How to use getTypeMessage method in Jest

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Source: listController.js Github


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...67 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilityDetil = ability;68 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilityDetil.HabilidadesContenidos =;69 }70 else {71 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))72 }73 })74 },75 typesAbility: [76 { CodigoTipoHabilidad: 1, name: 'Técnica' },77 { CodigoTipoHabilidad: 2, name: 'Táctica' },78 { CodigoTipoHabilidad: 3, name: 'Física' }79 ],80 getTypeAbility: function(id){81 return typeAbility[id];82 },83 resetListAbilities: function(){84 $scope.abilitiesInfo.list = [];85 $scope.abilitiesInfo.currentCategory = null;86 $scope.abilitiesInfo.add = false;87 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp = { HabilidadesContenidos: [{ Descripcion: '' }, { Descripcion: '' }, { Descripcion: '' }], TipoHabilidad: 1 };88 },89 getByCategory: function (categorieToSearch) {90 if (!categorieToSearch || categorieToSearch == null) return;91 + 'GetListAbilitiesByCategoryAndLenguage', categorieToSearch, function (res) {92 if ( {93 $scope.abilitiesInfo.list =;94 }95 else {96 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))97 }98 })99 },100 save: function () {101 if ($scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos.length <= 0) {102 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_ALL_DESCRIPTION'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));103 return;104 }105 for (var i in $scope.lenguages.list) {106 if ($.trim($scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos[i].Descripcion) === '') {107 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_ALL_DESCRIPTION'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));108 return;109 }else110 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos[i].CodigoIdioma = $scope.lenguages.list[i].Consecutivo;111 }112 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.CodigoCategoria = $scope.abilitiesInfo.currentCategory.Consecutivo;113 + 'SaveAbilitie', $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp, function (res) {114 if ( {115 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_SAVE_SUCCESS'), service.getTypeMessage('success'));116 $scope.abilitiesInfo.add = false;117 $scope.abilitiesInfo.getByCategory($scope.abilitiesInfo.currentCategory);118 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp = { HabilidadesContenidos: [] }119 }120 else {121 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))122 }123 })124 125 },126 update: function (abilityForUpdate) {127 + 'UpdateAbilitie', abilityForUpdate, function (res) {128 if ( {129 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_SAVE_SUCCESS'), service.getTypeMessage('success'));130 }131 else {132 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))133 }134 })135 },136 delete: function () {137 + 'DeleteAbility', $scope.ToDelete.obj, function (res) {138 if ( {139 $scope.abilitiesInfo.getByCategory($scope.abilitiesInfo.currentCategory);140 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'))141 }142 else {143 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_ERROR_DELETE_BY_USER'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));144 }145 })146 },147 };148 149 $scope.categoriesInfo = {150 isBusy: false,151 list: [],152 listDetail: [],153 indexCurrentCategory: 0,154 image: '',155 imageTemp: {156 data: null,157 name: '',158 isDefault: true159 },160 categoryToUpdate: {},161 categoryTemp: { Habilidades: [], ArchivoContenido: null, CategoriasContenidos: [{ Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 1 }, { Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 2 }, { Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 3 }] },162 add: false,163 addCategory: function () {164 $scope.categoriesInfo.add = !$scope.categoriesInfo.add;165 $scope.abilitiesInfo.list = [];166 $scope.categoriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault = true;167 $scope.imageDefault = '../​Content/​assets/​img/​no-image.png';168 },169 get: function () {170 service.get(controller + 'GetListCategories', null, function (res) {171 if ( {172 $scope.categoriesInfo.list =;173 }174 else {175 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))176 }177 });178 },179 save: function () {180 if ($scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy) return;181 for (var i in $scope.lenguages.list) {182 if ($.trim($scope.categoriesInfo.categoryTemp.CategoriasContenidos[i].Descripcion) === '') {183 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_ALL_DESCRIPTION'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));184 return;185 }186 }187 $scope.categoriesInfo.categoryTemp.Habilidades = $scope.abilitiesInfo.list;188 if ($scope.categoriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault) {189 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_IMAGE'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));190 return;191 }192 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = true;193 Upload.upload({194 url: service.urlBase + controller + 'SaveCategorie',195 data: {196 file: Upload.dataUrltoBlob($, $,197 categoryForSave: JSON.stringify($scope.categoriesInfo.categoryTemp)198 },199 }).then(function (res) {200 if ( {201 $scope.categoriesInfo.get();202 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'));203 $scope.categoriesInfo.categoryTemp = { Habilidades: [], ArchivoContenido: null, CategoriasContenidos: [{ Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 1 }, { Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 2 }, { Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 3 }] },204 $scope.categoriesInfo.add = false;205 }206 else {207 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))208 }209 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = false;210 })211 },212 update: function (categorieForUpdate) {213 if ($scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy) return;214 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = true;215 + 'UpdateCategorie', categorieForUpdate, function (res) {216 if ( {217 $scope.categoriesInfo.get();218 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_SAVE_SUCCESS'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));219 }220 else {221 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))222 }223 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = false;224 })225 },226 delete: function () {227 + 'DeleteCategorie', { Consecutivo: $scope.ToDelete.obj.Consecutivo, CodigoArchivo: $scope.ToDelete.obj.CodigoArchivo }, function (res) {228 if ( {229 $scope.categoriesInfo.get();230 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'))231 }232 else {233 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_ERROR_DELETE_BY_USER'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));234 }235 })236 },237 getAbilities: function (categorieToSearch) {238 $scope.abilitiesInfo.list = [];239 $scope.abilitiesInfo.currentCategory = categorieToSearch;240 $scope.abilitiesInfo.add = false;241 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos[0].Descripcion = '';242 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos[1].Descripcion = '';243 $scope.abilitiesInfo.abilitieTemp.HabilidadesContenidos[2].Descripcion = '';244 $('#modalAbilities').modal('toggle');245 $scope.abilitiesInfo.getByCategory(categorieToSearch);246 },247 showCategoryById: function (categoryForSearch) {248 $scope.categoriesInfo.listDetail = [];249 $('#modalCategorie').modal('toggle');250 + 'GetCategoryById', categoryForSearch, function (res) {251 if ( {252 $scope.categoriesInfo.listDetail =;253 }254 else {255 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))256 }257 })258 },259 uploadImageTemp: function (dataImage, name) {260 $ = dataImage;261 $ = name;262 $scope.categoriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault = false;263 $scope.imageDefault = dataImage;264 $('#modalImageCategory').modal('hide');265 },266 updateImage: function (dataImage, nameImage) {267 if ($scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy) return;268 if ($scope.categoriesInfo.add) {269 $scope.categoriesInfo.uploadImageTemp(dataImage, nameImage);270 return;271 }272 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = true;273 Upload.upload({274 url: service.urlBase + controller + 'uploadImageCategory',275 data: {276 file: Upload.dataUrltoBlob(dataImage, nameImage),277 Categorias: JSON.stringify($scope.categoriesInfo.categoryToUpdate)278 },279 }).then(function (res) {280 if ( {281 $scope.categoriesInfo.categoryToUpdate.UrlArchivo = dataImage;282 $('#modalImageCategory').modal('hide');283 }284 else {285 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))286 }287 $scope.categoriesInfo.isBusy = false;288 })289 },290 showModalImageCategory: function (categoryToModify) {291 $scope.categoriesInfo.add = false;292 $('#imageCategory').attr('src', '');293 $scope.picFileCategory = undefined;294 $scope.categoriesInfo.categoryToUpdate = categoryToModify;295 $('#modalImageCategory').modal('toggle');296 }297 };298 $scope.countriesInfo = {299 list: [],300 detail: {},301 countryTemp: { CodigoIdioma: $scope.lenguages.idLenguageNavigator, PaisesContenidos: [ { Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 0} ], CodigoMoneda: 0, Monedas: {} },302 add: false,303 indexCurrentCountry: 0,304 listCurrencies: [],305 imageTemp: {306 data: null,307 name: '',308 isDefault: true309 },310 addCountry: function () {311 $scope.countriesInfo.add = !$scope.countriesInfo.add;312 $scope.countriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault = true;313 $scope.imageDefault = '../​Content/​assets/​img/​no-image.png';314 },315 get: function () {316 + 'GetListCountries', { IdiomaBase: 1 }, function (res) {317 if ( {318 $scope.countriesInfo.list =;319 }320 else {321 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))322 }323 })324 },325 save: function () {326 if ($scope.countriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault) {327 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_IMAGE'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));328 return;329 }330 for (var i in $scope.lenguages.list) {331 if ($.trim($scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.PaisesContenidos[i].Descripcion) === '') {332 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_VALIDATION_ALL_DESCRIPTION'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));333 return;334 }335 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.PaisesContenidos[i].CodigoIdioma = $scope.lenguages.list[i].Consecutivo;336 }337 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.CodigoMoneda = $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.Monedas.Consecutivo;338 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.CodigoIdioma = service.getLenguageFromNavigator();339 Upload.upload({340 url: service.urlBase + controller + 'SaveCountry',341 data: {342 file: Upload.dataUrltoBlob($, $,343 countryForSave: JSON.stringify($scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp)344 },345 }).then(function (res) {346 if ( {347 $scope.countriesInfo.get();348 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'));349 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp = { CodigoIdioma: $scope.lenguages.idLenguageNavigator, PaisesContenidos: [{ Descripcion: '', CodigoIdioma: 0 }], CodigoMoneda: 0, Monedas: {} };350 $scope.countriesInfo.add = false;351 }352 else {353 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))354 }355 })356 },357 update: function () {358 $scope.countriesInfo.detail.CodigoMoneda = $scope.countriesInfo.detail.Monedas.Consecutivo;359 + 'UpdateCountry', $scope.countriesInfo.detail, function (res) {360 if ( {361 $scope.countriesInfo.get();362 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_SAVE_SUCCESS'), service.getTypeMessage('success'));363 $('#modalCountry').modal('hide');364 }365 else {366 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))367 }368 })369 },370 delete: function () {371 + 'DeleteCountry', $scope.ToDelete.obj, function (res) {372 if ( {373 $scope.countriesInfo.get();374 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'))375 }376 else {377 service.showErrorMessage($translate.instant('NOTI_ERROR_DELETE_BY_USER'), service.getTypeMessage('error'));378 }379 })380 },381 showCountryById: function (countryForSearch) {382 $scope.countriesInfo.listDetail = [];383 $('#modalCountry').modal('toggle');384 + 'GetCountryById', countryForSearch, function (res) {385 if ( {386 $scope.countriesInfo.detail =;387 }388 else {389 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))390 }391 })392 },393 updateImage: function (dataImage, nameImage) {394 if ($scope.countriesInfo.add) {395 $ = dataImage;396 $ = nameImage;397 $scope.countriesInfo.imageTemp.isDefault = false;398 $scope.imageDefault = dataImage;399 $('#modalImageCountry').modal('hide');400 return;401 }402 Upload.upload({403 url: service.urlBase + controller + 'uploadImageCountry',404 data: {405 file: Upload.dataUrltoBlob(dataImage, nameImage),406 Paises: JSON.stringify($scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp)407 },408 }).then(function (res) {409 if ( {410 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp.UrlArchivo = dataImage;411 $('#modalImageCountry').modal('hide');412 }413 else {414 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))415 }416 })417 },418 showModalImageCountry: function (countryToModify, index) {419 if ($scope.countriesInfo.add)420 return;421 $scope.countriesInfo.countryTemp = countryToModify;422 $scope.countriesInfo.indexCurrentCountry = index;423 $('#modalImageCountry').modal('toggle');424 },425 getCurrencies: function () {426 service.get(controller + 'GetCurrencies', null, function (res) {427 if ( {428 $scope.countriesInfo.listCurrencies =;429 }430 else {431 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))432 }433 })434 }435 };436 $scope.currenciesInfo = {437 list: [],438 currencyTemp: [],439 add: false,440 get: function () {441 service.get(controller + 'GetCurrencies', null, function (res) {442 if ( {443 $scope.countriesInfo.listCurrencies =;444 $scope.currenciesInfo.list =;445 }446 else {447 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))448 }449 })450 },451 update: function (currencyForUpdate) {452 + 'SaveCurrency', currencyForUpdate, function (res) {453 if ( {454 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'))455 }456 else {457 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'))458 }459 })460 }461 };462 $scope.termsAndConditions = {463 list: [],464 get: function () {465 service.get(controller + 'GetListTermsAndCondiions', null, function (res) {466 if ( $scope.termsAndConditions.list =;468 else469 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'));470 })471 },472 update: function () {473 + 'UpdateTermsAndCondiions', $scope.termsAndConditions.list, function (res) {474 if ( service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('success'));476 else477 service.showErrorMessage(, service.getTypeMessage('error'));478 })479 }480 };481 $scope.categoriesInfo.get();482 $scope.countriesInfo.get();483 $scope.currenciesInfo.get();484 $scope.termsAndConditions.get();485 }]486 )487 .directive('format', ['$filter', function ($filter) {488 return {489 require: '?ngModel',490 link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {491 if (!ctrl) return;...

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Source: validation.js Github


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...106 }107 return message;108}109const validateIchthyologistFocus = () => {110 let message = getTypeMessage(ichthyologistFocus, 'string');111 if (message === 'success') {112 if(ichthyologistFocus.toLowerCase() == 'fish') {113 return resultObject(true,'Correct! Ichthyologists study fish');114 }115 else {116 return resultObject(false,`Not quite, Ichthyologists don't study ${ichthyologistFocus}. Do a quick google search and try again!`);117 }118 }119 else {120 return resultObject(false, message);121 }122}123const validateDeveloperName = () => {124 let message = getTypeMessage(developerName, 'string');125 if(message === 'success') {126 return resultObject(true, `If you say your name is ${developerName}, that's what I'll call you! Have fun practicing data types, ${developerName}!`);127 } else {128 return resultObject(false, message);129 }130}131const validateNumberOfOceans = () => {132 let message = getTypeMessage(numberOfOceans, 'number');133 if (message === 'success') {134 switch(numberOfOceans) {135 case 1:136 return resultObject(true, '1 global ocean? ><> ><> ><> I\'ll accept that.');137 case 4:138 return resultObject(true, 'I learned that there were only 4 ocean basins as a kid, but the Southern Ocean is recognized as its own basin. This counts.');139 case 5:140 return resultObject(true, 'Nice job!');141 default:142 return resultObject(true, `I can't possibly know if the internet lied to you, or if the internet lied to me. I was expecting either 1, 4, or 5 as your answer, not ${numberOfOceans}. Since you put a number here, I'll take it.`)143 }144 }145 else {146 return resultObject(false, message);147 }148}149const validateHavingFun = () => {150 let message = getTypeMessage(havingFun, 'boolean');151 if (message === 'success') {152 message = havingFun ? "Glad that you're enjoying yourself!" : "Sorry that you're not having fun. Leave me a comment on Youtube if you have any suggestions.";153 return resultObject(true, message);154 }155 else {156 return resultObject(false, message);157 }158}159const validateHawaiianStateFish = () => {160 let message = getTypeMessage(hawaiianStateFish, 'string');161 if (message === 'success') {162 let fish = hawaiianStateFish.toLowerCase().replace("'",).replace('ā', 'a');163 switch (fish) {164 case 'humuhumunukunukuapuaa':165 case 'humuhumu':166 return resultObject(true, "Ae! The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is Hawaii's state fish. Try saying that 10 times.");167 case 'reef triggerfish':168 return resultObject(false, "You're technically right, but Reef Triggerfish isn't as fun to say as its other name. Try again.");169 default:170 return resultObject(false, `Mahalo, but no, I was looking for humuhumunukunukuapua'a, not ${hawaiianStateFish}. At least you used a string!`)171 }172 }173 else {174 return resultObject(false, message);175 }176}177const validateCongoLength = () => {178 let message = getTypeMessage(congoLength, 'number');179 if (message === 'success') {180 message = congoLength === 4370 ? `Correct! The Congo River is ${congoLength} km long.` : `Hmmm. I thought it was 4370 km long. If you say it's ${congoLength} km, I'll take your word for it.`;181 return resultObject(true, message);182 }183 else {184 return resultObject(false, message);185 }186}187const validateHaveCaughtFish = () => {188 let message = getTypeMessage(haveCaughtFish, 'boolean');189 if (message === 'success') {190 message = 'Nothing wrong with that.'191 if(haveCaughtFish) {192 message = 'Good for you!'193 }194 return resultObject(true, message);195 }196 else {197 return resultObject(false, message);198 }199}200const validateBigInteger = () => {201 let message = getTypeMessage(bigInteger, 'bigint');202 if (message === 'success') {203 if (bigInteger > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {204 message = `${bigInteger} truly is a big integer.`205 }206 else {207 return resultObject(false, `I want a BIG integer. Make sure it's larger than ${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}n.`);208 }209 return resultObject(true, message);210 }211 else {212 return resultObject(false, message);213 }214}215const validateJavaScriptIsRarelyUsed = () => {216 let message = getTypeMessage(javaScriptIsRarelyUsed, 'boolean');217 if (message === 'success') {218 if(!javaScriptIsRarelyUsed) {219 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! At the time of writing, JavaScript is by far the most used programming language. Do a search for "does X company use JavaScript?" and look at the results. I\'d bet the answer is yes.');220 }221 return resultObject(false, 'Nope. JavaScript is heavily used. Even if you don\'t think it should be.');222 }223 else {224 return resultObject(false, message);225 }226}227const validateBigIntWorksForDecimals = () => {228 let message = getTypeMessage(bigIntWorksForDecimals, 'boolean');229 if (message === 'success') {230 if(!bigIntWorksForDecimals) {231 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! The bigint data type only works for integers. It\'s in the name.');232 }233 return resultObject(false, 'Nope. Integers refer to non-decimal numbers. That means bigint is only for big integers. If you don\'t believe me, try it out in your console!');234 }235 else {236 return resultObject(false, message);237 }238}239const validateLargeNumber = () => {240 let message = getTypeMessage(largeNumber, 'bigint');241 if (message === 'success') {242 if (largeNumber === 9007199254740993n) {243 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! Did you know that 9007199254740993 can\'t be stored as a regular integer? If you try, it turns back into 9007199254740992.');244 }245 return resultObject(false, 'That\'s not how you write 9007199254740993n');246 }247 else {248 return resultObject(false, message);249 }250}251const validateTotalNaSalmonSpecies = () => {252 let message = getTypeMessage(totalNaSalmonSpecies, 'number');253 if (message === 'success') {254 if(totalNaSalmonSpecies === 6) {255 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! There are 6. My favorite is the Sockeye/​Red salmon.');256 }257 if(totalNaSalmonSpecies < 6) {258 message = `There are more than ${totalNaSalmonSpecies} species native to North America. Did you include both coasts?`;259 }260 else {261 message = `Reel it back a little. There aren't quite ${totalNaSalmonSpecies} salmon species that are native to North America.`;262 }263 return resultObject(false, message);264 }265 else {266 return resultObject(false, message);267 }268}269const validateLongestRiver = () => {270 let message = getTypeMessage(longestRiver, 'string');271 if (message === 'success') {272 if(longestRiver.toLowerCase() === 'nile') {273 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! Not only is da Nile the longest river in the world, but it\'s a mindset that developers frequently have to combat!');274 }275 else {276 return resultObject(false, `If you're in denial that it's not the ${longestRiver}, then you should know what to guess next.`);277 }278 }279 else {280 return resultObject(false, message);281 }282}283const validateSeenAllTypes = () => {284 let message = getTypeMessage(seenAllTypes, 'boolean');285 if (message === 'success') {286 if(!seenAllTypes) {287 return resultObject(true, 'Correct! You\'re missing out on Symbol, undefined, null, and the endless flexibility of objects (which null happens to be)');288 }289 return resultObject(false, 'Even if you\'ve seen all types, they weren\'t covered in this exercise.');290 }291 else {292 return resultObject(false, message);293 }294}295/​/​NOTE: The order of questions in this array must match the order of requirements on the DOM and in the index.js file.296const questions = [297 question(validateIchthyologistFocus),298 question(validateDeveloperName),...

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Source: FieldMessages.service.spec.js Github


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...9 }));10 describe('#getTypeMessage', function () {11 it('should return message for phone', function () {12 let field = {type: 'PHONE', name: 'phone1'};13 expect(FieldMessages.getTypeMessage(field))'Contact Field "phone1" has an invalid value. Number must either be 10 digits for dialing within North America, or begin with "011" for international number. International number length should be no more than 20 digits. Please correct it.');14 });15 it('should return message for number', function () {16 let field = {type: 'NUMBER', name: 'number1'};17 expect(FieldMessages.getTypeMessage(field))'Contact Field "number1" has an invalid value. Invalid number. Please correct it.');18 });19 it('should return message for email', function () {20 let field = {type: 'EMAIL', name: 'email1'};21 expect(FieldMessages.getTypeMessage(field))'Contact Field "email1" has an invalid value. Invalid email. Please correct it.');22 });23 it('should return message for url', function () {24 let field = {type: 'URL', name: 'url1'};25 expect(FieldMessages.getTypeMessage(field))'Contact Field "url1" has an invalid value. Invalid URL. Please correct it.');26 });27 });28 describe('#getMinMessage', function () {29 it('should return message for number', function () {30 let field = {type: 'NUMBER', name: 'number1', minValue: 10};31 expect(FieldMessages.getMinMessage(field))'Contact Field "number1" has an invalid value. Number cannot be less than 10. Please correct it.');32 });33 it('should return message for email', function () {34 let field = {type: 'EMAIL', name: 'email1', minValue: 10};35 expect(FieldMessages.getMinMessage(field))'Contact Field "email1" has an invalid value. String length cannot be less than 10 characters. Please correct it.');36 });37 it('should return message for date', function () {38 let field = {type: 'DATE', name: 'date1', minValue: '2016-11-30'};39 expect(FieldMessages.getMinMessage(field))'Contact Field "date1" has an invalid value. Date cannot be earlier than 2016-11-29. Please correct it.');...

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Source:Email.js Github


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...12 messageBody: null,13 date: new Date()14 }15 async componentWillMount() {16 await this.props.getTypeMessage()17 => {18 console.log(el)19 })20 /​/​console.log(this.props.typeMessages)21 }22 handleChange = selectedOption => {23 this.setState({selectedOption: selectedOption.value});24 console.log(`Option selected:`, selectedOption);25 };26 inputValueChangeSendMessage = e => this.setState({[]:});27 sendEmail = (event) => {28 event.preventDefault()29 Axios.defaults.headers = {30 'Content-Type': 'application/​json'...

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Source: FieldMessages.service.js Github


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1'use strict';2angular.module('fakiyaMainApp')3 .factory('FieldMessages', function ($filter) {4 function getTypeMessage(field){5 let type = 'field';6 if(field.type==='PHONE'){7 return `Contact Field "${}" has an invalid value. Number must either be 10 digits for dialing within North America, or begin with "011" for international number. International number length should be no more than 20 digits. Please correct it.`;8 }9 else if(['PERCENT','NUMBER','CURRENCY'].indexOf(field.type) > -1) {10 type = 'number';11 }12 else if(field.type === 'EMAIL'){13 type = 'email'; 14 }15 else if(field.type === 'URL'){16 type = 'URL';17 }18 return `Contact Field "${}" has an invalid value. Invalid ${type}. Please correct it.`;...

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Source: results-toolbar.js Github


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...59 getCountMessage() {60 /​/​ maximum count of found results61 return this.element.$('.search-count');62 }63 getTypeMessage() {64 /​/​ second span should be the type message65 return this.getMessage(1).$('.search-type');66 }67 getContextMessage() {68 /​/​ third span should be the context message69 return this.getMessage(2).$('.instance-header');70 }71 getFtsMessage() {72 return this.getMessage(3).$('.text-info');73 }74 getBoundsMessageText() {75 return this.getBoundsMessage().getText();76 }77 getCountMessageText() {78 return this.getCountMessage().getText();79 }80 getTypeMessageText() {81 return this.getTypeMessage().getText();82 }83 getContextMessageText() {84 return this.getContextMessage().getText();85 }86 getFtsMessageText() {87 return this.getFtsMessage().getText();88 }89}90ResultsToolbar.COMPONENT_SELECTOR = '.results-toolbar';91module.exports = {92 ResultsToolbarSandboxPage,93 ResultsToolbar...

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Source: payment-method.js Github


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...18 if (GlobalUtil.isEmpty(this.account)) this.account = '';19 if (GlobalUtil.isEmpty(this.account_confirmation)) this.account_confirmation = '';20 if (GlobalUtil.isEmpty(this.routing)) this.routing = '';21 this.address = new EliteAPI.Models.CRM.Address(this.address);22 this.typeMessage = this.getTypeMessage();23 }24 clone(overrides) {25 var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));26 if (overrides) {27 var keys = Object.keys(overrides);28 => clone[key] = overrides[key]);29 }30 return new ElitePaymentMethod(clone);31 }32 save(successCallback, failureCallback){33 if (this.payment_method_id === undefined) return EliteAPI.STR.PaymentMethod.add(GlobalUtil.convertToAPIargs(this), successCallback, failureCallback);34 else return EliteAPI.STR.PaymentMethod.set(GlobalUtil.convertToAPIargs(this), successCallback, failureCallback);35 }36 delete(successCallback, failureCallback)37 {38 if (this.payment_method_id !== undefined) return EliteAPI.STR.PaymentMethod.delete(GlobalUtil.convertToAPIargs(this), successCallback, failureCallback);39 }40 getTypeMessage() {41 if (this.gateway === 'PAYPAL') return;42 else return this.type + " ending in " + this.last_four43 }...

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Source: ext.bluespice.pageassignments.GraphicalList.js Github


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...14 dfd.resolve( function() {15 var html = '<div class="grapicallist-pageassignments-body">';16 for( var type in htmlForSitetools ) {17 html += '<div><span class="bs-icon-' + type + ' section">'18 + me.getTypeMessage( type )19 + '</​span>';20 for( var i = 0; i < htmlForSitetools[type].length; i++ ) {21 html += htmlForSitetools[type][i]['html'];22 }23 html += '</​div>';24 }25 html += '</​div>';26 return html;27 } );28 return dfd;29 };30 bs.pageassignments.GraphicalList.prototype.getTypeMessage = function( type ) {31 var msg = mw.message( 'bs-pageassignments-assignee-type-' + type );32 return msg.exists() ? msg : type;...

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StackOverFlow community discussions


How do I get JUnit XML output from Jest?

Mock dependency in Jest with TypeScript

Accessing jasmine with testRunner set to jest-circus results in: ReferenceError: jasmine is not defined

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down: at loadCjsDefault

Jest: Wait for an async test to finish before running the next one

Jest not outputting describe names nor test names when more than one test file

Typescript errors when using jest mocks

How to test Firebase login action (React/Jest)

How do I configure absolute paths for imports in TypeScript based React Native apps?

How To Get The URL After Redirecting from Current Page To Another Using Puppeteer?

If you use a more recent version of jest (I'm looking at 16.0.2), you don't need to specify the testrunner because jasmine is the default. You also don't need the unmockedModulePathPatterns section of the jest config.

I.e. you just need to include the following devDependencies in your package.json:

"jasmine-reporters": "^2.2.0",
"jest": "^16.0.2",
"jest-cli": "^16.0.2"

And add this jest config to your package.json (note: you no longer need the unmockedModulePathPatterns section):

"jest": {
  "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "./setup-jasmine-env.js"

And then use Drew's setup-jasmine-env.js from the question.


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Jest Testing Tutorial

LambdaTest’s Jest Testing Tutorial covers step-by-step guides around Jest with code examples to help you be proficient with the Jest framework. The Jest tutorial has chapters to help you learn right from the basics of Jest framework to code-based tutorials around testing react apps with Jest, perform snapshot testing, import ES modules and more.


  1. What is Jest Framework
  2. Advantages of Jest - Jest has 3,898,000 GitHub repositories, as mentioned on its official website. Learn what makes Jest special and why Jest has gained popularity among the testing and developer community.
  3. Jest Installation - All the prerequisites and set up steps needed to help you start Jest automation testing.
  4. Using Jest with NodeJS Project - Learn how to leverage Jest framework to automate testing using a NodeJS Project.
  5. Writing First Test for Jest Framework - Get started with code-based tutorial to help you write and execute your first Jest framework testing script.
  6. Jest Vocabulary - Learn the industry renowned and official jargons of the Jest framework by digging deep into the Jest vocabulary.
  7. Unit Testing with Jest - Step-by-step tutorial to help you execute unit testing with Jest framework.
  8. Jest Basics - Learn about the most pivotal and basic features which makes Jest special.
  9. Jest Parameterized Tests - Avoid code duplication and fasten automation testing with Jest using parameterized tests. Parameterization allows you to trigger the same test scenario over different test configurations by incorporating parameters.
  10. Jest Matchers - Enforce assertions better with the help of matchers. Matchers help you compare the actual output with the expected one. Here is an example to see if the object is acquired from the correct class or not. -

|<p>it('check_object_of_Car', () => {</p><p> expect(newCar()).toBeInstanceOf(Car);</p><p> });</p>| | :- |

  1. Jest Hooks: Setup and Teardown - Learn how to set up conditions which needs to be followed by the test execution and incorporate a tear down function to free resources after the execution is complete.
  2. Jest Code Coverage - Unsure there is no code left unchecked in your application. Jest gives a specific flag called --coverage to help you generate code coverage.
  3. HTML Report Generation - Learn how to create a comprehensive HTML report based on your Jest test execution.
  4. Testing React app using Jest Framework - Learn how to test your react web-application with Jest framework in this detailed Jest tutorial.
  5. Test using LambdaTest cloud Selenium Grid - Run your Jest testing script over LambdaTest cloud-based platform and leverage parallel testing to help trim down your test execution time.
  6. Snapshot Testing for React Front Ends - Capture screenshots of your react based web-application and compare them automatically for visual anomalies with the help of Jest tutorial.
  7. Bonus: Import ES modules with Jest - ES modules are also known as ECMAScript modules. Learn how to best use them by importing in your Jest testing scripts.
  8. Jest vs Mocha vs Jasmine - Learn the key differences between the most popular JavaScript-based testing frameworks i.e. Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine.
  9. Jest FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) - Explore the most commonly asked questions around Jest framework, with their answers.

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