Best JavaScript code snippet using jest
...149 if (handleError(self, error)) {150 // The Watchman watcher is unusable on this system, we cannot continue151 return;152 }153 handleWarning(resp);154 self.capabilities = resp.capabilities;155 if (self.capabilities.relative_root) {156 self.client.command(['watch-project', getWatchRoot()], onWatchProject);157 } else {158 self.client.command(['watch', getWatchRoot()], onWatch);159 }160 }161 function onWatchProject(error, resp) {162 if (handleError(self, error)) {163 return;164 }165 handleWarning(resp);166 self.watchProjectInfo = {167 relativePath: resp.relative_path ? resp.relative_path : '',168 root: resp.watch169 };170 self.client.command(['clock', getWatchRoot()], onClock);171 }172 function onWatch(error, resp) {173 if (handleError(self, error)) {174 return;175 }176 handleWarning(resp);177 self.client.command(['clock', getWatchRoot()], onClock);178 }179 function onClock(error, resp) {180 if (handleError(self, error)) {181 return;182 }183 handleWarning(resp);184 const options = {185 fields: ['name', 'exists', 'new'],186 since: resp.clock187 }; // If the server has the wildmatch capability available it supports188 // the recursive **/*.foo style match and we can offload our globs189 // to the watchman server. This saves both on data size to be190 // communicated back to us and compute for evaluating the globs191 // in our node process.192 if (self.capabilities.wildmatch) {193 if (self.globs.length === 0) {194 if (! {195 // Make sure we honor the dot option if even we're not using globs.196 options.expression = [197 'match',198 '**',199 'wholename',200 {201 includedotfiles: false202 }203 ];204 }205 } else {206 options.expression = ['anyof'];207 for (const i in self.globs) {208 options.expression.push([209 'match',210 self.globs[i],211 'wholename',212 {213 includedotfiles: self.dot214 }215 ]);216 }217 }218 }219 if (self.capabilities.relative_root) {220 options.relative_root = self.watchProjectInfo.relativePath;221 }222 self.client.command(223 ['subscribe', getWatchRoot(), SUB_NAME, options],224 onSubscribe225 );226 }227 function onSubscribe(error, resp) {228 if (handleError(self, error)) {229 return;230 }231 handleWarning(resp);232 self.emit('ready');233 }234 self.client.capabilityCheck(235 {236 optional: ['wildmatch', 'relative_root']237 },238 onCapability239 );240};241/**242 * Handles a change event coming from the subscription.243 *244 * @param {Object} resp245 * @private246 */247WatchmanWatcher.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function (resp) {248 _assert().default.equal(249 resp.subscription,250 SUB_NAME,251 'Invalid subscription event.'252 );253 if (resp.is_fresh_instance) {254 this.emit('fresh_instance');255 }256 if (resp.is_fresh_instance) {257 this.emit('fresh_instance');258 }259 if (Array.isArray(resp.files)) {260 resp.files.forEach(this.handleFileChange, this);261 }262};263/**264 * Handles a single change event record.265 *266 * @param {Object} changeDescriptor267 * @private268 */269WatchmanWatcher.prototype.handleFileChange = function (changeDescriptor) {270 const self = this;271 let absPath;272 let relativePath;273 if (this.capabilities.relative_root) {274 relativePath =;275 absPath = _path().default.join(276 this.watchProjectInfo.root,277 this.watchProjectInfo.relativePath,278 relativePath279 );280 } else {281 absPath = _path().default.join(this.root,;282 relativePath =;283 }284 if (285 !(self.capabilities.wildmatch && !this.hasIgnore) &&286 !_common().default.isFileIncluded(287 this.globs,288,289 this.doIgnore,290 relativePath291 )292 ) {293 return;294 }295 if (!changeDescriptor.exists) {296 self.emitEvent(DELETE_EVENT, relativePath, self.root);297 } else {298 fs().lstat(absPath, (error, stat) => {299 // Files can be deleted between the event and the lstat call300 // the most reliable thing to do here is to ignore the event.301 if (error && error.code === 'ENOENT') {302 return;303 }304 if (handleError(self, error)) {305 return;306 }307 const eventType = ? ADD_EVENT : CHANGE_EVENT; // Change event on dirs are mostly useless.308 if (!(eventType === CHANGE_EVENT && stat.isDirectory())) {309 self.emitEvent(eventType, relativePath, self.root, stat);310 }311 });312 }313};314/**315 * Dispatches the event.316 *317 * @param {string} eventType318 * @param {string} filepath319 * @param {string} root320 * @param {fs.Stat} stat321 * @private322 */323WatchmanWatcher.prototype.emitEvent = function (324 eventType,325 filepath,326 root,327 stat328) {329 this.emit(eventType, filepath, root, stat);330 this.emit(ALL_EVENT, eventType, filepath, root, stat);331};332/**333 * Closes the watcher.334 *335 * @param {function} callback336 * @private337 */338WatchmanWatcher.prototype.close = function (callback) {339 this.client.removeAllListeners();340 this.client.end();341 callback && callback(null, true);342};343/**344 * Handles an error and returns true if exists.345 *346 * @param {WatchmanWatcher} self347 * @param {Error} error348 * @private349 */350function handleError(self, error) {351 if (error != null) {352 self.emit('error', error);353 return true;354 } else {355 return false;356 }357}358/**359 * Handles a warning in the watchman resp object.360 *361 * @param {object} resp362 * @private363 */364function handleWarning(resp) {365 if ('warning' in resp) {366 if (_recrawlWarningDedupe().default.isRecrawlWarningDupe(resp.warning)) {367 return true;368 }369 console.warn(resp.warning);370 return true;371 } else {372 return false;373 }...
Source: Game.jsx
...34 <Info>35 <PlayerCounter36 onAdd={() => handleAddPlayer()}37 onRemove={() => handleRemovePlayer()}38 onBlur={() => handleWarning()}39 playerCount={players.length}40 />41 <Warning message={warning} />42 <Players43 players={players}44 onClick={handleDeal}45 onBlur={handleWarning}46 />47 </Info>48 <Info>49 <GameButtons50 handleShuffle={handleShuffle}51 onBlur={handleWarning}52 handleReset={handleReset}53 shuffle={"Shuffle"}54 reset={"Reset"}55 />56 <Deck deck={deck} player={"deck"} />57 </Info>58 </StyledGame>59 );60 /**61 * Adds a card of each suit and value to the deck62 * @returns {[]} an array of card objects63 */64 function initDeck() {65 const deck = [];66 suits.forEach((s) => {67 values.forEach((v) => {68 let id = `${v} of ${s.suitName}`;69 deck.push({ s, v, id });70 });71 });72 return deck;73 }74 /**75 * Sends last card from game deck to chosen player's deck76 * @param {int} i Player to deal to77 * @returns {void}78 */79 function handleDeal(i) {80 if (handleWarning(deck.length === 0, "No cards left in deck!")) {81 return;82 } else {83 let tempDeck = deck.slice();84 let card = tempDeck.pop();85 setDeck(tempDeck);86 let playersTemp = players.slice();87 playersTemp[i].push(card);88 setPlayers(playersTemp);89 return;90 }91 }92 /**93 * Adds new player to players94 * @returns {void}95 */96 function handleAddPlayer() {97 let playersTemp = players.slice();98 playersTemp.push([]);99 setPlayers(playersTemp);100 return;101 }102 /**103 * Removes last player added from the game.104 * Instead displays a warning if a card has been dealt.105 * @returns {void}106 */107 function handleRemovePlayer() {108 if (109 handleWarning(110 deck.length < 52,111 "Cannot remove player while game in session!"112 )113 ) {114 return;115 } else {116 let playersTemp = players.slice(0, players.length - 1);117 setPlayers(playersTemp);118 return;119 }120 }121 /**122 * Checks if warning should be updated and changes it accordingly.123 * @param test operation that should be true to display warning124 * @param {string} message125 * @returns {boolean}126 */127 function handleWarning(test, message) {128 if (test) {129 setWarning(message);130 return true;131 } else {132 setWarning("");133 return false;134 }135 }136 /**137 * Randomly swaps each card in the playable deck with another138 * @returns {void}139 */140 function handleShuffle() {141 if (142 handleWarning(deck.length !== 52, "Can only shuffle when deck is full!")143 ) {144 return;145 } else {146 let tempDeck = deck.slice();147 let i = 0;148 => {149 let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);150 let cardStore = tempDeck[i];151 tempDeck[i] = tempDeck[randomIndex];152 tempDeck[randomIndex] = cardStore;153 ++i;154 return "done";155 });156 setDeck(tempDeck);...
Source: Index.js
...28 isValid = false;29 }30 return isValid;31 }32 function handleWarning(target, status) {33 let field = document.getElementById(target);34 if(status === true) {35 field.classList.add('validation-fail');36 } else {37 field.classList.remove('validation-fail');38 }39 }40 function handleNameInput(event) {41 if( > 0) {42 handleWarning('name', false)43 } else {44 handleWarning('name', true)45 }46 setName( }48 function handleYearInput(event) {49 if( > 0) {50 handleWarning('year', false)51 } else {52 handleWarning('year', true)53 }54 setYear( }56 function handlePlateInput(event) {57 if( > 0) {58 handleWarning('plate', false)59 } else {60 handleWarning('plate', true)61 }62 setPlate( }64 async function saveVehicle(event) {65 event.preventDefault();66 if(!validate()) {67 return68 }69 setSaving(true)70 try {71 let { data } = await http.put(`vehicles/${vehicle?.id}`, { name, year, plate })72 handleUpdatedVehicle(data);73 fn.handleShow(false);74 toast.success('VeÃculo salvo')...
...8export const FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_DATA ='FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_DATA';9export const FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_HANDLEWARNING = 'FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_HANDLEWARNING';10export const FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_PRE_HANDLEWARNING ='FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_PRE_HANDLEWARNING';11export const NEGATIVE_LIST_PRESET_PARAM = 'NEGATIVE_LIST_PRESET_PARAM';12export function list_pre_handleWarning(objectIds){13 return {14 type: FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_PRE_HANDLEWARNING,15 objectIds: objectIds16 };17};18export function list_handleWarning(objectIds,refresh) {19 return function (dispatch) {20 $.ajax({21 "url":ApiDomain+"/opinion/rest/negative/handleWarning?objectIds="+objectIds,22 "type": "get",23 dataType:"text"24 })25 .done(function(re) {26 dispatch({27 type: FETCH_NEGATIVE_LIST_HANDLEWARNING,28 status: 200,29 remsg:re30 });31 })32 .fail(function(re) {...
...35 } catch (e) {36 payload = null;37 }38 if (payload === null || payload.command === undefined) {39 ws.send(handleWarning(logger, ws, 'Command is not provided.'));40 return;41 }42 const commandLogger = logger.child({ payload });43 switch (payload.command) {44 case 'latest':45 await handleLatest(commandLogger, ws, payload);46 break;47 case 'setting-update':48 await handleSettingUpdate(commandLogger, ws, payload);49 break;50 case 'symbol-update-last-buy-price':51 await handleSymbolUpdateLastBuyPrice(commandLogger, ws, payload);52 break;53 case 'symbol-delete':54 await handleSymbolDelete(commandLogger, ws, payload);55 break;56 case 'symbol-setting-update':57 await handleSymbolSettingUpdate(commandLogger, ws, payload);58 break;59 case 'symbol-setting-delete':60 await handleSymbolSettingDelete(commandLogger, ws, payload);61 break;62 case 'symbol-enable-action':63 await handleSymbolEnableAction(commandLogger, ws, payload);64 break;65 case 'manual-trade':66 await handleManualTrade(commandLogger, ws, payload);67 break;68 case 'cancel-order':69 await handleCancelOrder(commandLogger, ws, payload);70 break;71 default:72 handleWarning(logger, ws, 'Command is not recognised.');73 }74 });75 ws.send(76 JSON.stringify({77 result: true,78 type: 'connection_success',79 message: 'You are successfully connected to WebSocket.'80 })81 );82 PubSub.subscribe('frontend-notification', async (message, data) => {83 { tag: 'frontend-notification' },85 `Message: ${message}, Data: ${data}`86 );...
...61 this.handleWarning = this.handleWarning.bind(this);62 this.handleLoginClick = this.handleLoginClick.bind(this);63 this.handleLogoutClick = this.handleLogoutClick.bind(this);64 }65 handleWarning(){66 this.setState({showWarning:!this.state.showWarning})67 }68 handleLoginClick(){69 this.setState({isLoggedIn: true})70 }71 handleLogoutClick(){72 this.setState({isLoggedIn: false})73 }74 render(){75 const isLoggedIn = this.state.isLoggedIn;76 let button = isLoggedIn?77 <LogoutButton onClick={this.handleLogoutClick} />78 :79 <LoginButton onClick={this.handleLoginClick}/>...
...30 }31 /* Handle a warning.32 * See * for the warnings. */34 function handleWarning(reason, position, code) {35 if (code === 3) {36 return;37 }38 ctx.file.message(reason, position);39 }40 /* Decode `value` (at `position`) into text-nodes. */41 function decoder(value, position, handler) {42 entities(value, {43 position: normalize(position),44 warning: handleWarning,45 text: handler,46 reference: handler,47 textContext: ctx,48 referenceContext: ctx...
...16 showWarning: true17 };18 this.handleWarning = this.handleWarning.bind(this);19 }20 handleWarning() {21 this.setState(state => ({22 showWarning: !state.showWarning23 }));24 }25 render() {26 return (27 <div>28 <Warning warn={this.state.showWarning} />29 <button onClick={this.handleWarning}>30 {this.state.showWarning === true ? "Hide" : "Show"}31 </button>32 </div>33 );34 }...
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|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p>
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