How to use profileEnd method in Jest

Best JavaScript code snippet using jest


Source: browser_profiler_shared-connection-04.js Github


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...76 testPendingRecording(pendingRecordings, 3, pushedLabels[4]);77 testPendingRecording(pendingRecordings, 4, pushedLabels[6]);78 testPendingRecording(pendingRecordings, 5, pushedLabels[7]);79 testPendingRecording(pendingRecordings, 6, pushedLabels[8]);80 /​/​ Start calling `console.profileEnd()`...81 let poppedLabels = [];82 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection)));83 /​/​ Quickly check if the profiler and framerate actor are still recording.84 ok((yield sharedProfilerConnection._request("profiler", "isActive")).isActive,85 "The profiler should still be active after one recording stopped.");86 ok((yield sharedProfilerConnection._framerate.isRecording()),87 "The framerate actor should still be active after one recording stopped.");88 /​/​ Continue calling `console.profileEnd()` with different arguments...89 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, null)));90 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, 0)));91 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, "")));92 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, [1, 2, 3])));93 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, [4, 5, 6])));94 poppedLabels.push((yield consoleProfileEnd(sharedProfilerConnection, true, "hello world")));95 /​/​ Verify the actors' and stack state.96 ok((yield sharedProfilerConnection._request("profiler", "isActive")).isActive,97 "The profiler should still be active after all recordings stopped.");98 ok(!(yield sharedProfilerConnection._framerate.isRecording()),99 "The framerate actor should not be active after all recordings stopped.");100 is(poppedLabels.length, 7,101 "There should be 7 calls made to `console.profileEnd()`.");102 is(poppedLabels[0], undefined,103 "The first `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");104 is(poppedLabels[1], "null",105 "The second `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");106 is(poppedLabels[2], "0",107 "The third `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");108 is(poppedLabels[3], "",109 "The fourth `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");110 is(poppedLabels[4], "1,2,3",111 "The fifth `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");112 is(poppedLabels[5], "4,5,6",113 "The sixth `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");114 is(poppedLabels[6], "hello world",115 "The seventh `console.profileEnd()` call had the correct coerced argument.");116 is(stackSize, 0,117 "There should be 0 pending profiles on the stack.");118 is(pendingRecordings.length, 0,119 "The internal pending console recordings count is correct.");120 is(finishedRecordings.length, 7,121 "The internal finished console recordings count is correct.");122 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 0, poppedLabels[0]);123 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 1, poppedLabels[1]);124 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 2, poppedLabels[2]);125 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 3, poppedLabels[3]);126 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 4, poppedLabels[4]);127 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 5, poppedLabels[5]);128 testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, 6, poppedLabels[6]);129 /​/​ We're done here.130 yield teardown(panel);131 finish();132});133function* consoleProfile(connection, withLabel, labelValue) {134 let notified = connection.once("invoked-console-profile");135 if (!withLabel) {136 console.profile();137 } else {138 console.profile(labelValue);139 }140 return (yield notified);141}142function* consoleProfileEnd(connection, withLabel, labelValue) {143 let notified = connection.once("invoked-console-profileEnd");144 if (!withLabel) {145 console.profileEnd();146 } else {147 console.profileEnd(labelValue);148 }149 return (yield notified);150}151function testPendingRecording(pendingRecordings, index, label) {152 is(pendingRecordings[index].profileLabel, label,153 "The pending profile at index " + index + " on the stack has the correct label.");154 ok(pendingRecordings[index].profilingStartTime >= 0,155 "...and has a positive start time.");156}157function testFinishedRecording(finishedRecordings, index, label) {158 is(finishedRecordings[index].profilerData.profileLabel, label,159 "The finished profile at index " + index + " has the correct label.");160 ok(finishedRecordings[index].recordingDuration > 0,161 "...and has a strictly positive recording duration.");...

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Source: feature.js Github


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...195 }196 })197 }198 if (runtime.argv.profile) {199 runtime.profiler.profileEnd('nodeRuntimeEnabled')200 }201 runtime.setState({ nodeFeatureEnabled: true })202 runtime.emit('nodeFeatureEnabled')203}204export function parseArgv(base = {}) {205 const { snakeCase, camelCase } = this.stringUtils206 const { defaultsDeep, omitBy, mapKeys } = this.lodash207 const procArgs = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2))208 return omitBy(209 defaultsDeep(210 {},211 base,212 procArgs,213 { _: [] },...

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Source: browser_perf-console-record-07.js Github


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1/​* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.2 http:/​/​​publicdomain/​zero/​1.0/​ */​3"use strict";4/​**5 * Tests that a call to console.profileEnd() with no label ends the6 * most recent console recording, and console.profileEnd() with a label that7 * does not match any pending recordings does nothing.8 */​9const { SIMPLE_URL } = require("devtools/​client/​performance/​test/​helpers/​urls");10const { initPerformanceInTab, initConsoleInNewTab, teardownToolboxAndRemoveTab } = require("devtools/​client/​performance/​test/​helpers/​panel-utils");11const { waitForRecordingStartedEvents, waitForRecordingStoppedEvents } = require("devtools/​client/​performance/​test/​helpers/​actions");12const { idleWait } = require("devtools/​client/​performance/​test/​helpers/​wait-utils");13const { getSelectedRecording } = require("devtools/​client/​performance/​test/​helpers/​recording-utils");14add_task(function* () {15 let { target, console } = yield initConsoleInNewTab({16 url: SIMPLE_URL,17 win: window18 });19 let { panel } = yield initPerformanceInTab({ tab: });20 let { PerformanceController } = panel.panelWin;21 let started = waitForRecordingStartedEvents(panel, {22 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings23 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true24 });25 yield console.profile();26 yield started;27 started = waitForRecordingStartedEvents(panel, {28 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings29 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true,30 /​/​ only emitted when an in-progress recording is selected31 skipWaitingForOverview: true,32 /​/​ the view state won't switch to "console-recording" unless the new33 /​/​ in-progress recording is selected, which won't happen34 skipWaitingForViewState: true,35 });36 yield console.profile("1");37 yield started;38 started = waitForRecordingStartedEvents(panel, {39 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings40 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true,41 /​/​ only emitted when an in-progress recording is selected42 skipWaitingForOverview: true,43 /​/​ the view state won't switch to "console-recording" unless the new44 /​/​ in-progress recording is selected, which won't happen45 skipWaitingForViewState: true,46 });47 yield console.profile("2");48 yield started;49 let recordings = PerformanceController.getRecordings();50 let selected = getSelectedRecording(panel);51 is(recordings.length, 3, "Three recordings found in the performance panel.");52 is(recordings[0].getLabel(), "", "Checking label of recording 1");53 is(recordings[1].getLabel(), "1", "Checking label of recording 2");54 is(recordings[2].getLabel(), "2", "Checking label of recording 3");55 is(selected, recordings[0],56 "The first console recording should be selected.");57 is(recordings[0].isRecording(), true,58 "All recordings should now be started. (1)");59 is(recordings[1].isRecording(), true,60 "All recordings should now be started. (2)");61 is(recordings[2].isRecording(), true,62 "All recordings should now be started. (3)");63 let stopped = waitForRecordingStoppedEvents(panel, {64 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings65 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true,66 /​/​ only emitted when a finished recording is selected67 skipWaitingForOverview: true,68 skipWaitingForSubview: true,69 /​/​ the view state won't switch to "recorded" unless the new70 /​/​ finished recording is selected, which won't happen71 skipWaitingForViewState: true,72 });73 yield console.profileEnd();74 yield stopped;75 selected = getSelectedRecording(panel);76 recordings = PerformanceController.getRecordings();77 is(recordings.length, 3, "Three recordings found in the performance panel.");78 is(selected, recordings[0],79 "The first console recording should still be selected.");80 is(recordings[0].isRecording(), true, "The not most recent recording should not stop " +81 "when calling console.profileEnd with no args.");82 is(recordings[1].isRecording(), true, "The not most recent recording should not stop " +83 "when calling console.profileEnd with no args.");84 is(recordings[2].isRecording(), false, "Only the most recent recording should stop " +85 "when calling console.profileEnd with no args.");86 info("Trying to `profileEnd` a non-existent console recording.");87 console.profileEnd("fxos");88 yield idleWait(1000);89 selected = getSelectedRecording(panel);90 recordings = PerformanceController.getRecordings();91 is(recordings.length, 3, "Three recordings found in the performance panel.");92 is(selected, recordings[0],93 "The first console recording should still be selected.");94 is(recordings[0].isRecording(), true,95 "The first recording should not be ended yet.");96 is(recordings[1].isRecording(), true,97 "The second recording should not be ended yet.");98 is(recordings[2].isRecording(), false,99 "The third recording should still be ended.");100 stopped = waitForRecordingStoppedEvents(panel, {101 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings102 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true,103 /​/​ only emitted when a finished recording is selected104 skipWaitingForOverview: true,105 skipWaitingForSubview: true,106 /​/​ the view state won't switch to "recorded" unless the new107 /​/​ finished recording is selected, which won't happen108 skipWaitingForViewState: true,109 });110 yield console.profileEnd();111 yield stopped;112 selected = getSelectedRecording(panel);113 recordings = PerformanceController.getRecordings();114 is(recordings.length, 3, "Three recordings found in the performance panel.");115 is(selected, recordings[0],116 "The first console recording should still be selected.");117 is(recordings[0].isRecording(), true,118 "The first recording should not be ended yet.");119 is(recordings[1].isRecording(), false,120 "The second recording should not be ended yet.");121 is(recordings[2].isRecording(), false,122 "The third recording should still be ended.");123 stopped = waitForRecordingStoppedEvents(panel, {124 /​/​ only emitted for manual recordings125 skipWaitingForBackendReady: true126 });127 yield console.profileEnd();128 yield stopped;129 selected = getSelectedRecording(panel);130 recordings = PerformanceController.getRecordings();131 is(recordings.length, 3, "Three recordings found in the performance panel.");132 is(selected, recordings[0],133 "The first console recording should be selected.");134 is(recordings[0].isRecording(), false,135 "All recordings should now be ended. (1)");136 is(recordings[1].isRecording(), false,137 "All recordings should now be ended. (2)");138 is(recordings[2].isRecording(), false,139 "All recordings should now be ended. (3)");140 info("Trying to `profileEnd` with no pending recordings.");141 console.profileEnd();142 yield idleWait(1000);143 ok(true, "Calling console.profileEnd() with no argument and no pending recordings " +144 "does not throw.");145 yield teardownToolboxAndRemoveTab(panel);...

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Source: profile.spec.js Github


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...97 let myConsole = {98 profile(label) {99 profileCalled = true;100 },101 profileEnd(label) {102 profileEndCalled = true;103 }104 }105 class Boo {106 @profile('custom', false, myConsole)107 hoo() {108 return;109 }110 }111 new Boo().hoo();112 profileCalled.should.equal(true);113 profileEndCalled.should.equal(true);114 });115 it('returns the value', function() {...

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Source: Profile.js Github


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...41 extend : Object,42 construct : function() {}43 });44 }45 console.profileEnd();46 console.profile("object create complex");47 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++)48 {49 qx.Class.define("testrunner.Empty2_" + i,50 {51 extend : qx.core.Object,52 construct : function() {},53 type : "abstract",54 statics :55 {56 a : 1,57 b : "juhu",58 c : false,59 /​**60 * TODOC61 *62 * @return {void}63 */​64 d : function() {}65 },66 members :67 {68 a : 1,69 b : "juhu",70 c : false,71 /​**72 * TODOC73 *74 * @return {void}75 */​76 d : function() {}77 },78 properties :79 {80 prop1 : { _legacy : true },81 prop2 : { _legacy : true },82 prop3 : { _legacy : true },83 prop4 : { _legacy : true }84 }85 });86 }87 console.profileEnd();88 console.profile("object create complex without properties");89 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++)90 {91 qx.Class.define("testrunner.Empty3_" + i,92 {93 extend : qx.core.Object,94 construct : function() {},95 type : "abstract",96 statics :97 {98 a : 1,99 b : "juhu",100 c : false,101 /​**102 * TODOC103 *104 * @return {void}105 */​106 d : function() {}107 },108 members :109 {110 a : 1,111 b : "juhu",112 c : false,113 /​**114 * TODOC115 *116 * @return {void}117 */​118 d : function() {}119 }120 });121 }122 console.profileEnd();123 },124 /​**125 * TODOC126 *127 * @return {void}128 */​129 testProfileString : function()130 {131 var loops = 1000;132 var fcnArr = [];133 fcnArr.push("function() { var a = 'assdfsd|fhfgh';");134 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {135 fcnArr[i + 1] = "a.split('|');";136 }137 fcnArr.push("}");138 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));139 console.profile("string split with match.");140 fcn();141 console.profileEnd();142 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {143 fcnArr[i + 1] = "a.indexOf('|');";144 }145 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));146 console.profile("string indexOf with match.");147 fcn();148 console.profileEnd();149 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {150 fcnArr[i + 1] = "if (a.indexOf('|') >= 0) {a.split('|')};";151 }152 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));153 console.profile("string conditional split with match.");154 fcn();155 console.profileEnd();156 /​/​ no match157 fcnArr[0] = "function() { var a = 'assdfsdfhfgh';";158 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {159 fcnArr[i + 1] = "a.split('|');";160 }161 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));162 console.profile("string split without match.");163 fcn();164 console.profileEnd();165 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {166 fcnArr[i + 1] = "a.indexOf('|');";167 }168 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));169 console.profile("string indexOf without match.");170 fcn();171 console.profileEnd();172 for (var i=0; i<loops; i++) {173 fcnArr[i + 1] = "if (a.indexOf('|') >= 0) {a.split('|')};";174 }175 var fcn = eval(fcnArr.join("\n"));176 console.profile("string conditional split without match.");177 fcn();178 console.profileEnd();179 }180 }...

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Source: index.js Github


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...5 this._super();6 var users = generateUsers(0, 1000);7 console.profile('storePush');8'user', users);9 console.profileEnd('storePush');10 },11 model: function() {12'afterRender', function() {13 console.profileEnd('render');14 console.profileEnd('all');15 });16 console.profile('store#all');17 var users = this.users ='user');18 console.profileEnd('store#all');19 console.profile('render');20 return users;21 },22 actions: {23 churn: function() {24 console.profile('dirty');25 this.users.forEach(function(user) {26 Ember.propertyDidChange(user, 'data');27 });28 console.profileEnd('dirty');29 console.profile('churn');30'afterRender', function() {31 console.profileEnd('churn');32 });33 }34 }...

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StackOverFlow community discussions


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You shouldn't need to install jest-cli yourself. It should come out of the box.

Try the following:

  1. Delete package-lock.json, yarn.lock and node_modules
  2. Remove jest from the dependencies in package.json
  3. Then do npm install or yarn install.


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  1. What is Jest Framework
  2. Advantages of Jest - Jest has 3,898,000 GitHub repositories, as mentioned on its official website. Learn what makes Jest special and why Jest has gained popularity among the testing and developer community.
  3. Jest Installation - All the prerequisites and set up steps needed to help you start Jest automation testing.
  4. Using Jest with NodeJS Project - Learn how to leverage Jest framework to automate testing using a NodeJS Project.
  5. Writing First Test for Jest Framework - Get started with code-based tutorial to help you write and execute your first Jest framework testing script.
  6. Jest Vocabulary - Learn the industry renowned and official jargons of the Jest framework by digging deep into the Jest vocabulary.
  7. Unit Testing with Jest - Step-by-step tutorial to help you execute unit testing with Jest framework.
  8. Jest Basics - Learn about the most pivotal and basic features which makes Jest special.
  9. Jest Parameterized Tests - Avoid code duplication and fasten automation testing with Jest using parameterized tests. Parameterization allows you to trigger the same test scenario over different test configurations by incorporating parameters.
  10. Jest Matchers - Enforce assertions better with the help of matchers. Matchers help you compare the actual output with the expected one. Here is an example to see if the object is acquired from the correct class or not. -

|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p> expect(newCar()).toBeInstanceOf(Car);</p><p> });</p>| | :- |

  1. Jest Hooks: Setup and Teardown - Learn how to set up conditions which needs to be followed by the test execution and incorporate a tear down function to free resources after the execution is complete.
  2. Jest Code Coverage - Unsure there is no code left unchecked in your application. Jest gives a specific flag called --coverage to help you generate code coverage.
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  5. Test using LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid - Run your Jest testing script over LambdaTest cloud-based platform and leverage parallel testing to help trim down your test execution time.
  6. Snapshot Testing for React Front Ends - Capture screenshots of your react based web-application and compare them automatically for visual anomalies with the help of Jest tutorial.
  7. Bonus: Import ES modules with Jest - ES modules are also known as ECMAScript modules. Learn how to best use them by importing in your Jest testing scripts.
  8. Jest vs Mocha vs Jasmine - Learn the key differences between the most popular JavaScript-based testing frameworks i.e. Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine.
  9. Jest FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) - Explore the most commonly asked questions around Jest framework, with their answers.

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