Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
Source: validate.test.js
...148});149describe('', () => {150 it('rejects 0', () => {151 const result ='0');152 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);153 });154 it('accepts 1', () => {155 const result ='1');156 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);157 expect(result.value).toBe(1);158 });159 it('rejects negative numbers', () => {160 const result ='-1');161 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);162 });163 it('rejects the empty string', () => {164 const result ='');165 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);166 });167 it('rejects alphabetic characters', () => {168 const result ='b');169 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);170 });171});172describe('', () => {173 it('rejects and empty string', () => {174 const result ='');175 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();176 });177 it('rejects strings that are not dates', () => {178 const result ='this is not a date');179 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();180 });181 it('rejects dates that have extra characters', () => {182 const result ='2020-02-02 extra stuff');183 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();184 });185 it('returns actionable error messages', () => {186 const badlyFormattedDate = '02-13-2020';187 const validDateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD';188 const result =;189 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();190 expect(result.error).toEqual(191 expect.stringContaining(badlyFormattedDate)192 );193 expect(result.error).toEqual(194 expect.stringContaining(validDateFormat)195 );196 });197 it('rejects dates with invalid months', () => {198 const result ='2020-19-02');199 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();200 });201 it('rejects dates with invalid days', () => {202 const result ='2020-02-42');203 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();204 });205 it('rejects dates with invalid delimeters', () => {206 const result ='2020/02/02');207 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();208 });209 it('successfully parses a date', () => {210 const validDate = '2020-02-02';211 const m = moment(validDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD', true);212 const result =;213 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();214 expect(result.value).toEqual(m);215 });216});217describe('validate.type.geometry', () => {218 it('Rejects undefined and invalid types', () => {219 const undefinedGeom = undefined;220 const undefinedTypeGeom = { type: undefined };221 const resUndefinedGeom = type.geometry(undefinedGeom);222 const resUndefinedTypeGeom = type.geometry(undefinedTypeGeom);223 expect(resUndefinedGeom.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();224 expect(resUndefinedGeom.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining(225 '"geometry" was undefined'226 ));227 expect(resUndefinedTypeGeom.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();228 expect(resUndefinedTypeGeom.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining(229 'geometry "type" was undefined'230 ));231 });232 it('Accepts geometry type "Circle"', () => {233 const circle = {type: 'Circle', coordinates: ['1','1'], radius: '100'};234 const result = type.geometry(circle);235 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();236 });237 it('Accepts geometry type "Polygon"', () => {238 const polygon = {type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [['1','1'], ['2', '2'], ['3', '3'], ['1', '1']]};239 const result = type.geometry(polygon);240 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();241 });242 it('Rejects Polygons that are not closed', () => {243 const polygon = {type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [['1','1'], ['2', '2'], ['3', '3'], ['4','4']]};244 const result = type.geometry(polygon);245 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();246 expect(result.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('A "Polygon" must be closed.'));247 });248 it('Rejects Polygons that have less than 4 coordinates', () => {249 const polygon = {type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [['1','1'], ['2', '2'], ['3', '3']]};250 const result = type.geometry(polygon);251 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();252 expect(result.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('the "coordinates" member MUST be an array of 4 or more coordinate arrays'));253 });254 it('Rejects Circles with no radius', () => {255 const circle = {type: 'Circle', coordinates: ['1','1']};256 const result = type.geometry(circle);257 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();258 expect(result.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('Circle geometry must have a "radius"'));259 });260 it('has to have coordinates', () => {261 const circle = {type: 'Circle', coordinates: undefined};262 const result = type.geometry(circle);263 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();264 expect(result.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('geometry must have "coordinates"'));265 });266 it('is case sensitive and rejects "circle"', () => {267 const circle = {type: 'circle', coordinates: ['1','1'], radius: '100'};268 const result = type.geometry(circle);269 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();270 expect(result.error).toEqual(expect.stringContaining('geometry "type" is case sensitive'));271 });272});273describe('validate.type.latitude', () => {274 it('rejects strings', () => {275 const result = type.latitude('hello world');276 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);277 });278 it('rejects empty strings', () => {279 const result = type.latitude('');280 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);281 });282 it('accepts 90.0', () => {283 const result = type.latitude('90.0');284 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);285 expect(result.value).toBe(90.0);286 });287 it('accepts -90.0', () => {288 const result = type.latitude('-90.0');289 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);290 expect(result.value).toBe(-90.0);291 });292 it('accepts 80.78373163637', () => {293 const result = type.latitude('80.78373163637');294 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);295 expect(result.value).toBe(80.78373163637);296 });297 it('rejects 90.000391', () => {298 const result = type.latitude('90.000391');299 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);300 });301 it('rejects -90.000391', () => {302 const result = type.latitude('-90.000391');303 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);304 });305});306describe('validate.type.longitude', () => {307 it('rejects strings', () => {308 const result = type.longitude('hello world');309 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);310 });311 it('rejects empty strings', () => {312 const result = type.longitude('');313 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);314 });315 it('accepts 180.0', () => {316 const result = type.longitude('180.0');317 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);318 expect(result.value).toBe(180.0);319 });320 it('accepts -180.0', () => {321 const result = type.longitude('-180.0');322 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);323 expect(result.value).toBe(-180.0);324 });325 it('accepts 80.78373163637', () => {326 const result = type.longitude('80.78373163637');327 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);328 expect(result.value).toBe(80.78373163637);329 });330 it('rejects 180.042391', () => {331 const result = type.longitude('180.042391');332 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);333 });334 it('rejects -180.042391', () => {335 const result = type.longitude('-180.042391');336 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);337 });338});339describe('validate.type.projectName', () => {340 it('rejects null', () => {341 const result = type.projectName(null);342 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();343 });344 it('rejects the empty string', () => {345 const result = type.projectName('');346 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();347 });348 it('accepts "a"', () => {349 const result = type.projectName('a');350 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();351 expect(result.value).toBe('a');352 });353 it('accepts "Madagascar Reforestation"', () => {354 const result = type.projectName('Madagascar Reforestation');355 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();356 expect(result.value).toBe('Madagascar Reforestation');357 });358});359describe('validate.type.radius', () => {360 it('rejects 0', () => {361 const result = type.radius('0');362 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);363 });364 it('accepts 1', () => {365 const result = type.radius('1000');366 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);367 expect(result.value).toBe(1000);368 });369 it('rejects negative numbers', () => {370 const result = type.radius('-1000');371 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);372 });373 it('rejects the empty string', () => {374 const result = type.radius('');375 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);376 });377 it('rejects alphabetic characters', () => {378 const result = type.radius('abc');379 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);380 });381});382describe('validate.type.assetDefinition', () => {383 let assetDefinition;384 beforeEach(() => {385 assetDefinition = {386 'name': 'tname',387 'description': 'tdesc',388 'properties': [389 {390 'name': 'tprop1',391 'data_type': 'number',392 'required': true,393 'is_private': false394 },395 {396 'name': 'tprop2',397 'data_type': 'boolean',398 'required': false,399 'is_private': true400 }401 ]402 };403 });404 // Test Asset Definition Type405 it('accepts valid assetDefinition', () => {406 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);407 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);408 });409 it('rejects empty name', () => {410 = '';411 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);412 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);413 });414 it('rejects name > 50 characters', () => {415 = 'x'.repeat(51);416 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);417 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);418 });419 it('rejects incorrect type for description', () => {420 assetDefinition.description = 5;421 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);422 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);423 });424 it('accepts undefined description', () => {425 assetDefinition.description = undefined;426 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);427 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBe(true);428 });429 // Test Properties430 it('rejects undefined properties', () => {431 = undefined;432 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);433 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);434 });435 it('rejects empty properties', () => {436 = [];437 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);438 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);439 });440 it('rejects empty property name', () => {441[0].name = '';442 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);443 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);444 });445 it('rejects property name > 50 characters', () => {446[0].name = 'x'.repeat(51);447 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);448 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);449 });450 it('rejects incorrect property dataType', () => {451[0].data_type = 'coordinate';452 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);453 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);454 });455 it('rejects incorrect type for property dataType', () => {456[0].data_type = { 'coordinate': 123 };457 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);458 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);459 });460 it('rejects string property required', () => {461[0].required = 'true';462 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);463 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);464 });465 it('rejects string property isPrivate', () => {466[0].is_private = 'true';467 const result = type.assetDefinition(assetDefinition);468 expect(result.isFailure()).toBe(true);469 });470});471describe('validate.type.project', () => {472 let project;473 beforeEach(() => {474 project = {475 'sponsor_id': '1',476 'name': 'tname1',477 'description': 'tdesc1'478 };479 });480 it('accepts a valid project', () => {481 const result = type.project(project);482 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();483 });484 it('accepts an empty description', () => {485 project.description = '';486 const result = type.project(project);487 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();488 });489 it('accepts an undefined description', () => {490 project.description = undefined;491 const result = type.project(project);492 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();493 });494 it('accepts a missing description', () => {495 delete project.description;496 const result = type.project(project);497 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();498 });499 it('rejects empty name', () => {500 = '';501 const result = type.project(project);502 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();503 expect(result.error).toEqual(504 expect.stringContaining('Project Names must be at least')505 );506 });507 it('rejects "a" as a sponsor_id', () => {508 project.sponsor_id = 'a';509 const result = type.project(project);510 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();511 expect(result.error).toEqual(512 expect.stringContaining('Expected a number between 1 and')513 );514 });515 it('rejects "0" as a sponsor_id', () => {516 project.sponsor_id = '0';517 const result = type.project(project);518 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();519 expect(result.error).toEqual(520 expect.stringContaining('Expected a number between 1 and')521 );522 });523});524describe('validate.param.query', () => {525 it('extracts 2 from query string', () => {526 const req = {527 query: {528 test: '2'529 }530 };531 const result = param.query(req, 'test');532 expect(result).toBe('2');533 });534 it('returns undefined when extracting a parameter that does not exist', () => {535 const req = {536 query: {}537 };538 const result = param.query(req, 'test');539 expect(result).toBe(undefined);540 });541});542describe('validate.param.body', () => {543 it('extracts 2 from body string', () => {544 const req = {545 body: {546 test: '2'547 }548 };549 const result = param.body(req, 'test');550 expect(result).toBe('2');551 });552 it('returns undefined when extracting a parameter from body that does not exist', () => {553 const req = {554 body: {}555 };556 const result = param.body(req, 'test');557 expect(result).toBe(undefined);558 });559});560describe('validate.param.params', () => {561 it('extracts 7 from params string', () => {562 const req = {563 body: {564 test: 'Not in Here'565 },566 params: {567 test: '7'568 }569 };570 const result = param.params(req, 'test');571 expect(result).toBe('7');572 });573 it('returns undefined when extracting a parameter from params that does not exist', () => {574 const req = {575 body: {},576 params: {}577 };578 const result = param.params(req, 'test');579 expect(result).toBe(undefined);580 });581});582describe('validate.type.donorCode', () => {583 it('parses a single donor code and returns an array', () => {584 const donor_code = 'FF00ABC';585 const result = type.donorCode(donor_code);586 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();587 expect(result.value).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([donor_code]));588 });589 it('parses an array of donor codes', () => {590 const donor_code = ['FF00ABC', 'AABB1122'];591 const result = type.donorCode(donor_code);592 expect(result.isSuccess()).toBeTruthy();593 expect(result.value).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(donor_code));594 });595 it('returns a ParseResult.failure() if the donor code is Undefined', () => {596 const result = type.donorCode(undefined);597 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();598 });599 it('returns a ParseResult.failure() if the donor code is an empty array', () => {600 const result = type.donorCode([]);601 expect(result.isFailure()).toBeTruthy();602 });...
Source: mock-cluster.js
...18const listAppend = function(key, value, options, callback) {19 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;20 const self = this;21 this.get(key, (err, res) => {22 if (isFailure(err)) {23 if (elv(options) && options.createList) {24 const newList = [ value ];25 return self.insert(key, newList, (e, r) => {26 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);27 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newList });28 });29 } else {30 return cb(err);31 }32 }33 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))34 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));35 const val = res.value;36 val.push(value);37 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {38 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);39 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });40 });41 });42};43/* istanbul ignore next */44const listGet = function(key, index, options, callback) {45 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;46 this.get(key, (err, res) => {47 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);48 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))49 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));50 if (index >= res.value.length)51 return cb(new couchbaseError('Index out of range'));52 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: res.value[index] });53 });54};55/* istanbul ignore next */56const listPrepend = function(key, value, options, callback) {57 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;58 const self = this;59 this.get(key, (err, res) => {60 if (isFailure(err)) {61 if (elv(options) && options.createList) {62 const newList = [ value ];63 return self.insert(key, newList, (e, r) => {64 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);65 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newList });66 });67 } else {68 return cb(err);69 }70 }71 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))72 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));73 const val = res.value;74 val.unshift(value);75 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {76 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);77 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });78 });79 });80};81/* istanbul ignore next */82const listRemove = function(key, index, options, callback) {83 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;84 const self = this;85 this.get(key, (err, res) => {86 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);87 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))88 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));89 const val = res.value;90 if (index >= val.length)91 return cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val });92 val.splice(index, 1);93 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {94 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);95 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });96 });97 });98};99/* istanbul ignore next */100const listSet = function(key, index, value, options, callback) {101 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;102 const self = this;103 this.get(key, (err, res) => {104 if (isFailure(err)) {105 if (elv(options) && options.createList) {106 const newList = [ value ];107 return self.insert(key, newList, (e, r) => {108 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);109 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newList });110 });111 } else {112 return cb(err);113 }114 }115 const val = res.value;116 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))117 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));118 if (index >= val.length)119 return cb(new couchbaseError('Index out of range'));120 val[index] = value;121 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {122 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);123 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val.length });124 });125 });126};127/* istanbul ignore next */128const listSize = function(key, options, callback) {129 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;130 this.get(key, (err, res) => {131 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);132 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))133 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a list'));134 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: res.value.length });135 });136};137/* istanbul ignore next */138const mapAdd = function(key, path, value, options, callback) {139 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;140 const self = this;141 this.get(key, (err, res) => {142 if (isFailure(err)) {143 if (elv(options) && options.createMap) {144 const newMap = { isMap: true };145 newMap[path] = value;146 return self.insert(key, newMap, (e, r) => {147 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);148 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newMap });149 });150 } else {151 return cb(err);152 }153 }154 const val = res.value;155 if (!val.isMap)156 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a map'));157 val[path] = value;158 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {159 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);160 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });161 });162 });163};164/* istanbul ignore next */165const mapGet = function(key, path, options, callback) {166 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;167 this.get(key, (err, res) => {168 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);169 const val = res.value;170 if (!val.isMap)171 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a map'));172 if (!val.hasOwnProperty(path))173 return cb(new couchbaseError('Path invalid'));174 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val[path] });175 });176};177/* istanbul ignore next */178const mapRemove = function(key, path, options, callback) {179 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;180 const self = this;181 this.get(key, (err, res) => {182 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);183 const val = res.value;184 if (!val.isMap)185 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a map'));186 if (!val.hasOwnProperty(path))187 return cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val });188 delete val[path];189 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {190 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);191 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });192 });193 });194};195/* istanbul ignore next */196const mapSize = function(key, options, callback) {197 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;198 this.get(key, (err, res) => {199 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);200 const val = res.value;201 if (!val.isMap)202 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a map'));203 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: Object.keys(val).length - 1 });204 });205};206/* istanbul ignore next */207const queuePop = function(key, options, callback) {208 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;209 const self = this;210 this.get(key, (err, res) => {211 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);212 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))213 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a queue'));214 const val = res.value;215 const next = val.shift();216 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {217 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);218 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: next });219 });220 });221};222/* istanbul ignore next */223const queuePush = function(key, value, options, callback) {224 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;225 const self = this;226 this.get(key, (err, res) => {227 if (isFailure(err)) {228 if (elv(options) && options.createQueue) {229 const newQueue = [ value ];230 return self.insert(key, newQueue, (e, r) => {231 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);232 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newQueue });233 });234 } else {235 return cb(err);236 }237 }238 if (!Array.isArray(res.value))239 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a queue'));240 const val = res.value;241 val.push(value);242 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {243 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);244 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });245 });246 });247};248/* istanbul ignore next */249const queueSize = function(key, options, callback) {250 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;251 this.get(key, (err, res) => {252 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);253 const val = res.value;254 if (!Array.isArray(val))255 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a queue'));256 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val.length });257 });258};259/* istanbul ignore next */260const setAdd = function(key, value, options, callback) {261 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;262 const self = this;263 this.get(key, (err, res) => {264 if (isFailure(err)) {265 if (elv(options) && options.createSet) {266 const newSet = [ value ];267 return self.insert(key, newSet, (e, r) => {268 if (isFailure(e)) return cb(e);269 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: newSet });270 });271 } else {272 return cb(err);273 }274 }275 const val = res.value;276 if (!Array.isArray(val))277 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a set'));278 if (val.indexOf(value) === -1) val.push(value);279 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {280 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);281 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });282 });283 });284};285/* istanbul ignore next */286const setExists = function(key, value, options, callback) {287 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;288 this.get(key, (err, res) => {289 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);290 const val = res.value;291 if (!Array.isArray(val))292 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a set'));293 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val.indexOf(value) !== -1 });294 });295};296/* istanbul ignore next */297const setRemove = function(key, value, options, callback) {298 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;299 const self = this;300 this.get(key, (err, res) => {301 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);302 let val = res.value;303 if (!Array.isArray(val))304 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a set'));305 const index = val.indexOf(value);306 if (index === -1)307 return cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val });308 delete val[index];309 self.replace(key, val, (e, r) => {310 if (elv(e)) return cb(e);311 cb(undefined, { cas: r.cas, value: val });312 });313 });314};315/* istanbul ignore next */316const setSize = function(key, options, callback) {317 const cb = (typeof options === 'function') ? options : callback;318 this.get(key, (err, res) => {319 if (isFailure(err)) return cb(err);320 const val = res.value;321 if (!Array.isArray(val))322 return cb(new couchbase.Error('Not a set'));323 cb(undefined, { cas: res.cas, value: val.length });324 });325};326class MockCluster {327 constructor(cnstr) {328 const native = new couchbase.Mock.Cluster(cnstr);329 native.authenticate = function(auther) {};330 native.query = function(query, params, callback) {331 process.nextTick(() => {332 callback(null, true);333 });...
Source: mutations.js
1import * as utils from '../utils';2/**3 *4 * @param state5 * @constructor6 */7export const SELECT_LOGIN_REQUEST = (state) => {8 state.LOGIN.isLoading = true;9 state.LOGIN.isSuccess = false;10 state.LOGIN.isFailure = false;11};12/**13 *14 * @param state15 * @param data16 * @constructor17 */18export const SELECT_LOGIN_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {19 state.LOGIN.isLoading = false;20 state.LOGIN.isSuccess = true;21 state.LOGIN.isFailure = false;22 state.LOGIN.isData = data;23};24/**25 *26 * @param state27 * @constructor28 */29export const SELECT_LOGIN_FAILURE = (state) => {30 state.LOGIN.isLoading = false;31 state.LOGIN.isSuccess = false;32 state.LOGIN.isFailure = true;33};34/**35 *36 * @param state37 * @constructor38 */39export const SELECT_INDEX_REQUEST = (state) => {40 state.INDEX.isLoading = true;41 state.INDEX.isSuccess = false;42 state.INDEX.isFailure = false;43};44/**45 *46 * @param state47 * @param data48 * @constructor49 */50export const SELECT_INDEX_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {51 const {sitename} = state.LOGIN.isData || {};52 const siteName = sitename ?53 sitename : uni.getStorageSync('siteName');54 const data1 = data[0].data || {};55 const total = {...data1, sitename: siteName};56 const series = [];57 const categories = [];58 (data[1].data || []).map((item) => {59 const {paydate, totalmoney} = item;60 const dateStr = paydate.substr(5, 5);61 categories.push(dateStr);62 series.push(totalmoney);63 });64 const chart = {65 categories,66 series: [67 {68 data: series69 }70 ]71 };72 const items = (data[2].data || []).map((item) => {73 const {paytime} = item;74 const time = utils.formatTime(paytime);75 return {76 ...item,77 time78 }79 });80 const newData = {total, chart, items};81 state.INDEX.isLoading = false;82 state.INDEX.isSuccess = true;83 state.INDEX.isFailure = false;84 state.INDEX.isData = newData;85};86/**87 *88 * @param state89 * @constructor90 */91export const SELECT_INDEX_FAILURE = (state) => {92 state.INDEX.isLoading = false;93 state.INDEX.isSuccess = false;94 state.INDEX.isFailure = true;95};96/**97 *98 * @param state99 * @constructor100 */101export const UPDATE_REFUND_REQUEST = (state) => {102 state.REFUND.isLoading = true;103 state.REFUND.isSuccess = false;104 state.REFUND.isFailure = false;105};106/**107 *108 * @param state109 * @param data110 * @constructor111 */112export const UPDATE_REFUND_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {113 state.REFUND.isLoading = false;114 state.REFUND.isSuccess = true;115 state.REFUND.isFailure = false;116 state.REFUND.isData = data;117};118/**119 *120 * @param state121 * @constructor122 */123export const UPDATE_REFUND_FAILURE = (state) => {124 state.REFUND.isLoading = false;125 state.REFUND.isSuccess = false;126 state.REFUND.isFailure = true;127};128/**129 *130 * @param state131 * @param data132 * @constructor133 */134export const UPDATE_REFUND_REPLACE = (state, data) => {135 const {orderid} = data;136 const oldData = state.DETAIL.isData;137 const oldRows = state.ORDER.isData.rows;138 const newData = {139 ...oldData,140 paystate: 'å·²é款',141 isDisable: true142 };143 const newRows = (oldRows || []).map((item) => {144 const tempObj = item.orderid === orderid ?145 {...item, paystate: 'å·²é款'} : item;146 return tempObj;147 });148 state.DETAIL.isData = newData;149 state.ORDER.isData.rows = newRows;150};151/**152 *153 * @param state154 * @constructor155 */156export const INSERT_PAYMENT_REQUEST = (state) => {157 state.PAYMENT.isLoading = true;158 state.PAYMENT.isSuccess = false;159 state.PAYMENT.isFailure = false;160};161/**162 *163 * @param state164 * @param data165 * @constructor166 */167export const INSERT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {168 const {sitename} = state.LOGIN.isData || {};169 const newData = {, sitename};170 state.PAYMENT.isLoading = false;171 state.PAYMENT.isSuccess = true;172 state.PAYMENT.isFailure = false;173 state.PAYMENT.isData = newData;174};175/**176 *177 * @param state178 * @constructor179 */180export const INSERT_PAYMENT_FAILURE = (state) => {181 state.PAYMENT.isLoading = false;182 state.PAYMENT.isSuccess = false;183 state.PAYMENT.isFailure = true;184};185/**186 *187 * @param state188 * @constructor189 */190export const SELECT_ORDER_REQUEST = (state) => {191 state.ORDER.isLoading = true;192 state.ORDER.isSuccess = false;193 state.ORDER.isFailure = false;194};195/**196 *197 * @param state198 * @param data199 * @constructor200 */201export const SELECT_ORDER_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {202 state.ORDER.isLoading = false;203 state.ORDER.isSuccess = true;204 state.ORDER.isFailure = false;205 const oldRows = state.ORDER.isData.rows;206 const newRows = data.rows || [];207 const rows = oldRows.concat(newRows);208 state.ORDER.isData = {, rows};209};210/**211 *212 * @param state213 * @constructor214 */215export const SELECT_ORDER_FAILURE = (state) => {216 state.ORDER.isLoading = false;217 state.ORDER.isSuccess = false;218 state.ORDER.isFailure = true;219};220/**221 *222 * @param state223 * @constructor224 */225export const SELECT_ORDER_REPLACE = (state) => {226 state.ORDER.isData = {227 pageindex: 1,228 rows: [],229 totalcount: 0230 };231};232/**233 *234 * @param state235 * @constructor236 */237export const SELECT_SHOPS_REQUEST = (state) => {238 state.SHOPS.isLoading = true;239 state.SHOPS.isSuccess = false;240 state.SHOPS.isFailure = false;241};242/**243 *244 * @param state245 * @param data246 * @constructor247 */248export const SELECT_SHOPS_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {249 state.SHOPS.isLoading = false;250 state.SHOPS.isSuccess = true;251 state.SHOPS.isFailure = false;252 state.SHOPS.isData = data;253};254/**255 *256 * @param state257 * @constructor258 */259export const SELECT_SHOPS_FAILURE = (state) => {260 state.SHOPS.isLoading = false;261 state.SHOPS.isSuccess = false;262 state.SHOPS.isFailure = true;263};264/**265 *266 * @param state267 * @constructor268 */269export const SELECT_CLERK_REQUEST = (state) => {270 state.CLERK.isLoading = true;271 state.CLERK.isSuccess = false;272 state.CLERK.isFailure = false;273};274/**275 *276 * @param state277 * @param data278 * @constructor279 */280export const SELECT_CLERK_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {281 state.CLERK.isLoading = false;282 state.CLERK.isSuccess = true;283 state.CLERK.isFailure = false;284 state.CLERK.isData = data;285};286/**287 *288 * @param state289 * @constructor290 */291export const SELECT_CLERK_FAILURE = (state) => {292 state.CLERK.isLoading = false;293 state.CLERK.isSuccess = false;294 state.CLERK.isFailure = true;295};296/**297 *298 * @param state299 * @constructor300 */301export const SELECT_DETAIL_REQUEST = (state) => {302 state.DETAIL.isLoading = true;303 state.DETAIL.isSuccess = false;304 state.DETAIL.isFailure = false;305};306/**307 *308 * @param state309 * @param data310 * @constructor311 */312export const SELECT_DETAIL_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {313 const {paytime, paystate} = data;314 const date = new Date();315 const dateStr = utils.dateFormat(date, 'yyyy/mm/dd');316 const targetTime = new Date(paytime.replace(/-/g, '/')).getTime();317 const beginTime = new Date(dateStr + ' 00:00:00').getTime();318 const endTime = date.getTime();319 const isDisable = !(320 (beginTime <= targetTime)321 && (targetTime <= endTime)322 && (paystate === 'å·²æ¯ä»')323 );324 const newData = {, isDisable};325 state.DETAIL.isLoading = false;326 state.DETAIL.isSuccess = true;327 state.DETAIL.isFailure = false;328 state.DETAIL.isData = newData;329};330/**331 *332 * @param state333 * @constructor334 */335export const SELECT_DETAIL_FAILURE = (state) => {336 state.DETAIL.isLoading = false;337 state.DETAIL.isSuccess = false;338 state.DETAIL.isFailure = true;339};340/**341 *342 * @param state343 * @constructor344 */345export const UPDATE_PASSWORD_REQUEST = (state) => {346 state.PASSWORD.isLoading = true;347 state.PASSWORD.isSuccess = false;348 state.PASSWORD.isFailure = false;349};350/**351 *352 * @param state353 * @param data354 * @constructor355 */356export const UPDATE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {357 state.PASSWORD.isLoading = false;358 state.PASSWORD.isSuccess = true;359 state.PASSWORD.isFailure = false;360 state.PASSWORD.isData = data;361};362/**363 *364 * @param state365 * @constructor366 */367export const UPDATE_PASSWORD_FAILURE = (state) => {368 state.PASSWORD.isLoading = false;369 state.PASSWORD.isSuccess = false;370 state.PASSWORD.isFailure = true;371};372/**373 *374 * @param state375 * @constructor376 */377export const INSERT_SUGGEST_REQUEST = (state) => {378 state.SUGGEST.isLoading = true;379 state.SUGGEST.isSuccess = false;380 state.SUGGEST.isFailure = false;381};382/**383 *384 * @param state385 * @param data386 * @constructor387 */388export const INSERT_SUGGEST_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {389 state.SUGGEST.isLoading = false;390 state.SUGGEST.isSuccess = true;391 state.SUGGEST.isFailure = false;392 state.SUGGEST.isData = data;393};394/**395 *396 * @param state397 * @constructor398 */399export const INSERT_SUGGEST_FAILURE = (state) => {400 state.SUGGEST.isLoading = false;401 state.SUGGEST.isSuccess = false;402 state.SUGGEST.isFailure = true;403};404/**405 *406 * @param state407 * @constructor408 */409export const INSERT_LOAN_REQUEST = (state) => {410 state.LOAN.isLoading = true;411 state.LOAN.isSuccess = false;412 state.LOAN.isFailure = false;413};414/**415 *416 * @param state417 * @param data418 * @constructor419 */420export const INSERT_LOAN_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {421 state.LOAN.isLoading = false;422 state.LOAN.isSuccess = true;423 state.LOAN.isFailure = false;424 state.LOAN.isData = data;425};426/**427 *428 * @param state429 * @constructor430 */431export const INSERT_LOAN_FAILURE = (state) => {432 state.LOAN.isLoading = false;433 state.LOAN.isSuccess = false;434 state.LOAN.isFailure = true;435};436/**437 *438 * @param state439 * @constructor440 */441export const SELECT_USER_REQUEST = (state) => {442 state.USER.isLoading = true;443 state.USER.isSuccess = false;444 state.USER.isFailure = false;445};446/**447 *448 * @param state449 * @param data450 * @constructor451 */452export const SELECT_USER_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {453 state.USER.isLoading = false;454 state.USER.isSuccess = true;455 state.USER.isFailure = false;456 state.USER.isData = data;457};458/**459 *460 * @param state461 * @constructor462 */463export const SELECT_USER_FAILURE = (state) => {464 state.USER.isLoading = false;465 state.USER.isSuccess = false;466 state.USER.isFailure = true;467};468/**469 *470 * @param state471 * @constructor472 */473export const SELECT_BILL_REQUEST = (state) => {474 state.BILL.isLoading = true;475 state.BILL.isSuccess = false;476 state.BILL.isFailure = false;477};478/**479 *480 * @param state481 * @param data482 * @constructor483 */484export const SELECT_BILL_SUCCESS = (state, data) => {485 const total = data[0].data || {};486 const series = utils.getChartDataPie(data[1].data);487 const chart = series.length ? {series} : null;488 const newData = {total, chart};489 state.BILL.isLoading = false;490 state.BILL.isSuccess = true;491 state.BILL.isFailure = false;492 state.BILL.isData = newData;493};494/**495 *496 * @param state497 * @constructor498 */499export const SELECT_BILL_FAILURE = (state) => {500 state.BILL.isLoading = false;501 state.BILL.isSuccess = false;502 state.BILL.isFailure = true;503};504/**505 *506 * @param state507 * @constructor508 */509export const SELECT_BILL_REPLACE = (state) => {510 state.BILL.isLoading = false;511 state.BILL.isSuccess = false;512 state.BILL.isFailure = false;513 state.BILL.isData = {514 total: {},515 chart: null516 };...
Source: talent.js
1import * as types from '../actions/actionTypes';2const initialState = {3 init: true,4 isFetching: false,5 isFetched: false,6 errorMessage: false,7 isFailure: false,8 value: []9};10export default function talentReducer(state = initialState, action) {11 // console.log("==video==", state, action);12 switch(action.type) {13 case types.TALENT_UPLOAD_PICTURE.SUCCESS:14 return Object.assign({}, state, {15 init: false,16 isFetched: true,17 isFailure: false,18 errorMessage: false,19 value: action.payload,20 });21 case types.TALENT_UPLOAD_PICTURE.FAILURE:22 console.log('=== action.payload: ', action.payload)23 return Object.assign({}, state, {24 init: false,25 isFetched: false,26 failure: true,27 errorMessage: action.payload,28 });29 case types.TALENT_UPLOAD_PICTURE.INIT:30 return Object.assign({}, state, {31 init: true,32 isFetched: false,33 errorMessage: false,34 isFailure: false,35 value: []36 });37 default:38 return state;39 }40}41const initialTalentInfoState = {42 init: true,43 isFetched: false,44 errorMessage: false,45 isFailure: false,46 value: null47};48export function getCurrentTalentInfo(state = initialTalentInfoState, action) {49 switch(action.type) {50 case types.TALENT_INFO.REQUEST:51 return Object.assign({}, state, {52 init: false,53 isFetching: true,54 isFetched: false,55 isFailure: false,56 errorMessage: false,57 value: null58 });59 case types.TALENT_INFO.SUCCESS:60 return Object.assign({}, state, {61 init: false,62 isFetching: false,63 isFetched: true,64 isFailure: false,65 failure: true,66 value: action.payload,67 });68 case types.TALENT_INFO.FAILURE:69 return Object.assign({}, state, {70 init: true,71 isFetching: false,72 isFetched: false,73 isFailure: true,74 errorMessage: action.payload,75 value: null76 });77 default:78 return state;79 }80}81const initialChangePasswordState = {82 init: true,83 isFetched: false,84 errorMessage: false,85 isFailure: false,86 value: null87};88export function changePassword(state = initialChangePasswordState, action) {89 switch(action.type) {90 case types.TALENT_CHANGE_PASSWORD.REQUEST:91 return Object.assign({}, state, {92 init: false,93 isFetched: false,94 isFailure: false,95 errorMessage: false,96 value: null97 });98 case types.TALENT_CHANGE_PASSWORD.SUCCESS:99 return Object.assign({}, state, {100 init: false,101 isFetched: true,102 isFailure: false,103 failure: true,104 value: action.payload,105 });106 case types.TALENT_CHANGE_PASSWORD.FAILURE:107 return Object.assign({}, state, {108 init: true,109 isFetched: false,110 isFailure: true,111 errorMessage: action.payload,112 value: null113 });114 default:115 return state;116 }...
Source: positionTypes.js
1import * as types from '../actions/actionTypes';2const initialState = {3 init: true,4 isFetched: false,5 errorMessage: false,6 isFailure: false,7 value: null8};9export function getAllPositionTypes(state = initialState, action) {10 switch(action.type) {11 case types.ALL_POSITION_TYPES.REQUEST:12 return Object.assign({}, state, {13 init: false,14 isFetched: false,15 isFailure: false,16 errorMessage: false,17 value: null18 });19 case types.ALL_POSITION_TYPES.SUCCESS:20 return Object.assign({}, state, {21 init: false,22 isFetched: true,23 isFailure: false,24 failure: true,25 value: action.payload,26 });27 case types.ALL_POSITION_TYPES.FAILURE:28 return Object.assign({}, state, {29 init: true,30 isFetched: false,31 isFailure: true,32 errorMessage: action.payload,33 value: null34 });35 default:36 return state;37 }38}39const initialTalentPositionTypesState = {40 init: true,41 isFetched: false,42 errorMessage: false,43 isFailure: false,44 value: null45};46export function getTalentPositionTypes(state = initialTalentPositionTypesState, action) {47 switch(action.type) {48 case types.TALENT_POSITION_TYPES.REQUEST:49 return Object.assign({}, state, {50 init: false,51 isFetched: false,52 isFailure: false,53 errorMessage: false,54 value: null55 });56 case types.TALENT_POSITION_TYPES.SUCCESS:57 return Object.assign({}, state, {58 init: false,59 isFetched: true,60 isFailure: false,61 failure: true,62 value: action.payload,63 });64 case types.TALENT_POSITION_TYPES.FAILURE:65 return Object.assign({}, state, {66 init: true,67 isFetched: false,68 isFailure: true,69 errorMessage: action.payload,70 value: null71 });72 default:73 return state;74 }...
Source: is-failure.js
2const assert = require('chai').assert;3const isFailure = require('../../lib/is-failure');4describe('#isFailure', () => {5 it('should be false if err is undefined', () => {6 const result = isFailure(undefined);7 assert.isFalse(result);8 });9 it('should be false if err is null', () => {10 const result = isFailure(null);11 assert.isFalse(result);12 });13 it('should be false if err is Boolean value false', () => {14 const result = isFailure(false);15 assert.isFalse(result);16 });17 it('should be false if err is integer value 0', () => {18 const result = isFailure(0);19 assert.isFalse(result);20 });21 it('should be false if err.code is integer value 0', () => {22 const result = isFailure({ code: 0 });23 assert.isFalse(result);24 });25 it('should be true if err is a keyed object instance', () => {26 const result = isFailure({ code: 1 });27 assert.isTrue(result);28 });29 it('should be true if err is Boolean true', () => {30 const result = isFailure(true);31 assert.isTrue(result);32 });33 it('should be true if err is number ne 0', () => {34 const result = isFailure(1);35 assert.isTrue(result);36 });37 it('should throw if err is string', () => {38 assert.throws(() => {39 isFailure('test');40 }, TypeError);41 });42 it('should throw if err is symbol', () => {43 assert.throws(() => {44 isFailure(Symbol('test'));45 }, TypeError);46 });47 it('should throw if err is function', () => {48 assert.throws(() => {49 isFailure(() => 1);50 }, TypeError);51 });...
Source: states.js
1export const LOGIN = {2 isLoading: false,3 isFailure: false,4 isSuccess: false,5 isData: null6};7export const BILL = {8 isLoading: false,9 isFailure: false,10 isSuccess: false,11 isData: {12 total: {},13 chart: null,14 }15};16export const INDEX = {17 isLoading: false,18 isFailure: false,19 isSuccess: false,20 isData: {21 total: {},22 chart: {},23 items: []24 }25};26export const REFUND = {27 isLoading: false,28 isFailure: false,29 isSuccess: false,30 isData: null31};32export const ORDER = {33 isLoading: false,34 isFailure: false,35 isSuccess: false,36 isData: {37 pageindex: 1,38 rows: [],39 totalcount: 040 }41};42export const SHOPS = {43 isLoading: false,44 isFailure: false,45 isSuccess: false,46 isData: null47};48export const CLERK = {49 isLoading: false,50 isFailure: false,51 isSuccess: false,52 isData: null53};54export const DETAIL = {55 isLoading: false,56 isFailure: false,57 isSuccess: false,58 isData: null59};60export const USER = {61 isLoading: false,62 isFailure: false,63 isSuccess: false,64 isData: null65};66export const LOAN = {67 isLoading: false,68 isFailure: false,69 isSuccess: false,70 isData: null71};72export const PASSWORD = {73 isLoading: false,74 isFailure: false,75 isSuccess: false,76 isData: null77};78export const SUGGEST = {79 isLoading: false,80 isFailure: false,81 isSuccess: false,82 isData: null83};84export const PAYMENT = {85 isLoading: false,86 isFailure: false,87 isSuccess: false,88 isData: null...
Source: isFailure.test.js
...9} = RemoteData;10describe('Data.RemoteData', () => {11 describe('RemoteData.isFailure', () => {12 test('It should only return "true" for the "Failure" instances', () => {13 expect(isFailure(NotAsked)).toBe(false);14 expect(isFailure(Loading)).toBe(false);15 expect(isFailure(Failure())).toBe(true);16 expect(isFailure(Success())).toBe(false);17 });18 });...
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How to mock a constructor like new Date()
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Jest basics: Testing function from component
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is not part of RTL. You need to install jest-dom to enable it.
And then import it in your test files by:
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
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|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
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