Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
Source: tx_pb.js
1/**2 * @fileoverview3 * @enhanceable4 * @suppress {messageConventions} JS Compiler reports an error if a variable or5 * field starts with 'MSG_' and isn't a translatable message.6 * @public7 */8// GENERATED CODE -- DO NOT EDIT!9var jspb = require('google-protobuf');10var goog = jspb;11var global = Function('return this')();12var gogoproto_gogo_pb = require('../../../gogoproto/gogo_pb.js');13goog.exportSymbol('proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant', null, global);14goog.exportSymbol('proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse', null, global);15/**16 * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator.17 * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a18 * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used19 * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned.20 * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still21 * valid.22 * @extends {jspb.Message}23 * @constructor24 */25proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant = function(opt_data) {26 jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null);27};28goog.inherits(proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant, jspb.Message);29if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) {30 proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.displayName = 'proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant';31}32if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) {33/**34 * Creates an object representation of this proto suitable for use in Soy templates.35 * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name.36 * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_<name>, eg, foo.pb_default.37 * For the list of reserved names please see:38 * * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB instance40 * for transitional soy proto support: http://goto/soy-param-migration41 * @return {!Object}42 */43proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) {44 return proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this);45};46/**47 * Static version of the {@see toObject} method.48 * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB49 * instance for transitional soy proto support:50 * http://goto/soy-param-migration51 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant} msg The msg instance to transform.52 * @return {!Object}53 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages54 */55proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) {56 var f, obj = {57 sender: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 1, ""),58 invariantModuleName: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 2, ""),59 invariantRoute: jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(msg, 3, "")60 };61 if (includeInstance) {62 obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg;63 }64 return obj;65};66}67/**68 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format).69 * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize.70 * @return {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant}71 */72proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) {73 var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes);74 var msg = new proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant;75 return proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader);76};77/**78 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the79 * given reader into the given message object.80 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant} msg The message object to deserialize into.81 * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use.82 * @return {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant}83 */84proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) {85 while (reader.nextField()) {86 if (reader.isEndGroup()) {87 break;88 }89 var field = reader.getFieldNumber();90 switch (field) {91 case 1:92 var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());93 msg.setSender(value);94 break;95 case 2:96 var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());97 msg.setInvariantModuleName(value);98 break;99 case 3:100 var value = /** @type {string} */ (reader.readString());101 msg.setInvariantRoute(value);102 break;103 default:104 reader.skipField();105 break;106 }107 }108 return msg;109};110/**111 * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format).112 * @return {!Uint8Array}113 */114proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.serializeBinary = function() {115 var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter();116 proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer);117 return writer.getResultBuffer();118};119/**120 * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire121 * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter.122 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant} message123 * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer124 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages125 */126proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) {127 var f = undefined;128 f = message.getSender();129 if (f.length > 0) {130 writer.writeString(131 1,132 f133 );134 }135 f = message.getInvariantModuleName();136 if (f.length > 0) {137 writer.writeString(138 2,139 f140 );141 }142 f = message.getInvariantRoute();143 if (f.length > 0) {144 writer.writeString(145 3,146 f147 );148 }149};150/**151 * optional string sender = 1;152 * @return {string}153 */154proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.getSender = function() {155 return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, ""));156};157/** @param {string} value */158proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.setSender = function(value) {159 jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 1, value);160};161/**162 * optional string invariant_module_name = 2;163 * @return {string}164 */165proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.getInvariantModuleName = function() {166 return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, ""));167};168/** @param {string} value */169proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.setInvariantModuleName = function(value) {170 jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value);171};172/**173 * optional string invariant_route = 3;174 * @return {string}175 */176proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.getInvariantRoute = function() {177 return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, ""));178};179/** @param {string} value */180proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant.prototype.setInvariantRoute = function(value) {181 jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value);182};183/**184 * Generated by JsPbCodeGenerator.185 * @param {Array=} opt_data Optional initial data array, typically from a186 * server response, or constructed directly in Javascript. The array is used187 * in place and becomes part of the constructed object. It is not cloned.188 * If no data is provided, the constructed object will be empty, but still189 * valid.190 * @extends {jspb.Message}191 * @constructor192 */193proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse = function(opt_data) {194 jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null);195};196goog.inherits(proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse, jspb.Message);197if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) {198 proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.displayName = 'proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse';199}200if (jspb.Message.GENERATE_TO_OBJECT) {201/**202 * Creates an object representation of this proto suitable for use in Soy templates.203 * Field names that are reserved in JavaScript and will be renamed to pb_name.204 * To access a reserved field use, foo.pb_<name>, eg, foo.pb_default.205 * For the list of reserved names please see:206 * * @param {boolean=} opt_includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB instance208 * for transitional soy proto support: http://goto/soy-param-migration209 * @return {!Object}210 */211proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.prototype.toObject = function(opt_includeInstance) {212 return proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.toObject(opt_includeInstance, this);213};214/**215 * Static version of the {@see toObject} method.216 * @param {boolean|undefined} includeInstance Whether to include the JSPB217 * instance for transitional soy proto support:218 * http://goto/soy-param-migration219 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse} msg The msg instance to transform.220 * @return {!Object}221 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages222 */223proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) {224 var f, obj = {225 };226 if (includeInstance) {227 obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg;228 }229 return obj;230};231}232/**233 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format).234 * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize.235 * @return {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse}236 */237proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) {238 var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes);239 var msg = new proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse;240 return proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader);241};242/**243 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the244 * given reader into the given message object.245 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse} msg The message object to deserialize into.246 * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use.247 * @return {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse}248 */249proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) {250 while (reader.nextField()) {251 if (reader.isEndGroup()) {252 break;253 }254 var field = reader.getFieldNumber();255 switch (field) {256 default:257 reader.skipField();258 break;259 }260 }261 return msg;262};263/**264 * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format).265 * @return {!Uint8Array}266 */267proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.prototype.serializeBinary = function() {268 var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter();269 proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer);270 return writer.getResultBuffer();271};272/**273 * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire274 * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter.275 * @param {!proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse} message276 * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer277 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages278 */279proto.cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) {280 var f = undefined;281};...
Source: replace-invariant-error-codes.js
...35 if (node[SEEN_SYMBOL]) {36 return;37 }38 // Insert `import PROD_INVARIANT from 'reactProdInvariant';`39 // before all `invariant()` calls.40 if (path.get('callee').isIdentifier({name: 'invariant'})) {41 // Turns this code:42 //43 // invariant(condition, argument, 'foo', 'bar');44 //45 // into this:46 //47 // if (!condition) {48 // if ("production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {49 // invariant(false, argument, 'foo', 'bar');50 // } else {51 // PROD_INVARIANT('XYZ', 'foo', 'bar');52 // }53 // }54 //55 // where56 // - `XYZ` is an error code: a unique identifier (a number string)57 // that references a verbose error message.58 // The mapping is stored in `scripts/error-codes/codes.json`.59 // - `PROD_INVARIANT` is the `reactProdInvariant` function that always throws with an error URL like60 //[]=foo&args[]=bar61 //62 // Specifically this does 3 things:63 // 1. Checks the condition first, preventing an extra function call....
Source: tx.js
1/* eslint-disable */2import { Reader, Writer } from 'protobufjs/minimal';3export const protobufPackage = 'cosmos.crisis.v1beta1';4const baseMsgVerifyInvariant = { sender: '', invariantModuleName: '', invariantRoute: '' };5export const MsgVerifyInvariant = {6 encode(message, writer = Writer.create()) {7 if (message.sender !== '') {8 writer.uint32(10).string(message.sender);9 }10 if (message.invariantModuleName !== '') {11 writer.uint32(18).string(message.invariantModuleName);12 }13 if (message.invariantRoute !== '') {14 writer.uint32(26).string(message.invariantRoute);15 }16 return writer;17 },18 decode(input, length) {19 const reader = input instanceof Uint8Array ? new Reader(input) : input;20 let end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length;21 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariant };22 while (reader.pos < end) {23 const tag = reader.uint32();24 switch (tag >>> 3) {25 case 1:26 message.sender = reader.string();27 break;28 case 2:29 message.invariantModuleName = reader.string();30 break;31 case 3:32 message.invariantRoute = reader.string();33 break;34 default:35 reader.skipType(tag & 7);36 break;37 }38 }39 return message;40 },41 fromJSON(object) {42 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariant };43 if (object.sender !== undefined && object.sender !== null) {44 message.sender = String(object.sender);45 }46 else {47 message.sender = '';48 }49 if (object.invariantModuleName !== undefined && object.invariantModuleName !== null) {50 message.invariantModuleName = String(object.invariantModuleName);51 }52 else {53 message.invariantModuleName = '';54 }55 if (object.invariantRoute !== undefined && object.invariantRoute !== null) {56 message.invariantRoute = String(object.invariantRoute);57 }58 else {59 message.invariantRoute = '';60 }61 return message;62 },63 toJSON(message) {64 const obj = {};65 message.sender !== undefined && (obj.sender = message.sender);66 message.invariantModuleName !== undefined && (obj.invariantModuleName = message.invariantModuleName);67 message.invariantRoute !== undefined && (obj.invariantRoute = message.invariantRoute);68 return obj;69 },70 fromPartial(object) {71 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariant };72 if (object.sender !== undefined && object.sender !== null) {73 message.sender = object.sender;74 }75 else {76 message.sender = '';77 }78 if (object.invariantModuleName !== undefined && object.invariantModuleName !== null) {79 message.invariantModuleName = object.invariantModuleName;80 }81 else {82 message.invariantModuleName = '';83 }84 if (object.invariantRoute !== undefined && object.invariantRoute !== null) {85 message.invariantRoute = object.invariantRoute;86 }87 else {88 message.invariantRoute = '';89 }90 return message;91 }92};93const baseMsgVerifyInvariantResponse = {};94export const MsgVerifyInvariantResponse = {95 encode(_, writer = Writer.create()) {96 return writer;97 },98 decode(input, length) {99 const reader = input instanceof Uint8Array ? new Reader(input) : input;100 let end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length;101 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariantResponse };102 while (reader.pos < end) {103 const tag = reader.uint32();104 switch (tag >>> 3) {105 default:106 reader.skipType(tag & 7);107 break;108 }109 }110 return message;111 },112 fromJSON(_) {113 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariantResponse };114 return message;115 },116 toJSON(_) {117 const obj = {};118 return obj;119 },120 fromPartial(_) {121 const message = { ...baseMsgVerifyInvariantResponse };122 return message;123 }124};125export class MsgClientImpl {126 constructor(rpc) {127 this.rpc = rpc;128 }129 VerifyInvariant(request) {130 const data = MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(request).finish();131 const promise = this.rpc.request('cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.Msg', 'VerifyInvariant', data);132 return promise.then((data) => MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.decode(new Reader(data)));133 }...
...54 );55 });56 it('should replace simple invariant calls', () => {57 compare(58 "invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');",59 "var _prodInvariant = require('reactProdInvariant');\n\n" +60 '!condition ? ' +61 "process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? " +62 "invariant(false, 'Do not override existing functions.') : " +63 `_prodInvariant('16') : void 0;`64 );65 });66 it('should only add `reactProdInvariant` once', () => {67 var expectedInvariantTransformResult = '!condition ? ' +68 "process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? " +69 "invariant(false, 'Do not override existing functions.') : " +70 `_prodInvariant('16') : void 0;`;71 compare(72 `var invariant = require('invariant');73invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');74invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');`,75 `var _prodInvariant = require('reactProdInvariant');76var invariant = require('invariant');77${expectedInvariantTransformResult}78${expectedInvariantTransformResult}`79 );80 });81 it('should support invariant calls with args', () => {82 compare(83 "invariant(condition, 'Expected %s target to be an array; got %s', 'foo', 'bar');",84 "var _prodInvariant = require('reactProdInvariant');\n\n" +85 '!condition ? ' +86 "process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? " +87 "invariant(false, 'Expected %s target to be an array; got %s', 'foo', 'bar') : " +88 `_prodInvariant('7', 'foo', 'bar') : void 0;`89 );90 });91 it('should support invariant calls with a concatenated template string and args', () => {92 compare(93 "invariant(condition, 'Expected a component class, ' + 'got %s.' + '%s', 'Foo', 'Bar');",94 "var _prodInvariant = require('reactProdInvariant');\n\n" +95 '!condition ? ' +96 "process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? " +97 "invariant(false, 'Expected a component class, got %s.%s', 'Foo', 'Bar') : " +98 `_prodInvariant('18', 'Foo', 'Bar') : void 0;`99 );100 });101 it('should warn in non-test envs if the error message cannot be found', () => {102 spyOn(console, 'warn');103 transform("invariant(condition, 'a %s b', 'c');");104 expect(console.warn.calls.count()).toBe(1);105 expect(console.warn.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toBe(106 'Error message "a %s b" ' +107 'cannot be found. The current React version ' +108 'and the error map are probably out of sync. ' +109 'Please run `yarn build -- --extractErrors` to build React with the error map in sync.'110 );111 });112 it('should not warn in test env if the error message cannot be found', () => {113 process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';114 spyOn(console, 'warn');115 transform("invariant(condition, 'a %s b', 'c');");116 expect(console.warn.calls.count()).toBe(0);117 process.env.NODE_ENV = '';118 });...
Source: inline-invariant-test.js
...26describe('inline-invariant transform', () => {27 it('works 1', () => {28 expect(transform(dedent`29 import invariant from '';30 invariant(false);31 `)).toEqual(dedent`32 if (!false) {33 throw new Error("Invariant violation: \"false\"");34 }35 `);36 });37 it('works 2', () => {38 expect(transform(dedent`39 import invariant from '';40 invariant(false != true);41 `)).toEqual(dedent`42 if (!(false != true)) {43 throw new Error("Invariant violation: \"false != true\"");44 }45 `);46 });47 it('works 3', () => {48 expect(transform(dedent`49 import invariant from '';50 invariant(foo() ? !!bar : baz.qux());51 `)).toEqual(dedent`52 if (!(foo() ? !!bar : baz.qux())) {53 throw new Error("Invariant violation: \"foo() ? !!bar : baz.qux()\"");54 }55 `);56 });57 it('works 4', () => {58 expect(transform(dedent`59 import invariant from '';60 invariant(true, 'it is true');61 `)).toEqual(dedent`62 if (!true) {63 throw new Error('it is true');64 }65 `);66 });67 it('works 5', () => {68 expect(transform(dedent`69 import {invariant} from '';70 invariant(true, 'it is true');71 `)).toEqual(dedent`72 if (!true) {73 throw new Error('it is true');74 }75 `);76 });77 it('works 6', () => {78 expect(transform(dedent`79 import invariant from '';80 invariant(true, 'it is true');81 invariant.ok();82 `)).toEqual(dedent`83 import invariant from '';84 if (!true) {85 throw new Error('it is true');86 }87 invariant.ok();88 `);89 });90 it('works 7', () => {91 expect(transform(dedent`92 export { invariant } from ''93 `)).toEqual(dedent`94 export { invariant } from '';95 `);96 });97 it('works 8', () => {98 expect(transform(dedent`99 import {default as invariant} from ''100 invariant(true);101 `)).toEqual(dedent`102 if (!true) {103 throw new Error("Invariant violation: \"true\"");104 }105 `);106 });107 it('works 9', () => {108 expect(transform(dedent`109 invariant;110 `)).toEqual(dedent`111 invariant;112 `);113 });114 it('works 10', () => {115 expect(transform(dedent`116 var invariant = require('invariant');117 `)).toEqual(dedent`118 var invariant = require('invariant');119 `);120 });121 it('works 11', () => {122 expect(transform(dedent`123 var invariant = require('invariant');124 invariant(true);125 `)).toEqual(dedent`126 var invariant = require('invariant');127 invariant(true);128 `);129 });130 it('works 12', () => {131 expect(transform(dedent`132 import invariant from 'invariant';133 foo;134 `)).toEqual('foo;');135 });136 it('works 13', () => {137 expect(() => {138 transform(dedent`139 import invariant from 'invariant';140 if (invariant(true)) {}141 `);142 }).toThrow(143 'undefined: `invariant()` must be used as an expression statement.'144 );145 });146 it('works 14', () => {147 expect(() => {148 transform(dedent`149 import invariant from 'invariant';150 invariant();151 `);152 }).toThrow(153 'undefined: `invariant()` must at least one argument.'154 );155 });...
...28 });29 it('should replace simple invariant calls', () => {30 compare(31 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +32 "invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');",33 "import _prodInvariant from 'shared/reactProdInvariant';\n" +34 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +35 '!condition ? ' +36 '__DEV__ ? ' +37 "invariant(false, 'Do not override existing functions.') : " +38 `_prodInvariant('16') : void 0;`39 );40 });41 it('should only add `reactProdInvariant` once', () => {42 const expectedInvariantTransformResult =43 '!condition ? ' +44 '__DEV__ ? ' +45 "invariant(false, 'Do not override existing functions.') : " +46 `_prodInvariant('16') : void 0;`;47 compare(48 `import invariant from 'shared/invariant';49invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');50invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');`,51 `import _prodInvariant from 'shared/reactProdInvariant';52import invariant from 'shared/invariant';53${expectedInvariantTransformResult}54${expectedInvariantTransformResult}`55 );56 });57 it('should support invariant calls with args', () => {58 compare(59 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +60 "invariant(condition, 'Expected %s target to be an array; got %s', 'foo', 'bar');",61 "import _prodInvariant from 'shared/reactProdInvariant';\n" +62 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +63 '!condition ? ' +64 '__DEV__ ? ' +65 "invariant(false, 'Expected %s target to be an array; got %s', 'foo', 'bar') : " +66 `_prodInvariant('7', 'foo', 'bar') : void 0;`67 );68 });69 it('should support invariant calls with a concatenated template string and args', () => {70 compare(71 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +72 "invariant(condition, 'Expected a component class, ' + 'got %s.' + '%s', 'Foo', 'Bar');",73 "import _prodInvariant from 'shared/reactProdInvariant';\n" +74 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +75 '!condition ? ' +76 '__DEV__ ? ' +77 "invariant(false, 'Expected a component class, got %s.%s', 'Foo', 'Bar') : " +78 `_prodInvariant('18', 'Foo', 'Bar') : void 0;`79 );80 });81 it('should correctly transform invariants that are not in the error codes map', () => {82 compare(83 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +84 "invariant(condition, 'This is not a real error message.');",85 "import _prodInvariant from 'shared/reactProdInvariant';\n" +86 "import invariant from 'shared/invariant';\n" +87 "!condition ? invariant(false, 'This is not a real error message.') : void 0;"88 );89 });...
Source: transform-error-messages.js
...25 it('should replace simple invariant calls', () => {26 expect(27 transform(`28import invariant from 'shared/invariant';29invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');30`)31 ).toMatchSnapshot();32 });33 it('should throw if invariant is not in an expression statement', () => {34 expect(() => {35 transform(`36import invariant from 'shared/invariant';37cond && invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');38`);39 }).toThrow('invariant() cannot be called from expression context');40 });41 it('should support invariant calls with args', () => {42 expect(43 transform(`44import invariant from 'shared/invariant';45invariant(condition, 'Expected %s target to be an array; got %s', foo, bar);46`)47 ).toMatchSnapshot();48 });49 it('should support invariant calls with a concatenated template string and args', () => {50 expect(51 transform(`52import invariant from 'shared/invariant';53invariant(condition, 'Expected a component class, ' + 'got %s.' + '%s', Foo, Bar);54`)55 ).toMatchSnapshot();56 });57 it('should correctly transform invariants that are not in the error codes map', () => {58 expect(59 transform(`60import invariant from 'shared/invariant';61invariant(condition, 'This is not a real error message.');62`)63 ).toMatchSnapshot();64 });65 it('should handle escaped characters', () => {66 expect(67 transform(`68import invariant from 'shared/invariant';69invariant(condition, 'What\\'s up?');70`)71 ).toMatchSnapshot();72 });73 it('should support noMinify option', () => {74 expect(75 transform(76 `77import invariant from 'shared/invariant';78invariant(condition, 'Do not override existing functions.');79`,80 {noMinify: true}81 )82 ).toMatchSnapshot();83 });...
How to test if a method returns an array of a class in Jest
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ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree while installing a pacakge
Testing arguments with toBeCalledWith() in Jest
Is there assertCountEqual equivalent in javascript unittests jest library?
NodeJS: NOT able to set PERCY_TOKEN via package script with start-server-and-test
Jest: How to consume result of jest.genMockFromModule
How To Reset Manual Mocks In Jest
How to move '__mocks__' folder in Jest to /test?
Since Jest tests are runtime tests, they only have access to runtime information. You're trying to use a type, which is compile-time information. TypeScript should already be doing the type aspect of this for you. (More on that in a moment.)
The fact the tests only have access to runtime information has a couple of ramifications:
If it's valid for getAll
to return an empty array (because there aren't any entities to get), the test cannot tell you whether the array would have had Entity
elements in it if it hadn't been empty. All it can tell you is it got an array.
In the non-empty case, you have to check every element of the array to see if it's an Entity
. You've said Entity
is a class, not just a type, so that's possible. I'm not a user of Jest (I should be), but it doesn't seem to have a test specifically for this; it does have toBeTruthy
, though, and we can use every
to tell us if every element is an Entity
it('should return an array of Entity class', async () => {
const all = await service.getAll()
expect(all.every(e => e instanceof Entity)).toBeTruthy();
Beware, though, that all calls to every
on an empty array return true
, so again, that empty array issue raises its head.
If your Jest tests are written in TypeScript, you can improve on that by ensuring TypeScript tests the compile-time type of getAll
's return value:
it('should return an array of Entity class', async () => {
const all: Entity[] = await service.getAll()
// ^^^^^^^^^^
expect(all.every(e => e instanceof Entity)).toBeTruthy();
TypeScript will complain about that assignment at compile time if it's not valid, and Jest will complain at runtime if it sees an array containing a non-Entity
But jonrsharpe has a good point: This test may not be useful vs. testing for specific values that should be there.
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This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on WebDriverIO Tutorial and Selenium JavaScript Tutorial.
Having a strategy or plan can be the key to unlocking many successes, this is true to most contexts in life whether that be sport, business, education, and much more. The same is true for any company or organisation that delivers software/application solutions to their end users/customers. If you narrow that down even further from Engineering to Agile and then even to Testing or Quality Engineering, then strategy and planning is key at every level.
LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.
|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
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