Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
...34 describe("toLink()", () => {35 test.each(graphQLEntityType)(36 "returns markdown link for GraphQL %s",37 (type) => {38 expect.hasAssertions();39 const entityName = `Test${capitalize(type)}`;40 jest41 .spyOn(graphql, `is${capitalize(type)}Type`)42 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);43 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getNamedType").mockReturnValue(entityName);44 const link = printerInstance.toLink(type, entityName);45 expect(link).toMatchFile(46 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `toLinkWith${capitalize(type)}.md`),47 );48 },49 );50 test("returns markdown link surrounded by [] for GraphQL list/array", () => {51 expect.hasAssertions();52 const type = "list";53 const subtype = "object";54 const entityName = "TestObjectList";55 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isListType").mockReturnValue(true);56 jest57 .spyOn(graphql, `is${capitalize(subtype)}Type`)58 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);59 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getNamedType").mockReturnValue(entityName);60 const link = printerInstance.toLink(type, entityName);61 expect(link).toMatchFile(path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``));62 });63 test("returns plain text for unknown entities", () => {64 expect.hasAssertions();65 const type = "any";66 const entityName = "fooBar";67 const link = printerInstance.toLink(type, entityName);68 expect(link).toMatchFile(69 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),70 );71 });72 });73 describe("printSection()", () => {74 test("returns Markdown ### section by default", () => {75 expect.hasAssertions();76 const title = "section title";77 const content = "section content";78 const printSectionItems = jest79 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSectionItems")80 .mockImplementation((sectionItems) => sectionItems);81 const section = printerInstance.printSection(content, title);82 expect(printSectionItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith(content);83 expect(section).toMatchFile(84 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),85 );86 });87 test("returns Markdown custom section level", () => {88 expect.hasAssertions();89 const title = "section title";90 const content = "section content";91 jest92 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSectionItems")93 .mockImplementation((sectionItems) => sectionItems);94 const section = printerInstance.printSection(content, title, "#");95 expect(section).toMatchFile(96 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),97 );98 });99 test("returns empty string if content is empty", () => {100 expect.hasAssertions();101 const title = "section title";102 const content = "";103 const section = printerInstance.printSection(content, title);104 expect(section).toBe("");105 });106 });107 describe("printSectionItems()", () => {108 test("returns Markdown one line per item", () => {109 expect.hasAssertions();110 const printSectionItem = jest111 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSectionItem")112 .mockImplementation((sectionItems) => sectionItems);113 const itemList = ["one", "two", "three"];114 const section = printerInstance.printSectionItems(itemList);115 expect(printSectionItem).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);116 expect(printSectionItem).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(117 itemList.pop(),118 "####",119 );120 expect(section).toMatchFile(121 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),122 );123 });124 test("returns empty text if not a list", () => {125 expect.hasAssertions();126 const itemList = "list";127 const section = printerInstance.printSectionItems(itemList);128 expect(section).toMatch("");129 });130 });131 describe("printSectionItem()", () => {132 test("returns Markdown #### link section with description", () => {133 expect.hasAssertions();134 const type = { name: "EntityTypeName", description: "Lorem ipsum" };135 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValue(;136 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getNamedType").mockReturnValue(;137 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isObjectType").mockReturnValueOnce(true);138 const section = printerInstance.printSectionItem(type);139 expect(section).toMatchFile(140 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),141 );142 });143 test("returns Markdown #### link section with sub type", () => {144 expect.hasAssertions();145 const type = {146 name: "EntityTypeName",147 type: { name: "AnObjectType" },148 };149 jest150 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")151 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;152 jest153 .spyOn(graphql, "getNamedType")154 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;155 jest156 .spyOn(graphql, "isObjectType")157 .mockReturnValueOnce(false)158 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);159 const section = printerInstance.printSectionItem(type);160 expect(section).toMatchFile(161 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),162 );163 });164 test("returns Markdown #### link section with field parameters", () => {165 expect.hasAssertions();166 const type = {167 name: "EntityTypeName",168 args: [{ name: "ParameterTypeName" }],169 };170 jest171 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")172 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;173 jest174 .spyOn(graphql, "getNamedType")175 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;176 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isObjectType").mockReturnValueOnce(true);177 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isParametrizedField").mockReturnValueOnce(true);178 const printSectionItems = jest.spyOn(179 printerInstance,180 "printSectionItems",181 );182 const section = printerInstance.printSectionItem(type);183 expect(printSectionItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith(type.args, "- #####");184 expect(section).toMatchFile(185 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),186 );187 });188 });189 describe("printCodeEnum()", () => {190 const type = {191 name: "EnumTypeName",192 getValues: () => [{ name: "one" }, { name: "two" }],193 };194 test("returns enum code structure", () => {195 expect.hasAssertions();196 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isEnumType").mockReturnValueOnce(true);197 jest198 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")199 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;200 const code = printerInstance.printCodeEnum(type);201 expect(code).toMatchFile(path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``));202 });203 test("returns empty string if not enum type", () => {204 expect.hasAssertions();205 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isEnumType").mockReturnValueOnce(false);206 const code = printerInstance.printCodeEnum(type);207 expect(code).toBe("");208 });209 });210 describe("printCodeUnion()", () => {211 const type = {212 name: "UnionTypeName",213 getTypes: () => [{ name: "one" }, { name: "two" }],214 };215 test("returns union code structure", () => {216 expect.hasAssertions();217 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isUnionType").mockReturnValueOnce(true);218 jest219 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")220 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;221 const code = printerInstance.printCodeUnion(type);222 expect(code).toMatchFile(path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``));223 });224 test("returns empty string if not union type", () => {225 expect.hasAssertions();226 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isUnionType").mockReturnValueOnce(false);227 const code = printerInstance.printCodeUnion(type);228 expect(code).toBe("");229 });230 });231 describe("printCodeScalar()", () => {232 const type = {233 name: "ScalarTypeName",234 };235 test("returns scalar code structure", () => {236 expect.hasAssertions();237 jest238 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")239 .mockImplementation((paramType) =>;240 const code = printerInstance.printCodeScalar(type);241 expect(code).toMatchFile(242 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),243 );244 });245 });246 describe("printCodeArguments()", () => {247 test("returns a Markdown one line per formatted argument with default value surrounded by ()", () => {248 expect.hasAssertions();249 const type = {250 name: "OperationName",251 args: [252 {253 name: "ParamWithDefault",254 type: "string",255 default: "defaultValue",256 },257 { name: "ParamNoDefault", type: "any" },258 ],259 };260 jest261 .spyOn(graphql, "getDefaultValue")262 .mockImplementation((paramType) => paramType.default || null);263 const code = printerInstance.printCodeArguments(type);264 expect(code).toMatchFile(265 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),266 );267 });268 test("returns an empty string if args list empty", () => {269 expect.hasAssertions();270 const type = {271 name: "OperationName",272 args: [],273 };274 const code = printerInstance.printCodeArguments(type);275 expect(code).toBe("");276 });277 test("returns an empty string if no args", () => {278 expect.hasAssertions();279 const type = {280 name: "OperationName",281 };282 const code = printerInstance.printCodeArguments(type);283 expect(code).toBe("");284 });285 });286 describe("printCodeField()", () => {287 test("returns a field with its type", () => {288 expect.hasAssertions();289 const type = { name: "FooBar", type: "string" };290 jest291 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")292 .mockReturnValueOnce( .mockReturnValueOnce(type.type);294 jest295 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeArguments")296 .mockReturnValueOnce("");297 const code = printerInstance.printCodeField(type);298 expect(code).toMatchFile(path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""));299 });300 test("returns a field with its type and arguments", () => {301 expect.hasAssertions();302 const type = { name: "FooBar", type: "string" };303 jest304 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")305 .mockReturnValueOnce( .mockReturnValueOnce(type.type);307 jest308 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeArguments")309 .mockReturnValueOnce("(\narg: boolean\n)");310 const code = printerInstance.printCodeField(type);311 expect(code).toMatchFile(312 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),313 );314 });315 });316 describe("printCodeDirective()", () => {317 test("returns a directive", () => {318 expect.hasAssertions();319 const type = { name: "FooBar", type: "string" };320 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValueOnce(;321 jest322 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeArguments")323 .mockReturnValueOnce("");324 const code = printerInstance.printCodeDirective(type);325 expect(code).toMatchFile(326 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),327 );328 });329 test("returns a directive with its arguments", () => {330 expect.hasAssertions();331 const type = { name: "FooBar", type: "string" };332 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValueOnce(;333 jest334 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeArguments")335 .mockReturnValueOnce("(\narg: boolean\n)");336 const code = printerInstance.printCodeDirective(type);337 expect(code).toMatchFile(338 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),339 );340 });341 });342 describe("printCodeType()", () => {343 test("returns an interface with its fields", () => {344 expect.hasAssertions();345 const type = { name: "TestInterfaceName", fields: ["one", "two"] };346 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isInterfaceType").mockReturnValueOnce(true);347 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValueOnce()(;348 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getFields").mockReturnValueOnce(type.fields);349 jest350 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeField")351 .mockImplementation((name) => `${name}\n`);352 const code = printerInstance.printCodeType(type);353 expect(code).toMatchFile(354 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),355 );356 });357 test("returns an object with its fields and interfaces", () => {358 expect.hasAssertions();359 const type = {360 name: "TestName",361 fields: ["one", "two"],362 getInterfaces: () => [{ name: "TestInterfaceName" }],363 };364 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isInterfaceType").mockReturnValueOnce(false);365 jest366 .spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName")367 .mockImplementation((entityType) =>;368 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getFields").mockReturnValueOnce(type.fields);369 jest370 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeField")371 .mockImplementation((codeField) => `${codeField}\n`);372 const code = printerInstance.printCodeType(type);373 expect(code).toMatchFile(374 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),375 );376 });377 });378 describe("printHeader()", () => {379 test("returns a Docusaurus document header", () => {380 expect.hasAssertions();381 const header = printerInstance.printHeader(382 "an-object-type-name",383 "An Object Type Name",384 );385 expect(header).toMatchFile(path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""));386 });387 });388 describe("printDescription()", () => {389 test("returns the type description text", () => {390 expect.hasAssertions();391 const type = { description: "Lorem ipsum" };392 const description = printerInstance.printDescription(type);393 expect(description).toMatchFile(394 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),395 );396 });397 test("returns the default text if no description", () => {398 expect.hasAssertions();399 const type = {};400 const description = printerInstance.printDescription(type);401 expect(description).toMatchFile(402 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),403 );404 });405 test("return DEPRECATED tag if deprecated", () => {406 const type = {407 description: "Lorem ipsum",408 isDeprecated: true,409 deprecationReason: "Foobar",410 };411 const description = printerInstance.printDescription(type);412 expect(description).toMatchFile(413 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),414 );415 });416 });417 describe("printCode()", () => {418 test.each(graphQLEntityType)(419 "returns a Markdown graphql codeblock with type %s",420 (type) => {421 expect.hasAssertions();422 const entityName = `Test${capitalize(type)}`;423 jest424 .spyOn(graphql, `is${capitalize(type)}Type`)425 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);426 let printCode;427 if (["interface", "object", "input"].includes(type)) {428 printCode = jest429 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeType")430 .mockReturnValueOnce(entityName);431 } else {432 printCode = jest433 .spyOn(printerInstance, `printCode${capitalize(type)}`)434 .mockReturnValueOnce(entityName);435 }436 const code = printerInstance.printCode(entityName);437 expect(printCode).toHaveBeenCalledWith(entityName);438 expect(code).toMatchFile(439 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `printCodeWith${capitalize(type)}.md`),440 );441 },442 );443 test("returns a Markdown graphql codeblock with type query", () => {444 expect.hasAssertions();445 const entityName = "TestQuery";446 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isOperation").mockReturnValueOnce(true);447 const printCode = jest448 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCodeField")449 .mockReturnValueOnce(entityName);450 const code = printerInstance.printCode(entityName);451 expect(printCode).toHaveBeenCalledWith(entityName);452 expect(code).toMatchFile(453 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),454 );455 });456 test("returns a Markdown codeblock with non supported message for unsupported type", () => {457 expect.hasAssertions();458 const entityName = "TestFooBarType";459 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValueOnce(entityName);460 const code = printerInstance.printCode(entityName);461 expect(code).toMatchFile(462 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ""),463 );464 });465 });466 describe("printType()", () => {467 test.each(graphQLEntityType)(468 "returns a Markdown formatted Docusaurus content for type %s",469 (type) => {470 expect.hasAssertions();471 const entityType = {472 name: type,473 getValues: () => {},474 getTypes: () => {},475 };476 jest477 .spyOn(graphql, `is${capitalize(type)}Type`)478 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);479 jest480 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printHeader")481 .mockImplementation((header) => `header-${header}`);482 jest483 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printDescription")484 .mockImplementation(485 (paramType) => `Test ${capitalize(}`,486 );487 jest488 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCode")489 .mockImplementation(490 (paramType) => `\`\`\`${}\`\`\``,491 );492 jest493 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSection")494 .mockImplementation((_, section) => section);495 const printedType = printerInstance.printType(496,497 entityType,498 );499 expect(printedType).toMatchFile(500 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `printTypeWith${capitalize(type)}.md`),501 );502 },503 );504 test.each(["object", "input"])(505 "returns a Markdown formatted Docusaurus content for %s implementing interface",506 (type) => {507 expect.hasAssertions();508 const entityType = {509 name: type,510 getValues: () => ({}),511 getTypes: () => ({}),512 getInterfaces: () => ({}),513 };514 jest515 .spyOn(graphql, `is${capitalize(type)}Type`)516 .mockReturnValueOnce(true);517 jest518 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printHeader")519 .mockImplementation((name) => `header-${name}\n\n`);520 jest521 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printDescription")522 .mockImplementation(523 (type) => `Test ${capitalize(}\n\n`,524 );525 jest526 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCode")527 .mockImplementation((type) => `\`\`\`${}\`\`\`\n\n`);528 jest529 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSection")530 .mockImplementation((_, section) => `${section}\n\n`);531 const printedType = printerInstance.printType(532,533 entityType,534 );535 expect(printedType).toMatchFile(536 path.join(537 EXPECT_PATH,538 `printTypeWith${capitalize(type)}`,539 ),540 );541 },542 );543 test("returns a Markdown formatted Docusaurus content for query", () => {544 expect.hasAssertions();545 const entityType = {546 name: "query",547 };548 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isOperation").mockReturnValue(true);549 jest.spyOn(graphql, "getTypeName").mockReturnValue(;550 jest551 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printHeader")552 .mockImplementation((name) => `header-${name}\n\n`);553 jest554 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printDescription")555 .mockImplementation(556 (paramType) => `Test ${capitalize(}\n\n`,557 );558 jest559 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printCode")560 .mockImplementation(561 (paramType) => `\`\`\`${}\`\`\`\n\n`,562 );563 jest564 .spyOn(printerInstance, "printSection")565 .mockImplementation((_, section) => `${section}\n\n`);566 const printedType = printerInstance.printType(567,568 entityType,569 );570 expect(printedType).toMatchFile(571 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),572 );573 });574 test("returns an empty string if no type", () => {575 expect.hasAssertions();576 const printedType = printerInstance.printType("any", null);577 expect(printedType).toBe("");578 });579 test("prints a specification section if scalar as directive @specifiedBy", () => {580 expect.hasAssertions();581 const scalarType = {582 name: "Lorem Scalar",583 description: "Lorem Ipsum",584 specifiedByUrl: "http://lorem.ipsum",585 toString: () => "Lorem Scalar To String",586 };587 jest.spyOn(graphql, "isScalarType").mockReturnValue(true);588 const printedType = printerInstance.printType("scalar", scalarType);589 expect(printedType).toMatchFile(590 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, ``),591 );592 });593 });594 });...
...22describe('module-servers', () => {23 describe('epics', () => {24 describe('gameStarts', () => {25 it('should initialize the server on startup only once', () => {26 expect.hasAssertions();27 const values = {28 a: { type: 'GAME_STARTED' },29 b: { type: 'SERVERS_INITIALIZED', data: getEnv() },30 c: { type: 'UNKNOWN_ACTION' },31 d: { type: 'SERVERS_REGISTER_REQUEST', data: getEnv() },32 };33 const input = '-a--c--a--';34 const output = '-(b|)';35 const ts = createTestScheduler();36 const source = R(37 ts.createColdObservable(input, values)38 );39 const actual = gameStarts(source, {}, getEnv());40 ts.expectObservable(actual).toBe(output, values);41 ts.flush();42 });43 });44 describe('serverRegisterRequests', () => {45 const now = () => 999;46 const timer = () => Observable.of([1]); // mock Observable.timer47 const store = {48 getState: () => ({49 isHub: false,50 })51 };52 // mock fetch53 const successPost = (url, data) => Observable.create(observer => {54{55 servers: {56 '': {57 address: ''58 }59 }60 });61 observer.complete();62 });63 it('should register itself with on SERVERS_REGISTER_REQUEST', () => {64 expect.hasAssertions();65 const values = {66 a: {67 type: 'SERVERS_REGISTER_REQUEST',68 data: getEnv(),69 },70 b: {71 type: 'SERVERS_REGISTER_RESPONSE',72 data: {73 servers: {74 '': {75 address: '',76 }77 },78 lastUpdated: now(),79 }80 }81 };82 const timer = () => Observable.of([1]); // mock Observable.timer83 const input = '-a-a--a';84 const output = '-b-b--b';85 const ts = createTestScheduler();86 const source = R(ts.createColdObservable(input, values));87 const actual = serverRegisterRequests(88 source, store, successPost, now, timer, 089 );90 ts.expectObservable(actual).toBe(output, values);91 ts.flush();92 });93 it('should no nothing if there is no hub', () => {94 expect.hasAssertions();95 const values = {96 a: {97 type: 'SERVERS_REGISTER_REQUEST',98 data: {},99 },100 };101 const input = '-a';102 const output = '--';103 const ts = createTestScheduler();104 const source = R(ts.createColdObservable(input, values));105 const actual = serverRegisterRequests(106 source, store, successPost, now107 );108 ts.expectObservable(actual).toBe(output, values);109 ts.flush();110 });111 });112 describe('hubServerRegisterRequests ', () => {113 expect.hasAssertions();114 const timer = () => Observable.range(1, 4); // mock Observable.timer115 const now = () => 9999; // mock Observable.timer116 // mock fetch117 const successFetch = (url, data) => Observable.create(observer => {118{119 numPlayers: 5,120 maxPlayers: 6,121 numBots: 2,122 address: '',123 location: 'y',124 name: 'z'125 });126 observer.complete();127 });128 const errorFetch = (url, data) => Observable.create(observer => {129 observer.error({130 options: {131 url: ''132 }133 });134 observer.complete();135 });136 const store = {137 getState: () => ({138 servers: {},139 })140 };141 it('should check on the servers every X seconds (success)', () => {142 expect.hasAssertions();143 const values = {144 a: {145 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED',146 data: {147 address: '',148 },149 },150 b: {151 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_SUCCESS',152 data: {153 address: '',154 location: 'y',155 name: 'z',156 lastUpdated: 9999,157 maxPlayers: 6,158 numPlayers: 5,159 numBots: 2,160 },161 },162 };163 const input = '-a----';164 const output = '-(bbbb)';165 const ts = createTestScheduler();166 const source = R(ts.createColdObservable(input, values));167 const actual = hubServerRegisterRequests(source, store, 0, successFetch, timer, now);168 ts.expectObservable(actual).toBe(output, values);169 ts.flush();170 });171 it('should check on the servers every X seconds (error)', () => {172 expect.hasAssertions();173 const values = {174 a: {175 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED',176 data: {177 address: '',178 },179 },180 b: {181 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_ERROR',182 data: {183 address: '',184 },185 },186 };187 const input = '-a----';188 const output = '-(bbbb)';189 const ts = createTestScheduler();190 const source = R(ts.createColdObservable(input, values));191 const actual = hubServerRegisterRequests(source, store, 0, errorFetch, timer, now);192 ts.expectObservable(actual).toBe(output, values);193 ts.flush();194 });195 });196 });197 describe('reducer', () => {198 const initialStateWithPlayers = {199 players: {},200 bots: { '1': {}, '2': {}},201 ...initialState,202 };203 describe('server', () => {204 const stateAfterInitialization = {205 servers: {206 '': {207 address: '',208 location: 'us',209 name: 'warx-us',210 numPlayers: 0,211 maxPlayers: 6,212 numBots: 2,213 }214 },215 bots: {216 '1': {},217 '2': {},218 },219 currentServer: '',220 isLoadingServers: true,221 isHub: false,222 isRegistered: false,223 players: {},224 lastHubCheck: 0,225 isConnectedToHubNetwork: true,226 };227 it('should add itself to the list of servers on SERVERS_INITIALIZED', () => {228 expect.hasAssertions();229 const resultState = reducer(initialStateWithPlayers, {230 type: 'SERVERS_INITIALIZED',231 origin: 'server',232 data: {233 address: '',234 location: 'us',235 name: 'warx-us',236 hub: '',237 numBots: 2,238 maxPlayers: 6,239 numPlayers: 0,240 isTrusted: true,241 }242 });243 expect(resultState).toEqual(stateAfterInitialization);244 });245 describe('should save the time after a checkup from the hub', () => {246 expect.hasAssertions();247 const now = Number(;248 const resultState = reducer(249 stateAfterInitialization,250 createServerCheckReceived({251 time: now,252 })253 );254 expect(resultState.lastHubCheck).toEqual(now);255 });256 it('should save the servers after SERVERS_REGISTER_RESPONSE', () => {257 expect.hasAssertions();258 const resultState = reducer(stateAfterInitialization, {259 type: 'SERVERS_REGISTER_RESPONSE',260 origin: 'server',261 data: {262 servers: {263 '': {264 address: '',265 location: 'us',266 name: 'warx-us2',267 numPlayers: 2,268 maxPlayers: 6,269 numBots: 2,270 },271 '': {272 address: '',273 location: 'eu',274 name: 'warx',275 numPlayers: 10,276 maxPlayers: 10,277 numBots: 2,278 },279 }280 }281 });282 expect(resultState).toEqual({283 servers: {284 '': {285 address: '',286 location: 'us',287 name: 'warx-us',288 maxPlayers: 6,289 numBots: 2,290 numPlayers: 0,291 },292 '': {293 address: '',294 location: 'us',295 name: 'warx-us2',296 numPlayers: 2,297 maxPlayers: 6,298 numBots: 2,299 },300 '': {301 address: '',302 location: 'eu',303 name: 'warx',304 numPlayers: 10,305 maxPlayers: 10,306 numBots: 2,307 },308 },309 currentServer: '',310 isLoadingServers: false,311 isHub: false,312 isRegistered: true,313 players: {},314 lastHubCheck: 0,315 isConnectedToHubNetwork: true,316 bots: {317 '1': {},318 '2': {},319 },320 });321 });322 });323 describe('hub', () => {324 const resultState = reducer(initialStateWithPlayers, {325 type: 'SERVERS_INITIALIZED',326 origin: 'server',327 data: {328 address: '',329 location: 'eu',330 name: 'warx-eu',331 hub: '',332 numBots: 2,333 numPlayers: 5,334 maxPlayers: 6,335 isTrusted: true,336 }337 });338 it('should add itself to the list of servers on SERVERS_INITIALIZED', () => {339 expect.hasAssertions();340 expect(resultState).toEqual({341 servers: {342 '': {343 address: '',344 location: 'eu',345 name: 'warx-eu',346 numPlayers: 5,347 numBots: 2,348 maxPlayers: 6,349 }350 },351 currentServer: '',352 isLoadingServers: false,353 isHub: true,354 isRegistered: true,355 players: {},356 lastHubCheck: 0,357 isConnectedToHubNetwork: true,358 bots: {359 '1': {},360 '2': {},361 },362 });363 });364 const now1 = Number(;365 const checkResult1 = reducer(resultState, {366 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_SUCCESS',367 origin: 'server',368 data: {369 lastUpdated: now1,370 address: '',371 location: 'us',372 name: 'warx-us',373 numPlayers: 5,374 maxPlayers: 4,375 numBots: 1,376 }377 });378 it('should add the server on SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_SUCCESS', () => {379 expect.hasAssertions();380 expect(checkResult1).toEqual({381 servers: {382 '': {383 address: '',384 location: 'eu',385 name: 'warx-eu',386 numPlayers: 5,387 numBots: 2,388 maxPlayers: 6,389 },390 '': {391 address: '',392 location: 'us',393 name: 'warx-us',394 numPlayers: 5,395 maxPlayers: 4,396 numBots: 1,397 lastUpdated: now1,398 },399 },400 currentServer: '',401 isLoadingServers: false,402 isHub: true,403 isRegistered: true,404 players: {},405 lastHubCheck: 0,406 isConnectedToHubNetwork: true,407 bots: { '1': {}, '2': {}}408 });409 });410 const now2 = Number(;411 const checkResult2 = reducer(checkResult1, {412 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_SUCCESS',413 origin: 'server',414 data: {415 lastUpdated: now2,416 address: '',417 location: 'us',418 name: 'warx-us',419 numPlayers: 8,420 numBots: 1,421 maxPlayers: 8,422 }423 });424 it('should update an existing server on SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_SUCCESS', () => {425 expect.hasAssertions();426 expect(checkResult2).toEqual({427 servers: {428 '': {429 address: '',430 location: 'eu',431 name: 'warx-eu',432 numPlayers: 5,433 numBots: 2,434 maxPlayers: 6,435 },436 '': {437 address: '',438 location: 'us',439 name: 'warx-us',440 numPlayers: 8,441 numBots: 1,442 maxPlayers: 8,443 lastUpdated: now2,444 },445 },446 currentServer: '',447 isLoadingServers: false,448 isHub: true,449 isRegistered: true,450 players: {},451 lastHubCheck: 0,452 isConnectedToHubNetwork: true,453 bots: { '1': {}, '2': {}}454 });455 });456 const checkResult3 = reducer(checkResult2, {457 type: 'SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_ERROR',458 origin: 'server',459 data: {460 address: '',461 }462 });463 it('should remove the server on SERVERS_HUB_CHECK_ERROR', () => {464 expect.hasAssertions();465 expect(checkResult3).toEqual({466 servers: {467 '': {468 address: '',469 location: 'eu',470 name: 'warx-eu',471 numPlayers: 5,472 numBots: 2,473 maxPlayers: 6,474 },475 },476 currentServer: '',477 isLoadingServers: false,478 isHub: true,...
...69 });70 });71 describe("getDefaultValue()", () => {72 test("returns default value as an integer when defined", () => {73 expect.hasAssertions();74 const argument = {75 name: "foobar",76 description: undefined,77 type: GraphQLInt,78 defaultValue: 5,79 extensions: undefined,80 };81 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBe(5);82 });83 test("returns default value as a float when defined", () => {84 expect.hasAssertions();85 const argument = {86 name: "foobar",87 description: undefined,88 type: GraphQLFloat,89 defaultValue: 5.3,90 extensions: undefined,91 };92 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBe(5.3);93 });94 test("returns undefined for type GraphQLInt if not default value defined", () => {95 expect.hasAssertions();96 const argument = {97 name: "foobar",98 description: undefined,99 type: GraphQLInt,100 defaultValue: undefined,101 extensions: undefined,102 };103 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBeUndefined();104 });105 test("returns undefined for type GraphQLID if not default value defined", () => {106 expect.hasAssertions();107 const argument = {108 name: "foobar",109 description: undefined,110 type: GraphQLID,111 defaultValue: undefined,112 extensions: undefined,113 };114 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBeUndefined();115 });116 test("returns undefined for type GraphQLFloat if not default value defined", () => {117 expect.hasAssertions();118 const argument = {119 name: "foobar",120 description: undefined,121 type: GraphQLFloat,122 defaultValue: undefined,123 extensions: undefined,124 };125 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBeUndefined();126 });127 test("returns undefined for type GraphQLString if not default value defined", () => {128 expect.hasAssertions();129 const argument = {130 name: "foobar",131 description: undefined,132 type: GraphQLString,133 defaultValue: undefined,134 extensions: undefined,135 };136 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBeUndefined();137 });138 test("returns undefined for type GraphQLList without default value", () => {139 expect.hasAssertions();140 const argument = {141 name: "id",142 description: undefined,143 type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLID),144 defaultValue: undefined,145 extensions: undefined,146 };147 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBeUndefined();148 });149 test("returns array default value as string for type GraphQLList(GraphQLID)", () => {150 expect.hasAssertions();151 const argument = {152 name: "id",153 description: undefined,154 type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLID),155 defaultValue: ["0", "1"],156 extensions: undefined,157 };158 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBe('["0", "1"]');159 });160 test("returns array default value as string for type GraphQLList(GraphQLInt)", () => {161 expect.hasAssertions();162 const argument = {163 name: "foobar",164 description: undefined,165 type: new GraphQLList(GraphQLInt),166 defaultValue: [0, 1],167 extensions: undefined,168 };169 expect(getDefaultValue(argument)).toBe("[0, 1]");170 });171 });172 describe("getFilteredTypeMap()", () => {173 test("returns a filtered map of schema types", () => {174 expect.hasAssertions();175 const schemaTypeMap = getFilteredTypeMap(schema.getTypeMap());176 expect(JSON.stringify(schemaTypeMap, null, 2)).toMatchFile(177 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getFilteredTypeMap.json`),178 );179 });180 });181 describe("getIntrospectionFieldsList()", () => {182 test("returns list of queries", () => {183 expect.hasAssertions();184 const list = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getQueryType());185 expect(JSON.stringify(list, null, 2)).toMatchFile(186 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getIntrospectionFieldsListQueries.json`),187 );188 });189 test("returns list of mutations", () => {190 expect.hasAssertions();191 const list = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getMutationType());192 expect(JSON.stringify(list, null, 2)).toMatchFile(193 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getIntrospectionFieldsListMutations.json`),194 );195 });196 test("returns list of subscriptions", () => {197 expect.hasAssertions();198 const list = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getSubscriptionType());199 expect(JSON.stringify(list, null, 2)).toMatchFile(200 path.join(201 EXPECT_PATH,202 `getIntrospectionFieldsListSubscriptions.json`,203 ),204 );205 });206 test("returns undefined if null", () => {207 expect.hasAssertions();208 const list = getIntrospectionFieldsList(null);209 expect(list).toBeUndefined();210 });211 });212 describe("getFields()", () => {213 test("returns list of type fields", () => {214 expect.hasAssertions();215 const fields = getFields(schema.getMutationType());216 expect(JSON.stringify(fields, null, 2)).toMatchFile(217 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getFields.json`),218 );219 });220 });221 describe("getTypeName()", () => {222 test("returns type name for object", () => {223 expect.hasAssertions();224 const name = getTypeName(schema.getType("Tweet"));225 expect(name).toBe("Tweet");226 });227 test("returns type name for interface", () => {228 expect.hasAssertions();229 const name = getTypeName(schema.getType("Node"));230 expect(name).toBe("Node");231 });232 test("returns type name for scalar", () => {233 expect.hasAssertions();234 const name = getTypeName(schema.getType("ID"));235 expect(name).toBe("ID");236 });237 test("returns default name for unknown", () => {238 expect.hasAssertions();239 const name = getTypeName({ toString: undefined }, "FooBar");240 expect(name).toBe("FooBar");241 });242 });243 describe("getTypeFromTypeMap()", () => {244 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLObjectType", () => {245 expect.hasAssertions();246 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(schema.getTypeMap(), GraphQLObjectType);247 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(248 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLObjectType.json`),249 );250 });251 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLUnionType", () => {252 expect.hasAssertions();253 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(schema.getTypeMap(), GraphQLUnionType);254 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(255 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLUnionType.json`),256 );257 });258 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLInterfaceType", () => {259 expect.hasAssertions();260 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(261 schema.getTypeMap(),262 GraphQLInterfaceType,263 );264 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(265 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLInterfaceType.json`),266 );267 });268 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLEnumType", () => {269 expect.hasAssertions();270 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(schema.getTypeMap(), GraphQLEnumType);271 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(272 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLEnumType.json`),273 );274 });275 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLInputObjectType", () => {276 expect.hasAssertions();277 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(278 schema.getTypeMap(),279 GraphQLInputObjectType,280 );281 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(282 path.join(283 EXPECT_PATH,284 `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLInputObjectType.json`,285 ),286 );287 });288 test("returns a filter map filtered by GraphQLScalarType", () => {289 expect.hasAssertions();290 const map = getTypeFromTypeMap(schema.getTypeMap(), GraphQLScalarType);291 expect(JSON.stringify(map, null, 2)).toMatchFile(292 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getTypeFromTypeMapGraphQLScalarType.json`),293 );294 });295 });296 describe("getSchemaMap()", () => {297 test("returns schema types map", () => {298 expect.hasAssertions();299 const schemaTypeMap = getSchemaMap(schema);300 expect(JSON.stringify(schemaTypeMap, null, 2)).toMatchFile(301 path.join(EXPECT_PATH, `getSchemaMap.json`),302 );303 });304 });305 describe("isParametrizedField()", () => {306 test("returns true if type is parametrized", () => {307 expect.hasAssertions();308 const mutations = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getMutationType());309 const res = isParametrizedField(mutations["createTweet"]);310 expect(res).toBeTruthy();311 });312 test("returns false if type is not parametrized", () => {313 expect.hasAssertions();314 const queries = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getQueryType());315 const res = isParametrizedField(queries["TweetsMeta"]);316 expect(res).toBeFalsy();317 });318 });319 describe("isOperation()", () => {320 test("returns true if type is mutation", () => {321 expect.hasAssertions();322 const mutations = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getMutationType());323 const res = isOperation(mutations["createTweet"]);324 expect(res).toBeTruthy();325 });326 test("returns true if type is query", () => {327 expect.hasAssertions();328 const queries = getIntrospectionFieldsList(schema.getQueryType());329 const res = isOperation(queries["Tweets"]);330 expect(res).toBeTruthy();331 });332 test("returns true if type is subscription", () => {333 expect.hasAssertions();334 const subscriptions = getIntrospectionFieldsList(335 schema.getSubscriptionType(),336 );337 const res = isOperation(subscriptions["Notifications"]);338 expect(res).toBeTruthy();339 });340 test("returns false if type is not an operation", () => {341 expect.hasAssertions();342 const objects = getTypeFromTypeMap(343 schema.getTypeMap(),344 GraphQLObjectType,345 );346 const res = isOperation(objects["Tweet"]);347 expect(res).toBeFalsy();348 });349 });350 });...
...122 });123 });124 });125 it('Ðе заполнено nameRU', async () => {126 expect.hasAssertions();127 return createMovie(128 { ...movieData, nameRU: '', movieId: movieIdRand() },129 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);130 });131 it('Ðе коÑÑекÑное movieId', async () => {132 expect.hasAssertions();133 return createMovie(134 { ...movieData, movieId: movieIdInvalid },135 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);136 });137 it('Ðе коÑÑекÑное duration', async () => {138 expect.hasAssertions();139 return createMovie(140 { ...movieData, duration: durationInvalid },141 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);142 });143 describe('ТеÑÑиÑÑем image', () => {144 it('СлиÑком коÑоÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {145 expect.hasAssertions();146 return createMovie(147 { ...movieData, image: imageShort },148 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);149 });150 it('СлиÑком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {151 expect.hasAssertions();152 return createMovie(153 { ...movieData, image: imageLong },154 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);155 });156 it('Ðе коÑÑекÑной ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñажений', async () => {157 expect.hasAssertions();158 return createMovie(159 { ...movieData, image: imageInvalid },160 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);161 });162 });163 describe('ТеÑÑиÑÑем trailer', () => {164 it('СлиÑком коÑоÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {165 expect.hasAssertions();166 return createMovie(167 { ...movieData, image: imageShort },168 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);169 });170 it('СлиÑком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {171 expect.hasAssertions();172 return createMovie(173 { ...movieData, image: imageLong },174 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);175 });176 it('Ðе коÑÑекÑной ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñажений', async () => {177 expect.hasAssertions();178 return createMovie(179 { ...movieData, image: imageInvalid },180 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);181 });182 });183 describe('ТеÑÑиÑÑем thumbnail', () => {184 it('СлиÑком коÑоÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {185 expect.hasAssertions();186 return createMovie(187 { ...movieData, image: imageShort },188 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);189 });190 it('СлиÑком Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð°', async () => {191 expect.hasAssertions();192 return createMovie(193 { ...movieData, image: imageLong },194 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);195 });196 it('Ðе коÑÑекÑной ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ñажений', async () => {197 expect.hasAssertions();198 return createMovie(199 { ...movieData, image: imageInvalid },200 ).then(testBadRequestCheck);201 });202 });203 describe('ТеÑÑиÑÑем Ñдаление ÑилÑма', () => {204 it('DELETE "/users/me" (даннÑе веÑнÑ) должен возвÑаÑаÑÑ ÐºÐ¾ÑÑекÑнÑе даннÑе в json-ÑоÑмаÑе и коÑÑекÑнÑй ÑÑаÑÑÑ', async () => {205 const { body: { _id } } = await createMovie(206 { ...movieData, movieId: movieIdRand() },207 );208 return agent209 .delete(`/movies/${_id}`)210 .then(({ status, headers, body }) => {211 expect(status).toBe(OK);212 expect(headers['content-type']).toMatch('application/json');213 expect(body).toMatchObject({214 _id,215 });216 });217 });218 it('DELETE "/users/me" (не ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑÑÑий id)', async () => {219 expect.hasAssertions();220 await createMovie({ ...movieData, movieId: movieIdRand() });221 return agent222 .delete(`/movies/${movieNot._id}`)223 .then(testNotFoundRequestCheck);224 });225 it('DELETE "/users/me" (ÑилÑм дÑÑгого полÑзоваÑелÑ)', async () => {226 expect.hasAssertions();227 const { body: { _id } } = await createMovie(228 { ...movieData, movieId: movieIdRand() },229 );230 await logout();231 const emailNew = emailRand();232 const passwordNew = passwordRand();233 await signup({234 email: emailNew,235 password: passwordNew,236 name: nameRand(),237 });238 await signin({239 email: emailNew,240 password: passwordNew,...
1const path = require("path");2const parser = require("../src/functions");3describe("functions", () => {4 it("fails on invalid file", async () => {5 expect.hasAssertions();6 const filename = path.join(__dirname, "unknown.xml");7 await expect(parser.readFile(filename)).rejects.toThrow(8 "no such file or directory"9 );10 });11 it.skip("parses XML to JS", async () => {12 expect.hasAssertions();13 const filename = path.join(__dirname, "/clover.xml");14 const coverage = await parser.readFile(filename);15 expect(coverage).toHaveProperty("coverage");16 expect(coverage.coverage).toHaveProperty("project");17 expect(coverage.coverage.project).toHaveProperty("0");18 expect(coverage.coverage.project[0]).toHaveProperty("metrics");19 expect(coverage.coverage.project[0].metrics).toHaveProperty("0");20 const metric = await parser.readMetric(coverage);21 ["statements", "lines", "methods", "branches"].forEach((type) => {22 expect(metric).toHaveProperty(type);23 expect(metric[type]).toHaveProperty("total");24 expect(metric[type]).toHaveProperty("covered");25 expect(metric[type]).toHaveProperty("rate");26 });27 expect(metric.lines.rate).toStrictEqual(70.59); // 24 / 3428 expect(metric.statements.rate).toStrictEqual(68.18); // 45 / 6629 expect(metric.methods.rate).toStrictEqual(83.33); // 10 / 1230 expect(metric.branches.rate).toStrictEqual(55); // 11 / 2031 expect(metric).toHaveProperty("level");32 expect(metric.level).toStrictEqual("yellow"); // 79.59 < 9033 });34 it("calculates level", async () => {35 expect.hasAssertions();36 [37 [49, 50, 90, "red"],38 [89, 50, 90, "yellow"],39 [90, 50, 90, "green"],40 ].forEach(([linesRate, thresholdAlert, thresholdWarning, level]) => {41 const metric = { lines: { rate: linesRate } };42 const options = { thresholdAlert, thresholdWarning };43 expect(parser.calculateLevel(metric, options)).toStrictEqual(level);44 });45 });46 it("generates status", async () => {47 expect.hasAssertions();48 const targetUrl = "";49 const statusContext = "coverage";50 const rate = 50;51 expect(52 parser.generateStatus({53 targetUrl,54 statusContext,55 metric: { lines: { rate }, level: "red" },56 })57 ).toStrictEqual({58 state: "failure",59 description: `Error: Too low coverage - ${rate}%`,60 target_url: targetUrl,61 context: statusContext,62 });63 expect(64 parser.generateStatus({65 targetUrl,66 statusContext,67 metric: { lines: { rate }, level: "yellow" },68 })69 ).toStrictEqual({70 state: "success",71 description: `Warning: low coverage - ${rate}%`,72 target_url: targetUrl,73 context: statusContext,74 });75 expect(76 parser.generateStatus({77 targetUrl,78 statusContext,79 metric: { lines: { rate }, level: "green" },80 })81 ).toStrictEqual({82 state: "success",83 description: `Success: Coverage - ${rate}%`,84 target_url: targetUrl,85 context: statusContext,86 });87 });88 it("generates badge URL", async () => {89 expect.hasAssertions();90 const metric = {91 lines: { rate: 9.4 },92 level: "green",93 };94 expect(parser.generateBadgeUrl(metric)).toStrictEqual(95 ""96 );97 });98 it("generates emoji", async () => {99 expect.hasAssertions();100 expect(parser.generateEmoji({ lines: { rate: 100 } })).toStrictEqual(" ð");101 expect(parser.generateEmoji({ lines: { rate: 99.99 } })).toStrictEqual("");102 });103 it("generates header", async () => {104 expect.hasAssertions();105 expect(106 parser.generateCommentHeader({ commentContext: "foobar" })107 ).toStrictEqual(`<!-- coverage-monitor-action: foobar -->`);108 });109 it("generates table", async () => {110 expect.hasAssertions();111 const metric = {112 statements: {113 total: 10,114 covered: 1,115 rate: 10,116 },117 lines: {118 total: 10,119 covered: 2,120 rate: 20,121 },122 methods: {123 total: 10,124 covered: 3,125 rate: 30,126 },127 branches: {128 total: 10,129 covered: 4,130 rate: 40,131 },132 level: "yellow",133 };134 const expectedString = `<!-- coverage-monitor-action: Coverage Report -->135## Coverage Report136| Totals |  |137| :-- | --: |138| Statements: | 20% ( 2 / 10 ) |139| Methods: | 30% ( 3 / 10 ) |140`;141 expect(142 parser.generateTable({ metric, commentContext: "Coverage Report" })143 ).toStrictEqual(expectedString);144 });145 function createConfigReader(inputs) {146 return {147 getInput(name) {148 return inputs[149 name150 .split("_")151 .reduce(152 (carry, item) =>153 carry === null154 ? item155 : `${carry}${item[0].toUpperCase() + item.slice(1)}`,156 null157 )158 ];159 },160 };161 }162 it("loads config", async () => {163 expect.hasAssertions();164 const inputs = {165 comment: true,166 check: false,167 githubToken: "***",168 cloverFile: "clover.xml",169 thresholdAlert: 10,170 thresholdWarning: 20,171 statusContext: "Coverage",172 commentContext: "Coverage Report",173 commentMode: "replace",174 };175 const reader = createConfigReader(inputs);176 const config = parser.loadConfig(reader);177 expect(config).toStrictEqual(inputs);178 });179 it("uses defaults on loading config", async () => {180 expect.hasAssertions();181 const inputs = {182 githubToken: "***",183 cloverFile: "clover.xml",184 };185 const expected = {186 comment: false,187 check: false,188 githubToken: "***",189 cloverFile: "clover.xml",190 thresholdAlert: 90,191 thresholdWarning: 50,192 statusContext: "Coverage Report",193 commentContext: "Coverage Report",194 commentMode: "replace",195 };196 const reader = createConfigReader(inputs);197 const config = parser.loadConfig(reader);198 expect(config).toStrictEqual(expected);199 });200 it("coerces config values", async () => {201 expect.hasAssertions();202 const inputs = {203 comment: "true",204 check: "false",205 githubToken: "***",206 cloverFile: "clover.xml",207 thresholdAlert: "10",208 thresholdWarning: "20",209 statusContext: "Coverage",210 commentContext: "Coverage Report",211 commentMode: "replace",212 };213 const expected = {214 comment: true,215 check: false,216 githubToken: "***",217 cloverFile: "clover.xml",218 thresholdAlert: 10,219 thresholdWarning: 20,220 statusContext: "Coverage",221 commentContext: "Coverage Report",222 commentMode: "replace",223 };224 const reader = createConfigReader(inputs);225 const config = parser.loadConfig(reader);226 expect(config).toStrictEqual(expected);227 });228 it("uses default comment mode if got unsupported value", async () => {229 expect.hasAssertions();230 const inputs = {231 githubToken: "***",232 cloverFile: "clover.xml",233 commentMode: "foo",234 };235 const expected = {236 comment: false,237 check: false,238 githubToken: "***",239 cloverFile: "clover.xml",240 thresholdAlert: 90,241 thresholdWarning: 50,242 statusContext: "Coverage Report",243 commentContext: "Coverage Report",244 commentMode: "replace",245 };246 const reader = createConfigReader(inputs);247 const config = parser.loadConfig(reader);248 expect(config).toStrictEqual(expected);249 });250 Object.entries({251 "on undefined request": undefined,252 "on empty request": {},253 "on missing payload": { payload: undefined },254 "on invalid payload": { payload: {} },255 "on missing pull request": { payload: { pull_request: undefined } },256 "on invalid pull request": { payload: { pull_request: {} } },257 "on missing number": {258 payload: {259 pull_request: { html_url: "", head: { sha: "foo" } },260 },261 },262 "on missing pull request URL": {263 payload: { pull_request: { number: 1234, head: { sha: "foo" } } },264 },265 "on missing head info": {266 payload: {267 pull_request: { number: 1234, html_url: "" },268 },269 },270 "on invalid head sha": {271 payload: {272 pull_request: {273 number: 1234,274 html_url: "",275 head: {},276 },277 },278 },279 }).forEach(([dataset, request]) => {280 it(`fails on invalid webhook request: ${dataset}`, async () => {281 expect.hasAssertions();282 expect(() => {283 parser.parseWebhook(request);284 }).toThrow(new Error("Action supports only pull_request event"));285 });286 });287 it("parses webhook request", async () => {288 expect.hasAssertions();289 const { prNumber, prUrl, sha } = parser.parseWebhook({290 payload: {291 pull_request: {292 number: 1234,293 html_url: "",294 head: { sha: "foo" },295 },296 },297 });298 expect(prNumber).toStrictEqual(1234);299 expect(prUrl).toStrictEqual("");300 expect(sha).toStrictEqual("foo");301 });302});
...4const CHARLIE = 'Charlie';5const DENNIS = 'Dennis';6describe('topup', () => {7 it('should reject if amount is less than 1', () => {8 expect.hasAssertions();9 expect(() => topup({username: BOB, amount: 0})).toThrow(10 'amount must be 1 or more'11 );12 });13 it('should reject if amount is missing', () => {14 expect.hasAssertions();15 expect(() => topup({username: ALICE})).toThrow('amount must be present');16 });17 it('should reject if username is missing', () => {18 expect.hasAssertions();19 expect(() => topup({amount: 1})).toThrow('username must be present');20 });21});22describe('transact', () => {23 it('should reject same to and from', () => {24 expect.hasAssertions();25 const txn = {26 from: BOB,27 to: BOB,28 amount: 30,29 };30 expect(() => transact(txn)).toThrow('from and to cannot be the same');31 });32 it('should reject if amount is missing', () => {33 expect.hasAssertions();34 const txn = {35 from: BOB,36 to: ALICE,37 };38 expect(() => transact(txn)).toThrow('amount must be present');39 });40 it('should reject if amount is less than 1', () => {41 expect.hasAssertions();42 const txn = {43 from: BOB,44 to: ALICE,45 amount: 0,46 };47 expect(() => transact(txn)).toThrow('amount must be 1 or more');48 });49});50describe('reconcile', () => {51 it('should ignore unknown transaction type', () => {52 expect.hasAssertions();53 const txns = [54 create(ALICE),55 create(BOB),56 {type: 'unknown type', jibberish: true},57 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 100}),58 topup({username: BOB, amount: 80}),59 ];60 const actual = reconcile(txns);61 const expected = {62 [ALICE]: {63 cash: 100,64 debts: [],65 credits: [],66 },67 [BOB]: {68 cash: 80,69 debts: [],70 credits: [],71 },72 };73 expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected);74 });75 it('should handle topups', () => {76 expect.hasAssertions();77 const txns = [78 create(ALICE),79 create(BOB),80 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 100}),81 topup({username: BOB, amount: 80}),82 ];83 const actual = reconcile(txns);84 const expected = {85 [ALICE]: {86 cash: 100,87 debts: [],88 credits: [],89 },90 [BOB]: {91 cash: 80,92 debts: [],93 credits: [],94 },95 };96 expect(actual).toStrictEqual(expected);97 });98 it('should handle cash transactions', () => {99 expect.hasAssertions();100 const txns = [101 create(ALICE),102 create(BOB),103 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 100}),104 topup({username: BOB, amount: 80}),105 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 50}),106 ];107 const actual = reconcile(txns);108 expect(actual).toStrictEqual({109 [ALICE]: {110 cash: 150,111 debts: [],112 credits: [],113 },114 [BOB]: {115 cash: 30,116 debts: [],117 credits: [],118 },119 });120 });121 it('should handle transactions with debts stored in sequence', () => {122 expect.hasAssertions();123 const txns = [124 create(ALICE),125 create(BOB),126 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 100}),127 topup({username: BOB, amount: 80}),128 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 150}),129 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 20}),130 ];131 const actual = reconcile(txns);132 expect(actual).toStrictEqual({133 [ALICE]: {134 cash: 180,135 debts: [],136 credits: [137 {username: BOB, amount: 70, id: expect.any(String)},138 {username: BOB, amount: 20, id: expect.any(String)},139 ],140 },141 [BOB]: {142 cash: 0,143 debts: [144 {username: ALICE, amount: 70, id: expect.any(String)},145 {username: ALICE, amount: 20, id: expect.any(String)},146 ],147 credits: [],148 },149 });150 });151 it('should handle debts', () => {152 expect.hasAssertions();153 const txns = [154 create(ALICE),155 create(BOB),156 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 20}),157 topup({username: BOB, amount: 10}),158 ];159 const actual = reconcile(txns);160 expect(actual).toStrictEqual({161 [ALICE]: {162 cash: 10,163 debts: [],164 credits: [{username: BOB, amount: 10, id: expect.any(String)}],165 },166 [BOB]: {167 cash: 0,168 debts: [{username: ALICE, amount: 10, id: expect.any(String)}],169 credits: [],170 },171 });172 });173 it('should repay debts in FIFO order', () => {174 expect.hasAssertions();175 const txns = [176 create(ALICE),177 create(BOB),178 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 50}),179 topup({username: BOB, amount: 20}),180 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 50}),181 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 17}),182 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 8}),183 topup({username: BOB, amount: 40}),184 ];185 const actual = reconcile(txns);186 expect(actual).toStrictEqual({187 [ALICE]: {188 cash: 110,189 debts: [],190 credits: [191 {username: BOB, amount: 7, id: expect.any(String)},192 {username: BOB, amount: 8, id: expect.any(String)},193 ],194 },195 [BOB]: {196 cash: 0,197 debts: [198 {username: ALICE, amount: 7, id: expect.any(String)},199 {username: ALICE, amount: 8, id: expect.any(String)},200 ],201 credits: [],202 },203 });204 });205 it('should pass defined acceptance criteria', () => {206 expect.hasAssertions();207 const txns = [208 create(ALICE),209 create(BOB),210 topup({username: ALICE, amount: 100}),211 topup({username: BOB, amount: 80}),212 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 50}),213 transact({from: BOB, to: ALICE, amount: 100}),214 topup({username: BOB, amount: 30}),215 transact({from: ALICE, to: BOB, amount: 30}),216 topup({username: BOB, amount: 100}),217 ];218 const actual = reconcile(txns);219 expect(actual).toStrictEqual({220 [ALICE]: {...
...3 */4import userLocaleMiddleware from '../user-locale';5describe( 'User locale middleware', () => {6 it( 'should append the _locale parameter to the path', () => {7 expect.hasAssertions();8 const requestOptions = {9 method: 'GET',10 path: '/wp/v2/posts',11 };12 const callback = ( options ) => {13 expect( options.path ).toBe( '/wp/v2/posts?_locale=user' );14 };15 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );16 } );17 it( 'should append the _locale parameter to path with existing query argument', () => {18 expect.hasAssertions();19 const requestOptions = {20 method: 'GET',21 path: '/wp/v2/posts?foo=bar',22 };23 const callback = ( options ) => {24 expect( options.path ).toBe( '/wp/v2/posts?foo=bar&_locale=user' );25 };26 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );27 } );28 it( 'does not modify existing single _locale parameter in path', () => {29 expect.hasAssertions();30 const requestOptions = {31 method: 'GET',32 path: '/wp/v2/posts?_locale=foo',33 };34 const callback = ( options ) => {35 expect( options.path ).toBe( '/wp/v2/posts?_locale=foo' );36 };37 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );38 } );39 it( 'does not modify existing _locale parameter in path', () => {40 expect.hasAssertions();41 const requestOptions = {42 method: 'GET',43 path: '/wp/v2/posts?foo=bar&_locale=foo',44 };45 const callback = ( options ) => {46 expect( options.path ).toBe( '/wp/v2/posts?foo=bar&_locale=foo' );47 };48 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );49 } );50 it( 'should append the _locale parameter to the url', () => {51 expect.hasAssertions();52 const requestOptions = {53 method: 'GET',54 url: '',55 };56 const callback = ( options ) => {57 expect( options.url ).toBe( '' );58 };59 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );60 } );61 it( 'should append the _locale parameter to url with existing query argument', () => {62 expect.hasAssertions();63 const requestOptions = {64 method: 'GET',65 url: '',66 };67 const callback = ( options ) => {68 expect( options.url ).toBe( '' );69 };70 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );71 } );72 it( 'does not modify existing single _locale parameter in url', () => {73 expect.hasAssertions();74 const requestOptions = {75 method: 'GET',76 url: '',77 };78 const callback = ( options ) => {79 expect( options.url ).toBe( '' );80 };81 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );82 } );83 it( 'does not modify existing _locale parameter in url', () => {84 expect.hasAssertions();85 const requestOptions = {86 method: 'GET',87 url: '',88 };89 const callback = ( options ) => {90 expect( options.url ).toBe( '' );91 };92 userLocaleMiddleware( requestOptions, callback );93 } );...
...3const Writer = require('../');4const prettier = require('prettier');5const clean = body => prettier.format(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));6test('writer produces a feed of dependencies with ids hashed', async () => {7 expect.hasAssertions();8 const writer = new Writer('./test/mock/main.js');9 const result = await getStream(writer.bundle());10 expect(clean(result)).toMatchSnapshot();11});12test('options object passes options on to browserify', async () => {13 expect.hasAssertions();14 const writer = new Writer(['./test/mock/main.js'], {15 debug: true,16 });17 const result = await getStream(writer.bundle());18 expect(clean(result)).toMatchSnapshot();19});20test('bundle option allows getting a bundle instead of a feed', async () => {21 expect.hasAssertions();22 const writer = new Writer('./test/mock/main.js', {}, true);23 const result = await getStream(writer.bundle());24 expect(result).toMatchSnapshot();25});26test('module throws if `files` argument is not an array', async () => {27 expect.hasAssertions();28 const run = () => new Writer(null, {}, true);29 expect(run).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();30});31test('feed is not deduped', async () => {32 expect.hasAssertions();33 const writer = new Writer('./test/mock/no-dedupe.js', {});34 const result = await getStream(writer.bundle());35 expect(clean(result)).toMatchSnapshot();36});37test('different modules with identical source code do produce same id hash.', async () => {38 expect.hasAssertions();39 const writer = new Writer('./test/mock/identical-implementation');40 const feed = await getStream(writer.bundle());41 let identicalHashes = false;42 const hashes = new Map();43 for (const feedItem of feed) {44 if (hashes.has( {45 identicalHashes = true;46 break;47 }48 hashes.set(, true);49 }50 expect(identicalHashes).toBe(false);...
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|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
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