Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
Source: fileWalkers.js
...86 IPathType[(IPathType['DIRECTORY'] = 2)] = 'DIRECTORY';87 IPathType[(IPathType['OTHER'] = 3)] = 'OTHER';88})(IPathType || (IPathType = {}));89const checkedPaths = new Map();90function statSyncCached(path) {91 const result = checkedPaths.get(path);92 if (result != null) {93 return result;94 }95 let stat;96 try {97 // @ts-expect-error TS2554 - throwIfNoEntry is only available in recent version of node, but inclusion of the option is a backward compatible no-op.98 stat = fs().statSync(path, {99 throwIfNoEntry: false100 });101 } catch (e) {102 if (!(e && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'ENOTDIR'))) {103 throw e;104 }105 }106 if (stat) {107 if (stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO()) {108 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.FILE);109 return IPathType.FILE;110 } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {111 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.DIRECTORY);112 return IPathType.DIRECTORY;113 }114 }115 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.OTHER);116 return IPathType.OTHER;117}118const checkedRealpathPaths = new Map();119function realpathCached(path) {120 let result = checkedRealpathPaths.get(path);121 if (result != null) {122 return result;123 }124 result = (0, _jestUtil().tryRealpath)(path);125 checkedRealpathPaths.set(path, result);126 if (path !== result) {127 // also cache the result in case it's ever referenced directly - no reason to `realpath` that as well128 checkedRealpathPaths.set(result, result);129 }130 return result;131}132const packageContents = new Map();133function readPackageCached(path) {134 let result = packageContents.get(path);135 if (result != null) {136 return result;137 }138 result = JSON.parse(fs().readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));139 packageContents.set(path, result);140 return result;141} // adapted from142// to use cached `fs` calls144function findClosestPackageJson(start) {145 let dir = (0, _path().resolve)('.', start);146 if (!isDirectory(dir)) {147 dir = (0, _path().dirname)(dir);148 }149 while (true) {150 const pkgJsonFile = (0, _path().resolve)(dir, './package.json');151 const hasPackageJson = isFile(pkgJsonFile);152 if (hasPackageJson) {153 return pkgJsonFile;154 }155 const prevDir = dir;156 dir = (0, _path().dirname)(dir);157 if (prevDir === dir) {158 return undefined;159 }160 }161}162/*163 * helper functions164 */165function isFile(file) {166 return statSyncCached(file) === IPathType.FILE;167}168function isDirectory(dir) {169 return statSyncCached(dir) === IPathType.DIRECTORY;170}171function realpathSync(file) {172 return realpathCached(file);...
...109 IPathType[(IPathType['DIRECTORY'] = 2)] = 'DIRECTORY';110 IPathType[(IPathType['OTHER'] = 3)] = 'OTHER';111})(IPathType || (IPathType = {}));112const checkedPaths = new Map();113function statSyncCached(path) {114 const result = checkedPaths.get(path);115 if (result !== undefined) {116 return result;117 }118 let stat;119 try {120 stat = fs().statSync(path);121 } catch (e) {122 if (!(e && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'ENOTDIR'))) {123 throw e;124 }125 }126 if (stat) {127 if (stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO()) {128 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.FILE);129 return IPathType.FILE;130 } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {131 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.DIRECTORY);132 return IPathType.DIRECTORY;133 }134 }135 checkedPaths.set(path, IPathType.OTHER);136 return IPathType.OTHER;137}138const checkedRealpathPaths = new Map();139function realpathCached(path) {140 let result = checkedRealpathPaths.get(path);141 if (result !== undefined) {142 return result;143 }144 result = (0, _jestUtil().tryRealpath)(path);145 checkedRealpathPaths.set(path, result);146 if (path !== result) {147 // also cache the result in case it's ever referenced directly - no reason to `realpath` that as well148 checkedRealpathPaths.set(result, result);149 }150 return result;151}152/*153 * helper functions154 */155function isFile(file) {156 return statSyncCached(file) === IPathType.FILE;157}158function isDirectory(dir) {159 return statSyncCached(dir) === IPathType.DIRECTORY;160}161function realpathSync(file) {162 return realpathCached(file);...
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You need to change the value of DEBUG_PRINT_LIMIT
env variable (default is 7000).
For example, run your tests with: DEBUG_PRINT_LIMIT=10000 yarn test
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|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
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