Best JavaScript code snippet using istanbul
...41 formatOption('--verbose, -v', 'verbose mode')42 ].join('\n\n'));43 console.error('\n');44 console.error('<format> is one of ');45 Report.getReportList().forEach(function (name) {46 console.error(formatOption(name, Report.create(name).synopsis()));47 });48 console.error("");49 console.error(formatPara([50 'Default format is lcov unless otherwise specified in the config file.',51 'In addition you can tweak the file names for various reports using the config file.',52 'Type `istanbul help config` to see what can be tweaked.'53 ].join(' ')));54 console.error('\n');55 },56 run: function (args, callback) {57 var template = {58 config: path,59 root: path,60 dir: path,61 include: String,62 verbose: Boolean63 },64 opts = nopt(template, { v : '--verbose' }, args, 0),65 includePattern = opts.include || '**/coverage*.json',66 root,67 collector = new Collector(),68 config = configuration.loadFile(opts.config, {69 verbose: opts.verbose,70 reporting: {71 dir: opts.dir72 }73 }),74 formats = opts.argv.remain,75 reporter = new Reporter(config);76 // Start: backward compatible processing77 if (formats.length === 2 &&78 Report.getReportList().indexOf(formats[1]) < 0) {79 includePattern = formats[1];80 formats = [ formats[0] ];81 printDeprecationMessage(includePattern, formats[0]);82 }83 // End: backward compatible processing84 if (formats.length === 0) {85 formats = config.reporting.reports();86 }87 if (formats.length === 0) {88 formats = [ 'lcov' ];89 }90 reporter.addAll(formats);91 root = opts.root || process.cwd();92 filesFor({...
1import service from '@/utils/request'2// @Tags Report3// @Summary å建Report4// @Security ApiKeyAuth5// @accept application/json6// @Produce application/json7// @Param data body model.Report true "å建Report"8// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"è·åæå"}"9// @Router /report/createReport [post]10export const createReport = (data) => {11 return service({12 url: '/report/createReport',13 method: 'post',14 data15 })16}17// @Tags Report18// @Summary å é¤Report19// @Security ApiKeyAuth20// @accept application/json21// @Produce application/json22// @Param data body model.Report true "å é¤Report"23// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"å é¤æå"}"24// @Router /report/deleteReport [delete]25export const deleteReport = (data) => {26 return service({27 url: '/report/deleteReport',28 method: 'delete',29 data30 })31}32// @Tags Report33// @Summary å é¤Report34// @Security ApiKeyAuth35// @accept application/json36// @Produce application/json37// @Param data body request.IdsReq true "æ¹éå é¤Report"38// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"å é¤æå"}"39// @Router /report/deleteReport [delete]40export const deleteReportByIds = (data) => {41 return service({42 url: '/report/deleteReportByIds',43 method: 'delete',44 data45 })46}47// @Tags Report48// @Summary æ´æ°Report49// @Security ApiKeyAuth50// @accept application/json51// @Produce application/json52// @Param data body model.Report true "æ´æ°Report"53// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"æ´æ°æå"}"54// @Router /report/updateReport [put]55export const updateReport = (data) => {56 return service({57 url: '/report/updateReport',58 method: 'put',59 data60 })61}62// @Tags Report63// @Summary ç¨idæ¥è¯¢Report64// @Security ApiKeyAuth65// @accept application/json66// @Produce application/json67// @Param data query model.Report true "ç¨idæ¥è¯¢Report"68// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"æ¥è¯¢æå"}"69// @Router /report/findReport [get]70export const findReport = (params) => {71 return service({72 url: '/report/findReport',73 method: 'get',74 params75 })76}77// @Tags Report78// @Summary å页è·åReportå表79// @Security ApiKeyAuth80// @accept application/json81// @Produce application/json82// @Param data query request.PageInfo true "å页è·åReportå表"83// @Success 200 {string} string "{"success":true,"data":{},"msg":"è·åæå"}"84// @Router /report/getReportList [get]85export const getReportList = (params) => {86 return service({87 url: '/report/getReportList',88 method: 'get',89 params90 })...
1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { connect } from 'dva';3import { Table, Spin, Space, Typography, Tag, Row, Input, Col } from 'antd';4import { UserOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'5import moment from 'moment'6import './index.less';7const { Title, Link } = Typography8// 订åå表9@connect(({ report, loading }) => ({10 report,11 isLoadingReport: loading.effects['report/getReportList'],12}))13export default class ReportList extends Component {14 state = {}15 queryReportList = ({ name = "" } = {}) => {16 const { dispatch } = this.props;17 dispatch({18 type: 'report/getReportList',19 payload: { name }20 });21 }22 columns = [23 {24 title: 'åé人å§å',25 dataIndex: 'name',26 key: 'name',27 render: name => (28 <Space>29 <UserOutlined />30 {name}31 </Space>32 )33 },34 {35 title: '订åç±»å',36 dataIndex: 'typeStr',37 key: 'typeStr',38 render: type => <Tag color="green">{type}</Tag>39 },40 {41 title: 'çææ¶é´',42 dataIndex: 'updateTime',43 key: 'updateTime',44 render: time => moment(time).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')45 },46 {47 title: 'æä½',48 dataIndex: 'operation',49 key: 'operation',50 width: 120,51 render: (v, rowData) => <Link onClick={() => {52 console.log(rowData)53 alert( }}>æ¥çå ±å</Link>55 },56 ]57 componentWillMount() {58 this.queryReportList()59 }60 handleSearch = key => {61 this.queryReportList({ name: key })62 }63 render() {64 const { isLoadingReport, report } = this.props;65 const { list } = report66 return (67 <div className="report-list-wrap">68 <Spin spinning={isLoadingReport}>69 <Row style={{ marginBottom: '20px' }} justify="space-between">70 <Title level={4}>æ¥åå表</Title>71 <Col span={8}>72 <Input.Search placeholder="input search text" onSearch={this.handleSearch} enterButton loading={isLoadingReport} />73 </Col>74 </Row>75 76 <Table77 columns={this.columns}78 dataSource={list}79 pagination={false}80 bordered81 />82 </Spin>83 </div>84 );85 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var report = istanbul.Report.create('html');3var collector = new istanbul.Collector();4collector.add(istanbul.utils.summarizeCoverage(istanbul.utils.loadFileCoverage('coverage.json')));5report.writeReport(collector, true);6The payload contains the claims. Claims are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data. There are three types of claims:7Registered claims: These are a set of predefined claims which are not mandatory but recommended. Some of the registered claims are: iss (issuer), sub (subject), aud (audience), exp (expiration time), nbf (not before time), iat (issued at time), and jti (JWT ID
Using AI Code Generation
1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var Report = istanbul.Report;3var report = Report.create('lcov');4var collector = new istanbul.Collector();5var map = istanbul.utils.summarizeCoverage(collector.getFinalCoverage());6var sync = true;7var context = istanbul.utils.merge(istanbul.config.loadFile(), {8});9var files = Report.getReportList(sync, context);10console.log(files);11FN: 1,(anonymous_0)12FN: 2,(anonymous_1)13FN: 3,(anonymous_2)14FN: 4,(anonymous_3)15FN: 5,(anonymous_4)16FN: 6,(anonymous_5)17FN: 7,(anonymous_6)18FN: 8,(anonymous_7)19FN: 9,(anonymous_8)20FN: 10,(anonymous_9)21FN: 11,(anonymous_10)22FN: 12,(anonymous_11)23FN: 13,(anonymous_12)24FN: 14,(anonymous_13)25FN: 15,(anonymous_14)26FN: 16,(anonymous_15)27FN: 17,(anonymous_16)28FN: 18,(anonymous_17)29FN: 19,(anonymous_18)30FN: 20,(anonymous_19)31FN: 21,(anonymous_20)32FN: 22,(anonymous_21)33FN: 23,(anonymous_22)34FN: 24,(anonymous_23)35FN: 25,(anonymous_24)36FN: 26,(anonymous_25)37FN: 27,(anonymous_26)38FN: 28,(anonymous_27)39FN: 29,(anonymous_28)40FN: 30,(anonymous_29)41FN: 31,(anonymous_30)42FN: 32,(anonymous_31)43FN: 33,(anonymous_32)44FN: 34,(anonymous_33)45FN: 35,(anonymous_34)46FN: 36,(anonymous_35)47FN: 37,(anonymous_36)48FN: 38,(anonymous_37)49FN: 39,(anonymous_38)50FN: 40,(anonymous_39)51FN: 41,(anonymous_40)
Using AI Code Generation
1var istanbul = require('istanbul-api');2var libReport = istanbul.libReport;3var reports = istanbul.reports;4var Report = istanbul.Report;5var remap = require('remap-istanbul/lib/remap');6var map = require('istanbul-lib-coverage').createCoverageMap();7var coverage = require('./coverage-final.json');8map = map.merge(coverage);9var collector = remap(map);10var report = Report.create('html', {11});12report.on('done', function() {13 console.log('done');14});15report.writeReport(collector, true);
Using AI Code Generation
1const istanbul = require('istanbul');2const Report = istanbul.Report;3const Collector = istanbul.Collector;4const collector = new Collector();5const report = Report.create('lcovonly', {6});7const reports = Report.getReportList();8reports.forEach(function (r) {9 console.log(r);10});11report.addAll(['coverage/coverage.json']);12report.writeReport(collector, true);13const istanbul = require('istanbul');14const Report = istanbul.Report;15const Collector = istanbul.Collector;16const collector = new Collector();17const report = Report.create('lcovonly', {18});19report.addAll(['coverage/coverage.json']);20report.writeReport(collector, true);
Using AI Code Generation
1var Report = require('istanbul').Report;2var reports = Report.getReportList();3console.log(reports);4[ { name: 'html', file: 'html.js' },5 { name: 'lcov', file: 'lcov.js' },6 { name: 'lcovonly', file: 'lcovonly.js' },7 { name: 'json', file: 'json.js' },8 { name: 'json-summary', file: 'json-summary.js' },9 { name: 'cobertura', file: 'cobertura.js' },10 { name: 'teamcity', file: 'teamcity.js' },11 { name: 'text', file: 'text.js' },12 { name: 'text-summary', file: 'text-summary.js' },13 { name: 'clover', file: 'clover.js' },14 { name: 'none', file: 'none.js' },15 { name: 'teamcity', file: 'teamcity.js' } ]16var Report = require('istanbul').Report;17var reports = Report.getReportList();18console.log(reports);19var collector = new istanbul.Collector();20var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();21var sync = false;22reports.forEach(function(report) {23 reporter.add(;24});25reporter.addAll(['lcov']);26reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {27 console.log('All reports generated');28});
Using AI Code Generation
1console.log("Hello World!");2var istanbul = require('istanbul');3console.log(istanbul.Report.getReportList());4[ { shortName: 'lcov',5 className: 'LcovReport' },6 { shortName: 'cobertura',7 className: 'CoberturaReport' },8 { shortName: 'json',9 className: 'JsonReport' },10 { shortName: 'json-summary',11 className: 'JsonSummaryReport' },12 { shortName: 'text',13 className: 'TextReport' },14 { shortName: 'text-summary',15 className: 'TextSummaryReport' },16 { shortName: 'html',17 className: 'HtmlReport' } ]
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