281 host: '',282 port: '80',283 baseUrl: '/something',284 path: '/sub/some',285 https: false286 })287 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist288 expect(parsedProxyConfig[1]).to.containSubset({289 host: 'localhost',290 port: '9000',291 baseUrl: '',292 path: '/sub',293 https: false294 })295 expect(parsedProxyConfig[1].proxy).to.exist296 })297 it('should accept object for proxy config', () => {298 const proxy = {299 '/base/': {target: 'http://localhost:8000/'}300 }301 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, {})302 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)303 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0]).to.containSubset({304 host: 'localhost',305 port: '8000',306 baseUrl: '/',307 path: '/base/',308 https: false309 })310 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy).to.exist311 })312 it('should bind proxy event', () => {313 const proxy = {'/base/': 'http://localhost:8000/'}314 const config = {315 proxyReq: function proxyReq () {},316 proxyRes: function proxyRes () {}317 }318 const parsedProxyConfig = m.parseProxyConfig(proxy, config)319 expect(parsedProxyConfig).to.have.length(1)320 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy.listeners('proxyReq')[0]).to.equal(config.proxyReq)321 expect(parsedProxyConfig[0].proxy.listeners('proxyRes')[0]).to.equal(config.proxyRes)322 })323 it('should handle empty proxy config', () => {324 expect(m.parseProxyConfig({})).to.deep.equal([])325 })...

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Source:proxy.js Github


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...95 }96 return createProxy97}98exports.create = function (/* config */config, /* config.proxies */proxies) {99 return createProxyHandler(parseProxyConfig(proxies, config), config.urlRoot)...

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Source:config.js Github


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...26 CACHE_REDIS_URL: env.CACHE_REDIS_URL,27 CACHE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: JSON.parse(env.CACHE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT || '15') * 1000,28 // Web server29 PORT: JSON.parse(env.PORT || '8000'),30 TRUST_PROXY: parseProxyConfig(env.TRUST_PROXY || 'false'),31 // Rate limiting32 MAX_CONCURRENT_ELASTICSEARCH_REQUESTS: JSON.parse(env.MAX_CONCURRENT_ES_REQUESTS || '100'),33 MAX_QUEUED_ELASTICSEARCH_REQUESTS: JSON.parse(env.MAX_QUEUED_ES_REQUESTS || '250'),34 MAX_QUERY_COST: JSON.parse(env.MAX_QUERY_COST || '25'),35 MAX_QUERY_COST_PER_MINUTE: JSON.parse(env.MAX_QUERY_COST_PER_MINUTE || '100'),36 MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE: JSON.parse(env.MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE || '30'),37 RATE_LIMITER_REDIS_URL: env.RATE_LIMITER_REDIS_URL,38}39const requiredConfig = ['ELASTICSEARCH_URL', 'RATE_LIMITER_REDIS_URL']40for (const setting of requiredConfig) {41 if (!config[setting]) {42 throw Error(`Missing required configuration: ${setting}`)43 }44}...

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Source:proxy.config.js Github


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1const axios = require('axios')2/**3 * QQ音乐 开发环境 代理配置4 */5const normalProxy = [6 { 7 path: ['/cgi-bin'], 8 target: ''9 }, { 10 path: ['/v8', '/base'],11 target: ''12 }13]14const beforeProxy = [15 { 16 path: /\/qzone\//, 17 referer: ''18 }, { 19 path: /\/soso\//,20 referer: ''21 }, { 22 path: /\/lyric\//,23 referer: ''24 }25]26/** End */27// 注入代理配置28const parseProxyConfig = newConfig => {29 const injectProxy = normalProxy.reduce((ret, item) => {30 (item.path || []).forEach(itemPath => {31 ret[itemPath] = {32 target:,33 changeOrigin: true,34 secure: false35 }36 })37 return ret38 }, {})39 const injectBefore = app => {40 beforeProxy.forEach(beforeItem => {41 const target = || ''42 app.get(beforeItem.path, (req, res) => {43 axios.get(target + req.path, {44 headers: {45 referer: beforeItem.referer,46 host: || ''47 },48 params: req.query49 }).then(response => {50 res.json( }).catch(() => {52 res.json({53 code: 1,54 msg: '开发环境获取数据失败'55 })56 })57 })58 })59 typeof newConfig.before === 'function' &&60 newConfig.before(app)61 }62 const currentConfig = Object.assign({}, {63 proxy: injectProxy,64 }, newConfig)65 currentConfig.before = injectBefore66 return currentConfig67}...

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Source:server.js Github


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...20 return config21}22const config = {23 PORT: JSON.parse(process.env.PORT || '80'),24 TRUST_PROXY: parseProxyConfig(process.env.TRUST_PROXY || 'false'),25}26const app = express()27app.set('trust proxy', config.TRUST_PROXY)28// Endpoint for health check29app.get('/health/ready', (request, response) => {30 response.send('true')31})32/*33app.use(34 '/reads',35 graphqlHTTP({36 schema,37 graphiql: true,38 customFormatErrorFn: formatError,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var server = new Server({2}, function(exitCode){3 console.log('Karma has exited with ' + exitCode);4 process.exit(exitCode);5});6server.start();7var config = server.config;8var proxyConfig = config.parseProxyConfig(config);9console.log(proxyConfig);10server.start();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;2var createProxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');3var createProxyServer = require('http-proxy').createProxyServer;4module.exports = function (config) {5 config.set({6 proxies: {7 },8 });9};10var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;11module.exports = function (config) {12 config.set({13 proxies: {14 },15 proxyTable: parseProxyConfig(config.proxies)16 });17};18var createProxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');19module.exports = function (config) {20 config.set({21 proxies: {22 },23 proxyMiddleware: {24 }25 });26};

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1var server = new karma.Server(config, function(exitCode) {2 console.log('Karma has exited with ' + exitCode);3 process.exit(exitCode);4});5server.parseProxyConfig();6server.start();7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 proxies: {10 },11 });12};13module.exports = function(config) {14 config.set({15 proxies: {16 },17 });18};19module.exports = function(config) {20 config.set({21 proxies: {22 },23 });24};25module.exports = function(config) {26 config.set({27 proxies: {28 },29 });30};31module.exports = function(config) {32 config.set({33 proxies: {34 },35 });36};37module.exports = function(config) {38 config.set({39 proxies: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;2console.log(proxyConfig);3module.exports = function(config) {4 config.set({5 proxies: {6 }7 });8};9var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;10var proxyConfig = parseProxyConfig('/proxy', '/base/');11console.log(proxyConfig);12module.exports = function(config) {13 config.set({14 proxies: {15 }16 });17};18var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;19console.log(proxyConfig);20module.exports = function(config) {21 config.set({22 proxies: {23 }24 });25};26var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;27var proxyConfig = parseProxyConfig('/proxy', '/base/');28console.log(proxyConfig);29module.exports = function(config) {30 config.set({31 proxies: {32 }33 });34};35var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;36console.log(proxyConfig);37module.exports = function(config) {38 config.set({39 proxies: {40 }41 });42};43var parseProxyConfig = require('karma/lib/config').parseProxyConfig;44var proxyConfig = parseProxyConfig('/proxy', '/base

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