Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
Source: report.js
1$(document).ready(function() {var formatter = new CucumberHTML.DOMFormatter($('.cucumber-report'));formatter.uri("MyApplication.feature");2formatter.feature({3 "line": 1,4 "name": "Test Vtiger smoke scenario",5 "description": "",6 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario",7 "keyword": "Feature"8});9formatter.scenarioOutline({10 "line": 3,11 "name": "Test login with valid credentials",12 "description": "",13 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials",14 "type": "scenario_outline",15 "keyword": "Scenario Outline"16});17formatter.step({18 "line": 4,19 "name": "Open firefox and start application",20 "keyword": "Given "21});22formatter.step({23 "line": 5,24 "name": "I enter valid \"\u003cusername\u003e\" and valid \"\u003cpassword\u003e\"",25 "keyword": "When "26});27formatter.step({28 "line": 6,29 "name": "user should be able to login successfully",30 "keyword": "Then "31});32formatter.step({33 "line": 7,34 "name": "application should be closed",35 "keyword": "Then "36});37formatter.examples({38 "line": 9,39 "name": "",40 "description": "",41 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;",42 "rows": [43 {44 "cells": [45 "username",46 "password"47 ],48 "line": 10,49 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;1"50 },51 {52 "cells": [53 "admin1",54 "admin1"55 ],56 "line": 11,57 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;2"58 },59 {60 "cells": [61 "admin2",62 "admin2"63 ],64 "line": 12,65 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;3"66 },67 {68 "cells": [69 "admin",70 "admin"71 ],72 "line": 13,73 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;4"74 }75 ],76 "keyword": "Examples"77});78formatter.scenario({79 "line": 11,80 "name": "Test login with valid credentials",81 "description": "",82 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;2",83 "type": "scenario",84 "keyword": "Scenario Outline"85});86formatter.step({87 "line": 4,88 "name": "Open firefox and start application",89 "keyword": "Given "90});91formatter.step({92 "line": 5,93 "name": "I enter valid \"admin1\" and valid \"admin1\"",94 "matchedColumns": [95 0,96 197 ],98 "keyword": "When "99});100formatter.step({101 "line": 6,102 "name": "user should be able to login successfully",103 "keyword": "Then "104});105formatter.step({106 "line": 7,107 "name": "application should be closed",108 "keyword": "Then "109});110formatter.match({111 "location": "SmokeTest.open_firefox_and_start_application()"112});113formatter.result({114 "duration": 8155069463,115 "status": "passed"116});117formatter.match({118 "arguments": [119 {120 "val": "admin1",121 "offset": 15122 },123 {124 "val": "admin1",125 "offset": 34126 }127 ],128 "location": "SmokeTest.i_enter_valid_username_and_valid_password(String,String)"129});130formatter.result({131 "duration": 1905941970,132 "status": "passed"133});134formatter.match({135 "location": "SmokeTest.user_should_be_able_to_login_successfully()"136});137formatter.result({138 "duration": 32575,139 "status": "passed"140});141formatter.match({142 "location": "SmokeTest.application_should_be_closed()"143});144formatter.result({145 "duration": 710748131,146 "status": "passed"147});148formatter.scenario({149 "line": 12,150 "name": "Test login with valid credentials",151 "description": "",152 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;3",153 "type": "scenario",154 "keyword": "Scenario Outline"155});156formatter.step({157 "line": 4,158 "name": "Open firefox and start application",159 "keyword": "Given "160});161formatter.step({162 "line": 5,163 "name": "I enter valid \"admin2\" and valid \"admin2\"",164 "matchedColumns": [165 0,166 1167 ],168 "keyword": "When "169});170formatter.step({171 "line": 6,172 "name": "user should be able to login successfully",173 "keyword": "Then "174});175formatter.step({176 "line": 7,177 "name": "application should be closed",178 "keyword": "Then "179});180formatter.match({181 "location": "SmokeTest.open_firefox_and_start_application()"182});183formatter.result({184 "duration": 5554384577,185 "status": "passed"186});187formatter.match({188 "arguments": [189 {190 "val": "admin2",191 "offset": 15192 },193 {194 "val": "admin2",195 "offset": 34196 }197 ],198 "location": "SmokeTest.i_enter_valid_username_and_valid_password(String,String)"199});200formatter.result({201 "duration": 1934660058,202 "status": "passed"203});204formatter.match({205 "location": "SmokeTest.user_should_be_able_to_login_successfully()"206});207formatter.result({208 "duration": 24989,209 "status": "passed"210});211formatter.match({212 "location": "SmokeTest.application_should_be_closed()"213});214formatter.result({215 "duration": 551396123,216 "status": "passed"217});218formatter.scenario({219 "line": 13,220 "name": "Test login with valid credentials",221 "description": "",222 "id": "test-vtiger-smoke-scenario;test-login-with-valid-credentials;;4",223 "type": "scenario",224 "keyword": "Scenario Outline"225});226formatter.step({227 "line": 4,228 "name": "Open firefox and start application",229 "keyword": "Given "230});231formatter.step({232 "line": 5,233 "name": "I enter valid \"admin\" and valid \"admin\"",234 "matchedColumns": [235 0,236 1237 ],238 "keyword": "When "239});240formatter.step({241 "line": 6,242 "name": "user should be able to login successfully",243 "keyword": "Then "244});245formatter.step({246 "line": 7,247 "name": "application should be closed",248 "keyword": "Then "249});250formatter.match({251 "location": "SmokeTest.open_firefox_and_start_application()"252});253formatter.result({254 "duration": 5556193626,255 "status": "passed"256});257formatter.match({258 "arguments": [259 {260 "val": "admin",261 "offset": 15262 },263 {264 "val": "admin",265 "offset": 33266 }267 ],268 "location": "SmokeTest.i_enter_valid_username_and_valid_password(String,String)"269});270formatter.result({271 "duration": 4222685219,272 "status": "passed"273});274formatter.match({275 "location": "SmokeTest.user_should_be_able_to_login_successfully()"276});277formatter.result({278 "duration": 40161,279 "status": "passed"280});281formatter.match({282 "location": "SmokeTest.application_should_be_closed()"283});284formatter.result({285 "duration": 720380177,286 "status": "passed"287});...
Source: repoweb.js
1// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-2function htmlescape(str) {3 var pre = document.createElement('pre');4 var text = document.createTextNode(str);5 pre.appendChild(text);6 return pre.innerHTML.replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'");;7}8function get_page_arg(key) {9 var url = window.location.toString();10 var pos = url.indexOf("?");11 if (pos == -1)12 return null;13 var search = url.substr(pos + 1);14 var params = search.split("&");15 for (var n = 0; n < params.length; n++) {16 var val = params[n].split("=");17 if (val[0] == key)18 return unescape(val[1]);19 }20 return null;21}22var repoDataSignal = {};23var currentBuildMeta = null;24var currentSmoketestMeta = null;25function repowebInit() {26 var url;27 url = "work/tasks/build/current/meta.json";28 $.getJSON(url, function(data) {29 currentBuildMeta = data;30 $(repoDataSignal).trigger("current-build-meta-loaded");31 });32 url = "work/tasks/smoketest/current/meta.json";33 $.getJSON(url, function(data) {34 currentSmoketestMeta = data;35 $(repoDataSignal).trigger("current-smoketest-meta-loaded");36 });37}38function timeago(d, now) {39 var diffSeconds = (now.getTime() - d.getTime()) / 1000;40 if (diffSeconds < 0)41 return "a moment ago";42 var units = [["seconds", 60],43 ["minutes", 60*60],44 ["hours", 60*60*24],45 ["days", -1]];46 for (var i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {47 var unitItem = units[i];48 var divisor = i == 0 ? 1 : units[i-1][1];49 if (unitItem[1] == -1 || diffSeconds < unitItem[1]) {50 return "" + (Math.floor(diffSeconds / divisor)) + " " + unitItem[0] + " ago";51 }52 }53}54function buildDiffAppend(container, buildDiff) {55 if (!buildDiff)56 return document.createTextNode("No changes or new build");57 var added = buildDiff[0];58 var modified = buildDiff[1];59 var removed = buildDiff[2];60 if (added.length > 0)61 buildDiffComponentAppend(container, 'Added', added);62 if (modified.length > 0)63 buildDiffComponentAppend(container, 'Updated', modified);64 if (removed.length > 0)65 buildDiffComponentAppend(container, 'removed', removed);66}67function renderBuild(container, build) {68 var now = new Date();69 var version = build['meta']['version'];70 var divider = document.createElement('li');71 container.appendChild(divider);72 divider.setAttribute('data-role', 'list-divider');73 divider.setAttribute('role', 'heading');74 divider.appendChild(document.createTextNode(version));75 if (build['timestamp']) {76 var endTimestamp = new Date(build['timestamp'] * 1000);77 var span = document.createElement('span');78 divider.appendChild(span);79 $(span).addClass("time");80 span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(timeago(endTimestamp, now)));81 }82 var li = document.createElement('li');83 li.setAttribute('data-theme', '');84 container.appendChild(li);85 var a = document.createElement('a');86 li.appendChild(a);87 a.setAttribute('href', 'work/tasks/build/' + build['v'] + '/log');88 a.setAttribute('rel', 'external');89 var state = build['state'];90 if (state == 'running') {91 a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Running: "));92 }93 buildDiffAppend(a, build['diff']);94 95 if (state != 'running') {96 var p = document.createElement('span');97 a.appendChild(p);98 var stateSpan = document.createElement('span');99 p.appendChild(stateSpan);100 if (state == 'success')101 li.setAttribute('data-icon', 'check');102 else if (state == 'failed')103 li.setAttribute('data-icon', 'alert');104 }105}106function repowebIndexInit() {107 repowebInit();108 $(repoDataSignal).on("current-build-meta-loaded", function () {109 var buildMetaNode = $("#build-meta").get(0);110 $(buildMetaNode).empty();111 var ref = 'work/tasks/build/';112 if (currentBuildMeta.success)113 ref += '/successful';114 else115 ref += '/failed';116 ref += '/' + currentBuildMeta.taskVersion;117 var a = document.createElement('a');118 a.setAttribute('href', ref);119 a.setAttribute('rel', 'external');120 a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(currentBuildMeta.taskVersion));121 buildMetaNode.appendChild(a);122 buildMetaNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(': ' + (currentBuildMeta.success ? "success" : "failed ")));123 124 $("#build-icon").removeClass("buildstatus-happy");125 $("#build-icon").removeClass("buildstatus-sad");126 if (currentBuildMeta.success) {127 $("#build-icon").addClass("buildstatus-happy");128 } else {129 $("#build-icon").addClass("buildstatus-sad");130 }131 });132 $(repoDataSignal).on("current-smoketest-meta-loaded", function () {133 var node = $("#smoketest-meta").get(0);134 $(node).empty();135 var ref = 'work/tasks/smoketest/';136 if (currentSmoketestMeta.success)137 ref += '/successful';138 else139 ref += '/failed';140 ref += '/' + currentSmoketestMeta.taskVersion;141 var a = document.createElement('a');142 a.setAttribute('href', ref);143 a.setAttribute('rel', 'external');144 a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(currentSmoketestMeta.taskVersion));145 node.appendChild(a);146 node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(': ' + (currentSmoketestMeta.success ? "success" : "failed ")));147 });...
Source: App.test.js
1/*2 * Created by Roland Szecsenyi <>3 * This file is part of the INSCALE technical challenge.4 */5import React from 'react';6import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';7import {BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom';8import {I18nextProvider} from 'react-i18next';9import i18n from 'i18n';10import reduxStore from 'store';11import {Provider} from 'react-redux';12import {isCampaignArrayValid} from 'validators/campaign';13import {isDateValid} from 'validators/date';14import HeaderComponent from 'components/Header';15import FooterComponent from 'components/Footer';16import MessageComponent from 'components/Message';17import SpinnerComponent from 'components/Spinner';18import CampaignsComponent from 'components/Campaigns';19import CampaignsFilterableTableComponent from 'components/CampaignsFilterableTable';20import IndexContainer from 'containers/Index';21import CampaignsContainer from 'containers/Campaigns';22/**23 * @description24 * Simple component smoke test.25 */26const smokeTest = (children) => {27 const div = document.createElement('div');28 ReactDOM.render(children, div);29 ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(div);30};31/**32 * @description33 * Component smoke tests34 */35describe('Components', () => {36 // Header37 it('Header renders', () => {38 smokeTest(39 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>40 <BrowserRouter>41 <HeaderComponent/>42 </BrowserRouter>43 </I18nextProvider>44 );45 });46 // Footer47 it('Footer renders', () => {48 smokeTest(49 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>50 <FooterComponent/>51 </I18nextProvider>52 );53 });54 // Message55 it('Message renders', () => {56 smokeTest(<MessageComponent text='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' type='info'/>);57 });58 // Spinner59 it('Spinner renders', () => {60 smokeTest(<SpinnerComponent/>);61 });62 // Campaigns63 it('Campaigns renders', () => {64 smokeTest(65 <Provider store={reduxStore}>66 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>67 <CampaignsComponent/>68 </I18nextProvider>69 </Provider>70 );71 });72 // CampaignsFilterableTable73 it('CampaignsFilterableTable renders', () => {74 const campaigns = [{75 'id': 1,76 'name': 'alma',77 'startDate': '9/10/2018',78 'endDate': '3/9/2019',79 'budget': 883774380 }];81 smokeTest(82 <Provider store={reduxStore}>83 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>84 <CampaignsFilterableTableComponent campaigns={campaigns}/>85 </I18nextProvider>86 </Provider>87 );88 });89});90/**91 * @description92 * Container smoke tests93 */94describe('Containers', () => {95 // Index96 it('Index renders', () => {97 smokeTest(98 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>99 <IndexContainer/>100 </I18nextProvider>101 );102 });103 // Campaigns104 it('Campaigns renders', () => {105 smokeTest(106 <Provider store={reduxStore}>107 <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n}>108 <CampaignsContainer/>109 </I18nextProvider>110 </Provider>111 );112 });113});114/**115 * @description116 * Validation tests117 */118describe('Validation', () => {119 // Array of campaigns120 describe('Array of campaigns', () => {121 // Valid data122 it('Valid array of campaigns against the expected object shape', () => {123 const validArrayOfCampaigns = [{124 'id': 1,125 'name': 'alma',126 'startDate': '9/10/2018',127 'endDate': '3/9/2019',128 'budget': 8837743129 }];130 expect(isCampaignArrayValid(validArrayOfCampaigns)).toEqual(true);131 });132 // Invalid data133 it('Invalid array of campaigns against the expected object shape', () => {134 const invalidArrayOfCampaigns = [{135 'id': 1,136 'name': 'alma',137 'startDate': '9-10-2018',138 'endDate': '3/9/2019',139 'budget': -8837743140 }];141 expect(isCampaignArrayValid(invalidArrayOfCampaigns)).toEqual(false);142 });143 });144 describe('Date', () => {145 // Valid data146 it('Valid date against the expected format', () => {147 const validDate = '5/12/2019';148 expect(isDateValid(validDate)).toEqual(true);149 });150 // Invalid data151 it('Invalid date against the expected format', () => {152 const invalidDate = '12-24-2019';153 expect(isDateValid(invalidDate)).toEqual(false);154 });155 });...
Source: role.js
1const taskcluster = require('taskcluster-client');2const assert = require('assert');3const { retryAssertionFailures } = require('../util');4exports.scopeExpression = {5 AllOf: [6 "auth:create-role:project:taskcluster:smoketest:*",7 "auth:delete-role:project:taskcluster:smoketest:*",8 "auth:update-role:project:taskcluster:smoketest:*",9 "project:taskcluster:smoketest:*",10 ],11};12exports.tasks = [];13exports.tasks.push({14 title: 'Create role and expand smoketest (--target roles)',15 requires: [16 'ping-auth',17 ],18 provides: [19 'target-roles',20 ],21 run: async (requirements, utils) => {22 const auth = new taskcluster.Auth(taskcluster.fromEnvVars());23 const randomId = taskcluster.slugid();24 const roleId = `project:taskcluster:smoketest:${randomId}:*`;25 const payload = {26 description: 'smoketest for creating a role and expanding it',27 scopes: ['project:taskcluster:smoketest:<..>/*'],28 };29 await auth.createRole(roleId, payload);30 // roles are not *immediately* available for expansion, especially in31 // deployments with lots of processes running the auth service. It takes32 // a short while for all of those processes to hear about the new role and33 // update their scope resolvers. So, we poll..34 await retryAssertionFailures(10, utils, async () => {35 const expandPayload = {36 scopes: [`assume:project:taskcluster:smoketest:${randomId}:abc`],37 };38 const expandedRole = await auth.expandScopes(expandPayload);39 const expectedScopes = {40 scopes:41 [ `assume:project:taskcluster:smoketest:${randomId}:abc`,42 'project:taskcluster:smoketest:abc/*' ],43 };44 assert.deepEqual(expandedRole.scopes, expectedScopes.scopes);45 });46 // clean up our own role..47 await auth.deleteRole(roleId);48 // clean up any leftover roles, in case previous runs crashed or failed49 const query = {};50 const anHourAgo = - (1000 * 60 * 60);51 while (1) {52 const res = await auth.listRoles2();53 for(let role of res.roles){54 if(role.roleId.includes('project:taskcluster:smoketest:') &&55 new Date(role.lastModified) < new Date(anHourAgo)){56 await auth.deleteRole(role.roleId);57 }58 }59 if (res.continuationToken) {60 query.continuationToken = res.continuationToken;61 } else {62 break;63 }64 }65 },...
Source: xcelToJson.js
1'use strict';2var fs = require('fs-extra');3const excelToJson = require('convert-excel-to-json');4const result = excelToJson({5 source: fs.readFileSync('protractorReadXcel.xlsx'),6 header: {7 // Is the number of rows that will be skipped and will not be present at our result object. 8 rows: 19 }10});11console.log('xcel output::', result)12console.log('applicationUrl_QA', result.loginCredential[0].B)13console.log('applicationUrl_Stagging', result.loginCredential[0].C)14console.log('applicationUrl_Dev', result.loginCredential[0].D)15console.log('applicationUrl_Prod', result.loginCredential[0].E)16console.log('userNameGMAIL', result.loginCredential[1].B)17console.log('passwordGMAIL', result.loginCredential[2].B)18console.log('userNameYOUTUBE', result.loginCredential[1].C)19console.log('userNameYOUTUBE', result.loginCredential[2].C)20console.log('userNameFB', result.loginCredential[1].D)21console.log('userNameFB', result.loginCredential[2].D)22console.log('passwordYAHOO', result.loginCredential[1].E)23console.log('passwordYAHOO', result.loginCredential[2].E)24console.log('TEST 1', result.SmokeTest[0].F)25console.log('TEST 2', result.SmokeTest[1].F)26var dataRequired = function () {27 this.testConfig = {28 applicationUrl_QA: result.loginCredential[0].B,29 applicationUrl_Stagging: result.loginCredential[0].C,30 applicationUrl_Dev: result.loginCredential[0].D,31 applicationUrl_Prod: result.loginCredential[0].E,32 userNameGMAIL: result.loginCredential[1].B,33 passwordGMAIL: result.loginCredential[2].B,34 userNameYOUTUBE: result.loginCredential[1].C,35 passwordYOUTUBE: result.loginCredential[2].C,36 userNameFB: result.loginCredential[1].D,37 passwordFB: result.loginCredential[2].D,38 userNameYAHOO: result.loginCredential[1].E,39 passwordYAHOO: result.loginCredential[2].E,40 };41 this.smokeTest = {42 test1: result.SmokeTest[0].F,43 test2: result.SmokeTest[1].F,44 test3: result.SmokeTest[2].F,45 test4: result.SmokeTest[3].F,46 test5: result.SmokeTest[4].F,47 };48}...
Source: components-smoke-tests.spec.js
1import smokeTest from '../MoveMed.fixtures';2import AdminDashView from './AdminDashView/AdminDashView';3import ClientDashView from './ClientDashView/ClientDashView';4import ClientSelect from './ClientSelect/ClientSelect';5import Comment from './Comment/Comment';6import CommentsSection from './CommentsSection/CommentsSection';7import EditExerciseForm from './EditExerciseForm/EditExerciseForm';8import ExerciseItem from './ExerciseItem/ExerciseItem';9import ExerciseSelect from './ExerciseSelect/ExerciseSelect';10import ExerciseVidAndImg from './ExerciseVidAndImg/ExerciseVidAndImg';11import Footer from './Footer/Footer';12import Header from './Header/Header';13import LoginForm from './LoginForm/LoginForm';14import ProviderDashView from './ProviderDashView/ProviderDashView';15import SubmitCommentForm from './SubmitCommentForm/SubmitCommentForm';16import UserGoal from './UserGoal/UserGoal';17import UserItem from './UserItem/UserItem';18smokeTest('AdminDashView', <AdminDashView/>);19smokeTest('ClientDashView', <ClientDashView/>);20smokeTest('ClientSelect', <ClientSelect/>);21smokeTest('Comment', <Comment/>);22smokeTest('CommentsSection', <CommentsSection/>);23smokeTest('EditExerciseForm', <EditExerciseForm/>);24smokeTest('ExerciseItem', <ExerciseItem/>);25smokeTest('ExerciseSelect', <ExerciseSelect/>);26smokeTest('ExerciseVidAndImg', <ExerciseVidAndImg/>);27smokeTest('Footer', <Footer/>);28smokeTest('Header', <Header/>);29smokeTest('LoginForm', <LoginForm/>);30smokeTest('ProviderDashView', <ProviderDashView/>);31smokeTest('SubmitCommentForm', <SubmitCommentForm/>);32smokeTest('UserGoal', <UserGoal/>);...
Source: test-suite.js
1import EventEmitter from 'events';2import SmokeTest from './smoke-test';3class TestSuite extends EventEmitter {4 constructor() {5 super();6 this.smokeTests = [];7 }8 /**9 * @param {SmokeTest} smokeTest10 */11 add(smokeTest) {12 this.smokeTests[] = smokeTest;13 smokeTest.on('run', result => this.onRun(, result));14 smokeTest.on('error', result => this.onError(, result));15 }16 onRun(testId, result) {17 this.emit('run', testId, result);18 }19 onError(testId, result) {20 this.emit('error', testId, result);21 }22 /**23 * @param {string} id24 * @returns {Circuit} the circuit25 */26 get(id) {27 return this.smokeTests[id];28 }29 /**30 * @returns {Array<SmokeTest>}31 */32 list() {33 var smokeTests = [];34 for (let smokeTest in this.smokeTests) {35 smokeTests.push(this.smokeTests[smokeTest]);36 }37 return smokeTests;38 }39 static get instance() {40 return instance;41 }42}43const instance = new TestSuite();...
Source: routes-smoke-tests.spec.js
1import smokeTest from '../MoveMed.fixtures';2import ViewUser from './ViewUser/ViewUser';3import About from './About/About';4import CreateExercise from './CreateExercise/CreateExercise';5import CreateUser from './CreateUser/CreateUser';6import Dashboard from './Dashboard/Dashboard';7import EditUser from './EditUser/EditUser';8import LandingPage from './LandingPage/LandingPage';9import NotFound from './NotFound/NotFound';10import ViewExercise from './ViewExercise/ViewExercise';11import AssignExercise from './AssignExercise/AssignExercise';12smokeTest('About', <About/>);13smokeTest('AssignExercise', <AssignExercise/>);14smokeTest('CreateExercise', <CreateExercise/>);15smokeTest('CreateUser', <CreateUser/>);16smokeTest('Dashboard', <Dashboard/>);17smokeTest('EditUser', <EditUser/>);18smokeTest('LandingPage', <LandingPage/>);19smokeTest('NotFound', <NotFound/>);20smokeTest('ViewExercise', <ViewExercise/>);...
How to test if a method returns an array of a class in Jest
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Jest: how to mock console when it is used by a third-party-library?
ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree while installing a pacakge
Testing arguments with toBeCalledWith() in Jest
Is there assertCountEqual equivalent in javascript unittests jest library?
NodeJS: NOT able to set PERCY_TOKEN via package script with start-server-and-test
Jest: How to consume result of jest.genMockFromModule
How To Reset Manual Mocks In Jest
How to move '__mocks__' folder in Jest to /test?
Since Jest tests are runtime tests, they only have access to runtime information. You're trying to use a type, which is compile-time information. TypeScript should already be doing the type aspect of this for you. (More on that in a moment.)
The fact the tests only have access to runtime information has a couple of ramifications:
If it's valid for getAll
to return an empty array (because there aren't any entities to get), the test cannot tell you whether the array would have had Entity
elements in it if it hadn't been empty. All it can tell you is it got an array.
In the non-empty case, you have to check every element of the array to see if it's an Entity
. You've said Entity
is a class, not just a type, so that's possible. I'm not a user of Jest (I should be), but it doesn't seem to have a test specifically for this; it does have toBeTruthy
, though, and we can use every
to tell us if every element is an Entity
it('should return an array of Entity class', async () => {
const all = await service.getAll()
expect(all.every(e => e instanceof Entity)).toBeTruthy();
Beware, though, that all calls to every
on an empty array return true
, so again, that empty array issue raises its head.
If your Jest tests are written in TypeScript, you can improve on that by ensuring TypeScript tests the compile-time type of getAll
's return value:
it('should return an array of Entity class', async () => {
const all: Entity[] = await service.getAll()
// ^^^^^^^^^^
expect(all.every(e => e instanceof Entity)).toBeTruthy();
TypeScript will complain about that assignment at compile time if it's not valid, and Jest will complain at runtime if it sees an array containing a non-Entity
But jonrsharpe has a good point: This test may not be useful vs. testing for specific values that should be there.
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
Node js has become one of the most popular frameworks in JavaScript today. Used by millions of developers, to develop thousands of project, node js is being extensively used. The more you develop, the better the testing you require to have a smooth, seamless application. This article shares the best practices for the testing 2019, to deliver a robust web application or website.
Storybook offers a clean-room setting for isolating component testing. No matter how complex a component is, stories make it simple to explore it in all of its permutations. Before we discuss the Storybook testing in any browser, let us try and understand the fundamentals related to the Storybook framework and how it simplifies how we build UI components.
Quality Assurance (QA) is at the point of inflection and it is an exciting time to be in the field of QA as advanced digital technologies are influencing QA practices. As per a press release by Gartner, The encouraging part is that IT and automation will play a major role in transformation as the IT industry will spend close to $3.87 trillion in 2020, up from $3.76 trillion in 2019.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on WebDriverIO Tutorial and Selenium JavaScript Tutorial.
Having a strategy or plan can be the key to unlocking many successes, this is true to most contexts in life whether that be sport, business, education, and much more. The same is true for any company or organisation that delivers software/application solutions to their end users/customers. If you narrow that down even further from Engineering to Agile and then even to Testing or Quality Engineering, then strategy and planning is key at every level.
LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.
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