Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
Source: index.js
...24 new Date()25 ];26 t.plan(nonFuncs.length);27 forEach(nonFuncs, function (nonFunc) {28 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(nonFunc), nonFunc + ' is not a function');29 });30 t.end();31});32test('returns false for non-generator functions', function (t) {33 var func = function () {};34 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(func), 'anonymous function is not an generator function');35 var namedFunc = function foo() {};36 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(namedFunc), 'named function is not an generator function');37 if (typeof window === 'undefined') {38 t.skip('window.alert is not an generator function');39 } else {40 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(window.alert), 'window.alert is not an generator function');41 }42 t.end();43});44test('returns false for non-generator function with faked toString', function (t) {45 var func = function () {};46 func.toString = function () { return 'function* () { return "TOTALLY REAL I SWEAR!"; }'; };47 t.notEqual(String(func), Function.prototype.toString.apply(func), 'faked toString is not real toString');48 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(func), 'anonymous function with faked toString is not a generator function');49 t.end();50});51test('returns false for non-generator function with faked @@toStringTag', { skip: !hasToStringTag }, function (t) {52 var fakeGenFunction = {53 toString: function () { return String(generatorFunc); },54 valueOf: function () { return generatorFunc; }55 };56 fakeGenFunction[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'GeneratorFunction';57 t.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(fakeGenFunction), 'fake GeneratorFunction with @@toStringTag "GeneratorFunction" is not a generator function');58 t.end();59});60test('returns true for generator functions', function (t) {61 if (generatorFunc) {62 t.ok(isGeneratorFunction(generatorFunc), 'generator function is generator function');63 } else {64 t.skip('generator function is generator function - this environment does not support ES6 generator functions. Please run `node --harmony`, or use a supporting browser.');65 }66 t.end();67});68test('concise methods', { skip: !generatorFunc || !generatorFunc.concise }, function (t) {69 t.test('returns true for concise generator methods', function (st) {70 st.ok(isGeneratorFunction(generatorFunc.concise), 'concise generator method is generator function');71 st.end();72 });73 t.test('returns false for concise non-generator methods', function (st) {74 var conciseMethod = Function('return { concise() {} }.concise;')();75 st.equal(typeof conciseMethod, 'function', 'assert: concise method exists');76 st.notOk(isGeneratorFunction(conciseMethod), 'concise non-generator method is not generator function');77 st.end();78 });79 t.end();...
1// Debugger.Script.prototype.isAsyncFunction, Debugger.Object.prototype.isAsyncFunction,2// Debugger.Script.prototype.isGeneratorFunction, Debugger.Object.prototype.isGeneratorFunction3var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true});4var dbg = new Debugger();5var gDO = dbg.addDebuggee(g);6g.non_debuggee = function non_debuggee () {}7function checkExpr(expr, { isAsync, isGenerator })8{9 print("Evaluating: " + uneval(expr));10 let completion = gDO.executeInGlobal(expr);11 if (completion.throw)12 throw completion.throw.unsafeDereference();13 let fn = completion.return;14 assertEq(fn.isAsyncFunction, isAsync);15 assertEq(fn.isGeneratorFunction, isGenerator);16 // The Debugger.Object and its Debugger.Script should always agree.17 if (fn.script) {18 assertEq(fn.isAsyncFunction, fn.script.isAsyncFunction);19 assertEq(fn.isGeneratorFunction, fn.script.isGeneratorFunction);20 }21}22checkExpr('({})', { isAsync: undefined, isGenerator: undefined });23checkExpr('non_debuggee', { isAsync: undefined, isGenerator: undefined });24checkExpr('(function(){})', { isAsync: false, isGenerator: false });25checkExpr('(function*(){})', { isAsync: false, isGenerator: true });26checkExpr('(async function snerf(){})', { isAsync: true, isGenerator: false });27checkExpr('(async function* omlu(){})', { isAsync: true, isGenerator: true });28checkExpr('new Function("1+2")', { isAsync: false, isGenerator: false });29checkExpr('Object.getPrototypeOf(function*(){}).constructor("1+2")',30 { isAsync: false, isGenerator: true });31checkExpr('Object.getPrototypeOf(async function(){}).constructor("1+2")',32 { isAsync: true, isGenerator: false });33checkExpr('Object.getPrototypeOf(async function*(){}).constructor("1+2")',34 { isAsync: true, isGenerator: true });35// Check eval scripts.36function checkFrame(expr, type)37{38 var log = '';39 dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function(frame) {40 log += 'd';41 assertEq(frame.type, type);42 assertEq(frame.script.isAsyncFunction, false);43 assertEq(frame.script.isGeneratorFunction, false);44 }45 gDO.executeInGlobal(expr);46 assertEq(log, 'd');47}48checkFrame('debugger;', 'global');...
Source: utils.test.js
...4 function* gen() {}5 const obj = {6 *gen() {}7 };8 t.true(isGeneratorFunction(gen));9 t.true(isGeneratorFunction(obj.gen));10});11test('isGeneratorFunction is false for everything else', t => {12 function regular() {}13 const obj = {};14 const num = 1;15 const string = 'string';16 const array = [];17 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(regular));18 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(obj));19 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(num));20 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(string));21 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(array));22});23test('isIterable is true for built-in iterable types', t => {24 const array = [];25 const map = new Map();26 const set = new Set();27 const typedArray = new Int32Array();28 const string = 'string';29 t.true(isIterable(array));30 t.true(isIterable(map));31 t.true(isIterable(set));32 t.true(isIterable(typedArray));33 t.true(isIterable(string));34});35test('isIterable is true for custom iterables', t => {...
Source: isGeneratorFunction.test.js
...18 }19}20describe('isGeneratorFunction', () => {21 it('returns true on generator functions', () => {22 expect(isGeneratorFunction(naturals)) expect(isGeneratorFunction(five)) })25 it('returns false for generators', () => {26 expect(isGeneratorFunction(naturals())) expect(isGeneratorFunction(five())) })29 it('returns false for non-generator functions', () => {30 expect(isGeneratorFunction(() => {})) expect(isGeneratorFunction(x => x)) })33 it('returns false for non-functions', () => {34 expect(isGeneratorFunction(true)) expect(isGeneratorFunction(0)) expect(isGeneratorFunction('[object GeneratorFunction]')) expect(isGeneratorFunction([])) expect(isGeneratorFunction({})) expect(isGeneratorFunction(Symbol('GeneratorFunction'))) })...
Source: isGeneratorFunction.js
...6import genFunc from './shared/genFunc';7describe('isGeneratorFunction', function () {8 it('should tests value for a `Generator Function`', function () {9 assert.strictEqual(10 RA.isGeneratorFunction(genFunc),11 typeof genFunc === 'function'12 );13 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(args));14 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction([1, 2, 3]));15 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(true));16 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(new Date()));17 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(new Error()));18 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(Array.prototype.slice));19 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction({ 0: 1, length: 1 }));20 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(1));21 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(/x/));22 assert.isFalse(RA.isGeneratorFunction(Symbol));23 });24 it('should support placeholder to specify "gaps"', function () {25 const isGeneratorFunction = RA.isGeneratorFunction(R.__);26 assert.strictEqual(27 isGeneratorFunction(genFunc),28 typeof genFunc === 'function'29 );30 });...
Source: test.js
1import test from 'ava';2import isGeneratorFunction from './index.js';3test('main', t => {4 t.true(isGeneratorFunction(function * () {}));5 t.true(isGeneratorFunction(function * () {6 yield 'unicorn';7 }));8 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(null));9 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(undefined));10 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(() => {}));11 t.false(isGeneratorFunction(''));...
Source: isGeneratorFunction.spec.js
1const {isGeneratorFunction} = require('@/isGeneratorFunction');2describe('isGeneratorFunction', function () {3 it('truthy', function () {4 function* gen() {}5 const res = isGeneratorFunction(gen);6 expect(res).toBeTruthy();7 });...
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ReactTestRenderer: Invariant Violation: getNodeFromInstance: Invalid argument
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You need to have react-test-renderer
yarn add react-test-renderer
// or add it to your dev dependencies!
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LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.
|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
| :- |
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