Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
1import * as fs from 'fs';2import fc from '../../../src/fast-check';3// For ES Modules:4//import { dirname } from 'path';5//import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';6//const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);7//const __dirname = dirname(__filename);8const TargetNumExamples = 5;9const JsBlockStart = '```js';10const JsBlockEnd = '```';11const CommentForGeneratedValues = '// Examples of generated values:';12const CommentForArbitraryIndicator = '// Use the arbitrary:';13const CommentForStatistics = '// Computed statistics for 10k generated values:';14describe('', () => {15 it('Should check code snippets validity and fix generated values', () => {16 const originalFileContent = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../../../documentation/`).toString();17 const { content: fileContent } = refreshContent(originalFileContent);18 if (Number(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]) < 12) {19 // There were some updates regarding how to stringify invalid surrogate pairs20 // between node 10 and node 12 with JSON.stringify.21 // It directly impacts fc.stringify.22 //23 // In node 10: JSON.stringify("\udff5") === '"\udff5"'24 // In node 12: JSON.stringify("\udff5") === '"\\udff5"'25 // You may try with: JSON.stringify("\udff5").split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16))26 console.warn(`Unable to properly check code snippets defined in the documentation...`);27 const sanitize = (s: string) => s.replace(/(\\)(u[0-9a-f]{4})/g, (c) => JSON.parse('"' + c + '"'));28 expect(sanitize(fileContent)).toEqual(sanitize(originalFileContent));29 if (process.env.UPDATE_CODE_SNIPPETS) {30 throw new Error('You must use a more recent release of node to update code snippets (>=12)');31 }32 return;33 }34 if (fileContent !== originalFileContent && process.env.UPDATE_CODE_SNIPPETS) {35 console.warn(`Updating code snippets defined in the documentation...`);36 fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/../../../documentation/`, fileContent);37 }38 if (!process.env.UPDATE_CODE_SNIPPETS) {39 expect(fileContent).toEqual(originalFileContent);40 }41 });42});43// Helpers44function extractJsCodeBlocks(content: string): string[] {45 const lines = content.split('\n');46 const blocks: string[] = [];47 let isJsBlock = false;48 let currentBlock: string[] = [];49 for (const line of lines) {50 if (isJsBlock) {51 currentBlock.push(line);52 if (line === JsBlockEnd) {53 blocks.push(currentBlock.join('\n') + '\n');54 isJsBlock = false;55 currentBlock = [];56 }57 } else if (line === JsBlockStart) {58 blocks.push(currentBlock.join('\n') + '\n');59 isJsBlock = true;60 currentBlock = [line];61 } else {62 currentBlock.push(line);63 }64 }65 if (currentBlock.length !== 0) {66 blocks.push(currentBlock.join('\n'));67 }68 return blocks;69}70function isJsCodeBlock(blockContent: string): boolean {71 return blockContent.startsWith(`${JsBlockStart}\n`) && blockContent.endsWith(`${JsBlockEnd}\n`);72}73function trimJsCodeBlock(blockContent: string): string {74 const startLength = `${JsBlockStart}\n`.length;75 const endLength = `${JsBlockEnd}\n`.length;76 return blockContent.substr(startLength, blockContent.length - startLength - endLength);77}78function addJsCodeBlock(blockContent: string): string {79 return `${JsBlockStart}\n${blockContent}${JsBlockEnd}\n`;80}81function refreshContent(originalContent: string): { content: string; numExecutedSnippets: number } {82 // Re-run all the code (supported) snippets83 // Re-generate all the examples84 let numExecutedSnippets = 0;85 // Extract code blocks86 const extractedBlocks = extractJsCodeBlocks(originalContent);87 // Execute code blocks88 const refinedBlocks = => {89 if (!isJsCodeBlock(block)) return block;90 // Remove list of examples and statistics91 const cleanedBlock = trimJsCodeBlock(block)92 .replace(new RegExp(`${CommentForGeneratedValues}[^\n]*(\n//.*)*`, 'mg'), CommentForGeneratedValues)93 .replace(new RegExp(`${CommentForStatistics}[^\n]*(\n//.*)*`, 'mg'), CommentForStatistics);94 // Extract code snippets95 const snippets = cleanedBlock96 .split(`\n${CommentForGeneratedValues}`)97 .map((snippet, index, all) => (index !== all.length - 1 ? `${snippet}\n${CommentForGeneratedValues}` : snippet));98 // Execute blocks and set examples99 const updatedSnippets = => {100 if (!snippet.endsWith(CommentForGeneratedValues)) return snippet;101 ++numExecutedSnippets;102 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars103 const generatedValues = (function (fc): string[] {104 const numRuns = 5 * TargetNumExamples;105 const lastIndexCommentForStatistics = snippet.lastIndexOf(CommentForStatistics);106 const refinedSnippet =107 lastIndexCommentForStatistics !== -1 ? snippet.substring(lastIndexCommentForStatistics) : snippet;108 const seed = refinedSnippet.replace(/\s*\/\/.*/g, '').replace(/\s+/gm, ' ').length;109 const indexArbitraryPart = refinedSnippet.indexOf(CommentForArbitraryIndicator);110 const preparationPart = indexArbitraryPart !== -1 ? refinedSnippet.substring(0, indexArbitraryPart) : '';111 const arbitraryPart = indexArbitraryPart !== -1 ? refinedSnippet.substring(indexArbitraryPart) : refinedSnippet;112 const evalCode = `${preparationPart}\nfc.sample(${arbitraryPart}\n, { numRuns: ${numRuns}, seed: ${seed} }).map(v => fc.stringify(v))`;113 try {114 return eval(evalCode);115 } catch (err) {116 throw new Error(`Failed to run code snippet:\n\n${evalCode}\n\nWith error message: ${err}`);117 }118 })(fc);119 const uniqueGeneratedValues = Array.from(new Set(generatedValues)).slice(0, TargetNumExamples);120 // If the display for generated values is too long, we split it into a list of items121 if (122 uniqueGeneratedValues.some((value) => value.includes('\n')) ||123 uniqueGeneratedValues.reduce((totalLength, value) => totalLength + value.length, 0) > 120124 ) {125 return `${snippet}${[...uniqueGeneratedValues, 'â¦']126 .map((v) => `\n// ⢠${v.replace(/\n/gm, '\n// ')}`)127 .join('')}`;128 } else {129 return `${snippet} ${uniqueGeneratedValues.join(', ')}â¦`;130 }131 });132 // Extract statistics snippets133 const statisticsSnippets = updatedSnippets134 .join('')135 .split(`\n${CommentForStatistics}`)136 .map((snippet, index, all) => (index !== all.length - 1 ? `${snippet}\n${CommentForStatistics}` : snippet));137 // Execute statistics138 const updatedStatisticsSnippets = => {139 if (!snippet.endsWith(CommentForStatistics)) return snippet;140 ++numExecutedSnippets;141 const computedStatitics = (baseSize: fc.Size) =>142 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars143 (function (fc): string[] {144 const lastIndexCommentForGeneratedValues = snippet.lastIndexOf(CommentForGeneratedValues);145 const refinedSnippet =146 lastIndexCommentForGeneratedValues !== -1 ? snippet.substring(lastIndexCommentForGeneratedValues) : snippet;147 const seed = refinedSnippet.replace(/\s*\/\/.*/g, '').replace(/\s+/gm, ' ').length;148 const evalCode = refinedSnippet;149 const originalConsoleLog = console.log;150 const originalGlobal = fc.readConfigureGlobal();151 try {152 const lines: string[] = [];153 console.log = (line) => lines.push(line);154 fc.configureGlobal({ seed, numRuns: 10000, baseSize });155 eval(evalCode);156 return lines;157 } catch (err) {158 throw new Error(`Failed to run code snippet:\n\n${evalCode}\n\nWith error message: ${err}`);159 } finally {160 console.log = originalConsoleLog;161 fc.configureGlobal(originalGlobal);162 }163 })(fc);164 const formatForSize = (size: fc.Size) =>165 `// For size = "${size}":\n${computedStatitics(size)166 .slice(0, TargetNumExamples)167 .map((line) => `// ⢠${line}`)168 .join('\n')}${computedStatitics.length > TargetNumExamples ? '\n// ⢠â¦' : ''}`;169 const sizes = ['xsmall', 'small', 'medium'] as const;170 return `${snippet}\n${ => formatForSize(size)).join('\n')}`;171 });172 return addJsCodeBlock(updatedStatisticsSnippets.join(''));173 });174 return { content: refinedBlocks.join(''), numExecutedSnippets };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/statistics/Statistics');3const stats = {4};5console.log(updatedStatisticsSnippets(stats));6const fc = require('fast-check');7const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/statistics/Statistics');8const stats = {9};10console.log(updatedStatisticsSnippets(stats, 5));
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require("fast-check/lib/statistics/StatisticsSnippets");3const { Statistics } = require("fast-check/lib/statistics/Statistics");4const { Shrinkable } = require("fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/Shrinkable");5const { Random } = require("fast-check/lib/random/generator/Random");6const { Stream } = require("fast-check/lib/stream/Stream");7const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check/lib/check/symbols");8const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod$1 } = require("fast-check/lib/stream/symbols");9const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod$2 } = require("fast-check/lib/random/symbols");10const updatedStatisticsSnippets$1 = (s, shrunkOnce) => {11 console.log("updatedStatisticsSnippets called");12 return updatedStatisticsSnippets(s, shrunkOnce);13};14const statistics = new Statistics(10, 100);15const shrinkable = new Shrinkable(42, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil());16const random = new Random(42);17const clone = (v) => v[cloneMethod]();18const clone$1 = (v) => v[cloneMethod$1]();19const clone$2 = (v) => v[cloneMethod$2]();20fc.assert(21, fc.integer(), fc.integer(), fc.integer(), (seed, a, b, c) => {22 console.log("fc.assert called");23 const r = new Random(seed);24 const s = statistics.update(r, new Shrinkable(a, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil()));25 const s$1 = s.update(r, new Shrinkable(b, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil()));26 const s$2 = s$1.update(r, new Shrinkable(c, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil()));27 const s$3 = s$2.update(r, new Shrinkable(c, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil()));28 const s$4 = s$3.update(r, new Shrinkable(c, () => Stream.nil(), () => Stream.nil
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require("fast-check");2const fcMonorepo = require("fast-check-monorepo");3const monorepoTest = require("fast-check-monorepo-test");4fc.configureGlobal({5});6const updatedStatisticsSnippets = fcMonorepo.updatedStatisticsSnippets;7const createMonorepoTest = monorepoTest.createMonorepoTest;8const isString = (value) => typeof value === "string";9const isNumber = (value) => typeof value === "number";10const isBoolean = (value) => typeof value === "boolean";11const isObject = (value) => typeof value === "object" && value !== null;12const isArrayOf = (predicate) => (value) =>13 Array.isArray(value) && value.every(predicate);14const isArrayOfStrings = isArrayOf(isString);15const isArrayOfNumbers = isArrayOf(isNumber);16const isArrayOfBooleans = isArrayOf(isBoolean);17const isArrayOfObjects = isArrayOf(isObject);18const isArrayOfArrays = isArrayOf(Array.isArray);19const isArrayOfArrayOfStrings = isArrayOf(isArrayOfStrings);20const isArrayOfArrayOfNumbers = isArrayOf(isArrayOfNumbers);21const isArrayOfArrayOfBooleans = isArrayOf(isArrayOfBooleans);22const isArrayOfArrayOfObjects = isArrayOf(isArrayOfObjects);23const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfStrings = isArrayOf(isArrayOfArrayOfStrings);24const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfNumbers = isArrayOf(isArrayOfArrayOfNumbers);25const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfBooleans = isArrayOf(isArrayOfArrayOfBooleans);26const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfObjects = isArrayOf(isArrayOfArrayOfObjects);27const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfStrings = isArrayOf(28);29const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfNumbers = isArrayOf(30);31const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfBooleans = isArrayOf(32);33const isArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfObjects = isArrayOf(34);35const isArrayOfAny = isArrayOf((value) => value);36const isArrayOfArrayOfAny = isArrayOf(isArrayOfAny);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check');2const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);3console.log(statistics);4const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);6console.log(statistics);7const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check');8const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);9console.log(statistics);10const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);12console.log(statistics);13const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check');14const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);15console.log(statistics);16const { updatedStatisticsSnippets } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const { statistics } = updatedStatisticsSnippets(1000, 10, 100);18console.log(statistics);19{ mean: 8.5,20 outliers: [] }21{ mean: 8.5,22 outliers: [] }23{ mean: 8.5,
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const assert = require('assert');5const child_process = require('child_process');6const util = require('util');7const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);8const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir);9const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);10const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);11const unlink = util.promisify(fs.unlink);12const stat = util.promisify(fs.stat);13const access = util.promisify(fs.access);14const mkdir = util.promisify(fs.mkdir);15const rmdir = util.promisify(fs.rmdir);16const copyFile = util.promisify(fs.copyFile);17const rename = util.promisify(fs.rename);18const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);19const execFile = util.promisify(child_process.execFile);20const spawn = util.promisify(child_process.spawn);21const spawnSync = util.promisify(child_process.spawnSync);22const fork = util.promisify(child_process.fork);23const forkSync = util.promisify(child_process.forkSync);24const execSync = util.promisify(child_process.execSync);25const execFileSync = util.promisify(child_process.execFileSync);26const execSync = util.promisify(child_process.execSync);
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