Best JavaScript code snippet using frisby
1'use strict';2const assert = require('assert');3const frisby = require('../src/frisby');4const mocks = require('./fixtures/http_mocks');5const testHost = '';6describe('Frisby', function() {7 it('Test expectStatus works as... well, expected', function(doneFn) {8 mocks.use(['getUser1']);9 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/users/1')10 .expect('status', 200)11 .done(doneFn);12 });13 it('should handle a 204 response with no content', function(doneFn) {14 mocks.use(['noContent']);15 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/contents/none')16 .expect('status', 204)17 .done(doneFn);18 });19 it('should handle a 204 response with no content and then()', function(doneFn) {20 mocks.use(['noContent']);21 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/contents/none')22 .expect('status', 204)23 .then((res) => {24 expect(res.body).toEqual('');25 })26 .done(doneFn);27 });28 it('should support JSON natively', function (doneFn) {29 mocks.use(['createUser2']);30 + '/users', {31 body: {32 email: '',33 password: 'password'34 }35 })36 .expect('status', 201)37 .done(doneFn);38 });39 it('should allow custom expect handlers to be registered and used', function (doneFn) {40 mocks.use(['getUser1']);41 // Add our custom expect handler42 frisby.addExpectHandler('customUserResponse', function(response) {43 let json = response.json;44 expect(;45 expect('');46 });47 // Use it!48 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')49 .expect('customUserResponse')50 .done(doneFn);51 // Remove said custom handler52 frisby.removeExpectHandler('customUserResponse');53 });54 it('should allow custom expect functions to be used without registering them', function (doneFn) {55 mocks.use(['getUser1']);56 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')57 .then(function (res) {58 let json = res.json;59 expect(;60 expect('');61 })62 .done(doneFn);63 });64 it('should allow POST with empty request body', function (doneFn) {65 mocks.use(['postError']);66 + '/error')67 .expect('status', 400)68 .expect('json', {69 result: 'error'70 })71 .done(doneFn);72 });73 it('should allow DELETE with request body', function (doneFn) {74 mocks.use(['deleteUsers']);75 frisby.delete(testHost + '/users', {76 body: {77 data: [78 {id: 2},79 {id: 3}80 ]81 }82 })83 .expect('status', 200)84 .expect('json', {85 data: [86 {id: 2},87 {id: 3}88 ]89 })90 .done(doneFn);91 });92 it('should allow DELETE with text request body', function (doneFn) {93 mocks.use(['deleteContent']);94 frisby.delete(testHost + '/contents/1', {95 headers: {96 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'97 },98 body: 'something something'99 })100 .expect('status', 200)101 .expect('bodyContains', 'something something')102 .done(doneFn);103 });104 it('should call Frisby spec delete()', function(doneFn) {105 mocks.use(['deleteUser1']);106 frisby.setup({ request: { inspectOnFailure: false } })107 .delete(testHost + '/users/1')108 .expect('status', 204)109 .done(doneFn);110 });111 it('should use new responseBody when returning another Frisby spec from then()', function (doneFn) {112 mocks.use(['getUser1', 'getUser2WithDelay']);113 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')114 .expect('json', { id: 1 })115 .then(frisby.get(testHost + '/users/2')116 .expect('json', { id: 2 })117 )118 .then(function (res) {119 expect(;120 })121 .done(doneFn);122 });123 it('should use new responseBody when returning another Frisby spec inside then()', function (doneFn) {124 mocks.use(['getUser1', 'getUser2WithDelay']);125 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')126 .expect('json', { id: 1 })127 .then(function () {128 return frisby.get(testHost + '/users/2')129 .expect('json', { id: 2 });130 })131 .then(function (res) {132 expect(;133 })134 .done(doneFn);135 });136 it('should use new responseBody when returning another Frisby spec inside then() with multiple specs chained', function (doneFn) {137 mocks.use(['getUser1', 'getUser2WithDelay']);138 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')139 .expect('json', { id: 1 })140 .then(function () {141 mocks.use(['getUser1WithDelay']);142 return frisby.get(testHost + '/users/1')143 .expect('json', { id: 1 });144 })145 .then(function (res) {146 expect(;147 })148 .then(function () {149 return frisby.get(testHost + '/users/2')150 .expect('json', { id: 2 });151 })152 .then(function (res) {153 expect(;154 })155 .done(doneFn);156 });157 it('use function allows modifications for current Frisby spec', function(doneFn) {158 mocks.use(['getUser1WithAuth']);159 let withAuthHeader = function (spec) {160 spec.setup({161 request: {162 headers: { 'authorization': 'Basic Auth' }163 }164 });165 };166 frisby.use(withAuthHeader)167 .fetch(testHost + '/users/1/auth')168 .expect('status', 200)169 .done(doneFn);170 });171 it('frisby setup merges options with previous options already set', function(doneFn) {172 mocks.use(['twoHeaders']);173 // Should merge headers so both are present174 frisby.setup({175 request: {176 headers: { 'One': 'one' }177 }178 })179 .setup({180 request: {181 headers: { 'Two': 'two' }182 }183 })184 .fetch(testHost + '/two-headers')185 .expect('status', 200)186 .done(doneFn);187 });188 it('frisby setup second parameter replaces setup options instead of merging them', function(doneFn) {189 mocks.use(['getUser1WithAuth']);190 // Second call uses 'true' as 2nd argument, so it should overwrite options191 frisby.setup({192 request: {193 headers: { 'authorizationX': 'Basic AuthX' }194 }195 })196 .setup({197 request: {198 headers: { 'authorization': 'Basic Auth' }199 }200 }, true)201 .fetch(testHost + '/users/1/auth')202 .expect('status', 200)203 .done(doneFn);204 });205 it('frisby timeout is configurable per spec', function(doneFn) {206 mocks.use(['timeout']);207 // Test timeout by catching timeout error and running assertions on it208 frisby.timeout(10)209 .use(function (spec) {210 expect(spec.timeout()).toBe(10);211 })212 .fetch(testHost + '/timeout')213 .catch(function (err) {214 expect('FetchError');215 })216 .done(doneFn);217 });218 it('should allow custom headers to be set for future requests', function(doneFn) {219 mocks.use(['setCookie', 'requireCookie']);220 // Call path only221 frisby.get(testHost + '/cookies/set')222 .expect('status', 200)223 .expect('header', 'Set-Cookie')224 .then((res) => {225 let cookie1 = res.headers.get('Set-Cookie');226 return frisby.get(testHost + '/cookies/check', {227 headers: {228 'Cookie': cookie1229 }230 })231 .expect('status', 200);232 })233 .done(doneFn);234 });235 it('baseUrl sets global baseUrl to be used with all relative URLs', function(doneFn) {236 mocks.use(['getUser1']);237 // Set baseUrl238 frisby.baseUrl(testHost);239 // Call path only240 frisby.fetch('/users/1')241 .expect('status', 200)242 .done(doneFn);243 });244 it('should accept urls which include multibyte characters', function(doneFn) {245 mocks.use(['multibyte']);246 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/ããã«ã¡ã¯')247 .expect('status', 200)248 .done(doneFn);249 });250 it('should auto encode URIs that do not use fetch() with the urlEncode: false option set', function(doneFn) {251 mocks.use(['urlEncoded']);252 frisby.get(testHost + '/ftp//etc/')253 .expect('status', 200)254 .done(doneFn);255 });256 it('should not encode URIs that use fetch() with the urlEncode: false option set', function(doneFn) {257 mocks.use(['notUrlEncoded']);258 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/ftp//etc/', {}, { urlEncode: false })259 .expect('status', 200)260 .done(doneFn);261 });262 it('should throw an error and a deprecation warning if you try to call v0.x frisby.create()', function() {263 assert.throws(function(err) {264 // OLD style of Frisby - will not work (throws error)265 frisby.create('this will surely throw an error!')266 .expectStatus(200)267 .toss();268 }, /ERROR/i);269 });270 it('should be able to extend FrisbySpec with a custom class', function() {271 let OriginalFrisbySpec = frisby.FrisbySpec;272 class FrisbySpecExtended extends OriginalFrisbySpec {273 customMethod() {274 return true;275 }276 }277 // Have frisby use our class278 frisby.FrisbySpec = FrisbySpecExtended;279 let actual = frisby.fromJSON({}).customMethod();280 let expected = true;281 assert.equal(actual, expected);282 // Restore original FrisbySpec class283 frisby.FrisbySpec = OriginalFrisbySpec;284 });285 it('should use new responseBody when returning another Frisby spec inside catch()', function (doneFn) {286 mocks.use(['getUser1', 'getUser2WithDelay']);287 frisby.get(testHost + '/users/10')288 .expect('json', { id: 10 })289 .then(function (res) {290 fail('this function will never be called.');291 })292 .catch(function (err) {293 expect('FetchError');294 return frisby.setup({ request: { inspectOnFailure: false } })295 .get(testHost + '/users/1')296 .expect('json', { id: 10 });297 })298 .then(function (res) {299 fail('this function will never be called.');300 })301 .catch(function (err) {302 expect('AssertionError');303 return frisby.get(testHost + '/users/2')304 .expect('json', { id: 2 });305 })306 .then(function (res) {307 expect(;308 })309 .done(doneFn);310 });311 it('should output invalid body and reason in error message', function(doneFn) {312 mocks.use(['invalidJSON']);313 frisby.setup({ request: { inspectOnFailure: false } })314 .get(testHost + '/res/invalid')315 .then(function (res) {316 fail('this function will never be called.');317 })318 .catch(function (err) {319 expect(err.message).toMatch(/^Invalid json response /);320 expect(err.message).toMatch(/body: '.*'/);321 expect(err.message).toMatch(/reason: '.+'/);322 })323 .done(doneFn);324 });325 it('receive response body as raw buffer', function(doneFn) {326 mocks.use(['getUser1']);327 frisby.setup({ request: { rawBody: true } })328 .get(testHost + '/users/1')329 .expect('status', 200)330 .expect('header', 'Content-Type', /json/)331 .then(res => {332 expect(res.json).toBeUndefined();333 expect(res.body).not.toBeInstanceOf(String);334 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(res.body));335 })336 .then(text => {337 expect(text).toContain('');338 })339 .done(doneFn);340 });341 it('should support http method OPTIONS', function(doneFn) {342 mocks.use(['options']);343 frisby.options(testHost + '/')344 .expect('status', 204)345 .expect('header', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', /GET/)346 .done(doneFn);347 });348 it('Test FrisbySpec finally', function(doneFn) {349 mocks.use(['getUser1']);350 frisby.fetch(testHost + '/users/1')351 .expect('status', 200)352 .finally(() => {353 })354 .done(doneFn);355 });...
...52 id: 1,53 email: ''54 });55 },56 getUser1WithAuth() {57 return nock(mockHost, {58 reqheaders: { 'authorization': 'Basic Auth' },59 badheaders: ['authorizationX']60 })61 .get('/users/1/auth')62 .reply(200, {63 id: 1,64 email: ''65 });66 },67 getUser1WithDelay() {68 return nock(mockHost)69 .get('/users/1')70 .delay(500)...
Using AI Code Generation
1var frisby = require('frisby');2var config = require('./config.js');3frisby.create('Get user with auth')4 .get(config.url + '/users/1')5 .auth('admin', 'admin')6 .expectStatus(200)7 .expectHeaderContains('content-type', 'application/json')8 .expectJSONTypes({9 data: {10 },11 support: {12 }13 })14.toss();15frisby.create('Get user with auth')16 .get(config.url + '/users/1')17 .auth('admin', 'admin')18 .expectStatus(200)19 .expectHeaderContains('content-type', 'application/json')20 .expectJSONTypes({21 data: {22 },23 support: {24 }25 })26.toss();27frisby.create('Get user with auth')28 .get(config.url + '/users/1')29 .auth('admin', 'admin')30 .expectStatus(200)31 .expectHeaderContains('content-type', 'application/json')32 .expectJSONTypes({33 data: {34 },35 support: {36 }37 })38.toss();39frisby.create('Get user with auth')40 .get(config.url + '/users/1')41 .auth('admin', 'admin')42 .expectStatus(200)43 .expectHeaderContains('content-type', 'application/json')44 .expectJSONTypes({45 data: {46 },47 support: {48 }49 })50.toss();51frisby.create('Get user with auth')52 .get(config.url + '/users/1')53 .auth('admin', 'admin')54 .expectStatus(200)55 .expectHeaderContains('content-type', '
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