How to use uncovered method in Jest

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Source:buildBody.test.js Github


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1const proxyquire = require("proxyquire");2const sinon = require("sinon");3const { assert } = require("chai");4const defaultMocks = {5 buildCommentDetails: () => null,6 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames: () => [],7 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles: () => [],8 buildGithubCommentTitle: () => "Barecheck - Code coverage report"9};10const buildBodyMock = (mocks) => {11 const {12 buildCommentDetails,13 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames,14 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles,15 buildGithubCommentTitle16 } = {17 ...defaultMocks,18 ...mocks19 };20 return proxyquire("../​../​../​src/​github/​comment/​buildBody", {21 "./​buildDetails": buildCommentDetails,22 "../​../​lcov": { uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames },23 "../​../​coverage": { mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles },24 "../​utils": { buildGithubCommentTitle }25 });26};27describe("github/​comment/​buildDetails", () => {28 it("buildCommentDetails should be called with proper args once changedFiles arr is empty", async () => {29 const changedFiles = [];30 const coverageDiff = 1;31 const totalCoverage = 3;32 const compareFileData = [];33 const uncoveredFileLines = [{ test: 1 }];34 const fileLinesWithChangedFiles = [{ some: 4 }];35 const uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames = sinon36 .stub()37 .returns(uncoveredFileLines);38 const mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles = sinon39 .stub()40 .returns(fileLinesWithChangedFiles);41 const buildCommentDetails = sinon.stub().returns("");42 const buildBody = buildBodyMock({43 buildCommentDetails,44 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames,45 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles46 });47 await buildBody(changedFiles, coverageDiff, totalCoverage, compareFileData);48 assert.isTrue(buildCommentDetails.calledOnce);49 assert.deepEqual(buildCommentDetails.firstCall.args, [50 fileLinesWithChangedFiles51 ]);52 });53 it("buildCommentDetails should be called with proper args when we have changed files", async () => {54 const changedFiles = [55 {56 filename: "test.txt"57 }58 ];59 const coverageDiff = 1;60 const totalCoverage = 3;61 const compareFileData = [];62 const uncoveredFileLines = [{ test: 1 }];63 const fileLinesWithChangedFiles = [{ some: 4 }];64 const uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames = sinon65 .stub()66 .returns(uncoveredFileLines);67 const mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles = sinon68 .stub()69 .returns(fileLinesWithChangedFiles);70 const buildCommentDetails = sinon.stub().returns("");71 const buildBody = buildBodyMock({72 buildCommentDetails,73 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames,74 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles75 });76 await buildBody(changedFiles, coverageDiff, totalCoverage, compareFileData);77 assert.isTrue(uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames.calledOnce);78 assert.deepEqual(uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames.firstCall.args, [79 ["test.txt"],80 compareFileData81 ]);82 assert.isTrue(buildCommentDetails.calledOnce);83 assert.deepEqual(buildCommentDetails.firstCall.args, [84 fileLinesWithChangedFiles85 ]);86 });87 it("should return body text", async () => {88 const changedFiles = [];89 const coverageDiff = 1;90 const totalCoverage = 3;91 const compareFileData = [];92 const uncoveredFileLines = [];93 const fileLinesWithChangedFiles = [];94 const commentDetailsMessage = "detailed message";95 const uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames = sinon96 .stub()97 .returns(uncoveredFileLines);98 const mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles = sinon99 .stub()100 .returns(fileLinesWithChangedFiles);101 const buildCommentDetails = sinon.stub().returns(commentDetailsMessage);102 const buildBody = buildBodyMock({103 buildCommentDetails,104 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames,105 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles106 });107 const body = await buildBody(108 changedFiles,109 coverageDiff,110 totalCoverage,111 compareFileData112 );113 assert.deepEqual(114 body,115 "<h3>Barecheck - Code coverage report</​h3>Total: <b>3%</​b>\n\nYour code coverage diff: <b>1% ▴</​b>\n\ndetailed message"116 );117 });118 [119 [-10, "▾"],120 [10, "▴"],121 [0, false]122 ].forEach(([coverageDiff, arrow]) => {123 it(`should return body text with ${arrow}`, async () => {124 const changedFiles = [];125 const totalCoverage = 3;126 const compareFileData = [];127 const uncoveredFileLines = [];128 const fileLinesWithChangedFiles = [];129 const commentDetailsMessage = "detailed message";130 const uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames = sinon131 .stub()132 .returns(uncoveredFileLines);133 const mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles = sinon134 .stub()135 .returns(fileLinesWithChangedFiles);136 const buildCommentDetails = sinon.stub().returns(commentDetailsMessage);137 const buildBody = buildBodyMock({138 buildCommentDetails,139 uncoveredFileLinesByFileNames,140 mergeFileLinesWithChangedFiles141 });142 const body = await buildBody(143 changedFiles,144 coverageDiff,145 totalCoverage,146 compareFileData147 );148 if (arrow) {149 assert.isTrue(body.includes(arrow));150 } else {151 assert.isFalse(body.includes("▾"));152 assert.isFalse(body.includes("▴"));153 }154 });155 });...

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Source:Elimination.js Github


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1/​* now we have Array PrimeImplicants = [ object implicant , object implicant , .. ]2 * PrimeImplicants[0] --> object implicant = {baseValue: 1, bitsCovered: [2,4], isChecked: false, 3 * isDontCare: false, degree: 1, mintermsCoverd: [1,3,5,7]}4 * in the end of this file we must have an Array of RemaningPI like this :5 * Array RemaningPI = [ object implicant , object implicant , .. ]6 * RemaningPI[0] = {baseValue: 1, bitsCovered: [2,4], isChecked: false, isDontCare: false, degree: 0, mintermsCoverd: [1,3]}7 */​89var remainingImplicants;10var uncoveredMinTerms;1112function eliminationProcess() {13 /​/​duplicate primeImplicants array into remainingImplicants14 remainingImplicants = primeImplicants.slice();15 uncoveredMinTerms = minTerms.slice();16 while (uncoveredMinTerms.length>0 && (checkEssentialImplicants() || checkRowDominance() || checkColumnDominance()));17}1819function checkEssentialImplicants() {20 /​/​sparse array to store how many implicants21 /​/​each minterm is covered by22 /​/​the value for minterms not included will be undefined23 var termsCoverCount = [];2425 var essentialImplicantFound = false;2627 /​/​iterate on all implicant and increment the count28 /​/​for each min term they cover29 for (var i=0; i<remainingImplicants.length; i++) {30 var primeImplicant = remainingImplicants[i];3132 for (var j=0; j<primeImplicant.mintermsCovered.length; j++) {33 var term = primeImplicant.mintermsCovered[j]3435 /​/​if first time to cover a term, initialize its place with 136 if (termsCoverCount[term] == undefined) {37 termsCoverCount[term] = 1;38 } else {39 termsCoverCount[term]++;40 }41 }42 }4344 for (var i=0; i<uncoveredMinTerms.length; i++) {4546 /​/​if a term is only covered by one implicant,47 /​/​find the implicant and add it to resultImplicants48 if (termsCoverCount[uncoveredMinTerms[i]] == 1) {49 for (var j=0; j<remainingImplicants.length; j++) {5051 var primeImplicantMinterms = remainingImplicants[j].mintermsCovered;5253 if (primeImplicantMinterms.includes(uncoveredMinTerms[i])) {5455 /​/​remove all minterms this implicant covers56 for (var k=0; k<primeImplicantMinterms.length; k++) {57 if (uncoveredMinTerms.includes(primeImplicantMinterms[k])) {58 var termIndex = uncoveredMinTerms.indexOf(primeImplicantMinterms[k]);59 uncoveredMinTerms.splice(termIndex,1)60 }61 }6263 /​/​add implicant to resultImplicants and remove it from remainingImplicants64 resultImplicants.push(remainingImplicants[j]);65 remainingImplicants.splice(j,1);66 essentialImplicantFound = true;67 break;68 }6970 }71 }72 }7374 return essentialImplicantFound;75}7677/​/​compares every two rows to check for row dominance78function checkRowDominance() {79 /​/​var rowDominanceFound = false;8081 for (var i=0; i<remainingImplicants.length; i++) {82 for (var j=0; j<remainingImplicants.length; j++) {83 if (i==j) continue;8485 /​/​if dominance found, remove the dominated row86 if (rowDominates(remainingImplicants[i], remainingImplicants[j])) {87 remainingImplicants.splice(j,1);88 return true;89 /​/​rowDominanceFound = true;90 }9192 }93 }94 return false;95 /​/​return rowDominanceFound;96}9798/​/​checks if the first implicant row-dominates the second implicant99function rowDominates(imp1, imp2) {100 /​/​counters to check if both implicants cover the same minterms101 var termsCount1 = 0;102 var termsCount2 = 0;103104 for (var i=0; i<imp2.mintermsCovered.length; i++) {105106 var termInImp2 = imp2.mintermsCovered[i];107108 if (uncoveredMinTerms.includes(termInImp2)) {109 if (!imp1.mintermsCovered.includes(termInImp2)) {110 return false;111 } else {112 termsCount2++;113 }114 }115 }116117 for (var i=0; i<imp1.mintermsCovered.length; i++) {118 var termInImp1 = imp1.mintermsCovered[i];119 if (uncoveredMinTerms.includes(termInImp1)) {120 termsCount1++;121 }122 }123124 if (termsCount1 == termsCount2) {125 return false;126 }127 return true;128}129130/​/​compares every two columns to check for column dominance131function checkColumnDominance() {132 /​/​var columnDominanceFound = false;133134 for (var i=0; i<uncoveredMinTerms.length; i++) {135 for (var j=0; j<uncoveredMinTerms.length; j++) {136 if (i==j) continue;137138 /​/​if dominance found, remove the dominated column139 if (columnDominates(uncoveredMinTerms[i], uncoveredMinTerms[j])) {140 uncoveredMinTerms.splice(j,1);141 return true;142 /​/​columnDominanceFound = true;143 }144 }145 }146 return false;147 /​/​return columnDominanceFound;148}149150/​/​checks if the first minterm column-dominates the second minterm151function columnDominates(term1, term2) {152 for (var i=0; i<remainingImplicants.length; i++) {153 var currentImplicantTerms = remainingImplicants[i].mintermsCovered;154155 if (currentImplicantTerms.includes(term1) && !currentImplicantTerms.includes(term2)) {156 return false;157 }158 }159 return true; ...

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Source:corpuscoverage.js Github


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1var path = require('path'),2 util = require('util'),3 fs = require('fs');4var salient = require('./​../​');5var args = process.argv;6if (!args || args.length < 5) {7 console.log('usage: node corpuscoverage en.wik.dist en.wik.vocab en-brown.tag.vocab');8 return;9}10var wikDistFile = args[2];11var wikVocabFile = args[3];12var corpusVocabFile = args[4];13function readDist(file) {14 var dist = {};15 var lines = fs.readFileSync(file).toString().split('\n');16 for (var l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) {17 var line = lines[l];18 if (line.indexOf('#') == 0) {19 continue;20 }21 var items = line.split('\t');22 if (items.length != 4) {23 continue;24 }25 var i = parseInt(items[0]);26 var tag = items[1];27 var freq = items[2];28 dist[tag] = { i: i, t: tag, f: freq };29 }30 return dist;31};32function readDict(file, corpus) {33 var vocab = {};34 var lines = fs.readFileSync(file).toString().split('\n');35 for (var l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) {36 var line = lines[l];37 var items = line.split('\t');38 if (!items || items.length < 2)39 continue;40 if (corpus) {41 /​/​ TOKEN FREQUENCY POS/​FREQ,POS/​FREQ OR TOKEN FREQUENCY42 var w = items[0].toLowerCase();43 vocab[w] = { freq: parseInt(items[1]), id: l.toString(), w: w }44 if (items.length > 2) {45 vocab[w].pos = items[2];46 }47 }48 else if (items.length > 2) {49 /​/​ ID TOKEN POS,POS50 var w = items[1].toLowerCase();51 vocab[w] = { pos: items[2], id: items[0], w: w };52 }53 }54 vocab._length = lines.length;55 return vocab;56}57function mapCorpus(vocab, dist) {58 for (var v in vocab) {59 var pos = vocab[v].pos;60 if (pos) {61 var result = [];62 var resultFreq = [];63 var items = pos.split(',');64 for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {65 var item = items[i].split('/​');66 var tag = item[0];67 var tagFreq = item[1];68 if (typeof dist[tag] != 'undefined') {69 var tagId = dist[tag].i;70 if (result.indexOf(tagId) < 0) {71 result.push(tagId);72 resultFreq.push(tagFreq);73 }74 }75 }76 vocab[v].pos = result.join(',');77 vocab[v].posFreq = resultFreq.join(',');78 }79 }80}81var dict = readDict(wikVocabFile, false);82var corpusV = readDict(corpusVocabFile, true);83var distribution = readDist(wikDistFile);84mapCorpus(corpusV, distribution);85/​/​ Determine whether the corpus is a subset, supset, overlap or disjoint set of the vocabulary86var corpusCovered = 0;87var corpusUncovered = 0;88var uncoveredOutput = path.join(__dirname, 'uncovered.corpus.vocab');89var coveredOutput = path.join(__dirname, 'covered.corpus.vocab');90var uncoveredSorted = [];91var coveredSorted = [];92for (var c in corpusV) {93 if (typeof dict[c] != 'undefined') {94 coveredSorted.push(corpusV[c]);95 corpusCovered++;96 }97 else {98 var item = corpusV[c];99 /​/​ determine if the item falls under a numeric or money category ala regex100 if (c.match(/​\$?\d+/​)) {101 continue;102 }103 uncoveredSorted.push(item);104 corpusUncovered++;105 }106}107uncoveredSorted = uncoveredSorted.sort(function (a, b) { return b.freq - a.freq });108for (var i = 0; i < corpusUncovered; i++) {109 var item = uncoveredSorted[i];110 var additionLine = util.format('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n', dict._length + i, item.w, item.pos, item.posFreq);111 fs.appendFileSync(uncoveredOutput, additionLine);112}113coveredSorted = coveredSorted.sort(function (a, b) { return b.freq - a.freq });114for (var i = 0; i < corpusCovered; i++) {115 var item = coveredSorted[i];116 var additionLine = util.format('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n', dict._length + i, item.w, item.pos, item.posFreq);117 fs.appendFileSync(coveredOutput, additionLine);118}119/​/​ Determine whether the vocabulary is a subset, supset, overlap or disjoint set of the corpus120var countCovered = 0;121var countUncovered = 0;122for (var c in dict) {123 if (typeof corpusV[c] != 'undefined') {124 countCovered++;125 }126 else {127 countUncovered++;128 }129}130console.log(util.format('%s found in vocab, %s not found in vocab. %s% covered', corpusCovered,131 corpusUncovered, Math.round(100 * corpusCovered /​ (corpusCovered + corpusUncovered))));132console.log(util.format('%s found in corpus, %s not found in corpus. %s% covered', countCovered,...

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Source:county-data-checker.js Github


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1const _ = require('underscore');2function printStatusReportOnNewUpdate(countyToPostalCodes, reportResults, censusData, electionData) {3 var postalCodeCounts = 0;4 var countyStateCounts = 0;5 _.each(countyToPostalCodes, (val, key) => {6 postalCodeCounts += val.length;7 countyStateCounts++;8 });9 console.log(`Found ${postalCodeCounts} postal codes.`);10 console.log(`Found ${countyStateCounts} county state name mappings.`);11 const dateLogs = {};12 const reportSet = new Set();13 var countyStateReportCounts = 0;14 var coveredPostalCodeCounts = 0;15 var uncoveredCensusCounts = 0;16 const uncoveredCensusSet = new Set();17 var uncoveredElectionCounts = 0;18 const uncoveredElectionSet = new Set();19 const ignoredElectionSet = new Set(['69', '72', '78']);20 _.each(reportResults, result => {21 const currentDate = result.currentDate;22 if (, currentDate)) {23 dateLogs[currentDate]++;24 } else {25 dateLogs[currentDate] = 1;26 }27 countyStateReportCounts++;28 if (, result.fips)) {29 coveredPostalCodeCounts += countyToPostalCodes[result.fips].length;30 }31 reportSet.add(result.fips);32 if (!, result.fips)) {33 uncoveredCensusSet.add(result.fips);34 uncoveredCensusCounts++;35 }36 if (!, result.fips)) {37 const s = result.fips.substring(0, 2);38 if (!ignoredElectionSet.has(s)) {39 uncoveredElectionSet.add(result.fips);40 uncoveredElectionCounts++;41 }42 }43 });44 var unreachableCountyStateCounts = 0;45 const unreachableCountyStateSet = new Set();46 _.each(countyToPostalCodes, (val, key) => {47 if (reportSet.has(key)) {48 reportSet.delete(key);49 } else {50 unreachableCountyStateCounts += 1;51 unreachableCountyStateSet.add(key);52 }53 });54 console.log(`Of the ${countyStateReportCounts} county reports, date distribution are as follows.`);55 console.log(dateLogs);56 console.log(`This covers ${coveredPostalCodeCounts} out of ${postalCodeCounts} postal codes.`);57 console.log(`${reportSet.size} out of ${countyStateReportCounts} county reports cannot be reached.`);58 console.log(reportSet);59 console.log(`${unreachableCountyStateCounts} out of ${countyStateCounts} county states have no data associated.`);60 console.log(unreachableCountyStateSet);61 console.log(`${uncoveredCensusCounts} out of ${countyStateReportCounts} county reports have no percentage.`);62 console.log(uncoveredCensusSet);63 console.log(`${uncoveredElectionCounts} out of ${countyStateReportCounts} county reports have no election results.`);64 console.log(uncoveredElectionSet);65 if (uncoveredCensusCounts > 0) {66 throw Error('Some counties do not have population count');67 }68}69function deduplicateArray(results, fun) {70 const set = new Set();71 const newResults = [];72 _.each(results, v => {73 const p = fun(v);74 if (!set.has(p)) {75 newResults.push(v);76 set.add(p);77 }78 });79 return newResults;80}81module.exports = {82 deduplicateArray: deduplicateArray,83 printStatusReportOnNewUpdate: printStatusReportOnNewUpdate...

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Source:flow-highlight-source.js Github


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1$(function() {2 /​/​ Convert the text area into a CodeMirror area in readOnly mode.3 var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.querySelector("textarea"), {4 readOnly: true,5 lineNumbers: true,6 mode: "text/​typescript",7 scrollbarStyle: "simple",8 gutters: [9 "Flow-lineuncovered",10 "CodeMirror-linenumbers"11 ]12 });13 /​/​ TODO: handle corrupted coverage data?14 var coverageData = JSON.parse(document.querySelector("#file-coverage-data").textContent);15 var uncoveredLocs = coverageData.expressions.uncovered_locs;16 /​/​ Create uncovered range markers.17 for (var loc of uncoveredLocs) {18 cm.markText(19 {line: loc.start.line - 1, ch: loc.start.column - 1},20 {line: loc.end.line - 1, ch: loc.end.column},21 {22 className: "cm-flow-uncovered",23 }24 );25 }26 /​/​ Create uncovered ranges scrollbar annotations.27 var scrollbarAnnotations = cm.annotateScrollbar({28 className: "cm-flow-uncovered",29 listenForUpdates: false,30 });31 scrollbarAnnotations.update( (loc) {32 return {33 from: {line: loc.start.line - 1, ch: loc.start.column -1},34 to: {line: loc.end.line - 1, ch: loc.start.column},35 };36 }));37 /​/​ Create the line gutters.38 for (var i = 0; i < cm.lineCount(); i++) {39 var count = uncoveredLocs.reduce(function (acc, loc) {40 if (i >= loc.start.line - 1 && i <= loc.end.line - 1) {41 acc += 1;42 }43 return acc;44 }, 0);45 if (count > 0) {46 var el = document.createElement("div");47 el.textContent = count + "x";48 = "center";49 = "0.6em";50 var color = "rgba(255,0,0," + count * 0.2 + ")";51 = color;52 cm.setGutterMarker(i, "Flow-lineuncovered", el);53 }54 }55 /​/​ Refresh the uncovered range markers background alpha56 /​/​ (number of time the marker span appears in an uncovered range * alpha step).57 CodeMirror.on(cm, "viewportChange", function(cm, marker){58 for (var el of document.querySelectorAll(".cm-flow-uncovered")) {59 var count = Array.from(el.classList).filter(function (cls) {60 if (cls !== "cm-flow-uncovered") {61 return false;62 }63 return true;64 }).length;65 var color = "rgba(255,0,0," + count * 0.2 + ")";66 = color;67 }68 });69 /​/​ Configure the dropdowns70 $('.ui.dropdown.uncovered-locations')71 .dropdown({72 action: 'hide',73 onChange: function (value) {74 if (value == "") {75 return;76 }77 $('.ui.dropdown.uncovered-locations').dropdown('set value', "");78 cm.scrollIntoView({line: parseInt(value)}, 150);79 }80 });81 $('.ui.dropdown.syntax-highlighting')82 .dropdown({83 onChange: function (value) {84 var mode = "typescript";85 switch (value) {86 case "es":87 mode = "text/​typescript";88 break;89 case "js":90 mode = "javascript";91 break;92 default:93 mode = "";94 }95 console.log("SET MODE", mode);96 cm.setOption("mode", mode);97 }98 });...

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Source:complementary.js Github


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1/​*2 * SonarQube3 * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 SonarSource SA4 * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com5 *6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/​or7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either9 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.10 *11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of13 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.15 *16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,18 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.19 */​20/​/​ @flow21export const complementary = {22 coverage: ['uncovered_lines', 'uncovered_conditions'],23 line_coverage: ['uncovered_lines'],24 branch_coverage: ['uncovered_conditions'],25 uncovered_lines: ['line_coverage'],26 uncovered_conditions: ['branch_coverage'],27 new_coverage: ['new_uncovered_lines', 'new_uncovered_conditions'],28 new_line_coverage: ['new_uncovered_lines'],29 new_branch_coverage: ['new_uncovered_conditions'],30 new_uncovered_lines: ['new_line_coverage'],31 new_uncovered_conditions: ['new_branch_coverage'],32 duplicated_lines_density: ['duplicated_lines'],33 new_duplicated_lines_density: ['new_duplicated_lines'],34 duplicated_lines: ['duplicated_lines_density'],35 new_duplicated_lines: ['new_duplicated_lines_density']...

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Source:CoveredOrUncovered.js Github


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1var invert = require('invert-obj');2function CoveredOrUncovered (coveredOrUncovered) {3 this.message = coveredOrUncovered;4}5CoveredOrUncovered.prototype.value = function () {6 return this.message;7};8CoveredOrUncovered.Keys = {9 'COVERED': '0',10 'UNCOVERED': '1',11};12CoveredOrUncovered.Tag = '203';13CoveredOrUncovered.Type = 'INT';14CoveredOrUncovered.Values = invert(CoveredOrUncovered.Keys);...

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Source:LegCoveredOrUncovered.js Github


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1var invert = require('invert-obj');2function LegCoveredOrUncovered (legCoveredOrUncovered) {3 this.message = legCoveredOrUncovered;4}5LegCoveredOrUncovered.prototype.value = function () {6 return this.message;7};8LegCoveredOrUncovered.Tag = '565';9LegCoveredOrUncovered.Type = 'INT';...

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Jest Testing Tutorial

LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.


  1. What is Jest Framework
  2. Advantages of Jest - Jest has 3,898,000 GitHub repositories, as mentioned on its official website. Learn what makes Jest special and why Jest has gained popularity among the testing and developer community.
  3. Jest Installation - All the prerequisites and set up steps needed to help you start Jest automation testing.
  4. Using Jest with NodeJS Project - Learn how to leverage Jest framework to automate testing using a NodeJS Project.
  5. Writing First Test for Jest Framework - Get started with code-based tutorial to help you write and execute your first Jest framework testing script.
  6. Jest Vocabulary - Learn the industry renowned and official jargons of the Jest framework by digging deep into the Jest vocabulary.
  7. Unit Testing with Jest - Step-by-step tutorial to help you execute unit testing with Jest framework.
  8. Jest Basics - Learn about the most pivotal and basic features which makes Jest special.
  9. Jest Parameterized Tests - Avoid code duplication and fasten automation testing with Jest using parameterized tests. Parameterization allows you to trigger the same test scenario over different test configurations by incorporating parameters.
  10. Jest Matchers - Enforce assertions better with the help of matchers. Matchers help you compare the actual output with the expected one. Here is an example to see if the object is acquired from the correct class or not. -

|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p> expect(newCar()).toBeInstanceOf(Car);</p><p> });</p>| | :- |

  1. Jest Hooks: Setup and Teardown - Learn how to set up conditions which needs to be followed by the test execution and incorporate a tear down function to free resources after the execution is complete.
  2. Jest Code Coverage - Unsure there is no code left unchecked in your application. Jest gives a specific flag called --coverage to help you generate code coverage.
  3. HTML Report Generation - Learn how to create a comprehensive HTML report based on your Jest test execution.
  4. Testing React app using Jest Framework - Learn how to test your react web-application with Jest framework in this detailed Jest tutorial.
  5. Test using LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid - Run your Jest testing script over LambdaTest cloud-based platform and leverage parallel testing to help trim down your test execution time.
  6. Snapshot Testing for React Front Ends - Capture screenshots of your react based web-application and compare them automatically for visual anomalies with the help of Jest tutorial.
  7. Bonus: Import ES modules with Jest - ES modules are also known as ECMAScript modules. Learn how to best use them by importing in your Jest testing scripts.
  8. Jest vs Mocha vs Jasmine - Learn the key differences between the most popular JavaScript-based testing frameworks i.e. Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine.
  9. Jest FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) - Explore the most commonly asked questions around Jest framework, with their answers.

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